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Presented to

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UNISBA Blitar

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Completing the Bachelor


Program in English Education Department








This is to certify that the Thesis of WIDYA PUJI HANDINI with NIM.

19108810031 entitled “EFL LEARNERS' VIEWS ON DIGITAL


STUDENTS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION” has been approved by the

advisors for further approval of the Board of Examiners.

Blitar, ...................................

First Advisor

Yusniarsi Primasari, M.Pd

NIDN. 0722036301

Blitar, ..................................

Second Advisor

Miza Rahmatika Aini, S.S.,MA

NIDN. 0704078901

Blitar, ...................................

Head of English Education Departement

Hesty Puspita Sari, M.Pd

NIDN. 0714038104



NPM : 19108810031

Faculty : English Education Department

Declare that:

1. This thesis is the sole work of author and has not been written in

collaboration with any other person, nor does it include without due

acknowledgement, the work of any other person.

2. If that a later it is found that this thesis is a product of plagiarism, I

declare to accept any legal consequences that may be imposed to me.

Blitar, / /2024


NPM: 19108810031


EDUCATION.Advisor: (I) Yusniarsi Primasari, M.Pd (II)
Miza Rahmatika Aini, S.S.,MA

Keywords: EFL Learners, Interest, Learning English, Short Story.

This study aims to observe students' interest in learning English

through short story digital video media at Senior High School at Blitar. This
research is qualitative research that aims to identify student's interest in
learning English. Data collection was done by observation, interviews, and
questionnaires. Observations were made to identify all student responses
when learning English through digital short story. Then the student interest
questionnaire consists of sixteen items to find internal and external factors
that might influence students' interest in learning English through digital
short story videos. Meanwhile, the interview was addressed to the English
teacher. Participants in this study are 29 of 10th graders SMAN 4 Blitar.

From the interview results, it was indicated that students' interest in learning
English was very good because of several internal factors in the students
themselves as well as in the digital video itself which really affected
students' interest. There are several factors that influence student interest
including health, motivation, intelligence, family, school, and teacher.

First of all, I would like to thank you to God Almighty for blessing

and guide me in finishing this thesis that entitled “EFL LEARNERS'



In this process of completing of this thesis, the researcher received much

advice and contribution from many people who cannot be enumerated

especially from my advisors Yusniarsi Primasari, M.Pd as my first advisor

and Miza Rahmatika Aini, S.S.,MA. as my second advisor. They are my

great inspiration in the teaching field.

BLITAR, /1/JUNI 2024



COVER ........................................................................................................ i

APPROVAL SHEET OF ADVISOR ........................................................ ii

THESIS EXAMINATION APPROVAL ..................................................


DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ......................................................


MOTTO ....................................................................................................... v

DEDICATION ............................................................................................


ABSTRACT .................................................................................................


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................


TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................


APPENDICES .............................................................................................


1.1 Background of the Study .................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Question .............................................................................. 7

1.3 Objectives of the Study ...................................................................... 8

1.4 Significance of the Study ................................................................... 9

1.5 Delimitation of the Study ................................................................... 9

1.6 Definition of Key Terms ....................................................................



2.1 Listening Comprehension ...................................................................11

2.2 Kind Of Media.......................................................................... 13

2.3 Kind Of Video .....................................................................................16

2.4 Interest …….......................................................................................



3.1 Research Design .................................................................................


3.2 Data and Data Source..........................................................................

3.3 Instrument ..........................................................................................


3.4 Data Collection ...................................................................................


3.5 Data Analysis .....................................................................................


3.6 Triangulation ......................................................................................



4.1 Factors that Influence Student Interest in Learning English Through

Video Short Story ........................................................................................


4.1.1 Internal Factors ...........................................................................


4.1.2 External Factors ..........................................................................


4.2 Video Digital Short Story Increase Interest in Learning English ......


5.1 Factors that Influence Student Interest in Learning English Through

Video Short Story ........................................................................................


5.1.1 Internal Factors ........................................................................


5.1.2 External Factors .......................................................................


5.2 Factors of Video Digital Short Story Influencing Student Interest ....



6.1 Conclussion ........................................................................................


6.2 Suggestion ..........................................................................................


REFERENCES ............................................................................................



Questionnaire ................................................................................................

Guideline of Observation ..............................................................................


Guideline of Interview ..................................................................................


List of Figures ...............................................................................................


List of Tables ................................................................................................


Documentation ..............................................................................................




This chapter covers about background of the study, research question,

Objectives of the study, significance of the study, delimitation of the study

and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

English is one of the most popular languages in every country in this era and

is used as a means of communication in daily life, including in Indonesia.

English is a useful language tool for human life as a means of

communication to convey messages to others. Therefore, English is an

important thing to teach in this time for the next young generation as an

international language that must mastered to get a bright future in

globalization cite from Journal of English Language Teaching.

The world community becomes a unified and inseparable world community

which results in mastery of foreign languages, especially English that will

become a connecting language. Hopefully, Indonesian people can interact as

citizens of the world. This aspect is one of the big considerations why

English needs to be taught in schools. Then English is being compulsory

subject for study in senior high school or adults learner with the aim of

getting better job opportunities or success especially for they are who want

to work in other country are able to speak fluently using English with

business partner.

English as a foreign language in Indonesia become a concern, especially in

the elementary school since the early 90s, based on the awareness of the

importance of learning English as early as possible to be able to compete in

an increasingly modern and globalized era. Finally, the government issued a

policy through the Ministry of Education (Depdikbud RI, No.0487/1992),

which states that schools can add English subjects to the curriculum.

Foreign language learning in Indonesia has a long history. There are 4

students' English skills that must be mastered: listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. A lot of method of learning that is used to master the four
English skills and one of those is literature. Literature is one method that

can be used in learning English to increase language skills. According to

Siswanto (2008), literature is able to develop students in a balance of

spiritual, ethical, logical, aesthetic, and kinesthetic. As an aesthetic

exploration, its concern is with truth and may be seen as an good aspect in

the process of awareness of the world that very often is pursued for some

significant caused like morality or human curiosity with big concern about

human predicaments. One of them is by using short stories as a learning


A short story is a literary genre that used learning material because they

have some benefits such as text that interesting and can motivate students to

learn the Britain language. Smith (2002) describes four advantages of using

short stories for language teachers. First, short stories are practical way of

teaching because they are long enough to be covered entirely in one or two

class sessions. Second, short stories are very easy to do yourself because

they are not complicated. Third, short stories provide options for people

with the different

interests. Finally, short stories can be used all levels, and all classes.

Therefore, short stories can be used for language practice, aesthetic

appreciation of early and intermediate levels and also reading

comprehension. Short stories strengthen language skills, develop students'

motivation or curiosity, and introduce literary elements (themes, setting,

plot, metaphorical language, messages, characters, culture and moral

values). By studying culture, students learn about the past that may affect

the present, and about customs and traditions, short stories develop high

order thinking skills that lead students to think more critically and students

learn that critical thinking is more important and even fun.

In this era, students are digital native individuals, born after the widespread

adoption of digital technology. They grow by leveraging technologies such

as the internet, computers, and mobile devices. Based on these

characteristics, teachers must carry out teaching and learning activities that

apply technology in the process of delivering knowledge. Many children

who don't like English will feel sleepy, bored, confused, and frustrated when

the teacher only reads stories, and only explains in front of the class. Using

technology in the classroom goes beyond the entertainment and instead

promotes student engagement in authentic storytelling with enhanced digital

creation (Roby, 2010).

Learning English need a strong interest because having an interest to

someone will make them study hard anywhere, anytime, and any places.

Without interest, all activities will less effectively and efficiently. Interest

will make students pay more attention to something and do it with pleasure.

The enjoyment people experience when doing their work, or their subjective

interest in the

content of the task (Katz, 2006). Intrinsic interest may enable children to

remain occupied in a task without receiving immediate feedback because it

can permit them to perceive the task as enjoyable and as containing

personally meaningful information, which they can connect with various

problem that interest them (Wigfield & Eccles,1992).

According to Mangal (2007), interest is the main force that drives the whole

machinery of the teaching and learning process. It means that student’s

interests will drive people to do something. For example, a person who likes

singing will sing more and more. In learning interest is a crucial factor in the

success of student learning. In addition, learning interests also support and

influence the learning process in schools, especially in learning English. The

role of interest in teaching and learning is to concentration to the subject.

The role of interest in teaching and learning is to concentrate thinking and

also to create excitement in learning and also help students not to forget

what they are learning. Studying with passion can create a sense of

satisfaction and pleasure. Interest in learning functions as a driving force for

students to learn. Students who are interested in continuing their lessons will

appear motivated to study hard, in contrast to students who have just

received their lessons.

In the teaching and learning process, interest has an important role to

encourage students to study harder. Great interest affects the development of

intelligence, so what he does on his own accord without any coercion, and

this will be felt when students do assignments where students pay great

attention to what they are doing and really enjoy their work. According to

Arikunto (1990)

there are several elements of interest that can attract a person's attention in

the learning and teaching process. Students who have an interest in learning,

they will pay attention to learn. These elements are: interesting learning

materials, interesting conditions and situations, interesting learning tools,

teachers who convey learning well. There are several elements of interest in

learning activities that affect learning which include: attention, willingness

and need. Learning materials that interest students are easier to learn and

stored in memory to increase interest and learning activities. These factors

can include individual factors (internal factors) such as: health, attention,

talent and intelligence, and factors outside the individual (external factors)

such as family, school and community circumstances environment.

In each teaching, the teacher is asked to be able to organize or design

lessons in an interesting way (Rohani and Ahmadi, 1995) teaching can be

given incentives to achieve learning objectives. Incentives are tools used to

persuade someone to do something they would not or would not do well.

Expected incentives for student motivation and possible interest in the

teaching will emerge (Slameto, 2010). To master the subject of English as a

foreign language, students must like these subjects so that interest arises in

students. Some things that can arouse their interest to keep paying attention

and learn with enthusiasm are interesting learning tools, creating a calm and

fun atmosphere for learning and clarity of learning English objectives.

Previous researcher Kharaghani (2013) in her research about The Effect of

Short Stories on the Reading Comprehension Ability of Iranian EFL


investigates the effect of using short stories in EFL settings on the reading

comprehension ability of Iranian English language learners. It was found

that the group which received short stories as their reading text

outperformed the other group.

Rahmawati (2018) Interest and Motivation in Learning English at the 10th

Grade Students in Senior High School in Samarinda. Teaching patterns that

are adapted to the content of the primary school education curriculum and

socialization should be further improved, and the implementation of

teaching methods followed up as soon as possible. The learning

development model is also still not clearly indicated, but respondents stated

that with a creative model that can stimulate children's imagination, there

are more teaching aids that need to be facilitated so that children don't get


Banaszewski (2005) concluded that the use of digital stories has positive

effects on students' digital and normal literacy development and supports

digital literacy. Demirer (2013) concluded that the use of digital stories

increases student's academic achievements, attitudes, and motivations

towards the lesson, their ability to use technology, and contributes to

interaction and sharing. Saroh (2019) found internal and external factors that

influence student interest at tenth grade of senior high school 7 Jambi.

Some studies above showed that learning through literature with short

stories and the use of digital short stories increases student's awareness of

connecting the meanings of the source language to the target language. It

implies that they are trained to use their language skills and achieve four

English skills

However, other factors also support the increase in students' interest in

English when using digital short story videos. The differences between this

research from the other is the different subject and use of the media. This

research will be conducted in response to the conclusions and suggestions of

previous researchers that it is necessary to develop learning in learning

English that can stimulate children's imagination. Therefore, the researchers

will use digital short story videos as the medium. The researcher conducted

to find out the factors of “EFL LEARNERS' VIEWS ON DIGITAL SHORT


SECONDARY EDUCATION” and how digital short story to be able to

increase their interest in English learning. Internal and external factors that

influence student interest will be found in overcoming obstacles in learning

English. This research needs to be done with the expectation that many
future English teachers will design learning media through video digital

short story that appropriate to their level and attracts students' attention to be

more active in learning English to set their skills.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the background of the study, the researcher try to find out:

1. What factors influence 10th graders’ interest in Listening English

Learning on digital short story videos?

2. How can digital short story increase 10th graders’ interest in learning


1.3 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this research are:

1. To identify the factors that influence 10th graders' interest in listening on

English Learning through digital short story videos

2. To determine a view factors of digital short story videos that increase

10th graders' interest in learning English.

1.4 Significance of the Study

According to the objective, the significance of this research are:

1. Theoretical Significance

This researcher is expected that digital short story can increase 10th graders'

interest in learning English.

2. Practical Significance

The researcher expects that this research can contribute to:

a. English Language Teachers

The researcher expects that the teachers who still have problems in teaching

speaking skills, especially in retelling a story, can use the alternative

medium that the researcher uses. In this research, the researcher gives

information about how the digital short story impacts student interest. This

leads teachers to be able to make English learning more interesting through

digital short stories.

b. Students
The research findings suggest that the use of digital video short stories can

motivate students to learn and use English, resulting in increased

independence in learning. Furthermore, students become adept at

identifying and solving problems as they are accustomed to connecting

meaning through the use of digital video short stories

c. Future Researchers

Hopefully this research is able to inspire and motivate the future researchers

who have a desire to conduct researches on the same topic or make another

innovation based on this research, although this is not only one to solve

problem in educational field. Many new experience that valuable and can

apply all the technique of teaching and efforts to solve the problem of

teaching learning in the future.

1.5 Delimitation of the Study.

The present researcher focuses on what factor of 10th graders’ interest and

factors of digital short story videos that impactful to increase the student

English interest.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms.

This part presents the definition of some words and phrases that are used in

this study to avoid misinterpretation. In this research, researcher use several

terms. Those terms are limited by that definition, which is the way the

definition is more focus. Definition of key terms that uses in this research


1. Digital Short Story Videos

Robin (in Foe, 2014) say that digital short story is defined in many ways,

but they all revolve around the idea of combine the art of telling stories with

a variety of digital multimedia, such as images, audio, and video..


b) EFL (English Foreign Language)

According to Gebhard (2006), EFL can be defined as study of English by

people who live in places in which English is not used as a means of first

language communication

n places in which English is not used as a means of first language


c. Interest
According to Witherington (1985), interest is a person's awareness of an

object, person, problem or situation that has something to do with him or is

seen as something conscious.

d. Listening

Listening is a skill for resolving problems. Poor listening can lead to

misinterpretations, thus causing conflict or dispute. Poor listening can be

exhibited by excessive interruptions, inattention, hearing what you want to

hear, mentally composing a response, or having a closed mind.



2.1 Listening Comprehension

Listening is one of the four skills besides writing, speaking, and reading,

which should be mastered by the students when they are learning English.

According to Michael Rost (2002), Listening is a channel in which we

process language in real-time employing pacing, units of encoding, and

pausing that are unique to spoken language.1 Listening consists of the

process of receiving, constructing, and responding to spoken information or

nonverbal messages which the listener gets from visual and auditory clues to

define what is going on and what the speakers are trying to express. In

addition, foreign learners really need to be able to have comprehension

when they hear native speakers’ conversation or even they have the native

speakers as the interlocutor in the real situations as Chastain defined the

listening comprehension as the ability to understand the speech of native

speakers at normal speed in listening situations. 2 In similar token,

Saricoban noted that listening comprehension is the ability to identify and

understand what others are saying.3 The students can be said that they have

good comprehension in listening, if they understand what their interlocutors

say to them and it can be showed by giving the appropriate respond in

accordance with what interlocutors order.


4.Besides the perception of sounds; it includes comprehension of words,

phrases, clauses, sentences and connected discourse. Learners will build the

meaning from lower level sounds to words to the grammatical relationships

to lexical meaning and lastly get the final message. Morley made a

conclusion by stating that “listening comprehension is not only concerned

with basic discrimination of the sound, but also involves extracting

information, remembering it, and processing it or mediating between sound

and meaning”.5 This premise argues the fact that listening comprehension

was assumed to be a passive activity. Comprehensive listening is listening

for an understanding of a message. It goes beyond discrimination to include

comprehension of the message. This is essentially listening without being

critical or evaluating the message, but simply listening to learn. According

to Weir (2011), listening comprehension has several purposes as follows6 :

1. Listening for gist 2. Listening for the main idea or important information

3. Listening for distinguishing the main idea from supporting details 4.

Listening for specifics, including recall the important details 5. Listening for

determining a speaker’s attitude.

The foreign language students still experience the difficulties in the process

of listening comprehension. Amber Bloomfeld et al. concluded the factor

can cause the difficulties for listener in listening comprehension: 1.

Characteristic of the listener: including the memory capacity, metacognitive

strategy, and experience. 2. Characteristic of the passage: it is about the

length of the passage, complexity, organization, and auditory of the passage.

3. Characteristic of the testing conditions: when the listeners should listen in

the limited time, they also should listen to multiple hearing at the same time

without any note


2.2. Concept of Media

2.2.1 The Definition of Media

According to Sumantri, (2001:154) Media on teaching or learning is a

learning device are used by the teacher as mediator to conveyed an

instructional materials on teaching and learning process then giving more

easily to reached the objective of learning. So, media is used in teaching

learning as a means to convey the instructional materials to reach the

objectives more easily. Furthermore, according to Sadiman state his opinion

about media: media as means that mediator or deliver the messages or

messages sender from the giver to the receiver. From definition above,

media can be defined as a means of communication used to convey the

information from giver to the receiver. Related to teaching and learning,

media is meant that a means of communication used in the teaching and

learning process to convey the information such as teaching materials from

the teacher to the students. So, that the students will be more interested in

the learning.

2.2.2 The Kinds of Media

Many kinds of media have been invented in this modern life. They can be

used to help the Teacher convey the materials more easily to the students in

teaching and learning process. Arsyad (2013) say that media is instructional

component including message, person, and tool. In its development,

teaching media have been influenced by the development technology.

Teaching media based on the technology development into some kinds. The

kinds of teaching media will influence the teaching learning process, which

can be facilitated the teaching method as the tools to deliver the lesson.

The kinds of teaching media can be divided into three categories: Visual,

Audio and Audio visual media as follows:

1. Visual media Visual

Media is also called by printing media. Visual media is all kind of media

that can be seen or touch by the students. The examples of visual media are:

picture, photos, real things, chart, miniatures, text, and cards. Moreover, the

characteristic of visual media are: text is read in visual manner, in other

hand visual is exceeded based on the room, text and visual show one way

communication and receptive, text and visual is shown in tactically, in

developing this media depend on the language principle and visual

perception, it is oriented to the student‘s, and the information can be

rearrange by the user.

2. Audio media Audio

Media is also called by the listen media. It is usually used to listen and

understand the passage. The characteristic of this media is that they show

one way communication. The kinds of audio media such as: radio, tape

recorder, cassette, compact disc.

3. Audio visual media

Audio visual media is media that is audible and visible. Audible means can

be heard, and visible means can be seen. Audio visual media has more

benefits than others, such as it can visualize the abstract things or Non


vocabularies, to overcome the limitation of place and time, to overcome the

limitation of people sense, to attract students‘ attention, and develop

students‘ knowledge. The audio visual media need mechanic and electronic

machines to show the audio and visual messages. It is states in Arsyad that

there are some characteristics of audio visual media: linearity, show

dynamic visual, can be implemented by using the ways which stated by the

maker, as physical representation of real or abstract ideas, it was developed

based on behaviorism psychology and cognitive principle, teacher oriented

through the low student‘s interactive involve level. The kinds of this media

such as: video, movie, television. According to Arsyad, it can be concluded

that teaching media can be classified into three groups: those are visual

media, audio media, and audio visual media.

2.2.3 The Advantages of Media

Media is very helpful in teaching language learning. It helps the teacher

to motivate the students to learning more seriously with using slice of real

life in the classroom and giving the materials more interested and presenting
in the classroom with communicative language to students understanding

more easily. So, with media students can enjoy the teaching learning and not

bored with materials on teaching learning. Media also provides information

such as cultural input which is impossible to be brought its real things in

classroom. According to Celce Murcia states about the advantages of using

Media in language learning:


teaching for many years. It is rare, these days, for a publisher to produce a

major course book without a video component added in, and teachers

frequently enliven their classes with off-air material or tapes produced for

language learning. There are many functions of video, one of them are for

education.Video is a selection and sequence of messages in audio-visual

context. Video shows them how people behave in the culture whose

language they are learning by bringing into the classroom a wide range of

communicative situations. Video consists of audio and visual. Sand, Lester.

(1956) “Audio Visual Teaching Procedures”. say that audio-visual is the

complete media. Because both audio and visual are used in the class, for

example : television, films, video, etc. According Susan, video can help
students in 4 ways; through motivation, through communication, through

non-verbal and through cross-cultural comparison. In conclusion, video is a

tool using in recording, reproducing, or broadcasting of moving visual

images. Video consist of audio and visual and can be used in teaching and

learning process.

2.3 Kinds of Video

Commonly, according to Jane Sherman, Sherman, Jane. (2003) “Using

Authentic Video In The Language Classroom” there are some kinds of

videos, such as: 1) Video drama Stories Video drama here means everything

which tells a story about fictional character. Of course, much film drama is

set in a fantasy world where the people are rich and white, the man are

heroic and the women beautiful, boy-meets-girl ends in true love, and

criminals are brought.


snarling to justice after elaborate car chases. 2) True stories There is no clear

divining line between fact and fiction in feature films but some films do

claim to be about real-life event and try to reflect the awkwardness of

reality, with its ambiguous and unpredictable events, complex social scenery

and long unromantic time spans. They are particularly useful in projects

since they often center on a theme or issue and have vivid historical, social

or geographical setting. Based on Jane Sherman there are two main types of

true stories: 1) History films These in particular have to establish a complex

background very rapidly at the beginning (remember those historical

parchment summaries scrolling up at the beginning of old history films).

Most history films involve military or political battles and a lot of moving

around. 2) Biographical films Films about relatively ordinary people invite

comparison with oneself in all possible ways (lifestyle, other people‘s shoes,

turning points follow-up). 3) Short video Short is measuring or covering a

small length or distance. According Jane video is a machine which can be

linked to the television set to record TV programs they are broadcast. Video

in management training most probably means a video camera which plugs

into a video recorder and records into videotape say that in dramas or

movies, video means everything which tells a story about fictional

character.67From both definitions, the researcher concludes that a short

video is any film or video not long enough to be considered a feature film.

Short video can helps them to plays their imagination based on the words

and pictures. There are many kinds of short video like cartoon, animated

short video, narrative short.

video and another. Cartoon short video likes Tom and Jerry, animated short

video likes naruto and narrative short video likes Cinderella, Snow white

and so on. In general, short video is defined as the picture that appear and

can move. An short video or animated video is one in which puppets or

drawing appear to move. Short video should be suitable for children and

improve their motivation in learning narrative structure. Usually, almost all

children like story. It means short video made them enjoyable and fun in

learning foreign language. Meanwhile, Brown, Lewis termed it as a

collection film or video prepared through the pictures that produce the

illusion of movement when projected. It means short videos are videos that

show the illusion of motion and interesting images so that someone

watching can feel what is in the video. The use of short video is expected to

improve students‘ motivation to understand the vocabulary. According to

Dahar( the use animated video as media of information relevant to the

processing model which is divided into eight phase, they are phase of

motivation, recognition, acquisition, retention, dialing, transfer, giving,

responses, up to reinforcement. It mean animated video like a short video,

because short video qualify as a medium that since the beginning can help to

motivate students to learn until get to the stage reinforcement, which is

expected after watching the short video, feedback can be carried with

maximum results. The use short video has grown into the realm of learning

as medium that supports student achievement. 4) Long video Long video is

film or video has duration about an hour or more. It‘s like box office movie,

Hollywood, action movie and so on. Long video is a descriptive term for a

type of video content that has a content arc with a beginning, middle, and

end which in its entirety typically lasts longer than 10 minutes. If the

content is ad supported, it typically contains breaks (mid-roll).


. 2.3.1 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Video

1) The advantages of video

Video has many advantages in classroom. Cakir (2006) describes

advantages of video are as below: 1) Video is as enhancement of students‘

interest in study. 2) Video can be used as a facet of instruction along

teaching learning process. 3) Video can contribute the students‘ learning

about how to handle different kind of information (oral, written, visual) at

the same time. 4) Video can allows learners view a power point

presentation, images, discuss in oral and written form, searching on the

internet, and prepare a short report in a single session through audio and

visual. 5) Video session, students can also learn how to think strategically

and work collaboratively.

2) The disadvantages of video

Beside the advantages above, there are also many disadvantages of using

video in teaching, such as: 1. Video uses modern technology like computer

and many teachers are scare to use the technology because they cannot use

it. 2. To handle it, the teachers must improve their ability in technology

because students learn in digital era now 3. The students just focus on

watching video in classroom. This condition can make the activity be

passive. In short condition, there are many advantages and disadvantages of

using video in teaching and learning. So that, the teacher must use media to

grab the students‘ attention and minimize the bad effect of video


2.4 Interest

2.4.1 Definition of Interest

Every individual has a tendency toward something in their environment,

such as an object, topic, or activity. If it gives them something good,

possibly, they may be interested. Being interested in something can mean

that we care about it, that it is important to us, and that we have positive
feelings about it. Someone who has specific needs or interests for something

is more likely to be enthusiastic about achieving their goals. According to

the American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology, “interest

is an attitude characterized by a need or desire to give selective attention to

something significant to the individual, such as an activity, goal, or research

area”.10 Meanwhile, John Dewey defined interest as “being engaged,

engrossed, or entirely taken up with some activity because of its recognized

worth”.11 It means that someone will devote their time to doing their

passion something. For example, when students are interested in learning a

language, they will explore and seek material about that language whenever

possible, take courses to help them understand the topic better, and work

hard to gain something of value. Crow and Crow in Djaali mentioned that

interest is related to the presence of a movement style that encourages a

person to face or deal with people, objects, activities, and experiences that

are stimulated by the activity. According to Ulrich Schiefele, interest is

conceived of as relatively enduring.

preference for certain topics, subject areas, or activities. In other words,

interest is one of the driving factors for someone to participate in an activity.

Based on the understanding of interest above, it can be concluded that

interest is an emotion characterized by a tendency to pay attention to an

object, topic, or activity accompanied by a sense of pleasure. Interest is

indicated as a preference to do one activity over another. This is

accompanied by the attention and emotional involvement of an individual.

2.4.2 Factors Influencing Interest in learning

Interest in education and learning has been identified as a strong

motivationa component associated with the formation and regulation of

goal-oriented behavior. This is recognized as a motivational factor that can

affect learning and performance. However, previous studies have identified

some issues that can be categorized as factors that influence student interest

in learning English.The theory used comes from Slameto, where the theory

can be the basis for understanding existing phenomena or problems and

achieving the objectives of this research.According to Slameto in Atia, the

factors that influence students' interest in learning are divided into internal

and external factors. Internal factors come from oneself, including physical

and non-physical factors, while external factors are from outside, including

family, school, and peers. Factors that influence interest in learning can

increase or decrease student interest in learning. The better and more

positive the influencing factor, the higher the interest in learning.


1. Internal Factors

Internal factors are the factor influences learning interests that originate

within students, including physical and non-physical aspects. The following

are the internal factors:

1.1 Physical Factor

According to Maulani and Aryadie, the physical aspect includes the physical

condition and individual health of students, such as eye health, ears, and

stamina.The excellent physical condition will greatly support successful

learning and able on affecting students’ learning interests.This is also stated

by Slameto, where the health of the body affects student learning.

Furthermore, Syaiful in Rizky et al. Stated that the condition of the student's

organs, such as the level of sensory health hearing, and sense of sight, also

greatly affect their

interest in achieving good achievement. However, health problems in

students, such as fatigue, hearing, and vision problems, can cause a decrease

in student
interest in learning. As stated by Wendy McCracken,children who

have difficulty in hearing can quickly lose interest in the lessons that are

being taught by the teacher. In addition, children who have moderate or

severe hearing loss may not want to go to school, because they are not only

unable to hear the teacher but cannot hear what their friends are talking

about. Furthermore, if there is interference with the eyes and ears it can

cause bad receiving information from outside for students and ultimately

influence learning outcomes.


1.2 Non-Physical Factor

a) Attention

According to Slameto, attention is an aspect that affects students' interest in

learning, where their soul is solely focused on the subject they are

studying.Dagmar Divjak defined attention as selective focusing on some

aspects of the environment. Meanwhile, Sataloff et al. in Nur and Asep

stated that attention is an active process of limiting the information that

appears in the millions received from sensory, memory, and other cognitive
processes so that it only focuses on information that is considered important,

while other distracting information that is considered less important is

ignored. Sataloff also stated that attention can be interpreted as a form of

readiness to pay attention to what is liked and interested. The essence of

attention is focalization, concentration, and awareness Attention is one of

the factors that influence interest in the learning process. Research

conducted by Lanya found that attention affects teenagers’ learning


b) Readiness

According to Slameto, readiness is an aspect that influences students’

interest in learning, where the students have the willingness to respond or

react. Whilereadiness in learning is a learning condition that prepares you to

give an answer/response, consisting of teaching students to achieve

aparticular goal. Furthermore, student readiness is an individual state where

students are physically, mentally, and emotionally ready to learn.


c) Intelligence
According to Slameto, intelligence is the ability to deal with and adapt to

situations quickly, to know or use abstract concepts effectively, and to know

relationships and learn them quickly. Meanwhile, Halim Purnomo stated

that intelligence can be interpreted quickly and precisely to overcome a

situation or to solve a problem. In other words, intelligence is a situation

intelligence of thought, traits of intelligent action (intelligence). Intelligence

in this context refers to the students' ability to receive the lesson in both

teaching and learning. Students who have a high level of intelligence will be

more successful than students who have a lower level of intelligence.

2. External Factors

External factors are the factor that influences students' interest in learning

that comes from outsides of themselves, including family, school, and peer.

2.1 Family

Slameto stated that students get influence in family factors in the form of

how parents educate, relationships between family members, household

atmosphere, and family economic conditions. Meanwhile, Viviana and

Suwarsito stated that in increasing students' interest in learning, especially in

learning English, the family has an important role in growing students'

interest in studying at home.The way parents educate, such as providing for

children's needs for learning, knowing children's learning progress and

understanding learning difficulties, and giving a reward can be

demonstrated by parentsas a form of parental attention to increase students

learning interest. Those.


treatments significantly affect students' interest in learning English and

students' English learning achievement. In addition, students are influenced

by their family, including how their parents educate them, the relationships

between family members, the household atmosphere, and the family's



2.2 School
a) Teacher

In the world of education, especially in teaching and learning activities, the

role of the teacher is very necessary for the smooth learning process. The

teacher's role in increasing student interest in learning can be done by using

learning support media, utilizing learning facilities, applying creative ideas

and fun activities, and organizing learning. Furthermore, Slameto stated that

the influence of teachers on students' interest in learning can be seen from

the teaching and learning process in the classroom and the relationship

between teachers and students.

2.4.3 Indicators of Interest in Learning

According to Slameto in Tri Saswadi, indicators of student interest in

learning are as follows:

a. Attention

According to AgusSujanto in Sufi, “Attention representsactivity or

concentration on perception; understanding.” It leads a person to know more

about something. Students' attention can be seen when students concentrate


while studying, focus on listening teacher's explanation, ask the teacher

about the material, and look for other sources about the material in the

b. Enjoyment

Gerda and Tina have defined enjoyment in learning as a multidimensional

construct consisting of affective, motivational, cognitive, psychological, and

expressive. It can be seen when students enjoy doing the task or exercise

given by the teacher at school, are always enthusiastic to follow the lessons,

and take a note from the material participate more in something they like.

For instance, students ask when do not understand the material, always do

the task given by the teacher, and answer the question from the teacher.

2.4.4 The Function of Interest in Learning

The function of learning interest is as a motivating force that encourages

students to learn. Students who are interested in learning will be encouraged

to continue to study diligently. Meanwhile, MakmunKhairom in Andry

Jecseneri, cited in Maria GorettySarahutu mentioned several functions of

learning interests as follows:

a. Makes it easier to concentrate

b. Prevent distraction from outside.

c. Strengthen the memory of the lesson

2.3 List of Previous Studies

The researcher has found several previous studies related to the use of video

in teaching listening comprehension that support this research, including:

1) The research conducted by Nunun Indrasari, Improving Students‘

Writing Skill Of Narrative Texts By Using Short Videos At The Eighth

Grade Students Of Smpn 2 Temanggung In The Academic Year Of

2009/2010.Thesis In English Department State Sebelasmaret University

Surakarta, 2010. This experimental research has similarities with the use of

video in testing its effectiveness on EFL students' listening comprehension

skills and the research approach. The difference is in the method and data

analysis. The results of thisresearch show that there is a positive effect after

students undergo treatment to their listening comprehension skills using the

Audiovisual Method. 2. Mansur Hidayat, The Implementation of Using

Short Video Stories to Increase Students Understanding In Learning

Narrative Structure In Seventh

Grade of Mts Salatiga Pancasila salatiga Academic Years Of 2012/2013.

Thesis In English Education Departement of state Islamic Studies Institute

Salatiga, 2013. In this research, it was found that there were several factors

that influenced the increase in understanding, namely that children of this

age were more interested in visual learning models, which ultimately

increased students' interest in participating in learning through videos. What

this research has in common is that they both look for several factors that
influence the level of understanding. However, this research uses

quantitative methods to analyze student learning outcomes.


3. Dita Oktapiana, The Influence Of Using Short Video Towards The


Speaking Skill At Grade Vii Of Smpn 22 Bandar Lampung. In learning via

video, there is also audio that can help students, for example, with spelling

and imitating correct pronunciation. Absolutely videos are very helpful in

the learning process. What the differences of this research is that the

children were instructed to create works and present them in front of the

class before and after receiving learning treatment via video.

2.3 Framework of Thinking

Starting from the idea of the importance of English in education in

Indonesia and its impact on the lives of the nation's generations in

continuing bilateral relations. English Language Learning in schools it

seems to be given more priority. But what about students' interest in

English? Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study that tries to dig deeper

into students' interest in English. If any factors have been found that might

influence student interest, teachers can determine an appropriate learning

style that can increase student interest. Through research conducted at

SMAN 4 Blitar, it is hoped that it will help teachers determine learning for

students in learning English



This chapter the writer discusses research method used in this research

which covers the research design, data and data source, instrument, data

collection, data analysis, and triangulation.

3.1 Research Design.

This study uses descriptive qualitative because this research was conducted

to reveal student's interest in learning English through digital short story.

Moleong (2010: 5) state “qualitative research is research that intends to

understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the subject of

research such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, holistically, and in

a way description in the form of words and languages”.

This research tries to explore what factors influence the interest of 10th

graders at SMAN 4 Blitar towards learning English.The researcher will

describe the factors contained in the video digital short story and the
internal, external factors on the students themselves that affect their interest

in learning English.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data source is the subject, from the data can be obtained (Arikunto,

2006: 129). The data source of this research is taken from 10th graders and

English teacher at Senior High School 4 Blitar while the data is taken from a

questionnaire answered by 10th graders and questions that answered by

English teacher through interview. In this research, primary data is the main

data to get information about the 10th graders’ interest in learning English.


3.3 Instrument

According to Sugiyono (2014: 59), in qualitative research the research

instrument or tool is the researcher himself. Qualitative research has the

function of determining the focus of research, selecting informants as data

sources, collecting data, assessing data quality, analyzing data, interpreting

data, and drawing conclusions from their findings. Therefore, the instrument

in this research is the researcher himself. Researchers used data collection

techniques in the form of giving questions after students watched a video

digital short story.

3.4 Data Collection

The researcher collects all the data obtained from observation,

questionnaire, and interview. The steps of data collection in this study are as


a. The researcher shows some short story videos to the students.

b. The researcher observes the behavior of students while the video is


c. The researcher give a questions through a questionnaire related to

students' learning interest to the video.

d. The researcher interview to the teacher who teach at SMAN 4 Blitar.

e. The researcher interview 6 students who have good score and low

According to Nazir (2005) “collecting the data is systematically procedure

to get the data needed”, collecting data doing by researcher to get

information and so this research using method of collecting data as follows.


This method uses by researcher to direct look and knows about students

activity when learning English through digital short story. The observation

was carried out with the aim of observing all students responses to video

digital short story. All forms of their reactions will describe how interested

they are in video digital short story. The researcher will do this observation

during the students watch the video. Some points to be observed are:

a. Student participation in learning English.

b. Observing students' attention to digital short story videos.

1. Questionnaire.

The purpose of the questionnaire in this study was to obtain accurate

information from the 10th grade at SMAN 4 Blitar as respondents. The

researcher gives 16 deductive questions that direct the students to know

about their interest in learning English. The questionnaire is adapted from

Saroh 2019. Students asked to choose answer that matches how they feel

after watching a digital short story video.

2. Interview

This method used to know student’s interest in learning English, what

aspect makes lack students’ interest in learning English through digital short

story. The interview will be about how student interest in learning English,

question as instrument to collected the data of this research about student

interest and other data which correlated to the research. The researcher will

interview 6 students from each class who have a good score and low score.

The researcher also do interview to the teacher who teaching English at

SMAN 4 Blitar.


The function of documentation method is to increase credibility of the result

of observation or interview. The documentation to support this research is

picture as prove that research has done by researcher. This method helped

the researcher to get the data needed. The data about:

a. Number of class in SMAN 4 Blitar.

b. Learning process through video digital short story.

c. Students environment.

3.5 Data Analysis

Nurastuti (2007: 103) explains that descriptive analysis is an analysis

carried out by detailing and thoroughly explaining the relationship between

research data in the form of sentences. So, through this descriptive data

analysis technique, the researcher really reveals the research problem by

describing, and explaining the research questions. The researcher then

relates the description or explanation of the problem into a sentence form,

with the result of this research being clear.

Figure 2.1 Data Analysis Technique by Miles and Huberman


Researchers conducted data analysis techniques based on the Miles and

Huberman model. The four stages carried out in this research are as follows:

3.5.1 Data Collection

The researcher collected data by observing, interviewing students, and take

documentation for collect the information. At this stage the researcher wants

to know the students interest in learning English by digital short story.

3.5.2 Data Reduction

In this research, the researcher does the data reduction to get specific

information. Focus on important data and dump some data that is not

required. The data obtained from observations, questionnaires, interviews,

and documentation will be sorted. The data reduction stage carried out by

the researcher was carried out by summarizing all the data that had been

obtained in the field and focusing on things that were important themes and

patterns through data sharpening and categorizing activities.

3.5.3 Data Display

The data display is an activity to present data to improve understanding of

the problem, as well as a reference to take the action based on understanding

and analyzing the data presentation. The research data is presented in the

form of a description supported by a data table.

3.5.4 Conclution and Verification.

This step aims to find the meaning of the data collected by looking for

relationships, similarities, or differences to draw conclusions as answers to

existing problems. This conclusion will be followed by evidence obtained

when researching the field


3.6 Triangulation

This study is a qualitative research so that the findings need to be validated

so that the interpretation obtained can be verified. Triangulation in

credibility testing is defined as checking data from various sources in

various ways and at various times (Sugiyono, 2014: 125). Researcher chose

the teacher who interview as triangulation to re-check the data that has been

obtained by the researcher so that it really reflects the regularity with the

actual conditions. Researchers choose triangulation with the English teacher

at SMAN 4 Blitar because it is directly related to data collection carried out

by researchers in conducting research. If the data are consistent, then

validity is enforced.


This chapter presents the research finding based on the result of data

collection and data analysis that will describe internal and external factor

that influence students interest in learning English through digital short

story in a table form and in the descriptive form.

4.1 Factors that Influencing Student Interest in Learning English Through

Video Short Story

As explained in the previous chapter, the data were obtained with four data

collection techniques including observation, questionnaire, interview, and

also documentation. Respondents from the study were 10 graders students,

totaling 29 students. This research was conducted on 8th May 2024, from

08.00 to 09.30. During this research process, the researcher only acts as an

observer where the researcher observes all learning activities that day. The

Questionnaire analysis is using SPSS 22.

From the results of observation and interview at SMAN 4 Blitar with

English teacher and students, there are several factors in the students’

interest in learning English through video digital short stories, namely

internal factors, and external factors. Internal factors include health,

motivation, and intelligence, while the external factors are family, school,

and teacher.

4.1.1 Internal Factor

a. Health

This finding based on an interview with Mr. Andreas M.Pd said that:

“Siswa yang ada permasalahan dalam kesehatan seperti sakit, mereka itu

akan malas belajar ataupun tidak fokus saat belajar” (interview, May 8,


Then the result interview with the student said that:

“Saya sering tidak paham bahasa Inggris karena saya sering tidak mengikuti

pelajaran bahasa Inggris karena sakit, jadi ketinggalan materinya”

(interview, May 8th, 2024).

b. Motivation

More than half of the students or 65,2% in the class were motivated to take

English lessons. This result shows that short story videos also provide

encouragement to take English lessons. 65% of students in the class agree if

they get a moral value in the story, although there are still some students

who have difficulty capturing the moral message in the video. This is

supported by the finding of the questionnaire.

Q2: “Pelajaran bahasa Inggris melalui short story itu menyenangkan”

Q3: “Setelah menonton video short story saya menjadi lebih bersemangat

untuk mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris”

Q5: “Saya mendapatkan pesan moral dari cerita dalam video tersebut”

c. Intelligence

These findings are based on questionnaires and interviews where questions

are addressed to children who have scores above the average, average and

below average. Students whose scores are above average answered that they

found it easy to understand English. Students whose scores are below the

average answer do not really like English because for them English is

difficult.“Saya suka banget pelajaran bahasa Inggris karena


mudah dan bisa berkomunikasi dengan teman luar negeri”. (Aulia ais,

interview in May 8th, 2024).

“Saya tidak terlalu suka dengan bahasa Inggris karena sulit mempelajari

bahasanya”. (Deba, interview in May 8, 2024).

3.1.2 External Factors

a. Family

To get the result better in the teaching and learning process has to be

supported by the family. Situations and relations between one the others in

the family are important to support student activity and give suggestions that

can raise someone's spirits in learning activities. Based on an interview with

Mr Andreas M.Pd. said that:

“Keluarga atau orang tua itu pendidikan pertama bagi anak-anaknya, jadi

cara orang tua mendidik anak-anaknya sangat berpengaruh bagaimana cara

belajar siswa di sekolah. Jika orang tuanya itu memberikan dukungan yang

kuat untuknya dalam belajar bahasa Inggris mungkin anaknya akan tertarik

belajar bahasa Inggris” (interview in May 8th, 2024).

“Saya belajar bahasa Inggris di rumah dengan kakak. Kakak selalu

membantu mengerjakan tugas sekolah” (Nailatus, interview in May 8,


b. School

Schools that facilitate students in learning can increase student's interest in

learning English. Such as the availability of facilities and infrastructure that

help in learning activities as well as LCD projectors, laptops, and speakers.

This school also has a literacy program that familiarizes students with
speaking English in the school environment every Thursday. Everyone in

the school is also influential, including friends and other teaching teachers.

“Di sini setiap hari Kamis dilaksanakan pembiasaan berbahasa Inggris

seperti ketika siswa hendak pergi ke toilet saat pelajaran berlangsung”

(interview with English teacher May 8th, 2024).

“Saya senang sekolah di SMAN 4 karena temannya menyenangkan,

gurunya juga sabar-sabar” (Panji, interview in May 8th, 2024).


c. Teacher

More than 80% of students agree with the statement that they enjoy learning

English because the teacher is fun. They like to be attracted to their friendly

teacher or in easy-to-understand explanations.

Q1: “Saya senang mengikuti pelajaran bahasa Inggris karena gurunya


“Saya senang sekolah di SMAN 4 karena temannya menyenangkan,

gurunya juga sabar-sabar” (Areta, interview in May 8, 2024).

Teachers are very influential on interest in learning. Students who feel

comfortable with their teachers will be more enthusiastic about learning at


3.2 Video Digital Short Story Increase Interest in Learning English

There are several factors from the short story video that affect student's

interest in learning English, based on the findings in this study. From the

questionnaire findings, 91% student agree if Video short story is interesting

(Q2). English through short story videos is very interesting and not boring

because there are funny pictures, funny story and entertaining voices (Q3,

and Q6), students able to acquire new vocabulary and easy to understand the

content of the story also student interest to teacher who are giving the

material(Q7, Q9, and Q12), 82% students agree the teacher who teaching

English giving affect in learning English (Q1).






Q1 82,6 % 17,4%

Q2 82,6% 17,4%

Q3 78,3% 17,4% 4,3%

Q4 65,2% 17,4% 17,4%

Q5 43,5% 30,4% 26,1%

Q6 87,0% 13,0%

Q7 56,5% 3,48% 8,7%

Q8 30,4% 3,48% 3,48%

Finding interview:

“Saya tertarik dengan pelajaran video short story karena efektif tidak perlu

nyatet” (Panji, interview in May 8th, 2024).

“Saya senang dengan video short story karena ceritanya bagus dan

menyenangkan” (Nailatus, interview in May 8th, 2024).

“Saya suka dengan video short story karena alurnya dan ceritanya

menyenangkan. (Panji, interview in May, 2024).

“Saya pernah menggunakan metode short story melalui membaca dan video.

Dengan media video guru sangat terbantu terutama mengajarkan

pengucapan kosakata yang benar” (Mr Andreas M.Pd, interview in May,

From the findings above, it means that the factors of digital short story

videos that affect student interest are as follows:


1. Effectiveness

Students feel that learning activities are simpler and save energy because

they do not need to take notes anymore.

2. Attractive Colors and Sounds

Characteristics of children do prefer striking colors and sounds that are


3. Characters in the Video

The characters in the video increase student's imaginations to imagine that

the figure in the video is the greatest, best, prettiest, so students like the


Mr Andreas M.Pd. as an English teacher at SMAN 4 Blitar also stated that

the short story video was very helpful for both teachers and students.

Students find it helpful to explain and give correct examples. She said that

the way to improve the student's interest in learning English is to give an

example and stimulus with their favorite character or student idol. So, we
need to enter their world, so following their mind while teacher gives the




This chapter presents the discussion of the findings relating to factors that

influencing students interest in learning English. The findings are discussed

in accordance to the previous studies and the related or supporting theories.

5.1 Factors that Influence Student Interest in Learning English Through

Video Short Story

This study is aimed to investigate external and internal factors that

influencing students interest in learning English through video digital short

story. Referring the first question, internal factors consist of health,

attention, talent, and intelligence.

5.1.1 Internal Factors

a. Health

Health is important in the learning process because without health the own

body will tire, floppy, less spirit, and easily bored. It has influenced to own
brain and own manner to think. This situation will minimize student's

interest attention to the subject, and all that has relation to them will help a

student to understand and deepen their knowledge of the subject.

Aini (2020) in her thesis stated that health and attention are closely related,

students who are sick, or not feeling well, will lower their attention to the

material being given. Interest in the material will also decrease. So, it is

important to keep the student's immune system in good condition to increase

student interest.


Students whose health is impaired will decrease their interest in learning.

Such as eye disorders, or other glands in the body that are disturbed will be

difficult to receive lessons. Although according to Zayn (2017), he thinks

that health has no effect on interest because even though his body is not

healthy, he still gets the motivation to continue receiving lessons. However,

according to Sumardi (2019), health is a source of energy to carry out all

activities. It means that health is very influential on learning, although it is

also influenced by other factors, namely parents.

b. Motivation

Interest arises because of motivation, so motivation is defined as an effort

that encourages someone to do something. Motivation can be said as a

driving force from within and within the subject to carry out certain
creativity to achieve a goal (Sardiman, 1992). Students carry out learning

activities because there is someone who encourages them. In this study,

motivation as the driving force that encourages students to learn is a short

story video. And interest is a psychological potential that can be used to

explore motivation, if students are motivated to learn, then they will do well

in learning activities.

The absence of interest in a lesson is the cause of students not paying

attention to the lessons delivered by the teacher. Maybe because the teacher

is not clear in describing the material. The theory of motivation according to

Robbin (2003) which says a process that produces intensity, direction, and

individual persistence to achieve a goal. Nirman (2005) defines motivation

as a condition in which a person's efforts and will power are directed to the

achievement of certain results. The results in question can be:

1) Productivity


2) The presence or behavior of creative work

If it is associated with Abraham Maslow's theory which states that human

needs are tiered, it means that it can be concluded that learning through

short story videos through moral messages can lead students to these needs
where students will try to reach what they want in this case students will be

more diligent in doing assignments and follow learning.

c. Intelligence

Intelligence leads to general knowledge and will encourage students to

practice special skills, namely talent. Every child is born with their own

talent, and intelligence will help them find their own way to improve their

talent. Every child has the capacity to have eight of intelligences. There is

intelligence that can be highly developed, moderately developed, and

underdeveloped. All children, in general, can develop each intelligences to

an adequate level of mastery if it receives sufficient support, enrichment,

and instruction. Intelligence works together in daily activities.

Gardner (1993) suggests that multiple intelligences are based on facts that

people have different powers of understanding and contrasting styles of

understanding. Brings an alternative vision that is based on a view of

radically different minds, and the vision produces a view of a very different

school, and individual-centered school that accepts a multidimensional view

of intelligence. In this case, multiple intelligence is owned by every student,

no human can be said that they are not smarts, it all depends on stimulant

factors that should start at the beginning of the child's growth and

development and have characteristics that will increase children's multiple


5.1.2 External Factors

a. Family

Parents have an important role in motivating their children to learn and want

to improve their language skills and proficiency. While extrinsic and

intrinsic motivation are important for children's success, motivation from

parents is a separate form of motivation that has a more direct and positive

influence on student achievement (Crow, 2014). If parents explain that

education is important and that language skills and proficiency are desired,

children are more likely to be motivated to achieve this goal. Parent's beliefs

about their children's abilities and strengths significantly influence children's

motivation and their own beliefs about what they are capable of

academically (Crow, 2014). If parents support their children's language

learning at school as well as at home by facilitating language learning

opportunities, children are more likely to achieve success more quickly.

This activity can be in English or in their mother tongue, as strengthening

one language benefits the development of all other languages by

strengthening core language proficiency (Aro & Mikkila-Erdmann, 2014).

Parent's expectations and their ability to motivate their children are

important for language learning, but the socioeconomic status of parents

also affects student's ability to learn. As revealed in Sherly's research (2020)

which states that during the pandemic, students who do not have

smartphones cannot take virtual lessons. But family is the first and

particular center of education. The atmosphere at home will support children

in learning. Cleanliness and peace must be maintained so that children feel

comfortable and easy to concentrate on the material. Families have a big

role in creating interest in learning for children. How parents can influence

interest in teaching and learning to children.


Parents should always be ready when their children need help in progressing

subject that is difficult for the child to grasp.

b. School

Many aspects of school affect student's interests. Starting from strict school

security that makes students and parents feel comfortable leaving their

children in school, a beautiful garden, the leafy garden, and beautiful

environment makes students comfortable. Coupled with the friendliness of

friends and the politeness of the teacher, students feel valued and feel like

they have a new family. It can be said that school is their second home. One

research synthesis of studies published between 2000 and 2015 found that

positive schooling mediates the relationship between student's

socioeconomic status and schooling and academic achievement (Berkowitz

et al, 2017). In addition to the role of school climate, differences between

schools in teacher quality can affect student achievement.

Several studies have shown that, on average, new teachers are less effective

than those with some teaching experience (Rice, 2013). Creative teachers

can be interpreted as teachers who understand their students, and who can

put themselves where they are, especially in elementary schools, teachers

are needed who are patient in dealing with children who tend to be difficult

to remain silent. School units must collaborate with each other to create a

better environment to maintain their existence in the world of education.

Fahrul (2015) finds good friends will create a good environment as well. If

you hang out with friends who have good grades, students will also increase

their grades. Principals and teachers must collaborate to create programs

that can reflect the school's personality, such as making foreign language or

regional language literacy to keep students maintaining the


preservation of their area in the midst of the modern era. Existing school

policies should make students feel safe, and comfortable.

c. Teacher

It is very important that teachers create positive teacher-student

relationships because many students depend more on their teachers for

academic support than their parents (Slameto, 2010). In some

circumstances, parents recognize education but lack the academic

background or language skills to help their children with content or

assignments (Afaiz, 2011). English teachers not only responsible for

mastery and language skills, but they also play a role in helping students

adjust to cultural differences and social behavior. Cultural expectations and

beliefs about teachers and students differ, and teachers need to be aware of

this so that they can bridge the gap. If students feel safe because they trust

their teacher, they will share opinions and ideas, ask questions, and learn

new concepts more easily. Positive relationships with teachers increase

student's self-confidence, self-efficacy, and involvement in learning. If

students perceive the teacher as encouraging, supportive, and interested in

the content being taught, students are more likely to be involved and

motivated to strengthen their language skills independently (Fukuda &

Yoshida, 2013). While creating positive teacher-student relationships is a

cornerstone of learning, teachers are also responsible for ensuring that

students feel comfortable and supported by their peers.

Teachers need to create a classroom climate that is inclusive and culturally

supportive, so that students will take risks with language and not be afraid to

make mistakes. Culturally inclusive classes influence student progress and

skill development because students must feel accepted before they will be

socially involved. If students are

uncomfortable, they tend to lose interest and become uninvolved in their

learning (Talandis & Stout, 2015). In classrooms where students feel safe,

comfortable, and valued, they openly share ideas and take responsibility for

their learning. Vygotsky's belief that learning occurs when there is social

interaction between more and less knowledgeable people (Warren, 2012)

applies to students who feel comfortable with their peers. Encouraging

students to share experiences, cultural perspectives, beliefs, and values

motivates students to learn from one another and brings them closer together

in a supportive and meaningful way. The knowledge and experience

provided by the school must be carried out with a good teaching process and

supported by a comfortable atmosphere so that students will be more

enthusiastic in living their daily lives in participating in learning. This

includes how the attitude of friends and how the teacher conveys the lesson.

Increased interest in learning is also influenced by the way a teacher

teaches. However, to teach children in elementary school, it takes a teacher

who is funny, patient and relaxed when teaching but easy to understand,

which students prefer when compared to teachers who are fierce and too


4.2 Factors of Video Digital Short Story Influencing Student Interest

Based on the findings in this study, several factors that might influence

student's interest through digital short stories are: characters, pictures,

sounds, storylines, and story content, this is in accordance with the character

of children who are very interested in pictures that may have many colors

that attract their attention. Then the funny voices will also focus their

hearing on the sound. This is able to train student's abilities in listening


skills. Students are trained to concentrate on something that is heard.

Students have a high level of curiosity, so when they start listening to a

story, students will wonder how the story ends. Students also look for what

they will get from a story. After the video was shown, the children were

able to answer what the moral message of the story was (Q13). Learning

through short story videos trains intelligence Interpersonal intelligence is the

ability to read signs and social cues, verbal and non-verbal communication,

and be able to adjust communication styles appropriately.

Setyosari (2014) effective learning can be defined as learning that

successfully achieves the learning objectives of students as expected by the

teacher. The effective learning model includes four main things, namely: 1)

quality of learning, 2) adequate level of learning, 3) rewards, and 4) time.

Meanwhile, the quality of learning refers to the activities that are designed

and the actions taken by the learner and students, including the materials or

learning experiences (curriculum) and the media we use.

The digital short story video is very well received by children and students

are able to understand and there are no difficulties, the students feel happy,

comfortable and finally they are not forced to state that they are paying full

attention to learning English through digital short story videos. In the use of

short story videos, it gives a different sensation from the previous learning.

If learning through reading short stories improves student's reading skills as

revealed by Sudarmo (2018), through short story videos it is more than that.

Short story videos are very influential on the development of students'

intelligence through funny stories, pictures, and sounds that make 5th grade

students more interested. This is according to what Siswanto (2018) stated

that children have a developmental stage called imitation. Children will

remember imitating, and expect to be


like the characters depicted in the story. As stated by Mr Andreas as English

Teacher at SMAN 4 Blitar, that in order to teach elementary school

children, they must first enter the world of students by being invited to play

or give examples with student's favorite characters.



6.1 Conclusion

In general, students feel motivated and want to learn English due to internal

and external factors. There are three internal factors that influence student

interest through short story digital videos: health, motivation, and

intelligence; there are three external factors that influence student interest:

family, school, and teacher. All contribute to each other, where the family is

the first environment that prepares students in a healthy mental and physical

condition to be able to adapt to the school environment and gain knowledge.

Through short story learning, they get motivated through their feelings of

pleasure for what students like and also the moral message of the story that

encourages students to like English and want to become more accomplished

students. Although short stories also train literary intelligence, it depends on

the intelligence of each student, who is different in capturing information

and absorbing meaning.

Through digital short story videos, students are interested in pictures,

storylines, interesting story content, discover new vocabulary related to

everyday life and students are also interested in the characters in the story.

The moral message contained in the video also has an influence on student's

interest which then students will always remember, and imitate what

students get from these characters. Indirectly, students have also

remembered language.
Digital short story videos are an interesting learning method, for that

teachers must consider how to provide lessons. This fact should be

considered by teachers who should design activities that help increase

student interest, and increase student intelligence. Teachers must design

their own learning activities that are suitble according to the character of

their students.


6.2 Suggestion

In order that specific instructional purpose of English language subject can

be achieved, so the researcher wants to give some suggestion for English

teacher and students. For English teacher: to make a good goals in English,

the teacher must give motivation and encouragement for student in learning

English and provide creative media to support in teaching so students are

more interested in learning English. For students: English is easier if we

interest to learn it. The more important in learning English is need more

practice and always trying to improve themselves and how to learn in school

and appreciate English lesson to get satisfactory learning outcomes and

success in mastering the English lesson.


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1. Kurikulum apa yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran Bahasa inggris

di SMAN 4 Blitar?

2. Adakah kendala siswa dalam menulis Bahasa inggris?

3. Kendala apa yang ditemui guru dalam pembelajaran keterampilan

menulis Bahasa inggris pada siswa?

4. Bagaimana anda merencanakan pembelajaran untuk mengajar

Bahasa Inggris dikelas 10 SMA?

5. Apa metode pembelajaran yang paling sering anda terapkan dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa inggris, dan mengapa anda menggunakannya?

6. Apa saja kekurangan dan kelebihan metode pembelajaran yang

digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar tersebut?

7. Bagaimana anda memotivasi siswa untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam

pembelajaran Bahasa inggris ?

8. Apakah anda mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran? Jika

ya, bagaimana teknologi mempengaruhi pembelajaran?

9. Bagaimana anda mengevaluasi keterampilan berbicara,

mendengarkan, membaca, dan menulis siswa dalam Bahasa inggris?

10. Bagaimana Tindakan anda untuk mendukung siswa yang mungkin

mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami Pelajaran Bahasa inggris ?

11. Apakah anda memiliki strategi khusus untuk mengajarkan

keterampilan LISTENING dalam Bahasa inggris ?

12. Bagaimana anda mengadaptasi pengajaran untuk siswa dengan

tingkat kemampuan yang beragam?

13. Apakah sekolah memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar menulis dalam

Bahasa inggris ?

14. Apakah sekolah memiliki program khusus dalam memperoleh

keterampilan menulis dalam Bahasa inggris ?

15. Berapa kali dalam seminggu siswa mendapat Pelajaran tentang

menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris?



1. Apakah kamu senang belajar Bahasa inggris?

2. Mengapa kamu senang/tidak belajar Bahasa inggris?

3. Apa kesulitan yang kamu hadapi saat belajar Bahasa inggris?

4. Bagaimana pembelajaran Bahasa inggris di kelas selama ini


5. Apakah kamu memahami materi Bahasa inggris dengan cara belajar

yang selama ini digunakan guru?

6. Bagaimana cara belajar Bahasa inggris yang kamu inginkan dikelas?

7. Dari sumber apa kamu belajar Bahasa inggris disekolah?

8. Bagaimana dengan proses belajar dirumah? Apa buku yang kamu

gunakan untuk belajar Bahasa inggris?

9. Media apa yang paling kamu inginkan untuk belajar Bahasa inggris?

10. Apa kesulitan utama yang kamu alami saat menulis dalam Bahasa


11. Bagaimana kamu biasanya mempersiapkan diri sebelum menulis

dalam Bahasa inggris?

12. Apakah kamu memiliki keterampilan menulis dalam Bahasa inggris?

13. Apa yang biasanya menjadi inspirasi atau topik untuk tulisan Bahasa

inggris kamu?
14. Apakah kamu menggunakan teknologi untuk membantu

pembelajaran Bahasa inggris?

15. Adakah saran atau umpan balik yang ingin kamu sampaikan kepada

guru atau sekolah terkait pembelajaran Bahasa inggris.



Nama/Kelas : …………..…………… Tanggal : ……………….…

Berikut adalah pilihan jawaban yang telah disediakan:

SS = Sangat Setuju S = Setuju TS = Tidak Setuju



1. Saya senang mengikuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris karena gurunya


2. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui video sangat menarik.

3. Saya sangat tertarik dengan suara dan gambar yang lucu dalam


4. Saya tertarik dengan karakter yang terdapat dalam video.

5. Saya sering melihat video short story di rumah.

6. Video short story menampilkan cerita-cerita yang menarik.

7. Video short story sangat efektif karena tidak perlu mencatat.

8. Saya sering menggunakan smartphone untuk menonton video short

story di rumah.


1. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang short story itu sangat sulit untuk

dipahami isi ceritanya.

2. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang short story sangat menyenangkan.

3. Setelah menonton video short story saya menjadi lebih bersemangat

untuk mengikuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

4. Saya tidak fokus belajar karena sakit.

5. Saya mendapatkan pesan moral dari cerita dalam video tersebut.

6. Saya merasa bosan dengan video short story yang saya tonton.

7. Saya sangat senang dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui

video short story.

8. Saya lebih suka jika pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sering menggunakan

media video.







Q1 82,6 % 17,4 %

Q2 82,6 % 17,4 %

Q3 78,3 % 17,4 % 4,3 %

Q4 65,2 % 17,4 % 17,4 %

Q5 43,5 % 30,4 % 26,1 %

Q6 87,0 % 13,0 %

Q7 56,5 % 3,48 % 8,7 %

Q8 30,4 % 3,48 % 3,48 %





Q9 8,7 % 13,0 % 78,3 %

Q10 91,3 % 8,7 %

Q11 65,2 % 34,8 %

Q12 65,2 % 34,8 %

Q13 65,2 % 30,4 % 4,3 %

Q14 4,3 % 17,4 % 78,3 %

Q15 78,3 % 17,4 % 4,3 %

Q16 82,6 % 8,7 % 8,7 %



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