Assignment when people rebel

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Dear Children, attempt the unsolved questions in your
History Notebook and upload your work on Microsoft

Q1. Define:-

a) Mutiny:
b) Firangis:

Q2. Why was Awadh annexed?

Q3. Why Bahadur Shah II was called Bahadur Shah Zafar?

Q4.Write a note on 1856 law.

Q5. What could be the reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their
position in India before May 1857?

The reasons for the confidence of the British rulers about their position in India
before May 1857 are:

1. They introduced many laws and policies which strengthened their position in
2. There were several riots, rebellion and revolts which occurred before May, 1857.
But all these were localized and were suppressed by the British then and there.
3. In the mid 18 th century, the powers of Nawabs, rajas, zamindars etc. were
eroded. The freedom of the Indian rulers was reduced, their armed forces were
disbanded, and their revenue and territories were taken by stages.
4. The Mughal Emperor had lost its control over the provinces. The traditional
rulers fought among themselves and could not present a united front against
a powerful foreign rule.
5. Residents had been stationed in many courts by the British as their
representatives. These residents kept informing the governors about the
important developments in every kingdom.

Q6. What were the changes brought by the British after the Revolt of 1857?

1. Queen Victoria issued a proclamation in 1858 that transferred the

administrative powers of the Company to the British Crown to ensure a
more responsible management. The British East India Company’s rule came
to an end. The Board of Control and Court of directors were abolished. In its
place, a secretary of State for India and the Indian Council were created.
The Governor General of India was given the title of Viceroy. He was the
personal representative of the Crown.
2. All the ruling chiefs of the country were assured that their territory would not
be annexed in the future. They could pass their kingdom to their heirs
including the adopted sons.
3. The army was reorganized and the number of British soldiers was
increased. Indians were divided into martial and nonmartial race and
regiments were raised on the basis of caste and region such as Sikh
regiment and Jat regiment.
4. The land and property of the Muslims was confiscated on a large scale and
they were treated with suspicion and hostility.
5. Policies were made to protect landlords and Zamindars and give them
security of rights over their lands.
Q7. How did the British succeed in securing the submission of the rebel landowners?
British succeed in securing the submission of the rebel landowners of Awadh by
adopting various methods such as:
 They announced reward for loyal landowners.
 They were assured that they would be allowed to continue to enjoy traditional
rights over their lands.
 Those who had rebelled were told that if they submitted to the British, and if they
had not killed any white people, they would remain safe and their rights and claims
to land would not be denied.
Q8. Why did the chiefs and small rulers join the revolt of 1857?
Most small rulers and chieftains controlled different territories on behalf of the
Mughal rulers. Threatened by the expansion of British rule, many of them felt that if
the Mughal could rule again, they too would be able to rule their own territories once
more, under Mughal authority. So they joined the revolt of 1857.
Q9. What steps did the British take to protect the interest of those converted to


After 1830, the Company allowed Christian missionaries to function freely in

its domain and even own land and property. In 1850, a new law was passed
to make conversion to Christianity easier. This law allowed an Indian who had
converted to Christianity to inherit the property of his ancestors. Many Indians
began to feel that the British were destroying their religion, their social
customs and their traditional way of life.
In 1856 the Company passed a new law which stated that every new person who
took up employment in the Company’s army had to agree to serve overseas if

Q10. What was the demand of Rani Laxmi Bai that was refused by the British?

Rani Lakshmibai of Jhansi wanted the East India Company to recognise her adopted son
as the heir to the kingdom after the death of her husband. This demand was refused by
the British.

Q11. Sepoy’s refused to use the cartridges. Elaborate

The British introduced a new rifle called Lee Enfield rifle, its cartridges had to be
bitten before inserting into the rifle. There was a rumour that the cartridges were
greased with the fat of pig and cow. The muslims and hindu soldiers refused to
use them as it was against their religion.

Q12. Bahadur Shah Zafar‘s support changed the entire situation of the rebellion of
1857. Elaborate

Bahadur Shah’s decision to bless the rebellion changed the entire situation. It gave
courage, hope and confidence to all the people. Most smaller rulers and chieftains
controlled different territories on behalf of the Mughal ruler. Threatened by the
expansion of British rule, many of them felt that if the Mughal emperor could rule
again, they too would be able to rule their own territories once more, under Mughal
authority. So they joined the revolt of 1857.

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