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Aurora Teachers’ Credit Cooperative

Strategic Planning Session, January 5-6, 2018

Over All Goals: By end of 2018, Leadership, Governance and Staff and Members’ Support and Participation at ATCC is significantly improved.
Name of Unit or Department: Governance and Staff Development Department People Responsible: ______________________

Key Result Specific Due Budget or

Objective Success Indicator Strategies and Activities
Area Date Support Needed
a. To enhance Trainings 1. For the Directors Strategy No. 1. – _Re-Education for All End of P_____________
leadership and Completed a. Cooperative Management & Activities under this strategy: January,
governance at Governance (2-4 BOD) a. Coordinate with service provider (NELCO) April, July,
ATCC b. Parliamentary procedures (all) b. Information dissemination October 2024
c. Risk Management (2-4 BOD) c. Budget allocation.
d. Leadership & Re-Orientation d. Require attendees to the seminar to submit written
(All) report.
2. For the Committees Strategy No. 2. – __Study Tour on Teachers Coop
a. Basic Cooperative Course Activities under this strategy:
b. Records Management a. Coordinate with Cooperatives to be visited
c. Leadership & Re-Orientation b. Budget Allocation
c. Request for sharing of best practices and
3. For the Manager challenges surpassed by the Coop visited
a. Human Resource
Management CETF LOCAL
b. Entrepreneurial & Business
Management Course
c. Leadership and Re-orientation

4. For the Staff

a. at least 2-3 seminars in
accordance with their training
b. Customers’ delight training

5. For the Members

a. orientation
b. financial literacy
b. To update and Policies Credit Policies (to include Strategy No. 3. – _Review of Existing Policies ___ GA 2,000/person
improve existing reviewed and collateral) Activities under this strategy:
polices of the updated a. Update policies to suit the needs of the members
Membership Policies
coop b. Notify the members on the newly revised policies
Collection Policies
and guidelines
c. 3 BOD member per group for policy review
Governance Policies
Operational policies – for information dissemination
Human Resource
c. To enhance Membership At least 85% of the expected or Strategy No. 4. – Encourage compulsory Attendance March 24, 355,000
members’ attendance target attendance Activities under this strategy: 2018
support to and a. Budget allocation
participation in 100% approval on Directors b. Giving of cash incentives during Christmas and Gen
ATCC activities Membership proposals Assembly
Approval on c. Active participation on deliberation and election
Board d. Awarding of members (cash Prize; early bird most
Proposal active participant, best in attendance per Region,

d. To increase Members At least 80% satisfied Strategy No. 4. – Survey on members satisfaction December 2,000
satisfaction of satisfaction Activities under this strategy: 17-21, 2018
Members a. Make/construct descriptive survey questionnaires
on members satisfaction and needs
b. Conduct the survey.
c. Interpret the result for further studies.
d. Action to be undertaken by the BOD for
revision/amendment of Policies
Aurora Teachers’ Credit Cooperative
Strategic Planning Session, January 5-6, 2018

Over All Goals: By end of 2018, ATCC must have disbursed at least P 34Mn worth of loans or about 15% higher than 2017.
Name of Unit or Department: Credit Department People Responsible: Management and Staff
Key Result Specific Due Budget or
Objective Success Indicator Strategies and Activities
Area Date Support Needed
e. To make credit Loan From: (2017 actual loan release) Strategy No. 1. – __Improve Credit Products_
available to the Release -Regular Loan – 1,492,000.00 Activities under this strategy:
members -Emergency loan – 653,000.00 a. Re-brand all loan windows of ATCC and streamline credit April 30, 2018
-Rice and Corn process. To highlight:
Production Loan – 17,570,000 1. Maintain the interest rate
-Educational Loan – 6,891,000.00 2. Adopt diminishing interest on all windows
-Multi-Purpose Loan – 2,865,800 3. Add-on interest
-Grocery Loan – 14,000.00 d. Improve loan process (basic excel) April 30, 2018
Total – 29,485,800.00 Strategy No. 2. – Sell to members improved Credit
============ Products
To: (in the order of priority) Activities under this strategy: 2nd week
1. Kadamay Loan: a. Conduct focus-group discussion on the new products February 2018
a. Medical Emergency – 2,000,000 b. Further improve the loan products based on feedback
b. Educational Loan – 7,500,000 c. Distribute Flyers/Posters
d. Post on ATCC Bulletin Boards
2. Hanap-Buhay Loan
e. Present new loan products during the GA March 2018
a. Agri-Loans – 15,000,000
b. Non-agri Loans – 5,000,000
Strategy No. 3. – Implement New Loan Products
3. Alalay Loan – Activities under this strategy:
Multi-Purpose Loan – 5,000,000 a. Improve loan process – simplify the process Beginning
--------------- b. Loan release is not more than 30 minutes after approval March 2018
Total – P 34,500,000 c. Study and adopt electronic loan application process.
======== d. ]Loan approval must be within 2 days.
f. To help reduce New Loan Not more than 5 % of total loan Strategy No. 3. – Prevent new loan releases from becoming
PAR of the coop releases releases for 2018 – tolerable limit past due (delinquent) January 8, 50,000.00
becoming Activities under this strategy: 2018
past due a. constant reminder to the new borrowers
b. Adoption of TDK (Tutok, Dikit, Kulit)
c. Consult Con Med in case of Past Due
d. Improve credit evaluation process
e. Conduct pre-release loan counselling Every loan Rel
f. separate monthly monitoring of PAR releases Monthly
Aurora Teachers’ Credit Cooperative
Strategic Planning Session, January 5-6, 2018

Over All Goals: By end of 2018, ATCC must have stronger financial standing compared to 2017.
Name of Unit or Department: Finance Department People Responsible: Finance Unit

Key Result Specific Due Budget or

Objective Success Indicator Strategies and Activities
Area Date Support Needed
a. To achieve growth in Increase in From P35.137M in 2017 Strategy No. 1. – Campaign for increase in share capital by
ATCC total assets ATCC total To P 40.0M in 2018. P 1,000,000.
assets Activities under this strategy:
Sources of growth: a. Continue mandatory capital build-up (from loans)
a. Share Capital b. Capital build-up
Mandatory - 274,000 c. recruitment of new members March 31,
Voluntary - 1,530,000 2018
Strategy No. 2. – Campaign for increase in deposits by
b. Savings – 1,300,000 Php 2,000,000.
to end @ P 10,255,000
Activities under this strategy:
c. Net Surplus - 2,710,000 a. Campaign for Batang Masinop Account
--------------- b. Encourage members to open additional account
Total 5,814,000 c. Encourage member’s household to save in ATCC.
======== d. To implement a monitoring (transparency) Board to Beginning
monitor and show monthly progress January 2018

b. To achieve better net Increase in From P 2.673Mn in 2017 to P Strategy No. 3. – Increase revenue and better manage cost
surplus in 2018 ATCC net 2.9403Mn in 2018 or about or expenses
surplus 10% increase Activities under this strategy: Php 40,000.00
a. Improve loan collection Monthly
b. Make the operation more efficient thereby reducing other
cost or expenses
c. Maximize other potential income (investment income)
d. Improve liquidity management to reduce idle funds.
e. Improve customer service
c. Improve PESO rating of Improvement in From 74.58 in 2017 to not less Strategy No. 4. – Study and work on areas for
ATCC PESO Rating than 78.00 pts. in 2018 improvement in the PESO Rating December 31,
Activities under this strategy: 2018
a. Increase membership
b. Increase deposit
c. Improve cooperative’s system and management Quarterly
d. To do quarterly rating on PESO to monitor improvement
Aurora Teachers’ Credit Cooperative
Strategic Planning Session
January 4-5, 2018

Over All Goals: By end of 2018, achieve growth in membership and increase of members’ satisfaction.
Name of Unit or Department: Membership People Responsible: ____________________

Key Result Specific Due Budget or

Objective Success Indicator Strategies and Activities
Area Date Support Needed
a. To achieve growth in Increased By 10% in 2018 Strategy No. 1. – Campaign for new membership
membership membership Activities under this strategy:
Regular member – a. Campaign thru School Heads (January-August 31, 2018) Aug.31, 2018
10% (31 members) b. Distribution of leaflets
c. Orientation & Seminar (
Associate member – d. recruit at least 2 members each director (18)
5% (15 members) e. recruit at least 1 member each committee (21)
f. encourage members to recruit
Strategy No. 2. – Campaign for return to coop membership
Activities under this strategy:
a. Recall all withdrawn members (balik coop campaign)
b. Encouragement thru MedCon Committee
c. Re-orientation

Strategy No. 3 – Study and Present to the GA for approval to

accept immediate household members of regular members
as Associate Members.
Activities under this strategy:
a. Study the proposal
b. Articulate policies Jan. 2018 P 5,000.00
d. Conduct focused-group discussion to get feedback Feb. 2018
e. Present to the GA for approval. March 2018

b. To reduced Reduce Not more than 1% in Strategy No. 1. – Discourage members from leaving ATCC.
withdrawal in number of 2018 (not more than 3 Activities under this strategy:
membership membership members withdrawing a. Know the reasons of membership-withdrawal (thru exit
withdrawal from ATCC) interview)
b. Find solutions to their problems
c. Policy (all withdrawn members should wait for at least 30
c. To increase Members’ At least ___6__ from Strategy No. 1. – To extend to the members the following
members’ satisfaction satisfaction a scale of 1-9 services under the following conditions:
achieved Activities under this strategy:
a. Loan release – processed (approved or disapproved) not
later than 2 days.
b. Increase membership benefits as follows:
b.1. Apply rebates on early monthly payment
b.2. Cash & in kind
c. Implement members satisfaction seminar for all the staff Not later than
and officers of ATCC. (Customers delight) March 30,
- (to be announced during GA) 2018

Strategy No. 2. – To conduct periodic/regular members’

satisfaction survey.
Activities under this strategy:
a. run quarterly quick/simple/short satisfaction survey
b. Conduct longer Satisfaction survey during GA
c. Implement a satisfaction performance incentive for the
staff and officers.
Aurora Teachers’ Credit Cooperative
Strategic Planning Session
January 4-5, 2018

Over All Goals: By end of 2018, ATCC will implement a more meaningful community service program.
Name of Unit or Department: Community Service People Responsible: ____________________

Key Result Specific Due Budget or

Objective Success Indicator Strategies and Activities
Area Date Support Needed
a. To increase budget Budget From P 26,840 in 2017 Strategy No. 1. – _Increase ATCC Budget allocation for
allocation for increased to P 50,000 in 2018 Community Services March 2018 P50,000.00
community services Activities under this strategy:
a. Board to increased budget in 2018 Dec. 31,
Strategy No. 2. – To implement fund raising activities for
ATCC Community Services
Activities under this strategy:
a. Solicitation from possible sources
b. Leverage ATCC budget against possible sources
c. Look at various fund-raising activities (community raffle
d. Partnership with outside stakeholders
b. To implement Community At least 2 community Strategy No. 2. – To implement the following community
community services programs and programs and activities programs and services
program services implemented or Activities under this strategy: ]]Community
implemented benefitted at least 30 a. Conduct out-reach program Development
non-members of ATCC b. Assist in the “Brigada Eskwela” activities May 31, 2018 Fund
c. Feeding program July 31, 2018 P81,000.00
d. Sponsor one district special event

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