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What is cognitive computing ?

Cognitive computing is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that refers to systems
that aim to simulate human thought processes and reasoning in order to interpret
data, understand natural language, and learn from interactions. The goal is to create
intelligent systems that can adapt and make decisions similar to the way humans

Advantages of cognitive computing

 It helps in the improvement of customer engagement and service.

 It helps in enhancing employee productivity and quality of service/product
 It helps in providing very accurate data analysis.
 Hence cognitive systems are employed in the healthcare industry.

Disadvantages of cognitive computing

 Security is a major concern as digital devices manage critical information in

cognitive computing.
 The cognitive computing-based systems/products require lengthy development
 Change management is another challenge as this technology has the power to
learn like humans and behave like natural humans.
 Hence people are fearful as they feel machines would replace humans in the

Real time application of cognitive computing

The IBM Watson chatbot is a multi-channel chatbot that can be used in different
channels like Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, and many more. It is designed
to provide the best experience for users by using natural language processing
and machine learning. The IBM Watson chatbot has been built on the IBM Cloud
platform, enabling it to process large amounts of data at high speed. It also uses
deep learning algorithms to understand user intent and context
IBM Watson Chatbot Faetures
The IBM Watson Assistant chatbot has been designed with several features that
make it an ideal option for companies looking to provide their customers with a
convenient and easy way to get information or help from them. Some of the key
features of this chatbot are listed below:

Natural Language Processing – To understand users’ intent and context, the

chatbot uses natural language processing techniques. This allows it to provide
accurate responses in a timely manner even when there are thousands or millions of
users interacting with it simultaneously.
Deep Learning Algorithms – To precisely know customers’ interests and behavior,
the chatbot uses deep learning algorithms. This allows it to provide more appropriate
responses in the future.
Conversational Interface – The IBM Watson Chatbot has been designed with a
conversational interface that makes it easy for users to interact by typing or speaking
their queries.
Multiple Channels – Users can access this chatbot on different channels like
Facebook Messenger, Skype, Slack, and many more to access it from anywhere at
any time.
Dialog Management – You control the conversation flow with this feature of the IBM
Watson Chatbot platform. You can decide which questions are asked first, whether
there will be branching conversations, etc., based on the user response to previous
questions/statements made by the bot.

How does IBM Watson Chatbot Work?

The IBM Watson conversation chatbot works through an interface where users can
interact with it by typing or speaking their queries. The chatbot then processes the
query and provides an appropriate response based on its understanding of the
user’s intent and context. The chatbot uses natural language processing techniques
to understand what the user wants, whether it is information about a product or
service or help with some problem. If needed, the chatbot will ask follow-up
questions to clarify the user's needs before providing an answer or solution. This
helps ensure that only relevant information is provided to users instead of irrelevant
content, which may confuse them further when looking for answers to their problems.

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