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Page 3 of 3 PM ZIAUDDIN UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION BOARD Class: XI HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL CERTIFICATE ANNUAL (1) EXAMINATION 2024 hours 40 minutes SUBJECT: "HYSICS SECTION “B” AND. SECTION “Cr SECTION “B” SHORT. ANSWER QUESTIONS: ——* (36 Marks ‘NOTE: Answer any NINE-part question from this section, All question amy equal marks, Draw diagram where necessary, Define escape velocity and drive the ex, State and explain pascal’s law 1 2 3. Sradient. Show that electri intensity is equal tothe negative of potential gradient 4°" How energy is stored in a capacitor? Derive expression fort it 5. 6. Total Time 3.5 hours Pression for escape velocity on earth's surface ‘State and explain Kirchhof’s first and second law. Prove that following equations are dimensionally correct: C z i Sevtdae 7 A turle start atthe origin and moves withthe uniform speed of ve~ 10cm ‘sin the direction of 25° to the horizontal, 4 Find the coordinates ofa turtle 10 second later. b) how far did the turtle walk nave second? 8." A golf club exerts an average force of $00 N on got ball for 0.02 accents, Ifthe inital velocity ofthe ba and its final velocity is 60 mvs, what is the impulse experienced by the ball? 9. The international space station orbits at an altitude of 40Okan above the ow orbits velocity? 40m/s iface of earth. What is the space station’s ‘Ok! m).. 1. Three resistors 19, 20 and 3 9 are combined in series. What is the total resistance ofthe combination? If the combination s connected to a batery of emm.f24 V and negligible intemal resistance, obtain the ‘potential drop across cach resistor. 12. 4 pendulum of length 75 cm and mass 2.5kg swings with a machinial energy of 0.015 j, whats its amplitude? 'S. A source of sound and listener are moving to wards each ather with velocities which ae 0.3 times and 02 teres the Sheed of sound respectively. Ifthe actual frequency of sound is 2000 Hz, calculate the percenlage change in the frequency with respect to the listener. 14. In a newton’s ring experiment the diameter of the 16" bright ring was found to be 0.653 em. ifthe radius of curvanare of then lens is 10cm, find the wavelength of light. SECTION “C” DETAILED ANSWER QUESTIONS 32 Marks Note: Answer any TWO questions from this section. All question carries equsl marks. Draw diagrams where necessary, 3.) Define ‘position’ vector’. Two vectors A, and A: making angle 0; and O3n with the horizontal. Describe addition of these two vectors by rectangular component method b) Drive Bemoulli’s equation for steady, incompressible, non-viscous and irrotational flow of fluid, 4, a) What is an electric dipole? Derive the expression for electric field intensity duc to electric dipole atu point which is at a perpendicular distance y from the centre of the dipole. b) Describe the stationary waves produced in a stretched string, Drive the expression for frequencies when string is, vibrating in: i ii loops. iv) n loops i) one loop 4i) two loops ii) three ' / i 5.) define simple harmonic motion. A particle in its state of uniform circular motion, prove that is projection executes : ‘motion on one of the diameters of the circle, Re rongvamWate ions for position of dark and bright ftinges. Also derive 'b) Describe Young's double slit experiment and derive the expressi expression for fringe spacing. END OF PAPER wnere necessary. 1) Define escape velocity and derive the expression for escape velocity on carth's surface. Escape velocity: Escape velocity on earth or any other planet is defined as the minimum velocity with which the body has to be projected vertically upwards from the surface of the earth or any other planet so that it just crosses the gravitational field of earth or of that planet and never retum on its own. Expression For Eseape Velocity Let Mass of Earth = M Mass of satellite =m Radius of Earth = R Escape veloci ‘The gravitational force betw. rellite and Earth is. ven to the body at the surface of Earth. Loss in kinetic energy = Gain in potential energy 1 Since K = gee and P.E = Workdone = Fd Fmt = 80) 4 GM =ma_= 2 RF (R) If gravitational force is equal to weight of body. mg = = or gR?=GM 29k R ve XN v = Jagr Since g=9.8 ms? and R= 6.4 x 10 ms"! The value of v come out to be approximately 11.2 kms? ‘The value of escape velocity depends upon mass and radius of the planet of the surface from which the body is to be projected, clearly the values of escape velocity of a body will be different for different planets. ii) State and explain Pascal's lav Pascal's Law Statement ‘When a change in pressure is applied at any point to any static fluid, itis transmitted perfectly to all portions of the fluid and to the wall of the container. Explanation Consider a cylinder of height h and cross-sectional area A with amovable piston of mass m as shown in Fig. Adding weight mg at the top of piston increases the pressure at the top, since the extra weight also acts over arca of the lid as shown in figure.» _4—4 The top of the piston increases the pressure at ay the top by P= Mg/A since the additional weight el a | also acts over area A of the lid wl Pe o e Change in Pressure at upwards = Change in Pressure downwards ‘According to Pascal's principle, the Pressure across the water changes by the same amount i.e. Mg/A. Thus, pressure at the downwards also increases by Mg/A. The pressure at downward of the container is equal to the sum of the atmospheric pressure, the Pressure due in fluid and pressure supplied by the mass. ‘The change in pressure at the bottom of the container due to mass is My APeettom =e Since the pressure changes are same everywhere in the fluid, we no longer need subscripts to designate the change for top or bottom. AP = APyottem = APhop = APrrerrwhs ‘Thus, if an external pressure is applied to a confined fluid, the pressure at every point within the fluid increases by that amount of applied pressure iii) Define potential gradient. Show that electric intensity is equal to the negative of Potential Gradient. Potential Gradient Therate of change of potential with respect to distance is called potential gradient Electric Potential The work done on unit positive charge in displacing it against the direction of electric field Work Charge Electric Potential w vet Relation between Electric Potential and Electric Intensity: Let atest charge qis displaced from point "P" to point "O* as shown in figure The displacement of charge qis Ar The force on this charge qin the field F=qk Since W=F d We have = q8.4r E.dr Bar Thus, mathematically electric potential is defined as, Electric Potential is the dot product of electric field and radial displacement vector of charge V = Bar Cosé Since displacement of charge is against the electric field, therefore, @= 180 (Cos180=-1 ) v= -E4r v gre Thus, Electric Intensity is the negzive Potential Gradient iv) How energy is stored in a Capacitor? Derive expression for the energy stored in a capacitar. Energy of Capacitor A capacitor stores energy in an electric field. When a voltage is applied across the capacitor terminals, it creates an electric field between the two plates of the capacitor. The energy is stored in this electric field, Energy Stored in a Capacitor Energy stored in a capacitor is electrical potential energy which is equivalent to work done per unit charge Consider a capacitor connected to source of potential difference V. Initially, when the capacitor is uncharged, the potential difference between the plates is zero Finally, when charge +Q and - Q deposited on the plates, the potential difference between the plates becomes V, The average voltage on the capacitor during the charging process is Oh o+V LY Werage voltage = ——= 5 Since Therefore Since Qecv vic sxe = vO 1 Energy = U=— CV? For a given capacitance, the stored energy increases as the charge and the potential difference increase. In practice, there is a limit to the maximum energy (or charge) that can be stored because, at a sufficiently large value of V, discharge ultimately occurs between the plat For this reason, capacitors are usually labeled with a maximum operating voltage. Iv) State and explnin Kirchhof?s first and second Inw. Kirchhoff's taw Kirchhofl's laws quantify the way in which current flows through a circuit and the voltage varies around a loop in acircuit. Kirchhoff's First Law (Current Law): Definition ‘The current that flows into a junction-any electrical connection-must equal the current that flows out of the same junction Or ‘The algebraic sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at a point is zero. Mathematical Representation We can write Kirchhoff"s first law as an equati DV O= Yow Infigurea, in +in=isorin + Infigureb, in +iz-iy-in = 0 Infiguree, in in +in=0 . i Note: The Kirchhoff"s Current law is a consequence of the law of conservation of charge” Kirchhoff's Second Law ‘The second law, known as Kirehhofs loop rule or Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) Definition ‘The sum of electromotive forces in a loop equals the sum of potential drops in the loop. Or ‘The algebraic sum of Potential difference in a loop in a network is zero. Equatlon for Kirchhoff's second law ‘The Kirchhoff's second law equation can be written as: de- dv Where EE is the sum of the e.m.f. and SV is the sum of the potential differences, We can also write as: Ddveo Example Consider a simple series circuit which contains a cell of emfE and x two resistors of resistances Riand R3, the cirrec I nuist be the same all the way around. loop For this circuit, we can write the following equation: i C) E=IRi+IR Ln Ry emf of battery sun of p.d.sacoss the resistors Note: Kircthoff’s second lawis based on the principle of conservation of energy. Whena charge, movesaround the circuit it gzins energy as it passes through each source ofemf. and loses energy as it moves through each Potertial difference (p.d). Energy gained through sources of emf = Energy lost through components withp.ds v) Prove that following equations are dimensionally correct: I 1 ) Ts2n[- re 1g t T=20 G Here 1 is length having dimensica [L] gis acceleration having dimension [ Tis Time having émensicn [T] wis constant thus hasno mension _ fo = oe? m= va M=0) Proved S= vit + at? Here Sis length taving dimension [L] wis acceleration having dimension [ L][T]? a isacceleration having dimension [ L][T}? tis Time having dimension [T] (2) = (2) (70) + Ee). er (2+ (2) (4) Proved vi) A turtle starts at the origin and moves with then uniform speed of 10 cm/s in the direction of 25° to the horizontal. a) Find the coordinates of a turtle 10 scconds later b) How fur did the turtle walk in 10 seconds? Data Given Uniform speed = v = 10 env’s ¥ Angle =0=25° Time ets 10s Required Horizontal displacement = Ax =? Vertical displacement = Ay =? Total displacement = d =? Solution v ereT Horizontal displacement Ax =vCos0xt Ax = 10x Cos 25 x 10 Ax = 10x 0.906 x 10 Ax =90.6em Vertical displacement Ayevsinoxt Ay > 10s Sin 25 x 10 Ay = 10.8 0.423 s 10 Ay = 42.3 em Total displacement d= fox? + ay? d = §(90.6)? + (42.3)? d= 1000n vil) A golf club exerts an average force of 800 N on a golf ball for 0.02 seconds. If the Initial velocity of the ball [s 40 m/s and Its final velocity Is 60m /s, what is the Impulse experienced by the ball? Data Given Foree = F = 800N Time = at=0.02s Required Impulse = J >? Solution J=Fat J= 800 0.02 J=16Ns vili) The International Space Station orbits nt an altitude of 400km nbove the surface of the Earth. ‘What is the space station's orbital velocity? Data Given Altitude from surface = h = 400 Km = 400 x 1000 = 400000 m Radius of Earth = Re = 6380000 m Total distance from center of Earth = R = Re + h = 6380000+ 400000 = 6780000 m Mass of Earth = M = 5.98 x 10" Ke Gravitational Constant = G = 6.67 x 10 Nun? Kg? Required orbital velocity = v Solution oP G Meentrat R 16.67 x 107'' «5.98. x 10"* 6780000 v= 7672 ns Ix) Calculate the viscous drag on a drop of oll of 0.1 mm radius falling through alr at its terminal velocity. (Viscosity of alr =1.8x105 Pa-s; density of oll = 850kg /m) Data Given Viscosity of air = 7) = Density of oi 850 kg/m? Density of Air = py = 1 kg/m? Required Viscous drag = Fd <2 Terminal velocity = Solution Terminal velocity is =a hoe) -4)2 gx a — ; x98 (850-1) v = 1.027 m/s Viscous drag is given by Stokes law Fy = Genre Fy = Gm x (1.8.x 1075) x (1 x 1074) x 1.027 Fy =348x 10-8 N x) Three resistors 1Q, 2.Q, and 3Q are combined In series. What is the total resistance of the combination? Ifthe combination Is connected to a battery of c.n.f 24 V and negligible Internal resistance, obtain the potential drop across cach resistor. Data Given Required Re 1 Mi Vr ve Solution: In series combination Bm =k Se: + & Re 51452 + 3 Re =62 Using Ohm’s Law V=IR 9 Len Put the values and calculate. 24 ¥ = 4A “The current remains same and vollage across cach resistance is calculated using Ohm's law as follows: Va IR:= 4x1 =4 Volt Is IR: = 4x2 =8 Volt Vs = IRs? 4x3 = 12 Volt Result Th voltage through 1 2 resistance is 4 volts ‘Th voltage through 2 2 resistance is 8 volts ‘Th voltage through 3 2 resistance is 12 volts xi) A pendulum of length 75 cm and mass 2.5kg swings with a mechanical energy of 0.015 J, what is its amplitude’ Data Given Length of pendulum = L = 75 em = 75/100 = 0.75m Mass of pendulum = m = 2.5 Kg Energy of pendulum = E = 0.015 J Gravitational acceleration = g = 9.8 ms* Required Amplitude of pendulum = xo =? Spring constant = K =? Solution For simple pendulum i T= 2n |= f For body executing simple harmonie motion fin iL anf an Cancelling and squaring both side mob eg mg one Comparing =k Since adh er (E)s wea 2x0.015x0.75_ ae gx 25x98 % 918x107 = x3 Taking square root both side 0.030 m = x. 0.030 x100 cm = x5 3.0 cm = x9 xii) A source of sound and listener are moving towards each other with velocities which are 0.5 times and 0.2 times the speed of sound respectively. Ifthe actual frequency of sound [s 2000 Ifz, calculate the perventage change In the frequency with respect to the listener. Data jiven Speed of sound in air = v Velocity of source =v, = 0.5v Velocity of Listener = vy © 0.2 Frequency emits by soure 2000 Hz Required Percentage change in the frequency = Av Apparent frequency for Listener = u' =? Solution ve aa 2v 4800 - 2000 10% = (SESS) x 100 Av% = 140% xlv) In a Newton's ring experiment the diameter of the 16" bright ring wns found to be 0.653 cm. If the radius of curvature of the lens ls 100 cm, find the wavelength of light, Data Given Number of bright rings = N= 16 Dimeter of ring = Dis = 0.653 em = 0.653/100 = 0.00653 m Radius of ring = ris = Dy 1.006532 = 3.265 x 10? m Radius of curvature of lens = R = 100 cm = 100/100 = 1m Required Wavelength of light ~ Solution @26sx10-*)* = (16-3) a0) 1.066 x 1075 Vis” 688x10-7m = 2 688.x10-7m _ 1x10 6880 4° = 2 SECTION ‘Cc’ (DETAILED-ANSWER QUESTIONS) (32 Marks) NOTE: Answer any Two questions from this section. All questions cary equal marks. Draw diagrams where necessary. Q3.a) Define ‘Position Vector’. Two vectors A: and Az making angle 0; and 03 with the horizontal. Describe addition of these two vectors by rectangular component method Position Vector Definition A Vector that indicates the position of a point in a coordinate system is referred to as position vector. Suppose we havea fixed reference point 0, tien we can specify the position the position of a given point P. with respect to point O by means of a vector having magnitude and direction represented by a directed line segment OP, this vector is called position vector and represented by ras shown in figure Fa (xy xityj+zk Addition of Vectors by Rectangular Components method: Consider two vectors Ay and A; making angles 6: and 62 with positive x-axis respectively. y v %y 0, ( x 02 x Resolve vector A; into two rectangular components Atxané Ay Magnitude of these components are: Aix = Ai Cos 0; and Aly = Al Sin 0) Resolve vector V; into two rectangular components V2x and V 2y asshown in figure Magnitude of these components are: Ack = Az Cos @ and Ay =A: Sin @ Now move vector Az parallel to itself so that its initial point (tal) lies on the terminal point (head) of vector Ay as shown in the Fig: ee rae Representative lines of Ay endA; are OA and OB respectively, Join O and B which is equa to resultant vector R of Ay andy Resultant vector along X-axis can be determined as: = 0+ Replace V. (Wilh A. In disgramn, R =A, Cos 0, +42 Cos 8, Resultant vector along Y-aris can be determined as: DE = DE +B DB= (i+ (DF= Th) y= hy thy =A, Sing, +A, Sind, Now we will determine the magnitude of resultant vector by using the Pythagoras’ theorem. Hypotenous? = Base? + Perpendicular? [oB} = [op]? + [DB] R= Al+ @ R= |Ri+ RE R= Y(A; Cos, +2 Cos 0;)* + (A; Sin8; +Az Sin Oy)" Finally, the direction ofresultant vector will be determined. ‘Again, in the right-angled triangle DOB: Teng ne = — : oD A =a Tan 6 = = A, = Tan"? (42) @=Tan 3) ‘Where is the angle thatthe resultant vector makes with the positive X-azis, In this way we can add a number of vectors in a very easy manner, This method is know as addition of vectors by rectangular components method b) Derive Bernoulli's equation for steady, incompressible, non-viscousand irrotational low of Mud, Bernoulli's Principle Statement IE velocity ofa Duidis high, the pressures low, andthe velocity is low, the pressureis high, Bernoulli's Equation The sum of pressure, K.E. per unit volume and P-E. per unit volume, in a steady flow, of an incompressible and non-viscous liquid has the same value at all points in fluid. Formula P ror? +pgh = Constant Derivation Bemoulli’s equation can be derived using the law of conservation of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Therefore, curing streamline flow, the lotal mechanical energy remains constant. Assumptions for Bernoulll's Equation © The flow must be steady and streamline. © The fluids incompressible the density should remain constant at all points during the flow. © There are no viscous forces in the fluid, and friction is negligible. Consider a pipe whose diameter and elevation change as a fluid passes through it. Consider a small mass of the fluid with density p that flows from point 1 to 2 through lengths Aw and Av: as shown in figure The work done by a force F on the fluid to displace it by an infinitesimal distance ax is given by, W = Fax ‘Therefore, at points | and 2, the work done are, AW, = Fy Oxy AW, = ~ F, dx, Here negative sign shows that pressure in opposite direction Total work done when the fluid moves from 1 to 2 is, AW = SW, + AW, AW = F, bx, - Fy Axz Since F=PAandV=Ax ‘Therefore AW = P, AyAx, — pz Azhxg Using equation of continuity Aye = Ave aie) =4(32) Aydxy = Azhx, = AV point ‘Therefore AW =P, aV- RAV AW =(P, - PR AV----- (1) Now, when the fluid moves from point | to 2. there is a change of kinetic energy. aK. E = 5 mud - 3 myve Since m=p4V aKE =F (pV) uF - 3 (AV) of 1 AK.E = 5 paVv (v3 - vp)--- (2) Similarly, the change in potential energy is given by AU = mghz — ingh Since m=paV AU =p AVghz = pAVghy AU = pAVg (hz — hy) - - - === (3) ‘The work done in moving the fluid is the sum of the change in kinetic and potential energies AW = AKE+ AU 1 2 (Py — PAV = 5 paV(uz— vt) + pAVg (hz — hi) Cancelling AV 1 Po— Pe = 5p (vd vt) + pg (he— hi) R- P= sp v-sery + pgir—pgh ate Separating | and 2 ae Out + pghe 1 2 P+ 5 Pvt pg hy = Since two states are equal 1 Pte p+ pgh = Constant Proved The height h is measured from somte conver erence level, for example at the surface of the liquid. The equation is really a statement of conservation of energy per unit volume in the uid. Q4.a) What is an Electric dipole? Derive the expression for electric ficld intensity due to electric dipole ut 2 point which is at a perpendicular distance y from the center of the dipole. Electric Dipole An electric dipole is a simple system in clectromagnetism consisting of two opposite el of equal magnitude, separated by a small distance d Electric fleld at point duc to two charges (Electric Dipole) A pair of equal and opposite point charges separated by a small distance form an electric dipole. To calculate the electric field of the dipole at point C which is at a distance "y" from the center of dipole. charges “-q" and “+q" place at a small distance "d" from each other as shown in figure. produce the field E- which are in same direction tric charges Consider tw ‘The charge "+q" sets up field E+ and the charge Resolving the field vectors into the components it clear thal the vertical components "E+ Sin 0" and Sin 0“ cancel each other. ‘Therefore, the net electric is due to the vector sum of the horizontal components. E=E.Cos0+E-Cos0 ‘The magnitude of both electric fields is the same, Ey Therefore ) cos 8 From figure, In triangle ADC a2 od fas 8 = == se = 25 (AG) where the product of the "q” and "d’is known as the electric dipole moment "P” of the dipole. P= qxd ie E =(—-| Gre =) From figure, in right angle triangle ADC using Pythagoras theorem, H? = B?+ P? or H=,/B?+ P? = fos FG @) E 1 P E | res 7 Or ae ant (v+ @) 5 5 a(e ra, ave 1 s2\7 a(+ @)) Asd« y, therefore approximate electric fidd intensity of the dipole can be calculated by neglecting ay? the term @) ole ~ 4n6, y? b) Describe the stationary waves produced ina stretched string. Derive the expression far frequencies when string Is vibrating In: 1) One loop 11) Two loops 1H) Threeloops _iv) n loops Stationary Waves Definition When two simnilar waves move along the same line in a medium but in opposite direction these waves will combine according to the principle of super position and special kind of waves are formed, called stationary waves or standing waves. Note: A standing wave or a stationary wave, is a wave that has parts that remain in a constant position Formation of stationary waves ‘The conditions for standing waves are: ‘Two waves travelling in opposite directions along the same line in same plane The waves have the same speed ‘The waves have the same frequency ‘The waves have the same approximate amplitude Frequency of Standing Wave Consider a string of ‘L’ attached to a support is the linear density of the string If vis the velocity of transverse wave in string, then from both ends. Let T is the tension in the string and. IT lk Fundamental Frequency (Frequency in One Loop) If the string is plucked from the middle, iewibrzes in one loop. Let Avis the wavelength and vi is the Frequency of standing wave There are two nodes as shown in figure ‘The distance between nodes is Au/2 Or Since w= or Frequency in Two Loop Letthe string vibrates in two loops, Let Aais the wavelength and v2is the frequency of standing wave ‘There are three nodes as shown in figure The distance between two consecutive nodes is A2/2 Here az ae tad + 7 2a, 2 2b San Since wap =o ‘Here’ v Since vy = 3 vy, = 24 Frequency in Three Loop Latthe string vibrates in three loops. Let Asis the wavelength and v3 is the frequeney of standing wave There are four nodes as shown in figure The distance between two eonsceutive nodes is 2v2 Here io as ‘a 3 be Segre , Since Here vs v= 3 @) : v Since w= 57 vy = 3y Frequency inn Loop Let the string vibrates in two loops. Let dais the wavelength and ty is the frequency of standing wave There are n* L nodes in n loops The distance between two consecutive nodes is 2/2 Here dn dn 2tt Since Here 2b a= FY v dye in ee wo YF" Since > 2 bare Ue = ny Fundamental Frequency (Frequency in One Loop) Since But Therefore sift == Y= tala Where p= x 1f tension is produced by hanging a mass M to one end of string, then T= Mg wQ2 Ma Ata _ 1 [Mat tS 20 |p BE (@) "2 oa QS a) Define simple harmonic motion. A Particle in its state of uniform circular motion. that its projection execntes simple harmonic mation on one of the diameters of the circle. Consider a particle 'P’ moving around a circle of ra The linear speed of the partide is vr «rw From point ’P’ craw perpendicular PQ on AB. Point 'Q' represents the Projection af particle When point P revolves around the circ, its projection ‘Q' oscillates to and frth along the diameter, ‘When P is al A or B, the displacement of 'Q’ becomes maximum As'Q moves away from equilibrium position ‘Oy, its velocity decreases and becomes zero at extreme points. When it moves towards ‘O°, its velocity increases from zero to maximum value. ‘This shows that the acceleration of projection is proportional to its displacement and is directed to equilibrium position. Hence the motion of projection is simple harmonic motion. Mathematical Proof From Figure in APOQ pase _ cose on yp Prove us (r= x0) with uniform angular velocity «. = Cosé 7 0: Since 'P is moving along the circular path, its ucceleration ia equal 1o centripetal acceleratian which is directed towards the center of circle. (roy Since t=x0 ‘The acceleration of the projection ‘ais equal to the component of acceleration of particle’! along the diameter AB Base Cos8 typ 7&8 @ — = Cos® a, a = a,Cos@ a = -x, Cos 8 x += wut) a=-wx Since w is constant axn-x Since the acceleration of the projection is directly proportional to its displacement and always directed to mean position, therefore the motion of the projection of a particle moving around a circle with constant speed is simple harmenic in nature. b) Describe Young's double sit experiment and derive the expressions for position of dark and bright fringes, Also derive expression for fringe spacing. ‘Young's Double Slit Experiment ‘This experiment gave a very strong support tothe wave theory of light Arrangement Consider a source of monochromatic light of wavelength 2, falling on two slits A and B. which act as two coherent sources of light. After passing through the two slits, interference between two waves takes place on the screen at.a distance L frem the Slits. Due to interference of waves altemate bright and dark fringes are obtained on the screen Consider a point 'P* on the screen where the light waves from slits A and B interfere such that PC =y. ‘The wave coming from B covers more distance than the wave coming from A such thet PB is greater than PA. Path difference = PB - PA = 12-1, = BD = $ In right angled ABAD BD S$ sin@ = moa dsin@ =S For constructive interference, path difference between two waves should be integral multiple of 7. d Sind =m? Where m +324,... For destruct interference, path difference b/w two waves is 1 a sino =(m-+ 5). Whore m= £1,£243.24,.. Position of Bright and Dark Fringes Since the value of “d’ is very small as compared to L, Sind = Tan In right angled APEC ' y Sin8 = Tan® = i Multiplying by d both sides -% asind = Ta For Position of Bright Fringes dSin@ = mA and y = yn Yd i ee 7 ae L). Ya= a For Position of Dark Fringes 1h dsind (m + 3) and y= yu ‘Therefore =(m+ 33 Ya= 4 Fringe Spacing ‘The distance beween any two consecutive bright fringes or lwo consceutive dark fringes is called fringe spacing Av Fringe spacing or thickness of a dark Iringe or a bright fringe is equal. a ars >

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