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Republic of the Philippines


CARAGA Region Field Office
Butuan City


I. Title of the Project : Duck Raising cum Duck Egg Production; Carpentry and
Masonry cum Duck House

II. Participants : 2 Resource Speakers

4 Facilitators
30 Participants
36Total Pax

Tentative Date : December, 2014

Venue : Sibagat, Agusandel Sur

Fund Requested : Php596,855.00

Techvoc Fund :Php 556,655.00

CBLA Funds :Php 40,200.00

III. Rationale:

Duck raising is the most profitable and economical agri-business today as it needs only
asimple operation for the farmers to raise. Presently, there is an increasing demand of eggs and
meat in the market, it is because of the increase of the population in the locality, and however there
are just few people who engage in this kind ofbusiness. This commodity is also the best source of
protein and it is very easy to cook.Ducks produces more eggs depending on the management
applied for it. It’s has high resistance and could not easily affected by some poultry disease. The
advantageof this business is that it has so many uses such as; ballot, salted eggs and others recipes
depending on the expertise of the cook.Mature ducks can be culled after two (2) year of production
and will be subject for slaughter.

As the Sustainable Livelihood Program aims to enhance the socio-economic activities of poor
families through entrepreneurial skills development trainings or capacity building trainings for
Pantawid beneficiaries in the Municipality of Sibagat , Training on Duck Raising cum Duck Egg
Production;Carpentry and Masonry cum Duck House is essential for the development of skills,
knowledge and ability of those who opt to work in the wider field of business in the community and
thus, equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive is the utmost aim of this livelihood skill

At the same time, Training on Duck Raising cum Duck Egg Production;Carpentry and
Masonry cum Duck Housewill be a tool to ensure that women and men receive equitable benefits
and livelihood opportunities as regards to the Gender and Development issues in the community.
Thus to achieve the goal of community empowerment, gender equality and visibility of men and
women’s contributions and responsibilities towards development has been given great emphasis.

Furthermore, the SLP beneficiaries would have these opportunitiesthrough this capacity
building trainingto be conducted to the Municipality ofSibagat:

 Provision of inputs, training and extension services

 Promotion on innovative systems
 Facilitation of opportunities
 Strengthening the market linkages between target group, suppliers and buyers
through the help of partner agencies.
 Support on existing small and medium enterprises in a manner that benefits the
target group
 Provision ofstart-up kits on vocational training to improve beneficiaries’ income-
generating prospects.
 Support on existing vocational training centers to provide such training

>Barangay Sampaguita is one of the 20 barangays of Veruela, it has a vast area of land and most of
thepeople living in this area are farmers, aside from its Geographicallocation, brgy.Sampaguita is most
likely one of the improve barangay in the Municipality of Veruela , many establishments and business
enterprises were established in this barangay and the population of households also increases
nowadays, Many people in this area also engage in ballot vending and they get the supply of duck Egg
outside the Municipality just to sell ballot because many people in this area are fun in eating ballot,. In
order to supply the demand for Duck Eggs for ballot production the Pantawidpamilya participants aims
to establishthe project for Duck Raising and Management for Egg Production.

This Project aims to supply the demand for Duck Eggs on the market and the pantawidpamilya
beneficiaries as the recipient of this project will be empowered in handling this business enterprise with
the help of this technical vocational skills training on duck raising and management cum egg production,
the participants are given additional knowledge and inputs in raising Ducks for the profitability and
sustainability of the said project. . In addition, the program participants of Barangay Sampaguita
undergone a thorough assessment and processes to ensure readiness, effectivity, and efficiency of the
project as it is a resource based, community driven, and market oriented business enterprise.

In this regards, the pantawid participants is requesting this technical and vocational training to
improved their expertise in Duck Raising cum egg production and the starter kits being requested will
serve as their startup capital to start the business operation as group enterprise and through the
Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development
(DSWD)which also aims toenhance the socio-economic activities of poor families through
entrepreneurial skills development or capacity building trainings for “PantawidPamilya” beneficiaries,
Duck Raising and Management cum Egg Production for the identified participants is deemed useful to
augment profitability.

IV. Objectives:
A. General Objective:This training activity aims to enhance the capabilities and
entrepreneurial skills or talents of the beneficiaries which will contribute to employment
creation and/orincrease of income generating activities.

B. Specific Objectives:At the end of the activity, the participants are expected to:

1. Articulate opportunities to become self-employed through livelihood formation and

business development trainings;
2. Decide, design and enhance to make the existing livelihood grow into viable and
sustainable enterprises; and
3. Revitalize to restore their livelihood undertaking in the community.


To develop and establish Duck Raising and Management cum Egg Production for 50
General “PantawidPamilya” beneficiaries/farmers in Barangay Sampaguita, Veruela, Agusan
del Sur.
To increase the production of Eggs for ballot to cope up the demand of the market

V. Brief Description

This activity is a five(5)-days training that will be conducted in the municipality of

Sibagatfor efficient and effective learning of the participants. The project will be
implemented with thirty beneficiaries.This project will serve as an income-generating activity
for the beneficiaries since eggs of these animals can be sold in the local market or even
outside the province. It can also be sold as live or in meat since local people are fond of
eating this animal especially during special occasion. Furthermore, this training also aims to
establish a good alliance with professional skills training providers or partner agencies to
improve livelihood and increase income generating activities.

The monitoring activities of the said project like proper recording will be done by the
Pilmicio Animal Production Technician. They will be the one to monitor the status of the
animal health. To make the project self-sustaining it has been agreed that the project should
have its own commercial side, where it will be producing and selling piglets to established
beneficiaries who want to grow their business as well as to anyone else who wants to buy
the same. The project shall also venture into meat production. Furthermore, this training
also aims to establish a good alliance with professional skills training providers or partner
agencies to improve livelihood and increase income generating activities.


The proposed project of Duck Raising and Management cum Egg Productionwill be located at
Brgy. Sampaguita, Veruela, Agusandel Sur. It has a hugearea with 1 hectare for the construction of
Poultry house ofwhich farmers can also engage in planting vegetables as additional source of income
and the waste of the poultry duck will serve as fertilizer for vegetables.


Production Technology Support

 Introduce Duck Raising and Management cum Egg Production to the Pantawid Participants


 Conduct Technical Vocational training on Duck Raising and Management cum Egg Production
 Tap with DA and Pilmico to provide technical aspect in Duck raising for best production
 Look for other potential market and tap buyers for greater volume of production
 Pantawid Beneficiaries will manage the Duck Raising base with its assigned Committees

2nd Semester Year 2014 2015

Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
Actual Survey of the area X
For Establishment of Poultry
Identification of Potential X
Project Proposal Preparation X
Training Phase X
Purchase of Materials/kits X
Construction of Poultry X
Start of Operation X
Production X X X X X X X X
Deliver to buyers/Pick up X X X X X X X X
Monitoring and X X X X X X X X


VI. Budgetary Requirements

Breakdowns are as follows:

A. Meals and Snacks Php26,400.00

( 20paxx 240 x3 days) (14,400.00)
( 10pax x 240 2 days) (4,800.00)
(6 pax x 240 x 5 days) (7,200.00)

B. Training Supplies and Materials Php3,815.00

C. Starter Kit Php521,440.00

D. Honorarium (5 days x P1,000) Php5,000.00

E. Labor (10x201x10) Php 40,200.00

F. Contingency Costs(Rentals of equipment, venue and others)Php 0.00

G. Total Amount Php596,855.00


*1 Meals &2 Snacks Php 29,760.00

Batch 1- 31pax X 240.00 X 2 days (14,880.00)
Batch 2- 31pax X 240.00 X 2 days (14,880.00)
*Training Supplies and Materials 7,990.00
(Included in the Consolidated Training Supplies)

*Starter Kits 671,744.00

*Honorarium 9,000.00
Requested Amount for “Technical/Vocational Training Fund”: Php 718,494.00


Particulars QTY Unit Unit Price Total Cost
Stocks (Ready to Lay Eggs) 1100 Pcs. Php 210.00 Php231,000.00 DSWD (100%)
Feeds(laying pellet) 170 sacks 1,350.00 229,500.00 DSWD (100%)
Plastic Drum 15 Pcs. 1200.00 18,000.00 DSWD (100%)
Vitamins 15 Bottle 950.00 14,250.00 DSWD (100%)
Plastic Screen(# 1) 70 Meters 160.00 11,200.00 DSWD (100%)
Bamboo 60 Pcs. 50.00 3,000.00 DSWD (100%)
4 x 4 x 12 Lumber 224 Bd. Ft. 18.00 4,032.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 6 x 24 Lumber 384 Bd. Ft 18.00 6,912.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 4 x 24 Lumber 448 Bd. Ft 18.00 8,064.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 4 x 12 lumber 280 Bd. Ft 18.00 5,040.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 3 x 24 lumber 882 Bd. Ft 18.00 15,876.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 3 x 14 lumber 224 Bd. Ft 18.00 4,032.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 12 x 12 lumber 240 Bd. Ft 18.00 4,320.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 2 x 14 lumber 28 Bd. Ft 18.00 504.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 2 x 24 lumber 112 Bd. Ft 18.00 2,016.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 4 x 12 lumber 32 Bd. Ft 18.00 576.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 4 x 24 lumber 96 Bd. Ft 18.00 1,728.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 12 x 8 lumber 288 Bd. Ft 18.00 5,184.00 DSWD (100%)
1 x 12 x 16 lumber 64 Bd. Ft 18.00 1,152.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 3 x 8 lumber 40 Bd. Ft 18.00 720.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 3 x 10 lumber 30 Bd. Ft 18.00 540.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 4 x 8 lumber 43 Bd. Ft 18.00 774.00 DSWD (100%)
2 x 2 x 15 lumber 325 Bd. Ft 18.00 5,850.00 DSWD (100%)
Washed screen sand 4 Cu. m 1,200.00 4,800.00 DSWD (100%)
Washed gravel ¾ diameter 8 Cu. m 1,600.00 12,800.00 DSWD (100%)
Mix Sand and Gravel 10 Cu. m 650.00 6,500.00 DSWD (100%)
Cement Type 1/ Type 1P 72 bags 250.00 18,000.00 DSWD (100%)
RSB 12 mm diameter x 6.0 m 26 Length 240.00 6,240.00 DSWD (100%)
RSB 10 mm diameter x 6.0 m 45 Length 170.00 7,650.00 DSWD (100%)
G.I Tie wire # 16 30 kgs 60.00 1,800.00 DSWD (100%)
C.W. nails 2 1/2“ 12 kgs 60.00 720.00 DSWD (100%)
C.W. nails 4” 31 Kgs 60.00 1860.00 DSWD (100%)
C.W. nails 2” 7 kgs 60.00 420.00 DSWD (100%)
C.W. nails 3” 20 kgs 60.00 1,200.00 DSWD (100%)
C.W. nails 5” 20 kgs 60.00 1,200.00 DSWD (100%)
¼ x 4 x 8’ Ordinary Plywood 15 sheet 380.00 5,700.00 DSWD (100%)
Nylon # 16 5 rolls 55.00 275.00 DSWD (100%)
Regular Hinges 2- ½ “ 1 set 70.00 70.00 DSWD (100%)
G.I Plain sheet 16 pcs 200.00 3,200.00 DSWD (100%)
Nipa 870 pcs 10.00 8,700.00 DSWD (100%)
¾” PVC pipe 3 length 220.00 660.00 DSWD (100%)
¾ PVC Elbow 1 Pcs. 30.00 30.00 DSWD (100%)
4”x 3m PVC pipe 4 Pcs. 450.00 1,800.00 DSWD (100%)
4” PVC Coupling 3 pcs 60.00 180.00 DSWD (100%)
P.E hose 50 m 30.00 1,500.00 DSWD (100%)
P.E hose Connector Tee 4 Pcs. 100.00 400.00 DSWD (100%)
P.E hose connector Elbow 4 Pcs. 100.00 400.00 DSWD (100%)
P.E hose Connector Female Elbow 4 Pcs. 100.00 400.00 DSWD (100%)
½” dia. Coupling 4 Pcs. 20.00 80.00 DSWD (100%)
Faucet 4 Pcs. 120.00 480.00 DSWD (100%)
1/2 “ dia. X 8” G.I Pipe Threaded 4 Pcs. 21.00 84.00 DSWD (100%)
both End
¾ “ dia. Foot Valve 1 Pc. 320.00 320.00 DSWD (100%)
¾ “ dia. Gate Valve 1 Pc. 320.00 320.00 DSWD (100%)
Pressure Tank 21 gal. capacity ( 2 1 Pc. 9,500.00 9,500.00 DSWD (100%)
Teflon tape (Jumbo) 1 Pc. 35.00 35.00 DSWD (100%)
Solvent Cement 1 pint 150.00 150.00 DSWD (100%)
SUBTOTAL Php671,744.00


Participants 25 Pax. X 240.00 X 2 days X 2 Batches 24,000.00 DSWD (100%)
Facilitators 3 Pax. X 240.00 X 2 days X 2 Batches 2,880.00 DSWD (100%)
Resource person 3 Pax. X 240.00 X 2 days X 2 Batches 2,880.00 DSWD (100%)
Training Supplies And Materials 7,990.00 DSWD (100%)
Honorarium for trainers 3 RPs X P. 1,500.00 X 2 batches 9,000.00 DSWD (100%)
Venue & Audio Visual Equipment 2,500.00 LGU- Veruela
SUBTOTAL 49,250.00
TOTAL Php. 720,994.00


DSWD 99.7% Php720,994.00 Cash
LGU – Veruela .3% 2,500.00 In-Kind
TOTAL 100% Php723,494.00 Cash & In-Kind

PROJECTED SALES/REVENUE for 1month of Operation

No. of Eggs produce/ month Pcs 19,500
Price per Pieces Php 6.50
Projected Sales per Month Php 126,750.00
Projected sales for 1 year Php1,521,000.00
Projected Sales Php 1,521,000.00
Operational Expenses
Salary for Care taker (200 per day X 30 days) 72,000.00
Feeds( Laying Pellet) 1,113,142.00
Vitamins 12,000.00
Depreciation cost of Housing and Equipment 33,334.00
Repair and maintenance 12,000.00
Duck (allocation of RTL) 135,100.00
Electricity 12,000.00
Water 12,000.00



1. Assumptions:
Grower Mash …………………………………. For 1 months
Laying mash…………………………………… After 2 months
Culled …………………………………………. After 2 years
Survival Rate…………………………………... 90%
Ave. Prod’n.of Egg/Duck……………………... 300 eggs/annum
Ave. Marketable Quality………………………. 75%
Price/Egg……………………………………….. Php3.00
Price/Culled Duck……………………………… Php150.00
Price per empty sacks…………………………… Php5.00
Estimated cost of the shade-house……………… Php 36,640.00
Life span of the shade-house…………………… 4 years

2. Monthly Income:
Production and Sales:
900 heads X 225 X Php3.00 = Php 607,500
Empty Sacks(900 sacks x 5.00)………………4,500.00
GROSS INCOME…………………………… Php 612,000.00
LESS: Operating Expenses- Php 478,800.00
Add: Depr’n. Exp. + 3,000.00

NET INCOME……..Php 130,200.00 (for 1 month)

Net Income……..Php 1,562,400 (for 1 year)

ADD: Other income- Culled Ducks………….. 135,000.00 (after 2 years)

3. Return on Investment:

Php 596,855/Php 1,562,400 X 100%

RO I = 38%


A well monitored project both financial and physical operation is vital for the sustainability and
success of this endeavor. With the technical assistance of the following agencies involved, Municipal
Project Development Officers (MPDOs), LGU counterpart, BLGU specifically theBarangay Economic
Action Team (BEAT), DA/Municipal Agricultural Office (MAO) and Pilmico, best outcomes will be

VII. Recommendation

In order of the foregoing rationale and objectives of this proposal, it is important

that the aforementioned activity be conducted to achieve livelihood development and
enhancement of knowledge, skills, and abilities of the beneficiaries. Therefore, is hereby
recommended that the amount of five hundred ninety six thousand and eight
hundred fifty five pesos(Php596,855.00)be approved to cover the expenses of the

Prepared by: Reviewed by:


PDO-II Cluster Coordinator

Noted by: Recommending Approval:


SLP Head ARD/ Head – PRPU

Certified Funds Available: Approved by:


Budget Officer/ AO V Regional Director

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