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TEST 2 - UNITS 3&4


1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (10 x 2 = 20 points)

scientists dangerous happen clever wild award

tired wakes up review plant

1. Cats are very ________________ animals.

2. Earthquakes often ________________ in Japan.

3. Let’s read the ________________ for this movie on this cinema blog.

4. I’m very ________________. Let’s not ride our bikes today.

5. I enjoy reading about ________________ animals in my free time.

6. This movie is amazing! I think it can win a(n) ________________.

7. My father usually ________________ at 6:00 in the morning.

8. Avalanches can be ________________ for skiers.

9. Let’s ________________ some trees in our garden.

10. ________________ can give solutions to many environmental problems.

2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

meeting my friends natural habitats don’t miss it

speak two foreign languages study for school

1. - Is the new “Minions” movie good? - It’s excellent! ______________________________!

2. - Why is water pollution dangerous for sea animals?
- Because it can destroy their ______________________________.
3. - I can draw and play chess. What about you? - I can______________________________!
4. - What do you like doing in your free time, Adam?
- I love ______________________________ and listening to music.
5. - Why don’t we go for a walk at 5:00 this afternoon?
- I can’t. I always ______________________________ at that time.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct object pronoun. (6 x 1 = 6 points)

1. Amy can play the violin. Listen to ________!

2. That boy is in my arts class. I know ________.
3. I can’t do this exercise. Can you help ________, please?
4. The kids are in the yard. I can see ________.
5. We have lunch out on Sundays. Sam has lunch with ________, too.
6. My cat can jump high. Look at ________!

4. Circle the correct answer. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

1. We can clean the house, but we can / can’t cook.
2. I never read / read never books in my free time.
3. - Can you ride a horse? - Yes, I can / can’t.
4. Stella always is / is always tired after work.
5. I hate do / doing my homework in the afternoon.
6. - Can they play chess? - No, they can / can’t.
7. Mary can / can’t draw, but she can sing well.
8. It’s a beautiful day! Let’s having / have lunch in the garden!

5. Fill in with the Present Simple form of the verbs given. (8 x 2 = 16 points)

1. I sometimes ______________________ (work) on Saturday.

2. My sister ______________________ (go) to bed at 9 o’clock.

3. We ______________________ (not swim) in the sea in winter.

4. Emily ______________________ (tidy) her room on Sundays.

5. ___________ you _________________ (surf) the Net every day?

6. How often ___________ Albert _________________ (travel) to the USA?

7. ___________ the boys _________________ (like) watching animated movies?

8. Harry ______________________ (not have) a shower in the morning.

6. Circle the correct answer. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. We often go on holiday _____ the summer.

a. on b. in c. at

2. I’m free on Friday. Let’s _____ shopping!

a. going b. go c. goes

3. - Does your teacher speak Italian in class? - No, he_____.

a. does b. don’t c. doesn’t

4. The basketball game is _____ 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

a. on b. in c. at

5. The end-of-year party is _____ 5th June.

a. on b. in c. at

6. _____ your students like history?

a. Does b. Are c. Do

7. I usually stay at home and surf the Net _____ night.

a. on b. in c. at

8. We are busy today. Let’s _____ our friends.

a. not meet b. not meeting c. don’t meet

9. Margaret’s cousins _____ in Madrid.

a. don’t live b. doesn’t live c. not live

10. My grandmother was born _____ 1945.

a. at b. in c. on

7. Read the dialogue and mark the sentences with T (true) or F (false). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

Amy: Hello, Ken! What’s this?

Ken: Hi, Amy! It’s a great book about wild animals. Which animal is your favourite?
Amy: Hmm ... I like zebras!
Ken: Let’s look for them in the book ... Oh, here they are!
Amy: Is there anything interesting about them?
Ken: Well, zebras can run very fast, up to 65 kilometres/hour! They also live in big groups and they
sleep only when they are near the other zebras in their group. Oh, there’s also a quiz about zebras in the
book. Let’s do it! Do you know the zebra’s name in the 2005 animated movie “Madagascar”?
Amy: Yes, I do. It’s “Marty”! “Madagascar” is my favourite animated movie!

1. Ken’s got a book about wild animals.

2. Amy’s favourite animal is the zebra.

3. Zebras can run more than 60 kilometres/hour.

4. Zebras don’t live with other zebras.

5. Amy doesn’t know the zebra’s name in “Madagascar”.


8. Listen and complete the sentences. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Zoe ______________________ go to the cinema with Ryan.

2. Zoe hates ______________________.
3. The animals in the animated movie have a lot of adventures in the ______________________.
4. The plot of the animated movie is ______________________.
5. The animated movie is on at ______________________ in the evening.

9. Write a paragraph about your favourite movie. (10 points)

Include: You can use the following words/phrases to help

• what type of movie it is
romantic/horror/action/animated/science fiction/fantasy
• your opinion about the plot
movie, comedy, hero, scary, exciting, funny,
• your opinion about the actors/actresses
excellent, full of suspense, amazing, I think/believe
• why you like this movie
(the plot/the actors) is/are ..., boring, talented,
interesting, popular, must-see

My favourite movie is ______________________________________________________________________














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