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Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Guess Papers For 11th English


The Principal,
Govt. College,
A.B.C. (city)
May 30, 2016

Most respectfully, it is stated that I am a bona fide student of your college. I humbly request you to
grant me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My prior academic records validate my diligence and dedication to studies. I will ever endeavor to
uphold my exceptional performance in future. I will undoubtedly be obliged if you consider
my application sympathetically.
Thank you in anticipation.


1. Application for Fee Concession
fee concession because my father's income is very small.
2. Application for Remission of Fine
remission of fine because my father's income is very small.
3. Application for Scholarship
scholarship because my father's income is very small.
4. Application for Character Certificate
character certificate because I am to take admission in the university.
5. Application for Re-admission
permission for re-admission
6. Application for Sick Leave
sick leave for one week because I am seriously ill.
7. Application for Attending the Wedding Ceremony
leave for one week for attending the wedding ceremony of my elder sister.
8. Application for College Leaving Certificate
college leaving certificate because my family has shifted to Islamabad.
9. Application for Change of Subjects
permission to change my subjects because the present selected subjects are rather tough for me.
10. Application for Apologizing Misconduct
pardon for my misbehaviour with one of my teachers.

Application-II (full Length)
Application to the Principal for fee concession

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Application for fee concession


With due respect, I submit that I want to get admission to your prestigious college. I scored 940 Marks in
Matriculation Examination. My father is a retired government servant. His pension is only six thousand
rupees per month. He is too old to work. We have no other source of income. Moreover, my younger
brother and sister are also students. So, it is almost impossible for him to bear my educational expenses.

Rumman Attiq 1
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

I request you for full fee concession so that I may continue my studies. I shall try my best to get some
position in college and Board Examination.

I hope that you will consider my request on sympathetic grounds. I shall be grateful to you for this act of

September 15, 2021

Yours obediently,

Application to the principal for grant of scholarship

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Grant of Scholarship


With due respect, I submit that I need the scholarship to continue my education.

My father is a retired government servant. His pension is very small and he does not have any other
source of income. My brothers and sisters are also students. They are getting the education on merit
scholarships. My father is a heart patient, so he cannot do any job. He is unable to bear my education

I, therefore, request you to grant me the scholarship so that I may continue my studies. I promise that I
shall do my best to get some position in the board exam. My previous academic record is excellent, and I
have got good marks.

I hope you will consider my request on sympathetic grounds.

March 5, 2021

Yours obediently,

Write an application to the principal of your college for refund of library/hostel


The Principal,
Govt. College,

Subject: Application for refund of security/library security


With respect, it is requested that I have been a bonafide student of your college under roll number 540
in F.Sc Biology Group. I have completed my education. Sir, I have paid all the dues of the library and
hostel. The N.O. C. from the concerned offices is attached here with my application. So, I request that
my library /hostel security may be refunded. I shall be thankful to you.

Yours sincerely,


Application to the Principal for change of subjects

The Principal,

Rumman Attiq 2
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Government College,

Subject: Application for change of subjects

With due respect, I submit that I have to attend on my uncle in the hospital for two days. He is a heart
patient and is going to have heart surgery tomorrow. His only son is abroad and will come to Pakistan in
a few days. There is no one else to care for him except me. So, my parents have advised me to attend on
him for two days.
I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for two days. I have discussed my problem with my teachers.
They will help me to make up for the loss of my lectures when I come back.
Thanks in anticipation.
November 15, 2021
Yours obediently,

Application to the Principal for character certificate

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Request for College leaving/character certificate

With due respect, I submit that I need my character certificate as I am applying for admission to the
Engineering University.
I got admission to your esteemed college on merit and I passed my intermediate examination with pre-
engineering subjects, I got 92% marks and won the fourth position in the class.
My academic and co-curricular record is as follows:-

i) My academic session in this college was 2008-2009.

ii) I passed all the house examinations with excellent marks.
iii) I was never fined for any misconduct, and my attendance was 98%.
iv) I was a member of the college cricket team.
v) I participated in all college debates and won the first and second positions.

All my teachers at college considered me a representative student for the college. I request you to issue
my character certificate, mentioning all my academic and extra-curricular achievements in it.
July 23, 2010
Yours obediently,
Application to the principal for re-admission
The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Application for Readmission

With due respect, I submit that my name has been struck off the college rolls due to my absence from
college for two weeks.
I am sorry that I could not inform the college office before leaving the city as I had an emergency. I
received a telephone call in the evening about the heart attack of my uncle. I had to leave for Multan at
once as there was no one else to attend on him in the hospital. I cared for him for a week, but
unfortunately, he could not survive. I had to stay a few days more in Multan as my father was to come
from abroad for the funeral rites.
Keeping in view my past record and good behavior, I request you earnestly to readmit me. I assure you
that in future I shall be careful.
March 5, 2010.
Yours obediently,

Application to the Principal for apologizing for your misconduct

Rumman Attiq 3
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Apologizing for misbehavior

With due respect, I admit my fault that I misbehaved in the class and I seek apology for the same. Here is
the detail of what happened in the class.
I was talking to my class fellow during the lecture. The teacher saw me and asked me to stand at the
back of the class. I felt insulted and lost my good sense. I started to argue with him loudly which I should
not have done.
I am ashamed of my misconduct now. I have also apologized to my teacher for my misbehaviour. Since
the incident has been reported to you, I humbly request you to pardon me this time and give me a
chance to improve myself and show good conduct. I assure you that I shall behave myself in future.
November 5, 2010
Yours obediently,
Application to the Principal for Remission of Fine

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Application for remission of fine

With due respect, I submit that I have been fined five hundred rupees for remaining absent from college
for a week. I am sorry that I could not send in my application for sick leave or intimate the college office
about my illness.
In fact, I was not feeling well, and the doctor diagnosed that I was suffering from a contagious skin
disease. He advised me to take complete bed rest and apply ointment after every four hours.
My father is a government servant and he was on an official tour during my illness. So, there was no one
at home to submit the application. I am now perfectly all right. My medical certificate is attached to the
I request you to consider my application on sympathetic grounds and remit my fine.
December 10, 2010
Yours obediently,

Application to the Principal for two days’ leave

The Principal,
Government College,

Subject: Request for two days leave

With due respect, I submit that I have to attend on my uncle in the hospital for two days. He is a heart
patient and is going to have heart surgery tomorrow. His only son is abroad and will come to Pakistan in
a few days. There is no one else to care for him except me. So, my parents have advised me to attend on
him for two days.
I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for two days. I have discussed my problem with my teachers.
They will help me to make up for the loss of my lectures when I come back.
Thanks in anticipation.
November 15, 2021
Yours obediently,

Rumman Attiq 4
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus


Answer the following questions.
1. Why did Aew3rthur disagree with his wife?
Ans. He disagreed because he considered it a murder to kill anyone for money.

2. What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?

Ans. She received the message of the death of her husband.

3. What had the doctors told the old man?

Ans. They warned him of his impending death due to his weak heart.

4. Why did the old man take the steep path?

Ans. He did so to show that he was still healthy.

5. Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?

Ans. He wanted so because the climate of Mars was very strange and severe.

6. How dangerous can a Martian virus be?

Ans. It can be so dangerous that it can change to physical appearance of the people.

7. What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?

Ans. He fell down and the large woman caught him.

8. Why didn't the boy run from the house of the woman?
Ans. He didn't do so because he was impressed by her kind behaviour.

9. Why did George give the pocket-book to his employer?

Ans. He did so because he was unable to read its contents.

10. What made Hubert shameful?

Ans. To be called a liar made him shameful.

11. What was the subject discussed at the Club?

Ans. It was opportunity and determination.

12. What was the view-point of the parents of Gorgios?

Ans. They thought that opportunity and time were required for success.

13. Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
Ans. He did so to show affection and friendliness.

14. Why did the parents rebuke their sick daughter?

Ans. They rebuked her for her misbehaviour with the doctor.

15. What should be the role of a Qazi?

Ans. A Qazi should do justice to all.

16. Why did the king weep?

Ans. He wept in fear of God which the boy made him realize.

17. What was stuck in the camel's throat?

Ans. A melon was stuck in its throat.

18. What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
Ans. They got the grave of the woman dug by him and then beat him.

19. Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?

Ans. They did so to make the smoke acrid and black.

20. Why are the locusts compared with bad weather?

Ans. They are compared because both are unforeseen calamities for crops.

Rumman Attiq 5
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

21. What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.?

Ans. Freedom, equality and brotherhood of his nation is his dream.

22. What should be the criterion of judgment for a person?

Ans. It should be the greatness of his character.

23. Why did Della sell her hair?

Ans. She sold her hair to buy a gift for Jim.

24. What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things?
Ans. Selling of the most valuable things is a sacrifice which strengthens love.

25. Describe Maulvi Abul's appearance.

Ans. Turban, walking stick, rings and bulging eyes count his appearance.

26. Write the names of Maulvi Adul's daughters.

Ans. These are Mehrunnisa, Shamsun and Zabda.

27. Why did people come out on the Mall?

Ans. They came out to amuse themselves.

28. What kind of music was played in one of the restaurants?

Ans. A foreign orchestra was being played.

29. What does the author like about Christmas?

Ans. He like Christmas because it makes people good and generous.

30. Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for the author?
Ans. It is because most people are instinctively boastful about their possessions.


Answer the following questions.
1. Why couldn't the girl describe the killer?
Ans. It was because she had not seen the killer clearly.

2. What were the circumstances that forced her to leave her car?
Ans. Her car ran out of the gas.

3. Why did she ask for help from First Man?

Ans. She thought that the killer would be behind her.

4. What was the condition of the weather?

Ans. It was stormy. There were flashes of lightning and bursts of thunder.

5. How did Second Man accuse First Man of lying?

Ans. The second man had seen the girl and the first man was unwilling to tell him about her.

6. Does the girl become suspicious of First Man?

Ans. No, she is not doubtful about him till the end.

7. What is her impression about Second Man?

Ans. She considers him a killer but after his departure she thinks he is not.

8. Why didn't she accompany Second Man?

Ans. It was because she thought that he was the man who had been chasing her.

9. How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers?

Ans. He does so by hearing human minds and forming an invisible wall around him and his ship.

10. What is the purpose of Kreton's visit?

Ans. He has come to take the charge of the world.

Rumman Attiq 6
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

11. How much advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of the earth?
Ans. It can control thoughts, read minds and has conquered death.

12. Can the people of the earth compete with those of Kreton?
Ans. No, they cannot. Earth people are slave to their emotions.

13. How damaging is violence in life?

Ans.Violence destroys peace. It invites sufferings, sorrows and wars.

14. What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000?

Ans. It would be a wonderful life scientifically like that of Kreton's people.

15. How impressive were the morals of Kreton?

Ans. His tolerance, patience, politeness and harmlessness are very impressive.

16. What is the role of General Powers in the Play?

Ans. He is set as a contrast with Kreton. He is just a screen to show the qualities of Kreton.

17. What is the theme of Kreton's study?

Ans. The theme of his study is earth and its inhabitants.

18. How does Kreton impress General Powers?

Ans. He does so by hearing his mind and building an invisible wall around him and his ship.

19. Why is Harry sitting in the barber's chair?

Ans. He is getting his hair cut from Clay.

20. What is Harry's philosophy?

Ans. It is, "Take it easy".

21. How much does Harry charge for haircut?

Ans. The regular price is one dollar but he takes a half or a quarter too.

22. Why does Clay need money?

Ans. He needs it to bring his father back home and buy a gift for mother.

23. What has happened to Clay's father?

Ans. Due to poverty, he has fought with his wife and left home.

24. Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she feel about her job?
Ans. She is a young lady teacher. She is confused about her job.

25. What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want?

Ans. She wants a poodle haircut.

26. What does Clark give Harry? For what purpose?

Ans. He gives Harry thirty dollars for his own family.

27. What does Clay believe is in the oyster? How much is its worth?
Ans. He believes that there is a big pearl in it costing three hundred dollars.

28. Why do they want Wozzeck to come?

Ans. They want him to come to open the oyster
29. Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay?
Ans. The writer buys it for three hundred dollars.

30. Does the writer open the oyster? Why not?

Ans. No, he does not. He knows that there is no pearl in it.

Rumman Attiq 7
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus


Answer the following questions.
1. How can a rainy day be enjoyed?
Ans. It can be enjoyed in different ways e.g., we can enjoy rain-noise as a music.

2. What does Night Mail bring?

Ans. It brings letters of different people.

3. What are the feelings of the poet standing in the dark?

Ans. He is disappointed because there is threat of war, misery and poverty.

4. Why has the poet used 'cannon balls' to describe the fruits?
Ans. He has done so because both are round in shape.

5. What did the reader tell the rider about the valley?
Ans. He tells him that the valley is fatal.

6. What did the poet reflect when he saw the woman?

Ans. He reflected, "They stand most straight who learn to walk beneath a weight".

7. What kind of a picture of Karachi slums do we get after reading the poem.
Ans. Karachi slums are dirty and untidy.

8. What did the traveller see in the desert?

Ans. He saw a broken statue of a king, Ozymandias.

9. Who was Ozymandias?

Ans. He was a proud king of Greece.

10. What does the sparrow hold in her beak?

Ans. She is holding a grain of millet.

11. How many young ones are to be fed?

Ans. There are ten young ones to be fed.

12. What has the poet described in the poem, "The Feed"?
Ans. He has described the love of a mother for her young one.

13. Why does the poet call the modern men as hollow men?
Ans. It is because modern men have no wisdom, and have given up all moral norms.

14. Who was Abraham (A.S)?

Ans. He (A.S.) was the prophet of God.

15. What is worse than slavery?

Ans. To have no faith is worse than slavery.

16. Who cannot compete with the civilization of Makkah?

Ans. The Europeans cannot compete it.

17. What has made the efforts of Muslims fruitless?

Ans. It is the lack of love for humanity.

18. Why do the people look powerless and helpless?

Ans. It is because thousands of people are dead and there is no one to help them.

19. Under what circumstances the victims had to pass through?

Ans. They had to pass through very bad, crushing and pitiable circumstances.

20. Describe the scene of devastation in the poem "A Tale of Two Cities".
Ans. Thousands of people were dead. Everything was destroyed. Nothing was left.

Rumman Attiq 8
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

21. What is the moral of the poem, "A Tale of Two Cities"?
Ans. It is that humans should avoid wars and live peacefully.

22. When does a person remember God?

Ans. He remembers God when he loves Him or he is about to die.

23. What is the effect of death scene?

Ans. It makes others aware of the fact that sooner of later, everyone is to die.

24. Why does a person feel helpless on the death of a friend?

Ans. He feels helpless because he cannot avert the laws of nature.

25. Without whose love is Bullah in loss?

Ans. Without God's love, Bullah is in loss.

26. What makes one entangled in love?

Ans. It is beauty and attraction.

27. Why did Mansur mount the gallows?

Ans. He mounted the gallows for the love of his beloved, God.

28. How many attributes of God are mentioned in the poem, "God's Attributes"?
Ans. Three attributes of God are mentioned: Seeing, Hearing and Knowing.

29. What are the effects of the attributes of God?

Ans. These are effective for character building.

30. Why does a person question his senses when the fact fail him?
Ans. He questions his senses because he becomes doubtful about them.


1. A Slave and a Lion

Once a slave ran into a jungle to get rid of the cruelties of his master. There he saw a lion crying with
pain. He noticed that there was a thorn in his paw. The slave took pity on him and pulled out the thorn.
The lion gratefully licked his hands and went away. After some days, the slave was arrested. He was
thrown before a hungry lion as his punishment. But the people were surprised to see that the lion began
to lick his hands. In fact, it was the same lion whom the slave had helped in the jungle.
(i) Do good, have good.
(ii) Kindness never goes unrewarded.
2. A Farmer and His Sons
Once an old farmer had three quarrelsome sons. He was much worried about them. Once he fell ill
seriously. He sent for his sons. He asked them to bring a bundle of sticks. When the bundle was brought,
he asked them to break it one by one. They all tried their best but failed to break it. Then the farmer
untied the bundle and asked each son to break a single stick. They broke all the sticks easily. Thus the
farmer advised them that they would be strong when united and weak when separated.
(i) Union is strength.
(ii) United you stand, divided you fall.
3. A Woodcutter and the Angel
Once a woodcutter was felling a tree on the banks of a river. By chance, his axe fell into the water. He
became upset. Suddenly an angel appeared there. Having heard his sad story, the angel dived into the
river and brought out a golden axe. The woodcutter refused to take it because it was not his axe. The
angel dived again and brought out a silver axe. It was also refused by the same reason. The angel dived
again and brought out the woodcutter's iron axe. The woodcutter accepted it happily. Impressed by his
honesty, the angel also gifted him the other two axes.
Honesty is the best policy.
4. Two Friends and a Bear

Rumman Attiq 9
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Once two friends set out on a journey. While passing through a jungle they saw a bear coming
towards them. One of them climbed up a tree but the other could not. However, the later knew that the
bear did not eat the dead. So he lay down and held his breath. The bear sniffed him and went away
considering him dead. The selfish friend climbed down the tree and asked what the bear had said in his
ears. The later said that it had advised me to beware of selfish friend. So he said him good-by and
continued his journey alone.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
5. A Foolish Stage
Once a stage was drinking water at a stream. He happened to see his reflection in the water. He felt
proud of his beautiful horns but despised his thin legs. Suddenly he saw a pack of hounds at a distance.
He ran as fast as his legs could help him. Soon he left the hounds far behind. He had to pass through a
thick forest of bushes. His horns got caught in a bush. He tried hard to pull his horns out of it but all in
vain. By now the hounds came up. They fell upon him and tore him to pieces.
(i) Pride hath a fall.
(ii) All that glitters in not gold
6. Three Friends and a Bag of Gold
Once three friends set out on a journey to seek a job. While passing through a jungle, they found a
bag full of gold coins. They decided to divide them equally among themselves. After sometime, they felt
hungry. One of them went to fetch food. He decided to kill the other two. He bought some poison and
mixed it in their food. The other two were even greedier. When the man arrived there, they fell upon
him and killed him. As they were hungry, they began to eat the food. As soon as they ate it, they fell
senseless and died.
(i) Greed is a curse.
(ii) As you sow, so shall you reap.

7. The Bee and the Dove

A bee once fell into a pond. It was going to drown. A dove saw that the bee was dying. She plucked a
large leaf. She dropped it into the water near the bee. The bee climbed into the leaf, dried its wings, and
flew to its hive safe and sound. It was thanks to the dove for her kindness. It wished to do her a good
A few days later, the dove was sitting on the branch of a tree. A hunter was taking aim at her with his
gun. The bee arrived at the nick of time. It saw the danger, the dove was in. at once it sat upon the
hunter’s hand and stung. He moved his hand with pain and missed the aim. The dove flew away in safety
thanking the bee.
Do Good, Have Good.

8. The King and the Spider.

Once upon a time there was a king in Scotland. His name was Robert Bruce. He fought many battles.
Once he was defeated. He ran away from the battle field. He hide himself in a cave.

There was a spider in that cave. It was trying to reach the roof of the cave. It failed again and again. After
every fall, the spider tried again. It did not lose heart. The spider reached its web in the seventh attempt.

The spider taught King Bruce a good lesson. It filled him with new hope and courage. He left the cave
and gathered his forces.

This time he fought bravely and was successful in making his country free.

Try, Try again until you succeed.

9. The Hen That Laid Golden Eggs (A Strange Hen)

Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He had a strange hen. He laid an egg of gold daily. He sold the
golden eggs to the goldsmith. Slowly the man became very rich.
He thought that the stomach of the hen must be full of eggs of gold. He could get all the eggs by cutting
open the stomach. The farmer became greedy. He was not contented with getting one egg daily. He
wanted to get all the eggs at once.
So, he cut open the stomach of the hen. To his surprise there were no golden egg in it. He repented
upon his folly. But nothing could be done. He was very sad. He had lost a hen that laid a golden egg

Rumman Attiq 10
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Moral:- 1- Don't be greedy.

2- Greed is a curse.
3- Haste makes waste.
4- It is no use crying over spill milk


(A) RTC (Reference to the Context)

(i) Reference: The Rain by W.H. Davies
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of two natural phenomena; rain and sunshine.
(ii) Reference: Night Mail by W.H. Auden
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of a train that carries mails for everyone.
(ii) Reference: Loveliest of Tress, the Cherry Now by A. E. Housman
Context: This poem is a beautiful description of cherry tree in spring and winter.
(iv) Reference: O Where are You Going? by W.H. Auden
Context: This poem is an imaginary dialogue between two opposite forces; good and evil.
(v) Reference: In the Street of Fruit Stalls by Jan Stallworthy
Context: This poem is a symbolic presentation of the world threatened with war and poverty.
(vi) Reference: A Sindhi Woman by Jan Stallworthy
Context: This poem is a rich tribute to hard work even under a pressure.
(vii) Reference: Times from Ecclesiastes
Context: This poem tells us that everything happens in this world according to a planned schedule.
(viii) Reference: Ozymandias by P.B. Shelly
Context: This poem shows the pride of man and tells that human beings are mortal but art is not.
(ix) Reference: The Feed by Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
Context: This poem shows the love of mother for her young ones and criticizes modern science.
(x) Reference: The Hollow Men by T.S. Eliot
Context: This poem satirizes modern men who are leading aimless and worthless lives.
(xi) Reference: Leisure by W.H. Davies
Context: This poem satirizes modern busy men who have no time to enjoy the beauties of Nature.
(xii) Reference: Ruba'iyat by Allama Iqbal
Context: This poem tells the miserable condition of the Muslims and urges upon the need of strong
(xiii) Reference: A Tale of Two Cities by John Peter
Context: This poem praises the people of Japan for their hard work to regain their lost strength.
(xiv) Reference: My Neighbour Friend Breathing His Last! by Bullah Shah
Context: This poem describes that the death of others creates feelings of fear in us and we remember
(xv) Reference: He Came to Know Himself by Sachal Sarmast
Context: This poem tells us that Allah comes on the earth in the guise of His lovers like Mansur.
(xvi) Reference: God's Attributes by Jalaluddin Rumi
Context: This poem describes three limitless attributes of God; "Seeing", "Hearing" and "Knowing".
(xvii) Reference: The Delight Song by N. Scott Monaday
Context: This poem reflects the inner happiness of the poet due to his good relation with man and
(xviii) Reference: Love - An Essence of All Religions by Jalaluddin Rumi
Context: This poem suggests that love can solve problems and change adversities into pleasures.
(xix) Reference: A Man of Words and Not of Deeds by Charles Perault
Context: This poem criticizes those lazy people who waste their time and finally meet a tragic end.
(xx) Reference: In Broken Images by Robert Graves
Context: This poem tells that man meditates to know the facts of life but remains curious about them.

These are very reflective and thought-provoking lines. These have many layers of meanings. The
surface meaning is simple and easy to understand. However, the hidden meaning is somewhat complex
and not easy to discern for a common reader. In these lines the poet says that

Rumman Attiq 11
Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus



1.Accept He accepted my gift.

Except All except Ahmad were present in the party.
2. Access This is an easy access to the village.
Excess Excess of everything is bad.
3. Advise My father advised me to work hard.
Advice Ali did not act upon my advice.
4. Adapt Adapt yourself to the new situation.
Adopt He has adopted bad habits.
5. Affect The disease affected his health.
Effect My advice has no effect on him.
6. Altar They brought the animal to the altar.
Alter You should not alter your plan.
7. Accident He died in a road accident.
Incident This incident changed his life.
8. Addition This book is a new addition in my library.
Edition This is the third edition of the book.
9. Allusion His speech was full of allusions.
Illusion This world is an illusion.
10. Angle Draw an angle of ninety degree.
Angel Hazrat Jabriel (A.S) is a famous angel
11. Ascent The ascent of this hill is not easy.
Assent The principal gave assent to my application.
12. Apposite He gave apposite remarks.
Opposite My house is opposite to the Masjid.
13. Audible Your voice was not audible.
Edible The price of the edible oil has gone up.
14. Bail The court released him on bail.
Bale He sold fifty bales of cotton.
15. Bear I saw a bear in the zoo.
Bare He came in the Masjid bare-headed.
16. Berth He reserved a berth in the train.
Birth What is your date of birth?
17. Beside The child is sitting beside his mother.
Besides Besides, Urdu, I can speak English as well.
18. Break He did not break the glass.
Brake My bike has no brakes
19. Bridle He held the bridle of the horse.
Bridal She has worn her bridal dress.
20. Cannon Cannons are used in the war.
Canon I believe in the canons of morality.
21. Canvas I like canvas shoes.
Canvass He is canvassing for himself.
22. Cast Did you cast your vote?
Caste I do not believe in caste system.
23. Cease The workers have ceased working.
Seize The people have seized the thief.
24. Cell The criminal was kept in the cell.
Sell You sell school books.
25. Check I have checked all the notebooks.
Cheque He gave me a blank cheque.
26. Cite He cited a verse from the Holy Quran.
Site This is a good site for new school.
27. Cloth My father deals in cloth.
Clothe I wear new clothes on the Eid day.
28. Coarse I shall buy the coarse cloth.

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Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Course We have completed our course.

29. Coma He remained in coma before death.
Comma A comma is a punctuation mark.
30. Confident I am confident of my success.
Confidant He is my confidant.
31. Corps He works in Education Corps.
Corpse I saw a corpse on the road.
32. Council The council agreed on the issue.
Counsel You should act upon my counsel.
33. Cue The actors should learn their cues.
Queue She had to stand in a queue.
34. Cool ‫ ا‬It is blowing a cool breeze.
Cold It is too cold to go out.
35. Diary I write my diary daily.
Dairy We get milk from the dairy farm.
36. Dear Kids are very dear to me.
Deer The deer runs very fast
37. Descent The descent is very steep.
Decent She has decent manners.
38. Dew Dew drops are lying on the grass.
Due He did not come to school due to illness.
39. Device Computer is an electronic device.
Devise I have devised rules for myself.
40. Die She died of cancer.
Dye Please dye my shirt.
41. Dose Ali took a dose of medicine.
Doze He was dozing in the class.
42. Desert The Gobi desert is difficult to cross.
Dessert For dessert there was ice-cream.
43. Discover I discovered a new thing.
Invent Marconi invented radio.
44. Dam In Pakistan there are many dams.
Damn I damn care you.
45. Draught He drank a glass of water in single draught.
Drought Drought ruined the crops this year.
46. Dual He has dual nationality.
Duel He killed his enemy in a duel.
47. Drown Two children were drowned in the river.
Sink A ship sank in the sea last year.
48. Defer The court deferred the case for a month.
Differ We both differ on politics.
49. Eminent Allama Iqbal is an eminent poet.
Imminent There is an imminent danger of war.
50. Envelope Put the letter in the envelope.
Envelop The gift was enveloped in a beautiful packing.
51. Ensure He ensured me of his help.
Insure The car is insured.
52. Essay This essay is very easy.
Assay We assayed to climb the hill.
53. Excite I was excited on my birthday.
Incite Do not incite Junaid against me.
54. Elder My elder brother is a lawyer.
Older Each day we grow older
55. Fare The bus fares have increased.
Fair I like village fair.
56. Further r He sank further into debt.
Farther We could not go farther.
57. Feet His feet are bare.
Feat The juggler performed many feats.
58. Floor I live on the ground floor.
Flour My uncle has a flour mill.
59. Forward At last he took a step forward.
Foreword He has written a foreword to this book.

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Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

60. Foul Good players do not play foul.

Fowl We keep fowls.
61. Fetch He fetched me a glass of water.
Bring You always bring good books.
62. Float We float the boats on the water.
Swim He can swim for hours.
63. Gait Her gait is very graceful.
Gate This is the main gate of college.
64. Gamble They gamble on the horses.
Gambol Children were gambling in the lawn.
65. Great Quaid-e-Azam was a great leader.
Grate Fire was burning in the grate.
66. Guilt He confessed his guilt.
Gilt She bought a gilt mirror.
67. Hale I am hale and hearty.
Hail It hailed in the morning.
68. Heal This wound will heal soon.
Heel His heel was injured.
69. Hair Get your hair cut.
Hare A dog was chasing a hare.
70. Heir His property was divided among his heirs.
Air Fresh air is blowing.
71. Herd A herd of cattle was grazing in the field.
Heard I have just heard good news.
72. Hew He was hewing down the tree.
Hue We saw birds of different hue in the zoo.
73. Hole There is a hole in my pocket.
Whole The whole class attended the function.
74. Human To err is human.
Humane Our teacher is very noble and humane.
75. House He lives in a decent house.
Home East or west, home is the best.
76. Ice She slipped on the ice and fell.
Snow It is snowing heavily outside.
77. Idol Muslims don’t worship idol.
Idle An idle student never succeeds.
78. Judicial Liaqat is facing a judicial inquiry.
Judicious It was a judicious decision.
79. Later You can join us at a later stage.
Latter He fell ill in the latter part of his life.
80. Lessen We should try to lessen the pains of others.
Lesson I have learnt a good lesson from this story.
81. Liar He is a liar.
Lawyer Mudassar is a lawyer.
82. Lose He lost his purse yesterday.
Loose He wore a loose shirt.
83. Made This car was made in Japan.
Maid She is dutiful maid.
84. Mail He sent a mail to me.
Male He is the only male member of the family.
85. Main Kashmir problem is the main problem.
Mane Our horse has a white main.
86. Marry She was married last year.
Merry They are making merry today.
87. Meat We eat meat.
Meet He meets me daily.
88. Medal He has won the gold medal.
Meddle Don’t meddle with my affairs.
89. Miner He is a coal miner.
Minor This problem is minor one.
90. Oar The boatman used the oars skillfully.
Ore There are many iron ores in this area
91. Pail They boiled two pails of water.

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Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

Pale He looks very weak and pale.

92. Pain I am feeling pain in my left hand.
Pane The window panes were broken.
93. Patrol Police is patrolling the streets.
Petrol The prices of petrol have gone up.
94. Peace Let us pray for the world peace.
Piece Give me a piece of advice.
95. Pour He poured tea into the cup.
Pore There are many pores in our body.
96. Practice We had a good match practice.
Practise Let’s practise what we say.
97. Pray Please pray for my success.
Prey The tiger is looking for his prey.
98. Pattern The pattern of this print is very good.
Patron He is the patron of this club.
99. Plain The surface of this table is plain.
Plane We boarded the plane at noon.
100. Precede We were preceded by our guide.
proceed He has proceeded on long leave.
101. Principal The principal accepted my request.
Principle He is a man of principles.
102. Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last prophet of Allah.
Profit This business will give you a lot of profit.
103. Pair You can work in pairs.
Pare We should pare our nails regularly.
104. Personal This car is for my personal use only.
Personnel He is my personnel.
105. Quite He is quite happy in this new house.
Quiet Please keep quiet for some time.
106. Reign The reign of Ayub Khan was a period of prosperity.
Rein Hold the rein of the horse.
107. Right This is the right answer.
Rite They are performing rites.
108. Ring She is wearing a beautiful ring.
Wring Wring the clothes before drying them.
109. Role A teacher plays an important role in the society.
Roll He is rolling the paper.
110. Road This is the main road of the city.
Rode He rode the horse and went away.
111. Root The roots of this tree are very deep.
Route This is the shortest route to Multan.
112. Sail He sailed the boat in the river Ravi.
Sale This house is for sale.
113. Scene It is a very beautiful scene.
Seen Had you seen her before marriage?
114. Soot The chimney is full of soot.
Suit He is wearing a new suit.
115. Soul May her soul rest in peace.
Sole There is a hole in the sole of my shoe.
116. Stationery I have bought stationery for my office.
Stationary The sun is stationary.
117. Story This is an interesting story.
Storey We live in a single-story house.
118. Steal He steals different goods.
Steel This jug is made of steel.
119. Sight It is a beautiful sight.
Cite He cited a verse from the Holy Quran.
120. Team He is the best player of our team.
Teem This lake teems with fish.
121. Tale She likes fairy tales.
Tail This dog has a long tail.
122. Tire This long journey has tired me.
Tyre I have bought new tyres for my bike.

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Aspire College Khurrianwala Campus

123. Urban Urban life is very busy life.

Urbane He has urbane manners.
124. Vain He tried hard to pass the exam but all in vain.
Vein Veins carry blood from body to heart.
125. Vale Kashmir is a beautiful vale.
Veil She wears a veil
126. Vine The big vine is full of grapes.
Wine Wine is the mother of all evils.
127. Voice She was talking in low voice.
Vice Our society is suffering from many vices.
128. Waist His waist is 32 inches.
Waste You waste much time.
129. Wages The wages of sin is hell.
Salary His salary has been raised.
130. Wait I cannot wait for you.
weight Her weight is 40 K.G. 131.
Way This is the shortest way to our school.
Weigh This bale weigh about 20 K.G.
132. Weak He is very weak in English.
Week I shall visit you next week.
133. Weather The weather is very dry these days.
Whether I do not know whether he would come or not.
134. Wonder I wonder what she will do next.
Wander He wanders whole day long.
135. Waive The rule about uniform may be waived.
Wave No one can count the waves of the sea.
136. Yolk The yolk of the egg is healthful.
Yoke The Kashmiris will be free from the yoke of slavery.

30. _____: I asked my teacher the meaning of ---------.

_____: I searched the meaning of -------- in the dictionary.

Rumman Attiq 16

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