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1. The change in angle of attack produced by varying the pitch of the blade is known as:
(a) Pitching
(b) Feathering
(c) Flapping
2. Vertical flight is achieved by the simultaneous and equal change of pitch on the main rotor
blades; this is known as:
(a) Cyclic feathering
(b) Cyclic pitch change
(c) Collective pitch change
3. When a main rotor disc is tilted to achieve translational flight, the rotor useful force is divided
into two components as follows:
(a) A vertical component which opposes aircraft weight and a horizontal component which
opposes drag
(b) A vertical component which opposes aircraft weight and a horizontal component which
produces thrust
(c) A vertical component which produces thrust
4. The term used to describe the change of flight from the HOVER condition to flight in any
direction is:
(a) Translational
(b) Translation
(c) Transmission
5. The main rotor drive shaft is tilted 3o forward of the vertical, and is desired to jack up the
helicopter to achieve a level rotor head, the fuselage altitude must be:
(a) Longitudinal 0o and lateral left
(b) Longitudinal 3o tail down and lateral 0o
(c) Longitudinal 3o nose down and lateral 0o
6. Max. forward speed is achieved when:
(a) The engine is at max. R.P.M
(b) Cyclic control is no longer available to overcome disc flapback
(c) The main rotor R.P.M are at maximum
7. The airflow over part of the main rotor will be in the reverse direction:
(a) In the vortex ring state
(b) Underground cushion effect
(c) At high forward speeds
8. The main rotor drive shaft on most modern helicopter is tilted forward:
(a) To offset the tenancy of the aircraft to drift sideways
(b) To ensure a substantially level altitude in forward translational flight
(c) To give a greater angle to the rotor tilt to overcome the tendency of the disc to flap back
under dissymmetry of lift
9. An increase in air density will result in:
(a) Less lift being developed by the main rotor
(b) More lift being developed by the main rotor
(c) No change in the amount of lift being developed by the main rotor
10. During an autorotative descent, rotor R.P.M will be:
(a) Higher than in powered flight
(b) Substantially the same as in powered flight
(c) Lower than in powered flight
11. Autorotative force is:
(a) The rate of descent in autorotation required to maintain lift
(b) The resultant of lift and drag forces on the blades during an autrotative descent
(c) The force the pilot must apply to the collective to prevent it rising during the descent
12. If autorotative R.P.M are too high, the correct procedure to rectify this is to:
(a) Increase pitch on all blades
(b) Decrease pitch on all blades
(c) Back off the lower collective lever stop
13. Rotor blades are subjected to:
(a) Lift, centrifugal force, weight and drag
(b) Thrust, drag, weight
(c) Lift, drag, weight
14. The main rotor drive shaft on most modern helicopters is tilted forward:
(a) To offset the tendency of the aircraft to drift midways
(b) To ensure a substantially level altitude in forward translational flight
(c) To give a greater angle to the rotor tilt to overcome the tendency of the disc to flap back
under dissymmetry of lift
15. Vibration in helicopters can be sensed through the use of:
(a) Magnetic pickup
(b) Interrupters
(c) Accelerometers
16. Track may be checked in the air by the:
(a) Flap method
(b) Stick method
(c) Strobe method
17. Which of the following tracking methods can be used for both ground and in flight tracking
(a) Light reflector method
(b) Pre-track method
(c) Track method
18. Track may be adjusted by:
(a) Trim
(b) Pitch change rod
(c) Either (a) or (b) above depending on the helicopter
19. The term “sweeping the blade” is associated with:
(a) Semi-rigid rotors
(b) Fully articulated rotors
(c) Composite rotor blades
20. Rigging pins and fixtures are supplied by helicopter manufacturers to:
(a) Assist the engineer in control rigging
(b) Disconnect hydraulic power assistance when control load becomes excessive
(c) Lock out the artificial feel systems
21. Autorotation R.P.M is adjusted by:
(a) Adjusting the pitch links equally
(b) Adding weight to blade rotation bolts
(c) Shortening a pitch link and lengthening the other
22. Vertical vibration is usually more prominent int.
(a) Hover
(b) Forward speed
(c) Low rotor R.P.M
23. How does a helicopter obtain its THRUST:
(a) From the rotor useful force
(b) From the centrifugal force acting on the blades
(c) From its flapping hinges
24. A helicopter is in the hover
(a) When the rotors total useful force equals the weight force
(b) When the rotors useful force is greater than the weight force
(c) When the density of air above the blade is greater than air below the blade
25. To prevent blade sailing:
(a) Droop and flap restrainers are fitted
(b) Drag dampers are fitted
(c) Blade sailing dampers are fitted
26. Blade sailing is most likely to occur
(a) During starting or stopping, low rotor RPM and gusty wind condition
(b) In hover
(c) In forward flight
27. To prevent dissymmetry of lift in the tail rotor
(a) flapping hinges are fitted
(b) it does not affect operation of the helicopter
(c) it can be corrected by movement of the rudder pedals
28. movement of the collective stick will:
(a) alter the pitch of the advancing blades more than the retreating blades
(b) alter the pitch on all blades equally
(c) tilt the swashplate forward
29. why is a freewheel unit necessary on a helicopter transmission system:
(a) to enable the engine to be started
(b) so that when the helicopter is in forward flight the freewheel unit take the load
(c) in the event of an engine failure the rotor will continue to turn
30. A swashplate is used for:
(a) Controlling the dragging of a blade
(b) Taking the loads of the rotor away from the flying controls
(c) Transmitting stationary control movement to rotating control movement

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