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Republic of the Philippines

Region IV-B
Department of Education

Concepcion National High School-Main

Poblacion, Concepcion, Romblon

Contemporary Philippine Arts from the Region

Grade 11-HUMSS/TVL

A. Content Standards
The learner has an understanding of the significant roles of artists from the regions
B. Performance Standards
Creates avenues to advocate the arts from the different regions Learning
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives/LC code
1. Compares forms of arts from the different regions CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-7
2. Interprets and relates the significance of arts forms from the regions
CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-8
3. Promotes arts from the regions CAR11/12CAP-0c -e-9
Significant Contemporary artists from the regions (emphasizing the region where the
school is based)
1. National Artists
2. Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
DISS Reader

A. Reviewing previous lesson/presenting the new lesson
Give some GAMABA Awardees and their craft.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Ask: How can you promote your art, if ever you have, to your fellow citizen?
C. Presenting examples/instance of the new lessons
The teacher will group the students into five to perform the following tasks:
1. Choose a leader and make a short creative introduction of your group.
2. 10 minutes will just be given for each group to prepare.
3. Maximum of three minutes will be allotted to presentation
4. The task to perform will just be assign by picking the number.
Task 1: Talk about the choreography from the different regions.
Task 2: Discuss the various musical instruments from different regions.
Task 3: Explain the literary pieces of each region
Task 4: Comment on the theatrical performance of each region.
Task 5: Compare the visual design found in the different regions.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
The teacher will show some brochures, commercials, flyers, and the kinds that
promotes arts from the different regions.
E. Developing mastery
The student will listen to a song that promotes art forms.
Process questions:
1. What are the art forms discussed in the song?
2. How was the art forms promote in the song?
F. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living.
I can make it!
The students will make a song to interpret the significance of various art forms from
different regions.
The song will only have intro, chorus and refrain only.
It can be of any tune.
G. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What is the significance of doing something that promotes arts of our artists from
the different regions?
H. Evaluating learning
What can you do as a student to promote the arts from your region?
I. Additional activities for application
Performance Standard:
The student will be grouped into five groups.
Each group will choose a leader and a secretary
The group will think of a way they promote the arts from the different regions,
(commercial, program, painting, brochure, etc.)
After the group planned, they will discuss and present their agreement in front.
Actual presentation will be on the next session. The group will be graded based on
the following:
1. Creativity- 30%
2. Originality and Resourcefulness- 25%
3. Content and Organization- 25%
4. Props/Costume- 10%
5. Impact- 10%

Prepared by: Noted by:


Subject Teacher Principal III

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