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List of 50 Essays for preparation of CSS exam

 Peace the essential message of our religion

 Time management is the key note of success.
 Lack of discipline - a national disaster.
 Materialism in the death of spirituality.
 Poetry is the highest form of expression - the greatest proof is the Holy Quran.
 Dreams for future rely on the work of today.
 Can be prevent the Third World War?
 Global Warming, fact or fiction?
 Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.
 The more developed a country, the more lethally it is armed.
 Higher education as an agent of change.
 The future of mankind in a \"Global Warming\" perspective.
 Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty.
 The image of Islam in the western world and responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah.
 A country is backward because its people are backward.
 Globalization and electronic media.
 The present system of education must assume some of the responsibilities of our failures
media. Discuss.
 Political is the art of possible. Discuss.
 Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary.
 The state of women Rights in Pakistan.
 The Future of Democracy in Pakistan.
 Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind.
 co-education , Merits and Demerits
 The food crisis: problems, challenges and opportunities for Pakistan.
 English as the Medium of Education in Pakistan.
 The future of UNO, Hopes and Hurdles
 There is no great genius without a mixture of madness.
 Status of Women in Islam
 Pakistan\'s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politic, socio, economic fronts.
 Power of Media in the Modern World.
 Literature is the best criticism of life.
 Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism.
 Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their management.
 The U.N.O has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter.
 All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but they are in shackles everywhere.
 Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan?
 Can women be equal to men in Pakistan?
 Without independent truth-finding commission, accountability is unachievable.
 Religion has done more harm than help to human relations in the world.
 The world politics stands more derisive than it was ever before due to the specific
imperialist designs.
 Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom enjoys by the print media and electronic
 Without good communication skills, life becomes impossible in the modern world.
 The time we live in is the winter of the world.
 In this country reason does not apply to anything.
 Does Pakistani society regard women as the angle in the house of the source of all evils?
 Disaster management and government preparedness.
 Fair play and life, as it is lived, in the land of poor.
 The pleasure of reading.
 What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state?
 Insanity in individual is something rare but groups, parties and nations it is the rule.

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