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I. Phonetic
1. A. campus B. cake C. capture D. hamburger
2. A. publish B. cut C. bury D. but
3. A. fly B. scenery C. slowly D. usually
4. A. wood B. look C. cook D . blood
5. A. china B. check C. chemist D. chocolate
II. Word stress
6. A. computer B. imprudent C. powerful D. tradition
7. A. allocation B. locality C. respectfully D. successfully
8. A. beloved B. decision C. motorbike D. proficient
9. A. athletics B. hopelessness C. resident D. tolerance
10. A. practical B. notation C. reconcile D. wanderings
III. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
11. You are late again! Please, try to be ______ in future.
A. accurate B. efficient C. punctual D. reliable
12. According to the ______ of the contract, tenants must give six months notice if they intent to leave.
A. laws B. rules C. terms D. details
13. All the ______of the dances went to charity.
A. results B. proceeds C. rewards D. finances
14. Enough money has been raised to ______ the hospital’s survival.
A. ensure B. enlarge C. enable D. empower
15. When they retired they bought a tiny ______ in the country.
A. mansion B. bungalow C. shack D. barn
16. It is too early in the ______ to expect many visitors to the town.
A. term B. season C. time D. calendar
17. There is no reason to______ his honesty; he is absolutely sincere.
A. search B. doubt C. inquire D. ask
18. Blue whales are considered _______ species.
A. dangerous B. danger C. endangered D. endanger
19. Fax machines were a wonderful _______ at the time.
A. inventive B. invention C. discover D. discovery
20. A computer is _______ of doing almost anything you ask it to.
A. able B. disable C. capable D. ability
21. He was offered the job _______ his qualifications were poor.
A. although B. in spite of C. because of D. because
22. Do you know the reason _______he didn’t marry her?
A. when B. where C. why D. which
23. I can answer the question _______ you say is difficult.
A. which B. whom C. who D. whose
24. Bao Yen sings _______ than this singer.
A. well B. better C. gooder D. more good
25. Paper money _______ for over a thousand years.
A. used B. is used C. has used D. has been used
26. She apologized _______ late.
A. to arriving B. in arriving D. for arriving D. at arriving
27. We're in good time; there's __________ to hurry
A. no purpose B. no need C. unnecessary D. impossible
28. Mary never cooks ______?
A. did not she B. doesn’t she C. does she D. did she
29. For lunch, you may have ______ fish or chicken.
A. both B. neither C. not only D. either
30. The stereo radio is twice_______ the cassette player.
A. cheaper than B. as cheap as C. as cheapest as D. much cheaper as
31.There are ten children_______ in the yard near my house.
A. play B. plays C. to play D. playing
32. “If I were you, I would go to the doctor,” Peter said to Mary.
A. Peter told Mary to become a doctor.
B. Peter told Mary that he will go to the doctor.
C. Peter advised Mary not to go to the doctor.
D. Peter advised Mary to go to the doctor.
33. In today’s paper it _______that we shall have an election this year.
A. says B. admits C. expresses D. proposes
34. Tropical diseases are comparatively _______ in Europe.
A. scarce B. rare C. slight D. few
35. She _______ the cold climate.
A. used to B. get used to C. got used to D. has used to
36. He was surprised _______her wonderful beauty on the Women’s Day.
A. to B. at C. with D. on
37. A dictionary is a _______ book.
A. research B. fiction C. reference D. catalogue
38. The _______ in Viet Nam usually begins in December and ends in July.
A. football match B. football team C. football fan D. football season
39. I am going to a job _______tomorrow.
A. arrangement B. appointment C. interview D. meeting
40. I shall do the job to the best of my _______.
A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent
41. The woman said “This carpet was made _______so it is expensive”
A. by hand B. by the hand C. by hands D. by our hands
42. When they could put _______ the noise no longer, they banged on their neighbor’s door.
A. back B. in for C. off D. up with
43. We don’t sell foreign newspaper because there is no _______for them.
A. request B. claim C. requirement D. demand
44. In the legal profession, men _______women by 5 to 1.
A. outnumber B. supersede C. overcome D. outclass
45. That was absolutely delicious. Can you give me the _______?
A. formula B. instruction C. prescription D. recipe
46. I wish I _________ all about this matter a week ago.
A. knew B. know C. had known D. knowing
47. _________ I hear that song, I think of you.
A. Whatever B. Forever C. Whenever D. However
48. He was made _________ for two hours.
A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited
49. My boss is angry with me. I didn’t do all the work that I _________ last week.
A. should do B. should have done C. must have done D. might have done
50. Your bad result made me__________.
A. disappoint B. disappointed C. disappointing D. disappointedly
IV. Guided clozed text
Cotton has been grown for thousands of years in places as (66)________ apart as Mexico, China,
Egypt, and India. American colonists (67) ________ to grow cotton in the early 1600s. Before 1800, cotton was
a great luxury, more expensive than silk, (68) ________ so many workers were needed to pick it. (69)
________, a huge increase in the number of slaves in the American South (70) ________ in much greater cotton
production and a fall (71) ________ the price. This, and the new technology of the industrial (72) ________,
made cotton the cheapest fabric in history. By 1820, cotton (73) ________ more money for the United States
than tobacco, and more money worldwide than sugar. Many Southern farmers and plantation (74) ________
believed that slave labor was (75) ________ for them to make money growing cotton.
66. A. long B. away C. out D. far
67. A. started B. brought C. came D. carried
68. A. after B. although C. despite D. because
69. A. In addition B. Since C. However D. Therefore
70. A. took B. resulted C. brought D. was
71. A. to B. in C. down D. of
72. A. factory B. reform C. revolution D. company
73. A. will make B. has made C. makes D. had made
74. A. keepers B. owners C. growers D. directors
75. A. necessary B. based C. certain D. made
V. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. We enjoy (81. permit) _________ (82. stay) ______ up late if there is something special on TV.
2. Tom (83. lose) _______ his job eight months ago, and since then he (84. be) _______________ unemployed.
3. Look, Trung! You (85. know) _________the man who (86. talk) ___________ to our teacher?
4. This morning while I (87. wait) _______________for the bus, the rain (88. stop) _______________.
5. Jenny (89. study) _______________French for a few month last year.
6. We decide (90. spend) _______________ our holiday at DaLat.
91. He treated them with _______________. (generous)
92. How many _______________entered the race? (compete)
93. If you are _______________with our service, please write to the manager. (satisfy)
94. He drives so _______________that he often has accidents. (care)
95. Flowers are often _______________by bees as they gather nectar. (fertile)
96. I think these thin clothes are _______________for cold weather. (suit)
97. The computer is one of the most marvelous _______________in our modern age. (invent)
98. She is always worried about her children’s _______________. (safe)
99. He was kept in the hospital overnight as a _______________measure. (precaution)
100. Housework has _______________ been regarded as women’s work. (tradition)
106. His reaction _________winning the prize was quite funny.
107. I am writing to ask _________ some information about courses.
118. After her marriage broke _________, Emma went to live in London.
109. The headquarters _________ the United Nations is in New York.
110. It's dangerous to play football _________the streets.
111. The report about the accident was _________ the front page of the newspaper.
112. Give me some solution _________this problem.
113. There is no difference _________ those two colors.
114. Are you acquainted _________ the lady?
115. Miss White was very upset _________ the news of her father’s death.
Mistakes Correction
Sally Ride, American’s first spacewoman, doesn’t looks very 1. ………………… 1. …………………
different from a lot of other American professional women. She is 2. ………………… 2. …………………
attracting with curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a bright smile. 3. ………………… 3. …………………
She like to dress simply: she wears comfortable but colorful clothes,
4. ………………… 4. …………………
like much people from California. But in 1983 Sally Ride became
5. ………………… 5. …………………
America's first woman astronaut. She was one of the five astronaut on
the space shuttle Challenger, which completed a successful six-days 6. ………………… 6. …………………

voyage in space in June 1983. What makes a woman want to go in 7. ………………… 7. …………………
space? 8. ………………… 8. …………………

Sally Ride grows up in Los Angeles, California. Her father is a 9. ………………… 9. …………………

professor at Santa Monica College, and his mother is housewife. At 10. ………………… 10. …………………
Westlake High School for girls, she was both an excellent student but 11. ………………… 11. …………………
a tennis player.Today she still looks like a sportswoman. She is 1.6 12. ………………… 12. …………………
meters tall, weighs 52 kilos, and very fit. While she was till a student,
she became a very successful tennis player. She thought on becoming
a professional sportswoman but she decided to continue with her
studies at college, and later at university.
126. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment.
=> The teacher
127. Unless the train arrives on time, we shall miss the start of the concert.
=> If
128. Children between the age of 6 and 16 have to go to school in Malaysia.
=> Education
129. Due to the traffic in Viet nam, foreign tourists prefer walking to driving.
=> Foreign tourists would rather
130. Please don’t smoke in the kitchen.
=> I’d rather
131. My sister rarely takes a holiday.
=> It is rare
132. I work in a factory which has more than a thousand employees.
=> There
133. There is no one I like more than you.
=> You
134. Her behaviour annoyed me.
=> I found
135. The name of the film is “ The river of Hope”.
=> The film is
Part 2 For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Blanca Huertas: butterfly expert
As a little girl growing 0 __ UP ___ in Colombia, Blanca Huertas was fascinated by wildlife, and especially by
butterflies. In those days you couldn’t buy butterfly nets locally, so her father made 9 ____for her using the end
of a broom. He also bought her some books and took her to different places at the weekends so 10 ____she
could see different species and learn about different types of habitat. It was at this time that she started her
butterfly collection.
11 ____she was sixteen, Blanca went to university to study biology. Her professor convinced her that the study
of butterflies 12 ____become a career, not just a hobby. What’s more, he encouraged Blanca to apply 13 ____a
place on a field trip to the Cauca region of the Amazon, 14 ____was being organised by students from Oxford
and Cambridge.
The two-month trip was an incredible experience. Blanca rediscovered a butterfly that hadn’t 15 ____seen for
thirty years and collected information about new species. 16 ____a result of the trip, the region was turned into
a national park.
Part 3 WORD FORM 2
In praise of plastic
Wherever you are, you’re likely to be surrounded by objects made of some kind 0. SUIT
of plastic material. There are many types of plastic, each one 0 _____ for a 17. USE
particular use. Thin, flexible plastic is good for making objects such as bags, 18. ATTRACT
whereas thick, hard plastic is a 17 ____material for making functional objects, 19. REPUTE
and has been used to make very 18 ____pieces of furniture. 20. DESIGN
Although plastic has a 19 ____for being cheap and disposable, in the hands of a 21. EXTREME
good 20 ____it can be used to make objects of great beauty. As well as 22. CHOOSE
offering 21 ____high quality at a low price, plastic can take almost any shape , 23. NATURE
colour or consistency. 24. CYCLE
Plastic can also be seen as an environmentally friendly 22 ____of material. It
can be used in place of wood and other materials that are in short supply in
their 23 ____state, and it is also very hard-wearing. A good plastic chair, for
example, could last you a lifetime and when you no longer wanted it, then it
would probably be possible to 24 ____ the material

Part 7 You are going to read a newspaper article about an Olympic athlete. For questions 43 – 52, choose from
the sections (A – D). The people may be chosen more than once.
Which paragraph

43. gives an example of Jessica having good luck? ____

44. refers to the role of Jessica’s family in helping her achieve success? ____
45. suggests it is surprising that Jessica does not understand herself better? ____
46. mentions a previous sporting disappointment that Jessica had? ____
47. explains why Jessica is so popular with the local public? ____
48. explains why another athlete was surprised at Jessica’s performance? ____
49. mentions a painful childhood memory? ____
50. suggests that Jessica’s appearance can give a misleading impression? ____
51. says that Jessica’s relationship with someone can sometimes be difficult? ____
52. contrasts Jessica’s personality on and off the track? ____
Jessica Ennis: heptathlon Olympic champion
There have been many great Olympic athletes in recent years, but few have been taken to their country’s heart
quite as warmly as gold medal winner Jessica Ennis. Her quiet determination to succeed, her good humour
when faced by setbacks and the absolute joy she showed when finally becoming Olympic champion have all
contributed to this, as has the difficulty of the sport she has chosen to compete in: the heptathlon. This involves
turning in world-class performances in seven track and field events over two days. At first sight, Jessica – at just
1.65 metres and 57 kilos – may seem an unlikely winner of such a physically demanding sport, but once the
action begins it soon becomes clear she has the speed, strength and endurance to beat anyone.
Jessica recognises that her normally easygoing nature is transformed into something much fiercer when she has
to compete. She knows that success only comes from being highly motivated and totally focused on each event.
In her autobiography Unbelievable, she talks of the way she was picked on at school by bigger girls because of
her background and lack of size, and how that has made her determined to succeed, particularly against taller
and stronger athletes. She also points out that she is not from a particularly sporting family and that her sister
‘absolutely hates sport’, but says she was introduced to athletics by her parents, who have continued to give her
encouragement and support throughout her career as an athlete. Her mother was born in the UK and her father
in Jamaica.
She gets on well with her family, as she does with her husband Andy, saying she dislikes conflict and wherever
possible avoids arguments with people. The only exception is her trainer Chell, with whom she has a row ‘every
day’. And although Jessica is a psychology graduate, she is unable to explain how she acquired the tremendous
self-discipline that has enabled her to keep training to Olympic gold medal standard while so many others have
given up along the way. Of course, at that level nothing can be taken for granted, as she discovered when a
sudden injury put her out of the Beijing Games. She describes that as the lowest point in her career. Typically,
though, Jessica bounced back, and once fit again began training just as hard as ever.
By the time of the London Games in 2012 she was in the best shape of her life, and on this occasion she was
fortunate enough to remain free of injury. Some of the times she recorded in the heptathlon were so fast that she
would have achieved good positions in the finals of track events such as the 200 metres. That brought to mind a
race won two years earlier against the world champion, who couldn’t believe she had lost to someone who
trained for seven different events. Since the London Olympics, Jessica has continued to take part in
competitions, receiving numerous awards including World Sportswoman of the Year. She has also featured on a
special postage stamp and has had a post box in her home city of Sheffield painted gold in her honour.
Part 5 You are going to read an article about a sporting event. For questions 31-36, choose the answer
(А, В, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
A hop, skip and a jump away
‘I want you warming up. Do some bouncing on the grass while you wait to sign in.’ It was Paula, our coach. I
wasn’t too keen on this idea, knowing it would only tire me. My eyes met those of my three fellow triple-
jumpers. We all sighed in agreement, all wanting to conserve our energy. Nobody moved. What’s more, I
needed to qualify for the state championships. It was all I could think about. I had to jump twenty-nine feet, six
inches to do this.
The sun was bright in the cloudless sky as I looked down the runway to the sand-filled triple-jump pit. Sounds
of feet pounding on the track and cheers filled the air. I closed my eyes and tried to imagine it; the perfect jump.
I’d only recently taken up this event and wished I’d had more practice. It’s so much more than a hop, skip and a
jump. It’s a take-off. The announcer’s voice boomed, ‘All triple-jump girls please sign in now.’ About nine of
us meandered down to the pit where he was holding a clipboard and measuring tape.
Waiting for my turn, I checked out the competition, seeing who had the longest legs or greatest muscle tone. My
legs were still aching a little from the hundred-metre hurdles. I stretched them out, feeling the lump in my left
one, the remnants of a pulled muscle. When I heard my name called, I began to feel nervous. What if I didn’t
make it? This was the last chance to qualify and I had three jumps to do it. I bounced on my toes as I watched
the girls before me jump. Analysing their form, you could see those who didn’t have enough momentum from
the board.
Finally my turn came. I stepped onto the runway and found my chalk mark. Steadying myself, I narrowed my
eyes and took a deep breath. Pushing off my back foot, I lunged forward into a sprint. One, two, three, four, five
and by six strides I was on the board. The actual jump is hard to remember; a one-legged hop, a skip and a long
jump into the hot sandy pit. A long breath escaped me as I stepped out of the pit and waited to hear my
measurement. ‘Twenty-eight feet, five-and-a-half inches’ called the clipboard guy.
I walked down the runway to be met by Paula, and was thankful for her kind face. ‘I want you to try something.
Alright? Where’s a relaxing place for you?’ ‘In the water, I guess. Swimming.’ It was the first thing that came
to mind and I didn’t realise how silly it must sound. ‘Perfect’, she responded. ‘Right before you jump, I want
you to imagine you’re in the water, just floating, OK?’ I agreed, smiling to show my appreciation. I paced until
my name was called again.
‘Pirog, you’re up!’ I closed my eyes and imagined the water running over me, soothing me. My muscles relaxed
and I exhaled as I pushed into take-off. This sprint felt loose and free. When I took off from the second board, I
was sure my first phase was too high, that my second was chopped, and my landing wasn’t quite what it should
have been. I stood up, shaking off the sand as the officials drew out the long measuring tape. The suspense was
killing me.
‘Twenty-nine feet, ten inches.’ I couldn’t stop myself from screaming and jumping into the air. My team-mates
rushed to me, I was encircled and soon my hand stung from the force of all the customary high-fives. It was a
relief finally to have made it and my success couldn’t be put down to sheer luck. My face ached from smiling
but I knew I wouldn’t stop. I found Paula and ran to hug her. ‘That was all thanks to you.’ She smiled in return:
‘Thank the water.’
31 From the first paragraph we understand that Audrey
A was already feeling very tired.
B needed to beat the other jumpers.
C had a specific aim in mind that day.
D felt guilty about ignoring her coach.
32 The word ‘it’ underlined in Paragraph Two refers to
A background noise at the event.
B the place where this event is held.
C the amount of practice needed for the event.
D a technically good performance in the event.
33 In the third paragraph, Audrey reveals that
A she once suffered a leg injury.
B she had already won another event that day.
C she felt confident in her ability to achieve her goal.
D she was impressed by the performance of the other jumpers.
34 When she was talking to Paula, she felt
A embarrassed by a question her coach asked her.
B amused by a suggestion her coach made.
C sad that she’d let her coach down.
D grateful for her coach’s support.
35 During her second jump, Audrey
A was still feeling very tense.
B felt unhappy with one aspect of her jump.
C was rather self-critical of her performance.
D felt that everything was going better than last time.
36 When she heard the length of her second jump, Audrey
A realised that she had actually been very lucky.
B acknowledged the contribution of her coach.
C was surprised by her team-mates reaction.
D was lost for words for a few moments.
Listening Part 1 For questions 1-8, choose the best answer A, B or C.
1 You overhear a woman talking to her husband on a mobile phone.
What is the background to the conversation?
A The family’s holiday may have to be cancelled.
B The woman wants to buy their son a computer.
C Their son has schoolwork to complete before the start of term.
2 You hear a phone-in programme on the radio. Why has the man phoned?
A to complain about the traffic scheme
B to express his support for the traffic scheme
C to question the aims of the traffic scheme
3 On the radio, you hear a woman talking about her house. What has she recently done?
A decided to move to another area
B solved a problem that she had
C made improvements to her house
4 You overhear two people discussing a friend. What language does their friend usually speak at home?
A French B English C Italian
5 You hear a man talking about an activity holiday he went on as a child with his family.
How did he feel during the holiday?
A bored by the climbing. B upset with his father C disappointed with the rowing boat
6 You hear the beginning of a radio programme. What is the programme going to be about?
A child development B the environment C a form of entertainment
7 You hear a man being interviewed about a new project he has set up. What is the purpose of the project?
A to help people find accommodation in Scotland.
B to tell people where to stay in Australia
C to advise people how to set up a flat agency
8 You switch on the radio in the middle of a programme. What kind of programme is it?
A an arts review B an interview C a quiz show
Listening Part 2
You will hear an announcement about an evening’s programme on Radio Pearl.
For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase.
7.30 pm ‘Art Review’: Student Art Exhibition
This evening’s programme is taking place at the (9) ……………………………… in London.
The exhibition is of work by students in the (10) ……………………………… year of their art course.
At the exhibition, you can see things as different as curtains and (11) ………………………………
Some of the works of art have been made using (12) ……………………………… technology.
8.00 pm Play: ‘The Vanishing Lady’
In the play, a young couple on a train think they hear the sound of someone using a (13)
A (14) ……………………………… tells the couple about an old lady whom he has seen.
After writing this play, the author, Porten, became a writer for (15) ………………………………
9.30 pm ‘Business Scenes’: Interview with Peter Field
Peter used to work for a (16) ………………………………
Peter says the material he uses for his boats is a particular kind of (17) ………………………………
Peter collects (18) ……………………………… as a hobby.

Listening part 3: Nghe và tóm tắt nội dung bằng tiếng Việt.
Speaker 1

Speaker 2
Speaker 3
Speaker 4
Speaker 5
Listening Part 4: Listen and answer the questions?
Where does he live recently? What’s it like?
What made he change his attitude?
What did he find from his survey?
What does he worry now? Why?
What’s the reason for one hundred of these trees have been chopped down?
Is it economical to plant new trees?
What happened with the wasteland at the end of his street?
Which suggestions does he propose to solve the problem?
I. Listen again and match
A Music helps me concentrate when I’m studying. 19 Speaker 1
B I study best in the morning when I can think clearly. 20 Speaker 2
C I realise I study better when I’m outside in the open air. 21 Speaker 3
D I find I can concentrate better when I study with a friend. 22 Speaker 4
E It is much easier for me to study late at night. 23 Speaker 5
F I prefer to study when I’m lying down.

Listen again and match

24 How did Tricia once feel about the countryside?
A She preferred it to the city.
B She paid no attention to it.
C She wanted others to experience it.
25 Why did Tricia take part in a wildlife survey?
A She was required to do it.
B She preferred it to being in school.
C She was asked to do it by her neighbours.
26 What does Tricia say about the results of the survey?
A They were unsatisfactory.
B They were confusing.
C They were unexpected.
27 What does Tricia say about the problems created by trees?
A People exaggerate them.
B People ignore them.
C People accept them.
28 According to Tricia, what is wrong with the trees the council is planting?
A They are expensive to replace.
B They fail to attract wildlife.
C They are too small for the area.
29 What used to happen in the wasteland at the end of Tricia’s street?
A Dog owners used to go there.
B People used to leave rubbish there.
C Children used to play there.
30 What is Tricia’s suggestion for the new nature reserve?
A to allow the planting of trees
B to protect it from visitors.
C to let it go wild.

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