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Read after episode 14


- the start of the opening is sang in a way of how a tale would be sang by a bard.

[Like a fairytale, it’s a sign of the story has reached it’s end, like a single passage taken from a journey
that was too long]

Telling of a hero journey until the end of his journey and goes back to sleep leaving an era of peace and

- it continues with a different style of voice which implies this is the voice of another person which is
frieren. It is confirmed with the fact the voice is singing the same thing as the first part but in a more
personal way confirming with it’s end before the title saying [and the memories of the short journey,
with the hero who defeated it]

-The story is being sang by 2 different people with two different perspectives, 1 is from frieren side
where the sounds is clearer and felt more empathy. While the other is the sounds of the people who re
tells the story of the hero

- it is continued with the singing of the first person, concluding of the end of the journey with the hero
finally resting leaving behind days of peace and quiet. Noted frieren here continued the lyric as he sang
the part of the people as well. It is implied by the imagery in this part that she connected to that part of
the tale itself, joining in when the tale speaks of days of peace and quiet

- the image of frieren watching over stark and fern through the window represents how frieren felt at
how easy people can forget through the passage of time from crying and fighting of lost loves one to the
demon lord. To walking peacefully without knowing the reason of how that peace is achieved.

- this part is definitely a interesting one, as it shows that eisen,heither, and frieren tracks are still being
continued by both fern and stark, while the hero himmel doesn’t have anyone to continue it no more
leaving it to rust.

-the next part in the trees and pointing at the star reflects on frieren memories of him, traveling and
camping in the woods remembering his words, wishes, and courage that are inside of her is still living on
to this day. It can be said what we saw was not spoiler for episode 9-10, but instead frieren memory of
in the forest, with her master, in the capital, in a battle, and the hero sword.

- the chorus is too hated even though it’s probably the best part of this whole song. Since it shows how
much frustration frieren has on not being able to understood why he felt sad, why he cried when he was
gone. As shown as well with stark in the rain, as he retrace their step she still feel sad and happy
knowing she will find the answer.

- the ending is interesting as we are actually going back to the words of the people, but this time instead
of telling the tale in a past tense way, they are singing it about the journey of frieren that is happening in
the present.
Read after episode 12


- I fucking love the ending, it’s honestly one of the best out of the fall 2023 anime. And not
because of how it sounds of how the lyric feels sad and all. It’s because of who is singing it.
And no right of the bat, its not frieren. It’s known later on in the story that frieren has an insane
memory even remembering things from 1000 years go. So some of this lines in the ending
doesn’t make sense. And also it doesn’t make sense as well by frieren personality to be this
fallen in love with himmel because of how dense she is honestly. So who’s actually singing? Well
it’s himmel.
- This isn’t just a theory, but very much noticeable not by imagery but by the wording used in the
lyric and how we know how much in love himmel actually is to frieren. And from the start we
also know how important those common memories of his journey is to frieren just from this
- I can’t really say much more of how good and gut wrenching it is knowing who actually sing
this…it’s honestly sad how he kept those emotions of longing in him instead of confessing to
frieren just to let her keep on traveling.

- And then the final quote of this lyric [ I’m whispering our lullaby for you to come back home]

- The reason why i didn't explain it till now of both op and ending (yes we'll talk about the OP
Later when we get to it) is because of not having any context yet.

- Now remember all the time when i focus on the voices in the background? No? Let me go back
for a bit

- [Every time i explain about the background having hmms, or hymns in the]

- Now… whispering our lullaby for you to come back home… can easily be said to have the same
connection of these moment's…. Thought not all of them

- Yes there's a few time like episode 11, where the hymns is used when it isn't directed at himmel,
and i can easily explain to that as well.

- The hymn or humms we hear throughout the show is the voices of those who are long gone… as
shown in it's usage, it never appears when we are talking about those who are still there…

- Always when they're gone…

- And especially in scene's where himmel is focused on the current plot…, showing that as long as
Frieren remember s him… she'll be able to listen to his Whisper.

- And also before people start to asks. In ANY backstory if there's no hymns or humms, in it we
can easily conclude… that they're not dead yet. That also Includes Stoltz here. As it seems the
hymns didn't appear as stark ran away from the battle. So we can conclude that he is alive…
most likely, it could also be because he didn't see them die so the Whispers didn't appear. But
that won't go the way i want the narrative to be so let's forget i say that last part. And continue.

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