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-episode 1 of sousou no frieren is honestly amazing, It’s honestly a perfect way to start with the anime.

With us viewer knowing about the previous hero party of himmel the hero, eisen the warrior, heither the
priest, and frieren the mage.

As they went on to be celebrated as a victorious hero party that has brought peace to the central lands.

And then we shown the after party, we do get glimpse of their journey of their adventure.

Like hey do you remember that one time himmel and eisen nearly getting executed,

And also that one time heither being hungover every week,

Oh and what about tthat one time when frieren being easy prey to mimics. “we can make a h*ntai of

Alright I’ll stop.

Anyway after their lovely chats a meteor shower appear, called the “Era meteor shower” as himmel
exclaims of how beautiful it is.

frieren refute saying it’s hard to see due to the city light and she made a promise saying she knows a
place and will take them there 50 years later.

As himmel laugh it off he agrees to it and says we should.

This is an amazing start to a great episode as you are given the summary and the feel of their journey
throughout the lands of their journey, without us seeing it ourselves

After this frieren went on an adventure alone. [Rock music] no I don’t think she’s an emo…well “think”

And god damn sorry to talk again, but holy shit this scene is entirely amazing, just listen and look at it for

This is part of the many moment I love about frieren.

It’s just how they show the passage of time and the beauty of the world.

With a very nostalgic soundtrack where you feel like your going on an adventure yourself, you see as
frieren traversed the central plain on her own course.

And this is the best time to say this, but before watching this please absolutely do watch the anime.

It’s honestly one hell of a unique experience than other fantasy anime, with it’s vibe and story telling
being one of it’s uniqueness.

Now after this 50 year have passed by, and it’s time for her to keep her promise…

well she definitely went back only for that shadow dragon horn she asked himmel to keep, but I digress.

Anyway she met him and HOLY SHIT brother got un-rizz the fuck with time.
Is this really the same person? Are you just a homeless man acting like him? Well fuck it that doesn’t

Anyway they meet again with heither and eisen who is waiting infront of the castle gate.

As they walked for 1 week… okay bro- I mean sister, you do know they are old as hell now right?

Don’t you feel bad for your elder? See even they said you are hard on them.

God damn you are really inconsiderate to their body. Well they’re the former hero party anyway so they
should be fine

Anyway they decide to go on the journey and well.. let’s just show you the clip.

[The entire journey clip till the thank you]

I cannot describe how beautiful this scene is, again this time unlike the celebratio party we get to see
them go on a journey.

As your able to see how they normally act together as we watched them adventure through the
wilderness even meeting a cute dog.

It truly felt like a adventure even though to use viewer it was short. Like how himmel say it [So Beautiful]

And he’s dead.

Alright I’m gonna talk now and ruin the moment to you but I don’t like how this scene is adapted from
it’s manga…

yes I’m a manga reader which means I have seen where the story will go till the end of season 1.

And yes manga is 100% better yes yes I’m bias cause I like manga more blah blah . Fight me.

But I’ll say this at least.

Till this point and also till after this I consider (until some other parts we’ll get to) That the anime did
justice or better than it was portrayed in the manga.

Anyway why do I hate this scene? Well I don’t exactly know…

Alright this is my first video so bare with me trying to explain it.

Cause even to me I don’t understand why I hate this scene.

It just feels off, like it’s missing something or some plot beat was definitely off tune in a way that even my
ears keep tingling every time I’m watching this scene.

I can’t say for sure but only the fact that the execution of how they portrayed himmel death feels so off.

I have re-watched this scene even from the start more than 7 times and I still can’t understand why I
hate it. But I can conclude to a point where I started to dislike it., it’s this part.
*Sigh* I’ll probably come back to this... After a certain episode that did the same thing but somehow
better so mark that one in the note. (Foreshadowing

Anyway after this we’re shown frieren playing with a ring *cough* and is parting ways with both heither
and eisen.

as they leave to their own respective places with their own respective roles, heither to the holy city, and
eisen to… well wherever he goes.

Frieren called out to eisen before they part ways and asks him to be her vanguard in her journey,

he instantly declined frieren request saying that he is too old to keep on going to be an adventure. And
she respects it. As they part ways well it’s best to listen…

If I haven’t been convincing enough that this anime is GREAT and you need to watch it… okay let’s


Frieren seems to be lost as she is looking for corrupt priest house in the holy city to say hi, as she meets
sakura- wait this isn’t Connected to fate right?

Oh no her name is fern, okay thank you heither.

Well it seems from the last time we meet frieren she is more interactive than usual unlike before as her
new purpose in this adventure is to as well interact with as many people as possible.

With that she also came by to pay back some favor she has before heither dies which is quite nice. Huh I
wonder what he would request.

*Put a meme*

Nah just kidding, she ask frieren to take fern on her journey as she has the making to become a mage,
basically taking a apprentice.

But frieren strongly objects it saying she would slow her down, and she has no intention of bringing
someone entrusted to her to their grave.

So heither instead decide to ask something else. Deciphering a grimoire. *Meme for frieren saying that’s
what I’m talking about fool*

Well she is asked to decipher to find out the truth about it having resurrection and immortality magic in

Thought frieren doubt it but still accepts it saying it’ll probably take 5 to 6 year tops. (Cuts music)

I think I should probably talk more about the corrupt priest personality starting now huh.

Anyway, Heither the priest, he is one of the 4 hero party member that subjugated the demon lord 20
years ago with himmel, known to like to get drunk and act like theeehhhhh…
shit that’s spoiler territory huh, well he’s the reliable priest that gets a little quirky with alcohol, that’s
the gist of it.

Anyway before he parted ways with frieren, frieren asked him if he was afraid of death.

Which his reply was that they are the hero party that saved the world, so they will defined live in luxury
in heaven. *Dignified look*

And now we go back to the present as he asked frieren to decipher the grimoire that potentially has
immortality or resurrection magic.

Yeah he’s a corrupt priest. [ Clip]

Well at least he’s honest.

Tho he does asked that he doesn’t necessarily wants immortality but he just wants a little more time…

Well he also refutes, that the holy scripture did say to live a healthy life and a long life is the same thing

Which I can’t really refute how right he is.

Anyway he also asked frieren that if she could, could she teach fern some magic as well on the side.

Saying as a priest he’s not that good at it.

Which frieren accepts.

Now this girl is a little special you see, even frieren sama here can’t find her.

That cause she has an incredible control in magic making her be able to reduce her presences so others
can’t noticed her easily.

And so this- [clip of the zoroark]

God damn that’s loud.

Anyway this is fern power atm.

Saying she can’t get to the point of reaching the rock as that is all she could do with her training, so she
asked frieren- sama? [ Whatever could I do]

As she asked her [do you like magic?]

[Some what]

Thought the last stretch does feel off because from an episode structure I actually would’ve expected
them ended this episode when the remaining hero party partway.

But instead we ended it on a very sweet moment of frieren teaching the soon to be called mommy of
the party some magic.

And that’s the first episode..

it was by far one hell of a start for the anime by how it is told.
Honestly I would call it a perfect episode making it a 10/10.

But again the moment of himmel death is what I would say definitely soured the score for this episode…

I can’t really explain it as of writing. But I’ll probably be able to later.

9/10…is that to harsh? Nah fuck it. Instead I feel like I should’ve been more harsher instead.

Anyway, you’re expecting me to talk about the OP and ending huh?

Well too bad!!

I’m keeping them for later.

Cause we very much need more context than just 1 episode to explain them. So next-

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