Week 1-WPS Office

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Week 1


performance objective

the student should be able to:

define the meaning of cultism

types of cultism groups and their symbols in the school

Cults and their sign and symbols

Reasons for establishing cults

Meaning of cultism cultism can be defined as a ritual practice by a group of people whose membership,
initiation ,policies and other activities are done secretly .

In the Nigerian society cultism is practiced in school ,campus

And even outside the school environment there are different calls in villages towns and even streets the
activities of various called have caused a lot of damage to life and properties in Nigeria .

Types of cultism symbol

The buccaneers association of Nigeria yellow shirts and socks

The sea dogs confraternity (aka pirates) human skull on two crossed bones

The mafia confraternity / maphites handkerchief green ribbon on berets

Black Stars berets with inscription

The Neo Black movement or black axe confraternity. crossed bones black ribbon on Barrett

The Vikings fraternity small black pick axe

The national association of air lords eye. axe on black skull black on black dress red ribbon on beret

The wall Lords brotherhood of Don beret with inscription of stars

Origin of cultism

In the 1950s nationalism was intensified in Nigeria with the aim of fighting colonialism and gaining
independence for Nigeria, Nigerian students were not left out in this fight for independence. Therefore
in 1952 the first secret Cult the sea dogs confraternity( aka pirates confrontanity) was formed at the
University of of ibadan by a group of seven students namely: whole soyinka, pius olegbe ,olumuyiwa
awe, aig imokhuede , ralph para, olu agunloye, and tunji tubi. The formation of this secret called was in
good faith and with good intentions their activities and operations were aimed at fighting colonialism
and oppression. The equally rendered social services such as blood donations to hospitals and
presentation of gifts to orphanage homes etc . The Paris confraternity dominated the university sin for
20 years before other cults came to existence. The actions and mannerism were all symbolic and
imitative of the pirates of the treasure island literature book.

In the 1960s and 70s pirates confraternity was not known for violence the socialized freely they were
brilliant students who went about their academic business without trampoline on the fundamental
rights of other students they never practiced primitive Savagery are wickedness that is common among
present day cultists.

In the 70s and 80s trouble broke out in the court as a result of unresolved leadership problems some
members of the calls broke out and found the buccaneers association of Nigeria ban AKA c lord some of
them formed the Vikings fraternity this LEDs to explosion of secret courts in Nigeria University. The
buccaneers was founded in 1992 at the University of Benin others like the mafia confrontanity the
national association of lords which used to be a cultural secret society the Vikings fraternity the warlords
were all formed in different universities.

By the early 1990s there was caught explosion such as KKK, my fight the Red devils red berets Green
berets trojan horse etc among the female courts were the daughters of Medusa white angels dirty
virgins the Amazons the Sharon's the daughters of Eve Black things Queen etc was found this female
confraternities acted as spice for the male confraternities and operated as prostitution syndicates
unfortunately this cults has filtered into our secondary schools and are seriously destroying the lives of
our vibrant youths.

The activities of cultist take various destructive forms which include

1. Taking off alcoholic drinks and smoking of hard drugs like cocaine and Indian hemp that tend to give
first courage 2. Stealing violent behaviors killing and gun wars

3. Sexual harassment and indiscriminate raping of femal students

4. Pulling dangerous weapons such as Dagger knife and guns as non-members or members of other
secrets society who are targeted

5. Torture flogging stripping to the pants and making destructive court marks on the body of new
members with red hot swords during initiation. Etc

Reason for establishing cults

1. Desire for brotherhood courts were formed in order to make people believe that they have brotherly
relationship. Their intention is to protect love and defend one another even if they have to kill they also
claim to love each other showing affection and loyalty to themselves as people who have something in

2. For protection courts were formed to ship shield their members from suffering in the hands of other
boys and caught groups in the school. New initiate allured with a promise of protection by the court

3. Good academic performance it might interest you to know that some calls were formed to ensure
high success of his members in academics the achieve this by threatening and harassing lecturers with
guns and matches requesting for unmerited grades that have refused to comply ended up losing their

4. Fight against injustice some secret codes are established to fight industry injustice on campus and in
the society because members that harass students especially the female students and fight for the
benefits of all the students

5. To assert supremacy secrets courts can be established because some group of malel students begin to
see themselves as superior and powerful and possibly well there than other students thurs they sieze
that means to form discords just to prove that they are superior to others.

Consequences of cultism

The activities have negative effects on both members and non-members.

How do they recruit there members.

Secret courts recruit their members through application invitation or force.

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