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TEST - 1

Question No: 1
Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 kmph and another at 3
kmph. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance.

6 km
8 km
9 km
None of these

Question No: 2
A train 55 meters in length travels at 60 km per hour. In what time will it pass a
cycle which is being cycled by a man at 6 km/hr in the same direction as the train?


Question No: 3
Abhinav started for the station which is half a km from his home walking at 1
km/h to catch the train in time. After 3 minutes he realized that he had forgotten a
document at home and returned with increased speed to catch the train. Find his
latter speed in km/h :


Question No: 4
Walking at 3/4 of his normal speed, Abhishek is 16 min late in reaching the office.
The usual time by him to cover the distance between his home and his office is

48 min
64 min
32 min
60 min
Question No: 5
A dog starts chasing to a cat 2 hours later. It takes 2 hours to dog to catch the cat. If
the speed of the dog is 30 km/h, what is the speed of cat?

10 km/h
15 km/h
20 km/h
none of these

Question No: 6
Two identical trains A and B running in the opposite direction at the same speed
take 2 minutes to cross each other completely. The number of bogies of A are
increased from 16 to 20. How much more time would they now require to cross
each other?

40 sec
50 sec
20 sec
15 sec

Question No: 7
The difference in times when a man covers a certain distance at 10 km/hr and 25
km/hr is 45 minutes. The distance is ______

8 km
12.5 km
9.5 km
15.5 km

Question No: 8
A man is walking at the rate of 10 kmph. After every km, he rests for 5 minutes.
The time taken by him to cover 5 km will be

20 min
50 min
40 min
30 min
Question No: 9
A train covered first 120 km at a speed of 20 km an hour and then covered the
remaining 180 km at a speed of 45 km an hour. Find its average speed.


Question No: 10
A car moving at a speed of 50 km/hr, returns on the same route with a speed of 40
km/hr. What is the average speed?

40.4 Km/hr
44.4 Km/hr
42.04 Km/hr
46.22 Km/hr

Question No: 11
Two trains are moving in the same direction at 50 km/hr and 34 km/hr. The faster
train crossed a man in the slower train in 18 seconds. Find the length of the faster


Question No: 12
Two trains are moving in the same direction at 50 km/hr and 30 km/hr. The faster
train crossed a man in the slower train in 27 seconds. Find the length of the faster

70 m
100 m
80 m
150 m
Question No: 13
In a race of 100 m, A beats B by 20 m or 5 seconds. Find the time taken by A to
complete the race and the speed of B.

4 s, 20 m/s
20 s, 4 m/s
20 s, 25 m/s
25 s, 20 m/s

Question No: 14
Three bikes race at a speed ratio of 5 : 4 : 6. Find the time ratio of three bikes.


Question No: 15
Nikita takes as much time in running 18 meters as a car takes in covering 48
meters. What will be the distance covered by Nikita during the time the car covers
1.6 km?

480 m
500 m
750 m
600 m

Question No: 16
A man is walking at a speed of 9 Km/hr. After every km, he takes rest for 9 min.
How much time will he take to cover a distance of 27 Km?

6 hours
6 hours 45 min
6 hours 54 min
7 hours 30 min
Question No: 17
Two trains are moving in opposite directions at 60 km/hr and 90 km/hr. Their
lengths are 1.10 km and 0.9 km respectively. The time taken by the slower train to
cross the faster train in seconds is:

42 sec
45 sec
50 sec
48 sec

Question No: 18
Clinton drives his Tesla car at a constant speed of 120 km/h for one kilometer and
at 40 km/h for the next one kilometer. What is the average speed of his car?

None of these

Question No: 19
A man travelled a distance of 61 km in 9 hours. He travelled partly on foot at 4
km/hr and partly on bicycle at 9 km/hr. What is the distance travelled on a bicycle?

36 Km
16 Km
18 Km
45 Km

Question No: 20
In what time will a 180-metre long train running at 24 meters/Sec cross a 252-
metre long bridge?

9.8 sec
12.1 sec
16 sec
18 sec
Question No: 21
A farmer travelled a distance of 61 Km in 9hrs. He travelled partly on foot at the
rate of 4km/hr and partly on bicycle at the rate of 9km/hr. The distance travelled in
km on foot is :


Question No: 22
How long will a truck of 150 m long traveling at a speed of 60 Km/hr will take to
cross a man standing on the bridge?

6 sec
10 sec
15 sec
9 sec

Question No: 23
If two trains of lengths 360 m and 120 m take 30 seconds and 15 seconds
respectively to cross a telegraph post, then in what time (in seconds) will they cross
each other travelling in opposite directions?

12 sec
18 sec
14 sec
24 sec

Question No: 24
A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train
running in the opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the
length of the other train?

200 m
220 m
240 m
230 m
Question No: 25
Two trains are running on parallel lines in the same direction at speeds of 40 kmph
and 20 kmph respectively. The faster train crosses a man in the second train in 36
seconds. The length of the faster train is

200 metres
185 metres
225 metres
210 metres

Question No: 26
A train after travelling 70 km meets with an accident and then proceeds at ¾ of its
former speed and arrives at its destination 35 min late. Had the accidents occurred
15 km further on, it would have reached the destination only 23 min late. The
speed of the train is

15 kmph
25 kmph
30 kmph
40 kmph

Question No: 27
A man rides at the rate of 18 Km/hr but stops for 6 mins to change horses at the
end of every 7th km. The time that he will take to cover a distance of 90 km is

6 hrs
6 hrs 12 min
6 hrs 18 min
6 hrs 24 min

Question No: 28
Walking at 6/7 of his usual speed a man is 25 minutes late. His usual time to cover
this distance is ______.

150 min
135 min
124 min
170 min

Question No: 29
Two trains start at the same time from two stations and proceed towards each other
at the speed of 20 km/hr. and 25 km/hr respectively. When they meet, it is found
that one train has travelled 80 km more than the other. Find the distance between
the two stations.

720 km
740 km
760 km
780 km

Question No: 30
A train travels 225 km in 3.5 hours and 370 km in 5 hours. Find the average speed
of the train.

70 kmph
80 kmph
90 kmph
60 kmph
TEST – 2
Question No: 1
A man rows a boat upstream 13 km and downstream 28 km taking 5 hr each time.
What is the velocity in (km/hr) of the boat?

4.1 kmph
3 kmph
1 kmph
5 kmph

Question No: 2
The speed of boat in downstream is ‘X-4’ kmph and ratio of time taken by a boat
to cover a certain distance in upstream to downstream is 2 : 1. If boat takes 5 hours
to Cover 40 km in Upstream, then find the value of X?

10 km/hr
12.5 km/hr
14 km/hr
20 km/hr

Question No: 3
Faisal and Rahman are working together in a stadium and staying together in a
near by apartment. Faisal takes 40 minutes and Rahman takes 30 minutes to walk
from the stadium to the apartment. If one day, Faisal started at 11:00AM and
Rahman at 11:10 AM from the apartment to stadium, when will they meet?

11:30 AM
11:40 AM
11:45 AM
12:10 PM

Question No: 4
Two trains 200 m and 160 m long, run at the rate of 60 km/h and 100 km/h
respectively on parallel rails. How long will it take a man sitting in the second train
to pass the first train if they run in the opposite direction?

4.4 seconds
4.5 seconds
3.24 seconds
4 seconds
Question No: 5
A man completes a journey in 10 hours. He travels the first half of the journey at
the rate of 21 km/hr and the second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total
journey in km.

112 Km
224 Km
236 Km
240 Km

Question No: 6
A runs 25% faster than B and is able to give him a start of 7 m to end a race in a
dead heat. What is the length of the race?

10 m
45 m
35 m
25 m

Question No: 7
In a circular race along a track of length of 4500 m, A and B start from the same
point and at the same time with speeds of 36 kmph and 54 kmph. After how many
seconds will they meet for the first time if they are running in the same direction?

900 s
180 s
250 s
50 s

Question No: 8
The ratio between the rates of walking of A and B is 4:3. If the time taken by B to
cover a certain distance is 24 minutes, then the time taken by A to cover that
distance is

18 min
32 min
10(6/7) min
13(5/7) min
Question No: 9
A Bus starts from point A with a speed of 75 km/hr, for every hour it changes its
speed by +5 km/hr, -10 km/hr,+15 km/hr and so on, after 5 hours it reaches point
B. Find the time taken by a car to travel from point B to A at 60 km/hr

5 hours 15 minutes
5 hours 45 minutes
6 hours 15 minutes
6 hours 45 minutes

Question No: 10
A can run one full round of a circular track in 6 min and B in 15 min. If both A and
B start simultaneously from the same starting point then how many times would
they meet in the time B has completed 10 rounds when running in the same
direction, and in the opposite direction?

15, 10
25, 30
25, 35

Question No: 11
Zeke goes to the office at the rate of 20 km/hr and reaches 9 min late. When he
goes at the rate of 25 km/hr he reaches 6 min earlier than the scheduled time. What
is the distance of the office from his house?

51 km
25 km
36 km
40 km

Question No: 12
Train A and B start at the same time. Train A travels at 55 km/hr from station X to
station Y and train B travels at 80 km/hr from station Y to station X. They cross
each other after 1 hour and 36 minutes. What is the distance (in km) between
stations X and Y?

Question No: 13
A train travels a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the speed of the train is 14
km/h more, then the time taken to travel the same distance is 2 hours less. If the
speed of the train is 10 km/hr less, then the time will be 2 hours more. Find the
distance and the time taken to travel the distance.

420 km, 12 hr
840 km, 8 hr
840 km, 12 hr
cannot be determined

Question No: 14
P walks at a speed of 6 km/hr and after 5 hr of his start, Q starts running towards P
at a speed of 8 km/hr. At what distance from the start will Q catch P?

100 km
110 km
120 km
140 km

Question No: 15
A good train and a passenger train are running on parallel tracks in the same
direction. A passenger on the passenger train observes that the goods train coming
from behind overtakes and crosses his train completely in 60 sec. Whereas the
driver of the goods train marks that he crosses the passenger train in 40 sec. If the
speeds of the trains are in the ratio 1:2, find the ratio of their lengths.


Question No: 16
A takes 4 minutes 40 seconds to complete the race while b takes 5 minutes to
complete the race . A beats B by 30 metres.Find the length of the course.

1000 m
750 m
450 m
500 m
Question No: 17
Shardul is late to the practice match by 5mins when he travelled at a speed of 8
kmph. He decided to increase the speed by 4 kmph so that he can reach the ground
5 mins earlier. What will be the distance between his home and the ground?

4 km
6 km
10 km
None of these

Question No: 18
A plane left 30 minutes later than the scheduled time and in order to reach its
destination 1,500 km away in time, it has to increase its speed by 250 km/hr from
its usual speed. Find its usual speed in m/sec (approx).

202 m/sec
208 m/sec
350 m/sec
326 m/sec

Question No: 19
A train overtakes two men, walking in the same direction as the train, with speed
of 3 km/hr and 4.5 km/hr in 8 and 12 seconds respectively. The length of the train

10 m
20 m
30 m
40 m

Question No: 20
Two trains of length 115 m and 110 m respectively run on parallel rails. When
running in the same direction the faster train passes the slower one in 25 seconds,
but when they are running in opposite directions with the same speeds as earlier,
they pass each other in 5 seconds. Find the speed of each train?

27 m/s, 18 m/s
22 m/s, 15 m/s
16 m/s, 30 m/s
24 m/s, 18 m/s
Question No: 21
Vinesh visits his friend's house, which can be covered in 6 hours and 15 minutes
when traveled by walking during the onward journey and traveled by riding during
the return journey. His friend said that he could walk both ways in 7 hours and 45
minutes. The time taken by him to ride back both ways is ____ ?

4 hours
4 hours and 30 min
4 hours and 45 min
None of the above

Question No: 22
Two trains of length 100 m and 200 m are 100 m apart. They start moving towards
each other on parallel tracks, at speeds 54 kmph and 72 kmph. In how much time
will the trains cross each other?

11.43 sec
12.56 sec
13.25 sec
10.13 sec

Question No: 23
A journey of 192 km between two cities takes two hours less by a fast train than by
a slow train. If the average speed of the slow train is 16 km/h less than that of the
fast train, then the average speed of the fast train is


Question No: 24
In a 750 m race, the ratio of speeds of Arun to Darani is 1:3. Arun has a head start
of 250 m. Who wins the race and by what distance?

Arun, 200 m.
Darani, 250 m.
Arun, 250 m.
Darani, 200 m.
Question No: 25
A man had to travel a distance of 90 km to reach his destination. He travels by bus
for 2.5 hours at a speed of 34 km/hr and covers the remaining distance on foot. If
he reached his destination in 3 hours, at what speed did he travel by foot?

5 km/hr
6 km/hr
8 km/hr
10 km/hr
12 km/hr

Question No: 26
A, B and C start from the same place to walk around a circular path of length 12
km. A walks at the rate of 4 kmph, B at 3 kmph and C at 3/2 kmph. They will meet
together at the starting place at the end of :

12 hours
15 hours
24 hours
30 hours

Question No: 27
Jothi covers half of his journey to his friend's house by train at 80 km/hr, half of
the remaining by bus at 50 km/hr and the rest by cycle at 20 km/hr. Find his
average speed during the entire journey.

28.574 km/h
42.58 km/h
36.36 km/h
12.12 km/h

Question No: 28
There are three runners Tom, Dick and Harry with their respective speeds of 10
kmph, 20 kmph and 30 kmph. They are initially at P and they have to run between
the two points P and Q which are 10 km apart from each other. They start their race
at 6 am and end at 6 pm on the same day. If they run between P and Q without any
break, then how many times they will be together either at P or Q during the given
time period?

Question No: 29
A is 20% faster than B and takes 20 minutes for a certain distance. The time taken
by B to cover double that distance is ______

40 min
44 min
48 min
56 min

Question No: 30
A motorist travels to a place 150 km away at an average speed of 50 km/hr and
returns at 30 km/hr. His average speed for the whole journey in km/hr is _______.

28.5 Km/hr
37.5 Km/hr
21.25 Km/hr
19.67 Km/hr
TEST – 3
Question No: 1
Two trains are travelling on parallel tracks in the same direction, at speeds of 50
km/hr and 32 km/hr respectively. The faster train crosses the last boggy of the
slower train, measuring 18 m in 18 seconds. The length of the faster train is

144 m
0.072 km
720 m
1.44 km

Question No: 2
Two men A and B run a 4 km race on a course of ¼ km round. If their speeds are
in the ratio of 5: 4, how often does the winner pass the other?

None of these

Question No: 3
Two athletes P and Q are running around a circular track of length 1200 m at
speeds of 6 m/s and 3 m/s respectively. Both of them start simultaneously from the
same point in the same direction but P reverses his direction every time he
completes one round. After how much time from the start will they meet for the
first time?

266.66 seconds
166.66 seconds
100 seconds
200 seconds

Question No: 4
The speed of two cyclists A and B are in the ratio of 11:12 respectively. Cyclist A
travels 3.5 km less than cyclist B in the same time duration. What was the distance
(in km) traveled by cyclist B during that time?

54 km
42 km
48 km
40 km
Question No: 5
50 trees are standing in a line such that distance between any two consecutive trees
is same. A car takes 18 seconds to travel from 13th to 34th tree. How much time(in
seconds) will it take to reach from the first tree to the 50th tree ?


Question No: 6
Saurabh goes to an exhibition at Ohio with his daughter and faithful dog.
Unfortunately, the man misses his daughter which he realizes 20 minutes later. The
daughter comes back towards his home at the speed of 20 m/min and man follows
him at 40 m/min. The dog runs to the daughter (child) and comes back to the father
to show him the direction of his daughter. It keeps moving to and fro at 60 m/min
between son and father, till the father meets his daughter. What is the distance
traveled by the dog in the direction of the daughter?

800 m
1675 m
848 m
1000 m

Question No: 7
Ashwin has to travel from one point to another point in a certain time. Travelling at
a speed of 6 kmph he reaches 40 minutes late and travelling at a speed of 8 kmph
he reaches 12 minutes earlier. What is the distance between these two points

27 km
18 km
15 km
21 km
Question No: 8
Three men A, B and C walk around a circle, 1760 meters in circumference, at the
rates of 160 meters, 120 meters and 105 meters per minute respectively. If they all
start together and walk in the same direction, when will they be first together

44 minutes
32 minutes
352 minutes
None of these.

Question No: 9
The jogging track in a sports complex is 726 m in circumference. Suresh and his
wife start from the same point and walk in opposite direction at 4.5 km/hr and 3.75
km/hr respectively. They will meet for the first time in:

5.5 minutes
6 minutes
4.9 minutes
5.28 minutes

Question No: 10
A train starts from Delhi at 6:00 a.m. and reaches Meerut at 10 a.m. The other train
starts from Meerut at 8 a.m. and reaches Delhi at 11:30 a.m. If the distance
between Delhi and Meerut is 200 km, then at what time did the two trains meet
each other?

7:56 am
8:15 am
8:40 am
8:56 am

Question No: 11
The distance between two points A and B is 1000m. Object O1 is initially at A and
O2 is at B. The speeds of O1 and O2 are respectively 80 m/s and 120 m/s. They
move between A and B to and fro. Find the distance between A and B at the point
of the fourth meeting and also find the time taken in it.

6000 m and 30 s
2000 m and 10 s
7000 m and 35 s
7500 m and 40 s
Question No: 12

A man walked 12 km at a certain rate and then 6 km further at a rate of ½ km/hr

faster. If he had walked the whole distance at the faster rate, his time would have
been 20 minutes less. How long did it really take him to walk the 18 km?

3 hrs
4 hrs
16/3 hrs
13/3 hrs

Question No: 13

Mr Tyagi while going from Meerut to Saharanpur covered half the distance by
train at the speed of 96 km/h then he covered half of the rest distance by his scooter
at the speed of 60 km/h and finally he covered the rest of the distance at the speed
of 40 km/h by car. The average speed at which Mr. Tyagi completed his journey is

64 km/h
56 km/h
60 km/h
36 km/h

Question No: 14
At what times A and B will be 5 km apart A and B are 20 km apart. A can walk at
an average speed of 4 km/hr and B at 6 km/h. If they start walking towards each
other at 7:00 am, when they will meet?

8.00 AM
8.30 AM
9.00 AM
10.00 AM

Question No: 15
Sunil is running laps of 400 meters in a park. He runs the first lap with a constant
speed in exactly 1 minute and 40 seconds. Every following lap he increases his
speed by 10% of the previous speed without exceeding his personal limit of 1
minute and 20 seconds for one lap. How many laps at most will he complete?

Question No: 16
A train travels a certain distance by taking 3 stops of 20 min each. Considering the
period of stoppage, the overall speed of the train comes to 40 km/h. While without
consideration of stoppage, it is 45 km/h. How much distance must the train have

400 km
550 km
360 km
200 km

Question No: 17

If the speed of train is 92.4 kmph, then how many metres are covered by it in 20

32800 m
30800 m
38200 m
35500 m

Question No: 18
The distance between two stations ‘P’ and ‘Q’ is 138 km. A train starts from ‘P’
towards ‘Q’ and another from ‘Q’ to ‘P’ at the same time and they meet after 6
hours. The train travelling from ‘P’ to ‘Q’ is slower by 7 km/h compared to other
train from ‘Q’ to ‘P’. What is the speed of the slower train?

16 km/h
12 km/h
8 km/h
24 km/h

Question No: 19
Vinesh started from point A at a speed of 24 kmph towards point B which is 120
km away. After 20 minutes, Jatish started from point B at the speed of 36 kmph
towards point A. What is the distance between the point they will meet and the
point they would have met had both of them started simultaneously?

4.2 km
4.8 km
5.4 km
5.6 km
Question No: 20
By travelling at 40 kmph, a person reaches his destination on time. He covered
two-third the total distance in one-third of the total time. What speed should he
maintain for the remaining distance to reach his destination on time?

15 kmph
20 kmph
24 kmph
32 kmph

Question No: 21
In a 200 m race, A gives B a head start of 25 m and wins by 10 s. If A gives B a
head start of 45 m, the race ends in dead heat. What will be the time taken by A to
complete the race?

100 s
77.5 s
86 s
155 s

Question No: 22

Abhinav takes his car towards his friends's house which is at a distance 'x' km from
his house. He travels three fourth of 'x' at a speed of 25 kmph and the remaining
distance at a speed of 10 kmph. What is the average speed of the car for the entire

12.5 kmph
21.25 kmph
17.75 kmph
None of these

Question No: 23

Two runners A and B race around a circular track of length 750 meters. A covers 5
m per step and finishes the race in 50 seconds. Find the length of one step of B if
he loses the race by 30 seconds. Assume that number of footsteps taken per second
is the same for both of them.

Question No: 24

An astronaut while solving an equation came across a problem where he needs to

find the time taken to reach Mars from Earth. He had the data that Mars is
approximately 56.315 million km from Earth. He plans to propose the idea of
sending a spacecraft to Mars from Earth, and the speed of spacecraft at an average
speed of 2,900 meters per second. How many days it will take to reach the planet
Mars? (Approximately)

224.75 days
228.75 days
204.75 days
None of these

Question No: 25

The distance between the two cities P and Q is 300km. A train starts from station P
at 10 am with a speed of 80 km/hr towards Q. Another train starts from Q towards
P with a speed of 40km/hr at 11 am. At what time do they meet?

12.40 pm
12.50 pm
1 pm

Question No: 26
The distance between the two cities A and B is 330 km. A train starts from A at 8
a.m. and travels towards B at 60 km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 a.m. and
travels towards A at 75 km/hr. At what time do they meet?

10 am
10:45 am
11 am
11:25 am

Question No: 27
A train starts from Delhi at 6:00 am and reaches Ambala Cantt at 10 am. The other
train starts from Ambala Cantt at 8 am and reached Delhi at 11:30 am, If the
distance between Delhi and Ambala Cantt is 200 km, then at what time did the two
trains meet each other?

8.46 am
8.30 am
8.56 am
8.50 am

Question No: 28
Two trains met at 10 a.m. at the Dadar railway station. After their meeting, one of
them proceeded in the East direction while the other proceeded in the North
direction. Exactly at noon, they were 60 km apart. Find the speed of the slower
train if the difference of their speeds is 6 km/h

28 km/h
18 km/h
9 km/h
19 km/h

Question No: 29

A train (X) starts from Pune at 4:00 pm and reaches Delhi at 5:00 pm, while
another train (Y) starts from Delhi at 4:00 pm and reaches Pune at 5:30 pm. What
time will the two trains cross each other?

4.06 pm
4.36 pm
4.16 pm
4.26 pm

Question No: 30
Arun and Raj are walking up on an escalator which is moving upwards. Arun
requires 60 steps to climb to the top on the escalator while Raj requires 64 steps.
For every 3 steps Raj took, Arun goes 4 steps ahead. What was the total number of
steps present in the escalator?

80 steps
64 steps
60 steps
50 steps

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