Pharmacognosy Scheme-Third Professional

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Prepared by: M. S.


Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Sucrose (Table sugar) Sacchrum officinarum Graminae Obtained from Sugar- ___________ As preservative, Bacteriostatic, Demulcent,
Beta vulgaris Chenopodiaceae cane & Sugar-beet Anti-oxidant, Nutrient.
Lactose (Milk sugar) Bos Taurus Bovidae Obtained from Milk ___________ As pharmaceutical excipient, Infant’s food,
(zoological origin) Helps to establish intestinal microbial flora.
Honey Apis mellifera Apidae Obtained from Honey Glucose (30-40%), Fructose (40-50%), Expectorant, Flavourant, Bacteriocidal,
(zoological origin) Bee’s comb Sucrose (0.1-10%), Amino acids, Proteins, Laxative, Nutrient, Excipient, Demulcent,
Vitamins, Formic acid & Volatile oils. Anti-septic, Vehicle in cough syrup, Used in
healing wounds, constipation & diarrhea.
Starch Zea mays (Corn) Graminae Obtained from Corn, Amylose (25%): consists of 250-300 As disintegrant, Tablet binder, Absorbant,
Oryza sativa (Rice) Rice & Potato glucose units. Excipient, Demulcent, Protectant, Dusting
Solanum tuberosum Solanaceae Amylopectin (75%): consists of more than powder, Antidote for iodine poisoning,
1000 glucose units. Used in food & plastic industry.
Inulin Helianthus tuberosum Compositae Obtained from tubers ___________ Source of fructose, Used in culture media,
Used in diagnostic test for kidney problems.
Cellulose Gossypium hirsutum Malvaceae Obtained from seeds As surgical dressings, Protectant of wounds,
___________ Absorbs blood, mucus & pus, Protectant
from bacteria, Used in the textile industry.
Tragacanth Astragalous gummifer Leguminosae Pathalogical product Bassorin (60-70%), Tragacanthin (30%), Suspending agent, Emulsifying agent, Used
i.e. Gum Starch, Proteins, Sugar & Uronic acid. in cosmetics, In confectionary, Adhesives,
Stabilizers, Thickeners, In cloth printing.
Acacia Acacia senegal Leguminosae Gummy exudates of Arabin (mixture of Ca, Mg & K salts of Suspending agent, Emulsifying agent, In
stem & branches arabic acid), Arabinose, Rhamnose, Water, cosmetics, Demulcent, Emolliant, Tablet
Glacturonic acid, Glucronic acid & several binder, Disintegrant.
Enzymes i.e. oxidase, peroxidase.
Na-alginate (Algin) Macrocystis pyrifera Lessoniaceae Extract from whole L-glucronic acid, D-mannuronic acid, Suspending agent, Thickening agent, Tablet
plant Sodium salt of Alginic acid. binder, In food industry & in confectionary.
Agar Gelidium cartilagineum Gelidiaceae Extract from Red Algae Agarose, Agaro-pectin, Glacturonic acid. As surgical lubricant, Emulsifying agent,
Laxative, Tablet excipient, Disintegrant,
In bacterial culture media.
Pectin Citrus limon Rutaceae Inner portion of the Methoxylated poly-glacturonic acid (74%), Protectant, Anti-diarrheal, Gelling agent,
rind of citrus fruits Glacturonic acid (67%), Gelling powder. Suspending agent, Thickeners.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Cardio-active Glycosides
Digitalis Digitalis lanata Scrophulariaceae Dried leaves Digitoxin, Digoxin, Gitoxin, Gitaloxin, Cardiac stimulant, Cardiotoxic, Diuretic,
Digitalis purpurea Purpurea glycosides A & B, Lanata species In atrial tachycardia & atrial fibrillation,
contain Lanatosides A,B,C,D & E. To treat CHF.
Strophanthus Strophanthus kombe Apocynaceae Dried ripe seeds Mixture of glycosides present in seeds: Cardiac stimulant, In arrow poisoning,
Strophanthus hispidus Strophanthin, Strophanthidin, Kombic As diuretic.
acid, Saponin.
White Sqill Urginea maritima Liliaceae Dried fleshy inner Scillaren A, Glucoscillaren, Proscillaridine Cardiotonic, Expectorant, Used in chronic
Urginea indica scales of the bulb A, Quercetin derivatives. bronchitis & asthma, As diuretic, Emetic.
Anthra-quinone Glycosides
Cascara Sagrada Rhamnus purshianus Rhamnaceae Dried bark O-glycosides, C-glycosides, Barbaloin, Cathartic, Purgative, Promoting gastric
Deoxybarbaloin, Cascarosides A,B,C & D. digestion & apetite, In veterinary work.
Aloe Aloe vera Liliaceae Dried latex (juice) of Barbaloin, β-barbaloin, Isobarbaloin, Aloin, Cathartic, Emollient, Emmenagogue,
Aloe ferox leaves Aloe-emodin, Chrysophanic acid. Anthelmentic, Used in: Soaps, Shampoos,
Aloe spicata Conditioners & Cosmetics.
Aloe africana
Aloe barbadensis
Rhubarb Rheum officinale Polygonaceae Dried roots & rhizomes Emodin, Aloe-emodin, Chrysophanol, Cathartic, Laxative, Purgative, Antiseptic,
Rheum palmatum Rhein, Catechin, Free gallic acid, Starch, Astringent, Anthelmentic, Used in: Soaps,
Ca-oxalate. Shampoos & Cosmetics.
Senna Cassia acutifolia Leguminosae Dried leaflets Sennosides A,B,C & D. Aloe-emodin, Ca- Cathartic, Purgative, Laxative.
Cassia angustifolia oxalate.
Cochineal Dactylopius coccus Hemiptera (Order) Dried female insect Carminic acid, Fat, Wax. As colouring agent, Used as indicator.
(zoological origin)
Saponin Glycosides
Glycyrrhiza Glycyrrhiza glabra Leguminosae Dried roots & rhizomes Glycyrrhizin, Sodium & calcium salts of Sweetening agent, Expectorant,
Glycyrrhizinic acid, Liquiritin, Isoliquiritin, Demulcent, Used in peptic ulcer,
Coumarin derivatives. Also used in Candies & Chewing gums.
Sarsaparilla Smilax ornata Liliaceae Dried roots Sar-saponins (on hydrolysis, it gives sarsa- As flavourant, In non-alcoholic drinks, In
Smilax regelii sapogenin & dextrose), Sarsapic acid, synthesis of steroids, Used in Chronic skin
Smilax febrifuga Palmitic acid, Stearic acid. diseases.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Cyanophore Glycosides
Wild Cherry Prunus serotina Rosaceae Dried stem bark Prunasin, Prunase, Coumaric acid, Expectorant, Astringent, Sedative, Tonic,
Trimethylgallic acid, Starch, V.oils. Used in whooping cough & Dyspepsia.
Isothiocyanate Glycosides
Black Mustard Brassica nigra Brassicaceae Dried ripe seeds Sinigrin (Pot. Myronate), On hydrolysis, it Local irritant, Emetic, Extensively used as
Brassica juncea or Cruciferae gives mustard oil. Enzyme Myrosin, Fixed rubefacient & vesicant, Used in vegetable
White Mustard Brassica alba oils, Sinalbin & Arachidic acid. ghee & soap manufacturing also.
Lactone Glycosides
Cantharides Cantharis vesicatoria Meloidae Dried insect Cantharidin, Canthraridic acid. Irritant, Vesicant, Rubefacient,
(Zoological origin) Also remove warts.
Aldehyde Glycosides
Vanilla Vanilla planifolia Orchidaceae Crude fully grown but Glucovanillin, Glucovanillic alcohol, Sugar, Flavouring agent, Source of vanillin,
Vanilla tahitensis unripe fruit Fixed oils, Ca-oxalate. Also used in perfumery.
Vanilla fragrans
Miscellaneous Glycosides
Gentian Gentian lutea Gentianaceae Dried roots & rhizomes Bitter glycosides i.e. Gentiopicrin, As bitter tonic, Antiseptic, Anthelmentic,
Gentiamarin etc. Gentisic acid, Pectin, Emmenagogue, In alcoholic preparations
Sugar, Fixed oils. due to stomachic property.
Quassia Quassia amara Simarubaceae Dried stem wood Picrasmin, Quassin, Neo-quassin, Amaroid, Bitter tonic, Stomachic, Increase apetite,
Picrasma excels Coumarins. Insecticide, For expulsion of thread worms.
Dioscorea Dioscorea villosa Dioscoreaceae Dried rhizomes Saponin glycosides i.e. Diosein which on Used in the preparation of Progesterone,
Dioscorea composite hydrolysis yields Diosgenin, Rhamnose & Used in Contraceptives, Cheap source of
Glucose. Carbohydrates & also of vitamin B1, B2 & B6.
Hamamelis Hamamelis virginiana Hamamelidaceae Dried leaves Gallitannins, Elagitannins, Free gallic acid, Astringent, Haemostatic, Hamamelis water
V.oils, Bitter principles. is used as an ingredient of eye lotion which
is used in hemorrhoidal products.
Nut Gall Quercus infectoria Fagaceae Pathalogical out- Tannic acid, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Gallo- Source of tannic acid which is largely used
growth obtained from tannic acid, Starch, Resins, Ca-oxalate. in tanning & dyeing industry.
the young twigs Also to prepare the inks.
Used as astringent in suppositories.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Pale Catechu Uncaria gambier Rubiaceae Dried aqueous extract Catechin, Catechutannic acid, Catechu red, As astringent, In dyeing & tanning industry,
of leaves & twigs of a Quercetin, Waxes, Fixed oils. In lozenges, Due to its astringent property,
climbing shrub it is used in cough, ulcer & diarrhea.
Black Catechu Acacia catechu Leguminosae Dried aqeous extract Catechin, Phlobatannin, Catechutannic Cooling & digestive properties. Due to its
prepared from heart acid, Quercetin, Gummy matter. astringent property, it is used in cough &
wood ulcer.
Hydrocarbon Volatile Oils
Cubeb Piper cubeba Piperaceae Dried unripe but fully Cubeb, Cubebol, Cubebic acid, Camphor, Carminative, Expectorant, Diuretic, Urinary
grown fruit V. oils, Fixed oils, Resins, Gums, Starch. tract antiseptic, As condiment.
Terpentine Oil Pinus palustris Pinaceae V.oil obtained from the α-pinene (65 %), β-pinene (30 %), As solvent for waxes. As counter-irritant,
oleo-gum resins Camphene, Limonene. mild antiseptic, rubefacient & insecticide.
To prepare paints, varnishes & synthetic
Alcoholic Volatile Oils
Peppermint Mentha piperita Labiatae Dried leaves & Menthol, Menthone, Menthofuran, As condiment, Flavouring agent, Soothing
flowering tops Cineol, Limonene, Pinene, Resins & agent, Carminative & Counter-irritant.
Tannins. Used in case of Hysteria & Nervous
Coriander Coriandrum sativum Umbelliferae Dried ripe fruit & Coriandrol, Limonene, Geraniol, α-pinene, Carminative, Flavouring agent, Antiseptic,
leaves ρ-cymene, Fats & Proteins. Expectorant, Antispasmodic, Diuretic.
Used in the sore throat.
Cardamon Elettaria cardamomum Zingiberaceae Dried ripe seeds Terpineol, Terpinyl acetate, Borneol, Carminative, Flavouring agent, Expectorant,
Cineol, Limonene. Aromatic, As condiment.
In the treatment of Asthma & Nausea.
Aldehyde Volatile Oils
Lemon Peel Citrus limon Rutaceae Outer yellowish rind of Hesperidin, Mucilage, Ca-oxalate crystals. Flavouring agent, Stimulant, Stomachic,
fresh ripe fruit V. oil contains: Limonene, β-pinene, Externally oil is rubefacient.
Terpineol, Geranyl acetate.
Orange Peel Citrus aurantium Rutaceae Dried outer part of the Hesperidin, Limonene, Pectin, Vitamin C, Flavouring agent, Carminative, Stomachic,
pericarp Bitter amorphous glycoside i.e. Aromatic, Tonic, For acne removal.
aurantiamarin. Used in fish liver oil preparation.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Cinnamon Cinnamomum Lauraceae Dried bark Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamic acid, Eugenol, Flavouring agent, Carminative, Astringent,
zeylanicum Limonene, ρ-cymene, Mucilages, Tannins. Aromatic, Antiseptic, Demulcent. Used in
the bronchitis, nausea & liver problems.
Bitter Almond Prunus amygdalis Rosaceae Dried ripe seeds Benzaldehyde, Hydrocyanic acid, Flavouring agent, Emolliant, To prepare the
Mucilage, Emulsin. toilet articles, Also used in cosmetics.
Ketonic Volatile Oils
Camphor Cinnamomum camphora Lauraceae Dried wood or solid Camphene, Limonene, Cineol, Pinene, Rubefacient, Carminative, Stimulant,
ketone Phellandrene, Diterpenes. Antiseptic, Anti-pruritic. In the synthesis of
plastic industry & in cosmetics.
Spearmint Mentha spicata Labiatae Dried leaves & Carvone, Dihydro-carveol acetate, Cineol, Flavouring agent, Carminative, Stimulant,
flowering tops Resins, Alcohol, Esters, Tannins. Digestive, In chewing gum industry,
In tooth paste & mouth wash.
Caraway Carum carvi Umbelliferae Dried ripe fruit Carveol, Dihydrocarveol, Limonene, Fixed Flavouring agent, Carminative, Stimulant,
oils, Resins, Colouring matter, Proteins & Aromatic, Stomachic, Antispasmodic, As
Ca-oxalate. spice.
Buchu Barosma betulina Rutaceae Dried leaves Diosphenol, Limonene, Menthone, Resins, Diuretic, Urinary tract antiseptic,
Flavanoids, Mucilage & Ca-oxalate. In menstrual problems.
Phenolic Volatile Oils
Thyme Thymus vulgaris Labiatae Dried leaves Thymol, Carvacrol, ρ-cymol, Resins, Gums, Carminative, Stimulant, Flavouring agent,
Tannins & Monoterpenes. Antiseptic, Anti-tussive, In toothache.
Clove Eugenia caryophyllus Myrtaceae Dried flowering buds Eugenol, Isoeugenol, Caryophylline, Gums, Carminative, Stimulant, Flavouring agent,
Vanillin, Gallotannic acid & Oleanolic acid. Local anesthetic, Aromatic, Germicide.
Phenolic ether Volatile Oils
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Umbelliferae Dried ripe fruit Anethole, Fenchone, α-pinene, β-pinene, Carminative, Aromatic, Stimulant, Diuretic,
Carvone, Carveol, Limonene, Anisic acid, Flavourant, Stomachic, Increase lactation,
Fixed oils & Proteins. Also promotes the menstruation.
Anise Pimpinella anisum Umbelliferae Dried ripe fruit Anethole, Anisic acid, Anisaldehyde, Anise Antimicrobial, Carminative, Digestive,
ketone, β-caryophylline & α-pinene. Diuretic, Expectorant, Externally in scabies.
Increase lactation, Promotes menstruation.
Myristica (Nut-Meg) Myristica fragrans Myristicaceae Dried ripe seeds or Myristicin, Safrol, Borneol, Eugenol, Carminative, Astringent, Anesthetic action,
kernels Pinene, Camphor, Starch & Proteins. Aromatic, Narcotic & Flavouring agent.
Also it can cause abortion.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Oxide Volatile Oils
Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae Fresh leaves Eucalyptol (70-85 %), ρ-cymene, α-pinene, Flavourant, Carminative, Expectorant, Anti-
Cineol, Resins & Tannins. microbial, Antiseptic, Rubefacient & in cold.
Chenopodium Oil Chenopodium Chenopodiaceae Fresh aerial parts of Ascaridol (70 %), Safrole, Glycol, Camphor, Greatly used in veterinary practice, Active
ambrosioides plant Pinene, ρ-cymene & Limonene. purgative, Anthelmentic, Anti-malerial. Also
used in Hysteria & Nervous disorders.
Ester Volatile Oils
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Lamiaceae Fresh flowering tops of Borneol, Bornyl acetate, Camphor, Cineol, Carminative, Stimulant, Astringent, used in
or Labiatae leafy twigs Pinene, Tannic acid & Bitter principles. GIT disorders & as mouth wash. Rosemary
extracts are used in food technology as
Miscellaneous Volatile Oils
Anethum Anethum graveolens Umbelliferae Dried ripe fruit Carvone, Dihydrocarvone, Phellendrene, Flavourant, Carminative, Anthelmentic,
Coumarins, Limonene & Flavonoids. Antiflatulant & Stomachic.
Oil of dill is used in the perfuming soaps.
Allium Allium cepa (Onion) Liliaceae Ripe bulbs Allicin, Alliin, Albumin, Mucilages & V. oils. Expectorant, Aphrodisiac, Carminative,
Allium sativum (Garlic) Amino acids i.e. Leucine & Methionine. Anti-bacterial, Antifungal & Antiseptic.
Used in Atherosclerosis & Hypertension.
Rosin Pinus palustris Pinaceae Gummy exudates obt. Abietic acid, Pimaric acid, Sylvic acid, Binder, Diuretic, Anti-ulcer, Anti-microbial.
by making grooves in Resenes & Hydrocarbons. Used as stiffening agent in ointments &
plant plasters. Commercially it is used to prepare
varnishes, paper, cement & polishes.
Cannabis Cannabis sativa Cannabinaceae Dried flowering tops Cannabinol, Cannabidiol, Cannabinol Δ9, Expectorant, Counter irritant, Anti-tussive,
or Moraceae (THC) & Cannabidiolic acid. Anti-anxiety, Narcotic, Analgesic, Sedative.
Residue used as cattle food.
Podophyllum Podophyllum peltatum Berberidaceae Dried roots & rhizomes Podophyllin, Podophyllotoxin, α-Peltatin, Purgative, Anti-cancer property, Used as
or Podophyllaceae β-Peltatin, Flavonoid Quercetin & Starch. paint treating certain type of warts.
Ipomoea Ipomoea orizabensis Convolvulaceae Dried roots Resins, Convolvullinic acid, Jalapinolic acid, Strong cathartic, Purgative.
Cinnamic acid.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Jalap Ipomoea purga Convolvulaceae Dried tuberous roots Convolvulin, Exogenic acid, Valeric acid, Hydragogue cathartic,
Exogonium purga Tiglic acid, Mannitol, Jalapin (glycoside), Laxative (in small dose),
Palmitic acid & Stearic acid. Purgative (in large dose).
Colocynth Citrullus colocynthis Cucurbitaceae Dried pulp of fruit Citrulline, Colocynthin, Colocynthinin, Cathartic, Hydragogue purgative,
Pectin, Cucurbitacin E, Cucurbitacin I & Anti-diabetic & Insecticidal.
Terpentine Pinus palustris Pinaceae Gummy exudates obt. Terpentine oil, α-pinene, β-pinene, Expectorant, Rubefacient, mild antiseptic,
by making grooves in Volatile oils & Resins. As diuretic, Counter irritant (externally).
Capsicum Capsicum annuum Solanaceae Dried ripe fruit Capsaicin, Homocapsaicin, Capsacutin, Carminative, Counter irritant, Stomachic,
Carotenoids, Ascorbic acid, Vitamin E, Rubefacient, In flatulence, Stimulant, As
Volatile oils, Fixed oils & Resins. spice, For the treatment of migraine.
Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiberaceae Dried rhizomes Zingerone, Gingerone, Gingerol, Shogaol, Carminative, As condiment, Anti-emetic,
Zingiberol, Cineol, Citral, Starch, Mucilage. Stimulant, Aromatic, Anti-inflammatory.
Used in cold, sore throat & loss of voice.
Oleo-gum resins
Asafoetida Ferula foetida Umbelliferae Gummy exudates obt. Ferulic acid, Umbelliferone, Vanillin, V.oils, Carminative, Expectorant,
by incision of roots & Pinene, Gums & Resins. In asthma & cholera, Laxative.
rhizomes As enema for intestinal flatulence.
Myrrh Commiphora myrrha Burseraceae Oleo-gum resins obt. α-commiphoric acid, β-commiphoric acid, Carminative, Astringent, Antiseptic,
Commiphora molmol by incision into stem Terpenes, Sesquiterpenes, V.oils, Resins, Stimulant, Also used in perfumes.
Eugenol, Pinene, Limonene & Dipentene. Used in paints, gargles & tinctures.
Storax Liquidamber orientalis Hamamelidaceae Liquid obt. by incision α-storesin, β-storesin, Phenyl ethylene, To prepare the compound benzoin tincture.
Liquidamber styraciflua of bark of tree or trunk Cinnamic acid, Cinnamic ester, Vanillin. Topical protectant, Stimulant, Expectorant.
Peruvian Balsam Myroxylon pereirae Leguminosae Exudate obt. by incision Benzoic acid, Benzyl cinnamate, Cinnamic Ingredient of cosmetics, Parasiticide,
of the bark acid, Cinnamyl cinnamate, Vanillin, Benzyl Scabicide, Expectorant, Rubefacient,
benzoate. Antiseptic, Also used in perfumes.
Tolu Balsam Myroxylon balsamum Leguminosae Exudate obt. by incision Cinnamic acid, Benzoic acid, Ferulic acid, Used in the perfume industry, Expectorant,
of trunk or stem Resins, Styrene, Vanillin, Benzyl benzoate, Flavourant, Stimulant, Antiseptic. Also used
Benzyl cinnamate & Eugenol. in the preparation of syrups & tinctures.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Sumatra Benzoin Styrax benzoin Styraceae Gummy exudates obt. Suma-resinolic acid, Cinnamic acid, Phenyl As topical protectant, Stimulant, Diuretic,
by tapering of the bark ethylene, Benzoic acid & Vanillin. Expectorant. Also used to prepare the
compound benzoin tincture.
Siam Benzoin Styrax tonkinensis Sia-resinolic acid, Benzoic acid, Coniferyl Antiseptic, Expectorant, In foods & drinks.
alcohol, Coniferyl benzoate & Vanillin. Also used in perfumery & cosmetics.
Pyridine-Piperidine Alkaloids
Areca Nut Areca catechu Palmae Dried ripe seeds Arecoline, Arecolidine, Arecaidine, Lipids, Anthelmentic, Emmenagogue, Aphrodisiac,
Tannins, Guvacine & Guvacoline. Vermicide, In urinary disorders.
Lobelia Lobelia inflata Lobeliaceae Dried leaves & Lobeline, Lobelidine, Lobelanidine, Lipids, In spasmodic asthma & chronic bronchitis,
flowering tops Resins, Lobelanine & Iso-lobelanine. Respiratory stimulant, Expectorant, In anti-
smoking preparations.
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacum Solanaceae Dried leaves Nicotine, Nor-nicotine, Nicotrine, As smoking agent, Respiratory stimulant,
Nicotinine, Nicotianin, Anabasine, Sedative, Narcotic, Expectorant, Insecticide,
Anatabine, Organic acids i.e. Malonic acid, Tobacco leaves are made wet & applied in
Fumaric acid, Lactic acid & Citric acid. piles.
Tropane Alkaloids
Belladonna Atropa belladonna Solanaceae Dried leaves & Atropine (Hyoscyamine), Apo-atropine, Mydriatic agent, Sedative, Bronchodilator,
flowering tops Belladonine, Scopolamine (Hyoscine). Local anaesthetic, To relieve GIT & urinary
tract spasms, In peptic ulcer.
Hyoscyamus Hyoscyamus niger Solanaceae Dried leaves & Atropine (Hyoscyamine), Mydriatic agent, Sedative, Bronchodilator,
flowering tops Scopolamine (Hyoscine). Local anaesthetic, To relieve GIT & urinary
tract spasms, In toothache.
Stramonium Datura stramonium Solanaceae Dried leaves & Atropine (Hyoscyamine), Mydriatic agent, Sedative, Bronchodilator,
flowering tops Scopolamine (Hyoscine). Local anaesthetic, To relieve GIT & urinary
tract spasms, In peptic ulcer.
Quinolone Alkaloids
Cinchona Cinchona calisaya Rubiaceae Dried bark of stem & Quinine, Quinidine, Cinchonine, Anti-malerial, Anti-pyretic, Anti-fibrillation,
Cinchona officinalis root Cinchonidine, Cinchotannic acid, Antiviral, Analgesic, Stomachic, As bitter
Cinchona succirubra Quinic acid, Starch & Ca-oxalate. tonic & also used in neuralgia.
Cinchona ledgeriana

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Iso-quinolone Alkaloids
Opium Papaver somniferum Papaveraceae Air dried milky exudate Morphine, Codeine, Norcotine, Thebaine, CNS depressant, Cause drug addiction,
obtained by incising Papaverine, Noscapine & Cryptopine. Narcotic analgesic, Central anti-tussive,
the unripe fruit Atringent, In abdominal cramps & diarrhea.
Ipecacuanha (Ipecac) Cephaelis acuminata Rubiaceae Dried roots & rhizomes Emetine, Emetamine, Cephaeline, Starch, In the treatment of drug over dose & drug
Cephaelis ipecacuanha Psychotrine, Psychotrine methyl ester & poisoning. Expectorant, Diaphoretic.
Ca-oxalate. As emetic, Selective inhibiters of HIV.
Indole Alkaloids
Rauwolfia Rauwolfia serpentina Apocynaceae Dried roots Reserpine, Reserpinine, Serpentine, As tranquilizer in epilepsy & hypertension.
Serpentinine, Ajmaline, Iso-ajmaline, Antidote for reptile poisoning. In cardiac
Ajmalicine, Ajmalinine, Rauwolfinine. Arrhythmias & in circulatory disorders.
Also in neuro-psychiatric disorders.
Catharanthus Catharanthus roseus Apocynaceae Dried whole plant Vincristine, Vinblastine, Catharanthine, In the treatment of wide variety of cancers,
Vindoline, Reserpine & Serpentine. tumours, leukemias & lymphomas. Also in
Hodgkin’s disease. Anti-diabetic in folk
medicines. In the treatment of scurvy.
Nux Vomica Strychnos nuxvomica Loganiaceae Dried ripe seeds Major: Strychnine, Brucine, Respiratory stimulant in certain cases of
Minor: Proto-strychnine, Iso-strychnine, poisoning. Circulatory stimulant in surgical
Pseudo-strychnine & Vomicine. shock. Appetite stimulant, Bitter tonic.
Physostigmine Physostigma venenosum Leguminosae Dried ripe seeds Physostigmine, Iso-physostigmine, Decrease intra-ocular pressure,
Physovenine & Eseramine. Used in glaucoma, Cause miosis,
Cause muscle weakness.
Ergot Claviceps purpurea Clavicipitaceae Dried sclerotium of Ergotamine, Ergometrine, Ergocristine, Oxytocic, Assist in delivery,
fungus developed on Ergocristinine, Ergocryptine, Ergonovine, Abortifacient, Vasoconstrictor,
plants of Rye Ergosterol, Histamine & Tyramine. To reduce postpartum hemorrhage.
Imidazole Alkaloids
Pilocarpus Pilocarpus jaborandi Rutaceae Leaflets Pilocarpine, Iso-pilocarpine, Pilocarpidine, Powerful rapid diaphoretic, As glactagogue,
Pilocarpus microphyllus Pseudopilocarpine, Pilosine & Iso-pilosine. Used in the treatment of glaucoma.
Alkaloidal Amines
Ephedra Ephedra sinica Ephedraceae Dried whole plant Ephedrine, Pseudo-ephedrine, Norpseudo- As decongestant, Vasoconstrictor, Relief
Ephedra intermedia ephedrine, Tannins, Saponin & V. oils. fever & whooping cough, Cardiac stimulant,
Anti-inflammatory & Anti-allergic.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Colchicum Colchicum leuteum Liliaceae Dried ripe seeds & Colchicine, Colchico-resins, Demecolcine, Cause multiplication of chromosomes in a
Colchicum autumnale corms Fixed oils, Starch & Glucose. cell nucleus, Has anti-leukemic properties,
Analgesic, To relief gout.
Steroidal Alkaloids
Veratrum Viride Veratrum viride Liliaceae Dried roots & rhizomes Germine, Germidine, Germitrine, Jervine, Sedative, To prepare Veriloid (A mixture of
Rubijervine, Pseudojervine, Veratramine, hypotensive alkaloids), Anti-inflammatory,
Veratridine & Veratrosine. In acute tonsillitis, Insecticide.
Veratrum Album Veratrum album Protoveratrine A & B. Antihypertensive, Insecticide.
Purine Bases
Coffee Coffea arabica Rubiaceae Dried ripe seeds Caffeine, Chlorogenic acid, Tannins, Olein, CNS stimulant, Flavouring agent, Relaxes
Palmitin, Dextrin, Glucose & Fixed oils. the smooth muscles, Diuretic, In terrible
coma, Inhibition of uterine contraction,
Increase gastric acid secretions.
Tea Thea sinensis Theaceae Prepare leaves & leaf Caffeine, Gallo-tannic acid, Theophylline, CNS stimulant, Astringent due to tannins,
Camellia sinensis buds Theobromine, Xanthines & Tannins. Increase gastric acid secretions, Diuretic,
Relaxes the smooth muscles.
Fixed Oils
Castor Oil Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Dried ripe seeds Unsaturated Fatty Acids: As stiffening agent, Lubricant,
Ricinoleic acid, Iso-ricinoleic acid. Stimulant, Cathartic, In soaps & paints.
Saturated Fatty Acids: In vaginal jelly to restore vaginal acidity.
Stearic acid, Iso-stearic acid, Palmitic acid.
Cotton Seed Oil Gossypium hirsutum Malvaceae Dried ripe seeds Gossypol, Vitamin E & Ergosterol. Cathartic, For edible purpose,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: As emollient in liniments,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. As lubricant, Used in soaps,
Saturated Fatty Acids: Used as solvent in number of injections.
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Arachidic acid.
Olive Oil Olea europoea Oleaceae Ripe fruits Phytosterol & Vitamin E. For edible purpose, As salad oil,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Demulcent, Emollient, Laxative,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. In colonic carcino-genesis.
Saturated Fatty Acids: In the preparation of soaps, plasters &
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Arachidic acid. liniments.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Peanut Oil Arachis hypogaea Leguminosae Dried ripe seeds or Sterol, Stochopherol & β-carotenes. For edible purpose,
kernels Unsaturated Fatty Acids: In making margarines,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Used in Camphorated oil,
Saturated Fatty Acids: As solvent for I/M injections,
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Arachidic acid. In soap & paint production.
Sun Flower Oil Helianthus annuus Compositae Dried ripe seeds Lecithin, Waxes & Cerotenoids. As cooking oil,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: As skin moisturizer,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Used in cosmetics,
Saturated Fatty Acids: As alternative to corn oil.
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid.
Corn Oil Zea mays Graminae Oil obtained from β-sitosterol & Compesterol. Edible oil; used in salad,
embryos Unsaturated Fatty Acids: (87%) As solvent for injections,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Reduces blood cholesterol level,
Saturated Fatty Acids: (13%) Ingredient of orally administered diet.
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid.
Coconut Oil Cocos nucifera Palmae Dried solid part of the Unsaturated Fatty Acids: In ointment bases, Massage oil,
endosperm Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Used in cosmetics, As hair tonic,
Saturated Fatty Acids: Used as edible fats in confectionaries.
Caprylic acid, Lauric acid & Myristic acid.
Almond Oil Prunus amygdalus Rosaceae Dried ripe seeds Amygdalin, Mucilage, Emulsin & Proteins. Expectorant, Emollient,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Demulcent, Mild laxative,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Preparation of toilet articles,
Saturated Fatty Acids: As vehicle for I/M injections.
Palmitic acid, Myristic acid.
Linseed Oil Linum usitatissimum Linaceae Dried ripe seeds Fixed oils, Proteins & Lipase enzyme. Demulcent, Expectorant, Laxative,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Emollient, Diuretic, Used in liniment,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Valuable cattle food, For gonorrhea.
Saturated Fatty Acids:
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Myristic acid.
Mustard Oil Brassica nigra Brassicaceae Dried ripe seeds Enzyme Myrosin, Sinigrin (glycoside), Anti-bacterial,
Brassica juncea or Cruciferae Erucic acids & Vitamin E. Rubefacient, In soaps,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: As vegetable ghee (Edible oil).
Oleic acid & Linoleic acid.

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Drug Botanical Origin Family Part Used Constituents Uses

Sesame Oil Sesamum indicum Pedaliaceae Dried ripe seeds Sesamin, Sesamolin, Sesamol, β-sitosterol, Emollient, Demulcent, Laxative,
Vit. A & E, Proteins, Mucilages & Fixed oils. Anti-oxidant, Nutrition value,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Used in I/M injections,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Used in cosmetics,
Saturated Fatty Acids: Prevent heart disease,
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Arachidic acid. Used in insecticidal sprays.
Soybean Oil Glycine soja Leguminosae Dried ripe seeds Urease, Carbohydrates & Proteins. Ingredient in parenteral,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Used as livestock food,
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. Used in manufacturing of varnishes.
Saturated Fatty Acids:
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid.
Theobroma Oil Theobroma cocao Sterculiaceae Roasted seeds or Fixed oils, Starch, Proteins, Caffeine & As lubricant,
grounded kernels Theobromine. Base for suppositories,
Unsaturated Fatty Acids: Used in the preparation of soaps &
Oleic acid, Linoleic acid. chocolates.
Saturated Fatty Acids:
Palmitic acid, Stearic acid & Arachidic acid.
Lanolin Ovis aries Bovidae Wool of sheep Cholesterol, Iso-cholesterol, Lanosterol, Ingredient in creams & ointments.
(zoological origin) Carnaubic acid & Lanopalmitic acid. Emollient, As water absorbable base.
Bees Wax Apis mellifera Apidae Purified wax from Myricyl palmitate (80%), Myricyl stearate, White wax is used in creams & ointments,
(zoological origin) honey combs Free cerotic acid, Hydrocarbons, Lactones, Stiffening agent, Base for plasters, In shoe
Moisture & Pollen pigments. polishes & candles, Ingredient of yellow
Carnauba Wax Copernicia cerifera Palmae Dried leaves Carnaubic acid, Cerotic acid, Alkyl esters, Used in candles, varnishes, leather &
Copernicia prunifera Myricyl cerotate, Lectones & Resins. furniture polishes, As substitute of bees
wax, Used as a tablet-coating agent.
Spermaceti Physeter macrocephalus Physeteridae Head of sperm whale Cetyl laurate, Cetyl stearate, Free alcohol, Emollient, Base for ointments, In cosmetics
(zoological origin) Cetyl myristate & Fatty acids. & creams, For making candles & soaps etc.
Jojoba oil Simmondsia chinensis Buxaceae Dried ripe seeds Eicosanol, Eicosanoic acid, Docosenol. Emollient, As pharmaceutical necessities

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Crude Drugs Classification

(Glycosides) (Volatile Oils)
Cardio-active glycosides Digitalis - Strophanthus - White Squill Hydrocarbon volatile oils Cubeb - Terpentine Oil
Anthra-quinone glycosides Cascara Sagrada - Aloe - Rhubarb - Senna - Cochineal Alcoholic volatile oils Peppermint - Coriander - Cardamom
Saponin glycosides Glycyrrhiza - Sarsaparilla Aldehyde volatile oils Lemon Peel - Orange Peel - Cinnamon - Bitter Almond
Cyanophore glycosides Wild Cherry Ketonic volatile oils Camphor - Spearmint - Caraway - Buchu
Isothiocyanate glycosides Black Mustard - White Mustard Phenolic volatile oils Thyme - Clove
Lactone glycosides Cantharides Phenolic ether volatile oils Fennel - Anise - Myristica
Aldehyde glycosides Vanilla Oxide volatile oils Eucalyptus - Chenopodium Oil
Miscellaneous glycosides Gentian - Quassia - Dioscorea Ester volatile oils Rosemary
(Alkaloids) Miscellaneous volatile oils Anethum - Allium
Pyridine-piperidine alkaloids Areca Nut - Lobelia - Tobacco
Tropane alkaloids Belladonna - Hyoscyamus - Stramonium
Quinoline alkaloids Cinchona Prepared by:
Isoquinoline alkaloids Opium - Ipecacuanha (Ipecac)
Indole alkaloids Rauwolfia - Catharanthus - Nux Vomica - Physostigmine - Ergot M. Saeed Noor
Imidazole alkaloids Pilocarpus Roll No.41
Steroidal alkaloids Veratrum Viride - Veratrum Album 3rd Prof. (Eve)
Alkaloidal amines Ephedra - Colchicum Pharm-D ……… (2008-2013)
Purine bases Coffee - Tea
Resin Rosin - Cannabis
Glucoresins Podophyllum - Jalap - Ipomoea - Colocynth
Oleoresins Terpentine - Capsicum - Ginger Always remember me in your prayerz…….!!
Oleo-gum resins Asafoetida - Myrrh
Balsams Storax - Peruvian Balsam - Tolu Balsam - Benzoin
Fixed oils Castor oil - Cotton seed oil - Olive oil - Peanut oil - Sun flower oil - Corn oil - Almond oil - Linseed oil - Mustard oil - Sesame oil - Soybean oil
Fats Theobroma oil - Lanolin
Waxes Bees wax - Carnauba wax - Spermaceti - Jojoba oil

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

Prepared by: M. S. Noor

Note: Structures are available on hand written notes by M. S. Noor

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