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Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree
Master of Business Administration
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekananda Technical University, Bhilai

Submitted by,

Anuraj Vishwakarma
MBA – Semester 4th
(Session 2019-2021)

Approved By, Guided By.

Dr. Souren Sarkar Dr. Souren Sarkar


Faculty of Management Studies
Approved By AICTE
(Managed by Shri Gangajali Education Society, Bhilai)

I the undersigned declare that the major project entitled “Consumer buying
behavior with reference to D-mart Bhilai-Charoda” is based on my own work
carried out during the course of my internship under the supervision of Dr. Souren
I assert that the statements made and the conclusion
drawn are an out come of major project. I further declare that to the best of my
knowledge and belief that the report does not contain any part of my work which
has been submitted for the award of MBA degree or any other
degree/diploma/certificate in this university or any other university of India or

(Signature of the Candidate)
Anuraj Vishwakarma
Enrolment No: BH0526


This is to certify that the work incorporated in the report Consumer buying
behavior with reference to D-mart Bhilai-Charoda is a record of project work
carried out by Anuraj vishwakarma bearing Enrollment No.: BH0526 under
my/our guidance and supervision for the part fulfillment for the award of MBA
Degree of Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai (C.G.),

To the best of my knowledge and belief the Report

i) Embodies the work of the candidate him/herself,

ii) Has duly been completed,

iii) Is up to the desired standard both in respect of contents and language

for external viva.

(Signature of the Supervisor)


I would like to take the privilege to specially thank respected Dr. Souren Sarkar for
kind support and valuable guidance which helped me to complete this project. I am
thankful to Dr. Souren Sarkar (head) faculty of Management Studies who has
given me the opportunity to do this project and also his continuous cooperation for
our overall growth.

Date – Anuraj Vishwakarma

Place – Bhilai MBA - semester IV


Training certificate
Certificate by examiner
Chapter 1. Introduction to the study
a. Industry Profile
b. About the Company
Chapter 2. Literature Review
Chapter 3. Research Methodology
a. Objectives
b. Research Plan
c. Sampling Plan
d. Data Collection
e. Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 4. Key results
Chapter 5. Recommendations
Chapter 6. Conclusions
Chapter 7. References

a. Questionnaire used

The methodology section will consist of three sections.

Section A. The first section will describe the objectives of the study.
Section B. The second section will discuss about the research plan and sampling plan used in
the study. The following table can be taken as a guideline for preparing this section.

Research Design: Descriptive

Research Method Used Survey

Research Technique Used Questionnaire

Data Collection From Bhilai - Charoda

Sampling Plan convenience

Sample Size 70

The research should also present why he has chosen the design he has chosen. And he
should also write about something about the design / method / technique and sampling
plan to support his study. In any case the researcher should not write what he has not
done in the study.

Section C. Section C will contain the demographic characteristics of the respondents. A

sample is shown below:

Measure Item Number of Respondents


Age 20-30




Chapter 1- Introduction

A consumer buying behavior with reference to D-Mart is to checking the buying behavior of an
individual consumer when he used to shopping in D-Mart. D-Mart offers all over the household
products for our daily routine in best affordable prices for every customer. The key objectives of
this project are:

 To study of availability of offers and services.

 To know availability of varieties of products.
 To know about affordable price for everyone.
 To know the customer satisfaction level.
 To study of quality of products.

As a part of our study of MBA programme, we are given capstone project work to
develop our analytical faculties as professional students. In relation to the aforementioned
objective the project undertaken by us covers marketing analysis of national. The study
converges on major giants in global market: D-Mart offer products to satisfy the entire
family’s needs. Merchandise offered at D-Mart is always at lower prices. Stores are designed
with customer convenience in mind. D-Mart respects your intelligence by offering a wide
choice of brand and pack sizes, couple with easy-to- understand communications and

Company Profile

D-Mart is a one-stop supermarket chain that aims to offer customers a wide range of basic home
and personal products under one roof. Each D-Mart store stocks home utility products -
including food, toiletries, beauty products, garments, kitchenware, bed and bath linen, home
appliances and more - available at competitive prices that our customers appreciate. Our core
objective is to offer customers good products at great value.

D-Mart was started by Mr. Radhakishan Damani and his family to address the growing needs of
the Indian family. From the launch of its first store in Powai in 2002, D-Mart today has a well-
established presence in 234 locations across Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, NCR, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Rajasthan. With
our mission to be the lowest priced retailer in the regions we operate, our business continues to
grow with new locations planned in more cities.

The supermarket chain of D-Mart stores is owned and operated by Avenue Supermarts Ltd.
(ASL). The company has its headquarters in Mumbai.

* The brands D Mart, D Mart Minimax, D Mart Premia, D Homes, Dutch Harbour, etc. are
brands owned by ASL.

Founders: D-Mart is owned and operated by Avenue Supermarts Ltd. (ASL) – a company
founded by Mr. Radhakishan Damani. Mr. Radhakishan Damani is respected in the business
world as an astute investor in the Indian equity market, he has built a company that constantly
strives towards developing a deep understanding of customer needs and satisfying them with the
right products. A firm believer in core business fundamentals and strong ethical values, Mr.
Damani has built D-Mart into an efficient, large and profitable retail chain that is highly
respected by customers, partners and employees alike.

Company’s mission: At DMart, we research, identify and make available new products and
categories that suit the everyday needs of the Indian family. Our mission is to provide the best
value possible for our customers, so that every rupee they spend on shopping with us gives them
more value for money than they would get anywhere else.

Chapter 2- Review of literature

Review of literature literally means reviewing already acquired knowledge in a detailed and
completely connected way. It is a summary in which, Various truths intensively studied are seen
as an organized whole, accurately related and well unified. Researcher takes advantage of the
knowledge which has accumulated in the past as a result of constant human Endeavour. Research
can never be undertaken in isolation of the work that has already been done on the problems
which are directly or indirectly related to a study proposes by a researcher.

One of the important steps in the planning of any research study is a careful review of the
research journals, books, dissertations, theses and other sources of information on the problem to
be investigated. It enables the researcher to define the limits of his field and to avoid unfruitful
and useless problem areas. The knowledge of related literature makes the researcher up-to-date
on the work which others have done and help him to avoid unintentional duplication of well
established findings. The review of related literature gives the researcher an understanding of the
research methodology, tools and instruments, which have proved to be useful and promising in
the previous studies and provides an insight into the statistical methods through which validity of
results is to be established.

In the words of Best, “A familiarity with the literature in any problem area helps the students to
discover what is already known, what others have attempted to find out, what methods have been
promising and disappointing and what problems remain to be solved.” In view of the importance
of the review of related research, an attempt was made to analyze the related researches on A
consumer buying behavior with reference to D-Mart. These studies have been systematically
presented in the following section.


(Doyle & Fenwick 1974; Jain & Etgar 1976; King & Ring 1980; Chowdhury 1998), with
some research efforts having attempted to explore the evolution of store image formation.

( Mazursky and jacoby 1986); and others seeking to conduct a meta-analysis of retail patronage
studies (Pan & Zinkhan 2006). However, the exciting literature did not retail image Consumers
perception of store image is based, in part, on functional qualities that the store may possess, and
by other, less tangible or psychological attributes (Lindquist 1974).

Lindquist analyzed over 20 studies dealing with store image formation and indentified 35
different aspects that in reveal in prior studies where clustering techniques had been used to
study consumers perception of influence store image formation. These were grouped into nine
broad categories, including: merchandise, service, clientele, physical facilities, convenience,
promotion, store atmosphere, institutional attributes, and post-transaction satisfaction.

Mazursky and Jacoby (1986) conducted a similar analysis and verified that “merchandise
retail aspects” (such as quality, pricing and assortment), and “service related aspects” (such as
quality in general and sales person’s service) are among the most important components of store
image. A 1994 study by Baker, Grewal and Parasuraman confirmed that “the store image
literature suggests there are linkages between merchandise and service quality, and store image.”

A later study by Baker, Grewal and Voss (2002) also confirmed that service quality was a key
determinant of store image. Given the prevalence in the literature of merchandise and service as
two key determination in the formation of store image, these two attributes were selected for
present study to gauge consumer’s perception of retail stores. These attributes were incorporated
in this study by obtaining consumer similarity judgments on retailers “service quality” and
“merchandise quality”. The clustering of retail stores based on these two attributes will yield a
better understanding of competition within the retailing industry.


D-Mart is a major shopping complex for today’s customers. It is a place where customers find
variety of products at a reasonable price The majority of customers belong to middle class
family. The youth generation also likes shopping & moving around D-mart. As it is surveyed it
seems that D-Mart is big competitors store at today’s level.

Chapter 3- Research Methodology

Since the study is on retail sector first the detail study of the store is been conducted about its
Management team its structure the number of departments which all brands does the store has,
who are the suppliers about its warehouses. Based on the topic objectives were set and to arrive
at the opinion on objectives a set of 50 questionnaires were designed of 11 questions and
response is collected from the customers who are visiting the store. For data collection Personal
investigation, Filed survey, as well as Sampling method are adopted. For this project the area
of research is Bhilai - charoda .

Objectives of Project:

Project was undertaken bearing following objective:

 To Scan the customer buying behavior.
 To comprehend the determinants of customer satisfaction.
 To know about the growth prospective with respect to demand analysis.
 To study of availability of offers and services.
 To know availability of varieties of products.
 To know about affordable price for everyone.
 To know the customer satisfaction level.
 To study of quality of products.

Scope of Study:
Since the study is on D-Mart shopping the detail study of the D-Mart is been conducted about its
customers & their behavior regarding shopping in D-mart.

Based on the topic objectives were set & to arrive at the opinion on objectives a set of 50
questionnaire were designed of 13 questions & response is collected from the customers who are
visiting the D-mart. For data collection Random Sampling Method was adopted.

Data Collection:

For this project the area of research is Bhilai - charoda .

Any research requires two types of data i.e. primary data & secondary data. Primary data has
been used abundantly for the study. Well structured questionnaires were prepared & the survey
was undertaken. Feedback for the display has been taken by asking questions & observations has
also done to gather primary information. Their is also a use of secondary data, collected from the
various journals, books, & websites & from store managers.

Types of Data:
There are two types (sources) for the collection of data. (1) Primary Data (2) Secondary Data

1. Primary Data: The primary data are the first hand information collected, compiled and
published by organization for some purpose. They are most original data in character and
have not undergone any sort of statistical treatment. Example: Population census reports
are primary data because these are collected, complied and published by the population
census organization.
2. Secondary Data: The secondary data are the second hand information which are already
collected by someone (organization) for some purpose and are available for the present
study. The secondary data are not pure in character and have undergone some treatment
at least once. Example: Economics survey of England is secondary data because these
are collected by more than one organization like Bureau of statistics, Board of Revenue,
the Banks etc…

Primary Data - Field Survey

Secondary Data - D-Mart records, Company Websites

Area of research - Bhilai - charoda

Research approach - Survey method

Methods of Collecting Primary Data: Primary data are collected by the following

1. Personal Investigation: The researcher conducts the survey him/herself and collects
data from it. The data collected in this way is usually accurate and reliable. This method
of collecting data is only applicable in case of small research projects.

2. Through Investigation: Trained investigators are employed to collect the data. These
investigators contact the individuals and fill in questionnaire after asking the required
information. Most of the organizing implied this method.

3. Collection through Questionnaire: The researchers get the data from local
representation or agents that are based upon their own experience. This method is quick
but gives only rough estimate.

4. Through Telephone: The researchers get information through telephone this method is
quick and give accurate information.

Methods of Collecting Secondary Data: The secondary data are collected by the
following sources:

1. Official: e.g. The publications of the Statistical Division, Ministry of Finance, the
Federal Bureaus of Statistics, Ministries of Food, Agriculture, Industry, Labor etc…

2. Semi-Official: e.g. State Bank, Railway Board, Central Cotton Committee, Boards of
Economic Enquiry etc…

3. Publication of Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce etc…

4. Technical and Trade Journals and Newspapers.

5. Research Organizations such as Universities and other institutions.

Difference between Primary and Secondary Data: The difference between primary
and secondary data is only a change of hand. The primary data are the first hand data information
which is directly collected form one source. They are most original data in character and have
not undergone any sort of statistical treatment while the secondary data are obtained from some
other sources or agencies. They are not pure in character and have undergone some treatment at
least once. For Example: Suppose we interested to find the average consumer who are buying in
D- Mart. We collect the number of consumer data by two methods; either by directly collecting
from each consumer himself personally or getting their feedback from the questionnaire.
The data
collected by the direct personal investigation is called primary data and the data obtained from
the forms of consumers feedback is called secondary data.

Primary Data: Primary Data for the project was collected by preparing a questionnaire
containing questions relating A consumer buying behavior with D-Mart. This questionnaire was
distributed among a sample of 50 people consisting of:

• 30 individual person who is going to be D-Mart shopping mall for shopping purpose.

• Visit to 20 home for the actual feedback regarding the shopping of D-Mart.

This research is conducted on a sample size, so it might be possible that the information given by
such respondents may not match with the replay of total customer available in the D-Mart that

 The study was restricted to only the customers of D-Mart.

 The time constrain was a irritating factor, as more time was required to carry out study on
other aspects of the topic.
 The result & analysis based on the customer survey method & small sample size has
taken only 50.
 Findings are related to particular areas.
 It might be possible that the answers given by the respondents are of biasness.

Sampling Method:
Since the study is restricted to Retail sector, all the functional Departments of D-Mart & the
respondents are found the store only so according to the convenience randomly they are being
picked so sampling method is used in the study is Random convenient sampling.


S.No Particulars Description

1. Research Design Descriptive Research Design

2. Data Collection Primary – Survey

Secondary – Literature review
3. Sampling design Non probability
Convenient sample
4. Sample location Bhilai - Charoda

5. Sample size 50

6. Survey Instrument Structured Questionnaire

Chapter 4- Data Analysis
The project aims to study A Consumer Buying Behaviors with Reference to D-Mart
implemented by Many numbers of consumers in Bhilai - charoda city. To evaluate the
effectiveness of this program in Bhilai - charoda city, a questionnaire was prepared for finding
out the Actual consumer who shops from D-Mart as well as any small Store or Superstore. This
questionnaire was distributed among a sample of 50 Consumers who shops from D-mart &
others in a particular area of Bhilai - charoda city. The results obtained from the responses were

Analysis of responses
1. Which Store you prefer first?

D-Mart Store Both None Total

No of Responses 26 4 19 1 50
Percentage 52 8 38 2 100


D-Mart Store Both

38% None


From the survey, from 50 respondents, gave response for more powerful preference to D-Mart is
52%, Store 8%, Both 38% & None 2%.

Majority of the customers are give response for most powerful preference is D-Mart. We can
also interprent that the D-Mart comparision is more powerful attract with the Puchasing syatems
by the D-Mart.

From the above analysis it is observed that:

 26 cunsumers are needs to use D-Mart.
 4 customers are needs to use Store.
 19 customers are needs to use both.

It is found that majority of number of consumers of D-Mart is very high as compare to any other
superstore or small store.

2. How frequently do you use D-Mart?

Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Total

No of Responses 3 15 29 3 50
Percentage 6 30 58 6 100




58% Yearly

From the above analysis it is observed that:

 3 consumers can prefer D-Mart for daily shopping purpose.
 15 number of consumers can prefer D-Mart for weekly shopping purpose.
 29 number of consumers can prefer D-Mart for monthly shopping purpose.
 Lastly 3 number of consumers can prefer D-Mart for yearly shopping purpose.

Majority of consumers like D-Mart for monthly shopping purpose. D-Mart offers the various
numbers of offers with affordable prices which are easily preferable for every individual in any
income group.

3. Level of shopping from D-Mart?

Below 1000 Below 3000 Below 5000 More than 5000 Total
No of Responses 4 23 14 9 50
Percentage 8 46 28 18 100


Below 1000

46% Below 3000


Below 5000

Above 5000

From the above analysis it is observed that:

 4 number of Consumers level of shopping from D-Mart is 8% for the shopping of a
product at the below 1000 price list.
 While 23 number of consumers level of shopping from D-Mart 46% got the sopping of
products at the below 3000 price list.
 14 number of consumers level of shopping is below 5000
 9 number of consumers level of shopping is above 5000

So from this analysis it is observe that at present in the Bhilai - charoda city D-Mart shopping
mall is affordable for the middle income group. It is not suitable for every income group.

4. Distance between your house & D-Mart?

Below 2 KM Below 5 KM Below 10 More than Total

No of Responses 22 20 3 5 50
Percentage 44 40 6 10 100


Below 2 KM

Below 5 KM

Below 10 KM


From the above analysis it is observed that:

 Distance between 22 consumers house and below D-Mart is 2KM and 44% from the
above chart. It means large number of consumers have to go below than 2KM of distance
for the shopping
 Distance between 20 consumers house and D-Mart is below 5KM and 40%. It means
large number of consumers have to go below than 5Km of distance for the shopping.
 Distance between 3 consumers house and D-Mart is below 10KM and 6%.
 Lastly more than 10km distance is 5 number of consumers which is 10% of the above chart.

From this explanation it is observed that below than 2 km distance have huge numbers of
consumers. After that 5km distance of 40% consumers. It means D-Mart is easily access
to anyone.

5. Type of products you prefer to purchase?

Grocery Cloths Household Food items Total

No of Responses 11 22 6 11 50
Percentage 22 44 12 22 100

22% 22%

12% Household Food Items


From the above analysis it is observed that:

From the survey, from 50 respondents, gave response foe which section like of the store to 12%
of them Household, & 22% of them Food, & 44% of them Cloths, & 22% of them Grocery.

Majority of customers are give response for cloths of the store like the most. We are also
interpret that some of the products brand are pre decided in advance and for some of the products
customers don’t all pre decide any brand.

6. Reason behind D-Mart Purchasing?

Fashion Quality Price Offers Total

No of Responses 7 19 16 8 50

Percentage 14 38 32 16 100

16% 14%


32% 38% Price


From the above analysis it is observed that:

From the survey from 50 respondents, gave response for choose from factor which attracted
consumer most while purchasing, to give first rank D-Mart & there after to Store.

 16 consumer give response to the Price of products of D-Mart its 32%, because its price
of product is fixed & they gives discount to consumers.
 19 number of consumers give response to the quality of products of D-Mart is 38%.
 8 number of consumers give responds to the offers of D-Mart is 16%.
 14% gives to the fashion of the products.

7. Offers of D-Mart as compare to Store?

Same Low High Total

No of Responses 25 10 15 50
Percentage 53 13 34 100

Same Low


From the above analysis it is observed that:

From the survey from 50 respondents, gave response for choose from factor which
attracted consumer most while purchasing, to give first rank D-Mart & thereafter to
 15 numbers of consumers give respondents 34% to the D-Mart high offers of products.
 10 numbers of consumers give responds in 13% to the D-Mart offers. So as per their
opinion D-Mart have low offers compare to store.
 25 number of consumers give responds in 53% to the D-Mart has same offers like other

8. How would you rate the returns policy of D-Mart?

Excellent Good Satisfactory Not- Total

No of Responses 20 22 6 2 50

Percentage 40 44 12 4 100


40% Excellent




From the above analysis it is observed that:

 24 numbers of consumers give responds in very huge percentage is 44% for returns
policy of D-Mart.
 20 numbers of consumers give responds in 40% to the returns policy of D-Mart.
 6 numbers of consumers gives responds in 34% to the returns policy.
 Lastly 2 consumer says that with the D-Mart policy they are not satisfied.

40% of returns policy is excellent, 44% of returns policy is good, 12% is of returns policy is
satisfactory. 4% of consumers are not satisfied with the returns policy.

9. For day to day need you prefer?

D-Mart Store Total

No of Responses 26 24 50
Percentage 52 48 100

48% D-Mart

From the above analysis it is observed that:

 From the survey of 50 responds 26 numbers of consumers, give respondents for D-Mart
in huge number of percentage in 52%.
 There after 24 numbers of consumers, give respondents to The Store in 48%.

Majority of consumers gives respondents to the D-Mart in 52% for day to day need of shopping.

10. For monthly purchasing you prefer?

D-Mart Store Total

No of Responses 44 6 50
Percentage 94 6 100




From the above analysis it is observed that:

 44 numbers of consumers gives respondents to the D-Mart in very huge percentage i.e.
 Only 6 numbers of consumers gives respondents to the Stores i.e. 6%.

So, from the above explanation it is observed that many of consumers in Bhilai - charoda
city can prefer D-Mart for the shopping purpose & for value for the money.

11. Do you think D-Mart is more affordable for everyone?

Yes No Maybe Total

No of Responses 40 4 6 50
Percentage 80 8 12 100


Yes No


From the above analysis it is observed that:

 From the survey, from 50 respondents it is observed that 40 numbers of consumers can
gives respondents in large percentage i.e. 80%.
 There after 4 numbers of consumers can gives the respondents in 10% to the stores.
 6 numbers of consumer says that d-mart maybe affordable to everyone.

Majority of consumers are think that D-mart is affordable to everyone. It is highly

preferable for everyone.

Chapter 5- Findings and Conclusion

After obtaining the responses from questionnaire distributed among 50 customers of of Bhilai -
charoda city, the data obtained was analyzed and following inferences were drawn.

Inferences from responses given by consumers:

 Most of the customers by their requirement in D-mart & any other Superstore or small
store on daily basis only. Customers retailed that D-Mart & any Stores provide qualitative
products & services with reasonable price.
 At present D-mart & any other Superstore or small stores provide different types of
products assortments to the customers.
 D-Mart is hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery,
stationery, food items, electronic items, leather items, watches, jewellery, crockery,
decorative items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes with all the
specialty stores of different products which provide goods at a discounted rate all through
the year. We never need to go for a particular store where only one item is available.
 D-Mart is mainly deal with middle income group people who want qualitative product
with reasonable cost.
 There are more than 110 stores of D-Mart in different cities in India. It seems that there is
a vast growth of D-Mart lying as customers demand is increasing for D-Mart as compare
to Store

D-Mart is a hypermarket as it provides various kinds of goods like apparels, grocery,
stationary, food items, electronic items, leather items, watches, jewelry, crockery, decorative
items, sport items, chocolates and many more. It competes with all the specialty stores of
different products which provide goods at a discounted rate all throughout the year. It holds a
large customer base and it seemed from the study that the customers are quite satisfied with D-
Mart. As of now there are 110 stores of D-Mart in different cities of India, It seems that there is a
vast growth of D- Mart lying as customers demand, increasing for D-Mart. It has emerged as a
hub of shopping specially for middle class people.

Chapter 6- Suggestion

After analyzing the data and successfully testing the methods the researcher would like to make
following suggestions in context of A consumer buying behavior with reference to D-Mart in
Bhilai - charoda City.

 D-Mart should provide large parking places for customers as compare to stores. So they
can easily part their vehicles.
 The infrastructure is needed to be changed to a bit during weekends as heavy crowd
comes in to D-Mart during those days.
 D-mart should include more of branded products its product category as compare to
stores. So as to attract the brand choosy people to come in to D-Mart.
 D-Mart should keep offers to attract customers in regular intervals so that there should
not be long term gap, because offer is the most influencing factor which is responsible for
customer purchase decision.
 They also concentrate on hoardings advertisements they should show ads and
promotional offers in a regular interval in languages like Hindi & English.
 Hoarding should be placed uncovered area.
 Separate billing counter should be provided for shoppers purchasing, few products for
faster customer turnover.
 The staff is not well trained to handle customers belonging to different backgrounds and
attitudes, so better selection and training programs should be initiated.
 D-Mart doesn’t have its website, so they should create its new website, which is updated
on a regular basis.
 Products should be kept in shelves, instead of products lying on the floor.

Chapter 7- References

 A study of a project by ( Mazursky and jacoby 1986); and others seeking to

conduct a meta-analysis of retail patronage studies (Pan & Zinkhan 2006).
 To Study of a project of evaluation by Lindquist analyzed over 20 studies
dealing with store image formation and indentified 35 different aspects that in reveal in
prior studies where clustering techniques had been used to study consumers.
 The study of a project by A later study by Baker, Grewal and Voss
(2002) also confirmed that service quality was a key determinant of store image. Given
the prevalence in the literature of merchandise and service as two key determination in
the formation of store image, these two attributes were selected for present study to gauge
consumer’s perception of retail stores.
 “D-Mart beats the Goliaths” business standard http:/
 http://www.pantalooneretail,in

Subject:- “A Consumer Buying Behavior With Reference to D-Mart”.
1) Personal Details:-

Name: -

Gender: - Male [ ] Female [ ]`

Age:- Occupation:-

2) How many members in your family?

a) 2 [ ] b) 4 [ ] c) 6 [ ] d) More [ ]

3) Which store you prefer first?

a) D-Mart [ ] b) Store [ ] c) Both [ ] d) None [ ]

4) How frequently do you use D-Mart?

a) Daily [ ] b) Weekly [ ] c) Monthly[ ] d) Yearly [ ]

5) Level of shopping from D-Mart?

a) Below 1000 [ ]b) Below 3000 [ ] c) Below 5000 [ ] d) more than 5000

6) Distance between your house & D-Mart?

a) Below 2km [ ] b) Below 5km [ ]

c) Below 10km [ ] d) More [ ]

7) Type of products you prefer to purchase?

a) Grocery [ ] b) Clothes [ ]

c) House Hold [ ] d) Food items [ ]

8) Reason behind D-Mart purchasing?

a) Fashion [ ] b) Quality [ ]

c) Price [ ] d) Offers [ ]

9) Offers of D-Mart as compare to store?

a) Same [ ] b) Low [ ] c) High [ ]

10) How would rate the returns policy of D-mart?

a)Excellent [ ] b)Good [ ]

c) Satisfactory [ ] d) Not-Satisfactory [ ]

11) For day to day need you prefer?

a) D-Mart [ ] b) Store [ ]

12) For monthly purchasing you prefer?

a) D-Mart [ ] b) Store [ ]

13) Do you think D-Mart is more affordable for everyone?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] c) Maybe [ ]



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