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Dear Name:

We invite (Product or Company) to be one of the 20___ sponsors of the _________ Team, an
organization that has been formed with the common love of the sport of track and field within its

Our team strongly believes in promoting the sport of track and field in general, to improve the health
and wellness of its alumni and its active participation in athletics events locally and internationally.

You may choose how your company will support our club’s objectives from among the different
levels of sponsorship outlined in the attached Sponsorship Form.

Rest assured that whatever sponsorship package you will choose, your company will not only benefit
from the exposure you will get from our participation in local and international events this year.

We look forward to your joining our team in promoting health and community, while we proudly
represent your company. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at the
numbers provided in the enclosed form.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

Team Captain
____________________ Team
Sponsorship Form
Thank you for choosing to sponsor the ____________________ Team. Please fill out the form
below with your complete company information.

Your Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Street Address:________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: _________________________ Zip Code: ________________

Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Levels of Sponsorship
a. Friend - Any amount
b. Contributor - P2,500
c. Donor - P5,000
d. Sponsor - P10,000
e. Major Sponsor - P20,000

Your logos will be placed on the front or back of the uniform and the size will be determined by the
level of Sponsorship.

AMOUNT SPONSORED: P _________________________

Thank you for your time and generosity. With your help we are promoting a healthier alumni

CONTACT INFORMATION: (phone no.)/(name)

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