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Task 1

In this survey we are trying to see the favourite subjects of Year 7 students so the
co-coordinator of sports will know what to provide the Year 8’s in the next academic year.
Out of the population of 81 Year 7 students currently, Mr Fowlers class of 23 students is the
sample we are going to take our survey on. All 23 students replied making for 100% of the
sample size or 28.4% of the Year 7 population.

Favourite subject Frequency

Mathematics 9
Physical Education 7
Art 2
Geography 1
Science 1
Drama 1
Chinese 1

Graph showing the favourite subjects of students in

Frequency table of data collected Mr Fowler’s class

We can see that Mathematics and Physical Education are by far the favourite subjects of
the Year 7’s in Mr Fowler’s class making up 69.6% of the total sample size, while most of the
other subjects are the favourite subjects of only one person. In terms of Mathematics being
the favourite subject of the highest percentage of the sample, being 39.1% of the sample
size, I advise the coordinator of sports to severely emphasise maths activities or relation to
different maths concepts. The people that consider Physical education as their favourite
subject also make up 30.4% of the sample size so we also need to include activities that
involve a lot of movement in them.

This figure may not be extremely reliable as the other 71.6% of Year 7 student’s favourite
subjects may differ from Mr Fowler’s class which the survey was taken from. It could be
improved by a bigger sample size which would make the figure much more representative of
what subjects the entirety of Year 7 likes the most. Also we can provide another option on
what is their second favourite subject which can change the percentage of people who like
each subject considerably. In the sample size so far, the rest of the students who don’t
consider Physical Education and Mathematics as their favourite subject only make up 30.4%
of the sample size combined and therefore it is better to only include them occasionally.

Task 2
In this survey we are finding out the amount of time students spend on their homework and
revision after school to see if Year 7’s are using their time sparingly or efficiently. Out of the
population of 81 Year 7 students currently, Mr Fowlers class of 23 students is the sample we
are going to take our survey on. All 23 students replied making for 100% of the sample size
or 28.4% of the Year 7 population.

Homework and Revision Time

(min) Frequency
10 2
15 1
20 1
25 1
30 6
35 1
40 11

Frequency table

Range: 30 minutes
Mean: 31.9565 minutes (rounded to 4dp)
(Method for Mean:
1. Use multiply function on the cells with the homework and revision time column with
the frequency column for the first row of their data
2. Drag down the point of the cell which is the multiply of the two values so the formula
is applied to all the rows of data in the table
3. Use sum function to add all the cells of the frequency
4. Use sum function to add all the cells that are the product of the homework and
revision time column and the frequency column
5. Use divide function for the sum of the multiplies and the sum of the frequencies to get
the mean
Median: 35 minutes
Mode: 40 minutes
We can clearly see that from the mean, median and mode that the overwhelming majority of
people spend 40 minutes after school on homework or revision time being 47.8% of the
sample size and 78.3% of Mr Fowler’s class spend 30 minutes or more doing this revision.
This i why I think for Year 7 the mode is the most reliable because the high percentage of
people spending 40 minutes doing their homework and revision time after school each day,
with the statistic could cary on to the other classes as the frequency table. This underlines
that Year 7’s tend to take more time to do their homework and revision practise in general.
However, people from other maths classes could take less time to do their homework and
revision, this can drastically chan ge the median and the mean but for the mode, the
statistical trend is likely to carry on as it has such an overwhelming majority for one class of
Year 7’s.

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