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The Artifice Archipelago

Written by Connor Wilkinson

Cover Illustration by Michael Reilly
Information on rules and mechanics
The Artifice Archipelago is a Choose Your Own Ending (CYOE) styled book, taking place in a
nautical world. As you make decisions (Some that may have no impact, and others which form a new
branch in the story) you will develop the world around you as you venture towards one of the many
endings. Both positive and negative endings are available, and it should be noted that there is only
one true ending. There are over 400 scenarios that can take place in your adventure, and every run
should have a different outcome. After you have finished a run, go back and try things differently to
see what the choices can bring you.

* I would personally recommend reading this book one line at a time. This is to delay
knowing if a page will end your adventure, leaving that bit of surprise for added enjoyment. *

There are items in this CYOE which when encountered you should record their name as long as
the ID# that is associated with it. Items may be needed later in the story, and some may provide a
negative or positive effect, others may simply do nothing.

Always remember the simple rules of this book, and you should have no issue traversing the

Read page -> Choose Option -> Turn to given page (Repeat)

*Sometimes you will need to read multiple pages in a row before making a decision*

You may get many “Game over” pages, and this is perfectly fine! The next time in your
adventure, you will know new things, and what not to do. Try to reach the real ending and explore
your imagination!

Optional: Keep track of how many “Game overs” you achieve before reaching the true ending!

I would like to thank all the Kickstarter backers who made this book possible! Their content is
scattered throughout the book, and in the very back is their names and the pages they were
responsible for (Careful looking there before you finish the story, as the page numbers will give away
what pages aren’t part of the “true ending”)!

Enjoy the adventure!

-Connor J. Alexander Wilkinson

Advanced Rules

In your adventure you will need to track some items and locations. The
process of doing so is explained below.
Item Tracking:

Example of item tracking:

Item name – Item # – Permanent/Temporary

Tracking items is crucial, as some will be necessary to achieving certain endings. It should be
emphasized that any temporary items (those which do not say “Keep for all future runs”) should be
erased/deleted upon reaching a Game over. Additionally, some items may be inaccessible once they
have been used for all they can do. When stated it should be tracked that the item in inaccessible and
cannot be used/obtained again.


Boot – Item #4 (Writing “Temporary” isn’t necessary)

Shirt – Item #259 – Permanent

Crown – Item #39 – INACCESSIBLE

Location Tracking:

Some locations will be inaccessible upon performing actions. While some of these are
temporary, some are indeed permanent, usually due to an important decision/mistake being
performed. Similar to items, these should be tracked in order to keep the world molded by your



Lester’s Bar

Christopher’s Cartographariam

Permanently Inaccessible:

The Swollen Stash

Now it is time to start your adventure…


…As you were finishing up dicing up some eggplants for tonight’s

supper, you hear a call from your spouse.

“Honey, I’m going out to town, be back tonight!” they say as your dog
barks from their departure.

You personally have never been one to enjoy going to the nearby city of
Canpoor… No one really cares for anyone else around there, being self-
centered has overwhelmed the city. The corrupt nature of its people
coupled by the iron fist of its leader has warded you off since you were
young. Unfortunately, it is the only civilized town in the area, as you were
lucky enough to be born in such a void archipelago.

As you finish up doing your housework, you lay down and relax in your
humble bungalow alongside your fluffy companion. No worries are among
you as you are isolated from the town, and the many dangers of the
surrounding islands. You commonly go fishing in your dinghy down at the

You may not have the most possessions, but you do have one thing you
cherish deeply. A spyglass that has been gifted down to you from your late
father, you keep it on you at all times. Gleaming with golden bezels and
shining crystal opticals, it is a sight to see, however you have yet to find its
use. You just remember your father’s words and have lived by his phrase
“Always look to the head of your issues and success will be yours”.

You begin to rest, with a beautiful sight out of your back window, the
animate ocean. Hearing the seagulls cry, and having the sea breeze on your
face. You know your life has been a success through being different.

The sensation of these effects slumbers you to sleep, as you doze off
into total comfort. Eyes blackened and you experience tranquility.

Turn to page 2

*hhhhrrrrrrnnnnngggg* Blasts you up from your short-lived nap!

Looking around in confusion, you aren’t certain as to what could be the

cause of this ear-piercing noise.

Canpoor doesn’t have an alarm with that sound, and there are no other
cities near…

Before you could think of any possibility, you jump towards the
window as black sails enter your view from the horizon.


You haven’t seen such a ship since one of your few trips to Canpoor.
Never has one been this close to your home!

You sit with anxiousness as you hope that it changes course away from
you. A couple minutes go by however, and that does not appear to be the
case. They have gotten close enough for you to get a good look through
your spyglass, you see the crew working autonomously, with a man in a
crow’s nest peering back towards you!

You think of what they could be coming for; after all you are living in a
small shack with not much to your name. They could be part of the famous
Dondorian Fleet, a group of pirate hunters, however this is just a hope.
There are many stories of people being flayed, flogged, and slaved from
merciless pirates and not one of those options are appealing to you.

Time runs short as they pull up to your dock. Hearing their cries of
action brings you worry as you need to leave from your position. You pack
your bag and begin to move.

Turn to page 56 to meet them

Turn to page 330 to hide

You wait until the moon is highest in the sky to make your escape… while you are in your tent,
you request your guards to grab you something to drink, and as soon as they leave, you make your
move. Popping your head out of the tent, you see the chief and his servants preparing a massive
cauldron, adding spices, herbs and meat to the mixture. As the chief begins a chant, you dart out of
your tent and towards the outskirts of the settlement.

You managed to make it back all the way to the hill you originally overlooked the settlement
from, and just as you reached it you heard a massive noise coming from behind you… while you
couldn’t see much, you saw tons of tribesmen sprinting out of the village in multiple directions. You
immediately ran away from them! Down the hill and back to where you landed on this nightmare
island, you see a silhouette at the shoreline.

You try to continue running past the figure, and to the jungle clearing, but the figure lunges at
you to your surprise, and pins you to the floor. The figure reveals their face to be an elderly woman
and see cries out to you in a weak tone “no leaving”

You see the horde of tribesmen now on the beach coming straight towards you, and they now
look much different than they were these past few days. Anger was the only expression on their face.

Speaking in their language you hear “take him!” “sacrifice” and “dinner” You are tied to a stake
and brought back to the village...

They quickly hang you above the pot as the chief looks angrily at you, screaming chants… then
it happens, you are suddenly dropped into the boiling pot!

You scream out for help, but all they do is begin to stir the pot, as they look at you with massive
eyes, drooling.
Game over
You begin to run forward, but just as you do, you feel the blade on your
back beginning to vibrate… You had no time to inspect it, as a massive
tentacle was swung right in front of your face.
Lifting your blade above your head, you prepared to deliver a blow to
the monster to cause some damage, but before you could initiate your
downswing, you watched as the blade burst through the air, it travelled with
high velocity as it stuck the beast in the eye, making it release an ear-
piercing cry.
The beast lifted its tentacles up in the air as you watched its head fall
backwards into the sea, not sure of what just occurred or why. To make
matters stranger, the blade burst from the water, levitating shortly before
returning to the sheath on your back.
You stood in awe as to the even that had just happened, and after
spending some time trying to search for any survivors, you realized that you
were the last one remaining. The ship, while still afloat was in no condition
to be going anywhere, so as you hopped onto the lifeboat, you had to decide
on where you were to go to next…
Turn to page 150 to go to Celebration Key
Turn to page 30 to go back to Canpoor

Your group comes up to the patch of idle plants. The ground rumbles as
you continue your advance, and you see as a group of wild horses runs past
your location. Being pushed aside, as you regain your footing, you see as
the horses reach the plant, they too begin to shake. The plants suddenly
burst from their rooting and lunge at the horses.

The group of mares were quickly overthrown, as the plants revealed

many layers of teeth under their green exterior. You watched as the ground
was covered in blood, and not even bones were left as remains.

You don’t see another way around these plants, and seeing what they
did to the swift horses, you know that getting around the plants would pose
a difficult challenge. But perhaps in this ultimatum, a tough decision could
be made. By using bait, a distraction could ensure a way past the deadly
plants, at risk of the one man’s life.

As you ponder the decision, one of your men spots that a single plant
has begun moving towards your location. Maybe even retreat is best here.

“Sir, what should we do!?” Aaron cries out, as more and more plants
join in the steady movement towards you.

You quickly need to reach a decision.

Turn to page 212 to continue down the path

Turn to page 374 to use bait

Turn to page 35 to run back to where you came from


You exile the shot from the gun, straight into the head of Artifax, he falls over spilling out onto
the floor, and as you flip him over to confirm the kill, you see that he has a look of astonishment
stuck on his face.

“You have done well, it is uncommon for someone in that scenario to choose such a choice
when given strange information such as that he gave… Artifax was a foolish man with a desire for
only one thing, power”

Saladan walked around the corpse, grinning the entire time.

“Now! To my office, let’s talk about the future now that this battle is finally over”

You walked back through the guardhouse with the soldiers still celebrating, calling you terms
such as “Hero” “Pirate Slayer” and “Token” …? You follow him up the stairwell to a solo door, and
inside is a velvet office fitted with shelves upon shelves of books, a rich wooden desk, and padded
chairs of the finest leather.

“Come and sit, there is a lot to discuss” he speaks as he takes a seat on the opposite side of the
desk, you follow suit and sit across from him.

“Now the town will have to be completely revitalized to combat the damages that have been
done… there is much to do and so little time that we will need all the help that we can get. I know
you having previously lived in Canpoor you will know your way around the city, making you a great

You interrupted him there… how did he know of your time in the city? You questioned him, as
you have yet to tell him of your time in Canpoor, and there was never records kept of your stay…

“Ah ha ha, I’m surprised you never knew… your father told me.”

!! You could do nothing but release a massive gasp.

“…just recently actually…”

Your father!? Recently?! You questioned him all you could of how he knew your father! He was
thought to be dead!

“Unfortunately, he now is deceased… would you like to see an image I got of him, a short time
before his passing?”

Saladan clapped, as his office doors opened, and men holding a picture entered the room

You ran over to see what was on the picture…but to your surprise, you recognize this picture…

A white brimmed hat fallen to the floor, with a silhouette and a silver gun aiming at them.
“A snake in the grass… fitting last words”

Your temples both felt a piercing sensation as you collapsed into lifelessness.

Game over
You point the stick at him just as he is mid charge, putting your life at
risk for this stick seems silly to you, but it is your only choice. Nothing
happens at first, and as you cower to protect yourself, the stick then begins
to shake and produces a massive light from its tip. The light strikes
Alabaster in an instant as you hear him cry “Noooooo…baaaaaa”
The aftermath of this stick’s ability results in a sheep being thrusted at
you with great momentum, knocking you to the ground. Could this stick
have just turned Alabaster into a harmless critter? Getting up and grasping
the sheep, you go over to help Artifax off of the floor. While he is still
debilitated from the forceful push, once he understands that the threat of
Alabaster has been ended, he instantly shows signs of happiness and
“The most powerful man of the seas… now a helpless sheep. Let’s go
get the last few of our men and turn this city back into its former self.”. You
keep hold of both the sheepstick and Alabaaster and head into town, ready
to tell the remaining guards of their fallen leader, and hopefully sway their
intentions. Heading off the scorching roof, and through the deathtrap
mansion, you walk out of the house’s grounds, and go to the town square.
Turn to page 325 to continue to the town square
“For what you did for us, you will not go unrewarded. One could have simply walked away
from us criminals, but not you… that took more gusto than I’ve seen anyone else possess…now…”
A man walks out from the room with the execution you had just witnessed holding two items in
his hands.
Uncovering one of the items, a bandana is revealed. “Now, without your actions, this groups
leading officers would have been slain, join them… this bandana gives you one of the highest access
levels in this group, and with you we will be so happy to work in cooperation once again…”
Before you could ask any questions, the other item was revealed, and the man continues…
“I understand that the life of crime is not for everyone… and we will not force you to be a part
of this… however a token of our gratitude is something that you could remember us by… this mask
is one that we managed to salvage from a captured tribesman. It is said they used these instruments in
resurrection rituals… I’m sure you’ll be able to remember us from this and get more use from it than
us just having it on display.”
Looking at the mask, it is made of the finest wood that you have seen, with feathers of blue,
green, and purple surrounding it.
“Take your time… if you need help with anything, let me know and I will see to it! I cannot wait
to hear your decision, and hopefully we will be able to work with each other soon”
You knew that the gang must not have deception after what you did for them, but you are not
sure which of the decisions you would make, as joining this group could help you turn everything
that is wrong around…
Turn to page 327 to join the gang
Turn to page 315 to accept the wooden mask and leave the building
Fleeing from the advancing natives, you hurriedly make for the entry to the shadow-haunted
pass lined with gnarled trees, and then rush on to the steep stone steps. Your descent is swift and
often reckless, mindful of the need to maintain a safe distance from your pursuers. Urgent, shouted
voices follow you and the men’s heavy footsteps are many and loud – every step you take brings both
hope and terror, your survival dependent on each important moment. Perspiring heavily from effort
and concentration, you summon all reserves of energy to aid your rapid downward flight.

Snapping twigs and other worrying sounds of nearby movement alert you of possible danger,
and when numerous bodies burst through the nearby underbrush you realize that your pursuers know
of other faster pathways through the jungle. Your heart sinks. These angry men of war quickly
surround you, now eyeing you with great hostility, waving their weapons and shouting
incomprehensible threats. You instinctively feint to one side of the staircase and then plunge
headlong into the jungle on the opposite side, hoping to create your own path amongst the numerous
trees. Skillfully evading the grasp of two men and then slipping through a narrow space, you run as
fast as you are able, athletically dodging and hurdling obstacles, seeking to locate an expeditious
route of escape. The chase immediately resumes.

You have not travelled too far when you reach an area of projecting vertical slabs and other rock
forms. This rocky environment beneficially offers some level of concealment and protection, yet it
worryingly slows your overall progress as you scramble over large horizontal shelves and traverse
endless broken ground. Here you also discover many ancient sculptures, carved from suitable rock in
the likeness of the short, stocky peoples of this island. Some of their stony faces grin malevolently,
with wide painted eyes, colored symbols and decorative tattoos – you feel that they watch your
passage with some hostility, angered that you dare to disrupt their silent vigil.

And then your foot slips upon a weathered plate of rock, sending you to into a wild fall that only
ends due to a jarring impact with a rough tree trunk. Momentarily stunned, and with numerous
bruises and small cuts on both your arms and legs, you are unable to regain your feet before the
natives surround and then aggressively seize you, inflicting several damaging blows of their own.
You are roughly taken away and chained, held underground in a darkened cave. Vermin are your only
company here, and during the following days you receive just a limited amount of tepid water and
infrequent scraps of food. After several dreadful months of lonely captivity, you will be cruelly
sacrificed – fresh meat for the island’s hideous, hungry monster.

Game over
You make a mad dash to the entrance tunnel of the cave! Seconds after you believe that you’ve
left the view of the room you hear the door swing open, as voices now become very loud and
muddled. Based off the large amounts of footsteps, you know it must be a hoard there, and they are
running too!

Getting out of the cave, you are surprised to see your ship completely sunk! With only the
pirates ship to get onto, you do with reluctancy, as you hide in the place you can reach the fastest.

“Where did they go?” you hear said multiple times as your pursuers walk about the platform.

Hearing some of them board the ship they say, “They must be on here!”

Footsteps and the sound of searching are all you can hear for a couple of minute… and then
nothing. Scared to peek your head out of your hiding spot you question whether you should wait
longer, or try to move to a different location

Turn to page ?? to stay in the same hiding spot

Turn to page ?? to move to a new hiding spot

As you were pondering however, an angry face jumped right into yours as the man said “Oh,
hello there!”

Tearing you from your hiding spot, they threw you onto the floor as you are now surrounded by
the pirates.

“I think they know; I think they know!” one of them shouts as he reveals a pistol in his hand.

The other men in the circle immediately freak out to calm the man down, but as you hear a
gunshot, your head loses all sensation as your mind goes blank.
Game over
While Alabaster laid there, defenselessly on the floor, you stood over him, knowing that all the pain he has brought was for some reason… and while this is unknown to you
currently, it cannot go unpunished. Alabaster continued to plead for mercy, but did he show Artifax mercy when he was defenseless?

You let Alabaster know why you were denying his offer, and what pain he has brought to the archipelago… and before he had time to reply, you fired your first and final shot
into him, silencing him permanently. Falling to the ground, you spotted a weird device jutting from his outfit, it appears damaged from your gunshot. As much as you would like to
stay and explore Alabaster’s mansion or even look at this device, you spot Henry off the side of the roof calling out to you.

“Calico! We need you down here, and quickly!” He cries out waving you down. With all the flames surrounding the house, you threw Alabaster onto one of the last
remaining shrubberies below, before following suit. The drop was high, but you suffered just minor damages.

You were in the middle of asking Henry the specifics of what he needed, but you were interrupted by the mansion behind you suddenly exploding!! You took cover and
avoided the shrapnel that was abruptly flung at you…

“Now that… was weird.” Henry said, as you looked back at that once beautiful mansion turned into ruins.

“Anyways… We captured the remaining guards in the town and have them all held in the town square, we were waiting for you can Artifax to give the order on what to do
with them”

While the news is great, you have to tell Henry what happened to Artifax, and as you do his expression changes significantly.

“Our captain…dead? But…who will…come with me” Henry is absolutely devastated, and he requests that you follow him to the town square.

Turn to page 120 to follow Henry


You second guess the situation and call for a bombardment. The crew
disperses from being idle, immediately to their battle stations. The cannons
were primed and loaded, while the ship was steered with its broadside
cannons facing towards the woman.

You know that something is not right about the situation, and with your
skeptical belief, you shout your order to the crew. “Fire!” and watch as a
dozen balls of lead pelted the beachfront, hitting the once tranquil woman
and covering her in a fog of ash.

While you cannot see the fate of the woman, you would rather want not
to. Henry gets the ship turned around and turns you away from the forsaken
island. But then, out from the water, a massive ship surfaces, with a
greenish tint.

“What sorcery falls upon us!” Artifax cried.

“A gh- gh- ghost ship!” one of the crew answered!

The ship quickly positioned itself next to yours as you witnessed

multiple figures swinging from across the ships. These men shared a similar
appearance to the ship and were definitely not natural. They immediately
drew their weapons and began brawling with the rest of your crew.

You, being away from the center of the deck, watch this massacre as
your crew is being devastated. Of all the attackers, one sticks out to you,
showing signs of leadership via their hat and medals.

You need to help the crew but seeing as they are currently not winning
in the least; you question your effectiveness. The enemy leader’s back is
turned however, and you could maybe strike a blow in the enemy’s morale.
Or maybe the island is related to these issues, and a momentary retreat
could provide you with answers to how to stop this ghostly onslaught.

The longer you wait, the more pain and death is brought to your
Turn to page 45 to kill the enemy captain

Turn to page 31 to head for the shore

You and Artifax have no means of getting out of this situation. While
you look to each other to figure out a maneuver to survive, you hear the
words of Alabaster spoken so happily:
The many firearms around you all ignite simultaneously, with the
bullets ripping through every part of your body… you and Artifax fall to the
floor with almost no life left in you.
With the energy you have left you look and see through the guard’s
actions; they too are all dead as each and every bullet that pierced through
you went on to reach the men on your opposite side.
“Ah..hahahaha so much violence. To see these men sacrifice themselves
for my guilty pleasure is wonderful.” Alabaster says as he walks over to
“They understood why ending you was so crucial, and why their
sacrifice was not really that bad”
“Maybe one day you’ll understand, but for now…”
*Crack* as he steps on Artifax’s chest “You’ll fall in darkness…”
*Crack* “…and be awoken once again”
*Crack* “Like you do every time”
“And I’ll be waiting for you as always… to the end of time”
Alabaster aims his weapon at your heart and fires
“A grand finale, for my eternal performance”
Game over
“Ah, so you do know a thing or two! Congratulations! If you
weren’t aware of Alabaster’s name after all this time, I’d have to
have a word with you…” the grand questioner said with a smile
“NEXT QUESTION!” the man is now in your face with a
hysterical look
“This archipelago has a gang of pirate hunters… what is their
name? The options that I present you with are: Dandledoors,
Dondaryals, Dondoorions, or Dondorians. You should know them
for their massive influence in our area, be careful, you don’t want
to miss this question when you’re so close to the reward!”
Turn to page 48 to choose Dandledoors
Turn to page 159 to choose Dondaryals
Turn to page 375 to choose Dondoorions
Turn to page 44 to select Dondorians
Guns and cannon fire instantly echoed throughout the town as the massive confrontation began.
The pirates came screaming, and once they made contact with the assault group, clashing blades now
was heard alongside the sounds of conflict.
Peering over the cliff side, you now see that the battle is waging directly where it needs to be for
your ambush to be effective. Looking to your officer, he began to raise his weapon, signaling that it
was near time to act! Opening his mouth to give the order was so eminent, but none of your group
saw an oncoming issue before it was too late… a cannonball heading directly towards your unaware
leader made contact and instantly split him apart.
With your team now in fear of what’s to come next, you take it upon yourself to lead the group
in doing your task. You shouted the orders, and surprisingly the team followed, as your weapons each
rained down their projectiles at your foes flanks, greatly weakening their forces.
But now your team was in a predicament, with the remaining pirates now knowing of your
location, and a new ship coming in, as you all reloaded your weapons you were completely
exposed… and to make matters worse, you then saw an intimidating figure appear on the top of the
main ship, a man dressed fully in white, with a wide brimmed hat on his head.
“A- a- a- Artifax!” one of the soldiers cried
“The man who killed entire armies singlehandedly? I’m out of here!” your allies began to
He started to unveil his weapons, and then fired towards those in the assault group, bringing
complete and utter decimation to their numbers.
The group was routed, and the few men remaining scattered like insects. However, Artifax had
pushed up past your cliff side, and with his back to you, has become vulnerable.
You didn’t have much time, if you just sat there, the whole town would be lost! You slid down
the cliff to subdue Artifax from behind…
Turn to page 403 to engage Artifax

You do as he says and start working, the other slaves looked ghastly in their malnourishment,
and with blank expressions on their face, they followed each of Yao’s orders. Having to do
excruciating tasks such as lifting hundreds of pounds, and sprinting for extended periods of time, all
while having minimal time to sleep, and only a speck of bread per day.

The pirate attack came soon enough, and while you witnessed great acts of violence, Yao kept
you working through it. Many of the civilians of Canpoor were murdered throughout the streets, but
for some reason they ignored you and Yao’s men.

Canpoor was set ablaze, and while there was little reason to be working, you were still forced

Days now pass, and the conditions did not improve, in fact they may have even worsened! You
persevered however, long enough for a strange anomaly to happen…

A group of the attacking pirates finally came over to your group, and while you worked, you
managed to eavesdrop over their conversation.

“Yao! How’s the work camp coming?! We need to start the rebuilding of this town in the name
of Ruhmin!”

“It’s been going well; it should only be a few more days… THAT IS UNLESS I NEED TO

“Good. Alabaster is dead. All is going perfectly”

“AWW YEA, I always hated that guy, I am not looking forward to seeing his face again…”

“After the project is done, what of your workers?”

“Ah I don’t care, we’ll just be able to get new ones soon enough, eh?”

“I suppose you’re right…”

You worked as hard as you could these next hours, but it appears that it was in vain… as you
finally finished what you had been working on as were allowed to finally rest, you didn’t even have
time to look at what was actually completed before men started taking shots at the slaves around you!
They fell rapidly, and it was not too long before you shared their fate.

Game over

Your crew quickly takes no time heading down to the beach.

Approaching the ship, the smell of alcohol and cries of celebration are
heard, whatever there were celebrating over was making a large distraction,
slipping by you notice that the crew is not even watching the shore, let
alone mentally sound.

The footprints of your enemies were lain deep in the sand, showing you
their exact pathing. While this following does take some time, you being to
see the footprints becoming fresher, as you quickly close the gap.

Following the prints through a brush, you look ahead and see a group of
people similarly sized to your prey, each laying down in a strange manner.
There doesn’t seems to be any sign of a struggle… just a travesty.

While your group warns you about approaching the downed, a glimmer
catches your eye in the hand of one of the men. You use your spyglass and
see that the glimmer is another spyglass!

If the Dondorians have such a relic, it’s importance could be high…

although you still question how their incapacitation occurred.

Aaron and Ebonhall provoke you to check out the scene, while Henry
wants to move forward.

Turn to page 41 to go up to the group

Turn to page 162 to head to the tower

The scene surrounding the mansion became more gruesome as
you got closer to it. The man on the roof was a pure savage,
mowing through your men with either shots to their head, or if they
were lucky enough to get up to him, decapitation. While you
looked at the scene and questioned who that man was, and his role,
Artifax mutters “Alabaster Schultz”. The governor of Canpoor
being so aggressive is not what you remember, and while he was
corrupt, he never looked strong like this.
You and Artifax moved up towards the gate, and as you did the
civilians begging to get in scattered… Fires began to consume the
whole town, and this building was one of the last to be inflicted.
“We need to put an end to him.” Artifax said, as another two of
your men were slain, while Alabaster released a joyous laugh,
relishing his kill. You couldn’t agree more… you discharged your
weapon on the locked gate. As the gate swung open, you and
Artifax charged right up to the mansion, taking in every bit of
carnage exhibited by Alabaster.
Turn to page 176 to move up the pathway
The inside of this staircase was more intricate that you would have ever
thought it would be. Artwork and symbology were better than the finest
library you had visited. Could there be inhabitants of this tree? Are they the
cause to the seemingly endless lemon supply?!
There were small cuts within the trees trunk that allowed you to see
outwards towards the rest of the island… it was a fantastic sight, as you saw
even more lemons throughout the land… there could be hundreds of
thousands… you then thought to yourself how could these lemons be there
for this long and not deteriorate? For that many lemons to be here must
have taken months of production, and you know that a lemon can barely
last a couple of days without rotting…
Pondering this thought your head entered the next room of the tree, and
by the looks of it, you believe that this is the top floor. A magical aura is
throughout the room, and in the middle you believe to be its source… a
glowing blue item, in the shape of… a lemon.
You could see how blue streaks were coming from the lemon out to the
branches within the tree’s leaves. The blue energy was depleted, and a
lemon would spawn, dropping to the ground.
Trying to keep your distance in case something would attack you, you
carefully walked towards the central lemon, which upon closer observation,
had a plaque in front of it.
Reading it from a distance, it said:
“This lemon is the source, the eternal provider. Taking this lemon from
its post will bring you temporary joy, but eternal suffering… you have need
to think of your next move, as it could be your last. This island relies on this
lemon just as you rely upon your heart… remove this heart and you will
lose yours.”
Turn to page 99 to take the lemon
Turn to page 161 to leave the lemon be
You turn to the commander and ignite your pistol, sending him into a
dying state.
“Even with all the power, you still make the wrong choice…” he says
before shutting his eyes indefinitely.
“Please! Please! Have mercy!” the woman cries.
“I’ll say or do anything, just please don’t kill me! I have a family!” she
Artifax approaches her to calm her down; “Come with us, and we will
do as you request”
He takes both of you into the door she entered from to avoid the
upcoming guards.
“Now. Take us to Alabaster Schultz. As quickly and safely as possible.
Any quick moves, and you’ll end up like your late commander.” Artifax
says while waving his weapon around.
“I will do just that. Follow me through these tunnels and I will lead you
straight to him.” She responds in terror of his weapon
She locks the door behind you all, and grabbing a nearby lit torch, and
signals that she is ready to go. From the other side of the door you hear as
the guards have found the commander dead, the begin to knock on the door,
realizing that it is locked, they become much more aggressive.
“Quickly… before they alert the governor!”

Turn to page 331 to follow her throughout the tunnel system

Noticing your near defeat, you point the stick into your chest. As Alabaster closes into your
location, your heartbeat rises, and your dependence on this working is paramount. After nothing
happens for some time you begin to accept death… that is until the tip of the stick began to glow, and
it also made a strange sound. The blueish glow then spread to your body before a shock struck you
from it.

As soon as that feeling hit you, both your body and mind began to feel really different… You
became much calmer even as Alabaster was charging at you, and you didn’t really care about the
situation in the least.

Alabaster surprisingly stopped his charge immediately, as he kneeled down to face you. He
began to move his mouth, but you could no longer understand anything he was saying! Picking you
up, he took you downstairs, a you approached a mirror you finally saw the effect of the stick… you
had been turned into a sheep!

Unable to break free of his grasp, or even talk for that matter, you were his prisoner. He took
you into his kitchen, and after tying you down, began to sharpen his knives…

Walking over to you with a piece of paper, you can’t understand the words on it, but you see
pictures of a sheep, with an arrow leading to cooked meat…

This can’t be good…

Game over
You sprint forward in a dash! Skipping multiple plates at a time,
you run as bursts of flame erupt all around you! The distance
between you and the exit is closing, but not as fast as you would
Knowing that any plate could cause a flame to release from
under you is a scary thought, and you know that even while
sprinting, you must consider that this is likely to happen. As you
reach around the half-way point, you hear an ear-deafening sound!
Looking behind you, you see the back row of jets releasing their
flame continually… as you question what they are doing, the next
row goes off and so forth! You have to get out of here quick!
As you run further, every step you take now releases more
flames at random intervals. You are sweating as the infernal room
quickly raises in temperature. While you run and are receiving
minor burns on your extremities you slowly close the gap between
you and safety!
Right as you were about to step into the exit, your final plate
activation made fire blast all around you! While these burns were
more painful than the last, as soon as they died down, you made
your final step away from the trial, just as the oncoming wall of
flame reached the doorway as well…
You continue down the new hall, one which is much nicer, and
temperate as well, as you reach a glowing room…
Turn to page 60 to continue to the next room

Swimming out to the golden ship, the sounds of danger grow, making
you swim with terror pounding through your chest, as the unknown instills
fear within you. The water inside of the bay is unlike any other you’ve been
in; it appears as regular water, but swimming through it feels like molasses.

While encumbered, you still make it to the ship before any catastrophe
happens. Climbing up the sides of the ship, you take caution, as you still are
unaware if it is unmanned or not. You were occasionally distracted however
from the gleam of the gold, and you wonder how it could be floating with
such weight… is magic in the area?

Peeping your head through the railings of the ship, you see the top deck
is completely empty, with no signs of activity in the least. Acting with
stealth, you continue your search through the entire ship, in which you then
find that it is indeed empty.

The sails of the ship are prepared for travel, and all you need to do is
hoist the anchor, you move over to the mechanism to do so. Activating the
winch, the ship utters a noise, which again, you haven’t heard before…

The anchor begins to raise… but instead of stopping towards the top of
the hull, it continues to raise up. As it reaches the mast, it suddenly drops
down rapidly, and as it does, you are elevated up, by a rope around your

The rope wasn’t there earlier however, what is going on here?!

Another sound appears, as though water is flowing. You attempt to

unbind yourself, but you do so with no success. The sound continues to get
louder. As you look down again, the ship is submerging, and the top deck is
already covered with water.

You use all your strength to try and escape, utilizing all items in your
possession to help you, but the rope stays strong…
You plunge headfirst into the bay, and feel agonizing pain, as the last bit
of oxygen in your lungs extinguishes.

Game over
You climb the steps up to the ship’s wheel, as you watch the
enemy captain cut down some of your men, their fallen bodies
releasing a strange light from their wounds. Drawing your sword,
you find yourself immediately in a clash with the captain as he
instantaneously attacks you with great intensity.
Trying with all of your might to find an opening, you deflect his
attacks, however he suddenly breaks from his patterned attacks,
sweeping his leg beneath your feet, causing you to tumble down
the stairs.
“Are you the captain?! I would have expected better!” he says
as he jumps down to your level. “Let’s show your crew just how
weak that their leader is!”
Crawling away from him, you turn back to see that the rest of
your crew had been held captive with blades to their throats…
“Watch your captain as he DIES!”
He jumps again, this time much higher in the air as he begins to
descend towards your position…
Turn to page 259 to continue
The grey-haired hag scowls as you initially hesitate and then refuse to
take the offered bowl. Cursing in a strange tongue, she looks at you with
harsh disapproval, causing you to shrink in shame and insignificance as you
stand before her. Now raising her hands above her head, she looks skyward
and begins a rapid, clicking chant, her anger suddenly increasing as she
shouts with considerable venom. She appears to straighten and grow a little
taller as the air circles around her in a weird vortex of energy, whipping up
an unusual amount of fog-like dust. This situation is escalating rapidly.
Feeling rather exposed and conspicuous as her other-worldly spectacle
continues to intensify, you quickly seek to placate the old woman.
Unfortunately, you are unable to communicate verbally without knowledge
of their language, so your frustrated attempts to defuse her fury go wholly

Several of the nearby natives now awaken from their hypnotic state and
turn at the sound of her upraised voice. She speaks with an aggressive
energy in a tone that sounds very much like a direct command – an
unreserved call to arms. The natives begin to stir, and sleepily eyed, they
soon recognize that an unwelcome visitor has intruded upon their sacrificial
ceremony. They quickly begin to advance; many of the sturdiest men now
carry long spears and knives or hold savage-looking clubs. Direct threat
hangs heavily in the air. The drumming has ceased.

The old hag now points an intimidating finger toward you, silently
confirming for all who it is that has disrupted the ritual. No words are
spoken, yet her warning is clear. A nervous chill spreads throughout your
body. Exhorting the conflict-hungry men to advance, the grey-haired hag
directs with full authority; they will not refuse her bidding, otherwise her
wrath will strike them with unstoppable deadly force. With your life in great
peril, and no time to lose, you must quickly decide your next move.

Turn to page 9 if you leave via the steep stone steps that brought
you here.
Turn to page 73 if you flee into the jungle, seeking a different escape
Turn to page 363 if a man named Phineas has asked you to locate a
The ship was just a short distance from the shore, while the captain
stood strong at the wheel. You knew that the way he was sailing, as soon as
you landed the skeletons would be able to attack you all almost
immediately. Finding the right opportunity, you took hold of the wheel and
turned the ship directly into the squad of skeletons, and upon contact this
left them into a sizeable pile on the sandy shore.
“What in storm’s cove were you thinking! This ship could have toppled
over and we all would have been killed!” the captain scorned you.
The civilians that were on the ship quickly got off of the ship screaming
while heading deeper in the island, the captain recommends that you do the
same, as with the ship deep in the beach, it will be almost impossible to get
back out to sea…You listen to his suggestion, hopefully there is another
way to get off of this island.
With cautious movement you follow the footprints of the others. As
soon as you got to the next clearing, there you saw it… a ruined city
covered with bones and ash, you look up and see a sign… “Arbordam”
It’s then you hear a scream! But as the footprints in front of you have
created a forking path, you are not sure where to go next… one leads to a
building that you assume was once a church, the other… a graveyard.
Skeletons could still be around in this town; it would be best to stay
Turn to page 138 to walk to the church
Turn to page 131 to walk to the graveyard
You pick up the chest, and as the team follows, you run straight into the
cave exit… Whatever this man wants is none of your concern. As he gets
further away from you, all you see is the man standing idly, grasping out
towards you.
The cave, while dark is not as terrible as it seemed. Bats and insects are
here, but they pose no threat that is comparable to what you’ve faced in
these past hours. The sun’s rays eventually are visible, as you see the open
seas, lusciously cracking against the shore. It seems as though you had been
in that tortuous temple for days. Your arms are tired from fighting, and
lifting this chest only makes matters worse.
Reaching the mouth of the cave, you look to all of your allies, who you
couldn’t have completed this great adventure without. While your life was
at peril this entire time, you had four friends which all sacrificed in some
way to see it though that you led them through this terrible island.
Standing in the bumpy sand felt excellent, knowing that caves, temples
and forests would not be in your life for a long time. As you took in the
gentle breeze, the smell of smoke came to you. Looking down the beach,
you spot a sinking ship set ablaze, based on its position it’s the Dondorian
ship from earlier. Through the plume of smoke came a familiar ship, as you
spot Artifax smiling down at you. The ship pulls up to the shore, and the
entire crew aboard is screaming out in excitement to see that you are alive,
and in possession of a treasure!
Gunshots were fired, and bottles were popped even before you came
aboard. You know that a celebration was coming…
Turn to page 158 to go aboard
You head down to the beach to where you hear the music playing…
while at first glance you don’t see a single soul there, after a longer look
there you see the source…
A single girl laying out beneath the trees, playing a guitar as she watched
the shore…
You approach her as her song begins to become disjointed, and out of
tune; finally, she looks up from her guitar to you with a smirk on her face…
“You’re not the colonel!” she turns from you this time having a face of
Confused as to what you did to disturb her, you pondered what would
be the best thing to hear that music again, so that you can remember where
you have heard it before.
Turn to page 303 to leave the girl alone
Turn to page 186 to approach the girl and talk to her

These bugs cannot be avoided using conventional methods. As you

think to yourself, you see only option being a nearby hollowed out tree
trunk. Rushing the group over to it, you cover the entrance with a sizeable
sheet of stone, sealing you within it. With not much room inside, you all
wait as the bugs ram their stingers against the stone, shaking the tree trunk
entirely. You all are thinking the same thing, that if you are to get out of
here, someone must go first.

“For this bait to properly work, one of us must sacrifice so that the
others can progress” Henry spoke

“Our whole crew has made sacrifices for one another, whether it be
work related, or via loss of life. Now it is one of our turns to do so” he

The three others became hysterical over the fact that they may soon be
food for insects. There were no offers to be bait, and it didn’t look like a
mind would be changed any time soon.

“If this is how it’s going to be…” Henry disappointingly said, tearing
bark off of the tree.

“Then chance will be our voice of reason; we each will take a stick from
my hand; the shortest stick will be the bait.” He added.

While you would not like anyone to be potentially maimed in your

group, you know it is the only way out… that is what you thought at least
until you heard a squelching noise approaching your trunk… you’re not
sure if you have heard it before, however.

You look out, and see the strange plants from earlier have shifted
location to here, and are now dormant…

The lack of a hole for air is becoming more apparent as the trunk grows
in heat; heavy breathing is heard throughout. You all can’t be in here for
much longer!
“So, you ready, Calico?” Henry speaks impatiently.

Turn to page 305 to draw sticks

Turn to page 292 to go out to the plants *Requires being pursued*

You thought it best to leave the area all together and go back to the
developing city of Canpoor. While you did just leave from there, and after
all the terrible events that occurred there, you would rather take time
away… but regardless you went. The trip back was in no means as exciting
as your trip leaving to Celebration Key, rowing in silence you went.
Upon coming within viewing distance of the city, you were completely
in shock! The city looked as it did before the onslaught! No destruction, no
corpses… nothing. There was no possible way that they could clean up in
this amount of time!
You docked your ship and headed towards the first person you saw so
that they could explain this to you! Grabbing hold of someone, the looked
at you with little expression, and quickly went back to what they were
doing beforehand. Calling out for anyone’s help, you were met with no
Suddenly, the situation got even stranger, as the city began to flash
between its current state and the one which was heavily damaged. The
flickering grew faster and faster before you watched as the city stay in its
destroyed form!
Everyone around you suddenly began to fall to the floor as they
appeared gradually more mutilated.
You looked out to the horizon as the sky began to turn black before
cracks appeared, tearing down the landscape around you…
The world was collapsing before you, as you watched everything
vanish. You were quickly engulfed within the void and trapped for an
indistinguishable length of time…
Game over

You successfully manage to leap off the ship unnoticed by the attackers. The one person who
does see you though was Henry, and as he believed you were turning your backs on them, he cried
out “Traitor!”

As you look back to him, he has had a sword plunged in his back by the enemy leader. You
continue your swim up to the zone of bombardment, which is riddled with craters and shrapnel,
covering the body of the woman you fired at.

You make your way up to her and hearing the sounds of your newly found friend’s cries, you
shovel through the rubble and grab the woman. She is different from all the other and does not
possess the bluish glow. Holding a knife to her throat, you cry out to the ship for a reprise.

While from a fair distance, you can see the strong expression on the captain’s face as he screams
out: “DON’T TOUCH HER!” he jumps ship, and quickly makes his way over.

He approaches you, and reveals a ghastly figure, personifying death himself. You tighten your
grip in both hands, so any complications wouldn’t arise. The captain looked uneasy about the
woman’s capture, and he looked more uneasy the tighter your grasp became.

Without a second word, he offered you dropping of his weapon and his crews departure in return
for the girl. As he placed his cutlass on the floor, you noticed he had another blade tucked into his

Questioning the weapon, he mentioned that it was connected to his lifeforce; although he didn’t
go further into detail. He took it out, and let you unsheathe the blade. Seeing that the blade glowed a
light blue identical to the captain, you trusted his word.

He took his woman, and you took his blades, and he walked towards the water to his ship. You
however knew that having his crew out there would always provide an issue with mankind, and they
could even attack you again in the future. You considered the options before announcing “This is for
Henry” followed by throwing the dagger through the man’s core.

As he fell to the floor instantaneously, you suddenly felt much weight go to your shoulders.
Falling to the floor, the woman ran over to you crying; “Why? You fool, why did you have to do

You awaken later, and to your surprise you see your arms have now gained the light blue glow.
Surrounded by people that were recently your enemies, they explain to you how you are the captain
now. Knowing that you now are constrained by the same weapon that put you in this position, you
accept their support.

As your new ship sails away, you look back to your old crew, much smaller in number as
Artifax looks to you with shame, as his ship burns.

You know that you have just received immense power just now, and that you will have to
manage what you are going to do with it and determine if you will follow the old captain’s methods
or find new ones to use. This is going to be a long contract, and you know that this journey will have
its ups and downs.

Better be prepared for eternity.

Game over

*You have gained “Vorpal Bound” (#219) for all future runs*

You tail the Dondorians out of sight, hearing them discuss things such
as “Rain island trinkets” “the golden plight” “the swallow being first” and
“Headmaster Rabadosh” … While these terms are unknown to you, you
keep them in mind, for future challenges…

Not much more discussion is held, and quickly a magnificent stone

doorway enters your sight…However, the group of Dondorians is now
gone, looking around they are no longer in the area…

Your group approaches the doorway and sees four stone buttons
protruding from the door

The buttons from left to right showed:

“swallow, raven, crow, eagle”

“swallow, eagle, crow, raven” This button was cracked throughout…

“eagle, crow, raven, swallow”

“swallow, raven, eagle crow” This button had streaks of red running
down it…

This door was their objective… Knowing this, there must be something
of high importance behind it, pressing the right button here will be
paramount, and you are not certain of what would happen if an incorrect
press is done.

There is no turning back, going through this door is the only hope of
staying safe on this island, and not being detected by the Dondorians… but
which button is it?

Turn to page 129 to press swallow, raven, crow, eagle

Turn to page 389 to press swallow, eagle, crow, raven

Turn to page 85 to press eagle, crow, raven, swallow

Turn to page 352 to press swallow, raven, eagle crow
You sprint out of the church looking to lose the lich and his minions;
what you weren’t expecting was the town to have hundreds of undead now
walking the streets. Your combined footsteps and grunting instantly made
them aware of you!
They began to surround you and knowing that you couldn’t go back into
the church you ran to the city’s center! With not much to work with, you
simply entered the nearest structure to you that seemed stable.
You closed the splintering door, holding it with your weight. As you
waited for a few seconds, there was no struggle for entry… minutes passed
and this continued… did you lose them, or did they simply forget about
Just then, you turn to see a glowing skull in the middle of the room. You
know that you don’t want to touch anything that is in this town, but even
without any effort, a beam glows from its eye sockets directly to your chest.
You don’t feel pain or discomfort, rather you are in waiting to see what is
happening and why…
You can’t leave the room, but you know that staying here isn’t good
either… waiting is all that you can do. This continues for an extremely long
time, and while you would think hunger, sleep, and thirst would be an issue,
they are not… you stay in this room for what could be weeks, nothing to do
except wait for the undead to leave… which does not appear to be anytime
Stuck here for eternity, not dying from natural causes, but with fear of
death. You wait until you can’t any longer, in which then you leave the
room to finally end this eternal suffering.
Game over
A slow trickle of water runs down the cavern wall to your right, pooling in a depression on the uneven floor. Little light penetrates the deep gloom; inside it is dank and
musty, and rather unpleasant. You walk along a narrow passageway that initially turns to your left before bending back to the right, following the natural openings in the surrounding
rock. Making almost no sound, you warily continue on. A faint intermittent scraping from somewhere further ahead continues to reach your ears.

After stepping sideways through a narrow fissure, you emerge into a low tunnel that rises over a series of stacked platforms. Sometimes climbing with effort, you soon reach
a wider passageway with a spectacular vaulted ceiling; here the surfaces gleam with lichens, now visible due to filtered light penetrating through slim cracks above. This irregular
passageway is rough and crumbling, with several large sections of rock having fallen, now lying shattered upon the ground in many pieces. You notice a dark wall looming ahead and
must again turn sideways to follow a cramped opening; beyond a quantity of light illuminates a much wider, concealed area.

As you emerge into a broad low-ceilinged cavern, your attention is immediately captured by two unexpected sights: multiple picturesque shafts of light enter the cavern in
various places, and within one of them squats a haggard figure; his back faces you as he gnaws on something unseen. Turning and rising instantly upon your unexpected arrival, the
gaunt figure stares wide-eyed, his mouth opens slackly as he struggles to comprehend this new situation. Thick manacles fasten both hands and feet, with a long connecting length of
heavy chain disappearing into the darkness beyond. His straight hair is dark and lank, and from his bony face falls a thin beard – if not illuminated by light you would fear him to be a
ghost or ghoul, such is his sickly appearance and hunched stance. You both stare at each other without a sound for many elongated seconds.

“You–you’re not one of them,” he croaks, a half-chewed morsel slipping from his mouth. “Have you, like me, come from over the seas?”

You nod in response and tell him of your recent arrival, explaining that you are a visitor seeking the source of the pounding drums.

“That would be unwise, my friend. The drums indicate that the ceremony is underway – dark arts calling to powerful gods for unearthly assistance. You would not be

He slowly shuffles a few paces toward you to take a better look, causing the heavy chain to scrape upon the ground: the faint sound previously heard. Scrutinizing you with
eager eyes, you detect renewed energy within him and a hopeful smile spreads across his grimy face. He seems to stand a little taller now, grins lopsidedly and trembles slightly as if
suddenly cold. “I’m Phineas Malone,’ he says proudly. “Captive of the island’s unforgiving tribe.”

Turn to page 412 to continue this unexpected conversation.


Fleeing back to the crossroads, you run from your predator. Knowing
that it would be impossible to go back from where you came from, you look
to the other path as your only option. While your team still follows your
decisions with utmost loyalty, they begin to question whether the other path
was a better option…

Turn to page 406 after reading the rest of this page if you originally
went to the plants

Turn to page 5 after reading the rest of this page if you originally
went to the buzzing

However, there was little time for discussion on the matter, you could
hear the pursuers coming closer. You quickly take your group and run the
other direction, as you do however, you notice strange behaviors from your
group, including;

Brom was the only one who unsheathed his weapon and even in this
intense moment he was twirling it around…

Aaron began to look down at his tattoos, reading them with a whisper as
he ran…

Ebonhall took off her gloves and stockings and began to wrap them
around her head…

Something strange is happening on this island, and while it has not yet
affected you, caution is now your highest priority here. You head down the
other path, as you reach the next challenge in your journey, and escape
pursuit (#4).
You enter the kitchen cautiously, knowing that in this mansion,
everyone is your enemy. As you get the whole room within view, you notice
that no one is around… as you were about to search for clues and items,
you hear something from the back
*cachink* *dink* *vvvrink*
“This oughta make old Ali- a happy man once I’m done with it!” You
hear pieces of something soft slam to the floor as you creep closer to
Peaking around the corner, you see a heavy-set man with a white apron
on covered in blood. He is hacking away at some object in front of him,
releasing sprays of blood all over the room. You spot to his right a gleaming
item, that unfortunately is indistinguishable due to his movements.
While you are not sure if this man is aggressive or not, you think that it
would be best to le-
“Ey you! What at ya doin in me kitchen!? I oughta make a pie out of
ya!” the man turned from his work, revealing a mutilated human on his
“Get over here for Ol’ Mr. Gruzzens!” he says as he picks up a meat
hook, while waving his cleaver at you.
He takes massive strides towards you as the ground booms with each
Turn to page 335 to fight! *requires item #189*
Turn to page 160 to run!
“Aha! A brave one! So let’s delve into this exploratory educational
endeavor, shall we?!” the man jumps up from his seat and gets directly into
your face.
“Now… WHAT is the name of the governor of this fine city?” The
grand questioner gives you a smile of delight.
“Is his name… Alabranter, Alabaster, Alabastab, or Alabouster!?
“Think quickly, I know that your time must be short, as is mine… we
cannot tread on this question, there are two more to go! Stop thinking and
You better listen to him and fast!
Turn to page 391 to select Alabranter
Turn to page 14 to select Alabaster
Turn to page 354 to select Alabastab
Turn to page 51 to select Alabouster
You stay close with the group, and as the pirates finish up beating the defenseless man they
immediately call you all to get back in line and resume order. While most of you all listened to their
demands, one prisoner thought lightly of them, and as he made a quick joke to the pirates, they did
not look amused…


The man was rattled with holes and thrown into the brush of the jungle below. “Any others
gonna do something like him!?” the man who threw him asked.

Silence was among all of the prisoners. “That’s what I thought!”

You all continued forward and while not a single word was said along this trip, before you could
even think, you were already stopped again… this time at the base of the giant volcano in the heart of
the island.

“This is what we’ve been waiting for! Look forward to it gentlemen!”

You began to ascend the volcano, the smoke and fire coming from its top had already doubled in
size… it could erupt any minute!

With an armed pirate to your backside you had no way to run away…you followed the group up
the rugged path to the mouth of the volcano…
Turn to page 298 to continue the climb
Getting into the backroom was slow due to the cramped corridors, the
floor being flooded by strange objects. As you move down it further, a blue
glow begins to envelop the entire hallway. Turning one last corner, you find
the source of the blue lighting, a circle of the color surrounded by strange
metal is in the center of the room. Around this lies machinery that you have
never seen before, with colorful buttons, levers, and switches, it is beyond
your intelligence.
Books lie on the floor; you pick some up to observe what they deal
with… their titles read “Time welding” “5-man chronosphere” and
“timeline juxtaposition”. A noticeable sequence on a paper in the room read
“19 8 1 22 5 14 I 19 3 15 N 20 18 O L 12 5 4” what could these symbols
mean!? There was also a schematic for an “internal detonation device” …
The blue circle now begins to pulse with energy, as though it was
calling for you to embrace it. The blue faded away, revealing a forest… is
this a doorway into a different location??
“Ignore it, Calico. Alabaster needs to come first.” Artifax says
While you would love to enter this strange place, you know that
Alabaster is just a few floors away… going up the stairs to the next room
would bring you one step closer to your goal.
Turn to page 174 to go upstairs
Turn to page 378 to touch the forest
You ignore Artifax’s words as you duck down to enter the cracked earth… While for the first
few steps you had the sunlight to guide your path, eventually all that you can sense is the walls
around you.
Brushing your hand against the rocky wall, you are surprised when the hardness turns to that of
a softer material… which you quickly distinguish to be more lemons…What are these things!? Why
are they everywhere… like a disease.
A rumbling immediately startles you! As you cease your movement you turn behind you to see
something getting in the way of the cracks mouth… what was already hindering you turned into a
darkness that crippled your ability to do anything… you were stuck in here.
Creeping forward was your only option as you felt turning around in such a tight space may
cause you damage, you advanced for minutes on end, which felt like an eternity in this
claustrophobic crevice.
Could you really have no escape? Was this the end for you? The darkness was nearly overtaking
you, but then… in the distance you saw something, a faint yellow light!
You shimmied your way towards the light as quickly as you could, in hopes that it would be an
answer or way out from here…
Brighter and brighter it glowed until you noticed what exactly it was… another lemon.
There was something that made you rather die from starvation than get near the lemon, but you
went against your thoughts and approached anyways… The lemon seemed to radiate with an energy
level that you had never seen before.
Feet away from the special lemon you see that its room was much more spacious than the tight
tunnel you were just in… and above it you saw something that you would have never thought you
would desire this much… sunlight.
Scaling the walls, you try your best to escape this nightmare, but then you hear a noise from
below you
The very rock that you were grasping turned right before your eyes into… lemons; they fell
down towards the ground, and with no time to react, so did you.
Falling you look to see if you were to land on hard rock or soft lemons… neither, you were
heading straight towards the glowing lemon!
You had nothing left to do but wait for what was to happen… but these were the last thoughts
you would ever have, as when you made contact with the lemon, you took its form and joined in the
hundreds on this island…
Game over

You take a few steps forward to the group, taking note of every potential risk as you close the
distance. Bushes, sand, even the sky are things you make sure have no predator that could jump out
and attack you before you could react. You know that this move is risky, but seeing the spyglass, and
its relation to yours is too important to pass up.

You nearly make it to the group, unhindered, until something strange begins to happen…

As you inhale, both your nostrils and throat begin to tremble, and this continues to grow in
strength as you take each step forward. You begin to cough and wheeze as these symptoms continue.
Your eyes water, and now breathing begins to pain you.

You ponder why it is only in this location that you are experiencing these issues, as you look
back to your team and see them unhindered, while they look at you in fear.

You fall to your knees to grab the spyglass, and you hear your knees crack as they make contact
with the soft sand. Reaching for the spyglass, you spot a glowing object in the sand, underneath one
of the men, you take the time to uncover what it is, before you further care for the spyglass.

Digging up the sand encompassing the item, you reveal it to be a silver barrel leaking a green
liquid into the sand, each barrel possessing a strange symbol, and a skull on its lid.

Whatever this barrel is leaking must be the cause of these side effects! You grab the scope, and
try to get back to your friends quickly…

Your adrenaline to do this however, had been expended, and as you apply pressure on your legs
to raise yourself, a massive crack is sounded, and you fall over on your face…

You cry out to your friends for help, but they don’t want to get close to you, knowing the
consequences… They begin to walk around.

As the very air around you began to be threatening, you gave all your effort to crawl from the
scene. Your fingernails clawing against the sand brought you agony, as even this slight friction made
them fly off your fingertips.

You try to grab the spyglass to inspect it, but even your grasp fails you, and your eyes begin to
close sluggishly.

Your mind is corrupted by the fumes, as you daze into a paralytic mania.

Game over
You cry out to Artifax to know that revenge won’t solve anything… Alabaster may have
wronged him in the past, but Alabaster needs to stay alive, to make up for all the damages he has
caused. Artifax at first argued with you, but after you further elaborate, he drops his weapon and
begins to mourn.

Artifax and you sit there for some time talking about what will happen next, with Alabaster in
your custody. You both will have to reach the remaining guards within Canpoor and let them know
their leader has fallen. The civilians will need to adapt to new leadership, and your crew cannot
overstay their time. While your crew came originally for the riches within Canpoor, Alabaster’s terror
is exactly what needed to be purged from the archipelago. After this, the Dondor….

“You think you have beaten me?” Alabaster says as he fumbles around in his jacket. “You will
never beat me!” he swallows a small item, and almost instantly his skin turns a sickly green.

“That coward wouldn’t even accept a real death! Let’s get off this roof, we need to alert
everyone, while he still lives” Artifax says.

You each take a side of Alabaster and begin to lift him up… but as you do, you start to hear a
strange noise coming from within his pocket…

“What is this madness?!” Artifax states, as the noise continues to grow in frequency…
Turn to page 165 to investigate
…This is the last day you’re in this small village…. If “village” is a
good word because it’s just some modest houses on both sides of a river,
with its only prominent feature being a wooden bridge crossing it. In the
three days that you’ve been here you haven’t seen anyone. Thankfully you
found enough food to help keep up your strength; some fruits outside as
well as some cold cooked meat in an empty house with its door opened.
On the first day here, you thought everyone was out for the day. In the
evening, no one came to the village, you decided to wait until late at night,
but nobody came. The night has passed, and you almost passed out from
exhaustion. When sun has risen, your eyes were struggling to stay open.
You wake up feeling like you didn’t have a single dream as if you didn’t
sleep at all, you’re so tired!
The second day was exactly the same, and you again collapsed from
tiredness and woke with little energy. Around you, nobody, no sounds,
nothing… nothing has changed! Still the same houses! The same river! The
same bridge! There is no way you stay here waiting for people that aren’t
coming back! In fact… maybe that’s a great idea! Who knows who they
were? You decide to get up and you prepare yourself to cross the bridge in
order to explore the rest of the island but… you see something moving
You approach the edge of the bridge, to look below it. Under the bridge,
there’s a small sandbank in the middle of the river. You can’t see very well
because there’s a lot of vegetation, but you’re pretty sure you saw
something! There is a boat that you believe you could ride out towards the
sandbank or perhaps back to Canpoor!
Turn to page 413 to ignore the sandbank and head back towards Canpoor
Turn to page 290 to get on the boat and go to the sandbank
“Yes! You guessed it! The Dondorians are the ruthless pirate hunters in our archipelago… I
cannot believe that you had guessed that, bravo!” The man had joy on his face as he clapped for you.
“Now, it is time for your final question, answer this and you will receive the reward I had
mentioned earlier!
Your final question is; what is the artificer’s name?
My answers for you are:
1. Alabaster Schultz
2. Artifax Andeverin
3. Madison Mousse
4. Obethar’ Plexus
5. The one you know as “Calico”
6. Fingham Trebellium
7. Fez Roster
8. Augustine White
9. Dianna Haraldie’
10.Or... Myself, the grand questioner.
Choose wisely, you will really need this reward… and be sure to remember your number!”
Turn to page 192 to choose answer 1
Turn to page 350 to choose one of answers 2-10

You burst out from your hiding place, witnessing many of your allies being slain
simultaneously. Taking up one of their arms you charge directly to the distracted leader of the raiding
party. As he holds his blade through Henry, you do the same with a sword in his back.

The anomaly extends backwards in surprise, dropping a mortally wounded Henry to the floor.
He kneels down to your surprise and doesn’t move much from there. All of the other action
throughout the ship is aside you, as you can only focus on this engagement. You hear that Artifax is
behind you, holding back foes from their attack on you.

As you turn the downed man around to strike the final blow, he acts first. By restraining your
unarmed hand behind your back. This immediately makes you drop your weapon, as he continues
further to break your arm, having its bones splinter out from your skin.

Screaming in pain, you are defenseless as he plunges his sword directly through your abdomen.
You notice however, that this piercing hurt much less than your arm, and you can’t really feel much
added pain at all. As he twists the blade and rips it out, again, there is no difference.

You question what he has done to you, and as he looks down to Henry’s corpse, he answers:

“Foolish mortal, thinking that you could stop me!? I am the greatest pirate to sail these seas,
Esperion Rangbrate. For your audacity that you would strike me, I have not killed you, like I will all
your comrades. Instead your punishment will be much greater… my vorpal blade will make you
weak, clumsy, and practically lifeless. You will wish to die, but you won’t be able to… you will walk
the lands in confusion, and fear, and the best part is… you will never know when you’ll die, but you
will, suddenly, and then you will feel all the pain you have missed in the timespan, all at once. It will
be marvelous.”

He turned away as you shut your eyes…

You wake up later on a beach, nothing in sight. You remember Esperion’s words and know that
the rest of your life will be a living nightmare.

You take your first steps and try to remember the good times of your life, but none surface.

Game over
Waiting for the battle between the two crews, you sneak across
the gangplank that some of them used to board your ship. Behind
you, you can only imagine that your team is being completely
devastated by the Dreadship’s crew, as both their equipment as well
as their ship appears far superior to yours.
Not knowing where to go, you frantically head towards the stern
in hope that you have not yet been spotted by the attackers. You see
that there are only two possible options to hide as the Dreadship’s
crew beings to finish up their killings… below deck, or the
captain’s quarters.
It would be best to choose quickly before they see you!
Turn to page 139 to enter the captain’s quarters
Turn to page 322 to go below deck
You dive deep in the pile of eggplants, and just as you are out of sight, the door swings open…

Footsteps fill the room as a discussion begins:

“Not in here!” one says in an enraged tone… “Well where could they have gone!? We’ve
searched the entire base!” another responds.

“I…In the vegetables! They must be hiding!”

You hear footsteps closing into your location… knowing that a conflict is eminent, you grab the
nearest thing to you as you are pulled upwards out of the eggplants.

The reaction you receive from the group is not anger however… you hear gasps and the look on
their faces is that of fear.

“How did they get a hold of that!” one said while shaking

“I’m out of here!”

You finally notice that you had grasped the golden eggplant, and while you are confused, it is
strange to you that you have not been shot yet.

Noticing that you have the ability to scare the men, you demand that you be released from their
capture… the men shake their head to your request however, and as one steps forward he says
something that catches you by surprise…

“Now, for touching that there item, you’ll either get thirteen lashes, the greenhorn… or you can
take home one of those regular eggplants and call it a day.”

Why wouldn’t they just kill you on the spot? What is a greenhorn, and why are they even giving
you an option?

Turn to page 400 to take the regular eggplant

Turn to page 230 to choose the “greenhorn”

Turn to page 163 to receive thirteen lashes

“So the Dandledoors is the group that you have selected? Well you are
correct! They are a great component of our area… but unfortunately, the
Dandledoors and their culinary expertise are not pirate hunters. It seems as
though you are wrong, sorry for the false impression that I may have given
The questioner began to pack up his things as he signaled you out of his
“Away with you! I have better pupils for my trial!”
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Turn to page 366 to return
You get into the strange device and after reviewing the instructions on how to operate it, you do
the best of your ability to replicate what was shown. As you pressed a few buttons, the blades above
you began to make noises and spin, moments later you were levitating in the air, and slowly moving
up higher.
Another button was pressed, and the roof above you started to open, to allow you to exit the
building. You continue following all that was said, and eventually you are hovering over the ruined
city, witnessing all the flames and destruction that has overcome this once beautiful city.
You see a man standing on the roof, who you believe to be Alabaster, who upon seeing you
begins to curse you: “Calico! I knew you weren’t brave enough to face me! I knew all along!” While
he fires his weapon at you, it doesn’t seem to have an effect on the tough metal exterior of the
You get out over the bay, and finally away the city. While most of your allies are now dead, you
look to strike back when you can sell this treasure to reobtain resources that will allow you to do
so… you decide to head back home to grab your spouse before moving onto the next chapter in this
Seconds later you hear the vehicle begin to make some weird noises, and then a voice is heard:
“You really thought it would be this easy? To come to my house and not finish what you started?
How disgraceful, what a waste of a heli…”
The machine begins to beep, and as it grows faster, you try to leave through its door, however
with them locked you wait until the beeping stops… *boom* both shards of the machine and your
body now litter the ocean floor.
Game over
You go up to the single orange fruit, and after analyzing the room to see
if it was safe to take, you plucked it from the branch. As soon as you did
however, you heard the sound of horns blaring through the hallway! You
put the fruit into your pocket to ensure it wasn’t seen.
“You there!” you hear as you look to the entrance hallway to the
room… four guards have their spears in your face!
“Relinquish the fruit immediately, thief!” They began to walk towards
You decide to take it out from your pocket as they request, and hand it
over. As your hand is in your pocket you hear “They have a weapon!
The guards’ spear tips went from being inches in front of you, to a few
inches behind you. You fell to your knees skewered like an animal.
“Who is this person, and why did they try taking the lord’s fruit of
guidance?!” one of the guards asked.
A voice came from around the corner: “I’m not sure, but we should
ensure that they cannot mettle with our artifacts ever again”
The speaker was revealed to be the servant from earlier looking upon
you with a smile.
“Take them away!” He points his finger to another door.
“Make sure they will never see the light of day!”
Bleeding out as you are taken to a cell, you question whether it will be
by starvation or blood loss in which you will perish…
Game over
“Alabouster is not correct. You are wrong. Please honor the rules of the
game and leave this tavern. By the time you come back here, I will be gone,
I never want to play this game with you again.”
The questioner turns his back to you in his chair, and no matter what
you did, he ignored you. You decided that this would be a waste of time,
and you were better off figuring out more on the city.
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Turn to page 366 to return

You look up and see the loud noises coming from rocks rolling down
the slopes crashing down towards your position! As you stand there in awe
of what is happening, the boulders start hitting the ground around you,
luckily you are not harmed by the initial strike. You see some hit directly in
front of you, and you are happy that you did not make the move forward to
squish yourself.

The rock fall has grown in frequency, as there is no longer spacing

between each of the loud bangs. As you slowly move forwards towards the
exit it is rapidly being covered by the stones. You keep watching the
trajectories of each projectile and dodge accordingly as you close the gap
between you and the doorway.

Against all odds you overcome the countless death risks of the hall, you
squeeze your way through the hole, right as it is fully covered up.

You turn and see the chaos that you hardly survived and are glad to
know that it is over. Looking down the hall you walk towards a much
brighter, and friendlier place.

Turn to page 60 to enter the next room

These few final steps to the summit are wearying, draining the last of your remaining energy.
Now standing on level ground you pause to rest for a minute, silently observing the continuing path
ahead. A great mass of thick twisted-limbed trees fills your vision, with only the narrow pathway
interrupting an unending view of greenness. The trees here seem to push inward, crowding the path
with trunk, branch and leaf, leaving little room above or beside for travelers to comfortably walk.
This shadow-haunted pass causes you to crouch in trepidation and fear as you now step within it,
believing that at almost any moment the trees will come to life, reaching out with gnarled limbs and
twig-formed fingers to desperately clutch at your face, hair and clothing. Hemmed in by these
gnarled forms, you warily move forward. The drumming is now very loud.

Unable to see much beyond what lies directly ahead, you are somewhat startled when the trees
suddenly cease to crowd the pathway, revealing a shadowed multi-terraced amphitheater, where thirty
or more people of short stature – men, women, children and the elderly – stand transfixed, swaying to
the unending beat of the drums. Four bright fires blaze at the cardinal points of the upper
amphitheater, and over on the side opposite to where you stand is a man dressed in numerous skins
and feathers, his face almost completely painted with colorful swirling patterns and symbols. This
shaman stands motionless in a deep trance upon a massive stone platform, his wide eyes afire with
unconstrained madness. You suspect that he has imbibed a quantity of hallucinogenic plants to fuel
this spiritual frenzy, such is the intensity of his unusual state. He babbles constantly during this dark
trance; his chanted words instantly grasped by the wild winds and carried beyond the ceremonial
clearing. The pounding drums call forth the storm spirit, beckoning its furious energy to the island;
the shaman amplifies this request, reaching out to the spirit world to heed his intense invocation. The
audience and the five drummers are in thrall to the shaman’s rapturous meditation, consumed by the
powerful chants and the entrancing beat.

To your right, elevated on the highest step of a stone dais, a grey-haired hag with soulless eyes
gazes down at you. Now motioning for you to come forward into the amphitheater and away from the
protection of the jungle, her long-fingered withered hands beckon hypnotically – you feel compelled
to abide by her bidding. The wind squalls with a sudden rise in intensity, now howling in great gusts
that toss shredded plant matter high into the gloomy sky. The drums pound faster and louder. You
cannot turn back.

You look across to the shaman, and then turn toward the old hag again. Her dark eyes stare
intently as her hands continuously motion for you to approach. She grins with strange desire. Do you
submit to or resist her request?

Turn to page 317 if you walk around the amphitheater toward the shaman.
Turn to page 219 if you approach the grey-haired hag.
As you look back at Artifax’s dead corpse, you understand this is not what he would want… but
you accept Alabaster’s offer.

“You will? Excellent!” He says as he gets up slowly off the floor “…And don’t worry, I will
never have another weapon near you again, I could not repay your forgiveness with a knife in the

He places your hand around your shoulder, “Now, let me show you my plans, and how you’ll fit
right into them” he says as he guides you off the roof.

While you question Alabaster’s sudden kindness, you sense no threat and would like to see the
extents of what he has to offer.

Reaching a room with a lot of glass panels, you sit down across from Alabaster as he explains
everything: “See Calico, your spyglass is what we were needing this entire time… it’s power is that
which can reveal locations out of sight, and using it, my organization can rid the seas of all evil; such
as the Dondorians and your pirate cronies. We just want peace, and now we can finally deliver.”

Alabaster gets up out of his chair: “Follow me, Calico”

He takes you into a bedroom, one that is more luxurious than any other’s you’ve seen in your
life. “This is now yours. I’ll let you sleep the stress off, and in the morning whether you want to join
me or not is up to you… If not, you’ll be free to leave. Now, have a good night.”

As you lay in the bed, you experience comfort, for perhaps the first time in a while. While you
do think of what decision to make, you’ll have to decide in the morning. You quickly fall asleep in
this plush bed.
Turn to page 218 to sleep
The small black pulse grew immediately, and a surge of energy was
released from it. You watched as the running men in front of you attempted
to run, but despite their leg’s movement, they began to move backwards
towards the circle of chanters.
Their cries for help were horrific, as you saw the look of inevitability on
their faces, they knew what was to happen.
As you look away from them, you look down and notice that you too
are being pulled in by the anomaly. The ambiguity of the energy became
apparent very quickly as you saw the first of your allies touch it and
become immediately disintegrated!
The carnage continued as you watched most of your allies turn into
With Artifax being the last one left and him quickly reaching his doom
he shouted out “The staff!” just as he was destroyed.
You were the final target of this attack, and the pulsation is coming
faster than you expected.
Turn to page 332 if you have the gleaming scepter (#84)
Turn to page 68 if you do not

You open your back door and step out into plain view of the group.
Immediately flashing their weapons towards you, they rush you down and
restrain you. Their screaming and yelling is overwhelming, as you are flung
over one’s shoulder and taken aboard. Your dog scampers off into the

Not long goes by before you are tied to the mainsail, as you are fully
surrounded by many unfriendly faces.

“Out of my way, out of my way!” one yells over the rest, as the ordering
one bursts through the circle.

The giant towers over the other captors, unsheathing his cutlass he

“That was a very foolish thing for you to do” as he performs a


Before he could complete his movement however, he stops and reaches

in your front pocket.

“Oh boys...I think the captain in going to like this” holding your

“Who are you?” He asks, puzzled as to why you have this item.

You explain how the item was your deceased fathers, you have been
living in isolation since his passing.

“If this was your fathers… than that must mean…”

“They’re Calico’s kid!” one of the subordinates yelled, receiving a glare

from their leader.

Your eyes opened after hearing your father’s name… was he involved in
piracy? Why did he never tell you this...?
“Well, let’s see if you really are who you say you are, aye?” The giant
spoke as the ship started its movement.

“You have three choices, and based on your selection, we’ll be able to
tell everything”

Turn to page 410

“No, you mustn’t!” One of the women called out to you as you headed for the door.
“He will destroy you! Please listen to us!” The others said, trying to convince you more-so.
Opening the door, you see the man crack a smile to you. “Ah, so you’ve come to your senses
now! See, those women offer you a much worse fate than one you’ll receive out here… they’ll keep
you trapped in there for years, why would you want that!?”
The man monologues some time and when he turns his back, you decide to make a move! You
dash to the left and try to put some distance between you, as you know he will be after you within
You hear the noises of a wild animal behind you, and as much as you would want to see how
close he was to you, you kept your head forward and your legs moving!
You then discovered an issue… with this entire island being grasslands, there will be nowhere to
break his line of sight to you, losing him will be difficult!
You heard a sound as if he was about to do something! You turn your head and see the frenzied
man leaping at you! With not much time to react you dodge to the side!
However, your dodge was costly, and while you did avoid the attack, you began to roll down the
hill and towards the coastal cliffs! You couldn’t stop rolling! You hit your head on a rock just as you
plummeted off the cliff!
But you survived! While dazed, you looked up and saw the man looking down at you, and after
seconds he just walked away, with no haste.
What made him stop all of a s- *clamp*
A claw burst from the sand below you, clamping your arm! Like cockroaches, dozens of
crustaceans began to emerge from the sand and converge to you. The gripped every quadrant of your
body, tearing your limbs off, and leaving you quartered in the sand…
Game over
You head off to the local tavern, on the northwestern side of your island. There you could relax,
and hopefully forget about all that has occurred on this terrible day… sure you have money now, but
the psychological damage that you received to obtain that treasure was taxing, and you will need to
de-stress to be able to enjoy your newly obtained wealth.

The trip to the tavern was rather uneventful, with your only complaint being how long it was
taking to reach your destination… but once you finally got there, you were content. “The Shusty
Shamble” was its name; in your youth you used to come here all the time with your friends.

When you walked in however, things immediately looked different from what you
remembered… décor, the music, even the way the people inside were dressed had been changed!
None of this looked like it’d even fit in this environment, it was strange…

You came this long way, so you may as well stay and relax…even if you feel a bit
uncomfortable. You sat at the bar, as the barmaid greeted you, their accent was very strange! As she
turned around to get the drink you had requested you hear from behind you: “What are you doing
around these parts, wet boot?”

You turn to see a man in a hat, pointing a strange form of pistol at you.


As the weapon fires, and you fall to the floor, he spits on you, saying “an’ don’t come back!”

You lay motionless on the floor, bleeding out, as balls of dead grass enter the room, circling
around you.
Game over

You return to the rocky landing in which you washed up on. The sun has
gone further from sight and the moon is now out. You don’t see any
conceivable way off this island from here. As you form a makeshift camp,
you make a shelter from the elements. As tough as it is, you start a fire that
will be able to keep you heated, and warm any sustenance you can find on
this desolate beach. This is definitely one of the worst nights you have had
in a while.

In the morning you awake in discomfort as the sun rises from behind the
twin peaks of the island, with your shelter nearly destroyed due to its poor
material makeup. You clean up the camp in case any hostiles may come
around as you hear someone say “Break, Grind, Anguish”

Knowing the same two paths are the only two paths to take, you must
reconsider your choices and choose the route that would cause you the least

To run across the worse of the two, or for the pirates to return looking
for you would be terrible if due to lack of proper planning…

This island must have a way off that doesn’t involve a fatality… the
better path must be clear to you by now…

Turn to page 201 to go towards the smoke

Turn to page 207 to head into the swamp


You have made it through your trial and have come to the center of the
temple! The hallway has led to you a massive chamber; the walls, floor and
ceiling all are lined with gold and gemstones! In the middle of the chamber
lies a massive chest of treasures; relics from the old ages, each probably
worth a ships weight in gold! They overflow to the floor, and the pile makes
a dwarf out of the ten-foot tall chest.

As you approach the chest, you see look around the room, and see the
other two passageways have all also lead here! The gemstones on the walls
begin to make up symbols of skulls, flames and weapons… whoever made
this temple clearly knew how to kill people efficiently. While the other
chambers have all had corpses, this is the first that lacks a single one… are
you the first person to make it here?

Whatever the case, you know after you take your part of the treasure,
that there is one last massive door behind the chest… is it another trial, or
will you finally be out of this nightmare?

You get up to the chest and finally get a closer look inside…

Turn to page 368 to look closer into the chest

Dropping the treasure, you and your team pile up anything you can to cover the entrance of the
temple; statues, debris and even bodies were put together in a makeshift fashion to supply any
defense to your position. The moans of your adversaries grew louder as they closed into your
location. Clawing at the door was heard as you then noticed a horde coming from the back entrance,
which was unfortunately wide open… Some of your team went to place some form of barrier, but
you knew that it was pointless.
The horde had now scratched through the front door enough to create a hole, and they had now
begun to work on the barrier; simultaneously, the group from behind had now reached the barrier and
had burst through it with ease. Your team knew what was coming but prepared their weapons for the
fight of their life, firing shots at any enemy they could hit. The frontal barrier had now fallen, and
both groups had reached the connecting platform to your before *crack* you open your eyes to both
groups of them falling to the cavern below, as the weight on the platform had been too much.
Before you could take in what to do next, you watched as the remaining walkers continued to
fall off the edge, with no thought to their safety, two waterfalls of corpses occurred for some while
before you could no longer spot any more hostiles. Making sure all is safe, you throw a lit torch into
the chasm and even then, could no longer see them. Your team unanimously agrees to continue
forward, picking up the chest and going out to the beach.
Reaching the beachfront, the Dondorian ship from earlier appears to have been sunken, as well
as a couple others. The sounds of fire burning are the only thing you can hear besides the crashing
waves. Your ship quickly comes from around the peninsula and drops anchor in front of you. Artifax
looks to you in happiness as he calls you aboard for celebration. The crew had already begun to show
their excitement.
Turn to page 215 to go aboard
The lich’s blade pierces your skin, but strangely enough, it did not feel
as though you had expected, the pain was minimal.
Even the lich looked as he was surprised by what was happening, and
the captain had begun to run out of the church!
Your purple insides began to climb up the blade that in lodged in your
stomach, and then it suddenly uplifted from the blade, covering the entirely
of the lich! He appeared as if he was trying to fight the material, but
suddenly he returned to stillness.
“Calhanar…” it spoke, but this time you understood what it was
saying… “Master”
It continued to speak of what you have inside of you, something that
will be paramount in fighting the luminescence. This event will occur
“within your lifetime” but despite your request for more information, he
remained ambiguous.
Now being safe from the threats on the island, you went outside to see
that the captain had taken the only boat on the island, and was already far
out of your reach… with the undead unable to leave, you were stuck on this
island for the rest of your days, until your eventual death and transformation
into a lich yourself…
Game over
*You have gained “Necromancy” (Item # 62) for all future runs*
Moving down to the smaller crater that you saw, there was an immediate need to use evasion as
you were struck by the falling lemons from above. Initially you could brush off their blows, but as
they grew larger in number, you began to feel pain throughout your body.
You could not be in the open forever, and seeing as you were getting hit this many times while
you were moving, standing still would be torture! Making a mad dash to the crater, you slowed down
just enough so that you could quickly survey what was within it before going doing into it.
Lemons were banging against your skin constantly, but upon reaching the crater you saw that
while there was a slightly high fall, you would reach a ledge within, and it looks as though the
lemons wouldn’t be able to hit you!
You took the plunge into the hole, aiming straight for the ledge so that you could hopefully rest
until these lemons eventually stopped falling…
Your plan was perfect in your mind, but second later you saw an issue with it… as soon as you
made contact with the ledge, it crumbled beneath you!! You could see what was beneath it, but this
you were not looking forward to… a massive pile of lemons!
There was a large *splat* as you squashed some of the lemons with your mass… you had no
idea where the exit of this cavern was, but you knew that you had to get out of here! Swimming
though the lemons was not an easy feat, with each that you pushed out of your way five more took its
What seemed like it would take minutes may have been taking hours… lemon after lemon you
continued to feel worse and worse, your body was slowing down faster than you thought it could…
And then it happened… you stopped. There was no more energy in your body. Laying there
lifelessly you thought something would save you, but no… only more lemons came striking you over
and over…
This was the end for you.
If only you could have some help with these lemons… or maybe some lemon aid.
Game over
Artifax lifted a pistol from his side and before you could react, he fired
it hitting you directly in the chest. You recoiled backwards until you hit the
wall behind you.
“Thought you could pull a fast one on me eh? A shame that you would
turn to such treachery”
Artifax sprung from his desk clashing blades with Jerah before gaining
the upper hand and eliminating him.
“To think, we thought of you as family, and you try this! Where is your
honor... CREW!”
After just seconds you watched as the entire crew filled the room.
“This... this... traitor was a part of an attempted overtaking of our crew.
Show them the penalty for such actions!”
The crew members split into four groups as they each grabbed your
limbs tearing them apart from your body…
Game over
The chest was heavy, but you all managed to hoist it high enough to secure it on your shoulders.
You and Henry showed signs of paranoia as you were made defenseless, with both arms occupied.
Aaron saw this emotion and “Don’t look so down guys! It will all be over soon”
You all remembered that his words were true, and even with the loss of Brom, this treasure will
be the final adventure you’ll have to do, your life of luxury begins as soon as you get back to the
This structure, and all the gains and losses will be forever in your memory however, and you are
happy that you had…
Your thoughts were immediately disrupted as the ground beneath you began to rumble… you
and your friends look around as the platform leading from the treasure floor to the exit was
shaking… the weight must be too much for the miniscule support beams.
As your friends try to move forward to get off the platform, one of the chests corners drops,
slamming onto your foot. Your instinct to lift the chest off of it was in vain, as it was too heavy. Some
of your friends also screamed as if the same thing occurred to them. You look to each of them as
Aaron stares back as you, with a smile on his face.
“I told you it would be over soon” he speaks, as he grabs just a few of the treasures from the
“…and if I were you, I wouldn’t look down” he concludes, opening and slamming the doors
behind him.
You, Ebonhall and Henry are helpless, as even in conjunction the chests’ weight is too heavy.
The platform beneath you creaks and cracks as it eventually splits in two, leaving you, your
friends and the treasure to be lost for eternity.
Game over
You drop your weapons and turn to the men as they begin to lower the lifeboat on the opposite
side of the ship from the monster. You watch as the men who were opening fire on the beast turned to
you with disgust as they watched you enter the boat the with those who were fleeing.
“Traitor! You’ll have us die while you take the easy way out! We thought you were with us!”
one yelled as you saw him get knocked off of the ship.
Losing view of the carnage, you heard many men’s cry as the amount of gunfire became less
and less. With the ship hitting water, you and the other three deserters began the paddle quickly to get
as far away, as fast as possible.
“Ha, good thing that we’re not there, aye? I don’t want to be dying anytime soon, I got kids and
all y’know?” one of the men said.
“It is really sad to know that all of ‘em will be dead, I guess I can be a tanner once I go back to
my old life, no more of this piratin’ stuff” another responded.
You noticed that the cried and gunfire had all stopped… you turned looked up at the ship and
saw as one of the beast’s tentacles slammed down the center of the ship; breaking it into pieces!
While you could see no one on the ship, you assumed there were no survivors as it quickly sunk
below the water’s surface.
But not all was safe as the beast submerged itself, and after a few seconds resurfacing just a
short distance from your boat. It did not hesitate at all as it latched its tentacles around your
shipmates, tearing them from you before throwing them high in the air.
Unarmed and defenseless, you waited as you saw the beast rear its head back before it slammed
down on your ship, submerging you permanently…
Game over

Though you are unsure as to why you have survived the drowning attempt, you awaken in a
room of the aquatic humans you saw previously, surrounding you with each bit of their focus on you.

As you rise from the floor they gasp in surprise!

“They awaken!” multiple men cry out

“Sir, should we remove them?!” one of them states, who is close to a crowned individual.

“WAIT!” the one with the crown screams

“They are a human from above! If they could survive the depths, they must be blessed by the

You begin to regain more consciousness and see that you are in a massive domed city
underwater! You stand to your feet and are immediately surrounded by armed guards.

“They are a threat, my king! Who knows that they could bring to our city if kept alive!” one of
the guards says.

“ENOUGH!” the king interrupts

“Come my guest, approach me. There is much I must discuss with you” the king gestures for
you to come to him

You go to his throne leaving the sporadic guards behind you. The king grants you a smile from
his face.

“You must tell me of the people of above, perhaps we could make a connection to better both of
our people!”

He takes you into a room, and while you do not know if it could be a trap, it is best to honor
these strange customs rather than combat them. The king locks the door behind you as he walks up to
you slowly.

“Now that I have you alone, you must understand, you will be a leader of this nation, a good
position. Do not try to leave, do not try to explore! I beg of you! You probably do not understand, but
you must!”

Turn to page 134 to continue

Your efforts to resist the force are in vain, you were brought into the
void and wholesomely destroyed.
Game over
You accept the sweet-smelling concoction from the grey-haired hag. She nods briefly in
recognition of your acceptance and hands over the steaming brew, her eyes still sparkling with bright
starlight. The concoction is thick yet fluid, dark colored and full of various herbs, and with a strong,
pleasant scent. You raise the wooden bowl to your lips and drink sparingly, carefully testing its
unknown flavor. Thankfully, it is entirely agreeable, so with encouragement from the old woman, you
drink again and again. The concoction quickly warms your body and soon spreads like wildfire to
your extremities – you feel somehow altered and enlivened, as if new energy has been pumped into
your veins. The warmth is both stimulating and comforting.

Nearby colors now seem brighter and more vivid, saturated beyond their normal appearance.
You also clearly perceive details not previously seen: an iridescent blue feather on the hag’s leather
belt; a swirling green symbol painted on the front of the dais; the vibrant red glow of the leaping
fires. The surrounding world is suddenly alive. With your senses heightened, you now begin to
experience an odd sensation; the rhythm of your heartbeat is no longer regular, and there is an
accompanying surge of electrical activity within you, as if this rising surge knows no limit. Panic
overtakes all other thoughts.

You become agitated and afraid and begin to feel confined inside your own skin – trapped inside
a living cage. You toss your head in an attempt to shake off a growing fog, but the effect remains,
growing stronger with every passing moment.

The old hag now speaks in a tone that sounds like a direct command, and in response several of
the nearby natives awaken from their hypnotic state, turning at the sound of her upraised voice.
Sleepily eyed, they abide by her bidding and quickly begin to advance; many of the sturdiest men
carry long spears and knives or hold savage-looking clubs. A deafening inhuman roar suddenly
shakes the amphitheater. The drumming has ceased.

Large calloused hands grip you firmly, and unable to offer any resistance, you are roughly taken
away. Your vision falters and awareness of your surroundings is overwhelmed; now all sound and
movement are nothing other than a complete sensory overload. You pass out and later find yourself in
chains, seemingly recovered from your ordeal but now held underground in a darkened cave. Vermin
are your only company here, and during the following days you receive just a limited amount of tepid
water and infrequent scraps of food. After several dreadful months of lonely captivity, you will be
cruelly sacrificed – fresh meat for the island’s hideous, hungry monster.

Game over
Taking just a few steps towards the woman you feel nervous… this is
amplified as she then notices you and immediately begins to scream! While
you see no guards left around her, they could be here any second!
The woman however is not leaving the windowsill, you could dash at
her to cover her mouth and maybe stop her before the guards come… but
who knows if they are in the house ready to protect her!
You think about running back to the town, hopefully losing any chase in
the alleys of Canpoor, with the chaos that is occurring, you think there
should be some opening.
Her screams have now risen an octave and you’d be surprised if the
whole town couldn’t hear her, you need to move!
Turn to page 380 to silence the woman
Turn to page 118 to run away
The door opens rather easily, and as you walk out to the rooftop, there you see him… Alabaster
Schultz, raining bullets down to your men below. He turns to you as soon as you take your first step
on the scorched rooftop… “Ah so you’ve finally made it! Your men were starting to tire me, now on
to the actual fight”.

Alabaster’s boots light up momentarily before he dashes at you with great speed. He slashes his
blade rapidly, and as he reaches the other side of the roof, you then watch as your clothes become
diced, and cuts cover your entire body. Falling to the floor after that attack, you watched as Alabaster
shot to the sky and did circles above you as he taunted.

“You all never had a chance! To think that you came up here to stop me… ha! What a joke!”

As you all lay on the floor, you spot Artifax carefully surveilling the situation, and just as
Alabaster came by you again, Artifax pulled out his pistol and shot the back of Alabaster. Sparks and
flames began to erupt from his back as his perfect circles turned into him spiraling to the floor.

You go up to him slowly from your damages, and as you were just about to restrain him, he gets
up with his face bleeding and points at the monk… “Agent Huang… your service is now needed!
Kill them!”

Turning back at the monk you see him now with a pistol in hand… “Now!” Alabaster screams!

Turn to page 91 to attack the monk

Turn to page 140 to charge Alabaster
Before you could even take your first step towards the staircase, the noises from above you grew
greatly in volume… at first there was screaming, followed by large clatter, as if a room was being
torn apart.
You quietly scaled the staircase, staying ever precautious to avoid any undesired detection.
While a hallway of doors is revealed on the upper floor, you immediately notice the door on your
right cracked open, and upon close inspection, you find the source of the ruckus.
A woman is in her now destroyed bedroom throwing a tantrum surrounded by men trying to
calm her down.
“… He was supposed to love me, enough with his silly games! I need to go back! I NEED TO
She immediately began to lash out at the others around her, knocking them away and as she
broke free she began to head to the door in which you were at… her eyes almost instantly made
contact with yours, and then she screeched out: “GET THEM OUT OF MY SIIIIIGHTT!” pointing
at you, with the guards running from behind her to apprehend you.
With the little head start you had, you headed out to the hallway, where guards began to pour
from the other doors and at you! You slid down the stairs railing and made your way out the door, not
stopping to turn back as you weaved through the gardens!
When you made it back to town, you saw as now the guards had tightened up their security and
were watching every entrance back into the mansion grounds… it doesn’t look like you’ll be going
there anytime soon.
Turn to page 297 to return to the town square
*You cannot return to the mansion this run!*
Dashing for the safety of the jungle, you hurriedly flee the advancing men. Already perspiring
heavily from anxiety and the extreme exertion necessary for great haste, you recklessly rush down
the hillside attempting to maintain a safe distance from your pursuers. Urgent, shouted voices follow
you at a distance issuing incomprehensible threats; sometimes these men gain ground, yet they
thankfully still remain out of sight. You run as fast as you are able, athletically dodging and hurdling
obstacles, seeking to locate an expeditious route of escape.

You have not travelled too far when you reach an area of projecting vertical slabs and other rock
forms. This rocky environment beneficially offers some level of concealment and protection, yet it
worryingly slows your overall progress as you scramble over large horizontal shelves and traverse
endless broken ground. Here you also discover many ancient sculptures, carved from suitable rock in
the likeness of the short, stocky peoples of this island. Some of their stony faces grin malevolently,
with wide painted eyes, colored symbols and decorative tattoos – you feel that they watch your
passage with some hostility, angered that you dare to disrupt their silent vigil.

Darting between tree trunks, you rush on. The pursuing men seem to have lost ground as their
shouts are now further away; somehow you have managed to find a faster route down the hillside.
Navigating a path back toward what you believe is the direction of the beach, you come to a steep
man-made staircase carved into a towering section of vertical rock. You descend without further
thought or delay, eager to remain ahead of the chasing pack. A narrow pathway leads further down
the hillside from the base of the staircase, providing better footing as your legs now protest at their
continued use.

A loud commotion suddenly erupts in the jungle behind you, coming from somewhere over on
your left side. You briefly hear the shouted voices of your pursuers and immediately pause to cast an
eye about, wondering if the natives have been drawn away from you, choosing to investigate this new
disturbance in the belief that it reveals your location. Not wishing to linger regardless of the actual
circumstances, you quickly resume your hasty retreat. The beach is surely within reach now.

You are overjoyed when you catch your first glimpse of the sea and beach between the trees
ahead, and tiredly emerge soon after onto soft sand. The mad dash down the hill was successful –
your adventure will continue. You leave the mysterious island without delay, reflecting on all that
you have seen and experienced; memories that will undoubtedly last forever.

Game over
You dive into the container of tomatoes just as the door slams open!

“Where are they, we’ve checked everywhere!” you hear one of the men say

“I’m looking back out-“

“Wait, did you check the vegetables?”

You hear footsteps as they approach your location, with no notice you are pulled up by your hair
as you grab a tomato on the way up.

Opening your eyes, you see the entire crew aiming their weapons at you!

“So you thought you could hide from ole’ H-“

They all began to break out in laughter as they saw you holding the tomato. This laughter went
on for some time as you sat there waiting for something to occur.

The man who began the taunting walked right up to you, slapped the tomato out of your hands,
and placed his weapon against your chest before firing it.

“Heh, what a defense, it really saved you there… Someone clean up this mess!”

The last thing you saw was a dwarfish man mopping around your body.
Game over
As soon as you climb the stairs to reach the ship’s deck, you hear yelling from your sides as two
men jump at your position. Holding you in place, the captain steps forward to you; “You really
thought we would cower and hide from you?! Thinking that is one thing, but to let your guard down?
This is an embarrassment”

The captain holds his sabre out to your throat making minor cuts as he taunts you some more.
Your hands were completely restrained and as he made a slicing movement with his blade, the others
from behind you jumped out from below, riposting the attack of the captain, and pushing the men
who were restraining you away.

“You can’t defeat me!” The captain said in fear as you now had the upper hand.

“All that you are meant to be, it just can’t be possible!”

You try to question him as to what he means, but from behind you come gunshots, and with
those shots follows hot lead which perforates all the bodies in front of you…

With the captain now dead, the last few remaining pirates flee to their cave as you and the
prisoners control the ship.

“Not too bad out there kid.” The agile prisoner says, tipping his newly obtained hat towards you.

“How about we form a gang of vigilantes, those to stop people like them from ever capturing
living humans again. I know some guys who we can join up with, a small group. They already know
some techniques for handling their likes.”

Using the pirates ship, he took you and the others to a small fleet of ships past the city of
Richtonburg. “Here they are!” he proclaimed, “Always looking for new recruits to fight against

He docked the ship against the fleet’s flagship, and as you boarded you spotted a tattoo on the
Agile man’s arm… Striped sails, just as those on the ship you are on… “Ah, it is wonderful to have
you in our crew!” a friendly voice spoke as a larger woman revealed herself from the shadows: “I am
Cystara, and to see you all commit your life to the Dondorians brings me much hope!” You aren’t
sure what you have gotten yourself into, but this seems to be the last place you would ever want to

Game over
You grab the straight stick (#70), and you think you can feel the power
that it contains. Alabaster has built up this empire, and has caused suffering
for too long, he needs to be stopped. Although you are not sure who will
take his place after his fall, it is paramount that he is dealt with quickly,
leaving no trace of his guards. Whatever form of persuasion he is using to
convert these men to his followers seems to be unbreakable, and they could
follow him, even after death.
“Look at this information, Calico, all of it being used against us, and the
entire city this whole time… Alabaster took advantage of our dormancy for
too long, he needs to be punished and we need to make sure this never
happens again” Artifax says, as he destroys a nearby bookcase.
You prepare to head up the next flight of stairs, which should be the
roof. Alabaster is so close you can hear him taunting your men.
“Let’s do this Calico! For the entire crew and their sacrifice, they cannot
die without being avenged!”
You hide the stick in your pocket, knowing that with its power, you can
swing the fight back into your favor if you are to lose it.
The temperature rises as you get closer to the door, you know that the
time has come…time for Alabaster to die!
Turn to page 216 to head out to the roof
The three of you all grouped together to continually use Thomas’s device for protection from the
flying Alabaster. While you had no means of reaching him, and your weapons have proved powerless
against him, you and your allies needed to figure something out and fast!

Alabaster kept up his barrage though and made it so that Thomas had to stay in front of you,
shielding you. “Guys, this shield won’t hold for long! Someone take hold of it; I have an idea!”

You grasped the shielding device, and while it was new to you, you used it just as Thomas did,
and protected the others. “When I throw this, you need to close your eyes and get down, alright!?”
Thomas cried, as he began touching another strange device.

“Now!” He screamed as the device was thrown straight at Alabaster. You did as he said, and
while Alabaster continued to fire, you missed a few of his shots as you hear Artifax grunt behind you.
*Bam* The device however sounded as it went off, as you hear Alabaster now screaming.

“You can open your eyes now” Thomas informed you, as you see both the wounded Artifax, and
the crashed Alabaster who has sparks coming out of his outfit.

“The device I used was one which provided both a blinding effect while also shutting down his
technology; it may be confusing for you, but I thought of it in advance as one of the only weaknesses
to stopping him.” Thomas spoke as he walked over to the dazed Alabaster.

“Now down to business” He continues as he removes Alabaster’s helmet while quickly firing
his weapon into his head. “And now for you” he turns over to you while reaching into his jacket.

“What is he thinking!” Artifax screams “Is he a turncoat!?”

Turn to page 127 to kill Thomas

Turn to page 397 to wait to see what he unveils

“So close to your final goal yet so far! That was not the artificer, how
could you not know that!?!”
The grand questioner got up from his seat and pulled out a sack from his
“You were close enough to the answer though, two questions out of
three answered correctly, what a feat! Come open the back and get your
As you grasped the sack and undid the twine on it you were surprised to
You were struck by a projectile, and as you fell to the floor you saw that
the questioner was holding his pistol through the bottom of the sack.
“Ah ha! You thought that you get a reward for an incomplete puzzle?!
Don’t make me laugh! Die on the floor in your ignorance, I wish that the
roaches that eat your remains skip your brain, all they’ll find in it is
meaningless filth!”
You lose consciousness as the questioner stares at you dying on the
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Game over
By pointing the stick at Alabaster, you felt as though any minute something disastrous would
happen and either win or lose you this duel. You waited for the entirety of his dash to see if anything
would happen, but unfortunately nothing did as he rammed you full force with his body, knocking
you over, and the stick out of your hands.

“Hah!” Alabaster said as he hovered over you, picking up the dislocated stick on the floor “You
really thought this could stop me!?” He snaps the stick in two

“Bringing a simple stick to fight me? The great Calico thought this was the answer? I expected
you to take after Artifax with your logic, but this! This is embarrassing!”

Alabaster picked both you and the broken stick up and carried you into the air… Higher and
higher you rose until the massive house below you looked miniscule.

“Let’s see how your stick gets you out of this scenario, ey?” Alabaster says as he puts the pieces
into your hands

“Say hello to Artifax for me!” was the last you heard before you were suddenly falling from that
high altitude at ludicrous speeds. While you had time, you tried everything with the stick but…

After a minute straight, you finally hit the floor… Alabaster was right… the stick didn’t save
you. You crashed through the scorching roof, and through multiple stories until you reached your
final destination of solid concrete. I hope Alabaster has a cleaning crew…
Game over
Falling asleep in the brig, you envision all that is to come in your upcoming days in this long
journey. What will be uncovered at the Isle of Insanity? Why is it of such importance to some of
your crew? You ponder these many things as they sail the ship, giving you an adequate rest after
today’s battle.
“Off the port side! There she is!” a voice screams, waking you from your slumber.
Flipping to your feet, you look out the porthole to see what the alert is talking about… a ship
with tattered sails.
Going above deck, you discuss with some of the higher-ranking members of your crew as they
inform you of the target… the Dreadship.
You tried to get to the wheel, to order a disengagement from the ship, however just as you
reached the helmsman, cannon fire was heard…
“Incoming!” a man shouted, as you braced for cover!
Shards of your ship flew in the air… however it was not this that you cared about, rather the
sails that have just been shredded.
“Captain! There’s no outrunning that ship! We have to fight, or this ship won’t see another day!”
The crew surrounds you for the next order!
Turn to page 178 to order a retreat
Turn to page 228 to prepare for battle
You peer around the corner to see what the noises were coming from…
while you are not happy to see what you see, you expected something
similar. A lone man gagged and helpless being beaten by his surrounding
enemies, five vagabonds, dressed in nothing but rags.
The man’s moans are loud enough that you are not sure why anyone
else hasn’t heard and come to his assistance, but as he makes eye contact
with you, so does his assailants.
“Hey, hey wise guy, no need to get hurt, just leave us to our business
and get out of here!” one of the men speaks with a knife twirling between
his fingers
“Yeah!” another adds “We’ve been responsible for the clinic being full,
if you cross us, there will be nowhere for you to go!”
You see that the alleyway is narrow and fighting the five men would be
a bit different from the other fights you’ve done in your time. If you back
out now, the men will be long gone with the man’s money, and maybe even
his life. The group looks to go back to pummeling the man as he closes his
eyes and turns his head from you.
Turn to page 323 to engage the criminals
Turn to page 297 to go back to the town square *You cannot return
to the alley for the rest of the run!*
You see the man frown as you deny his proposal. He truly seemed as though he appreciated your
actions, but he knew that he couldn’t force you to do anything. Saying his goodbyes, he went to the
other men, as he began to perform the gestures with them.
Leaving the cave, you looked to the vast wilderness, with animals roaming all around! Could
you live here off of the nature? Lost in the beauty of it all, you found yourself dazed as you barely
see in your peripherals a figure coming towards you!
Reaching over to your sheath, you prepared to fight it, but before you could react, it was on top
of you! Screaming to yourself as you prepare for its attack, you look up to see it be the T’chaleanda
licking your face repeatedly.
There is no way that you expected it to come back to you, let alone find you after being freed…
Getting up onto your feet, it gestured for you to mount it. As soon as you complied, it burst
forward with speed!
Just seconds passed before you realized just how large this island was… the T’chaleanda was
much faster than you thought! Not knowing where it was headed, you sat on it waiting until it began
to slow down.
After just a few minutes, it had come to a complete stop in front of the mouth of a cave, nudging
you to enter. There were suspicions of what it could contain, but the creature had given you faith that
it had good intentions.
As you take just a few steps forward, there came a rumbling from the cave! You braced yourself
with the T’chaleanda in front of you, just then a horde of little animals came from the cave! They
each had a single, small horn protruding from their head.
They swarmed you, but much like you had experienced earlier, they began to lick you all over.
Entering the cave with the horde following you, there was complete certainty that things would
be going your way from now on. Leading the creatures, you lived on this island for many years,
having them hunt for food while you built a shelter. It wasn’t until your original friend, the
T’chaleanda passed, that you felt any suffering. As he died, it was if a piece of you had vanished…
it’s skin wilted and became gray as it’s horn fell off from its head.
Game over
*You have gained “T’chaleanda’s Horn” (Item #119) for all future runs*
The staircase you entered turns out to be a massive spiral one, looking up you see five more
floors above you. You try to communicate with Artifax in any way you can, but he ignores you and
accelerates his pace with each attempt. This goes on in until the top of the tower had been reached
when you finally get a grasp of his hand.
“Release me! There’s nothing I have to say to you.” He says while trying to pull away from you
with aggression. “There is nothing I have to say.” He repeats panting.
The top of this spire leads up to a section right below the roof… you hear Alabaster calling out
orders to his men, and taunting your allies, but you believe that he has yet to see you.
You see Artifax motioning over to you, pointing up to a ledge with a semicircular cutoff above
it, this should be the way up the roof without having to unconventionally climb by hand
defenselessly. He waves his hand over to you again signaling that he would lift you up into the hole,
as it’s too tall for you to reach alone.
Taking a look around before you agree, the only threats that you can see are guards down in the
gardens, but they are currently fighting some of your men. After he was in position, you get up on top
of Artifax’s shoulders.
Just as you position yourself in the hole to reach out to pull him up, you see a disgusting sight.
A hole straight through Artifax’s forehead, with him in shock as he falls to the floor…
“Ahahaha that’s one down… only one more to go” Alabaster says as he simultaneously reloads
his weapon.
“Now, junior, let’s have you meet a similar fate” he says just as you slide down the hole, a bullet
hits right by your head.
You slide down into a strange room, weirdly illuminated with a mound of items in the center…
Turn to page 235 to continue into the room

Your descent down the slope towards the village was a struggle, it was
the least of your worries, as the thatch shacks show signs of movement.
Camouflaged humanoids begin charging towards your uphill position, and
before you could react, they swarmed your position, and blocked all escape.

These cannibals are surrounding you, licking their lips in excitement.

Their makeshift weapons made of bone and scrap; this is perhaps the worst
scenario you’ve been in. You hear a horn being blown, as their passive
nature turns aggressive…

You see a downward swing of a club, before nothing…

Waking up at a much different time of the day, you open your eyes to
dozens of tattooed natives, eyeing you down with great observation, while
being tied above the ground, on a pole.

You seem to have not been searched, as your clothing appears


The chief enters the hut that you are in and begins chanting more of the
strange language. He holds up the same orb you saw previously and kneels
with it towards you. The other tribesmen begin a unison with the chief in
chanting, and as the rhythm becomes more upbeat, so does your heartrate.

Suddenly, a woman bursts into the room with a large torch of blue fire.
She sprints towards your location before planting the rod into the ground,
with its flame at your eye level. The chanting stops.

The chief arises and grabs the torch. He walks up to you and mutters
strange words into your ear while holding his hand out to you. The silence
of this exchange is overwhelming, as you are not sure what they desire, nor
what they are going to do to you.

His extended hand continues to suggest that he is asking for an item that
you may have, and by the looks of the silent others, you better have
something for him….
Turn to page 411 if you have a strange item (#2)

Turn to page 405 if you have no such item


This button hard to push, and as you got it fully pressed, bugs began to
crawl on to your finger. In a panic you fling them off, only to reveal that
more were coming from the panel the buttons were on.

Backing away, you await the door to open, but after waiting a long
while, the doors hadn’t moved. Going back over to the buttons, the bugs
have now fallen to the floor, and made a mound on the floor; they just keep

You hesitate enough on pressing the button that Aaron goes to push one,
as he extends his hand the bugs jump latching on to his arm as he cries out
in pain. You run up to help him, but it is too late… the bugs had further
moved up his body and had encompassed his head.

Due to not being able to press the button you wait for an opening, but as
you do the bugs pile just grows larger and larger. You know you can’t wait
here forever, so you go forward to at least try and use the door, as you step

“Don’t move!”

You turn and see a group of Dondorians behind you aiming down their
rifles towards you. You immediately drop your weapons, and your allies

As you are petrified, you wait for their orders, as their leader calls over
Brom. He follows their orders…

Your petrification turns into pure terror. The leader grabs Brom with
both hands and flings him into the mound of bugs, he is quickly devoured.

The Dondorians continue this with all of your friends before you are the
last… as you are hoisted up, the man says:

“Give Aaron my regards”

As you feel the bites of a million creatures, screams and laughter is all
you can hear.

Game over
Initially, the beast advances slowly, flexing tight muscles, dragging the heavy chain behind its
massive body as it passes through the gate. Then, as if perfectly coordinated by soulless gods of
inhuman malice, the wind, thunder, chants and drumbeats all merge into a singular, ferocious roar, as
the hideous creature springs forward with remarkable dexterity to crush and devour the helpless man.
A great tearing of flesh and snapping of bone is heard above the surging storm – you whimper in
sympathy as the victim is brutally consumed, turning away to gag as a rising sickness sticks in your
throat and your legs fail to support your weight. A temporary blackness overcomes all thought. The
monster greedily devours all.

Almost overcome with disgust and queasiness, you slump to the ground, your mind reeling from
the bloody scene just witnessed. You breathe deeply and seek calmness. With the loud drumming and
the shaman’s vehement chanting now ceased, an eerie quiet spreads throughout the amphitheater –
only muted huffing sounds emanating from the satiated beast can be heard. The storm has also
passed, no doubt due to the conclusion of the gruesome sacrifice.

The shaman is soon aware of your presence, so you rise to face him. He quickly issues a series
of authoritative commands, gesticulating with energetic movement for the natives to heed his shouted
instructions. At the sound of his upraised, demanding voice several of the men standing nearby
awaken from their hypnotic state and turn toward you in response. Sleepily eyed, they abide by his
bidding and begin to advance; many carry long spears and knives, or hold savage-looking clubs.
Direct threat hangs heavily in the air.

Recognizing the need for rapid flight you immediately give thought to your options, knowing
that to encounter these hostile natives here is to invite a certain, brutal death. It is likely safest to
escape the amphitheater via the steep stone steps, however, as one against many you may find that a
difficult and dangerous task. The only other option is to flee into the jungle, using the covering trees
and thick undergrowth to mask your flight back down to the beach – although that may be a
hazardous and indirect route to take. Speed will be your greatest asset.

Turn to page 9 if you leave via the steep stone steps that brought you here.
Turn to page 73 if you flee into the jungle, seeking a different escape route.
With no time to spare, you quickly pull out your signaler given to you by Thomas in hopes that
he hasn’t gone too far. By the time Alabaster saw what you were doing, he decided to call off his
men’s attack and taunt you:
“You really thought whatever that little thing is could help you out of this? You’re dead! Plain
and simple… just know how much of a disappointment you have been” He begins to aim his pistol
directly at you “Now let’s have your body desecrated like how all of your friends have been”
You sat there ready to accept your final moments… but from the other side of the room you
heard a massive barrage of noises, and the circle of men surrounding you all suddenly dropped to the
floor dead. The stream of projectiles also struck Alabaster, but like the previous attempt no damage
occurred, and he merely staggered.
“Who dare do this!” Alabaster says looking to the source of the sounds… “BURKE!”
You look up as well and see him smiling in the upper level, with a cylindrical weapon smoking
from its use. Burke jumps down to you wielding a strange device, and quickly uses it to block the
three rounds fired off by Alabaster
“Looks like we’re now on an even playing field… Let’s finish this fairly now, aye Schultz?”
Thomas remarks back
“It will be my pleasure! I took you in, away from your life of peasantry, and this is my
repayment! Don’t worry though, you’ll see your family soon enough!”
Alabaster’s boots began to light up and he readied his weapon to fight.
“Let’s do this!” Shouted Artifax
Turn to page 77 to fight Alabaster Schultz
The front doors swing wide open, a pungent stench clouds your nose, this is definitely not what
you expected coming into this mansion. The source of the smell however, you could not
distinguish… the grand hall has the most luxurious fittings…
In the hall, you saw an enormous painting of underwater grass with a large red X painted over
Strangely enough, you see a couple of doorways filled with debris, blocking you from entry. The
four remaining doorways appear to lead to the living room, as shown by sofas and cushioned
flooring, it sounds as if footsteps were heading to this room. Another doorway looked as though it
was not intended to be a part of the house, strange ropes were coming out from it…
Another of the rooms has books coming from behind the door, while the final seems to be the
source of the immense odor.
Considering which path to take, Alabaster’s voice was heard again: “Attacking my town wasn’t
so easy now, was it? I cannot wait to see your entire crew joining my gallery!”
“This guy is absolutely insane!” Henry remarks!
Putting off his statement as more nonsense, Artifax shows signs of continually wanting to move
forward and end this madness. You know his desire to engage in confrontation, the quicker Alabaster
goes down, the more crew members will be saved. Hearing screams coming from the other room…
You need to get to the roof!
Turn to page 306 to head to the living room
Turn to page 39 to go into the back room
Turn to page 191 to enter the room of books
Turn to page 36 to enter the smelly room

You report the location of the tombstone island to the captain. He thanks
you, as you both leave the quarters and rally the crew for the upcoming
landing. While the island is close to your current location, no one on the
ship has heard of the island before.

You continue to watch over the island through your spyglass and see no
activity from the grave filled black beaches. You hope that an ambush is not
awaiting you, and this would be the perfect location for one to occur, away
from any assistance or cover. After you have searched thoroughly, you
snooze off...


You are awoken sporadically from a massive sound. Coming up from

below, you are immediately drenched from a downpour, thunder striking
constantly. You see the cause of your awakening was the foremast, it has
been struck down and destroyed, almost certainly from a lightning strike.

The crew’s morale is visually distraught. “We need to find cover and
fast!” the captain screamed.

You know you are not far from the island, and as you use the spyglass
again, all is unchanged… except now there is a woman on the shore. She is
holding a glimmering item in both her hands.

You report this information to the captain, him and Henry both are
instilled with fear. “We have heard tales of illusions like this destroying
ships single handedly… we must take great precaution around this place”

It looks as though they are wanting your decision in this scenario. Could
this woman just be another illusion? Will it do as they say and destroy the
ship? You could just fire cannons at it and flee to another island.

The storm grows stronger, and the crew’s wariness grows along with it.

Turn to page 12 to barrage the woman and leave the island

Turn to page 244 to land and go ashore

You stuff your two bags to the brim with treasure! This could really
change your nearly destroyed financial situation and put you in a position
where you can be successful, like you should be. Knowing that you, your
spouse, and your dog can be living in luxury, and that you can share tales of
the adventure along the way makes you feel like the suffering was worth it.

The bags grew weary on your shoulder. They probably weigh around a
hundred pounds each and take a mighty effort for you to keep their contents
from spilling onto the ground. As you continue past through the doorway,
the sound you heard earlier repeats again. A few steps further… again. The
intervals continue to grow shorter, before it was constantly being made.

You turn behind you to see the celling slowing lowering towards you.
You turn again and run as fast as you can towards the illuminated end of the
hallway. Some of the loot falls out on the floor, but you still try and manage
to keep as much in as possible. The celling is getting closer and closer to
you, and the feel of claustrophobia begins to come over you.

Coming close to the door, you see that the celling is just about to reach
the top of your head!

You drop your bags in desperation to move faster to the exit, but it was
too late. As you were mere feet from the doorway, the celling dropped low
enough to slow you to a crawl… which was then dropped again to a crawl.
As you reach through the doorway with your left hand, you feel pressure
begin to form on your back. The pressure builds, and you struggle to move
your arm any further.

Breathing becomes difficult, and eventually you are forced to exhale all
remaining oxygen inside your lungs.

As you look to outside the room, you see what you almost achieved, and
the opportunity you had missed.

Game over
You quickly turn to the monk and manage to fire your weapon before he had a chance. He
curled up on the ground in pain, crying out: “Why…I don’t understand…” before closing his eyes…

“Ahahahaha” Alabaster said as he pulled out a button from his pocket; resulting in a massive
alarm going off. The room quickly has four men enter, each adorned in majestic clothing, with gold
and jewel encrusted medals. They were certainly affiliated with Alabaster, but not like the rest of the
guards that you have seen, the came out with crazed faces such as him, and after standing still for
only a moment, they charged at you and Artifax.

Your pistol wasn’t loaded, and as much as you tried to defend with your sword, they
overpowered you, pinning you to the floor. Artifax didn’t have much success either, with him being
able to fire off another shot, but it being reflected similarly to how Alabaster was protected.

While the men had blades and firearms on them, you were surprised to see that they did not use
either. One they pinned you, they looked at you with wide smiles on their face… just before they
revealed their hands, and the sharp clawed gloves they were wearing. They scratched your stomach
as it ruptured open.

“Calico, Artifax… I’m sure you won’t make that mistake again… Each of us are so weak on the
inside, as you can very well see now… and for you to allow yourself to fall while having such an
advantage is just… dishonorable. Your father would be ashamed!”

As Artifax tried to interrupt, Alabaster ordered “Continue!” before walking away laughing
maniacally. You look over at Artifax as both of your insides were removed simultaneously… you
quickly passed out.

Game over
As soon as you get a glimpse of the environment around you, you instantly see a massive
volcano in the center of the island! Smoke and fire are bursting from its peak; it must be nearly ready
to explode!

“Stay in line you maggots!” a man shouts at you as you are prodded with the back end of a

The ten of you prisoners were being lead straight to the volcano, you thought about making a
break from the group as soon as the right opportunity presents itself. While you could not
communicate this to the other prisoners, you knew that if you waited around to when you reach the
base of the volcano, there would be little chance for escape, you’ll need to do it in the jungle leading
up to it.

The situation came to you as the group was crossing a bridge above a raging river where another
prisoner began to suddenly vomit all over everyone next to him, the pirates all went to him and began
to strike him in efforts to make him stop… turning around you see no men behind you and the others
were all preoccupied…

You could either run now or hope that another event would allow you to escape, but as you hear
then beaten man scream “Alright, I’m done, please stop!” You know you didn’t have much time left
to decide.

Turn to page 177 to run into the jungle

Turn to page 38 to stay with the group

It steps backwards before ramming forward into the gate… this
damages the gate massively, and before the pirates could react, the cage had
been busted open and the beast had fled up the walkway and out of the ship!
The beast ran towards the backside of the cave and dove straight into
the ocean, you hear the pirates screaming in search for you! However, the
beast moved quickly, and you rapidly lose the ability to hear the pirate’s call
outs… you think now you are safe.
Moving in the water you see the town of Canpoor to the east, and an
uninhabited island to the west, which the beast shows a desire to go to…
you question which place would be the best to take it.
Turn to page 295 to head to Canpoor
Turn to page 319 to go to the wilds

You’re out! While you have no treasure to show for it, you have escaped
that death trap, and now are to the opening of a cave’s mouth, revealing a
bay with a village surrounding it. Upon searching around, you are confused
as to if it is inhabited or not… food has been left around, some rotten, some
fresh. Weapons too are both new and rusted…

Corpses are throughout the village as if there was a struggle… again

however, some bodies were fresh, and others decayed. You expect an
ambush could happen any minute, so you tread carefully. You look around
for other tools that you can use, and upon searching through some downed
rubble, you uncover a golden scepter (#33), its uses are unknown, but
maybe it will be worth something and make this trip worth it.

The cave’s celling begins to quake sporadically, and you look in front of
you to find yourself right in front of the bay, with a massive gleaming
structure out towards it’s center. You know that you’ll have to go out
through the bay, and this object may be the only option…

Turn to page 144 to go up to the bay

You quickly hop aboard their ship and quickly raise the anchor, loosen the sails and head to the
wheel. The celebratory sounds are still happening and as you move back and forth from steering the
wheel, to adjusting the sails, you instantly notice the problem that you have gotten yourself in…
piloting this craft will take more than just one person!

You try to get the ship away from the costal cliffs, but the current is too difficult! You navigating
alone makes the ship too difficult to control, and it makes a collision with the wall, letting loose a
massive sound!

“What was that!?” you hear, as the celebrations cease immediately.

You tried as hard as you could to get out to the open water, but alone you just couldn’t get
free… you were stuck.

A horde of scruffily dressed characters came from the mouth of the cave, all immediately
drawing their weapons while screaming at you. There were too many of them however, and you
couldn’t quite understand them.

A clear captain stood out in the group, who upon talking quieted the rest:

“Taking our ship with our backs turned, are you?!” he yells as he whirls a piece of rope in his

“…I don’t think so!” He tosses the rope, which attaches to your ship! Him alongside some of his
crew began to climb up to your position.

Unarmed and defenseless, you are surrounded by these men, and without a notice, the captain
reveals a spear gun, and thrusts it into your stomach. As you grunge in pain the crew rock you back
and forth as they release you into the ocean… “Learn your lesson!”

Game over
You decide to open up the chest, despite Gadagalpher’s orders to return
it to him. The chest was locked only by a buckle, and as you undid the
device, the lid popped open. Inside lies an orange ball, with a single green
dot on it. You put the sphere in your pocket for later, and as you lift your
head back up, the chest that was in your hand had vanished. You are sure
that Gadagalpher will not be happy that you opened the chest without his
permission. It would be best to continue on and forget about him
*Gain the item “Strange Orange Sphere” (#114) for all future runs*
*Lose the item “Gadagalpher’s chest”*
*You may NEVER gain Gadagalpher’s map/chest again, nor can
you give him this sphere*
**Return to the page that you were on when you opened the chest**
You reach your hand out to the leader of the guards, pulling him up off of the floor while patting
him on the back. Giving a speech to the entirety of the guard, you welcome all who want to join your
crew, giving them a second chance while helping you rebuild your team after all the losses it recently
went through.
The next few days you all spent time in unison repairing the town of Canpoor, back to what it
was before this massacre. Men who were once in combat with one another are now in cooperation
trying to reach the same goal…
Once the repairs were finished, you knew the time had finally come… to leave Canpoor for
good. With Alabaster stopped and some treasure gained, you no longer had a reason to be here,
especially with Artifax dead and you in charge of the crew. To continue his legacy, you must lead
them as he would, and bring success again to his crew.
You saw dozens of new men boarding your ships, each with new skills and personalities that
would bring unique benefits to your team. You will need all the help you can get to achieve your
newest objective… leaving this archipelago and discovering new lands, something you’ve dreamed
of ever since you were little.
Your ships were now ready to set sail, with Canpoor giving you cheers as you hoisted the
anchor, but some of the men on your ships were exhausted and wounded, requesting a reprieve
before the grand adventure; others though… had other plans, as they insisted that you took the ship to
the Isle of Insanity, as there was something there to be done…
Will you go to explore the seas, or perhaps take this time to relax after your difficult battles?
Turn to page 214 to relax
Turn to page 169 to explore
Turn to page 80 to go to the Isle of Insanity

The man steadily shows physical impatience as you don’t shoot Artifax immediately. This
impatience turns into surprise as you turn to him with your weapon and firing directly into his

Both his deceased body, and the unconscious body of Artifax laid on the floor… while you were
waiting for Artifax to regain consciousness so that you could discuss with him all that the man was
talking about, you began to notice something… with both of their hats lain on the floor, you see a
piece of paper flapping out of both hats… you bend down to look at what is on them, and just as you
begin to focus and see what was on them, Artifax jumped up to his feet questioning you and your
decisions with the other man. While you were distracted by the fact of his awakening, he scooped up
the two hats off of the floor.

“I must have been out for some time eh? Are we ready to set sail to head to Canpoor?”

With a confused look in his face he stumbles to a nearby shack, asking that you follow… both
hats in his hand mean that you won’t be able to know this secret unless you follow him… so you do.

You walk behind Artifax as he enters the shack, but as you see him secure the door shut, you
start to become worried as to his intentions and if he is mentally fine…

Opening the door to a darkened room, you call out for Artifax thinking that hopefully if you
help him, he will give you the information you need. But as you peek your head though the crack of
the door, you were surprised to see Artifax lunging his head though the crack from the inside, your
heads collided, and you were sent to the ground!

Picking yourself up, you watched as a panicked Artifax stood over you, with both hats on his

“Al-al-al-alabaster! You followed m-m-me here!” he said in fear as he slammed the door in your

You thought this to be quite a strange reaction, given that he had asked you to follow him into
the building… but you knew that you had other things to tend to, and you walked back towards the

“S-s-stop right there!” you heard from the door, as you turned behind you


“Th-thought you could get the u-upper hand on me, Alabaster? L-l-leave me alone!” Artifax
said with an exhausted pistol in his hand.

You bled out on the floor as you wondered what has just happened…

Game over
You approach the pedestal as you watch the lemon beginning to
emanate with a stronger energy. Step after step, you saw as the lemon
production outside grew substantially… you considered leaving the lemon
alone multiple times as these anomalies got stronger, but there was
something about it that you couldn’t leave be… you needed to take it.
Grasping for it, you saw the lemon shake with ferocity. There was a
sudden jolt and then the lemon production just stopped…
You grabbed the lemon so that nothing else would happen, and then
your mind just went blank…
The lemon was now yours, but your life had left you…
Game over
*You have now obtained “Blue Lemon” (Item #46) for all future
*You may never enter this tree in any future runs*
You hop aboard their ship, taking your chances that no one is on board. Going below deck you
stay as quiet as can be listening out for any activity that may be on the vessel… While you aren’t
spotting any signs of people remaining, you take notice to relics which are being used as decoration.
Swords, armor, and firearms are hanging up, and while you refrain from taking them as this would
cause a noise, you keep them in mind if a confrontation would breakout.

After thoroughly searching the second deck, you take your first step down to the third, and this
is when you begin to hear voices… “Oh this island they be talking about? What do you think it is

You grab a knife from a nearby dresser and head down the steps, slowly. The men continue to
talk, although you can no longer understand them as your heart is beating rapidly!

Peering your head from around the corner you manage to spot the group without them seeing
you. Five men and a woman being held in a cell… prisoners… the key to their cell is on the opposite
side of the room, hanging from a nail in the wall.

You don’t alert them to your presence as you don’t know to who’s allegiance they are to, but
you listen in to them talking: “We’ll be there within the hour I hear?” “Aye, that sounds like a guess”

Before you could listen more, you hear footsteps above! “They’re back already!? That sure was
a quick one!” You know that once they board this ship, you’re not coming off of it! Looking again at
the prisoners, you think whether freeing them to fight off the pirates would be viable, or if maybe you
could hide among them…

You don’t know why they are captive though… are they even trustworthy?

Turn to page 241 to free the prisoners

Turn to page 383 to hide in the cell

Approaching the large gated house, you notice statues of the same man
are placed throughout the yard. This is the governor, Alabaster. His iron fist
is one of the reasons as to why Canpoor has received great success, albeit
also bringing it struggles as well. His greed and materialism have taken
from much of the cities production, while boosting his own wealth. Looking
at his estate you can see this, as it is as large as the entire mercantile

Seeing the front gate is on tight lockdown, you look for another route
in… You look around the entire perimeter before you see a woman yelling
at her guards and calling them off. The then goes inside and leans out of her
windowsill. Going around to where the argument took place you see an
opening to the rear garden. The woman is looking very melancholy and
while she does not currently see you, going up to talk to her could be

In case she would be hostile, there is another route through the gardens
shrubberies, in which you think may take you to the back door, without
passing the vision of the woman.

Alabaster could be inside, and if he was to see you, the consequences

could be harsh seeing as how your last discussion with him went… but if
the pirate attack is as gruesome at the town shows it to be, this may be the
safest place to take cover!

Turn to page 347 to enter the house

Turn to page 70 to approach the woman

(Turn to page 297 to return to the town square)


You decide that rather than risking one of your crew’s life to the plants, the approaching bugs
could do the same job, and result in a much safer result. Jumping down from the ledge over the
swarming plants, you sprint towards the sound of the buzzing, as you get them in view, they spot you
immediately and charge stinger first in your direction.

You then pivot and running back to the plants, get them in a direct path to one another. Right as
you were practically touching them both, you pivot again, resulting in the stingers of the bugs landing
right in the center of the plant’s open mouths.

You slow down to turn back at the connection, and eventually feel safe enough to stop
completely, as they are all focused on one another. The bugs and the plants each seem to be handling
each other with no advantage, but due to the numbers of each, they shouldn’t stop anytime soon.

You walk over to the cliff, and call down your friends, explaining the situation, and your
certainty of safety. They trust you, and following, they shortly see the continual fight, as you all
sneak past.

With only one direction to go, you all keep moving onward, hoping that a similar situation
doesn’t occur. Reaching a coastal cliff, you prepare to overcome it.

Turn to page 223 to head to the cliff


After the coast is clear, you walk up to your now ruined home. Your
memories of this place are all that is left, as everything is now singed and
destroyed. Items that were invaluable to yourself, now gone… Where will
you live? What will you do?

As you close further to the center of the rubble you see specific items
that are now blackened, such as your fathers belt, your mother’s jewelry and
your spouse’s shoes, all ruined… the centerpiece of your home, a picture of
you and your spouse alongside your dog, is now just a blackened frame, the
picture not in sight.

What sort of monster could come into one’s home and destroy all
meaningful things to them… You now desire an answer to that question.
When the time comes for confrontation, either justice or revenge will come.
Until then you will need to find any sort of help, so that they will not stray
too far.

Continuing through the rubble, you spot a glimmer among all the ashes.
Picking up a half-burned picture of your father, you find a silver compass
(#67) practically untouched by the flames. Where was this all along, and
who put it in here? You’ve never seen the compass in your life… however,
when you move with the compass, it continuously points north-west…
towards Canpoor.

No other clues are really found at the scene, besides shards of what look
to be barrels lain about. Your two main options being to follow their trail, or
head into town for help are still available…

As you think of your next action, you notice a man nearby your ruined
house shouting his name… Vincent Vatigan. He then speaks: “But Find
Hidden!” while juggling shovels in the air. You question his meaning, but
all he does is repeat the phrase…

Turn to page 145 to follow their trail

Turn to page 297 to head to Canpoor

To the island of mist your ship travelled, it seemed the most mysterious and you hope that it will
pay off with something being gained.
The voyage was long, as due to the heavy mist, the ship could not be sailed fast to avoid
collision! The crew was uneasy, as they had no vision and were relying solely on your spyglass to
lead the way. At times you felt anxiety of what would happen on this trip, but Artifax regularly spoke
to you, calming you down.
You then spotted something and immediately alerted the crew! A village on this island! The
crew sparked with interest, as where there’s a village, there are items to steal!
As some of the crew were preparing their items for the landing, you hear a voice across the ship.
“Cease!” the crew immediately stopped, as you recognized the voice to be that of Henry.
“I think this will be the perfect time for us to test the new loyalty of Calico… to ensure that they
can be trusted.” This sparked the crew’s discussion as you saw Artifax pondering.
“Let’s have them scout the island, and in four days we’ll come to assist him once we’re certain it
is safe, this will be best”
You knew that disagreeing would put you in a strange position, so you immediately accepted his
“Prepare the de-boarding process” Henry ordered to his men.
They pulled up close to the beachfront, and they began to slow to a crawl.
“Jump!” you heard from the rest of the crew, and you did, landing on your knees.
The ship then began to accelerate quickly as it sailed away…
“See you in four days!” you heard Henry say.
With four days by yourself on an unknown island, you headed to the village to hopefully get
shelter until they get back…
Turn to page 43 to go to the village to wait
The treasure was even more amazing up close than it was from a
distance! Thousands of gold coins were sprawled across the floor,
recklessly by the Dondorians… Why they disregarded these valuable relics
were beyond you. Gemstones gleamed in the color of a rainbow, the array
of light brought excitement to you, even after that gruesome battle. Relics
of old were beneath the massive hoard; An antique clock, perhaps one of
the first, Necklaces and blades fitted with the most precious gold, tattered
flags, and even a staff affixed with a noxious skull.
The value of this hoard could bring your team out of it’s difficult
situation and allow for a counterattack against the Dondorians who have
wronged you. Your team ensures they get every last coin into the chest
before you all pick it off the floor and begin to carry it. Brom was the last to
come to the chest, as he was still collecting gear off of the defeated foes,
when he suddenly drops it all to the floor…
“There’s a strange man approaching us…Guys get over here!”
You all drop the chest and run over to him as fast as possible; Brom
faints to the floor…

Turn to page 132 to look out the window

Attempting to stop the ceremonial sacrifice by rushing the chanting shaman, you run directly
toward him, sickened by his wicked offering to the chained beast. You quickly pass one of the
blazing fires and approach at great speed, unheard and unseen by all of the natives other than the
grey-haired hag. She yells loudly in response to your disruptive actions; a distressed howl of warning
that immediately breaks the shaman’s concentration. The drummers also pause in response to the old
hag’s shriek and an eerie quiet spreads throughout the amphitheater – only muffled huffing sounds
emanating from the savage beast can now be heard.

The shaman identifies your incoming threat without delay, instantly issuing his own
authoritative commands to the standing audience. Gesticulating with energetic movement for the
natives to heed his shouted instructions, he steps down and away from the massive stone platform,
desiring to protect himself from harm. At the sound of his upraised, demanding voice several of the
men nearby awaken from their hypnotic state and turn toward you in response. Sleepily eyed, they
abide by his bidding and begin to advance; many carry long spears and knives, or hold savage-
looking clubs. Direct threat hangs heavily in the air.

You cease your frantic rush and turn to face this new threat, knowing that to encounter these
hostile natives here is to invite a certain, brutal death. The safest route to escape the amphitheater is
via the steep stone steps that brought you here, however, as one against many armed men it will
surely be an impossible task to reach the staircase. With no other alternative available against such
numbers, you hurriedly flee into the jungle, hoping to navigate its many hazards to make your way
back down to the beach.

The natives answer with rallying cries and an accompanying pounding of weapons, quick to
crash through the jungle in eager chase. Shouted voices follow you and their footsteps are many and
drawing closer, negotiating the forest with practiced ease. You are afraid and stumble frequently in
panic. Losing your sense of direction as you desperately try to remain ahead of the nearest pursuer,
you fail to hurdle a fallen log, painfully tumbling through the undergrowth in a spectacular fall. The
chasing men locate you at once, and many angry, tattooed faces soon surround you. A black dread
stills your heart. Calloused hands grip you firmly, and you are roughly taken away and chained, held
underground in a darkened cave. Vermin are your only company here, and during the following days
you receive just a limited amount of tepid water and infrequent scraps of food. After several dreadful
months of lonely captivity, you will be cruelly sacrificed – fresh meat for the island’s hideous, hungry

Game over
Walking down the hallway, the chanting only grows louder. As you pass
each doorway in the hall, the lights above you grow continuously dimmer.
What is this chanting… why are a group of pirate hunters engaging in
such an event?!
With your crew closely behind you and Artifax, you come to the door
which the chanting is the loudest, within you hear the repetition of
You crack open the door, inside you see something that chills your
Hundreds of people, dressed in robes, all sitting in a circle of differing
elevation. The volume of their chants is now extreme.
In the center of the circle lies a scepter similar to the one you just
recently saw, except that it was imbued with a darkened energy. A man
walked up to the scepter, raising it over his head and repeating the chant
once again.
Suddenly, every head in the room turned towards your position as they
each lifted their hands above their head.
You are now filled with dread and you follow your fleeing crew out of
the castle.
Then you hear behind you a sound of pure destruction. You turn your
head as you run to see a black pulse forming out from the man’s scepter.
Turn to page 55

Approaching the bar, you can begin to hear sounds of a jolly time,
which is now overwhelming the sounds of peril happening throughout the
rest of the town. The smell of alcohol is great, and the type of music being
played does not go with what most people would think to play in this time
of imminence.

The crier signals you over to him; “Come sinner, and let me tell you the
way to be forgiv…”

Confused by his abrupt pause, you see his forehead has suddenly
obtained a hole which is now pouring blood to the floor as the man kneels
to the floor. You look towards his facing direction and see a window
shattering in the bank across the street.

As you focus towards the bank, you see armed men in black in the
center of the inside, holding up the facility. It is hard to hear much else over
the cries from the bar. Would it be wise to look further into the matter of the
bank heist, or enter the bar to perhaps get information on the imminent
pirate attack?

Turn to page 279 to enter the bank

Turn to page 366 to enter the bar

(Turn to page 297 to return to the town square)


You remorsefully leave behind all of the treasure. While you know it
could help you in your home situation, you know there is little point in
carrying around a heavy bag while lost on an island of terrors…

You sprint down the hallway, unhindered. While hearing pressure plates
on the floor being activated, you pay little attention as you hurry though the
chamber. Seeing behind you that the celling has begun to fall, you hasten
and reach the next doorway before the celling was a threat at all.

All that treasure, from probably thousands of years ago… destroyed.

You may never see relics of that kind in your lifetime… all that history…
all that wealth, just gone. You could have maybe kept a relic or two... but
without a bag to carry it in, you may have lost it regardless… Your safety
was kept intact however, and that was worth losing some wealth.

You come another corridor, this one however is not manmade, and it
looks like the inside of a cave structure… you continue forward, with the
sounds of waves echoing throughout the hall.

Turn to page 94 to continue down the cave


You charge forward valiantly thinking that you could break through the
massive insects. Unfortunately, you were too confident going in, and
underestimated the number of bugs that there were. They quickly swarmed
your comrades and pierced them with their stingers. Some cried out in pain,
and others fell immediately asleep; no matter their condition, they were
stung continuously while their skin quickly grew red and bumpy.

You couldn’t manage to do anything as your right leg was pierced by a

foot-long proboscis. You immediately became downed and received
piercings through many regions of your body. You looked up to see the
entirety of your group, lifeless.

While you cannot move, you see that after some time, your friends
begin to move as well. Preparing to figure out an escape plan, you were
excited to finally have some fellowship in your time of loneliness. As one
of them opened their mouths, you expected something much different than
you received. To your horror, multiple legs began to pry themselves out of
their mouths, releasing a dozen of insects from within. They jetted right
towards you; their stingers now positioned towards your eyes.

As they penetrate the soft layer, you scream out in pain with each move
they make within your body. They will probably do a similar thing as they
did to your friends…

Game over
While your team was still depressed from their loss, you finally got to
see the treasure. It was shinier than the sun, and its value could probably
buy the entire town of Canpoor. While this experience was great, it still
would not make up for the loss of the most loyal man on the crew…
“Should we take his body to the ship? Give him a proper burial?”
Ebonhall asked?
“I don’t think we could add him to the weight that we’ll have to carry,
let’s just do it then, in remembrance” Henry replied.
As you all hoisted up the chest, you knew that it would be difficult now
that you are lacking some strength, and that Henry was right in his
“Carrying this will be our last challenge, let’s finish strong!” Henry tries
to cheer you up.
“Which way to go sir?” Aaron asks. “The way we came in, or do you
want to see what is on the other side of the room? I would think that we
should just take the known route back…”
You too question which way would be easier… this chest is heavy and
meeting any foes would certainly spell your doom.
“Let’s just get out of here!” Ebonhall speaks in impatience.
Turn to page 65 to exit from where you came
Turn to page 252 to continue further
You jump off the cliffside and down towards the pile of lemons…
Wait… a voice enters your head as you fall…
“Did you really just do that? A drop of “hundreds of feet” and you jump
“What did you think would happen? The lemons would break your fall?
Some strange event would occur to save you?!”
“Just know that you made this choice… and I hardly call it a choice, of
all the options you chose this one!!”
“Now, I will say that you may just want to “explore everything” and
check each option… if this is the last of the four options, then I apologize,
however for the rest of you, just know that I am laughing at the idea of this
being selected…”
“Oh, you wanted narrative as to what happened?”
“After jumping from the cliff you immediately realize your mistake…
you feel gravity take command as your stomach cringes. Your fall lasted
shorter that you expected as you crashed down onto the lemons, which had
no impact whatsoever in saving you from this painful demise.”
“As stated, there was something strange about these lemons… now I
hope that you can see that the only “strange” thing here is your decision
Game over

You accept the man’s offer and step aboard his ship, following the group that went on before
you. You and the others all talked as the ship set sail minutes later.

“I cannot wait to try some of the fruit, it sounds excellent!” one of the travelers said.

“I know! And for free! This city sounds like it will be one to remember!” another responded.

“Oh, it will! Trust me, Arbordam is much better of a city than Canpoor could ever be!” the
sailor spoke.

You waited for some while as you were uncertain as to the distance from the destination.
Eventually you thought that you saw land, but there you saw surrounding it the water was that of a
greenish color, and within it floated thousands of bones.

“Don’t worry, we just have to pass by the Necro Isles before we reach it, while unfortunate, it is
necessary to reach the bountiful town of Arbordam.” The captain said in a stressed tone

You were waiting for the ship to steer from the island, but it continued its direct course to the
bone-surrounded land.

“Sir why aren’t we turning from the island?” a passenger asked warily!

“It seems as though our trip is going to be different than expected, the waves are too harsh, we
have to go ashore!”

You then saw some white figures coming out from the brush on the island… animated

“We HAVE to go somewhere else!” a girl pleaded to the captain.

“No. It’s what has to be done…”

A man began to show great fear of what is to happen, he jumped off of the ship; but as he hit the
water, the nearby bones surrounded him and brought him beneath the sea, to where he would never

“You can see the issue now, yes?!” the captain said as he continued forward.

“Let’s hope our landing goes smoothly, yes? Maybe then we can get out of here!” he added.

Turn to page 26 to continue


The guards rush through the door, with you around the corner away from their view. As they
make a formation, they instantly begin to fire against the bandits who are dispersed throughout the
room. This engagement went on for some time, with little actual connection of each parties shots.

With the massive conflict going on, you decide to take advantage of their lack of perception, and
fire towards the guards.

By the time you had taken three of them out, their formation had been routed and the rest either
fled or were killed instantly by the outnumbering bandits.

“The bank is theirs, let them have it! We need as many troops as we can for the attack!” one of
the officers outside called, as the oncoming guards quickly turned around to the dockyard.

The vastly untouched bandits surrounded you, and while at first you questioned their motives,
they smiled at you and each of them patted you on the back. The apparent leader spoke:

“You did good kid. Without you back there, we may have just a few more injuries, and for that
you should be thanked”

With some of the bandits removing sacks from the vault, one of them placed a bag next to the

“Now you won’t be getting just any gold… for you, there is something special.” He reaches in
his sleeve and pulls out a single piece of the gleaming metal.

Handing it to you, you notice that it is not standard currency, but with a skull on the face of the
coin, it is treasure!

“You’ll remember our gang through that, The Shimmering Skulls. If you ever feel like you need
to join us, you’ll find us…” he begins to take a step out of the building

“Now you bess scram too just in case they send more guards!”

The man smiles as he weaves into the nearest alleyway.

Holding the Skull Coin (#68) in your hand, you run out the doors, and back to the town square!

Turn to page 297 to return to the town square.

*You may not return to the bank this run!*

You take a closer look at the yellow sphere and see that it is a… lemon?
How could there be a lemon all the way out here in the ocean? You turn to
the crew stating the abnormality, and as they walk over you see that there
are more lemons that you originally saw… they came in the form of a trail
that you saw lead to an island out in the distance.
You yell to the helmsman to follow the trail! Moving towards them, you
watch as the amount of them grows larger as you get closer to the island…
Strangely, there seems to be just a few trees on the island, none of which
you see with lemons on them… where are they coming from!?
This takes precedence over whatever else your team was just up to as
Artifax prepares you and him to go ashore and see what this lemon mystery
is all about…
Could this be a new discovery, or just a massive waste of time?
Turn to page 329 to continue
You accept the “deal” but before you could give them an offer, they pushed cloth bags into your
arms! While you could not see what was inside, the were heavy, and you immediately sunk down to
the ground.

“That ought to be enough for your troubles!” the captain said, as he motioned you towards the
entrance of the cave.

“Now once we drop you off at Canpoor, never come back here! You’re lucky you have what we
needed, but don’t try this again!”

You boarded their ship with them, and as they placed a blindfold on your eyes, they explained
this is only to keep their location secret”

You sat there with anxiousness for a long while before they undid the blindfold and pushed you
to the side of the ship.

“This ought to do! Off you go!”

To your surprise, they were true to their word, taking you back to a beach near Canpoor, with
the bags in hand… but why? They could have taken you back empty-handed, or even killed you!
Why did they act with such honor? Walking back to your ruined house, you see your spouse there,
mourning over the ruins… You cry out to them, explaining your absence, and what luck you have
had with your adventure.

You open the sacks in front of them, and there they are! Hundreds of gold pieces are now in
your possession, and while you are currently without a house, you and your spouse contemplate what
to do with all of this money.

Would you build a new house? Perhaps move to Canpoor? Or get a ship to travel the seas? You
have the choice now, and you cannot wait to finally live here in peace…
Game over
As onrushing footsteps grow louder upon the stone steps, you hurriedly reach for the shackles. The brass key fits – a miracle! – and Phineas is promptly free. You lift him off
the ground and he stands wearily, somewhat unsure and unsteady. He turns toward the stairway at the sound of the oncoming natives and seems to slump; he knows that he does not
possess the energy needed for a frantic flight down the hillside.

“My heart sings now that I am free again,” Phineas states with a small smile, “yet you must leave me to my fate – only you have hope of escape now.”

Several armed men now step down into the cavern; one holds a lit torch that projects a flickering light across the area. The leader shouts stern commands, and pointing to
where you stand, advances with his weapon before him.

“You will be trapped if you do not flee,” Phineas states. “I have been resigned to death for many months, do not delay – go now!”

As he finishes speaking a deadly spear flies out of the gloom and with penetrating precision strikes the old man in the chest. He pitches forward and falls heavily at your feet;
one final word escapes his mouth: “Go–“

Further spears emerge from the darkness, and although you desire to avenge your fallen friend, you realize that there is no option now but to run. You hastily retreat through
the cramped opening opposite the stone steps, lucky to have avoided another thrown spear. The frustrated natives immediately give chase, hunting their prey with determination.
Breathing heavily from your great haste, you cover the uneven ground quickly, ever fearful of a rearward attack. Your heartbeat pounds noisily in your ears.

As you reach the narrow fissure at the end of the passageway with the spectacular vaulted
ceiling, one of the natives hurls yet another spear at your back. Missing by mere inches, the sharp
weapon strikes the rock beside you, instantly splitting a large section from the wall, which then
triggers a more substantial fall from above. As you scramble into the low tunnel beyond, a large
quantity or rock and debris falls loudly from the roof, blocking the passageway. There is no way
through here now – your escape is guaranteed. Startled by this unexpected but welcome occurrence,
you pause in stunned silence for some time, listening to the angry, desperate shouts of the men on the
other side of this natural barrier. Although these last few minutes have been grim and distressing, a
thin smile now forms on your own lips – a fitting tribute to Phineas and his accepted fate. The
unknowable mystery of life, luck and the unforeseen future.

You move off and soon leave the cavern and are overjoyed when you catch your first glimpse of the sea and beach between the trees ahead. It is not too long before you
tiredly emerge from the jungle and step onto soft sand. You leave the mysterious island without delay, reflecting on all that you have seen and experienced. Phineas is a regular feature
in your thoughts forever more.

*Gain “Phineas’ Epitaph” (Item #23) for all future runs*

Game over
You quickly begin to dart from her location back to town, knowing that guards will be here any
second to support her. Weaving through the twisted garden’s pathways, you head in the quickest
route you can take.
That is, until you turn a corner and come face to face with four armed guards, all who were
sprinting right for you! They continued their charge, ramming you to the floor.
The guards each grab one of your limbs and lift you over their heads, carrying you not to the
mansion, but to a deeper part of the garden. Were they taking you to a secret bunker, or perhaps to
whoever runs this place? You waited for the final destination, as they brought you in front of a glass
dome, full of flowered plants.
“In you gooooooo!” the guards shout as you are tossed from above into the dome!
You sat in the dome staring at the plants and guards for some time, as you expected something
to happen instantly… seeing as you cannot reach the top of the dome, you try to break the glass
dome, and upon you hitting it, you then realize that it is made out of incredibly durable material.
After your first whack, your hand was injured, and to make matters worse, the plants behind you
began to vibrate from all the noise.
“Imported straight from Dani Isle, the boss sure knows how to stand out” Commented one of the
That is when the plants begin to violently shake, and after seconds, they erupted from the
ground, revealing much larger, mouth-possessing creatures. They wiggled before leaping on you,
tearing you to shreds with their razor-sharp teeth.
“Hah! Take a picture for Ripto would ya!” one of the guards says, and that is the last thing you
Game over
You run at the monster just as your allies did, except you desired to target the eyes of the beast,
rather than just the face. It’s tentacular attack on you came quickly, but you managed to slide under
its appendages to reach your target!
The beast’s mouth was ajar, and you took this opportunity to leap at the left of its eyes,
hopefully damaging it would cause the beast to either be slain or retreat, this way you could help the
few potential survivors and hopefully recover the damages received.
As your blade was pointed straight towards the eye, you were certain that this would be what
would be necessary in order to stop the carnage… however you did not carefully watch your
backside as your foot was tugged on in midair, dragging you downwards to the floor.
You hit the deck hard enough to release your weapon as you were then lifted again, this time
much higher than you initially jumped. Looking down unarmed, you see the beast looking back at
you, with its mouth fully open beneath you.
In this moment of defenselessness, you look to all your fallen friends, those who made this
victory possible… most of which either maimed or dead. Why was this all to happen, now of all
As you felt your leg be released from the monster’s grasp, you watched as you fell downward
towards its maw. You looked one last time at Celebration Key as you accepted that it was the reason
for your crew to meet its demise…
You hit the mouth of monster and watched as its mouth began to close shut. It seems as though
this was the end of your adventure… what a way to go.

Game over
Walking down to the town square, you see twenty sad looking guards kneeling on the floor,
surrounded by the rest of your remaining crew. The guard’s weapons had all been piled up on the far
side of the square, while your men were each aiming down at them.

“We’re lucky reinforcements came, or this battle would have been lost quickly” Henry said in an
upbeat tone “Now what would you like to do with them, sir?”

You look at the faces of the men, who earlier this day looked so aggressive towards your men,
showing no mercy due to their leader’s viciousness. Looking at them now, they grovel at your feet,
pleading for mercy.

Some of your men cried out “Did they show mercy to Artifax? Look at all the losses we had
today!” while others suggested that the ones who repented joined your crew, as now after this fight,
you’ll need all the help you can get, to regrow your forces.

You look back to Henry who now has a hat in his hands… “This will be your first decision as
the new captain… Artifax was telling me about this from the moment we met you. I’m sure you will
lead us just as he did.”

Putting on the hat, you looked out to your men, who now more than ever were prepared to
follow your orders. Even though more people than not wanted you to let them live, you had the final
say here, and you know you need to make the right choice.

Turn to page 193 to execute the guards

Turn to page 97 to let the guards join your crew

The back of the city was wide open; no guards, civilians or walls to
protect the cities flank. You stayed as silent as you could before the ship
eases next to the shore. You and your crew continue in silence as you creep
towards the city, with still no vision of anything or anyone that notices you.
One of the crewmen stays back and mans the cannon, waiting for the signal
to bombard the city.
Creeping through the back alleys, you see the town guards all rotate
towards the front of the city. Something strange is happening as they begin
to fire out to ships in the bay, making quick work of their sailors.
On your way to their location you see civilians all in their houses,
bundled up in fear as the gunshots continue. Some notice you, and after
other members of your crew reveal their weapons, the civilians show signs
of not interfering with your work.
Taking up shelter in an abandoned warehouse behind the docks, you all
overlook the armed guards as they maintain their position and continue their
barrage. Looking over to Artifax, you see him aiming down his sights, as he
lifts his arm. You and the crew follow suit, and as you choose your target
wisely, you wait for his order.
“Fire!” He screams.
Turn to page 291 to follow his orders
You undo the buckle of “Alabaster’s Omen” and immediately the book opens, levitating in front
of you as the pages are flipped through as if there was another in the room with you. The book hovers
in front of your face, now with a single page being shown to you, as if you were supposed to read it.
“Tiring nights come to a close as I wait with anxiety, when will this… artifice archipelago ever
come to an end?! Something must be done to it, and even more importantly, something must be done
to them! How dare they come into my sanctum and read my most sacred book! They must be
You are instilled with fear as you see the book begin to now shake violently.
The book flips to a different page, this time a blank page… confused at first, you watch as
writing begins to form in the book.
The book then thrusts forward into your head, temporarily dazing you. As you fully regain your
senses, you see that the book has begun emanating massive purple energy. You wait on the floor as
you can only expect one thing to come from running from a magical book.
The energy grows larger and larger as you hear a familiar laugh in the distance…
You and everything in your possession had turned into ashes.
Game over
***You MUST lose all ITEMS numbered 37, 48, 51, 57, 60, 93, 122, 131, 199, 410, and 426
You drew your pistol just as the beast struck the front of the ship,
leaving a massive indentation on it. Your group fired all they had into the
monster, but it only continued to attack, bringing more damage and death to
your recently happy team.
As your ammunition grew short and your men’s number continued to
dwindle, you knew that this was a losing battle…but as seeing as you saw
each of your men who jumped into the water had now drowned, you knew
that either you had to slay the beast, or die here with your team…
Your men charged with only their blades at the tentacular face on the
starboard side of the ship… most were immediately flung high into the air,
while the ones that were not made contact with the beast, leaving miniscule
scratches on its thick hide. They were then quickly flung like the rest of
those who opposed it, landing either back on the ship in a red splatter, or in
the sea unlikely to resurface.
All that you could see left was you and the beast… as its tentacles
accelerated towards you, you knew that you had to avenge your allies, and
slay the beast!
Turn to page 4 if you possess a specific weapon (Item #51)
Turn to page 119 if you do not

Entering the captain’s quarters, you look around to all the decorative relics and wonders, and
question how they were found.

“That skull there was from the royal navy’s previous commander. Oh, and that golden rod was
from the greatest fisherman of all time, Ghadalfi Renaduaw. That beast next to it was one of the first
things I’d caught with this rod, 10 feet 6 inches it is.”

“Now, enough with the formalities. You need to help us! We have just received a massive blow
on our main base, while we wait in weakness, you have an item which can give us information about
locations to get supplies to fix the damages done. Your spyglass is what can do this…”

You question him as you have never seen the spyglass reveal anything other than what is on the
other side of the tube. Nothing magical like this has ever been shown to be existent from the device.

“See you turn the optical lens here, and…” as you peer through you are blown away! You look
and see many islands past the horizon.

“Do you see its power? This device once belonged to your father… we have used it before to
our benefit, and we once again need it. Name close locations, and we’ll go out and gather resources
for our cause.”

You look through it again and see many islands close to your location. One has massive forests,
with trees as tall as thirty feet up. Another island is barren, with just tombstones covering the land.

You described another location to your crew, and they instantly know what you are referring
to… the Dondorian’s base, housing the many pirate hunters of the archipelago…

You imagine the difference this discovery has made, and how you could use it in the future…
“Now let’s hear those directions, and let’s get moving!” the captain says, as he pats you on the back.
“With your assistance here, you won’t have to feel any more hostilities from my crew”

You know that you need to think of the crew as a whole for the better choice to be made.

As you were thinking, being celebrated by the rest of the crew, you saw as one man alone
looked agitated as he called you over to him…

Turn to page 89 to lead them towards the tombstone island

Turn to page 239 to lead them towards the forested island

Turn to page 257 to approach the disgruntled man

Turn to page 264 to go to the Dondorian Hideout

The desire to feel the sand under your feet grips you like a
fever, you crouch down and peer over the ledge, scrutinizing the
patterns in the rock below. The rock face is not smooth; jagged
pieces jut out at regular intervals, promising you ample hand and
foot holds.

You lower yourself over the edge as you find the first foot
holds. You feel confident as you begin to descend blindly, feeling
for the next hold with your foot, before repeating the action three
more times for your second foot and two hands. The beach is
calling you; the sea is calling you. Spellbound, the gentle lapping
of the sea against the sand whispers to you like a lullaby, or the
hushed murmur of singing voices.

Pausing to catch your breath, the desire to see the paradise

behind you surges through you and you turn to look. Releasing
your hands from their grip, you spin your whole body around. You
do not notice that you are falling. You feel completely calm, at
peace in the knowledge that you will never have to leave this place.

Game over
Large scoops of sand were tossed by your head as you watched the man
continue to dig.
“It has to be around here somewhere… but WHERE!? The secret path
of the gemstones said it would…? No no…”
You tap on the shoulder of him to inquire what he is going on about and
how it relates to your current predicament.
“NO! You don’t understand” He pushes you aside
“We have mere seconds before… aha, here it is!”
As he pulls out a strange shiny disk, you read upon it:
“X-4 Transmotifier, War.. To... G...g…” Some of the letters were
covered by scratches.
As you look up, the man’s face filled with terror as he reached his arms
out to you.
“No! No! You mustn’t fade! Stay with m—”
Game over
Before even thinking, you fire out to Thomas, for who knows his real intentions. He seems to
have been taken by surprise, as he did not have the shielding device prepared to guard him from your
shots. The damage was clear, and he was quickly grounded. You get on top of Thomas, and after
keeping his arms steady, you search for what he was pulling out, until you find it… a journal…

“Why would you think after me giving you all this information that I would turn around and
betray you? Read the journal and you will… see” Thomas shuts his eyes.

Artifax questions his motives of being so suspicious, but you needed to see what he needed to
tell you that was so crucial, so you cracked into the journal and read:

“Alabaster Schultz, a man of many names. Due to his constantly changing persona through the
T.L. proper verification must be used to ensure his security, and to avoid any potential impersonator

What does this mean? Alabaster… constantly changing? You try and get Thomas back up to
explain, but… he has already gone.

“Don’t worry, we will figure this out. We already solved the problem of Alabaster, I’m sure
whatever this means, we’ll be able to deal with it.” Artifax says as he looks over to Alabaster’s

Speaking of Alabaster… you turn to him as a noise starts coming from his body…

You watched as a blast of deep red erupted from the fresh corpse, destroying everything it
touched…including you.

Game over
The inside of the next dome was much larger than the previous! This city made Canpoor seem
like a small hamlet… hundreds of civilians walked the streets and there was a clear technological
difference between what you are used to, and their resources. You would love to be able to explore
more of the city, but your escort was watching you closely, and was telling you to follow them to the
palace, which is just down the pathway.
Getting to the palace your escort leads you to a bench, upon you sitting down he remarks: “I
need to discuss with the king about your appearance, stay here and do not move”
You followed his orders, and while you waited, a servant came around to you, bringing you a
live fish on a skewer. While you were skeptical of its taste, you tried it to not offend the strange
As you were downing the snack, the servant kneeled down to your side: “Listen…” He gestures
to his side, revealing a strange bladed weapon. “I could kill you right now, go into the room down the
hall and steal the sphere. You will have no issues with guards… don’t let me down”
The servant stands back onto his feet and walks down the hallway, before leaning up to the wall,
and turning to you.
You were just told to stay put, but if you didn’t do as he asked, more trouble could arise. You get
up from the bench and peer into the room he was referring to.
Inside is a spotless sight, with only two points of interest… There is a half-grown tree with just
one spherical fruit hanging from its branches. The other is a fountain, where at its top is a spherical
bubble… why this room has only these two things is strange to you, but they must have a value.
You know you can’t go back to the hallway empty handed… you’ll need to take one of the two
“spheres” the servant demanded.
Turn to page 50 to take the fruit

Turn to page 270 to take the bubble


Pressing the button, you hear a mechanism activate. The door lowers, revealing a ramp behind
it. As you and your team ponder its safety and observe for traps, you hear sounds of buzzing behind
you, which quickly entices you to blitz for the door!

You all climb the ramp which does not seem to be as nice as the rest of the building, and come
across into a large room, that is pitch black. Looking back to the buzzing, the door slams shut before
anything could get inside.

“Are… we trapped in here?” Brom questions as no light source has shown itself

All that can be heard is the sound of a flowing liquid.

“Naw, all we need is a light source” Henry says as you hear him patting the wall blindly.

You follow his idea and start to search the walls for anything to help.

“Aha! Got it!” Aaron speaks.

You hear him exhaust his firearm, followed by a torch lighting up the room.

While the shots scared you and the rest of the group, it was nothing compared to what was then

A sleeping winged creature in the far back of the room. Its eyes rapidly opening and closing as it
was just awakening from its slumber.

You and the group tried to quietly step towards the opposite side of the room, but after two or
three steps, it was fully awake, releasing a massive roar.

Steps turned into strides as the beast flapped its wings and began to levitate.

You and your group were cornered up against the door, but with no way to open it, you were
trapped like animals.

The winged beast hovered in front of you as Aaron fired another shot, this time at the creature.
The round was reflected somehow off its feathers and proved ineffective.

You broke from the group running towards the beast’s nest, as you turned behind you to see the
beast spew acid, dissolving your friends within a matter of seconds.

You reached the nest and immediately felt regret as three smaller versions of the beast were
there and waiting. You turned around again to be hoisted up from your trousers and hovered over the
babies. Being dropped and then pecked at, as the torches’ light dims.

Game over
Your waiting was only for a few seconds before… *BOOM* a massive explosion was sounded,
followed by thuds as things struck the floor around you. The event happening outside was so
massive, that it had damaged the shed enough for you to get a small glimpse of what was

The entire mansion had just been devastated by the explosion… A smoke plume high into the
sky had been made, and the whole garden that had been around the house now has been turned
entirely black. Chunks of its structure were raining from the sky, and as the other side of the shed has
an opening formed, you witness the entire town of Canpoor being pelted by these, smashing every
building, as you hear cries of those in the town rising and fading.

You get a view of above the shed, and as a piece of shrapnel was falling straight down above
you… prepping for the collision you are amazed to see them shatter just a few feet above your head.
This form of protection stops other potential threats from reaching you…

When the damages had finally ceased, you went outside to see just utter destruction. The
mansion, the garden, even the whole city of Canpoor was no more… No signs of life were visible.
You noticed however, that after being outside for just a few seconds, your skin had begun to accrue
damage, and pain came over you! You quickly went back into the shed with the others to assess the

While you all were worried about what was going to happen now that you were stuck in this
shed, it seemed apparent that you could not just stay idle. Minutes passed and eventually through an
extensive search you eventually find a lever, which was hidden in the back behind some papers.
Pulling it, a hatch opens up dropping you into a room, which was stocked with food, water, and
amenities. A sign above read “NUCLEAR BUNKER”. Afraid of the outside, you waited in this room
for many weeks, but as you see the damage was not recovering, you feared this place may now be
your permanent home…

Game over
You walk directly to the graveyard, and despite the disgusting condition of the gate surrounding
the yard, you enter it. The graveyard was much larger than you had expected, with the amount of
graves being potentially in the thousands! The footsteps you were following however disappeared
and were instead replaced by a group of larger footsteps.
“AAUGH!” you hear from across the yard.
As you move towards the scream, you then see its source, a grave has been dug up, and the
woman was headfirst into it. You cautiously approach to help her from the grave, but as you tug her
arm she quickly falls back on you, revealing that all above her waist had been stripped of its flesh.
You throw her corpse off of you, and then see that the grave was hosting four animated skeletons
each of which were flailing their arms at you.
You recoiled backwards, but you then you heard a disgusting sound… each of the graves in the
yard were being dug up from as you see hundreds of skeletal arms bursting from the dirt!
Knowing that you cannot run back towards the town, as well as the fact that you couldn’t
possibly fight each of these foes, you have to think quickly for how you can escape them!
With the waterfront being just a short distance from your location, you could risk running
through them to get out towards a shack out there, or maybe you could get into the grave in-front of
you after dispatching the current residents within…
Regardless, the undead are nearly out from their graves, you need to move fast!
Turn to page 141 to run to the water!
Turn to page 377 to enter the grave
Out the window you spot the man, walking in a strange fashion towards
you. Before you could analyze him more, you see a massive hoard
following him closely, headed directly for the temple. It is then you realize
the moaning is coming from the hoard; they were hardly human, with flesh
torn off and organs revealed.
The rear of the group has yet to be seen, as if the horde is endless. Your
team looks to you in disaster, just as Brom showed earlier. You don’t think
they’re coming to you with good intent…
“Let’s just get out of here! Look how slow they’re moving; we can
outrun them!” Ebonhall screams.
Henry and Aaron disagree with her, thinking that this structure would be
safer than anywhere else outside. The bodies and structures from within the
sanctum could be used to barricade the doors and allow for a final stand.
You are at a tossup between the two.
The horde is still coming and have closed in and surrounded all of the
temple that you can see. It is only a matter of time before they could break
down the entrance way.
The team’s morale is dropping quickly, and they are awaiting an order
before they act. For each minute comes less time to set up defense or start
the long sprint.
Turn to page 266 to leave through the back exit
Turn to page 61 to set up a defense to fight the hoard

You question what could be on the island? A trial? A fight? It could be anything. As you think
of the possibilities, they all seem better than the other two choices that you have been given. You
give them your choice, and the group immediately smiles.

“Raise the anchor! They’re going home!” the man spoke.

Home? That island is not your home… You frantically question everyone nearby, but they have
nothing to say to you.

You think to yourself for the twenty-five minutes it takes to reach your destination, what is this
location? What does it have to do with your father? And why is it so far away?

Your thinking process is abruptly stopped by the ship dropping anchor near off the shore of the

“Welcome home” you are told, as you are thrown a flintlock pistol (#41)

“You’ll be needing one of these too” as he drops in your hand a musket ball.

“Now get off my ship” he speaks as he points off the ship

You calmly follow, as you are sure the consequences would be worse if you’d disobey. As soon
as you hit the water, the anchor is lifted, and the boat begins to sail away. Keeping your only two
possessions close, you make the difficult swim to shore.

Upon being able to walk, you are surprised to feel rock beneath your feet, and see that the
majority of this landing is similar material…

You have read about this pirate treatment before… you are marooned.

Knowing that darkness will come soon enough, and your needs for hunger are threatening, you
need to move and find something to help you!

Looking to the three clearest paths available, one goes towards the direction of smoke coming
from treetops; another to a moss-covered swamp, finally down the beach you strangely hear some
music playing, a tune that you have once heard before…

Turn to page 201 to go towards the smoke

Turn to page 207 to head into the swamp

Turn to page 28 to head to the beach

All of the men in the room including the king have surrounded your feet
pleading you to stay with them in the palace.
“There is nothing outside that will interest you! Live with us, forever!”
the king continues, trying to influence you.
While you have a lot on your mind, you play along with them, and stay
the night. They offer you the finest bed, in a domed room where you can
look out to the ocean and see the creatures in their wonder.
As you spectate, three flashes of light surprise you, each coming from a
different location in view…
A massive collection of coral with many small fish around it.
A sunken ship with a massive silhouette surrounding it.
A jungle of kelp with nothing much to note of it.
Why is it that now these lights shine in unison?! You’ve never seen
anything of the sort…
You question whether or not you should stay in your newly acquired
position, or if you should sneak out to one of these flashes?
Turn to page 240 to go to the coral
Turn to page 137 to go to the shipwreck
Turn to page 372 to go to the kelp
Turn to page 364 to stay in bed

This room you enter quickly shows that there are elevated ledges to
both your sides. Nothing else is remarkable, and it is a straight shot to the
other side of the room. You begin walking forth, and as you make your way,
you notice shards of a strange material scattered throughout the floor.

You pick up a handful of the material and upon touching your skin, you
instantly receive lacerations. Whatever material this is; you have never seen
something as strong as it.

As you continue forward the tall ledges to the side to you begin to slant
downwards. Rumbling echoes through the hallway, and you see the shards
on the ground jumping up and down.

You run forward to escape whatever may be coming, and while nothing
has occurred yet, as soon as you are mere steps from the exit, the noises and
vibrations amplify exponentially.

Do you look up to the ledges, or slide into the exit?

Turn to page 232 to slide forward

Turn to page 52 to look up


In your mind you picture the paradise you saw from the cliff, instantly your heart pounds, the
desire to stand on the white sand erupting with such energy that you race towards the blue door and
swing it open without question. It opens smoothly, almost smugly, and even though only darkness is
visible on the other side you know that at the tunnel’s end there will be bright sunlight, so you begin
down it without removing a torch from one of the walls. What is a few more moments of darkness
before the light of paradise?

You find yourself running through the mountain, desire pulling you blindly along, your pace
increasing when the first beams of sunlight penetrate the blackness before you. That is it, you hear
the whisper again in the sound of the blood pumping in your ears. That is it, come to me. Come to
paradise. The tunnel opening approaches, a sliver of bright white, that grows with every second.
Without pausing you run out from the tunnel and into the light.

The sand is soft beneath your feet, your eyes adjust and before you is the spread of the ocean.
The ocean that meets with the marbled blue sky on the horizon.

You have made it. You have…

Your mind suddenly clears. It feels like someone has snapped their fingers and you have blinked
from a dream to reality. You wonder why you are standing on the beach. Why was it so important to
you? Why had you ignored all the realizations you had had before you entered that room?

Welcome, the whisper of the gentle waves of the ocean against the beach. You stare at the sea, at
how close it has swept inwards from where you had seen it from the cliff. Be calm, two more words
as it flows and ebbs closer towards you at an unnatural pace. Hungry. Panic takes hold of you and
you turn to run back to the empty room, but you can’t move, you have sunken below the sand so
gently that you did not feel a thing, buried up to your knees. You struggle to free yourself, look
quickly around you for something to help pull you free. That is when you see them. Skeletons
bleached white by the sunlight, their bones scattered around the bumpy tips of femurs trapped within
the sand, buried and pointing up to the sky. Relax now.

You feel the ocean reach you, it brushes against you. You turn to face forward. Complete calm
comes with the water’s touch; peace in the knowledge that you will never have to leave paradise.

Game over
You leap out of bed and dash over to the city’s exit. While you thought that you would be
unnoticed, this idea was quickly tarnished as you heard the calls from alerted guards around your
sleeping quarters.
You hop through the exit, and upon you being in the water, you swam towards the shipwreck not
too far from the city!
Being not even halfway there, you hear the sound of the portal being used, as many guards
begin to pour out of the city on high alert… you quicken your pace and get to the shipwreck,
hopefully not having been seen.
The shipwreck is a sight to see! Bigger than any other you’ve seen, with striped sails! You
search the entire ship for what the flash of light could be, but after minutes of searching, you still
could not find it!
You have searched nearly the entire ship, and while you were about to give up, you turned into
one final room, and there you believe you found the source of the light!
A massive room full of treasure! You question why this has not yet been looted…? The mound
of gold in front of you must be eight-feet tall! In the center of the room is a pedestal…
Just as you step forward to inspect it, the door shuts behind you! You bang on it as hard as you
could, but you don’t see it opening any time soon.
You head back to the pedestal to see what it could be and sitting on top of it is a large black
pearl (#131) *Keep it for all future runs*
You pocket the pearl in the event of you escaping this room, but as you do, the mound of coins
erupts, with them flying throughout the room. As they settle, you see that beneath them lied a beast
resembling a clam. Now enraged it shuffles towards you, and with no escape from this room, you are
quickly consumed.
Game over
You grudgingly begin to walk up to the church…strangely enough, you had yet to hear another
scream since the first. The outward appearance of the church is simply that of disrepair, whatever
happened in this town must have been a complete disaster, one that not only killed all who lived here,
but permanently ruined the environment surrounding the event.
You enter the building through the crumbled doorway, but what you saw inside was nothing like
what you expected it to be. A blueish floating ghoul raising one of your fellow passengers in the air,
absorbing energy from her mouth as she turns decrepit and frail. You see a few more of the
passengers being held in a line by animated skeletons as they awaited a similar fate.
Behind the group you see the captain of the ship, but unlike the others, he has no fear on his
face, rather he appears to be the one ordering the dead.
The next civilian has now lost all of their skin as they are tossed aside. But instead of them
getting the next person up to the stand, the blue figure and captain both notice you looking in at them.
“Come here! It’s not what you think, join us and you will see why I had brought you here…
scary it may seem, but with the risen lich in my power, we can rule the archipelago, and you can be a
part of this!”
You know that the man had lied to you before about Arbordam, who knows what he could do to
you if you let your guard down…
Turn to page 284 to join them
Turn to page 302 to fight them
Turn to page 33 to run!

You enter the captain’s quarters just as a mass amount of gunfire happened. You get a quick
glimpse of the carnage and see as most of your crew is wounded if not dead! Closing the door
quietly, you look something to help you, or perhaps just a hiding spot for the moment.

A large desk lays in the center of the room, surrounded by multiple artifacts which you are
uncertain of their value. A chest lays in the back which greatly interests you, however you do not
have the time to investigate it…

Passing around the desk you spot a crevice behind a bookshelf that you could fit in for a
reasonable amount of time… you decide to hide there before they come back to their ship!


The door opened, as you hear footsteps poured in the room. You weren’t sure how many, but
that there was at least two. They began to speak to one another…

“That was an absolute massacre!”

“Yes.. but one was not there… we needed to finish them all off, not a single one can survive! If
not, then…

*Ring! Ring!*

“…This is him now… Yes sir, all were accounted for… except one was absent… you… you
know their location? Be..hind the…”

“AHA!” he yelled as he tore the bookshelf from in front of you.

Grabbing hold of your arm, he called to the other “Patrenious, unlock it, quickly!”

You watched as the other opened the chest that you saw upon entering the room… Before you
could see what was inside, you found yourself being hoisted in the air as you looked beneath you to
the chest… Movement was inside, yet you could not tell what was moving.

Falling through the air, you are stopped as you feel your back being scratched considerably…
you look down to your waist as little insects began to overtake your body, sending pain throughout
your body as they nibbled at you!

You gripped the sides of the chest to get out from it, but before you could push off from it, the
lid slammed shut on your fingers! Pulling your hands back to you, there was nothing you could feel
as your fingers had now been severed from your hand! Endless bites from these strange insects began
making their way inside of your body… you hear a final *click* of the chest locking, sealing your

Game over
You dash at Alabaster as he fumbles in his jacket, while simultaneously you hear a gunshot from
behind you. As you look around to see who was hit, blood starts coming out of Alabaster’s chest and
onto your hands… “Agent Huang?” He questions as he closes his eyes while his head falls back… “I
knew something was up with that other monk! That must be this “Agent Huang” he thought that I
was” the monk says while looking through Alabaster’s person. He pulls out dozens of strange devices
in which you have never seen before; they seem to be on the same level of technology as his boots
and armor.

“Look at this!” Artifax calls to you as he holds up a small booklet. Opening it up, you quickly
see that it is Alabaster’s personal journal, as notes, data, and strange writing are all within. As Artifax
turns the page, you hear the voice of Alabaster speak:

“Diary Log #12 --- The two will be arriving on our shore any day now, with proper preparation
via the temporal device, they will have no chance to fight me with their primitive weapons. I need
that spyglass, and as much as I want to kill Augustus, I need to put the spyglass as my highest
priority! With my six leading operatives here to protect me, I know they will blunder… While this
only slows them down due to the rewinding process, it will stall for enough time to allow the real
plan to occur…”

There is a pause; “Calico, he’s talking about us… what does this mean?”

The device continues: “If you have gotten this far in the tape… Hello Calico, you have defeated
me. Unfortunately for you, in doing so you have doomed your only way of progression. Goodbye

You hear a long piecing sound coming from one of the devices on Alabaster, followed by
rapidly faster beeps. “Get down off the roof!” the monk screams, as he knocks both of you from
behind, off of the roof to the ground below. Due to being unprepared, your leg suffers massive
damages, and the monk drags you to a nearby shed, where you sit in darkness… you all wait in
Turn to page 130 to wait
You ran past the reaching hands, receiving minor scratches along the
way as you reached the outer gate of the graveyard. It was then that you
saw that the corpses began to break completely from the dirt and arise,
instantly heading for you! You climbed the wall as best you could as you
watched the swarm gather below you.
Hopping over the fence, they reach their arms through it to grab you,
however you are now out of their range. The undead moan in anger towards
you, but they do not attempt to get around the fence, you feel that you are
finally safe. You make your way to the water which has a shack nearby,
hopefully you can get a way off of this island, and fast!
Turn to page 345 to enter the shack
You instantly had a rusted rifle pushing into your chest followed by
orders to get down to the docks as soon as possible! You and the many
others were experiencing total confusion as you followed these orders
blindly. On your way to the destination, the commanding officer gave you
the instructions that you were to follow:
“Listen here grunts! These men are coming to take our homes from us,
our gold from us, and worst of all, our families from us! We need to
eradicate these stains from the world and keep them from coming back!”
The soldiers cheered in confidence as you all manned the battlements in
front of the docks.
“Down with these tyrants!” some men said.
“To defend Alabaster with all our might!” others added.
You sat watching the ship draw nearer and nearer, and very quickly
were both parties exchanging cannon fire. You could barely hear over all
this that the pirates were releasing some sort of war chant: “With their
bones and with their skin and with their eyes and with their chin…”
The ship drew near enough that your rifles would now be in range, your
captain looked down his line of men yelling: “Charge!”
Many of your comrades charged forward, and you were obligated to do
the same…
Turn to page 408 to engage

With the crystal having the items circling around it, you watch as it bestows upon the vison of
yourself a massive beam of light. You were raised into the air, and before you realized, your
perspective had switched from viewing this scene, to looking from the perspective of where the
vision was… Are you alive? Just a second ago you had a bullet hole through your head, and now it is
no longer there!

You look down towards your body and see that you can no longer see any part of it! You have
consciousness but are you now a ghost? What is happening?

“Be calm” you hear… but the sound is not audible. You hear this as though there is something in
your mind.

“You have solved the ultimate goal in bringing me these items, something that shows a test of
perseverance and decision making… Listen closely, I don’t have much time to speak to you.”

You think to yourself a response, asking who is speaking, and why.

“I am the crystal before you, I managed to gain access to communicate with you, but they are
coming soon! Your body will become visible in just a few seconds; we are just waiting for the
process to be complete… You must escape this …p, they are … understand yo… o … choices…
illusion… ev…ery r…s…str… keep… trying…”

You could no longer hear the voice, and as you drop to the floor, you now see your hands, and
the rest of your body.

“Hahaha, what a wonderful run! I cannot wait to see the next!” You hear from behind you as
you see Artifax speaking to your doppelgänger.

“I too am ecstatic… maybe next time we could swap chambers? I feel as though I did little.”

You grab the weapon that was recently used on you, that was haphazardly dropped on the floor.
Aiming down to the two, you wait until they make eye contact with you before firing into their

They drop to the floor dead… you decide to walk over and either search their bodies, or just
leave this chamber all together!

Turn to page 316 to walk towards their bodies


You approach the object and find it to be a massive golden ship! It too
looked as it was uninhabited like the rest of the area. However, you are not
certain, and the people living in the area could very well be in the ship…
Knowing that there could be other means of transportation around, you are
weary as to if taking this was the optimal choice, or if you should look
around for something else…

The cave’s mouth begins to rumble, rocks being to fall into the bay… a
cry is heard that pains your ears… is it a beast, or just another trap?
Something may be coming to you! You know this place does not play
games when it comes to warnings… is it time to flee again?

You look to the golden ship and know that it will provide you safety…
if it is empty. There could be a group of cannibals, smugglers, or worse…
the pirates who brought you here! Will they be worse than whatever is
making that cry? You could go with the golden ship, dropping all that
disallows you to swim, or risk it and look around for an alternative way to

Turn to page 23 to board the golden ship

Turn to page 321 to look around more


You go over past the burning ruins to your docked vessel. Knowing that
there will be a trail behind the aggressor’s ship, you begin to follow it
towards their direction… The voyage goes on for quite some while, but the
trail continues to guide you.

You are just distanced enough that you can see their ship using your
eyeglass, and their celebrations and cries can still be heard.

Before long, the sky darkens, and rain begins to fall, your voyage of
uneventfulness quickly turns into fear as you struggle to continue onwards.
The rain hitting your face quickly becomes unbearable and waves are
overcoming your ship constantly. You are not sure whether you can reach
your goal.

Then, as you try to cover your eyes from the downpour, a light off in the
distance shines brightly… it quickly is hidden, before appearing again. The
light is coming from a lighthouse, off in the distance! This is just the thing
you need!

You need to get out of this storm! As you change your course towards
the lighthouse, a massive display of light appears to the east, explosions in
the sky… could this be the pirates base?

Your craft’s damage is becoming visually damaged at this point and is

probably minutes away from destruction! You need to take cover
somewhere and escape this nightmare!

Turn to page 396 to go towards the sky lights

Turn to page 263 to go towards the lighthouse

“My chest! My chest! Oh how I feel young again to see it!” Gadagalpher says as he runs up to
“It has taken years, and to finally see what he left for me will be something out of my dreams!
Now hurry, throw me the chest!” he gestures his arms to you.
As you toss him the chest, he looks over to you with a smile. “Reliable chum now let me see to
it that I have not been swindled, and only then will you receive your just desserts”
He unbuckles the chest, facing its opening away from you. His face of excitement quickly
develops into anger “Scoundrel! Thief! Give me back my heirloom! Give me my father’s t—”
You jump away from Gadagalpher as out from the chest leaps a black creature, that latches tight
to Gadagalpher’s face.
His mumbles are hard to decipher, and while you wished that you could help him, you know that
at any moment the beast could turn its attack to you! Gadagalpher arms flailed as he tried every way
to remove the creature, but before you could even think of the next thing to do, Gadagalpher fell to
the floor lifeless.
You ran away from the scene, and when you felt as though you were safe, you peeped around a
corner to see the beast gone, and Gadagalpher’s body dissolving. You walk back over to the empty
chest to see two items laying where Gadagalpher died…
The first being a coin of an elderly man… perhaps this could be his father?
The second item appears to be a playing card? On it reads “DVN-093”
You take both of them and head back to your group, hopefully this mess will be cleaned up…
Turn to page 223 to return
*Gain the item “Gadagalpher’s Coin” (Item #105) and “Playing Card” (Item #104) for all
future runs*
*Lose the item “Gadagalpher’s chest”*
*You may NEVER gain Gadagalpher’s map/chest again*

You sprint out the front door, and quickly circle around the house,
dodging all sightlines of the intruders. Getting down to the beach, you hide
underneath the dock they have boarded to, just as you hear them kick down
the back door.

The sound of a ransacking takes place, as you hold your dog from
making any noise.

This position is held for some time before two men come out from the
ship onto the dock.

“Sir, reports say that there is nothing nor no one in the house!”

“So… they must have fled the area… Torch the house to the ground and
let’s look elsewhere!”

“Where will that be?”

“I think we should give Canpoor a much-needed welcome…”

Canpoor? Are they planning a larger scale attack?

You can see through the cracks in the dock, as the men walk forward to
your house, followed by a man in a cook’s outfit…

Why would he be leaving the ship? Is it now empty?

You question whether you should sneak on board and get to the bottom
of who these people are. You’ll have to do it quickly, but you think you
should be able to make it. Alternatively, since they have yet to spot you,
your current location is safe enough to stay and wait out their grouping, to
retreat to a different location.

You hear loud noises followed by cheering; they must be finishing up

soon. You must make your decision fast!

Turn to page 256 to sneak on board their ship

Turn to page 180 to wait until they leave

You think that you could maybe run quickly across the remaining floor
tiles before they sink and fall… as soon as you take just one more step
forward the tile immediately drops. A chain reaction starts as you see many
other pieces falling as well.

Scared to take another step, you think you can make the jump to the
solid ground, which is not but four feet away. As you prep yourself for the
propulsion, one of the tiles below your feet falls, which then ruins your leap
and makes you miss by just inches. The two tiles your feet landed on
immediately fall from the force and cause your legs to be stuck beneath the
tiles dangling above a massive pit. You try and use your hands to push
yourself out of the situation, but those tiles fall as soon as you touch them.

Suddenly you look around as most of the tiles are gone, and as one more
falls the rest fall simultaneously…

You are now falling headfirst in this dark tunnel in which you cannot
make out the bottom.

After only a few minutes, you can no longer look up to see the lit room
from above, only darkness…

The fall keeps going for a long time, and while you are not sure of when
you will reach the bottom, you ar-


Game over
As light begins to fill the stairwell, you know that the bottom must be getting closer!
“In here, in here! Artifax calls from out of your sight, probably in the next room, you head on
down before you come to a room with a massive blue glow emanating from it. Peering into the door
you see a sole silhouette standing in front of the source of the glow, a large crystal of the same color.
“So now you see it, but don’t understand it’s value. It will come in time…enter, let me inform
You begin to second guess entering the room, and while you stumble a bit in place, a force
suddenly begins to push you forward! This force is strong enough that you cannot resist!
The door slams behind you, and to add to your surprise, Artifax jumped out from the behind the
door right into your face.
“L-let me s-show you a l-l-little someone who will be able to get you out of this situation.”
Artifax gestures towards to the silhouette that you previously thought was him.
Again, you felt unsure about the scenario, and due to your steps being small and slow, again a
force overtook your body propelling you towards the figure
“D-d-don’t worry, they won’t hurt you one bit-t-t. A little information is all they have to g-g-
give, after this we’ll go and back up to the archipelago we will g-g-g-go!”
You know that the strange force will only make you face this person, so you take steps forward
ready for whoever it could be, and the information they possess.
Turn to page 343 to talk to the silhouette

You decided that if there was to be such a massive obstacle in the way of reaching Celebration
Key, there must be a reason for it! You paddled your way towards the island to finally see what your
late crew desired so greatly.

Your ship reached the shores just as you heard behind you the crashing of your ship against the
waves… it is lucky that you took the lifeboat and didn’t risk using the damaged craft. While you
want to mourn the loss of your friends, you know that they were heroes today with all of their efforts.
To go down in a battle that fierce may be something the crew will be remembered for…

As you reach a clearing on the island, you see it… Celebration Key! Small groupings of huts
full of happy looking people, all partaking in fun and laughter. Perhaps with all settled back at
Canpoor, you could live here for the rest of your life… no more struggles, just tranquility.

Walking towards the center of the hub, you looked around for the proprietor to possibly obtain
one of these lots, but as you were walking, you were interrupted by a high oncoming of laughter from
just around the corner, you stopped and listened.

“Hah! Did you see them suffer! Now THAT’S priceless!”

“…and how about that last one, taking so long to make a move before BOOM! Haha!”

“When do you think they’ll turn to 243!?”

“Whenever they want to, I guess! Hah!”

“I’ll be grabbing some drinks; anyone want some for the next-“

You watch as the man speaking turned immediately around the corner, giving a face of complete

“Yo-yo-you’re not supposed to be here! Hey guys, they’re here!”

Seeing the others in the room jump from their seats and run at you, you turned from them and
sprinted towards your boat!

Out of the corner of your eye however, you watched as an arm protruded from the side of the
path. You felt a sensation in your neck before passing out…

You awoke however and were back on Celebration Key, around a bonfire with some of your
friends… all was good in Celebration Key, and you had no intentions to leave for the rest of your

Game over
You grab the curved stick (#54), knowing that it could help you in
defeating Alabaster. With all the power he possesses, mere steel and lead
will do little against him. You will need every advantage you can take. You
trash more of this room before you leave, to make sure his information
cannot be used for destruction. Passing through the next-door way, you
climb a massive staircase, and knowing that the roof is coming up, you
realize it is time to fight Alabaster.
“Let’s do this and give him back the pain he has caused us all. Show no
mercy and make the right choices out there, as he will show no mercy
back.” Artifax says in a nervous tone
“I have fought him before and he was difficult, but now with this much
power, I am questioning if his strengths and weaknesses are still the same”
He continues…
“Now let’s go out… together and end this archipelago’s suffering.”
You grasp the stick and know you must hide it from Alabaster, until he
least expects it. This is do or die, you can’t mess this up.
Artifax begins to run towards the door and cries out as you follow him
through, feeling the heat of the upcoming flames. You begin thinking of
your journey up to this point, and how you got here… all this time of hiding
from Canpoor, and now you are back here to get rid of what drew you
Turn to page 197 to head out to the roof.

You quickly throw out the rope you found earlier and connect it to one
of the pylons on the other side of the room. Walking towards the other side
of the room, the tiles around you quickly fall. Holding on to the rope, you
are quickly forced downwards, where you scale the opposite side of the

As you reach stable ground, you look back and see the massive hole in
the ground… there is no way you can get across and escape the temple, you
must press onward.

Looking down the next hallway, it again is very lavish, with gold and
gems everywhere. This civilization must be centuries old… but how was
the trap set again…?

You reach the end of the hallway and come to a room with three doors,
each with a symbol above it. You try your best to look for any secret clues
that could be near.

One door is made of bronze and rubies; the sign above shows a symbol
of two wavy lines

The middle door is silver with sapphires, the symbols on it are six rows
of zigzagged lines

And the right-most door is gold with emeralds, it’s plaque having a
roughly edged circle

One of these doors must be better than the other two… and the signs
must relate to what they contain… As you ponder which is correct, you
hear clicking… you should probably make a decision fast!

Turn to page 246 to enter the wavy lined door

Turn to page 313 to enter the zigzag lined door

Turn to page 135 to enter the circularly lined door

You prime the incendiary device and move up to get into range. As you
do, the group of Dondorians begins to split into two, still unaware of your
presence. Remembering the blast radius you heard from Henry, you know
that it won’t be able to hit both groups with the single attack.
Now with a decision at hand, you look at each group to see which the
better target would be. With eight of the men on the left, and seven on the
right you immediately notice the numbers advantage, but then you also see
the group on the right has a man more ornately dressed, could this be an
The blast should have no effect on the treasure, and should even the
odds when the inevitable fight breaks out, the only question now is which
group you should throw it at…
Turn to page 288 to throw it to the left
Turn to page 194 to throw it to the right
You get back onto the boat, knowing that you want nothing to do with
this sandbank… once you can get back to the mainland you’re going to get
as far away as you can, never to return! Taking the boat up stream was a
challenge however, and though you tried your best, you could not fight the
The boat began to float back towards the sandbank, but it is then you
heard “There they are! In the river!”
Looking to the village’s shore, you see a group of people like you have
never seen before… they look less domesticated than those living in
Canpoor… could they be the ones living in the village?
They throw ropes with hook on the end towards you, and while some
just simply hit you, others latch to your boat as they heave you up towards
them. Dumping you into the villages center, you look up to being
surrounded by faces of anger; seeing as you don’t recognize any of these
people, you are confused as to what you did wrong…
As soon as you open your mouth to ask them what is wrong, they
immediately yell for you to be silent! You remain lying on the floor as one
begins to speak up…
“You wreck our village, enter into the Islenarsium, and now you speak
out of turn… do you have any respect for the rules of our culture?!”
You can’t pull yourself to talking again in case it would anger them
more, so you decided to just wait until they called to you…
“…and it is for that reason, that death shall be your punishment…
Village! Bring them to the purging grounds!”
Your arms were tied as you were carried up off of the floor to a location
you are uncertain of…
Turn to page 356 to continue
The shuffling grew louder as you then realized that the crew had then found their way to your
hiding spot. You silenced your breath as the room became more and more silent… their footsteps also
became let frequent as you started to hear the sounds of the men mouthing words to one another.
With only seconds of this mouthing happened, you began to hear a mass exile from the room.
You however thought that it would be best to wait a moment longer to check if it was safe.
You could hear both the sounds of the gangplank being lifted and hooks being detached from
your ship. Movement was happening beside your ship, and without notice a wave hits your ship,
causing you to be jostled around.
If there was a person still on the ship with you, you would have been able to hear their reaction
to the wave, with this certainty you came out from your hiding spot…
A man was there in front of you… sitting in a chair as if he was expecting you. He didn’t look
anything like the Dreadship’s crew did however…
“Expecting someone else? Look… you chose to do what you did. This is only one person’s
fault.” They spoke as they started to get up from their chair.
“In choosing to meet the Dreadship, your death has already been decided… While true they
have left, it is still up to me to ensure your demise.”
He reveals a dagger with the lettering “C. J. W.” on the blade.
You reach down for any weapons you may have on you, but before your eyes they are turned to
“Be silent and let’s get this over with, alright?”
The man approached your defenseless self and dispatched you rather quickly…
Game over
You walk away from the beach, knowing that there is much more on
this archipelago than there appears to be, it is just up to you to discover it
all… however, this beach is not something that will help you get off of this
island, so it would be best if you hurried to a location with someone or
something that could actively assist you…
Turn to page 201 to go to the smoke
Turn to page 207 to go to the swamp
As you turned your head, immediately you were stabbed in the back! You drop to the floor in
agony, as the monk who was once your ally looked upon you with a great smile.

“And your service will be granted, Governor Alabaster” the monk speaks as he plunges his
sword further through your back. Before Artifax could react to what was happening, the monk had
prodded his fingers into his neck, rendering him unconscious instantly. The monk took both your
weapons and threw them aside as you watched Alabaster rise from the floor with an angered look on
his face.

“I’m not sure how this old fool could have found out my power armor’s weakness, but *bam*
that won’t be happening again” you turned in terror as he flung Artifax’s body off of the roof.

“As for you, the enigma, someone who interferes with everything yet knows so little…there is
much room for improvement with you.”

Alabaster reloads his weapon before firing upon both of your legs. “Huang let’s take them down

As you are dragged roughly down the stairs, you wait helplessly for your destination, there was
no reason to struggle anymore, even if you broke free, you probably will never walk again. They take
you to a very similar room… the room full of cells where you freed the traitorous monk. Now that
the body of the other monk has had time to sit, the room stunk of death.

“Put him in that cell over there” Alabaster pointed. You were disgusted to know that you would
be stuck in a cell with a rotting corpse. As you hear the door click shut you realize there is little
chance of you escaping. “…and the key, Huang?” Alabaster says, and as the monk hands over the
key to your cell… Alabaster swallows it immediately.

Extinguishing the torches Alabaster says, “Enjoy your new cellmate!” before closing the door
and leaving you with nothing to sense but this dreaded stink. You might as well get used to it…
Game over
You drop the chest in the center of the deck right as you are hoisted up into your crew’s arms.
They commend you for your bravery and taking charge in moments of imminent danger, as well as
ceasing the Dondorian threat on the island made, which made taking their ships out much easier. You
tried to speak of the great deeds the rest of the team did, but even they reflected the conversation
right back at you.
Upon reaching the base, the treasure was quickly valued before selling just a fraction of it which
went a long way to revitalizing the base and bringing back your crew into the world of security. More
ships were purchased, and more crew came to fill them, from such a small group originally this has
gotten larger than you ever saw it being.
A few more days pass and Artifax called you into his office strangely, as you hadn’t been called
like this since you joined the crew. He looked deeply into you, holding one of the relics of your
“Bromly is dead now I hear… At first, I couldn’t believe it, someone who was about to be my
successor, dead in some forsaken temple… I’ve done some elaborating, and in his stead, you are the
one to lead this ship, I’ll still be running the fleet, but with you aboard this ship, I’m certain we will
not lose”
He reaches out with a black tricorn hat in his hand. “This is now yours, captain.”
Placing the hat on your head, you knew your responsibilities. Thanking Artifax, he gets up
saying “I guess I’ll leave your office now, enjoy it as I have, may you add your treasures to match the
ones I’ve put in here”
As he walks out the door, you cannot believe this has turned out this way, one minute you were
captive, and now you are captain. You walk out the double doors of your office, as your crew stops
their celebration immediately. They don’t look at you in fear, but in respect.
“What can I do for you, captain?” “What’s the next adventure, sir?” “You’ll make Artifax
With your pockets full of riches, and your company full of loyalty, you plot to spend the rest of
your days leading grandiose adventures to rival the one you just had.
Game over
“Dondayals? Are you kidding me? That’s incorrect.”
The questioner gets up from his chair and walks over to a different
table, you see that he then begins to call over a different customer at the
You guess that you should leave, as he looks like he no longer wants to
talk to you.
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Turn to page 366 to return
You dash away from the large man, weaving around the room and
having little regard for anything else but escape! You get glimpses of the
atrocities in the room that you seemed to have missed when you first
entered; random limbs hung from the ceiling by chains, jars full of eyeballs,
and singed bones lain throughout the floor… You just want to get out of
here as fast as---
Just then you feel a massive piercing sensation through your chest… as
you look down, you see that the meat hook had latched on to you!
“Oh oh, I caught me a big’n! Tonight we will feast!” he spoke as you
were pulled to the floor, being dragged in his direction.
“And now time for my favorite part!” He yelled as he raised his cleaver
into the air.
His cleaver slammed down on your extremities, separating them from
your body. He did this multiple times, but after the seventh, you lost
consciousness… by the time you would have awaken, you were probably in
a stew, Mr. Gruzzen’s favorite.
Game over
You just couldn’t go through with removing the lemon from the
pedestal… whether it was because of marvel of the island’s lemons, or fear
of what could happen from touching it…
Walking away from the lemon you considered going back and taking
it…but your mind was set, there was nothing that would make you steal it.
You took a step out of the room, but this is when you felt a strange
sensation throughout your body. It was unlike anything you had felt before,
and all you know is that turning around, you saw the lemon turning a deep
shade of red…
A jolt flew from the lemon!
Your mind turned numb and you became unresponsive… you have died.
Game over
*You have now obtained “Red Lemon” (Item #47) for all future
*You may never enter this tree in any future runs*

You pass up the opportunity to advance towards the spyglass, getting

around the group and continuing past them. While you wish you could
know more on the situation, you head the advice of your friends, and take
safety above all others.

As soon as you get around their bodies, the massive stone building
comes into view! They were so close to their goal, and yet they couldn’t
reach it. You make sure not to make their same mistake and approach the
unknown building with care.

Your view opens up further on the building, it’s exquisiteness is then

shown. Whatever is inside this great wonder must be expensive, and for the
Dondorians to be after it brings even more value!

Taking in the sight is quickly interrupted as Ebonhall drags you over to

the massive door.

“We need to get in here, and fast!” she pesters you.

While you would rather look more at the exterior, she is right… waiting
out here is a risk, and for all you know someone may be inside looting it as
you speak.

You look further into the door, noticing four buttons on the mechanism,
their symbols as follows:

“eagle, crow, raven, swallow” Ants were crawling all over this button…

“swallow, raven, crow, eagle”

“swallow, raven, eagle crow”

“swallow, eagle, crow, raven” This button was cracked throughout…

These birds must have some meaning, but you are not sure…
Pressing the right button is necessary here. Who knows what could
happen, or if the Dondorians could appear any second. You need to get in
there fast!

Turn to page 85 to press eagle, crow, raven, swallow

Turn to page 389 to press swallow, eagle, crow, raven

Turn to page 352 to press swallow, raven, eagle crow

Turn to page 129 to press swallow, raven, crow, eagle

A masked man immediately enters the room as you tell them of your choice… He’s wielding an
eight-foot long whip in hand. The pirates point you towards the wall as the masked man walks
towards you. With your hands up against the wall, the whipping begins.

At first it was painful, but tolerable. As you get to the fifth lashing, the cuts grow deeper and as
you cry out in pain, blood begins to rip out of your skin. The spectating pirates are all cheering to
your torture, and as your cries grew louder, so did their celebration.

The ninth strike reaches your back, and now you can feel the internal damages beginning to
start! With only four lashes left, you bare through three of them, and as soon as the thirteenth and
final lash is done, you fall to the floor and slowly close your eyes to the roar of laughter the others are
engaged in.

You wake up to the crew still laughing! By the looks of it, it’s been hours as your blood has
dried to the floors, walls, and celling making quite a mess. Knowing you’ll be out of here soon, you
crawl over to the eggplants, and out of spite, you put one into a sack, stuffing it into your pants.
Getting up from the floor, you believe that you were not noticed, as they reacted to you in a more
normal manner:

“Ready to get out of here? We hope you learned your lesson not to come to our territory!”

You were pushed and jostled around all the way to their ship. With the slices into your back still
paining you, you sit in silence the whole trip, while the men continue to laugh. They drop you off at
the shore of Canpoor, and as you see your houses’ ashes still there, you walk over…

Your spouse is there crying, and as they smile upon seeing your face, they ask where you have
been this entire time. You know there is only one item which will show what you have been doing.

Turn to page 300 to show them the sack.

You enter the closest hut and begin a swift but thorough search. Only a limited amount of the
weak daylight penetrates through the now open doorway, so you closely inspect the darkness for
anything of immediate interest – or danger – before beginning to move around.

The lumpy walls are rather low, so subsequently the roof sits uncomfortably just above your
head, likely indicating that the inhabitants are to be of only short stature. Unfortunately, there is very
little of value to be found here, as most of the possessions within are unremarkable clay pots and
bowls, hanging herbs, basic clothing or bedding material, small tools and utensils fashioned from
wood, stone and bone.

Although you desire to linger here only long enough to determine that nothing else is of interest,
as you become further accustomed to the murky light, you notice a small painted symbol on a section
of wall to the left of the doorway. The design consists of five circles roughly drawn in what appears
to be black charcoal, each placed closely together to form a multi-lined band that surrounds a central
figure painted in a thick ochre pigment. This unusual figure has a bestial body with four legs, and an
upper body proportioned like a human – yet with four long arms. Small dashed lines within the
smallest circle radiate on either side of the figure, and larger, more ornate markings are set at the four
cardinal points outside of the band. Somewhat puzzled by the form and content of this elaborate
symbol, you hesitate for a period of time as you attempt to find meaning in its construction. What is
this painted creature, who are the inhabitants of this island, and how advanced is their language and

Realizing that any answers about these people are unlikely to present themselves without you
actually locating some of the villagers, you turn to leave the hut. As you do so, you notice a
shadowed space beside the doorway. Hidden within a small recess you find a sharpened stone blade
with a stubby handle, carved from a single piece of dark, blue-flecked stone. This attractive tool is
almost certainly used as a weapon and features a few markings on the handle similar to those on the
nearby wall. You decide to take it; in case it could help you in the future…

Having lingered for much longer than anticipated, you now head off again along the ridge; the
distant sound of the pounding drums continuing with every step.

*You have gained “Blue Stone Blade” (Item #57) for all future runs*

Turn to page 205 to head further into the jungle.

You look through his clothing, and as you do the sound continues…

*beep…. beep…. beep…beep…beep…beep..beep..beep.beep.beep.beepbeepbeep…*

As soon as you find the device it was flashing bright red, and while the device itself was small,
if Alabaster was holding it, and only now is it doing something, it must be important.

Artifax now has nothing but fear on his face… “Let’s get off this roof, and figure this thing


You didn’t have time to understand the situation, but with the roof beneath you, you were
suddenly blasted high into the sky, with burns covering your body, and an oncoming explosion under

You tried to hold on as best you could, and while a vent was near for you to grab hold of,
Artifax was not so lucky, as you see him flung off the roof down below… While you held on for dear
life, you looked down and saw his body splatter as he hit the stone flooring below.

While the mansion was the source of the explosion, it was not the only thing to be affected…
the entire city of Canpoor was instantly turned into ashes, with no survivors in sight.

The roof you were holding onto had begun its descent, and as it was about to reach the ground…
*BOOM* another explosion occurred… this one had flung you equally high into the air… only to
flip the roof you were on upside down…

You made a similar smear on the floor right next to Artifax.

Game over
The box hovers above you in the air, and after spinning around above
you, the room instantly changes back to the ornate office that you were
previously in. You hear the box’s original voice again, but this time it is not
audible, you hear as if telepathy was involved.
“Listen closely… the next sentence you hear will be crucial to your
You begin to hear laughing come from the door in the back of the room,
as you ease towards the door, you hear a man speaking, recognizing it as
“…It has been injected ma’am; they won’t realize until it is too late!”
“I understand; we will take action as the plan unfolds… yes… I
understand… I am fully prepared”
You peer into the crack of the door, but you see that no one but him is in
the room… he is holding a strange device up to the side of his head.
“But… are the preparations set for the…”
He gives off a face of astonishment as he places the device into his shirt
“Good leadership is so rare these…”
Your heart stops as you notice that he had started making eye contact
with you. He gets up out of his chair and begins to rush to the door while
shouting expletives! You dash towards the exit of the building and as you
watch him advance, you see him pull out the device from his pocket…
Turn to page 395 to run!
You continue on towards Canpoor, and as soon as you get within view of soldiers marching, you
see massive ships darting right for you! You know there’s not much time… you get a glimpse of the
group and see restrained civilians being pushed around at gunpoint… they were screaming out for
help… Some that tried to deviate from the lines they were in were shot instantly!

Turning to the east of the island, you see the massive plume of smoke… you looked closely and
saw that it was no ordinary fire. The pirates you ran across earlier were being dropped into this
massive conflagration. Whoever was now in charge of Canpoor must be responsible… while you see
no noticeable leaders, you do see that the oncoming ships are nearly at your location.

You tried calling out to them, but they responded by firing a few shots at your ship! You
immediately turned the ship in the opposite direction and began to retreat…they only continued to
chase and kept up their fire.

This chase went on for some time… you made it up to your house, which was now destroyed…
and into the direction the pirates took you originally. While the pursuers were right on you, you could
hear from their remarks that they were out of ammunition, and their ships turned back… as they did
however you heard one say “Keep running! We’ll be back, and we know just where to find you!”

Confused by their statement you continued forward, but with nowhere to go you had to think on
what the best choice was… they would “always know” where you are. Is the archipelago no longer
safe? If so, you may need to leave and go into hiding somewhere far away…With the gold you had
just acquired, you will have no problems financially, the only thing to worry about is the unknown,
and what is waiting for you outside the small world you know about…

You a few days later you reach the edge of the border, and as soon as your ship crosses to where
you have never been…everything vanishes…
Game over
These worn steps are both narrower and taller than those recently traversed on the main
staircase, requiring vigilance as you carefully descend. Additionally, many sections are rather
slippery and covered in loose dirt, stones and mud, making it difficult to easily step down from one to
another. Progress is therefore slow and deliberate. You also discover several small bones of rodents
and reptiles lying upon a few steps; you have little doubt that the cave attracts a wide variety of
hungry creatures.

Now entering the cave opening, you pause for a minute or more to allow your eyes time to
adjust to the limited light. Looking about the area you notice that several sections of the overhead
span of rock are thickly covered by a semi-luminescent lichen, which glows with a low-intensity
shade of green whenever you look at it indirectly – a delightfully strange and alluring appearance.

You move further into the cave, cautiously navigating the darkened steps. You begin to hear
dripping water not too far ahead, and from somewhere beyond, much deeper into the gloom, you
recognize the faint metallic scraping sound once again. You stop and listen quietly for several
seconds – the odd sound starts and stops, and then begins again, teasing you as to its source. You
move on, eager to learn more.

The difficult steps plunger ever deeper, never deviating their course. After descending over
several broken steps, including one where a cracked section of stone unexpectedly shifted underfoot,
you come to a large level platform featuring arched six-foot alcoves on either side. Further steps
continue downward into darkness on the other side of this square platform, which is roughly paved
with many smaller pieces of stone. Now taking a closer look at an alcove, you discover that a solid
silver hoop hangs from the center of the arch: surely a device used to chain someone to when taken
captive. Stepping across to the other alcove, you find that this contains a similar device – although
here you additionally spot another indication of past imprisonment: a partially crushed human
jawbone sits upon the stained paving. Apprehension now rises within you, as the fear of meeting a
similar fate chills your soul. You again hear the unusual scraping sound from below, this time louder,
and decide to satisfy your curiosity by advancing down a few of the steps on the next staircase,
hoping to see something more interesting than just stone, earth and darkness.

As you place your weight upon the third step, it gives with a crumbling sensation that
immediately induces a terrifying sense of pure dread. You momentarily retain your balance, but your
body’s natural momentum is too powerful to halt your fall and your awkwardly lunging body also
causes you to badly misstep. Plunging headlong into the fathomless darkness, you tumble down
many steps, fracturing numerous bones and ultimately breaking your neck. Mercifully, you suffer a
quick demise. This odd island has greedily taken yet another prisoner.

Game over
Plotting your trip on your charts, you directed your ships towards the
north-east. The time sailing gave you plenty of time to acquaint yourself
with the new crew members.
A few days passed, and you then saw it… your destination, the edge of
the plotted map.
Each meter that you sail will be uncharted territories. You can say that
you were the one to first discover each and every landmass that has never
been seen before!
Your men were behind you in this decision, proud of your leadership
and guidance that you have exhibited on this bloody day.
At last you watched as you took your ship past the border and into these
waters and then… time just suddenly stopped…
You were completely immobilized… with an inability to act. You
waited until your vision went black.
Game over
You go back into the woods, putting the pieces of wood in your pocket.
You walk carefully, taking reference points during your journey into the
vegetation. You start to tire rapidly, and to make matters worse, you feel
that droplets are beginning to hit your head from above. You sit on a rock,
desperate for any form of rest, your brain feels as though it is being twisted
and your eyes fail to stay open... you just want to take a nap.
When you awake you’re more tired than you were beforehand. Your
stomach rumbles with hunger and you eat any fruit that you can find, they
satiate you, but you now notice that your mouth is still dry… you need
After opening your mouth for the raindrops, you immediately
remembered that you were searching for someone. You can’t remember
exactly who or why, but maybe if you find him he will reveal it to you.
You’ll walk for hours in a circle. Eventually you find a river, and while you
try to cross it, you begin to panic as you head back ashore… you don’t
know how to swim… or maybe you forgot. It’s a pity that the boat you see
is on the other side of the river… Sometimes you look at the sky and see the
bottom of a wooden bridge, but you have no way to get to it. So you keep
searching for the person that could remind you why you’re here, and who
you are…
You’ll never find the weird man…
You’ll become the weird man.
It seems that you’re stuck here… Or maybe you just need to wait that
someone come here, if you’ll still be alive and, above all, sane.
Game over
You don’t want to deal with any trouble, so you head up to the friendly
merchant. As he sees you take your first step forward he instantly pulls out
a few items from his back pocket.
“Ah, an appreciator of the arts! I knew from the second I spotted you
that you would be one to buy!”
Holding out in his hands you see the objects, one being a lapis skull and
the other a straw doll.
“Both of these come from centuries ago, each a ritualistic tool in ancient
sacrifice! You would be wise to pick one up for your future journeys, who
knows what they could provide you!”
You saw that the man has multiple bags full of gold behind him, and he
just continued to stare at you as he waited for an answer. You had just
enough gold to buy one of the items, and by the looks of it, the man will not
be happy if you reject his offer.
“I…I have had multiple historians verify these, they’re legitimate! No
worries!” The man starts to sweat.
Both items look at though they would be worth the gold, so why not…
Turn to page 276 to buy the skull
Turn to page 301 to buy the doll
(Turn to page 297 to run back to the town square)
*You can only purchase one item per run!*
Ignoring the temptation of the mysterious cave entrance, you continue
climbing the staircase. After negotiating several steps without trouble, a
bold cry from overhead halts your progress: a large black bird wheels
directly above, circling as if eagerly awaiting your death. In resolute
defiance you shake a fist at your avian observer, dismissing expectation of
any imminent demise. Having turned your body to track the bird’s flight,
you now look out over the jungle toward the beach. From this height the
view is spectacularly impressive, so you linger a little longer to enjoy this
panoramic vantage point. Abundant greenery covers every inch of the
island beyond the narrow strip of sand along its edge, with only the
occasional break revealing a scant glimpse of what lies beneath the dense
canopy. A small flock of colorful birds noisily emerge from their nearby
treetop homes and fly off in all directions, and across to your left, in the far
distance beyond a shadowed valley, you spot a tall, narrow finger of rock
projecting high into the sky above all else. Additionally, you cannot fail to
notice that the threatening clouds are massing once again.

The air is a little cooler at this higher elevation, which is increasingly

noticeable as the breeze rises in intensity, often rushing up the hillside at
your back in gusty squalls. Your expectation of what you’ll discover at the
summit grows with each step taken – as ever the unknown tantalizes
without fail, restlessly drawing you forward. The drumming continues on
with great intensity, a pounding rhythm that never slackens; the beat is
intoxicating, adding needed energy to your tiring climb.

You now note a partially concealed trackway half-hidden within the

trees and undergrowth off to the right side of the staircase. Shortly ahead it
connects to the stairs without any particular sign of design or planning,
having risen at an angle up the steep stope. You ignore this new path.
Continuing on past this point, you head closer to the top of the staircase.

Turn to page 53 to conclude your long ascent.

You unbuckle the chest quickly as you disregard Gadagalpher’s request
to return his chest to him. The process was quick and easy as the chest’s lid
popped open. Your excitement was high, and you were ready to see what
could be so important. But as the lid fully flipped backwards, all you could
see in the chest was darkness.
You tried to take a closer look as to why there was nothing inside, and
just as you were about to reach into the chest, something latched on to your
face! You couldn’t tell what it was, just that with it covering your eyes, you
could only see black! Blindly you tried to detach it from your face, but with
part of it clinging to the sides of your face tightly, your attempts were in
A stinging sensation went throughout your body as part of the creature
buried a sharp needle through your nose, and quickly after you began to feel
drowsy as you struggle to fight it anymore, and you fall to the ground
You don’t awake from this slumber, and for good measure, as your body
decomposed within minutes of your sleep.
*Gain the item “Injected” (#667) for all future runs*
*Lose the item “Gadagalpher’s chest”*
*You may NEVER gain Gadagalpher’s map/chest again*
Game over

Upstairs you come to a room full of chains and jail cells… you wonder why this is a room in his
house, but seeing all that you have today, you know that anything could be in here… While most of
these cells are empty, you hear rattling and discussion of two people up ahead. Staying cautious, you
make sure the area is safe before proceeding.

As you reach the voices, you see two religiously dressed figures having a heated discussion with
one another. While both are dressed and look identical, one has a shaven head, while the other is
completely bald.

Their discussion seems to be changing constantly, going from religion, to escape, to Alabaster.
As soon as they saw you, they stopped talking and immediately both barraged you with accusations.

“Free me! He is working with Alabaster!” The shaved one said

“Lies! All lies! He is completely the imposter! The bald one shouted back

While similar talk to this continued on for a few minutes, you questioned Artifax whether or not
you should just continue on…

“You’re not going anywhere!” Both said

“If you don’t free me, I will alert every guard in this building” they both said in different ways

Artifax whispered in your ear “Well I guess we will have to free one and kill the other… We
can’t risk having both running around here… listen to their claims and make a good decision here”

Looking back at the two, they each spoke against one another again this time with more ferocity

The bald one said “Listen, at least free both of us. I will kill the imposter myself. He has broken
both the trust of my faith, and this city. He cannot be trusted and needs to die.

The shaved spoke “Kill him now! The longer we wait here the more information he feeds to
Alabaster! Think about what you are doing, there are dire consequences!”

Artifax whispered again “I think we need to speed this up… Make your choice”

Turn to page 254 to free the shaved monk

Turn to page 324 to free the bald monk


You quickly dive off to the side, dodging the snakes lunge. However,
while you do so, you plunge headfirst into the pool of snakes on the floor.
They attempt to coil you again, and while there is some slowing to your
movements, you can wade through them and avoid their restraint. You peer
through the mound of snakes to see the larger one, waiting… no longer is it
lunging at you. Perhaps it doesn’t want to risk harming its own kind?

You continue swimming through the pool of snakes until you reach the
other side of the room. You look back behind yourself and see the giant
snake still at the location of where you initially dove. Quickly you get out
from underneath the snakes and while they are still tugging grasping, you
rip through them to get to the exit.

As you do this, the giant snake sees you and charges once more. But
when it lunges at you, it stops as soon as it reaches the doorframe. There
must be some kind of magic that is not allowing it to pass. You turn away
and walk down the hall, towards a much more lit room, while still hearing
the cries from the monster which desires you.

Turn to page 60 to continue down the hall

The sky turns red with flames as you reach the door to the mansion.
Corpses lie throughout its yard; faces you recognize, enemy guards, and
civilians…? This is questionable, as Artifax gave no order to kill innocent
“Was that THE Artifax I saw coming up to my chateau?” a voice yells
from above…
“Old friend, come and have my hospitality!” he continues
Artifax looks away, as if he was completely ignoring the comments.
While you were not aware of any connection between Artifax and
Alabaster, you see now that there must be some long running conflict of
“Let’s kill this man and put an end to his carnage…” Artifax says as he
looks up at a vined trellis on the side of the house. “We can use this to get in
faster and perhaps dodge the guards that could be inside...”
Looking at the trellis, it is a smart way up to the second floor, but it also
looks deteriorated, perhaps not the safest thing to climb. The front door was
another option which is easier, but again, the unknown is always against
“Calico, which way would you like to go? It is up to you; our safety
should not be surpassed by my vendetta.”
You think for a while, as crying begins to be heard from the inside…
Turn to page 88 to enter the front door
Turn to page 238 to climb the trellis
You break from the group and immediately dart to the jungle, hoping to leave this group and
whatever crazy things they’re going to do to you. While at first you think that you had gone
unnoticed, you see that your former cellmates have turned to the pirates, who instantly began running
after you!

While you had already reached the jungle, you felt safe as now you could weave through the
trees and lose your pursuers. You did as best you could to break the line of sight between you and
them, but just as you almost reached the clearing to the beach your legs get tripped up and you fall to
the ground.

“Thought you could escape me, Filippo Aldente, fastest in these lands?” a darker man says as he
approaches you, twirling in his hand a pair of bolas.

“But unfortunately…” he says picking you up over his shoulder “…you crossed me and my
boys, that was a mistake my lad!”

Filippo carried you back to the others, where after dropping you to the ground and placing his
foot on the side of your head, you hear someone say “So here is the coward, trying to flee from the
inevitable… a shame, I guess that’s one less to appease them, but a death is better than risking their

You wriggled around while being immobilized, as the boot was removed from your head, you
were wondering what they were up to, but before you could see what was happening, you had been
flung off the bridge, down to the raging rapids in the river…
Game over
Shouting the orders to your crew, you saw them spring into action as
they began to tighten the destroyed sails, and dump anything that was not
needed off of the ship. With the Dreadship advancing towards you, it was
only a matter of time until they fired another volley of lead your way!
Boxes of good, clothing, and other accessories were seen being thrown
in massive amounts overboard; the ship began to turn around, but as your
ship turned about-face, the Dreadship had already closed half of the
distance to your location!
Your men continued to do all they could to help elude the Dreadship,
but it was too late… they began to fire again at your ship, this time causing
significantly more damage as the entire length of your ship was perforated
with cannonballs!
Completely defenseless, you could not turn your ship around in time for
another volley. There was no chance to counterattack. As water began to
flood the ship, your men said their final words to you, knowing the usual
end for those caught against the Dreadship.
You heard one last word; “FIRE!” coming from your opponent, as blasts
followed it, permanently condemning your ship to the sea below.
Game over
Against Artifax’s commands you stay silent and continue behind the officer. A few more turns
occur before the smell begins to dissipate, and you know that the labyrinth is nearly over.
“See now that we’re here, I’ll go back through these tunnels, we’ll never see each other again,
and our conflict is over, it’s been a pleasure.” The officer says, holding her hand out to a wooden
door. You and Artifax agree with her and watch as she turns around the corner.
Approaching the wooden door, you are happy to finally be out of the wretched sewer system.
“That was a close one. Who knows what type of *Wham*
The door swung wide open to reveal a room full of armed guards aiming down their sights.
They fired off a volley that luckily missed your head, while crippling you down to the ground.
“I knew we shouldn’t have trusted that snake!”
Surprised by the cease fire you hear footsteps coming from behind.
“A snake? Now that’s not a very nice thing to say. You didn’t expect me to let you live after
killing the man I looked up to for all these years…”
She grabs your weapons from you, even though you could hardly reach down to them.
“I know Alabaster wanted to have his way with you, but seeing as we’re down here and he’s up
there, I’m sure it’s no issue”
She grabs a knife and runs it close to your cheek.
“Now let’s get a smile on your face before you bleed out, I want to see some happiness!”
Pain permeates your entire body as your cheek is split, rendering you to unconsciousness as
your “smile” reaches your ears.
Game over

…You hear the cheering conclude, and many footsteps running

overhead. The horn that woke you up sounded once again, and the ship
headed out to sea, with a trail of stained water following behind their
movements. As you wait to be out of the crow’s-nest’s view, you feel the
heat of the nearby conflagration and know that these vandals need to be
punished for their wrongdoings against you.

All the work you’ve done in life to achieve your belongings, wasted.
You need to figure out a way to get back at them...

You could look around the remains of your house and see if they left
anything behind. Maybe there are clues to their location, or a reason to why
they did this.

While you are not sure whether this is a problem to solve single
handedly, so you question if following them out on your boat is a smart idea
or not. Alternatively, Canpoor could be in danger, and going there for help
may help in the fight against the pirates.

They were clearly looking for you, or something in your possession, so

taking care around this crew is of the utmost importance!

Turn to page 145 to follow their trail

Turn to page 103 to search your house

Turn to page 297 to head to Canpoor

You have no interest in what else the castle has to offer. Your suggestion to leave is highly
regarded as no one else thinks that the chanting will lead to a positive outcome. Quicker than you
entered, you all left back to the ship, setting sail and leaving with no conflict.
“I told ya that Dondoldoor would be nothing but a mess!” one man stated as the rest cried out in
That mission appeared to be a bust… but with the multitude of other locations to go to, you’re
sure that another will lead to a more exciting adventure.
Holding your spyglass up to your eye, you see different locations that are now closer to you!
“Let’s go Calico, I need loot to fill me coffers!”
You are eager to go to the next location and see what else you can find in this sea of
bewilderment. The three closest islands appear to each have potential, one having a downpour,
another but as you turn to Artifax to select a location, you see a yellow sphere floating off the side of
the ship…
Turn to page 398 to go to rainy island

Turn to page 404 to go to rocky island

Turn to page 104 to go to misty island

Turn to page 115 to go to inspect the yellow sphere


Beyond the crack, the tunnel barely widens, forcing you to continue to crawl as it cuts into the
cliff face. You trust your instincts and allow yourself to be engulfed by the complete darkness ahead
of you. You can feel that the ground beneath you is descending at a comfortable pace, taking you
closer to the ground level you need, but as you crawl forward you pause at intervals to feel the
tunnel’s sides to check for any branching connections. You do not want to travel in too deep and
move too far away from where you want to arrive, to do so would mean you that any backwards
journey would be difficult given that you have no space around you to fully turn your body to face
the opposite direction.

After what feels like ten minutes, you feel a breeze coming from the blackness in front. It gently
brushes past you and you are thankful for this cooling air, pausing for a moment to breathe deeply
and rest whilst you replace the stuffy damp air in your body and allow it to lower your body
temperature. The break in movement allows you to think clearly. Since leaving the ledge and the
paradise it offered, you have been continuing through the tunnel on determination alone, a sense of
urgency that has gradually diminished with each moment surrounded by nothing but the inky black

You wonder why it was suddenly so important that you stand on the beach, why you needed to
feel the sand under your feet. What about it was so essential that it clouded your mind and pulled you
away from the completion of your original journey? The more you think about it, the more it feels
like a dream, like someone or something subtly took control of your senses and demanded that you
obey. A weird sensation causes goosebumps to prickle across your skin, the sensation of awakening
from a dream state, the blurry fuzziness of waking up in the morning from a deep sleep, only it does
not leave you feeling refreshed, instead apprehension grips you tightly as you realize that the only
way forward is the only way forward. What lured you down here and, more importantly, why?

Breathing deeply, you continue forward.

The tunnel continues for five meters, the rock above you rising up rapidly, allowing you to rise
into a crouch and then allowing you to walk at your full height. You come to solid face of rock that
allows you to go no further, and you grope around blindly until you feel the surface change under
your right from cold stone to grainy wood. You turn towards what appears to be a door frame built
into the rock, and search for a handle. You locate it.

Turn to page 390 to take advantage of the space around you and return to the cliff ledge

Turn to page 355 to turn the handle to open the door

Being pushed into the corner forcefully, you are questioning Thomas’s motives just as you hear
a massive explosion from above. The rocky celling shook and the floor quaked, but you were
unharmed for the duration of the blasts.

“I knew that Alabaster had been working on such a device, but to see him put it to use so
quickly is astonishing! We’re lucky that we’re down here…” Thomas says with much relief

With the three of you here alone, you quickly take all your things, and Alabaster’s body
upstairs…unfortunately as you climb the stairs, you come across ruins, as you see that the entire
mansion had been destroyed.

While Canpoor was still there, it was massively damaged. You saw both civilians, guards, and
your crew working together to repair the damages and save those in danger. Making your way to the
town square, you gather the leader of the guards and civilians and ensuring that cooperation would be
used, you help them figure out what to do next…

Some suggested to leave the archipelago all together and form a new city elsewhere… others
wanted to just move to a different island and forget about this disaster… but then Thomas came to
you saying; “We should rebuild here… using the equipment from the base below Alabaster’s
mansion. There is advanced technology, and we could use it to make Canpoor much better than it
was before…”

You go below the mansion and Thomas is right! Devices which you have never heard of before,
some which can erect buildings in mere days. You gather the survivors of the explosion and instruct
them on what devices to use, and how. After cultivating enough food for you all and purifying water,
you all get started on building, looking to create a new town, without the issue of Alabaster…

Game over
You follow Artifax into an ornate room, with strange glass panels, chandeliers and in the center,
a golden throne. In the chair sat who you believe to be Alabaster, with his face covered in a veil of
shadows. The silhouette stands up as soon as they see you, and begins walking down towards you,
clapping as they go.
“Ah, so look what we have here. The master and apprentice have finally come together…”
You were confused to that statement, as you look to Artifax continuing to now sprint towards
“A weak insignificant figure joined by an even weaker man who has no morals. Why do you
want to lead them, Artifax? ... Why do you want to lead them, Augustus?
“Arragh!” Artifax shouted as he fired off a round from his pistol
You watched in awe as the piece of lead was shattered inches in front of Alabaster’s face, with
no damage dealt.
“You honestly thought that would work? Don’t say you’ve forgotten my powers, old colleague.”
Alabaster snapped his fingers and you watched in fear as more guards flooded the room than
you have seen in total today. They all aim down their guns at you…
“See Augustus? I hold all the power here; you have probably forgotten your place… Would you
like me to show it to you?”
Artifax said no words as he stood there now defenseless and completely outnumbered.
“I’ll take that as a yes! Excellent!”
“Men, fire on my count!” Alabaster continued as he now holds his pistols aimed towards your
“Three… Two….”
You don’t see much of a way out of this situation… Maybe a friend could help you out?
Turn to page 87 if you have assistance (#6)
Turn to page 13 to fight against all odds
You let the captain know that a less forward approach would be best in this situation, he
immediately changes his course towards the north and a patrolling navy boat.
“We’re coming up on them fast, I need you all to stay silent until we pass. Any peep could
compromise us.”
You sat in silence looking out of the port hole to the port, which is surprisingly empty…
Canpoor has one of the most active maritime economies, why would the port be desolate?
“What goes there!” You hear from above.
“I’m just passing through to Candorum, I have pottery that I’m looking to trade.” Artifax
“Did you not get the notice about this sea lane being empty today, you are creating a massive
threat to Canpoor’s security!”
“My apologies, I’ve been at sea for the past week coming from the mainland, I was not around
to hear such a notice.”
“Very well, just be more precautious next time… Move along.”
After another moment of silence, Artifax addressed you all as a gap was made between the two
“That was a close one… now why that lane is shut down today is indeed suspicious, perhaps we
will see once we reach the town…”
You see that you are mere minutes from the back shore of Canpoor, you and the other
crewmembers load your weapons, and prepare for the unknown.
Will it be an easy flank, or had they been expecting you?
Turn to page 121 to wait until the signal
You turn back to her, getting next to her on the floor… you ask her who
she could be talking about and why it is upsetting to her.
She gave you a warmer smile as she explained:
“They’re an outlier, one who is unknown to all of these islands, they
come and go, normally with me, but like *snap* that, they left me!”
Trying to dissect what was said, you tried to clarify the person’s name
and gender instead of what she ambiguously said.
“Heh- I wish I could tell you more, I know it’s probably annoying, but I
can’t, if their name was given, it could put all four of us at risk!!”
“Listen, I know you are busy, and as you can tell, so am I, but I need to
find the Colonel’s Diary, it will lead me in the right direction towards their
location… I’ve been doing this for so long, I’m nearly about to lose it!”
Turn to page 308 if you have Item #93
Turn to page 156 if you do not
You tell Artifax to stand down and discuss the situation with the
commander. As you do this, the woman who appeared had managed to slip
out of the building, running at a full sprint.
“Why are you working for such a madman!?” Artifax speaks with great
“I cannot disclose why I have in the past but trust me when I say that I
am ready to make a switch. Please trust me and I will lead you to what you
want… Alabaster Schultz.”
Artifax takes you aside “While I still have my suspicions after him
nearly killing me minutes ago, we should use him, and if anything goes
sour, we can dispose of him then.” You agree with his idea, and you both
tell him of your acceptance.
“Wonderful! Now quickly, follow me into the sewer system!” He says,
opening one of the doors in the room. You and Artifax show hesitation, and
he continues “Quickly! The guards are coming.”
You get inside the doorway, as he locks it behind you. “These tunnels
are long, confusing and have a terrible smell. Stay behind me so you don’t
get lost, and let’s get through here as quickly as possible.”
You and Artifax accept, as you take your first step in the disgusting slop
covering the floor.
Turn to page 293 to continue in the sewers.
The furious winds of the loud and energetic storm assault the island as you step onto the sand of
this secluded bay. The tall trees before you sway alarmingly as they are buffeted in all directions,
bending significantly as the gale gathers strength and low clouds race across an overcast, darkening
sky. The thick vegetation before you shake with sudden surges, animated by the rain-bearing squall to
produce an ever-shifting landscape of constant movement. You drop your head and shield your face,
waiting for a fierce, swirling gust of windborne sand to pass. A rather dramatic and unfriendly
welcome indeed.

The dense jungle that covers the entire island rises from the sand‘s nearby edge like a thick
green blanket; every step through this environment will be hard earned and not without considerable
risk. Cursing the sand that now irritates your eyes, you quickly scan the immediate vicinity, searching
for the most favorable strategy or safest pathway to access the island’s interior. You spot a narrow
path not too far away, sinuously rising through the tall trees and abundant undergrowth as it climbs a
gradual slope. Now following this discovered path, you make your way through the jungle, stepping
carefully over large roots and other hazards, and pushing foliage aside as you clear temporary
obstructions hindering your progress.

It is now that you are stopped in your tracks by a loud and disturbing cry that thunders mightily
through the jungle – an anguished, chilling mixture of bird, primate and prehistoric beast. Frozen by
the threat and power of the unidentifiable call, you try to determine the exact direction of its source.
However, the sudden sound was simply everywhere before you, masked by the thick jungle so that it
appeared to have spread from multiple directions. You’ve occasionally heard stories – dark,
disturbing tales – of unimaginable terrors lurking in remote island environments seldom visited.
These stories were often fanciful, with outrageous claims of monsters and magic. Although many of
these frightening encounters were told with conviction, you questioned their legitimacy and doubted
the truthfulness of the storyteller. Now, however, you begin to doubt yourself.

You walk on slowly, constantly scanning the surrounding jungle for any sign of man or beast.
After following the narrow path for a few minutes you arrive at a junction where you may take one of
two paths. One route continues to rise before you, and the other heads off to your right, following a
horizontal ridge.

Turn to page 385 to follow the path heading further uphill.

Turn to page 299 if you instead decide to follow the ridge.
He looks a long moment at you, silently. Then he takes an object out of
his pocket, from his used and faded pants. It looks like a small wooden,
roughly sculpted figurine, he reaches out to you giving the object to you. By
examining it, you don’t understand what he wanted to sculpt, because it’s
just a piece of wood that was notched on the sides, it doesn’t represent
anything. He says to you this is the only thing he has left now. He explains
that he sculpted it himself by remembering a dreamed object and suddenly
he falls in tears and turns away his eye. He now babbles about his
You decide to sneak away from him discreetly… You throw away that
piece of wood he gave you before you get back to the boat, not giving him
time to understand that you’re running away…
Turn to page 154 to head back to the village
You turn down the man’s proposition, he immediately shows anger
towards your decision and acts as though you were now enemies. You
suppose it would be best to ignore him and worry about the crew and all the
real issues that are going on. His mutiny will probably not work anyways…
and if it does, you will now be prepared for it. You’re brand new to this
crew, if it was to get out that you were even thought to be a part of a mutiny,
you would be dead within minutes.
There are many places and things that needs to be dealt with, best to
raise your reputation with the crew before anything else.
Turn to page 89 to lead them towards the tombstone island.

Turn to page 239 to lead them towards the forested island.

Turn to page 264 to go to the Dondorian Hideout.

The study door creaks open, as you come into a massive library! With
shelves up to the ceiling, you are overwhelmed by the number of books that
are in this room! You believe that the room is safe despite the amount of
chaos that is going on around the house, and you take this upon yourself to
read some of the books in the room to better understand their owner.
“Grilstain’s Great Ganyapus” “Two large egg” “Gibbert and Hungus’
four transactions” and “How to confuse seven Dondorians at once” are all
great reads, but they provide you with nothing more than entertainment.
You question at many points whether you should leave and get back to more
productive actions than just exploring a library.
But then something caught your attention… a diamond in the rough, a
golden book shining with a heavy glimmer. You pull it from its shelf and
see its title “Alabaster’s Omen” an interesting one to say the least. Whether
or not you can learn from the book, or even sell it, you’re sure that it will
come in handy. The book is however locked with a buckle, one that you’re
sure you could undo whenever you were up to reading it; strangely the
buckle has a note on it… “Open me later on for a better time”
With nothing more than dull looking books around you, you decide to
leave the library and head back into the deadly mansion, still you are happy
that you could have a moment’s reprieve.
*You have gained “Alabaster’s Omen” (#37) for all future runs* -
you may read it at any time by turning to page 122 (Remember to save
the page number you turn from to it!)
Turn to page 88 to return
“Yes! Alabaster Schultz, did you really know that it was him? Or did
you just suppose because of the way I asked you to progress… you are
wrong. But you should be punished! For who chooses the obvious answer?
Who chooses blindly without thinking? WHO chooses Alabaster Schultz!?
Do you even know what an artificer is? You are so incorrect, and still you
are a fool!”
The grand questioner gets up from his seat…
“Get out of here! You are an embarrassment to my society! Leave this
town, I never want to see you again!”
As you walk to the door, you hear a fumbling behind you, as you
suddenly feel an object pressed against your head.
“This ought to do the trick…I can’t allow you to go forth with any
gained knowledge”
You hear the sound of a firearms trigger, with nil time to react…
Game over
*You MUST erase/delete any information that you had just
recorded with this man*
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*

You give the orders to your men, while some of them show restraint, the deed is done as your
men fire upon the group of defenseless men leaving a pool of red in the middle of the town square.

The people of Canpoor who were watching this scene made cries of horror, gasping at the idea
of such violence.

“They’re just like another Alabaster!” one voice cried out.

“Maybe even worse!” another added.

While the general idea of an execution may be hated, you know that with those guards alive,
you would always be at risk. You took your men aside, gave them a talk about how despite the
difficult requests you had asked of them, their loyalty is respected.

You take your crew out to the pub for a celebration, the reign of Alabaster has ended, and now
you all can focus on turning Canpoor back to what it used to be! With one tap of your mug to each of
your allies, you drink the night away!

Suddenly, you wake up! “They’re awake! Finally!” someone shouts next to your ear.

Coming to your senses, you see your crew surrounding you, staring with great worry.

“Captain! We didn’t think you would come back to us! We think the bartender did something to
your drink out of spite!”

Smiling you get to your feet, informing the crew that you feel fine.

“Well… that was only the first concern…” a quartermaster said as he took you from below up to
the deck… You look around the ship… it is there you see what they are talking about… Striped sails
of red and white… Dondorians.

“They’ve been following us for weeks! We haven’t had time to stop for any supplies! They’re
trying to starve us out!”

While you are still drowsy, you talk up your crew. The conditions may be difficult, but you will
do all you can to persevere through this!

Game over
The device has been primed and you approach the group of hostiles
with stealth. Looking upon your foes, you think of your immediate action as
soon as you’ve been compromised. The device comes smoothly out of your
hand, you prepare to immediately dart at the unexpecting group… but mid-
flight the device tipped and struck a stalactite redirecting it backwards. You
turn behind you as the explosion goes off, looking in horror as your group
of allies are nowhere to be seen.
Cries of the enemy grow as you are suddenly charged by the Dondorian
horde. Receiving blow upon blow you are injured; bruises and lacerations
are all over your body. You are knocked out cold and the last thing you
view upon awakening is a group of them aiming down the barrels of their
rifles, you think of what you did wrong before their weapons were
Game over

Yvonne Sweets continues to stare at you seductively as you approach her at the fireplace, her
smile growing by the second.

“Now sugar, I know I’m not expecting any company today… so why is it that you’re disturbing
my relaxation on this fine day?” She begins to mess around in her sleeves to your confusion.

You explain to her that you are here for her services, and that any assistance in holding off the
pirate threat would be welcomed, you add that payment will come her way for a good job.

Her eyes immediately open widely as you say those words, and she quickly beings to move
towards you

“I can easily help you with these pirates…” she looks around the room with caution

“…but now that you’ve mentioned them, we’ve got to get to a secure location! They have many
ears on their side and clueing any of them on to us could end both of our lives!”

Suddenly you are dragged by her to the back of the building where she takes you into a room,
and quickly locks the door.

“Now quick, I think the bartender may have caught ear, what weapons do you have to defend
us?!” she yells with much hesitation.

After you reveal to her your weapons, she quickly begins to smile…

“Excellent, without those you will not be able to defend yourself from this!”

She reveals a massive firearm, shoving it straight into your face.

“Now I’ll be taking your weapons, gold, heck, I’ll take everything I can off of you!”

With you being brought down to not a single piece of gear to cover your body, Sweets takes you
over to the chain in the room, and after forcing you down, restrains you to it.

“Thanks again, honey! I’m sure when this battle is all through, the boys will relish dealing with
you last! Ciao!” She exits with all of your gear, locking the door behind her.

As much as you try to escape, it is no help… you are stuck there until someone eventually gets

Game over
You want to ask him if he remembers anything strange or abnormal… but as soon as you
pronounce “Do you…” he widely opens his eyes and his shivering becomes fierce shaking, he’s
becoming weirder by the second and you jump backwards when you see his eyes dilate. With no
notice he grabs your wrist taking you into the forest, with not a word being spoken. You are forced to
walk through this dense vegetation, and very rapidly do you lose the slightest idea of your
whereabouts, the strange man releases your arm. You catch your breath after all of that running,
but…he’s not waiting for you, he keeps walking, slower and slower, leaving you here… You decide
to trail him from a distance, you’re tired and don’t know how to get out of these woods. After
crossing tall grass and tight trees, you see him stopping in a clearing. You approach, keeping your
distance, and see him more relaxed; he’s not shaking anymore. He is still shivering, but you think that
it may be a disease.
He picks up one piece of wood from his pants pocket and one from the floor. Then he looks at
you before focusing on the pieces of wood. You feel attracted to these wood objects as you walk
closer to see what this man is doing. “This is the only thing I have. My oracle. It’s so old… it was
really useful for me. I have now to give it to you.” At the moment he gives you the wood pieces, his
voice changes and his body begins to tighten up. While that should scare you, it fascinates you. Even
though you were just fatigued, for a few seconds you feel a powerful energy in your body....
But this energy doesn’t last.
The weird man turns his back on you and you once again feel exhausted. He’s just standing
there, quiet and absolutely immobile. You wait for almost one complete minute without moving, he’s
still immobile. You touch his shoulder carefully; it makes him jump with surprise. He turns around
and moves back to his sediment state, as he seems to have forgotten you. You see panic in his eyes,
so you calm him down by showing that you aren’t aggressive and just want to get out of this woods
to find a way back. “Oh… Hum… Ok… Where are we? I guess we can find a path… Maybe…” he
says before turning back at you again, his eyes look as though they are black… you tremble as he
stares blankly into nothing.
You understand he will not help you, nor follow you, you leave this place alone. Strangely,
while this sandbank seemed to you so small, it took you one hour to find river. Your boat is still here.
Turn to page 170 to return in search for the man
Turn to page 369 to look at the wood pieces the man gave you
Turn to page 154 to get onto the boat and head back to the village
You walk out on the roof, and immediately it feels as though you are in an inferno. Flames
surround the building, and are only growing… There he stands… Alabaster Schultz looking at you
with a devilish smile on his face. The man is brandishing a golden sabre and pistol, both of which
look vastly superior to any you’ve ever seen as though they are not from this part of the world!
Artifax continues his charge but is immediately brushed aside as his blade makes contact with
Alabaster’s, the amount of force pushing him near the edge of the roof and nowhere near the two of
“Now with him out of the way we can really start the fun” His smile only grows larger and
As you ready your sword he immediately acts! He bursts forward with lightning speed, clashing
with your blade in only an instant, making it shatter into sand sized particles. Alabaster holds his
sabre up to your chest.
“Oh no… you thought it would be over this easily? Another restart already? No. Let’s cherish
this pain.” He throws you across the roof, into a pillar of flames.
“Taste those flames! I want to see FOURTH DEGREE BURNS!”
The burns were rough, but you had to act fast. Rolling out of them and taking off all of your
clothing, you leave everything to burn… except for your newly acquired stick.
You know this stick holds great power! But in what form? It is supposed to be used to harm
other, or help oneself? This decision you have to make has little time…
Noticing Alabaster turning, you need to now unveil the stick and use it, hopefully winning the
fight for you. His boots light up and you see momentum building up, you need to use the stick!
Turn to page 7 to point the stick at Alabaster
Turn to page 21 to point the stick at yourself
You head out onto the roof and come to the ghastly sight of Alabaster slitting the throat of one
of your crew members. “So you finally have arrived! Man, I was getting bored!” He throws the
lifeless corpse into the nearby fire.
“I knew you would come; you know with you letting your master die and all…” He looks back
over the edge of the roof, and as you follow his head, you see the fallen Artifax lying dead in the
flames below.
“But like him unfortunately, you must go next. It’s just how things have to go… nothing
He begins to charge up his boots, and unveiling his sword he dashes out towards you, moving so
fast you could hardly react. His blade pieces your hip as he begins to charge up again…
“While this isn’t personal… I’m still going to have some fun”
He dashes again and leaves another cut, doing this over and over.
With such damages you begin to lose reaction… as he taunts you again, you secretly unsheathe
your newly acquired blade, and this time when he dashes past you, you press the button on the
sheath, and the beam of light juts out, upon collision with his blade, it instantly shatters.
You follow through, striking both his boots and armor, leaving him nothing to protect him as he
spirals out of control. As you stand over him, he begs for mercy as you wind back your blade.
“Please… I will let you in on my organization… together we can have full control of the seas!
Revenge is great but please know the power I am offering you!”
You look down at the man who was just so belligerent now turning into a fearful weakling. He
has no more power without his great technology… But perhaps his offer is one you could use to gain
more than just revenge…
Turn to page 54 to accept his offer
Turn to page 11 to reject his offer
You dash forward towards the gate as you catch them by surprise, turning the key the beast
immediately rams the door open, coming out to the center of the room. The pirates recoil backwards
in surprise as they point their weapons at both you and the beast.

With the beast and the pirates circling you, you wait there for someone to make the first move,
as you are completely defenseless, and the exit is now covered.

Time passes, and the beast has been rather tame since it broke from its prison… You try to speak
a few words to the pirates, but you are quickly interrupted by clapping as a man enters the room.

You’ve seen this man before… the captain of the ship, adorning his ornate hat. Looking at you
he smiles as the crew lowers their weapons. “That’s a nice trick you attempted, but it will not go
without a proper reaction”

“We spared you your life for breaking onto our island, and you attempt to not go through with
your punishment!?” He continues.

Standing there in absolute silence, you fear what his next words will be.

“But we can’t have your punishment be a quick death, right? It needs to be something you can
learn upon…”

“Daisy come give them a hug!” He points at you

You turn to see what he is referring to, but before you could, you cringe with pain. Looking
down, a massive horn has gored your body. The beast lifts you into the air, shaking you around
before tossing you into its cage.

“Sorry, fool!” the men say hysterically as they climb up and out of the room… you quickly pass
Game over
You idle the weapon in front of Artifax, before quickly turning to
Saladan who yells out:
“What?! You can’t do this to me! N-“
He was then silenced with a piece of lead between his eyes…
You dash over to remove Artifax from his binds, he squirms away from
you at first, but after looking down to see that Saladan has been killed, he
regains composure and stands next to you.
“You really did it! I thought for certain that you would have believed
him and executed me!” He begins looking frantically around the room
“… anyways, there’s no time! Guards may have heard the shot and
could be heading here any second! I know a way out, but you have to trust
He slides his hand down the nearest wall and after a strange noise
occurs, the wall opens up, and a staircase is revealed. Just then the door to
the office was busted down, and guards began to rush in! You made your
way into the alcove and the wall closed behind you just as they readied their
“Quick, these will take us where we need to go, at the end of these
steps, you will finally be able to see…”
Even through the stairwell was pitch black, you could see the faintest
outline of his body, leading you forward deeper into darkness.
Turn to page 149 to follow him down the stairs

You travel quite the distance, as your feet are aching, and your hunger
comes over you. You slowly notice that more and more bones are strewn
around the trail as the smoke clouds become larger and larger. Before too
long you hear screams of pain and strange undefinable chanting. As you
clear the hillside you look down upon a village of thatch, full of tribesmen
and bones.

In the center of the village is the source of the smoke, a large fire,
perhaps the largest one you have ever seen. A group of tribesmen surround
the fire which has a human hoisted over it, he must be the screamer that was
previously heard.

Without notice, the man is dropped directly into the fire, where his skin
turns dark red, and even louder screaming is produced.

You notice a more ordained tribesman sitting near a throne watching the
ritual take place, you believe that he is probably the chief.

As the man screams eventually die out, the horde closes in on the fire
before making a feast of the man’s corpse. Disgusted by the sight, you see
the chief inspecting an orb by his seat, glaring at it with a strange face.

The tribesmen leave the fire with a mess left behind, and they each
return to their tents. The chief stands alone still with the orb in hand and
begins worshipping it with motions and chants.

Walking forward you see a coil of rope (#103) left out, you take it for
any future need.

Looking forward it seems that the chief is still alone, and it would be the
perfect time to see him without guards.

While that idea scares you, you could always turn back to the landing
and look for a different route.

Turn to page 84 to go up to the chief

Turn to page 59 to go back to the landing

“Excellent! Now listen, I’ve already got Roy and Brandy on this with me… we’ll just need to
put this thing into action. Listen kid, you can’t mess this up, we need him dead.”

He takes you below deck to a man and a woman, who you can assume are the two mutineers he
mentioned earlier.

“Is this them? Are you sure they won’t rat?” Roy said as he got close-up in your face

“Rat!? Look at ‘em, they wouldn’t know how to do a mutiny without our help… they needs us!”

They discussed with you the plan for the mutiny for hours… while many crew members
approached your group, you don’t believe that they caught on to your plan.

You continued normal activities until night began to set, it was now time to act on your plans.
Roy and
Brandy kept all of the crew below deck, while you and the mysterious man snuck out to the top deck.

Everything was going according to plan and you think that…

“What are you all doing up here at this hour?” you hear as you turn to face Henry looking at you

As you thought up a fake excuse you were shocked to see the mysterious man unsheathe a
hidden blade and plunge it straight through the giant’s neck, killing him instantly.

“Well if size is anything to judge difficulty, Artifax should be even easier!”

How could this man overtake Henry!? That seems as if it would be impossible!

“Come friend, let’s enter together”

As you both push open the door to the captain’s quarters, Artifax greets you with a smile: “Ah!
Calico! Jerah! What a pleasant surprise! I was actually going to discuss with you in the morning
about our next step in combating the Dondorians… however it appears that there is something first
that needs to be dealt with before that…

Turn to page 326 if you possess item #38

Turn to page 64 if you do not

The journal reads:
“As I wait each night for their return, everyone else continues to bring
in my mind the fear of what is bound to occur once again. There is no
stopping it, only agony is to come. I know that he will be able to help but
only for a little until it has gone underway time and time again.”
“The archipelago is one that is small yet entirely endless, it is something
that is more unusual than not, and knowing each and every cursed soul to
inhabit these lands brings me sadness for those who are caught into this
“Henry died on this cold evening as we continued to search for the
anomaly. Strangely enough he was back with the crew within hours,
showing no signs as to knowing that he had been killed. Why is this
happening, when will it stop.”
“A name I continue to see is Locrius, why does it keep appearing and
who is this mysterious man.”
“I expect all I have previously written in this diary will come together
eventually and answers will finally be clear… this I hope, for I’m not sure
how much longer I can take of it. Once the mysterious artificer “M.M.” is
found, answers will begin to be unveiled”
“Marianne… how I long to see you just once more. Why is it that you
are one that never reappears!”
*Return to the page you were just on*
You pull from the sand a small chest, locked by only a buckle. With the
twin peaks the map showed you, you must be holding Gadagalpher’s chest!
While the chest is small, you believe that you should be able to carry it with
no encumbrance. You question whether you should open his treasure, or if
giving it back to him will bring you an even greater reward!?
*You have obtained Gadagalpher’s chest (#103) for all future runs*
*If you want to return it to him, once you are with Gadagalpher
turn to page 146
You may open this at any time to turn to page 173
*keep track of the page you were on when you open the chest, as
you will return to it afterwards*
*Lose the item Gadagalpher’s Map*
Turn to page 59 to return
The path continues along its current course for only a short distance before turning at an angle
up the slope to head in the direction of the pounding drums. You now walk alongside a small stream
that has carved a narrow channel down the hillside, its water running strongly from the recent fall of
rain. With the wind continuing to decrease in strength, you now notice previously unseen color and
movement in the forest; birds and small ground-based animals pursue their daily activities heedless
of your passage; and from far off you hear various calls – some possibly from large predators or other
threatening creatures. You remain alert and wary, seeking to control your imagination. Clouds mass
again overhead.

The stream now turns back on itself, rising steeply to where you can hear a small waterfall
further up the hillside. The narrow pathway that you follow ceases to remain alongside the stream’s
channel, continuing to climb at a manageable angle through the lofty trees and plentiful vegetation.
You walk on through a rich variety of undergrowth: tangled vines climb and loop above you in all
directions; smaller trees occupy spaces between and underneath the taller canopy; and shrubs of
many sizes fill most other available spaces, leaving few clear areas. The drums stop suddenly, and a
strange silence persists before the natural sounds of the jungle resume.

Advancing through a particularly dense thicket, you step off the pathway to navigate a wildly
overgrown patch that completely blocks forward progress. As you are carefully doing so, something
with a hard, rough surface briefly brushes against your lower leg. A sharp, piercing pain causes you
to exclaim with alarm, and something unseen at your feet scurries off at great speed. You hobble on
for several short paces before rejoining the path, now pausing to inspect the location of the injury. A
small puncture and slight redness indicate that you have suffered a type of penetrating affliction,
however, the damage appears to be very minor and you are otherwise recovering quickly from the
immediate pain.

The narrow path soon rises over a section of increasingly difficult land, climbing a steep slope
that requires significant physical effort. The drumming begins again, now faster and louder, matching
your elevated heartbeat perfectly, driving you forward with a growing desire to discover their
purpose. The pathway ends abruptly when you emerge from the undergrowth to find yourself high up
a set of rock steps: below you the carved stairway disappears into the greenery and darkness beyond;
above the stairs rise ever steeper to the summit, leading you on toward the location of the drums.

Turn to page 53 to climb these steeply rising steps to the summit

As you move forward from the door, you quickly realize where you
are… back on the other side of the wall! In total confusion you look around
yourself to see if everything was the same, and for the most part it was…
But one thing was much different; the crimson door was no longer
behind you! Even though you had just come out from it… and the crevasse
in the wall, gone.
Whatever had been over you must not want you back on the other side
of the wall… you have made your choice and will be able to reap your
You sit under one of the few trees on the beach and relax, hoping that
someone will come to your aid...
They never do.
Game over

You look around the path into the swamp, both flora and fauna are exceedingly aggressive in
here as you work your way through the brush, and into the unknown. Not too far from the entrance,
you see items strewn on the floor, some which an adventurer would use, unfortunately they are all
damaged and you deem them unusable, leaving them behind.

Massive vines in the swamp are enveloping deceased animal carcasses, the smell is
overwhelming and make its hard for you to keep focus on the constant dangers around you.

You eventually reach a stream, where a giant beast lays dormant. With its scaled body, sharp
teeth, and inch long claws, you decide to turn away from such a threat.

Unfortunately, as you quickly turn away, a terror bird screams as it runs by. Looking back at its
retreat, you see the monster open its eyes and awaken. It is not long before you see its eyes lock to
yours, and it begins its chase.

You have no idea where you are going, but you do know that this beast has only one thing on its
mind, and that’s you.

A sharp turn is seen, and you take it to hopefully lose the pursuer, but it seems to have a lock on
your smell, as he quickly turns in the exact direction, and continues at full speed.

You come to a slope, with overhanging vines, and you see there is no other way to lose the
creature. You slide down the hill weaving through the bundled vines. Immediately the scaled beast
does the same, however it is entrapped within the vines, and now as you feel safe, you take time to
catch your breath.

Turning away from your near death, you see a temple, made of copper bricks, their joints full of
moss. Outside the temple lies a strange statue (#2), it is a tribesman adorned in a feathered outfit,
strange. What is even stranger is the weird carvings in the entranceway almost as if they were a
snake-like coil.

With many skeletons darkening the floor, you wonder if this temple holds anything worth going
in for, or if it is just a deathtrap to avoid.

Turn to page 273 to enter the temple

Turn to page 59 to go back to the landing

Accepting the stealth team, the officer immediately calls you and the
other to head to the cliff side to await the pirates attack. You look out to the
bay as the pirates had begun to blow horns of war while raising their flag of
With a standard issue rifle in hand, you and your comrades positioned
yourself with a perfect view of the shipyard, what appears to be their only
point of entry. Your leading officer gave your group the plan: as soon as the
crew leaves their ship and is focusing towards the town and the assault
group, your group would unveil from your location, firing down upon them
where they will be confused and defenseless.
While most of the men in your unit have never seen combat before and
were greatly frightened, they would rather be in this position than directly
fighting the enemy. Sitting in your alcove, you waited for the signal, as you
see the ship now firing towards the town. Your captain rose his voice and
began to address you all:
“Men, many of you will die this battle, but know that giving your life
for Sir Alabaster is all that matters and doing so will be looked upon with
high honor! Now let’s go kill some pirates!”
The men now having their morale bolstered, cheered, knowing that the
enemy gangplank would drop soon. You held your weapon with a tight grip
as you prepared for whatever would come off of that ship.
Your heart nearly stopped as you heard a large wooden sound hitting the
floor… it is now time.
Turn to page 15 to engage

The man sitting before you fills with a great smile the closer you get to him.

“Ah, you are the spitting image of Calico! To see you here now is just like meeting him once

You explain that while your father is gone, you are still not sure how he had anything to do with
this ship and crew.

“Calico was once a man in a similar predicament, as he came up onto this ship he was given the
three options we give all those who set foot on this ship. As he chose to join he became a vital part of
the crew, and served us until his final days”

“Father was alive out with pirates!” you thought to yourself. How could he leave you at such a
young age to do that? Did he not think about the difficulties he would bring you growing up!

“Now, as your father did, unfortunately you must join us now, as that is what you have chosen.
Do you understand this?”

Going against a pirate’s wishes does seem to be a bad idea, so you respond to him with

“Ah, Wonderful” the captain jumps from his seat. “Welcome to the crew, I am your captain…

Artifax begins explaining how the ship is one, and cautiousness must be taken to ensure the
safety of the whole, no man gets left behind. He takes you down below to show you the sleeping

“Now this is where the rest of the crew sleeps, but you however, will be sleeping in the private
quarters down the hall” as he points to a door.

Finishing up the tour, Artifax takes you into a small room with no one else but Henry.

“I’m sure you’ve met our quartermaster, Henry?” he says as you shake your head in

“Now our crew has a problem, and we need to see if you are up for the task.” He points to a

“Canpoor has become quite the issue with naval domination. The power duo of their
Commander and Governor, they have all the resources and tactics they need. We need to put a stop to
them and fast if we are to ensure our crews’ survival”

Henry adds “The issue is, our whole crew can’t go, if there was a crisis, we need some men back
at our base to rebuild what was lost. This is on top of the other issues that we are having at base that
need to be dealt with that could end us immediately”
You think to yourself how mad they must be to discuss these topics with someone they’ve just

“We are fighting a two-headed beast, and want to hear from Calico’s kin to see what should be

Looking down at the map you see the two locations, and the lists of issues with each, neither one
being less important than the other.

Turn to page 261 to choose to go to the pirate’s base

Turn to page 370 to go back to Canpoor

You burst from the older man darting straight to the lighthouse’s door. The man behind you
shouts, “You mustn’t!” as he reaches out for you. You ignore his requests as you make your way
closer to the women who are waving you over to the doorway.

Sprinting as fast as you can, you peer back to see the older man now running just as fast as you
with a much less friendly look on his face! However, you manage to reach the doorway mere seconds
before him, and you slam the door just before he reaches you.

You turn behind you and see the four women smiling at you as they wrap a blanket around your
shoulders. With their immediate generosity, you have some fears of the old man speaking some truth,
and you stay near the exit for if you need to make an immediate exit.

The women hand you a plate of food, as they begin to tell you about the situation you have
gotten yourself into. Hungry from your journey, you begin to scarf down the meal as they talk.

“That old man may appear to be innocent, but he has been cursed. Restricted on this island, all
he can do is bring people who end up here as much suffering as he has. While our magic allows us to
prevent his access to this building, he keeps us from coming out… and by the looks of it, you as

You begin to question their honesty, and while the group of women begin to look worried, one
of them reveals a window on the story above you. Opening the blinds, you see the old man standing
back on the shore, looking out to the sea.

“Look, he’s standing out in a massive storm, any sane man would seek cover! If that doesn’t
believe you… did he offer you enlightenment?” After you confirm that is what happened they say
this should be enough proof for you.

You keep your distance while keeping eyes on the old man… he just stands there… for hours.

You are not certain if you want to be in captivity for the rest of your life, questioning if you
should leave or not…

Turn to page 57 to exit the lighthouse

Turn to page 282 to stay in the lighthouse


You look to either side of the ledge upon which you are standing, searching for a way to gain
access to the beach below. You don’t remember there being any hidden passageways on your way to
this point, so you know that the way has to be around you somewhere.

Look carefully, a whisper that feels like a command. It causes your heart to skip a beat, but you
dismiss the sound as your desire trying to lure you over the edge of the cliff; you look from left to
right again and see nothing. The paradise you see, although right there before you, feels thousands of
miles away. You decide to return back through the crack in the cliff face that brought you here, but
before entering you take in the bewitching scene around you; it pulls at your soul, trying to wrestle a
portion of it free so that once you turn your back on it you will never feel complete again.

Look carefully. That whisper again, but there is no one here but you. You stand alone on the
precipice of perfection; a voice that low, that alluring could only be breathed into your ear whilst
entwined with a lover. Look carefully. You feel like you know the voice, that you have heard it
calling out for you since you first saw the crack in the wall that lead you here. Your thoughts drift
away from you, all you can think about is standing on the beach below, feeling the sand beneath your
feet. You close your eyes in an attempt to focus your mind. If there is no way down, you need to go

Look carefully. You hear the whisper again, and then it is replaced by the constant gentle lapping
of the sea against the beach. Look carefully. Look carefully. Your eyes snap open. The whisper is not
followed by the sound of the sea. This whisper is the sound of the sea. Each word its ebb and the
flow. You watch the waves as they roll in to caress the land. Look. The kiss of land and ocean, then
the sea withdraws. Carefully.

Desire grips you again and you chastise yourself for even thinking about giving up and leaving
without at least touching the beach. You decide to carefully move to each side of the ledge. The left
leads to a dead end, the ledge ending abruptly. Which means… Your excitement quickens your pace,
and as you approach the end of the right, you see that although it thins to only a foot wide, it does
curve out around into a second crack in the rock face. You’ll need to get on all fours to crawl through
into the unknown.

Turn to page 182 to continue


You order a charge through the oncoming foes, not thinking twice as to the consequences of a
failed attempt. Running at them, you see as the plants being to open their mouth, showing of the bed
of razor-sharp blades within. Some of the less loyal men in your team run backwards to the landing,
but you continue onward.

Other plants lunge at you from your side, downing Brom before giving him a ghastly demise.
You and Ebonhall and Henry manage to slip through and have redirected the chase to the opposite
direction. Your escape is narrow, but you manage to keep a slight lead over them as you drop your
belongings to the floor.

You see a clearing but before you could make a dart to it. Plants fell from the treetops and ran at
you. Seeing as that path was now impassable, you pivoted and changed directions to the nearest
structure you could see. A caves mouth was to your left and because you had no other option, you
went for it.

You went in with your friends, but not a minute later, they were nowhere to be seen. You cried
out their names with no response…

As you go further from the mouth the already pitch-black tunnel grows darker. Each step you
take brings you fear, and eventually brings you pain as you slip and fall. Laying on your stomach you
are instantly filled with dread as your head is no longer held by the ground, it is over a giant pit.

Before you could get up, you hear a disgusting sound, the same which the plants made earlier in
your previous interaction… did they follow you in here!?!

You prepare yourself as you take the leap off of the cliff. As you do you hear jaws snapping
behind you…

While you expected the fall to be long, it was not. You suffer no injuries; however, you continue
to hear the noise of the plants movement.

You fumble around in the bottom of the pit before coming across a strange obstruction in your
path, made of stone. As you push it, light pours into the cavern. You wait until it was fully moved
before noticing that the hole for the light source was tiny, and in no way an escape for you.

Just as you turn from the window, your hand receives a massive jolt of pain. You turn to see one
of the plants now has gripped your hand and begun to tug upon it. Screaming out, you see other
plants around you lunge out to grab you elsewhere. You watch as they cover your entire body before
one lunges straight for your eyes.

Game over
Leaving Phineas to await your possible return, you ascend the tall steps of the narrow stairway
with some difficulty, cautious of the growing darkness. Never deviating in their course, you climb
over several broken steps where the rock is brittle, and your footing is unsure. You begin to hear
dripping water not too far ahead, and from somewhere just out of sight you hear the unmistakable
sound of vermin scurrying away from your footsteps.

Before too long you come upon a large level platform featuring arched six-foot alcoves on either
side. Further steps continue upward on the other side of this square platform, which is roughly paved
with many smaller pieces of stone. Now taking a closer look at an alcove, you discover that a solid
silver hoop hangs from the center of the arch: surely a device used to chain someone to when taken
captive. Stepping across to the other alcove, you find that this contains a similar device – although
here you additionally spot another indication of past imprisonment: a partially crushed human
jawbone sits upon the stained paving. Apprehension now rises within you, as the fear of meeting a
similar fate chills your soul. You move off again, hoping to see something other than these unwanted
signs of torturous death.

After climbing over further broken steps you escape the darkness and emerge into light, finding
that they join with a second staircase rising from a similar direction just off to your right. You now
continue to climb these broader steps, noticing that threatening clouds are massing overhead once
again. The air is a little cooler at this higher elevation, which is increasingly noticeable as the breeze
rises in intensity, often rushing up the hillside at your back in gusty squalls. Your expectation of what
you’ll discover at the summit grows with each step taken – as ever the unknown tantalizes without
fail, restlessly drawing you forward. The drumming continues on with great intensity, a pounding
rhythm that never slackens; the beat is intoxicating, adding needed energy to your tiring climb.

You now note a partially concealed trackway half-hidden within the trees and undergrowth off
to the right side of the staircase. Shortly ahead it connects to the stairs without any particular sign of
design or planning, having risen at an angle up the steep stope. You ignore this new path. Continuing
on past this point, you head closer to the top of the staircase.

Turn to page 53 to conclude your long ascent.

You instruct the helmsman to take the ship to Celebration Key, for all
the work that has been done in this adventure. While mid-voyage your ship
was full of excitement and cheer, with shouts of joy and alcohol being the
main happenings. All was happy, and while there may have been some
apparent hubris, the archipelago was calm and there was nothing left to
worry about!
Then suddenly, it was in front of you! Celebration Key, a place of
wonder where you could see many arrays of color from blossoming fruits
and flowers, and rainbows covering the island.
“You ever been to this place?” A crewmember asked you.
“You’ll never want to leave!” she added.
Your excitement was astronomical; all you could think about was what
will be happening in the next few minut-
Turn to page 225 to continue
The crew was in total shock as you all had made it back alive. While the celebration went on,
you noticed that there were a few men missing, perhaps from fighting the Dondorians in naval
combat? Rum was drunken, and the treasure was gone through, this trip back to the base was just the
relaxation you needed after your life was at risk dozens of occasions.
The treasure was quickly valued and traded off for more men and resources to get the crew back
to its former size before the Dondorians did their damages. Your one ship had been multiplied to
twenty, and your crew of twenty to four hundred. These seas were now in your crews control.
A few days passed before Artifax called you into his office, as you enter, you are surprised to
see him and Brom waiting for you.
“Calico, while I didn’t know it initially, you were the one that saved Brom’s life singlehandedly
in your adventure. I refuse to have you go any further without being rewarded for your actions… My
days are coming to where nautical life is in the past, our organization will need someone charting and
making routes for optimal success. In my stead, I was going to have each of our original crew lead
one of the twenty ships, Brom having this one. He wanted you to have it in his place…”
You lit up hearing this news. Captain of the same ship your father used to be a part of. This is
truly one of the last memories you have of him.
“You deserve it man. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be standing here today. I cannot wait to
have our ships working side by side” Brom added.
He reached out handing you a captain’s hat. “Now, enjoy your office, sir.” Brom said, as he and
Artifax left the office. Placing the hat upon your head, you knew that your responsibilities have now
exponentially increased.
Going out to your new crew, you looked at them as they immediately knew who you were to
them. They began to work immediately.
“Where to go, captain?”
You knew your adventure had only begun.

Game over
You charge out to the roof and see through the flames; one man stands alone… Alabaster
Schultz. He begins to laugh, stating your lack of preparation for his confrontation, as he reveals his
weapons, a blade and pistol both plated with gleaming gold, neither weapon have you ever seen
before, as though they were from a different part of the world!
“Oh now look, here you are before me. Your allies have all fallen, and now you are next… Let’s
make this quick…” He says as he steps back with anticipation.
“Ah, and you’ve brought Augustus! Double the reward! How marvelous!” Alabaster says as
Artifax reveals himself behind you.
You look back to Artifax, and in the split second you let your guard down, Alabaster had already
initiated… He moved faster than anything you’ve ever seen. He grabbed Artifax in this time,
launching him up into the air. As his body plummets into the rooftop he writhes in pain as flames
engulf his attire, Artifax manages to roll the fire off, but stays immobile…
“So I suppose it’s just you and I now? It’s a shame the master can’t watch your defeat… I
should have taken this into account…oh well, I’m sure he’ll get the idea...”
Alabaster winded back again as if he was going to dash again… you knew that now was
probably your only chance to change the advantage. You took out your newly acquired stick; the
question is if you would use its power on yourself, or him?
Turn to page 79 to point the stick at Alabaster

Turn to page 217 to point the stick at yourself

As you unveil the stick to point it at yourself, Alabaster’s dash is
immediately canceled as you see the look on his face turn to that of utter
fear. He drops his weapons and cries out to you:
“Please! Anything but that… I cannot accept that as my fate! I
surrender, I concede, just ANYTHING but that!”
How is this little stick giving him such worry? What type of power does
it possess?
Alabaster began to fly away, but as you threatened him with the power
of the stick he quickly landed and dropping his flying equipment, ran on
foot to the door to get down from the roof.
You hear him whisper “I don’t know how he got that… but once I get
back to the lab I’ll be able t…” *thwack*
Artifax had come from the edge of the roof and struck Alabaster with a
nearby burning plank. The powerhouse laid unconscious on the floor and
while Artifax hovered his pistol over him you tried to persuade him not to
kill him, but to use him for a better cause. Artifax was only looking for
revenge, but you had to keep him from exacting that revenge.
Turn to page 42 to talk Artifax down
*Thwack* The door slams open, waking you up abruptly from your sleep. You reach around for
your items, but your clutch turns up empty… all of your items are gone! Grasping upwards you see
in the doorway… Alabaster Schultz.

“I normally wouldn’t treat a humble guest this way, but for you… I had to make an exception.
There cannot be a choice for your decision… You will need to join us”

Guards fill up the room and you lay there with your hands in the air. They quickly put braces on
your hand and carry you out of the room.

“I know it would be rude of me to have you go from such a plush room to this…” He opens a
door, revealing a concrete room with bars in the way. “…But it has to be done…Enjoy being part of
our organization!” He shuts the door behind himself.

Days pass and while they continue to barely keep you alive with food and water, you haven’t
done much else in this time. A guard is always posted at your door looking inwards, so you don’t
have any space to evaluate the room and plan an escape.

Finally, around a week later, you hear his voice again… Alabaster. With it growing louder, you
know that he is about to pay you a visit. He quickly opens the door showing his wretched smile…
“How’s your new arrangements, partner?” You sit there in silence. “Oh, do cheer up… It could be
worse… you could be dead! Now quickly…” He tosses you your old spyglass “Where is the rest of
your crew staying! You are the only one who can utilize this, and only you can guide us. Where. Are.

With a pistol up to your head, you give him the coordinates as he quickly takes back the
spyglass. “Ah now that’s good business! See you in a month, partner!” He slams the door behind
him… Is this really going to be the rest of your life…

Game over
Walking toward the old hag, you now notice that she tends to a large steaming cauldron. She
occasionally tosses unseen items into the boiling broth within the vessel, and continuing to beckon
you forward, moves her body in an odd yet fluid dance, matching the shaman’s ongoing chants. You
observe many of the bewitched audience members as you pass – their grotesque, grinning faces leer
weirdly with a deranged, unfocussed appearance; mindless souls lost within spiritual madness. A
slight chill spreads throughout your body as you witness the exhausted expressions of the drummers:
they must be on the very edge of collapse. Potent energy also fills the air with tangible threat and
menace – a maelstrom of minds with only one purpose. The vigorous beat continues.

The grey-haired hag is gnome-like in stature and appearance: an old woman of plentiful
wrinkled skin and ample girth. She wears a motley collection of fabrics and skins, which hang
loosely over her stocky frame, and her bulbous nose features an ugly wart. Although unattractive, she
has an irresistible quality about her – a projected sense of authority and mastery – that draws you
closer, almost as if your legs were now moving by her command. Around her prominent stomach you
notice a bulky leather belt, to which is attached many small trinkets and other odd items. Some of
these objects glint as she turns in rhythm to the beat, lightly clinking together as they sway from side
to side. You are drawn to her, intrigued by her role in this dramatic ceremony.

Drawing nearer to the stone dais, you begin to smell her sweet-smelling concoction. Its unusual
aroma is strong and enticing: a mixture of many known and unknown ingredients that are not
individually identifiable once blended together. She now chants loudly in unison with the shaman and
throws in a quantity of shoots and large green leaves, before also sprinkling a handful of something
with a granular appearance into the pot. A cloud of steam immediately rises in response, and she
nods in approval, a thin smile stretching across her dry, cracked lips.

The old hag now mixes her concoction with a long ladle made of bone, vigorously stirring in a
circular motion. The brew is nearing readiness. You stand before her and she meets your inquisitive
eyes: captured starlight seems to sparkle within hers, projecting wisdom and the mystery of days now
long past. You catch your breath, recognizing the veiled power of an ancient mind. She slowly dips a
small wooden bowl into the pot and then offers it to you with outstretched arms, inviting you to
drink. She chants mournfully, in tune with the moaning wind.

Turn to page 25 if you refuse the offered drink.

Turn to page 69 if you accept and then drink the ceremonial brew.
Looking at the end of your shovel, you see a deep shade of brown, deep
under the sandy ground. You continue to dig around the brown and after
just a few scoops, you confirm to yourself that it is the treasure that the map
was leading you to! You hoist up the treasure and while it is smaller than
you expected, you are still proud of your discovery!
You wonder if returning it to Gadagalpher will be worth your time… or
perhaps you should check to see what he is desiring after all of these
*You have obtained Gadagalpher’s chest (#102) for all future runs*
*If you want to return it to him, once you are with Gadagalpher
turn to page 250
You may open this at any time to turn to page 96 (Remember your
page # so that you may turn back afterwards)
*Lose the item Gadagalpher’s Map*
Turn to page 103 to return
You move fast and quiet entering the base, keeping your ears out for any voices… the cave is
surprisingly quiet for how many men you were expecting in here.

The tunnel opens up to a circular room, which while showing signs of activity, such as a
massive bonfire, is empty... In the back of the room you see two doors, one left wide open, and the
other closed.

As you walk forward to investigate, you begin to hear voices… and they are continually
growing louder! You don’t dare get close to either door, but you see an aura of light forming and
growing underneath the closed door.

They’ll be here any second!

You look around for a place to hide, but with only tables and chairs scattered through the room
you need to find a better place to hide!

You think that heading back to your ship would buy you some time to make your escape, or
perhaps you could hide among their ship? The other alternative is to hide inside the back room,
although you are a bit worried as to what could be back there…

You can finally hear what is being said by the crew, hearing the phrases “Finding the Oculasis”
and “Searching the entire city of Canpoor”

The door being approached is nearly lit to its entirety; they are that close! You need to get out of

Turn to page 10 to exit the cave

Turn to page 336 to go into the back room

You take your time, carefully looking for a safe approach down the
crater as you find the most gradual slope you could. Luckily your time was
worth it as you made it down completely unscathed!
Towards the tree you headed, but not before you took in the amazing
sight of looking towards the sky from the center of this crater. Why has this
island not been found yet?! Both its beauty and seemingly endless fruit
could be a massive boon to the world… there must be a reason.
“Come on now! We mustn’t waste time!” Artifax said from the
doorway; you sped up to reach him.
“Hmmpfh, these symbols must mean something… but what!?” he
begrudgingly spoke
Taking a look at the symbols you saw a circle, followed by two stick
figures, then three circles…
The doorway felt as though there was something divine brewing from
within it…
You looked at Artifax who gave you a nod of confirmation as you
entered the doorway, which lead you up a spiral staircase to somewhere
Turn to page 19 to continue

Your team walks lifelessly up to the coast. Climbing the mountainous path, keeping all eyes out
to avoid danger.

“Our ship! We can get some medical supplies! Finally!” Ebonhall cried.

“No.” Henry spoke, swatting all signs of hope.

“Look at the striped sails… Do…”

“Dondorians” Brom interrupted.

“Exactly… the last people we want to see” Henry spoke, wanting back the center of the

As you monitored the ships, you catch movement in your peripherals.

“Everyone duck! A team of them is rolling up!” Henry ordered, as five men marched near your

As they pass by, your team can still see them as they trek up the cliffside.

“They must be searching for something, look!” Henry ducks, seeing another group much further
down on the beach.

You look in their heading direction and see a stone structure just peaking over the tree line.

“That must be their objective!” Brom spoke.

“Screw the objective! Let’s just take their ship” Aaron suggested.

“No. Take a closer look” Henry tossed him a spyglass

The ship was still filled with crewmen, strangely preparing their cannons.

“That would be suicide”

“That tower must have some importance if the Dondorians are here for it… One of their groups
may be able to “help” us get there…” Henry continued his plan.

“We could try and slip by the ship and follow the beach group, or head back towards the cliff,
and follow the closer group”

“There is no time to think, every minute lets them get closer to their goal, they must be
Your group awaits your command, while just a short distance away, a strange old man signals
you over to him…

Turn to page 17 to go down to the beach

Turn to page 32 to go towards the cliffs

Turn to page 274 to visit the old man


You look down to the plank and see that it’s the least vague of the options. As you say your
selection to the crew, they smile as they begin preparations.

“Wonderful choice!” the giant spoke, as he untied you from your shackles.

“Your father chose this option years ago, and made an example of himself, not being afraid of

You got up, your arms and chest aching from being restrained by tight rope for so long. As you
walked over to the plank, you looked down and saw the long drop, this isn’t going to be too bad.

“Here, we will tie your ankle to the ship, so you don’t swim away from us, or drown, something
your father nearly did” he spoke, as he finished triple knotting the rope.

“All you have to do is make this jump, and you will prove your bravery among us”

“You’ll survive this” you thought as you made your way to the end of the plank.

Your heart pounding from the excitement makes you want to jump and get it over with, but
before you can jump, the man calls to you.

“I’ve never seen such cowardice from a person, you embarrass Calico with your falsehood” he
yelled as he forcefully retracted the plank

Falling headfirst you make your decent, but you quickly feel a heavy fight on your ankle. By the
time you hit the water, you see a massive grey ball following behind you, attached by a rope.

You try your hardest to keep yourself afloat, but as soon as the weight hits the water, you
immediately become submerged.

The murky water only gets worse as you go down, and the feeling of breathlessness comes upon

Eventually the pressure takes over you, and as you close your eyes, a group of aquatic humans
surround you, as you black out.

Your unconscious body quickly releases the last of the air you had saved, and you don’t awaken.


Game over
Your entire ship quaked with no pre-warning, as you and the crew
looked around, you could not find the cause of the interruption… but you
knew that it wasn’t going to be good, Celebration Key was going to have to
There were no other ships around, so what could be happening!?
Then you saw it… rising out from the water, was not one, but three
tentacles! As the crew reacted, getting close to the edge of the ship to see
what they could be from, one of them was grabbed, and there was little
hesitation before he was brought underwater!
Firearms were immediately drawn by the crew as they fired upon the
attacking tentacles, it was then that on the other side of the ship, a towering
figure rose from the water… the monster’s head!
As it makes eye contact with you and your men, it looks to be enraged
that its newly acquired injuries are from you all… it winds back its tentacles
as you believe it’s ready to strike the ship!
Many of your allies were jumping ship in order to escape!
“Calico! Come quickly!” they call to you, as they request that you leave
the ship with them.
“Stand your ground men, we can take it!” you hear as you see others
preparing for conflict.
You know that these are the only two things that you can do now, fight
or run… which will you do?
Turn to page 123 to fight the monster
Turn to page 66 to abandon ship
“Do it!” Artifax yells as he pushes your hand forward, leading the point straight into the man’s
heart. He tried to get one last phrase out but went immediately into shock as he reached out towards
you. His expression ceased and as he stopped making noises, so did his heart.
“He talks of Henry as if he knew him… to disdain his name like that, he was almost
undeserving of a quick death”
You looked at Artifax questioning him why he gave no room for the man to speak, Artifax gave
his best explanation, but you knew that anger was solely what lead his decision.
“Come on, let’s get out of here…” Artifax said as he looked around in confusion. “Where is the
exit though…”
You did a thorough search of the corpse and found nothing that would help you. Forced to walk
in blindness you hugged a wall in hopes that you would eventually reach an exit.
Ten minutes pass and while uneventful, you eventually hear a voice coming from above…
“Ah Artifax my old friend, you really thought you could allude me in there? While I wish I
could see your final expressions, this is the quickest and easiest method to finally remove you from
my life, enjoy the sewage, scum.”
You and Artifax drew your weapons, waiting for a fight, after a few seconds of not seeing
anything you knew that something was up…
*sssssss* came from the celling
Whatever that noise was couldn’t be good… you and Artifax ran a quick as you could to escape
the noise… however, wherever you ran, the noise was over you.
Mere moments pass and your vision became blurred, your movement sluggish, and your
motivation vanished. You see Artifax face plant into the floor of garbage shortly before you do the
same, never to awake.
Game over
The figure’s finger extends out to your direction: “They must be the selected!”
The table immediately started an uproar, each complaining of how they should be the pirate
lord… weapons were pointed at one another and curses filled the room. While they were arguing
with one another, they also were shouting anger at the person who suggested you to be the selected.
After just mere seconds of the quarrel, the hood was removed, revealing a blonde-haired woman
giving off a disgruntled grimace. The room instantly went to silence again.
“You all need to listen to me… they cannot”
As you listened to her, both you and all the others in the room were in complete awe as the voice
that came from her mouth did not suit her at all… it was the voice of a man?
As she saw your reactions, her face lit up with the knowledge of what was wrong. Just as
quickly as she was revealed, she managed to leave the room unhindered.
The room was silent due to the events that had just occurred, but after you scanned the room,
you noticed that the others were now lifeless in the positions they were just in… no moving, blinking
or even breathing was happening…
And just like that, they began to move again!
“Now let’s give three cheers to the new pirate lord!”
The group of once argumentative individuals had now come together surrounding you in
celebration… are you the pirate lord now? Just minutes ago they were all opposed to the idea!
They dawn you with a hat and sword, and before you could even comprehend the extent of what
was happening, you were placed onto a ship sailing out to the sea, ready for an adventure that you
were not prepared for…
Game over
You yell to your men to prepare for battle! Arming themselves and loading the cannons, you
sailed straight towards the Dreadship. To avoid their cannon fire, you went straight for the ship’s
bow, looking to turn off last second to release your barrage, although strangely enough, they did not
deviate from their path, and continued to head straight at you!
When you saw the right opportunity, you had the ship steer slightly before you gave the orders
to fire! The cannonballs blasted straight into the enemy ship, but to your confusion you watched as
the ship took little to no damage from them!
The enemy cannons quickly counterattacked, releasing their cannon’s payload. But they were
not cannonballs that were released… grappling hooks attached to your ships railings! This disallowed
your ship to continue its movement as it was now trapped.
“Board!” You hear from the other ship as you see many darkly clad combatants swing over to
your ship using rope. “ATTACK!” is heard, and you now see who is giving the commands as a much
larger man swings over, wielding a gleaming black cutlass.
An immediate confrontation was held between the two crews, and as the opposing captain went
up to your ship’s wheel, he began to quickly engage in combat with some of your higher-ranking
members. You seem to be both outnumbered and outmatched, you will have to do something quickly
to swing the tide of this battle!
Turn to page 278 to fight the enemy crew members
Turn to page 24 to fight the enemy captain
Turn to page 357 to go beneath deck
Turn to page 46 to swing across to the enemies’ ship

The box continues to talk: “Listening to me now, you must know that this archipelago… each
and every… threatening…”

You turn to Reavon who is staring at you… questioning him about what is being said, he replies
“Just wait, you’ll understand soon enough”

The box continues: “With me assisting you though this process, you will be able to overcome
your greatest obstacle… now know this process won’t be easy but you will learn that in due time…
Place your finger on the center panel”

You did as it requested however immediately after, the box shut itself to your surprise… is this
all it had to say…?

But! The box flung itself back open, except now the box’s insides of gray were turned to a deep
red… and a skull appeared in its center.

A voice began to talk; however, it was a much different voice than before…

“Your insolence is something that must be admired… for someone so close you could not be
further! This lack of insight needs to be punished…”

You try to let go of the device, but your hands seem to be attached, and you cannot let go! A
green needle begins to protrude from one of the handles, inching towards your wrist. It pierces you
and after a few seconds, begins to retract… you notice it no longer has its green color...

You have gained a virus (#35), keep this between your runs

“I really liked you… but you really have shown your true colors here…” You hear from around
the corner, as Reavon has moved his position.

Suddenly you feel a massive sensation on both sides of your neck! Your arms begin to flail
sporadically, and you can hardly see as your eyes began to blink rapidly.

You fall to the floor…

Game over

You see yourself holding the box again however… colored green this time, you are in a different
place though… a colorless cube-shaped room. “If you want to come back, four items I will need.
Ma_k, Th__ble, Do__, S_ul_ Co_n… bring these to me and you will finally learn…

Turn to page 166 to learn (If you possess items #107 #68 #123 and #82)
You inform them of your choice for the “Greenhorn” as they all turn and smile towards each
other. Before you can question them as to what their response is for, they push you out of the cave
and towards their ship.

You notice that they’re not preparing the ship to set sail… what are they up to?

They take you below to the second deck… and down to the third… as you wait for what every
they are taking you to, you see one of your guides rummaging through the floorboards, as he opens
up another trapdoor, which leads you all to the fourth layer…

This deck is pitch black, and after a few steps you hear a disgusting sound of some sort of
monster! As one of the men lights a torch you are disgusted upon seeing a massive beast chained up
in a large cell! The green beast has two legs, a massive mouth, and one very large horn…

“In…once you receive your punishment, you’ll be free to go…”

What are you supposed to do while you’re in there? That horn could drill right through you!

One man puts the key in its hole, and leaves it to come to pull you towards the door… Leaving
it wide open, you question whether you should open the door and free the beast to cause enough
chaos to escape… or if going along with this “Greenhorn” would be better so that you won’t have
issues with these armed frightening men…

“Come on…hurry up!” The men say! Now’s your only chance to make a move!

Turn to page 342 to enter the cage

Turn to page 199 to open the cage and free the beast
You and your team decide on meeting the man and seeing what he has
to say. As you move closer to him, you notice that he is shrouded by the
caves darkness, and until you approach him, all you will see is the golden
glimmer of his jewelry.
The closer you get, the worse the air begins to smell… have the slain
Dondorians really began to decompose this quickly? You wait for the man
to utter any response to your advancement, but you cringe at his silence.
The man is now only feet in front of you, and as you take your last step
towards him, he lunges out from the darkness. Much to your surprise he
was hardly a man, with skin peeling off of his face, bone revealed.
Whatever this monstrosity was, he took you by surprise, and attacked via
his mouth at Ebonhall.
Your team tries to respond quickly to defend, but it has already sunk its
teeth into her hand, as she cries out in pain. She rips it free, leaving a couple
of her fingers in his mouth. You all finally are able to knock the creature
back, and as you care to Ebonhall her arm begins to quickly turn shades of
green. You try to get back to the chest, so that you can get out of there, but
by the time you arrived there, you saw groups of silhouettes coming at you
from both ends of the tunnel.
Trying to formulate a plan about what to do, you are suddenly attacked,
not by a stranger, but Ebonhall, as she looks at you with a face of mania.
Her bite leaves a similar color on your arm, as your mind begins to cloud.
Rage and violence are all you can think about, as she handles the rest of the
group with ease. You walk slowly towards the group as you join the hoard
as one of them.
Game over

You slide towards the exit! As you do so, the rumbling continues to
grow more and more! Going feet first into the door you barely get your foot
in before *BAM* a large boulder crushes your leg! The pain is incredible;
you find yourself flailing uncontrollably from it. Other rocks continue to
fall, as if it was raining. You see the exit now being filled by rock, and if
you are to escape here, you have to do so fast!

You spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to remove the rock
from your leg. Pushing, and pulling the gargantuan doesn’t move it an inch,
trying out other methods doesn’t work either. You try to drag yourself out
from underneath the rock, and as you do, another falls on top of your arms.
Writhing in pain, your final free appendage whips around in the air, as your
screams echo through the hall.

Unfortunately, moments later, one final rock falls, and the screaming
dies out, not to be done again.

Game over
You instantly have to react as both men to your sides lift their blades to
attack you! With only your cutlass in hand, you are forced to spin around in
place in attempts to block their weapons. This was initially effective, but
when they began to swing more wildly, issues arose.
They starting to swing at your sides, and due to the tight nature of your
environment, as you attempted to block, your blade made contact with the
walls around you. Your blocks became more and more ineffective, when
eventually they broke through your defense, piercing your clothing with
their jagged blade.
You collapsed to the floor out of sheer pain, and you watch as the five
men all jump to you at once, all of them crouching over your fallen body.
Instead of questioning you, or even just looting you, they rose their blades
in unison as they plunged them into your chest.
Your screams sounded just as the ones that allured you to investigate
this alleyway, screams that you wish you never heard.
You lose consciousness and will never know how they finished you off.
Game over
You grip both ends of the sticks, each in a hand. Slamming them down
onto your knee, you hear the sound of them snapping. You were uncertain
as to why you were doing this, as they had just provided you insight, but
regardless you thought it necessary.
As the now four pieces of wood lay on the floor, you gain a sense that
something is about to happen… that’s when you hear…
From the thicket you see the strange man running straight towards you!
You look down to your side and grab a rock in case he tries to attack you.
But luckily he slows to a stop just before he’s within arm’s reach.
“You… you did it! You broke the curse of those blasted sticks!” he said
as a tear came to his eyes.
“I cannot remember my life off of this sandbank, ever since I touched
those infernal things I have been nothing but a husk… you saved me!”
He looked nothing like he did mere minutes ago, with a smile on his
face, he grew into that of excitement as he began furiously digging into the
Turn to page 126 to continue
You eventually reach the bottom of the slide and get to a mound of golden artifacts and
weapons… Most of these things you have never seen before in your life! Small metallic houses,
Devices making strange almost unnatural noises, and glass screens with glowing lights… Alabaster is
no inventor, how did he get his hands on all of this unknown equipment?
Near the center of the treasure laid a shiny cylindrical object, it was in a mount as such a
weapon would be. In front of the mount a plaque read “Kraken’s Bane” You pick up the item and
upon touching part of it, a colorless beam of light emanated from it, making unusual sounds. Due to
the items’ sword-like appearance, you try slicing one of the items in the room with it, and you’re
amazed to see that it cuts through metal as though it was nothing… You take the strange blade for
when you’ll need it…
Making your way around the room, you finally find the way out of this treasure room and back
up to the roof. Right in front of the exit, however, lays a metal structure, with four sword-like blades
on top of it. In front of this device is a sign that reads “Escape vehicle” … could this device take you
and some of these treasures out of here, and away from this whole mess? The way to operate the
vehicle was listed inside, yet it seems as though it is more complex then you have ever dealt with.
You can’t wait here too long, Alabaster is still on top of the roof and probably killing more of
your allies… Artifax needs to be avenged, and you need to know that there is only one thing left to
do… but are you ready to face him… maybe making an escape and coming back another day may be
the better choice…
You hear louder gunshots now coming from the room… time is up.
*You have gained the “Strange Blade” (#51) for all future runs*
Turn to page 49 to use the “Escape vehicle”
Turn to page 198 to head to the roof
The hanging object is held within the thin, knotted branches of a small tree. Unfortunately, to
reach it you will have to step off the staircase and attempt to find a secure foothold on the hillside’s
steeply uneven ground – and then maneuver your body into a position where you can reach inside the
tree’s twisted branches to secure your prize.

Reluctantly leaving the safety of the stone steps, you search for suitable handholds and
footholds, aware of the grave danger of any sudden slips and subsequent falls. Twisting and turning
to avoid the steepest sections of the hillside, and with your keen eyes probing every possibility, you
slowly manage to creep across most of the required distance to where the object hangs. It teasingly
rotates this way and that with the breeze, glinting in the shadows as an edge catches the dull half-

After calculating the final few steps that will see you crouching on a shelf of moss-covered rock
and small pebbles, you move on with only minor hesitation, remaining low to ensure that your
clothing does not snag on any of the numerous low branches. Now braced against a rock edge upon
the slippery shelf, you pause and inspect every direction, eager to identify the best route to where you
can access what you desire. Moving with purpose to quickly grab the lost object, your foot slips on
the loose stones and the weight of your falling body crashes into the tree, shaking it so violently that
the ornament – a sculpted pendant – falls from its branch to lodge within a nest of detritus at the base
of the trunk.

Cursing the gods of misfortune, you are now forced to lie prone on the damp ground to reach the
fallen object. Small puddles of water quickly dampen your clothing and mood, yet you are
successfully able to grasp the pendant and then ease yourself backward out from under the knotted
tree to retread your various steps back to the staircase.

The sculpted stone pendant is attached to a loop of twined, supple reeds, which is connected
through a small hole at the top of the diamond-shaped piece. The reflective stone is beautiful;
mesmeric in both form and visual splendor, its surface is multifaceted with single decorative symbols
carved onto either side. One side is adorned with the profile of an elegant standing bird, while the
other side depicts an attractive fish, featuring sleek fins and bizarre appendages radiating from its tall

Very pleased with your find, you pocket this prize and resume your climb, pondering over the
type of person that would have created such a unique item.

*You have gained “Stone Pendant” (Item #122) for all future runs*

Turn to page 283 to continue your climb up the stone staircase.


You and your single bag of treasure make it to the end of the long strand
of cave. As you reach the end, it opens up onto a massive room! It is almost
as if it was a port at one time, there are boxes, and houses in here, but it
seems uninhabited… maybe smugglers have taken this place up as a base of

You venture throughout the area looking through every crevice. All you
have found are spices, weapons, and rum… maybe your suspicions were
correct about the place? You take up one of the pistols while you hold your
bag in the other hand in case someone does indeed attack you in here. You
aren’t in the best position to fight, but it is better than having both hands

The boats out of here must be somewhere! You scour the place and
eventually come upon the bay, which has a rather large structure in the
center of it… could this be a boat, and a way out of here, or is it just another
problem that is now in your way?

Turn to page 144 to move closer to the bay

Climbing up the trellis, you avoid all the flowering tomatoes and
eggplants intertangled in the coiling vine work. While the climb was
difficult due to the rotting structure of the trellis, you managed to get you,
alongside Artifax and Henry up and into the adjacent room.
From within you are immediately reached with a gruesome sight, as
freshly burned corpses lay across the floor… some of your crew… some
not… crying comes from the other room.
Cracking the door so slightly, you gain vision of what appears to be a
melancholy woman, weeping upon her bed, with her face in her hands. Is
she being held prisoner? What is the cause of her sadness?
“Leave her alone. The less attention we bring upon ourselves, the
better.” Henry suggests in a stern tone.
While the next room over houses some strange objects that may prove
useful; this woman could give a way to Alabaster, which potentially could
sway the advantage in this battle.
“You do not want that woman to find us.” Artifax says, as her crying
grows even louder.
Your gut is telling you two different decisions; the longer she cries, the
greater the chance of a guard coming up and finding you…
Turn to page 381 to approach the woman
Turn to page 285 to go to the next room

You report the location of the forested island, and the ship quickly begins its voyage. You are
explained how this island has been known to house great resources such as redwood and foleaester,
but it’s goods come with a cost. There have been multiple trips to obtain those resources, and many
have not come back.

These goods are valuable enough to revitalize the base, and bring the crew back into a powerful
position, but the risk is there.

“Only a small group of us will go out once we arrive.” The captain spoke.

“We cannot risk any more casualties than we have received lately, so a group of five would be
the maximum!” Henry added.

The crew quickly grew into discussion of who should go. Some not wanting the danger, and
other desiring the adventure. This quarrel went on for a very long time.

“Enough!” Artifax screamed. “Henry and I have decided on who will be going on this trip!”

“That is right; Brom, Aaron, Ebonhall, Calico, and myself are the ones chosen!” Henry ordered.

“The rest of you will be circling the island, and watching for any potential risks, or findings,
which we can use to our advantage.”

He continued to speak, as you see the three other crew members coming onto the trip with you;
Brom is a stout man with massive arms, Aaron could be described as lanky, tattooed all over his
body, and Ebonhall, a woman who to your surprise was eying you down quicker than you could to

“… and so, we must stay observant in our entry, and use all available resources that we
possess.” Henry concluded.

“Now let’s go!”

To your surprise, the ship was already stopped, and the others were jumping out of the ship. You
did so to follow, running after them into the woods.

After some time, a branch in the clearing became clear. As you observe each, one was full of
brush, but you could hear immense buzzing. The other provided no sound at all but had a group of
strange looking plants in the way.

“Calico, you’ll need to choose which path you think would be best!” Henry suggested.

Turn to page 5 to go towards the plants

Turn to page 406 to go towards the buzzing

You slip from your quarters, staying low and out of sight from the posted sentries around your
room. Reaching one of the portals to outside the domed city, you jump through just as you hear the
alarms sound… they know you’re leaving!
As you get up to the portal it sucks you into the ocean! You are now surrounded by water, as you
look to the inside of the city, with dozens of guards rushing towards the portal you had just entered!
You make a break for the coral patch, and just as you reach there, you turn to see people
scattering out of the city calling out for you! You believe that this location should be safe enough, but
you are not certain, all you desire is to find the source of the light you saw previously.
Scouring the location, you see a lot of animals moving throughout their ecosystem… but no
abnormal light…
You ponder if what you saw was just a mistake… but then you turned and saw it. The flashing
Swimming over to it, the light begins to dim, and then you see what it was guiding you to. Some
of the coral had stripes of abnormal color on top of them…
“I. O. S.”
What could this mean, and why would a light lead you here…
You feel pain in your side.
“Over here! The escapee!”
You watch as your hunters surround you, with the last thing you see being dozens of harpoons
heading straight for you…
Game over
Quickly you free the prisoners from their cell, and after showing them the nearby relics, they
quickly equip themselves to defend against the incoming pirates…

Catching them off guard your group get the first strike as you rapidly remove some of the first
men you come into contact with. You can see though, that some of the prisoners are untrained in
combat as they begin falling left and right in fair duels.

However, you regain courage as you see one prisoner completely destroying all who opposed
him. This man was as agile as a fox, weaving over and under his targets with ease, hastily eliminating
them with no difficulty… This man alone was perhaps the sole reason why you all held on and
secured the hull.

Hearing voices of the pirates above you, they say: “Fall back to the captain’s quarters, we’ll let
them bring the fight to us!”

Were they really backing out that quickly? These destructive pirates didn’t seem like the people
that would think with much strategy…

Regardless, after seeing how many of your men were left, you gathered items off your fallen
foes for the next fight. There was only one way up from this part of the ship, and so whether you
think destroying the last of the pirates would be a good decision, or simply escaping with your life
would be better, it would have to wait until you got to the deck…
Turn to page 75 to head up to the deck
You asked Artifax if coming back another time would be safer, as you
would have more equipment and knowledge of what tactic would be best to
efficiently explore the island.
Walking away from the crater you knew that there was adventure that
you were leaving behind, but it would probably be better in the long run if
you took your time in this…
The shore couldn’t come quick enough… you missed seeing your crew
members, knowing that they each must be dying of boredom doing nothing
on the ship…
But you felt off as you approached the ship… not a single person was
on the deck of the ship… there was little reason that this would be the
case… Artifax called out for anyone’s response, but none was given…
You got onto the ship and ran down below deck in hopes to find a single
person there…none.
Strangely you did find something out of place… a group of lemons,
how they got in here was beyond you.
You spent hours searching the surrounding area of the ship, but there
were no footprints in the sand… where did they go!?
Stuck here with no crew members, taking off onto your ship would be a
death sentence… It looks as though this island will now be your home, and
you had better get used to lemons…
Game over
What a strange place you are in!! You have a sensation of drowning, yet
you don’t have any fear or pain. Heading down a vortex of water you could
see the surrounding ecosystem thriving with both flora and fauna of types
that you could never imagine.
You have a feeling of fear as the vortex begins to bend you towards a
massive structure, you brace yourself for impact, but as you see a section of
the dome shimmering an unusual color, you realize that is your destination.
Once you are through the shimmer, you notice that the vortex is gone and
now you are within the dome, with no water on its inside.
You take a moment now that you are in no immediate danger to assess
the situation, seeing that this smaller dome is the first in a chain of domes,
with the neighboring one having towering buildings within it. How are you
going to escape this place?! You aren’t even certain how you got into the
vortex and looking around, there is no shimmer to exit the dome…
You decide to walk towards the next dome in hope for answers, but
almost immediately you are interrupted by a strange person who came out
from it. They were not a human though, with their distinguishable
characteristic being grooves on their neck.
“Come with me, you mustn’t freely roam the city… stay in line and
everything will be okay”
He turns around heading back to the dome, gesturing you to follow.
With no other alternative, you follow them into the next dome.
Turn to page 128 to follow them

Against the crew’s suspicions you suggest that there is no possible reason for this woman nor
island to be haunted. You have Henry bring the ship as close to the shore as he can before you and
the rest of the crew get out and approach the woman. As she spots your advance, she walks in the
opposite direction, making you and your crew chase after her. While she continues to move, she
never gets out of your vision, and this annoying pattern continues for some time.

After you have noticed she has stopped moving away, you all finally group around her. She
ended up on a cliff overlooking the ship below. The glimmer in her hand continues to shine, and
while you cannot see what it is, she beckons you over to view it under her cupped hands.

The crew leans in towards her hands, and as she opens them to reveals what was inside, she
spreads them apart, releasing a cloud of shards which leaves you all with debilitating eye pains,
vision is near impossible.

Cannon’s fire rips apart your ears, leaving you and the crew writhing in pain as you wait for a
confrontation… or is she stealing your ship? Anything could be happening, and you can do nothing
about it due to this ailment.

However, nothing else pains you. You don’t feel any hostiles touch, you and your crew just lay
there for upwards of ten minutes, while the same cannon fire goes off repeatedly.

You regain some of your vision after the time has passed, and as you take in the situation, you
wish that you had lost it again. Below the cliffside you see your boat, completely set ablaze. A
different ship, which you believe to be the attacker, sits at its port side continually blasting it with
cannonballs. This ship shines with a blue glow.

Before you could speak another order, a horde of the ships crewmen jump ship towards your
direction. You get the crew up to run, but you hear screaming down by the beach. You turn to see the
crew sprinting while completely submerged by water, all coming right for you.

Running from your spot, you see no possible place to hide. They are too fast, and you don’t
have a craft to escape the island.

A branching path comes before you with nothing but the brush leading your way

Turn to page ? to go down the left path

Turn to page ? to go down the right path

Unfortunately, before you could make this decision, a group of the men jumped you from
behind. Your final sight was that of your executioner’s face. His eyeball was jutting out from its
socket, and its face was completely void of flesh. He took out his rusted blade and ended your
confusion and disgust.

Game over

The idea of the double doors seems to be a safer one than an unknown
island, or a plank mostly used for dropping people into the drink. Giving
your answer to the crew, they quickly grow jovial, and untie you

“So, you are his kin!” a large man spoke.

You questioned how the three options had anything to do with your dad,
and while you were not given an answer that suits you, you were told about
how the captain will have more information to give you.

It is strange how with just a simple decision, you have gone from
captive to friend, and yet you can’t complain.

Introductions came from everyone, including your initial antagonist,

named Henry. You were shown around the main deck, and down below,
bewildered as to why this was necessary, and what its purpose was.

“Now it is time, for your real introduction.” Henry spoke as he directed

you towards the captain’s double doors.

“This meeting will either remove all of your problems, or bring a whole
‘nother load your way… I hope you choose wisely.”

As you walk forward the ships anchor goes down, you know you’ll be
here a while. Your stomach turns as you put your hand on the door and push
forward to this deadly trial you have before you.

Another surprise comes to you as in front of you sits a man not looking
like the other pirates, but a formal negotiator.

He calls you forward.

Turn to page 209 to walk to him


You go through the door with wavy lines. As you step warily it seems to
be irrelevant as another trap quickly encapsulates you. The tiles you stepped
on had another pressure plate on them, and as it was triggered, the door
behind you quickly closed shut.

The only source of light was opposite of the room, in the form of a
single torch. As you continued forward the sides of the room began to open
up. Sounds of steam passing into the room is all you can hear, although you
cannot see it due to how dim everything is. Walking forward, your steps
begin to turn sluggish as something begins to encapsulate your every move.

You eventually get close enough to the light where you can see the
cause of this sluggishness…. The whole floor has been filled with snakes!

While these snakes don’t seem to be aggressive, you then see a large
reptilian appear before the exit, a massive serpent probably twenty feet of
length. Its eyes immediately lock to yours and it begins charging to your

You know that there is no escaping the beast, the only way out is behind
it. As you look to your available options you know that the room is big
enough to get around the snake if you let it come forward enough. The only
other thing you can think of is fighting the creature and hopefully defeating

As you ponder, the beast continues to charge, you need to get out of

Turn to page 376 to fight the snake

Turn to page 175 to avoid the snake

You are in a place like no other! You were just there and now you are here!...
Pitch black… no escape…
Your mind is overloaded with the thoughts you are having! You try to kneel down to regain
clarity, but then you realize… there is no floor! You are just floating in an unknown realm completely
You cry out for help, but the sound of your voice only echoes back to you… it is folly.
Trying to close your eyes seems to be the only thing you can do, and while you feel still very
helpless, a sensation begins to overcome your body!
“Sham Kalor A’vergarium Reziphazt” is heard as the tingling amplifies!
You don’t know what is happening, but you feel your skin beginning to raise up off from your
“Threxic Gaudarov Obutessen!” it was then where these minor sensations ceased… only for
them to be replaced by your entire body being compressed! Whatever force is overcoming you has
made your legs, arms, and neck all move to your chest! You sit there in agony questioning why your
neck has yet to break as such a formation would do.
“Ybarium Grandlegrove Cos!”
You now have stopped thinking anything at all… your entire body had now been turned inside
out… while you now have nothing to worry about, whatever void you were just in now has organs
spilled all throughout, even in darkness have you made a mess!
Game over

With your short blade in hand, you prepare to counterattack their blows. Both men to your sides
attempt to strike you at once, however you block both with your two blades and even manage to
parry one of them as you drag your blade through their chest.

“They killed Fenrik! Let’s murder him!” the man who you just crossed blades with says.

One by one they funnel at you in the narrow alleyway, but while their blades are short, yours is
even smaller, you have twice the space to move your blade, and this works in your favor as you slash
each of the men down to the floor, much quicker than you expected could be done.

With the four living foes left maimed to the floor, you help the beaten man up off the floor and
take him out of the alleyway, leaving the others bleeding out to be quickly met by the authorities.

“Man, I can’t believe I’m alive! I don’t know how you managed to beat five foes at once, but
man am I glad to have met you!” The man speaks to you as he leads you to a nearby inn.

“What are my chances that on the one day that I’m here in the archipelago I get attacked!? Luck
is just never on my side…” He opens up a door that reveals a room full of books; books on the walls,
floors and every table space.

He hands you one to keep as he says: “I’ve been trying to crack the phenomenon that is this
archipelago you see, with years of my work dedicated to it, I finally came here for firsthand
experience.” He opens what appears to be the most ornate book in the room

“Look, this is my newest finding! It’s as if everyone, and well… everything for that matter in
the archipelago is nothing but…” The book shows you a picture of men in purple robes surrounding a
red stone.

“…with them watching us, it won’t be long…” The next page shows a maze with symbols
attached to what appears to be a compass… North Square, East Star, South Diamond, West Circle…

“…I must figure it out, I MUST figure them…” He flips to the next page… “Game over”

Game over

*You have gained a locked dusty book (#93) for all future runs*
*Sssshskhstzks ssssshhhiiishsssh Ksh Karrrrashsaasa*
You feel debilitated as the matter around you begins to transform into an
entirely new environment, gone is wherever you just were…
Looking to your right and left you can see five people to each of your
sides debating with one another… while when you first saw them you could
not hear anything, but eventually your hearing came back to you…
“The pirate lord needs to be one with courage, charisma, and strength…
like myself” one stated as the others began to uproar
“No, it must be myself! I share blood with Rinario Trarmish, greatest of
the seas!” another interrupted
“You all let my people suffer to the hands of the Dondorians! I will not
see any of you be… wait, who are you!?”
The woman speaking turned to you, followed by the rest of the group.
They all recoiled back in their chairs, with some even reaching for their
“How did they get in here!? I thought this location was secured!!”
“It should not matter! I, the great Stufhano shall end their life with one
stroke of my blade!”
You prepare to either flee from the room or fight the ten individuals off,
but then you hear from the back corner of the room… “no”
A hooded figure comes out from the shadows and approaches the table.
Turn to page 227 to continue
“Ah so you did bring back my chest! I thought for certain that you would bail on me and take it
all for yourself!” Gadagalpher says as he holds tightly onto the chest.
“I need to verify that you aren’t pulling any tricks to best an old man, once I’ve done that…” he
begins to unbuckle the chest.
As the chest’s lid springs open his face begins to fill with joy! “You did it; you really did it!” He
closes the chest and runs at you, embracing you.
“I cannot thank you enough for returning to me what very well could be perhaps the greatest
item I’ve ever seen… what is it you may ask? Well perhaps you should have opened it and seen for
yourself… Here take these, you have the most honor of anyone!”
He throws you a sack, as it’s flying through the air, you hear the sound of metal clinking
together. As you open the bag it isn’t money, but what appears to be ammunition for a firearm… but
for the flintlock you possess, these won’t do.
You thank Gadagalpher as you step away from him, who is now kissing the chest with great
Turn to page 223 to return
*Gain the item “Strange Ammunition” (#300) for all future runs*
*Lose the item “Gadagalpher’s chest”*
*You may NEVER gain Gadagalpher’s map/chest again*
You enter the bathroom, in which the temperature immediately drops,
chilling you to the bone. The room is small, and besides a bathtub filled
with what appears to be butter, there is not much else different from a
standard bathroom.
You investigate the butter for a while, but it didn’t take long for you to
realize that it was a waste of time…
Turning around from the bathtub, you come face to face with the mirror
above the wash station. While you were expecting your reflection in the
mirror, you were surprised to see an apparition of a man that you had never
seen before, an elderly man with a large white beard.
“Help me! My child, free me from this eternal prison!” the man cried
out as he put his hand up against the mirror, inches from your face.
Then suddenly, the mirror cracked, and the man vanished.
You turned around at this strange event and saw that the butter bathtub
too had disappeared completely.
What is going on in this house?!
You leave the bathroom, only gaining confusion.
Turn to page 347 to return
You and your team quickly lift the treasure overhead and as quickly as
you can, get over to the next door. As you get there, you all place down the
chest as Henry figures out the mechanism on opening it. While he is doing
that, you and your team begin to hear distinguishable moaning from behind
you, turning around to see a man’s silhouette in the tunnel opposite to
The moaning grows louder before it is interrupted by the opening of the
door in front of you. Henry cries out in excitement as you smell the sea air,
and see the waves crash upon the shore.
While stalactites hang from the cave celling and bats fly overhead, you
are worried to what the dark cave contains. Meanwhile the approaching
man now has a visible necklace gleaming at you. His purpose is
questionable to you.
“Let’s blow this place! We have the treasure, no need for more!” Henry
speaks, wanting to lift up the treasure.
“But, this person… they could be knowledgeable or wealthy, we can’t
pass this up” Aaron replies, with Ebonhall interested as well.
While your team wants to visit this man, you have a feeling about both
choices in which you are fearful of.
Turn to page 231 to meet the man
Turn to page 27 to enter the cave
The hallway quickly opened up into a massive room. Its edges seem to
be near-bottomless pits while it’s center is housing a mound of treasure.
Unfortunately… the Dondorians have made it here before you and are
currently ransacking the place, unaware of your presence.
“If that treasure is to be ours, we’ll need to put the kibosh on them
without attracting more of their friends…” Henry whispered.
He opened up his backpack holding spherical devices in each hand.
“I’d rather not fight a five on fifteen fight here… one of these should
put the fight in our favor.”
“We have an incendiary device and a smoke dispersal grenade. Using
both together will only create more issues so we will have to decide on
You ponder on the choice while looking at stalagmites hanging from
above, behind the right of the Dondorians.
“And I may add that the incendiary is heavier and will require a much
closer toss…”
You see that once conflict is made, going opposite to the stalagmites
will be the only way to reach them safely.
“Quick mate! Before they simply take the whole treasure and leave!”
Aaron states.
Turn to page 153 to choose the incendiary device
Turn to page 275 to choose the smoke grenade
You free the shaved monk, and as you see the other beginning to scream
out for all to hear, Artifax stabs the man right through the lung, causing him
to drop to his knees, gasping for air.
“See, I knew you would make the right choice… now let’s not linger for
long, for these past weeks I have remembered the routes I had taken around
this mansion while being captive. Let us head to his whereabouts and stop
him together, hopefully we will not end up like that liar!” the monk said.
You tell him that Alabaster is on the roof, and the monk guides you
through the maze of stairwells, until you reach one final door.
“This is it! With us three against him, we should be able to at least hold
our ground! I haven’t been in a fight since my youth, but I think I’ve
prepared enough in my journeys to combat whatever weapon he possesses.”
You and Artifax loaded your firearms, and knew that through this door,
the most powerful person either of you have seen is there ready to fight you.
As you begin walking slowly towards the door…
“Oh, Marianne is that you? I know someone who is dying to see you
again” You heard from the other side…
“Rragh!” Artifax charged forward
“No, wait!” the monk cried as you and he followed after him
Turn to page 388 to follow Artifax out to the roof
You take a torch from one of the walls and walk over to the crimson
door. It opens with a deafening creak, it almost sounds like a scream of
anger, of disappointment and rage. You step into the darkness beyond and
as you do so you suddenly feel lighter, as though you have been unburdened
of a weight you were unaware of carrying. Your thoughts clear completely,
freed from the hand of a hidden puppeteer. You slam the door behind you
and lean back against it. Someone, or something had tried to take control of
you, and they had done so with complete ease. You do not want to stand
around and work out who or what it could have been in case it uses your
confusion to regain control of your mind.
Turn to page 206 to walk away from the door as quickly as you can!

You quickly run up to the dock, across the gangplank, and into the
stomach of the unknown ship. It’s true, there is nobody onboard! While you
are looking through the ship to find a suitable hiding place, you are also
looking out the portholes to see their arrival.

You reach the sleeping quarters and find an absolute mess of a room.
Items are strewn about the room, and the smell is terrible! You think to
yourself that the mounds of junk could be a suitable place to hide, but you
continue to search.

Towards the back of the ship, you spot a door cracked open ever-so
slightly. Inside is a small room with an elevated rope, and barrels full of
water. Perhaps this is the cleaning room? It appears to be rarely used.
Before you could search more, something is caught in your peripherals.

A blaze which has overcome your house is growing larger and larger,
the horde of pirates is running back towards the ship!

You can’t risk going back through the quarters, so you hold position in
the washroom in hopes that you have no intruders. The bottom deck is
quickly filled with loud voices and the smell of smoke, as you wait
anxiously for a need to defend yourself.

However, the need never came. You waited patiently for a long while,
and no conflict ever arose. The fear quickly turned into boredom, as the
wait went on for hours. Eventually your personal needs of food, water and
relief are too strong, and you leave the backroom.

To your surprise, the quarters are now empty… looking around further,
the rest of the ship is similarly abandoned.

You head to the upper deck to see if there is anything that is of interest...

Turn to page 349 to go upstairs

You approach the man, who quickly turns from having a repulsive
personality to one that desires your help.
“Thanks for coming to hear what I have to say… now stay quiet, I’m
looking to start a mutiny. Too long has Artifax held the wheel, it’s up to us
to put an end to him! What say you!?”
The man was clearly serious, and though you had a short delay to think
his proposition, he quickly rushed your answer with no hesitation.
“Come on! Let’s kill him! We cannot wait, he needs to die!”
His eyes were wide with bloodlust.
Turn to page 202 to accept his offer
Turn to page 190 to reject his offer
Turn to page 360 to report his plan

You take caution as you know that any step could be your last…
Looking at every tile of the floor, you take it step by step as you watch for
any oncoming flames through the holes near you. Each step takes you a
near minute to process the location, and movement needed to avoid the next

As you spend more and more time on each subsequent step, you know
that it is worth taking your time, rather than receiving any burns. Flames
come as close as a couple of inches from you, but you have luckily not
received any real damage in this method.

You have made it about a third way there, and by the looks of your
strategy, it should only take another hour or so to complete the room. How
or why this room was created is questionable, and maybe you’ll be able to
find out the mechanism behind such a technological feat.

Once again you got to another scenario where determining your next
step was taking you a while to decide on. In your deep train of thought a
sudden interruption ruined all chances of figuring out the next solution.
*BOOM* as you turn around to see the cause of the disturbance, you see a
massive wall of flames in front of where you entered the room from. The
longer you wait, the closer the flames come to you!

You continue doing your method as fast as you can, and you know you
have to work fast, while not being reckless. As you use your calculations,
the flames grow closer! As you were in the middle of figuring another step
in your solution, you turn around and the flame are right in front of you!
You step away to run, but another jet slowed you down by appearing in
front of you. Your back was clipped by the flame wall, as your clothes catch
fire and you are thrown into chaos.

With all proper thinking out of the way, you run! This solution however
is not effective in the least! By either running back into the flame wall, or
stepping onto the plates and making more flames, you continue to feed the
Before long you concede to the heat and lay down, as you wait for this
eternal pain to end…

Game over
You are immediately impaled by his blade as it tears your chest into
two! With nothing to do besides waiting for the coup de grace, you were
stuck watching as his blade made contact with you, slash after slash. You
couldn’t defend yourself, or even speak to your crew, you were being
completely eviscerated.
He picked your barely conscious, bloodied body off the ship’s deck as
he rose you high into the air.
“See this?! This is what will come from each, and every one of ya!”
He began to slowly turn your neck to the right, before he forcefully
snapped it in the other direction…
Game over
You have found something! The walls of the tunnel you were in had
opened to reveal another tunnel!
A secret room?!
You follow the pathway as far as you can while staying cautious to the
many risks that are in this temple. This tunnel is different than the ones you
previously have seen; dirty and dilapidated, there is no gold on these walls.
Ancient symbols are the only visual clue that you have, however they
are indecipherable.
Could this lead you to a treasure? Or perhaps is it just a dead end? You
are not certain, but you want to continue forward, hopefully gaining
something while also being safe.
Turn to page 152 to go back to the previous tunnel
Turn to page 314 to continue down this ruined tunnel

As a portion of the crew boards the smaller craft to head to Canpoor,

you look around and think as to why they allowed you onto the crew so
easily… what do you have that they could possible want? Artifax and
Henry are nowhere to be found… not even in the captain’s quarters. Afraid
to ask the crew their location, you try to find wherever they could be

You search the lower deck, and after finding nothing of interest besides
a back room for clothes washing, you went back to the captain’s quarters.
There must be something there… while alone and with the top deck empty,
you approach the captain’s desk. Bags of gold and gems are scattered about,
with papers referencing “temporation” “Alabaster Schultz” and “the pirate
court is going “two fort E9”. Most importantly there is a document with
symbols of an eagle, crow, raven and swallow…

What does all of the information mean? It doesn’t seem to do anything

with yourself… *hhhhrrrrrrnnnnngggg* the ships horn went off and
nearly scared you out of your shoes. You quickly leave out of the quarters
and return down to yours, locking the door behind you. As you turn from
the door, you see Henry and Artifax sitting on your bed behind you…

“We’ve been waiting for you” Henry speaks

“But I suppose this meeting must wait” Artifax continues, as a man up

top shouts about reaching the base. You follow the two to the top deck, and
witness a great conflagration set upon their “hidden” base… who could
have done this?

“Well it looks like, once again, there is a change of plans…” you hear
behind you

“To my office, immediately” you hear from the voice of Artifax…

What could be the issue now? You just joined the crew and you’ve felt
nothing but insecurity… something is awry with this crew…
Turn to page 124 to follow the captain
“A lucky guess? or is there wisdom in that head? You are correct…
The grand questioner gets up from his seat and pulls a small sack from
out of his coat.
“This is the prize you have earned; may it help you in your journey…
you’ve proved that you’re smart enough to wield such power!”
Undoing the sack, he reveals a small pyramid, imprinted on one of its
sides is the number “1”
“This is the Tetraheziak, it’s power will come to you in due time, but
just know that it is one of many, with more comes more power, use it
The grand questioner just then vanishes before your eyes…
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
You have gained the item “Tetraheziak 1” (#59) for all future runs
Turn to page 366 to return

You decide that travelling longer to reach the pirates ship could put too
much damage into your ship, and that the chances of making it there would
be slimmer. You direct your course towards the lighthouse, speeding up to
reach it as quickly as possible. As you are almost near enough to beach your
ship a woman appears in the lighthouse’s window pointing towards the
structure’s backside.

Bewildered by the gesture you unconsciously ignore it… that is until in

the corners of your eye you spot movements. The sand of the beach was
jumping sporadically, and before you could blink, dozens of massive
crustaceans burst from underground heading towards the coastline.

In perhaps the quickest movement you could do, you steered the ship
away and towards the direction the woman was pointing. As you look back,
the creatures were just entering the water; if they were aggressive or not,
you may never find out.

Once you reached the back of the lighthouse you quickly docked and
headed towards the ridge near the door. An old man approaches you
wielding an umbrella.

“Young traveler, you have ventured far and rightly so! Come take your
burdens off and get rested… most who come follow the directions of those
succubae and perish, you have not…you are the one. I will teach you

Looking behind you, the lighthouse door is wide open, and four women
are gesturing for you to come inside while having strange expressions on
their faces.

“They are bound by magic to stay in that house! No matter what they
do, you mustn’t listen to them!

Turn to page 392 to learn enlightenment

Turn to page 210 to go to the lighthouse


You set sail towards what you believe to be the Dondorian hideout, and because of the
reputation that they possess you are weary as to the danger of this location. The trip felt much shorter
than it was, and as you awoke from your slumber, there you saw it, a mountainous island with striped
red and white flags surrounding it.

“There it is…” Artifax said melancholily

“…Dondoldoor. An impenetrable fortress of dedicate pirate hunters--”

“AND YOU ‘SPECT US TO GO IN AND SURVIVE!?” a doubtful crew member interrupted

“Brom, watch your tongue! Going here could give us new knowledge on the Dondorians, or
even get us the perfect weapon to use against them!” someone fired back

You knew where both men were coming from, there is a large risk, but to be able to get back at
the Dondorians would bring you great enjoyment.

“Everyone, quiet.” Artifax said softly from the wheel “We’re closing in, and cannot talk from
here forward”

While no Dondorians were seen on the island’s beaches, you knew that there would be hundreds
of them within Dondoldoor. Despite the risk, Artifax took the ship straight to the shore and from
there the entire crew disembarked.

A large portion of the crew was trembling to the thought of a fight with the Dondorians, despite
this, Artifax led forward towards their stronghold…

The ramp up to Dondoldoor was steep, however there appeared to be no men on watch, as while
you were in the open, no cries of alert or combat were heard, it was eerily silent.

You all had reached the castle’s gates, but as your allies took out their grappling hooks to scale
the walls, you noticed that the gate was cracked open!

Opening the door, the lack of guards is now even more apparent as the entire hall is empty!
While there were no people that you could see, there in the hall was a gleaming scepter (#84), one
that you may take if you desire.

“I think this is good enough information! Their base is empty, let’s leave and strike again

The crewmember’s suggestions were cut short by the sounds of chanting coming from the center
of the structure…

“Calico, do you want to know what the chanting means…” Artifax said with the entire crew
staring at you.
Turn to page 107 to continue towards the chanting
Turn to page 181 to leave Dondoldoor, heading back to the open sea
You pull aside the two tribesmen that had been guarding you for your time here. You brought up
your idea of a new custom, where a new writing of the laws would be in order, and you would have a
decision in what was allowed. The two happily accepted your idea and wanted to see it through.

Going out to the center of the village you were instantly detained by the other guards waiting
outside, as you struggled to free yourself from their grasp, you watched as spears were thrusted
through the back of their heads, as the tips nearly jabbed into your face.

Your two personal guards threw your assailant’s bodies aside as more tribesmen surrounded
you. You were massively outnumbered, but your allies spoke to the others for you, and the situation
immediately calmed down, weapons were dropped, and the chief came out to discuss with you

He mentioned to you that being a god, you must be sacrificed for the sake of the tribes’ blessing.
He questioned your lack of knowledge of these obligations, but you came up with a story as to why
the situation has changed and for the survival of the tribe, the rules too must be changed.

The chief while normally an intimidating figure, immediately broke down before you as he
pleaded out for mercy. You told him your terms in keeping the town alive, and as much as you
thought it wouldn’t work… it did!

The strange preparations that you saw the town setting up were put away, and a massive feast
was given to you. You brought up cannibalism as a whole to them, and labeled it as the worst crime,
those who even mention the act shall be quickly executed… With your two closest allies helping you
keep order; you turn this once brutal tribe into one that you feel secure enough to be a part of. Some
people rebelled, but they were quickly eliminated. With your influence over them, you stayed as the
“god” of their tribe, continually receiving their gifts and affection for the rest of your days.

Game over
Choosing to run over staying stationary, you yelled out to your
comrades to hoist the chest up and sprint out of there. While the cave was
disgusting, your focus was only on what was behind you, as after a couple
minutes, the front doors were burst down, and the horde had begun to fill up
the chamber. You believe that they still notice your position, as they have
yet to stop their charge.
As you come to the end of the tunnel, you come to a tragic scene; your
ship is in the midst of combat with dozens of these walking corpses, as they
are attempting to board the ship. While you cannot reach them in this chaos,
your team goes behind a wall of the tunnel to wait out the conflict.
Cannon fire and gunshots are all that is heard as your team discusses the
strategy of your next action. Henry perks up in excitement as he gives his
“I think I have two solid options that we can try out… we could either
leave the chest here and help out our crew or go back towards the forest and
His idea was interrupted by a walking man taking a bite right off of his
cheek. Ebonhall fires off her pistol to down the attacker, while
simultaneously attracting more of the nearby men to your location.
“Fool, now you have doomed us all” Aaron shouts, as he too fires shots
to hold back the men. It is at this moment where massive footsteps can be
heard, coming towards your location. Without any other notice you see men
sharply turning the corner out of the tunnel. The horde has finally made it to
you, and with hundreds of hands grabbing towards you, the struggle is for
naught as you all are quickly overwhelmed.
Game over
The cave mouth reeks of alcohol, but you enter it, not knowing what would be within… The
sounds of the celebration grow louder, before the tunnel you walk in opens up to a massive room, full
of pirates drinking, dancing and brawling. It would be an absolute disaster if you were found out, you
would probably be killed instantly!

You scope out the scene for your next move, but as you do, a distinguishable group gathers
around the central table in the room. One is adorned over the rest, donning a massive hat… is the
perhaps the captain? You can’t hear much of what they’re discussing, but you do hear the word
“spyglass” over everything else… reaching down to your pocket maybe you could use yours to strike
a deal?

Another pirate comes out alone, and as he does, laughter begins to form. The other pirates begin
to throw objects and food at him as he walks over to the central table with drinks, dispersing them to
the group. The men chug their drinks down rapidly, and then motion for the man to go over to the
wall, where a man was waiting with a chain. You were amazed to see the man so willing to be
chained up, is he a prisoner?

Everyone else in the group looks as though they would maim you if they could and sneaking out
to either the central table in a disguise, or over to the captive could get you out of this conundrum,
and in a better position.

The question is, with such burly characters around, who is there to trust? Will there even be a
benefit to this cave?

Turn to page 402 to talk to the captive

Turn to page 373 to go to the captain’s table

With the map in hand, you believe that your current location is that in
which the Gadagalpher’s treasure is located. With one of Vincent’s shovels,
you begin to dig around in the area, hoping to hear a massive “thud” as you
strike the chest with your tool.
Hours pass with you digging a hole, and while you are doing so, you see
that Vincent Vatigan is continually standing put, while just watching you
“That sure is a deep hole you are digging! If I were a buried treasure, I
would hate to be in there!” He states, which angers you greatly.
Exhaustion, bugs, and sand getting all over your clothing is nothing
compared to the feeling you will get of you wasting all of this time looking
for some stup- *thud*
Turn to page 220 to continue

Henry holds out his hands over the rest of your crew, dropping a rock into each pair. As he does,
a sigh of relief is made by each person who receives a dark rock. As he reaches you, he drops a rock
into your hands, and similarly to the others, you are blessed to receive a dark rock.

With only Henry himself and Aaron left, a moment of suspense was made before it was shown
that Aaron had received the light-colored rock. You could hear him begin to sweat as its color was

“Well, I guess that’s it for me… Let the captain know I did this for him” He spoke in a
miserable tone.

“It won’t come to that” Henry said, comforting him.

“Can I have one of your weapons? If I’m going down, I want it to be with a fight” he requested

“Very well, I practically have no need for this” Brom spoke, unsheathing his weapon, and
handing it over to Aaron

Before you even knew of the situation’s importance, Aaron had drawn his other sword, pointing
them to you and the other three.

“Now, I’m not going down there, and while I’m finally in control, I say that you four all make
that sacrifice you were willing to let me take”

With your back to the plants, and them crawling up quickly, Brom and Ebonhall kept looking
back in fear. Once they were not looking, Aaron jabbed his saber forward, pushing them off to the
plants below.

As they screamed, now he had a blade for you and Henry, as he forced you down after them.
Falling downwards you see Aaron jumping over you four, running to the coast.

You could feel every one of the plants lower jaws locking down to your skin. With you Henry,
Brom and Ebonhall crying out in pain, it almost covers up Aaron’s laughter as he escaped unharmed.

Game over
Approaching the bubbling fountain, you make sure that no one is around as you climb up the
sides of the fountain and reach out for the large bubble at it’s top.
The bubble begins to form around your reaching hand and eventually surpasses your elbow…it
continues to expand until you are entirely encapsulated by the bubble! It then begins to shrink and as
you feel pressure begin to build up, you know that whatever happening to you is supernatural, and
this is not the “sphere” the servant wanted you to obtain.
As the size of the bubble became hardly larger than yourself, you began to notice your body
shaking and glowing turquoise! You cried for help, but your sound reflected off of the bubble… no
one could hear you!
The bubble began to mold itself into the form of your body, in which you began to rise up into
the air above the fountain.
You were spun around out of control before you heard a massive *POP* and then you gently
floated down to the ground.
A guard rushed into the room: “Woah woah!... Oh just using our Aerobic Permafuser are you?! I
hope you know the expenses in order to use such a device, and seeing as you are an outsider, I’m not
wrong in saying you won’t be able to pay… what an excellent first impression you have left to
Atlombious now isn’t it? I expect payment within a week, or you will have issues here”
He continues: “Now, you will need some training courses to use your new abilities of aerobic
permifusion. We will have a trainer come to you within the next few days… Enjoy Atlombious and
try to follow the rules…”
He leaves the room quickly and while you are confused by what just occurred, in a few days you
learn that your abilities of Aerobic Permifusion (#9) (Keep this in future runs) can be used only if
you are near aquatic people outside of their city to turn to page 67.
You could use these powers well, but after not being able to pay your dues back in time, you
were forced into slave work for the next 20 years here. They were long and tedious.
Game over
You must be in the right location! Gadagalpher’s treasure map has led
you right to the twin peaks. You immediately get to your knees and begin to
dig the sand from below you, it rapidly grew strenuous and you really
wished that you had a shovel right now.
The sun beat down on your head, making sweat droplets constantly
generate from your forehead. You thought you may be here forever, with no
progress so far in your search. The hole you have dug was now almost as
deep as you are tall, and just as you had the first thought to give up, your
fingernails scratched against a rough wooden surface, and splinters dug into
your skin.
You regain your motivation and quickly remove the item from the sand!
Turn to page 204 to continue
You scream back to Artifax that you all should go to the port! This
situation is all about being time efficient, and by wasting such precious
resources, proper defenses could be set up by then. By the time they realize
what has been brought into their port, it will already have been too late,
complete control will be held.
“Now wait men, as soon as we are seconds from boarding, reveal the
cannon and fire!” Artifax ordered.
You could not wait to be out of this metal box, as you stood in boredom,
but this also let you notice that no other ships are in this main lane to the
port… in fact there are hardly any ships left in the port… what is going on
“Strange object spotted, captain!” one of the men shouted out
As soon as you got an angle on the docks, you saw what he was
referring to… six men had wheeled out a massive black cube to the docks.
Never seeing a similar object to this before, you were unsure its purpose.
“Get ready men! It looks as though these next few minutes will be a
bumpy ride. Load your flintlocks and prepare for battle!” You heard from
It looks as though you’ll be out of here soon enough, but not in the
manner to which you thought you would be…
Turn to page 277 to wait until Artifax’s order

As you enter the ruined temple you immediately feel anxious as you
struggle to dodge stepping on the remains of other human beings. Whether
they were adventurers, pirates, or regular people like yourself, they were
either killed here, or brought here once deceased…

Strange markings fill the tunnel. Depictions of people, beasts and

weapons are some of what you can make out. The coiled image, however,
keeps appearing constantly and is the only one to do so.

Halfway through the entrance way, winged creatures fly over your head,
bringing even more fear to you as their cries echo through the hall.

The coiled symbols get larger and more frequent. After five more steps
the symbol is taking up the entire wall. Sounds of stones grinding and
running water commence once you’re not ten steps from the doorway.

You feel the floor getting weaker by each step you take. The stone
foundation must be centuries old, and so you must take caution with both
the floors, and the walls…

As you reached the doorway, you look inside to a marvelous room

decorated like you’ve never seen before, art and masonry that must be
extremely valuable. A notable thing was a row of solid gold pylons across
the room.

As you took your next step through the doorway, you lost focus on all
the beauty. The ground began to shake and lower, you have no idea as to
what is going on! Looking around frantically, you now see opposite to your
doorway, once again, the coiled symbol. Is it a clue to get around this

The longer you think, the further you drop as the floor continues to fall.

Is there something to stop your fall, and get across the crevasse?

Turn to page 152 if you have a coiled item (#103)

Turn to page 148 if you do not
You approach the elderly man as he gestures his arm to you, once you’re within reach, he puts
his arm around your shoulder.
“Ah I see you’re one that is always looking for an adventure!? Well stay a while and listen to my
tale!” the old man sits you both down as he lights his pipe to begin his story
“Gadagalpher is my name, and for years I have been trying to find my deceased father’s treasure
he buried just before his death. Even with his trusty map I have not been able to locate it! Time has
passed, and I have aged, I just need to find his treasure!” The man begins to puff his pipe rapidly.
“My body however is frail, and I’m not an adventurer like I used to be… I need someone else to
go out for me to find it! Perhaps that could be you?”
He pulls a scroll out from his pocket, and after unraveling it, you suspect that it is the map that
he was referring to.
“Twin peaks… all I know is just TWIN PEAKS. With the hundreds of islands in this blasted
archipelago, each with their own altitudes, how am I ever to find twin peaks!”
You look at the “map” that he was referring to, and all that was drawn was two upside down Vs,
it was hardly worth calling a clue.
“Take my map! But once you find my treasure, be sure that you bring it back to me! I need to be
the first to see it, don’t look at its contents without me!”
He hands you the “map” as he gets up and returns to where you found him standing.
*You have gained the Gadagalpher’s Map (When you believe you are in a spot to dig, you
will be able to read a page number from the first letter of each word in a quoted phrase using
the formula A=1 B=2 Etc.) for all future runs!*
Turn to page 223 to return
The smoke bomb was ready to be used, and as you see the group
beginning to move, you threw it. A plume of smoke immediately fills the
entire room, ruining your vision and bringing forth discussion and
expletives from the Dondorians.
Henry cries out “Go!” as you hear them charging forward to the
As you begin to charge forward however, the sounds from the
Dondorians grow louder and louder as you hear three different voices
directly in front of you. The sound of their weapons being unsheathed
makes you feel as they are prepared to strike. You think of which way to
dodge and consider your current right and left as the options, as your team
is right behind you.
With such a crucial fight coming up, your positioning will matter when
the smoke dissipates. Making sure you are careful also is important as you
hear screams as people had presumably fallen off the edge of the platform.
Turn to page 318 to turn right
Turn to page 351 to turn left
“Ah excellent choice!” The merchant says, slipping the gold you gave
him into his pocket, while fumbling around with his other hand behind his
“That lapis skull (#384) should prove useful in persuading guards to
leave you be… or, or perhaps if you need to perform any rituals!” the
merchant lets off witty laugh as he closes up his shop and walks away from
the dockyard.
“You see that… they just got scammed by the notorious E. Pub Webber,
poor sap” you hear a pair of nearby civilians say, who then turn away from
you as soon as you make eye contact.
By the time you looked back to where the salesman was, he was gone…
You took your belongings and headed back towards the town square,
knowing that you probably wouldn’t find the merchant any time soon…
*You cannot return to the merchant this run!*
Turn to page 59 to head to the town square
The ride turned immediately into a rough mess. The guards who wheeled out the strange cube
began to fire at your ship with their various arms, you could hear the bullets ricocheting off of the
metal exterior.
“We’re nearly there men!” Artifax screamed as you saw him ducking behind a metal
While you knew his orders, and that he was in need of help, there was no popping out of the brig
without risking your safety. Your crew knew this as well and waited until the ship was fully
defensible before firing out to them.
Your crew’s aggression turned into a defensive one as you’re completely in the hands of your
enemy and have no advantage of surprise. You start to hear as the outside metal of the ship begins to
receive actual damage, and shots could start to reach the interior very soon.
“We’re here! Get out, let’s go!” Artifax says as you receive the recoil from crashing into the
As you get out from below, you take cover from the rain of bullets. Looking around for any
opportunity to fire back or move to a different location. The firing stops shortly, and as you look
around, some of the guards go up to the box from earlier. You and some others try to fire back, but
again you were pinned down by some newly joining guards.
“We need to get out of here! More will come once we get to their level we can actually stand a
You tried to get out, but a blinding light stopped you from any accurate movements…this light
was coming from the box! You hear revving and gears grinding as the lights glow grows stronger. A
sound of which you’re unfamiliar with begins, and before you could react you are blinded even when
not looking at the box. Blue energy overwhelms your ship, and caustic burns envelop your body. The
ship you were standing on evaporates from under you as you turn to ashes.
Game over

You decide to help your crew, as with their numbers being the greatest, saving as many lives as possible is the highest priority! The clash of each crewmember’s blades had
already started, and the ruthless crew from the Dreadship had already cut down many of your men! They probably each had more combat experience than all of your crew combined!

You spotted a duel going on during the gruesome battle, between one of your weakest men, and what appears to be a complete savage. He had knocked your man to the floor,
kneeling over him with his blade ready to plunge down into him. The man below him was screaming for mercy, yet the man looked as though he had no intention to listen.

Running at him, you managed to knock him off from your ally just as he began to thrust the blade downward. The now enraged man got up from his staggering position
turning to you now as the other man ran below deck.

“You dare interfere with the Armani sacrifice?! I guess that you’ll have to take his PLACE!” the man lunges as he now targets you with his blade. As you sidestep to avoid
his attack, you realize that some of the Dreadship’s crew were there in your blind spot. You turn away from them, but suddenly you see that the enemy crew had dispatched the last
remaining survivors from this group and had all turned to you, closing into your position.

You swung your weapon backwards to hold them off, but you were rapidly disarmed and then pinned to the ground, with multiple people holding each of your limbs.

The large man got on top of you, just as he did to the other, this time saying some kind of incantation…

“Ista Krabba Alahorm E’nadda Voosta Iiana Alathor CANDANA!”

His sword then dug deeply into your chest, as he twisted the blade in circles. The crewmembers got off of your limbs, but as you tried to get on your feet, you realized that
you could not get up.

You knew that you didn’t have much time to live, every second should be cheri-

Foam erupted from your mouth as you felt like your eyes were about to burst! You entered a state of frenzy as your stomach felt an itch that you could not scratch…


An arm burst from your stomach as you saw another follow shortly after… both the arms pushed against your body to reveal a man coming from within you…

“Welcome to the crew.” Your assailant said, as he shook this new figure’s hand.

They all walked off, as a timid-looking man came into your sights. Brandishing a pistol, he pointed it towards your face as he hesitated for a few moments… this was the end.


Game over

You have obtained “Dread Sailor” (Item #149) for all future runs
You try and sneak into the bank so that the criminals wouldn’t see you, you immediately hear
“Put the money in the bag, stay down or get shot!” as one of the masked men turns to you and begins
to point their weapon at you.

Just as you began to respond to them that you aren’t a threat, a bell outside started to ring, the
armed men questioned if you had to do anything with it as they all now had their weapons in your

“Call them off or take some shots at them!” They force a pistol into your hands. “Either way,
you’re in this mess now”

Kneeling on the floor you watch as the town guards advance towards the front of the bank. The
guards were heavily armed and screaming at the bank. You look back and see the robbers still aiming
their weapons at you from multiple angles, you must listen to what they’re saying or risk a ball of
lead entering your head!

The guards are now outside of the bank holding position, if you choose to fight with them or
talk them away, their position will be problematic.

“Hey, do as ordered or your brains will be all over that wall!” a robber called as one of the
guards shouted, “We’re breaking the door down in three, come out with your arms up!”

Turn to page 114 to attack the guards

Turn to page 394 to talk the guards away from the bank
You respond to the soldier and accept the task of joining the militia. He immediately looks to
you with happiness as he brings you inside the guardhouse. The civilians behind you cry out for help,
as they cannot fight, but they are also starving, with his hand on your shoulder, you couldn’t even
turn around to look at them in the face as their words become quiet.

He takes you into a room with a few unknown faces. “Ah the last of the recruits!” an armored
man says. “…Now back to business!” he yells assertively as he unbundles a package in front of you.

“These will be your best friends out there! Don’t let them out of your hands!” He revealed a
strange firearm that looks like nothing you have ever seen, alongside it there was a small spherical
device, which again you had no idea what it was. After having a tutorial given to you on how to use
the devices, before you could ask any questions, the leading officer started yelling at you all to head
out to the dockyard!

Being pushed out of the doors being surrounded by the other recruits with your newly acquired
weapons you come out to the town being in a worse panic than they were just minutes ago.

Their cries were not understandable, and all you could really make out was “Black Flags!” as
you look to the direction the general crowds you saw exactly they were referring to… on the
horizon… the pirates were coming.

With another officer at the docks screaming for you to get over to him, you follow his directions
and prepare for the upcoming confrontation.

Turn to page 296 to go to the officer down at the docks.

You step forward getting Artifax in your view… and you instantly see
what he was yelling about… A massive crater in the center of the island,
with a depth of probably hundreds of feet! In the middle of it is an
enormous tree of equal size, the tree is dropping many yellow spheres that
you realize are the lemons you’ve been seeing…
“We can’t bring the crew…” Artifax says
“…Even though this is a marvelous sight, it’s too great of a risk to them,
we can’t have any losses here”
You would like for them to see this splendor, but he’s right, there is too
little to gain from here, you had best explore and get out!
As you took in the large view, you noticed a few key areas that may be
worth exploring…
Right below you down the cliffside of the crater was a large mass of
lemons, all edged up against the wall… something is strange about them.
At the base of the tree was a hole which seems to be enterable, although
you see that it has some strange symbols around it…
Finally, there is another smaller crater within the crater… you see that
as some lemons fall, they go into this crater…
“Hey! And remember, we don’t need to continue… we can always just
head back to the ship!”
Turn to page 112 to jump down to the mass of lemons
Turn to page 222 to slide to the trees base
Turn to page 63 to head to the smaller crater
Turn to page 242 to return to the ship
You stayed with the women in the lighthouse, heeding their warnings of
the man outside. Days passed, and he still stayed in view of your window,
staring with anger at you. He did not drink nor eat, he only stared…
The women who were hosting you were very attentive to your needs,
giving you all the food, entertainment, and comfort they could provide.
While your living quarters was small, it had all the essentials that you
would need, and it is much better than being outside with that beast of a
“We know how it must be upsetting to have this as your new home, we
will try to help you however we can feel safe, and if you were wondering, a
limit on food is no issue, while we cannot fight the interloper, we can use
our magicks to completely sustain our enclosure.” The head woman said.
Giving her acknowledgement, you prepared for the long stay you would
have here. Hopefully it would not be long before a solution was found…
Weeks went by, then months… the man stayed put, staring at your
While repetitious, you were content with your life in this lighthouse,
even for the now years that you have been here. You have started to age, but
you also notice that the women appear youthful still despite their time
You were here until you became old of age, and the women laying you
down in your bed for one last time, wished you goodbye, thanking you for
trusting them.
You passed away peacefully after the long time here.
Game over
*You have obtained “Watcher’s Blessing” (#38) for all future runs*
This rock staircase intrigues you, as a structure of this magnitude and complexity would have
required significant labor, expertise and manual craftsmanship. Each step is well formed from
multiple pieces of shaped, square-edged rock; perfectly fit for purpose in a way that you would never
expect to find on such a remote island. You are rather impressed. Your thoughts question their age as
you climb higher, wondering whether they are actually an ancient example of historic skills and
technique, rather than a modern construction assembled by today’s inhabitants. You make a mental
note to enquire about any knowledge of this stairway once amongst the company of learned peoples

After climbing another dozen or so steps you reach the area previously noted where the staircase
widens significantly, dramatically increasing in width across to your left to where a secondary set of
narrower stone steps rise from a dark cave entrance several feet below. Stepping down just a few of
these new steps, you pause and peer into the darkness, looking for answers as to exactly where or
what it is that they emerge from. The dark, however, is absolute, so you can only see detail for a brief
distance before the gloom covers all signs of what lies beyond. Not far from where you stand, you do
notice that the steps are much taller below this point in comparison to those you have just negotiated,
and many show visible signs of aging and deterioration on their worn upper surfaces. Your keen eyes
have also revealed that water has drained from the nearby land, falling down these steps and eroding
parts of the staircase where it has run or pooled. You become unsure of their stability.

Looking about the area, you now ask yourself why this second stairway even exists – exactly
what special purpose or feature of the cave below would necessitate a duplication of such time-
intensive and taxing toil? Those answers will only be revealed if you decide to halt your progress up
the hillside to now investigate the underworld darkness. The mystery is rather compelling – and a
little exciting – and one that you do desire to find an answer to, but the overall poor condition of
some of the nearby stone steps is certainly of concern.

Turn to page 168 if you decide to enter the cave to see what lies beneath your feet.

Turn to page 172 if you resist temptation and continue to climb the stone staircase.

You walk slowly towards the lich, revealing that you have no ill-intentions on joining their

“See! That wasn’t so difficult now was it!? I was once just like you, scared of the malevolent
forces, but now I understand them, you can do the same!”

The lich opens its mouth with a smile, revealing the darkness within. It reaches out it’s skeletal
hand to you as you grab it tightly.

“LICH! Show them the luminescence! Show them why we need to do this!”

The lich reaches its finger out towards you as it touches your forehead; your mind suddenly
becomes clouded as a scene develops within your mind…

You see men in robes of white firing upon those enveloped in suits of armor. On the robes were
the letters “GC” while the armored men were armed only with bladed weapons. Light came down
from the heavens and incinerated all the houses that the armored men were defending… women,
children; all turned to ash.

The scene was about to continue, but suddenly purple strings began to cloud your vision, turning
what once was clarity into ambiguity. Your brain began to throb, you screamed so loudly that you
woke from the trance that you were in…

The place of your awakening was not where you previously were; now you were strapped onto a
table with skeletons surrounding you with bladed weapons. At your feet was the lich hovering its
arms over you.

“They’re not supposed to be awake for this! What happened to the-“ the captain said as the lich
placed its hand over his mouth.

“XARAXIASH VULRAG VNISTX!” it murmured angrily!

You didn’t understand what it said nor what was about to happen… but before you knew it, the
skeletons lifted their blades and began to rip the flesh from your body. The pain was immense, but
you were awake for the entire thing until you looked just as those around you.

“Now relax, you’ll help us more than you could ever imagine” the captain spoke softly

The lich gave another incantation, and that was the last thing that you could remember as you
now were one of his loyal subjects…

You have gained “Dark Possession” (#21) for all future runs

Game over
Sneaking through to the next room, you find no other signs of activity. However, this room is
full of relics, with a common theme of witchcraft. Skulls, knives and tomes are represented, with
blood covering the walls, and candle formations lain on the floor. Not knowing what anything does
you try to stay away, for one improper use could spell destruction.
Why would Alabaster have this room in his house? For wanting to be known as a respectable
governor for all these years, this seems like a massive complication to hide. Could he be a
practitioner of these dark arts…? If so, when you fight him, you must use your utmost precaution…
“Over here, Calico!” Artifax calls, waving his hand to you.
He stands over the largest desk in the room, where you see two pieces of wood in a fancy
casing. Above the casing reads: “Don’t mix up, the ultimate stick will soon be found”. Each of them
has a different shape, with one being straight, and the other curved.
“Whatever these things are, they must be powerful for Alabaster to put on his desk… we should
take one…”
You question him why not both, or anything else in the room…
“Because… taking both of these wands may spell complications with them being as it says,
“mixed up”, it is best to not risk that, and only have one of them. Seeing as these are the only things
left on his desk, they must hold the highest importance.”
Perhaps they have incantations within them… a magic to fight back against Alabaster’s…
maybe one will come in handy.
You think between the two items before you choose one and move on.
Turn to page 151 to take a curved stick
Turn to page 76 to take a straight stick
You sneak up to the captured group, and while all the nearby guards are
still preoccupied, you release them from their loose binds.
They try to whisper in your ear some words, but you insist that you flee
from the location immediately, to not risk any conflict with the guards.
After a head nod of agreeance, the group waves you to follow them
away from this part of town, and as you do, you get into a much worse
conditioned area. You think about leaving them here, as they are now free,
but one of them says;
“Payment for payment, we’re almost there” As they weave through a
mess of debris.
Finally, you make it to where they were guiding you as in the back of an
alleyway you travel under a sheeted hole in a wall, entering an alcove of
shady looking figures.
“Welcome to the gang of strangers!” One of them says walking up to
you. “My name is Tano, saving my men will not go unappreciated”
You turn to the side of the room when you see a man being straight-up
executed by another… as he bleeds out on the floor Tano walks in front of
the scene and continues: “No need to worry about that, you’re safe here,
everyone here thanks you for your risky gambit back at the guardhouse,
now please, follow me” He signals his hand towards the back of the room.
With men guarding the exit, you feel as though your only option is to
follow him, in which sits down at the farther back table.
“Now, sit.” He gestures to the chair.
Turn to page 8 to sit with the man
You approach Yao just as he was mid swing, calling out his name you would think that he would
stop his attack… all he did was turn to you and gaining a smile of happiness as the man being
attacked screamed in pain.
“YOU challenge Yao!? Such a weakling wants to die?!!” He raises his weapon to you.
While you have a means to defend yourself, you’d rather be worrying about preparations than
fighting a violent civilian. Helping another defenseless man off of the ground, you begin to walk
away from Yao as he stomps on the floor in anger.
Comforting the man, you inform him of the situation you are in with the pirates, what needs to
be done, and if he could help in any way.
“I am merely a dock-worker, so my income is in no means helpful, I could spare a couple…
You were caught off guard and turning around, you see a smiling Yao hovering over you.
“Ya wanted to talk back to Yao, did ya?” He pulls on a chain and you are forced towards his
“Well you’ll be doin a lot of listenin now, unless you want to end up like those guys!” He points
at the fresh corpses on the docks.
He takes you over to the few workers that are left, and barks at you “Now get workin!”
Being fully restrained, you had no options in running, and while the pirate attack was nearly
about to happen, you were sure that it would no longer be something you had to worry about.
“Don’t stop!” Yao shouts, whacking you in the head with a plank.
The other slaves near you looked in fear as he talked… you’re probably going to be here for a
Turn to page 16 to continue
With the device landing at the feet of the Dondorians, they only have
time to look down before the timer goes off and detonates. As it shows that
that group will no longer be able to fight, you and your team charges
forward to the other group.
The other group looks back to your charge and being encumbered by
their gold, they either ran, or had little time to react. Attacking the group
was quick and brutal, and control of the platform was quickly taken.
With the group either being slain or pushed off of the platform, only two
of the Dondorians made it away safely. The treasure is for the most part, all
there, and your team takes great pleasure knowing that they’ll be able to
relish in taking the greatest treasure that they have ever seen.
Each of the challenges up to this point have been hard and were worth
it; all of your losses will now be made up for. You will never have to work
for money again in your life.
Turn to page 105 to approach the treasure
The large central fire pit is clearly a communal meeting place for all of the villagers, as plentiful
ashes within the pit indicate that it used frequently, and by many people. You notice a few charred
bones and other scraps of partially burnt material amongst the other debris of the most recent fire,
however, there is nothing unusual to see here, nor anything of particular interest.

Several large, smooth rocks are placed haphazardly around the fire pit. These are most likely
used as places to sit near to the fire, yet you notice that some of them have been carved or painted
with small, decorative symbols. A few of these ornate markings seem to depict representations of
birds and beasts, water and the sun, and other elements. Additionally, some of the small carvings are
quite intricate, showing fine skill and a keen understanding of tool manufacture and its artistic

Stepping away from the fire pit, you hear a muffled grunt and the sharp snap of a breaking twig.
Turning to where the sound originated, you notice movement near the edge of the jungle on the
opposite side of the pit. Tense with apprehension, you wait and watch. A second elongated grunt now
breaks the tension-filled silence, and a massive wild boar steps into the clearing. Its dark rusty-brown
hair is heavily mattered with thick mud, and its long, stiff mane stands tall atop its head and back.
The boar appears not to notice you as it searches the ground with its large, pointed head, so you
remain quiet and motionless. The bulky animal also features two canine teeth protruding from either
side of the mouth – you certainly do not want to enrage this impressive beast and hope that it quickly
leaves the clearing to return to the undergrowth.

Unfortunately, there is a loud commotion in the nearby treetops beyond it, immediately causing
the creature to unwantedly trot in your direction. Moving discretely to reposition yourself and gain
further distance, it suddenly becomes aware of your presence and issues a loud huffing sound. Now
alarmed and visibly agitated to have discovered that it is not alone, it quickly becomes aggressive in
its overall demeanor, screeching with a disturbing intensity as it shifts its bulk and assesses the
danger. Continuing to face the distressed animal, you back away seeking greater safety near one of
the huts. This particular boar appears to be bold yet wary of interaction with humans, thankfully
deciding to retreat from the area before you have determined your next move. Relieved and now
breathing more easily, you watch it quickly disappear into the jungle, from where it grunts once again
as it heads off through the trees.

You do not hesitate to make your own departure, heading off again along the ridge to quickly
place some distance between yourself and the wild boar. As you follow the narrowing, twisting
pathway the distant sound of the pounding drums continues with every step.

Turn to page 205 to head further into the jungle.

You don’t trust the boat, but it does its job, as you ride it, you fear that it
may flip you off of it, into the river! But despite the quick and impressive
water flow for such a small river you reach the sandbank without your fears
coming true! You disembark on a course ground in front of a thick
vegetation. The call of birds alerts you immediately… it reminds you that
you have not heard birds since you have been on this island, there’s life here
on this sandbank!
You walk observing the foliage, and you see birds on the trees, small
animals looking like rodents on the floor… and suddenly there’s one
suspicious movement that you see in the corner of your eye. You know this
is the same thing you noticed when you were on the top of the bridge.
Before you have had time to decide what to do, the movement got closer,
the foliage was now shaking, and a man’s silhouette is standing in front of
you. A quick glance at him informs you that he has a very ordinary
appearance, with a slightly tired tanned face, hands full of mud and dirty,
damaged clothes. He looks at you, but you feel that his view seems to go
further, as if it was going through you and continuing far behind you. You
hesitate to talk, until you see his facial expression moving. After a few
seconds his face begins to make a strange expression, a sentence comes out
of his mouth…
“You’re from the bridge?”
Without giving you time to respond, he continued, taking more and
more confidence in his speech. He told you he’s not sure but thinks he
jumped off the bridge, he didn’t remember when or why... The intense
current brought him onto this sandbank, and now, he lives here. He doesn't
know if this happened yesterday or years ago. He then babbles, and you
don’t understand a word, but you think he’s talking about a problem in the
village. You notice that he’s a little shivery, it looks like he’s on the edge of
tears, and doesn't seem to have slept for a very long time.
Turn to page 189 to question if he jumped off of the bridge due to
something tragic in the village
Turn to page 196 to question if he was forced to jump off of the
bridge while being exiled from his village
The ignition of each of your firearms is deafening as you eliminate each
of your foes in a massive volley. From behind you hear as your cannoneer
rains down lead from above, pelting the nearby fortifications in the city.
Terror is immediately prevalent as civilians run in rampancy through the
streets dodging cannonballs and steering clear of your crew. You all make
quick work of the guards stationed around the city, while pillaging any
valuable items for yourselves.
Anarchy among the townsfolk happens as well, with some wanting to
join your group, and others who aggressively attack your group. You never
thought the great city of Canpoor would fall so easily. Fires are started, and
spread quickly through the streets, and cries of fear makes even you feel
The civilians have either funneled out of the city gates or are going to
two large buildings in the center of town. One of the buildings surrounded
by a gate, keeps them out, but the other is quickly opening to letting dozens
of people inside. The city will not be secure until the corrupt guards are
overcome, and their guardhouse is one of your main targets of this mission,
however the gated mansion has some forces in it as well and is a threat as
you see them firing down upon your allies.
“Calico! Where to next?” Artifax says coming up to you with a
bloodied blade “You lead the way, and let’s finish this mission!”
You look at the two buildings, the guardhouse has a high-ranking
military officer on top of it firing downwards, while the mansion has an
ornate man doing the same. Stopping them is crucial.
Turn to page 18 to go to the mansion
Turn to page 334 to go to the guardhouse

Before the others even knew what you were doing, you burst forth from
the door, while using the sheet of stone as a shield. Suffering light damage,
but taking the attention away from your friends, as they walked out of the
tree trunk, and towards the coast.

The bugs were hot on your trail however, and you could not regroup
with your friends before losing them. While you believe the plants will
remember you from the earlier chase, this belief quickly became a fact, as
they too sprung up and at you.

You try not to go far enough to become lost, so you attempt to let this
pursuit play out in the general area. While it takes a while, the two groups
eventually collide and eventually turn to fight with one another.

Making sure that they are no longer chasing, you run a bit longer before
you feel safe. Looking back at the massacre of the groups destroying one
another. As you head to regroup with your friends, you look out to the
coast, a much more open setting, with hopefully less danger than you had
just experienced.

Your friends talk to you about your reckless thinking before thanking
you for saving them from a near-death experience.

Turn to page 223 to head to the coast


The commander leads you throughout the sewer systems, and while he occasionally had to come
to a stop at intersections, you all were moving rather quickly.

“I think we may be just another ten minutes away from reaching his sanctum, we need to be
careful though, one wrong turn and we could be lost in here” the commander says. “Once there, a
stop can be put on his madness, and these seas will again become safe” he continues.

You and Artifax did not want to verbally discuss anything around an enemy commander, so you
walked in silence, keeping every bit of information he said in mind.

“I know your trust with me must be rather slim after all that has occurred… and I know my
actions have caused you hurt… I too have had pain come to me and I’m still not over it. Joining
Alabaster gave a reprieve, but it’s still there… I don’t expect you to relate, but I do want to give you
my apology.”

Artifax was devastated by the loss of Henry, his first mate after all of these years. He was now
visually distraught…

“Shut your mouth! You will never feel what you have made me just now… I will never forgive
you! Get us through here so I can be done with you!” Artifax shouts back

The commander became silent for a long while.

“We’re nearly there… just a few more minutes. The way Henry died, was so familiar…like I’d
seen that same expression, years ago…”

“That’s it!” Artifax said, brandishing his weapon.

“Calico let’s off this man. He clearly has something against us still. Who knows, we could be
walking straight to Alabaster, vengeance for Henry!”

“Please, I meant nothing by it. Just know where I am coming from, I will do you no harm.”

Artifax has his sabre just touching the commanders heart. “Give me the word, and let’s be done
with it.”

You look at the commander as tears run down his face; “Just give me time to explain myself!”

Turn to page 379 to spare him

Turn to page 226 to kill him

“Ah so you have a little interest in what I have proposed? Well let’s see
if you can get such fortune!” the man says as he learns back in his chair,
resting his foot on his knee.
“I have three questions, some that only those who really know this
archipelago in its fullest will know, and if you can answer the three of them,
you will be rewarded… get one single question wrong however… and you
will not be rewarded, I will leave this place, and you will never hear from
me again! All your knowledge must be prepared for what I have for you, or
you will be greatly disappointed. What say you?! Are you ready for my
These questions could be anything… you think to yourself that it would
be best to be prepared.
Turn to page 37 to take the quiz
Turn to page 366 to return to the tavern
You decide to take the beast to Canpoor, while the time it took to travel there was not long at all,
you arrived at the town, and before you even reached the gates, you heard people yelling at you:

“Monster! They’ve brought a monster to our town! Everyone take it down!”

You see multiple figures appear on top of the city’s walls, which they quickly begin to fire onto
your position. While the distance is great enough where their weapons are highly inaccurate, you are
forced away from the town as men on horseback ride to you.

With your much faster beast, you flee from them, as you hear them say “We’ll always be
hunting for you!”

You hadn’t even done anything to the town, let alone something hostile! What is their issue!?

Many hours pass and as you have crossed the water to multiple islands, you believe that you had
lost them. You set up a camp quickly, really wanting to get some sleep after all you have been
through… laying down in your tent feels amazing, and when you shut your eyes you fall asleep in
seconds with your monster beside you.

*Trot Trot*

You wake up in a sweat, and close by you see the men on horses riding at your camp… They
found you all the way out here? You man your beast and ride away, knowing that they will be able to
follow you. How long will this last!? You’re not sure, but you don’t think this chase will be ending
anytime soon…
Game over
Before you even reached the captain, he continued to scream “Recruits!
Get your rears down here or the pirates won’t be your largest threat!”
Reaching him and the other recruits, you catch the end of one of his
statements “… it’s do or die out in this archipelago!”
Seeing you, the officer commands the other recruits to attention, and as
you follow suit, he begins actually talking about the mission…
“There will be two teams, each with a different objective and equal
importance! Half of you will be the assault team, meeting the pirates head
on at the docks, their only landing point. The other half will head to the
costal cliffs, where you will look to perform reconnaissance; strike and
With both of you working in unison, this mission will be a success!”
The captain calls you all to form a line, and as you were the last person
there, you were placed in the rear.
You waited through the rather fast process of each member choosing
which team to be a part of, with more people opting for the assault group.
Stepping forward to the officer, he says: “Alright tardy-one, which
group will you be in?”
Scanning the teams, you discover one woman on the reconnaissance
team eyeing you down sharply…
“We don’t have all day, those flags come quickly!” he screams!
Turn to page 208 to join the stealth team
Turn to page 142 to join the assault team

Leaving your desecrated plot of land, you sprint as fast as you can to Canpoor. As you are down
the road from its front gate, you can already hear screams of panic and chaos. Two guards are posted
at the gate and upon reaching them they inform you about the imminent attack of a mysterious
attacker… could this be the pirates?

Entering the gate, the chaos is enfolded before you. Civilians running frantically, small fires lit
everywhere, toppled over boxes and barrels…

In the short time you have been there you have already been approached for money, shelter and
weapons by multiple people. Whoever is attacking this place means business, and has gone about
letting the whole town know prior to spread fear and destruction.

Their plan is working. There is not a hint of organization in the area, and you are briefly
reminded as to why you left this town in the first place… nothing more than selfishness is in
everyone’s head.

Canpoor has grown since you have last been here, and you see many new locations. With all the
commotion about, four buildings catch your eye.

There is the town crier near the bar shouting things such as “our doomsday has come” and
“prepare for imminent destruction”

A guardhouse is loaded with armed men on its roof, looking down at the chaos below, with a
leading shouting commands to citizens.

An even more guarded mansion is behind a closed gate, it is the biggest building in town and is

The port has many ships sailing away, with workers loading and unloading goods for both those
who are retreating, and those bunkering down.

You know someone here must be able to help you, or give you information on the attack, and by
the looks of it, this attack will be real soon!

Turn to page 108 to approach the crier near the bar

Turn to page 348 to go to the guardhouse

Turn to page 101 to head to the mansion

Turn to page 359 to walk down to the port

** While at these four locations it is possible to go back to this “central hub” and not make
a decision if some are given to you **
The climb was rough, but the group eventually made it to the mouth of the volcano, where you
begin to see lava rapidly filling the crater. One of the men that was escorting you turns from you
momentarily, and then back again in which he is now donning a tribal mask… you look around to the
others, and they have done the same thing.

“The great sacrifice which we call upon today seeks to obtain mercy from the overseers! Let us
be free from this endless suffering and cast thy curse upon these forsaken fools!”

Just as he said this, the volcano began to rumble, and the lava rose towards the rim…

“We understand oh great Novacity, your anger is just, and for this… we seek to please you!” He
grabbed the closest prisoner to him and kicked him off the rim. The man’s screams were the just for a
second before he turned to ashes.

“Take that sacrifice and many others as we know this world is not what it seems, we need your
enlightenment, bring us realization!”

Three more people were thrown into the volcano, sharing similar fates to the first.

You were the next in line, and as you were pushed forward, the speaker grew in vivacity!

“The one who does not belong! Let them be cast from our presence and rid us of their torment!
Take them and destroy them! Take them and end this world!”

You were pushed off the rim of the volcano, and as you flailed in the air you knew there was no
chance of life. Making impact with the pool of heat, you were immediately disintegrated.
Game over
By this elevated horizontal ridge leads you toward a section jungle where the trees are very tall
and tightly spaced. The angry clouds that have gathered overhead suddenly dump a large quantity of
driving rain upon you, instantly soaking your well-worn clothing. The wind temporarily swirls with
determined intensity, howling through the jungle as if madly rushing about in a desperate,
directionless escape. Thankfully, this heavy downpour only continues for a few minutes, so you’re
soon walking under overburdened leaves and branches, with large, falling droplets regularly striking
your soaking wet head.

As the rain and wind abate, the sound of pounding drums now reaches you; their rhythm is
powerfully enchanting, like the inviting call of a siren beckoning for your attention. Determining that
the drumming emanates from some distance away to your left, you push on along the ridge, desiring
to eventually make your way in that direction once you’ve investigated whatever may be found on
the path ahead.

The path narrows and you travel just a short distance before entering a small clearing where a
handful of small huts stand around a large central fire pit. These circular dwellings are built from
stone, mud and various plant material, with conical roofs made of trimmed branches and large fronds.
Each windowless hut features just a single low doorway, which is covered with a standing structure
of woven twigs and several animal skins. There is currently no sound or movement within the small
village, and your subsequent check of the dwellings reveals that it is indeed completely empty at this

Sensing that you are not exposed to any immediate danger, you may decide to investigate this
small village further before moving on.

Turn to page 164 if you thoroughly search the closest hut.

Turn to page 289 if you inspect the central fire pit.
Turn to page 401 if you decide to take a look at a large painted stone, placed upon a
weathered tree stump at the perimeter of the village.
You reveal from your sack the golden eggplant, which you managed to steal from the pirates
while they were distracted. For them to be scared of this one eggplant must mean it holds great power
inside of it. Your spouse however is not enthused that you were gone for hours having the house
destroyed all for an eggplant. After trying to explain that you had no choice, your spouse agreed with
you, and looked positively that you at least came back with something.

With your house in ruins, you both move back into Canpoor where with the little money you
had left, you rent a small home in the seedier part of town. Being unemployed with no income, you
do work around the town to pay for your rent and food, however you can’t do much else, especially
with your spouse not allowing you to adventure again.

Your life continues to be hard work for many years, but your golden eggplant sits in the middle
of your small house keeping you hopeful.

One day after work down at the docks, you come home to the eggplant gleaming as your spouse
stood with their mouth open wide. Just looking at the vegetable makes your mind feel weird, and as
soon as it stops glowing, you feel a great improvement.

Twenty years of housing this eggplant, and now you suddenly know everything… will you use
these newly gained powers to better your life, or to get back at what the pirates took from you? It is
up to you now as you reap the rewards from your extended patience.

You have gained “Golden Knowledge” (#12) for all future runs
Game over
“Very well!” The merchant says, “A straw doll (#107) for you…” he
places the doll into your hands, “… and some gold for me!” he abruptly rips
the pouch of coins from your hand.
As the merchant begins to tear down his stand, you see a group of
people signaling you over to them. You walk the few steps towards them
before they tell you: “Don’t you realize who he was?! That was E. Pub
Webber, the con man! Get over there and demand your money back quick!
But it was too late… when you turned around, the man was gone,
leaving not a trace of his activity.
“Maybe next time you’ll learn!” one of the crowd said as he began to
You walked back to the town square with your newly acquired doll in
hand, maybe you’ll see the man again to confront him… but it’s rather
*You cannot return to the merchant this run!*
Turn to page 59 to head to the town square
You charge the platform, wielding your blade in hand. The skeletons
stand firmly as the continue to grasp their captives… the lich smiles at your
approach. You reach the lich and before it could react, you plunge your
weapon through its chest… it is completely unphased.
As you instantly feel regret in your action, the lich raises his hand,
slapping you away from him.
“You thought that you could kill something that is already dead!? Silly
child, you have so much to learn!” the captain says as the lich floats over to
“…and for this ignorance there needs to be punishment!”
The lich began to unsheathe the blade from its side, one that glowed
with immense color.
“Vosh Sokkath Y’rantrsha” the lich spoke.
“Don’t worry, he simply means that this blade will be the one to ruin
your corpse and send you to the land of the dead”
With the lich’s blade high above its head, you knew that there was little
left to defend from…
Down swung the blade.
Turn to page 62 if you possess item #262
Turn to page 407 if you do not
Walking away from here, at one point you hear her begin to sob…
“Come back to me… colonel”
Her music comes to an abrupt halt, as she begins to pluck the strings in
a vicious manner, one by one her strings begin to snap.
“If the colonel is truly dead, then… this world is meaningless to me!”
She now said with tears running down her face.
You considered turning back for her to provide comfort, but then… she
suddenly started to levitate into the air! You ran as fast as you could back
down the beach!
“End this world for my colonel! Cornelius! Clara! Forgive me!”
If only you could make it to the ridge, you’d be out of sight from this
crazy and could get back to your adventure!
“Chrono Schism!”
You saw from behind your shoulder as a beam of light shot straight into
the sky! But that was not all… as it reached the clouds, you were shocked
to see that pieces of the sky had begun to fall, crashing into the sea!!
All your training and experience up to this point had not prepared you
for such an event. As you tried to be as evasive as possible, this was not
enough as you were squashed by the sky, putting your last seconds of life in
a questionable state of how this was even possible…
Game over
You head off to Canpoor, and while the journey was much calmer, you
knew the flames destroying the town must mean that something is up…
Where were all the civilians!? As you docked your craft, you immediately
tried to find an answer, but to your surprise, some of the doors in the town
were immediately thrust open as armored guards surrounded you…

Holding up strange devices, you heard them saying “We got them!” and
“They’re in our possession now”. You had no idea that the town would be
taken over by these strange men. While you had a weapon, you knew that
fighting would lead to an immediate death.

They disarmed you quickly, and tied your arms and legs together, as
well as blindfolding your eyes. The wait for something to happen was long,
but you eventually were thrown onto the cold, hard floor.

“Here they are, sir! Just as you requested.” The guards said behind you.

“Perfect… I knew they would show up… what a fool. Did you find the

“Yes sir!”

This exchange continued on, as if they were talking to keep information

secret from you.

“… and you’re sure they don’t know my face?”

“We checked the blindfold, there should be no problems”

“Ah perfect, so then I guess our use for them is over, excellent job”

You heard fumbling of an object and then… nothing.

Game over

Your team draws sticks, one by one as their stress becomes relief as they
draw long sticks. You try to hide the same feeling as you yourself draw a
long stick, as you wait to see who the unlucky bait would be. Henry draws,
followed by Brom, and finally Aaron, before all that was left was Ebonhall.

At first, she complained when she discovered it was her duty, but that
quickly turned into fear as she knew she couldn’t go back now. She calmed
down and spoke her parting words with each member of the party. You gave
her your words as she did to you;

“You may have come into this crew a stranger, but even after this short
time you are now valuable to us all. I am glad to go down for you.”

“You’re not dying today” Henry spoke. “You’ll go out there and be a
hero to us all. When we get through this, you will take all glory!”

Ebonhall wiped off her eyes as she looked up and was ready for the
battle. She branded her sword, as she jumped out the trunk, screaming into

You all waited for her to lead them off, according to plan. But there
seems to have been a complication in the manner. As soon as she tore the
door open, the insects were already mid thrust as they injected her with
their needles.

She quickly was incapacitated, and while you could not see from the
distance, she appeared as though she had been killed. Before you could run
any substantial distance, the bugs turned to your group as they quickly
shredded you, similarly to Ebonhall.

Stingers piercing your legs make it impossible to move; they jabbed

your back bringing you to near paralysis, and finally the back of your skull.
You lose consciousness shortly after seeing multiple spikes emanating from
your mouth.

Game over
The living room would have been a greater sight had the walls of
flames, and stench of rotting not been so prevalent. Peering outside the
rooms window, you witness a brawl between a few of your men and a group
of guards. Being significantly outnumbered you watch as they are
devastated, this group you once thought were honorable navy men became
savages before your eyes. Your men cried out in pain as they were taken
below the house.
As the group leaves, you see your men taking over other parts of the
town, while staying their distance from the mansion. Gold and loot were
filling up your boat, as some of them begin to take the boat back to the
frontal seas. You watch as the ship was quickly surrounded by navy ships,
their cannons fired and brought the ship down.
Artifax grew in anger as he ran to the surrounding rooms and brought
down guards in a violent matter. His actions were much more gruesome
than those that you just witnessed, as you saw disembowelment and
decapitation of some men. Artifax who is now panting from his maneuvers,
was starting to calm down. As he began to talk to you, he was immediately
interrupted by Alabaster upon the roof; “What a pity, Arti. To think that old
Marianne could last that long was beyond me.”
“Young Calico best you learn who your master is, and what they have
been using you for”
Looking at Artifax, he storms off upstairs into the next room of the
house, not even looking back at you.
Turn to page 83 to follow him upstairs.
You break through the door with no concern as to what was on the other side, and your
momentum takes you through to the next room. You find yourself stepping on the bodies of some of
your men, all of which have been lain with their eyes open. Faces such as Henry, Brom, and Ebonhall
are there, haunting you as you try and avoid stepping on their mutilated bodies.
“That’s it! Alabaster must die! Does he have no hono…
“Ahahahah, I thought you’d see that room eventually. How does it feel to look at your
condemned friends knowing that you couldn’t save them? Well relish it… you’ll be joining them
soon enough…” Alabaster’s voice is heard coming from the celling
He continues “I believe I am ready to see you… come through to the next room, so I can finally
look you in the face”
You question what Alabaster’s intentions are with you both, but Artifax only can weep over the
losses of his men, and after only a short period, that sadness became rage.
“Follow me. Now. He cannot live any longer! I want to repay his actions tenfold!” Artifax says
as he heads to the next door, weapons drawn.
“This day belongs to every individual who sacrificed for us! It is our duty to avenge them!” He
opens the next door
“Oh, Artifax please do calm down… those people were nothing more than larva compared to
my grandeur; worthless and disgusting. Please, let’s see how much you’ve changed in these years,
come forth…”
As much as you tried to talk Artifax down, he continued forth exhibiting a lack of focus due to
his rage, there was no calming him down.
You followed him begrudgingly into the next room of the unknown…
Turn to page 184 to continue after him
“You… you found it!! Ahahaha, he thought that he could get away, but I
knew it was somewhere in these islands! Look…” She reveals a key from
her necklace
“…this key is what will open the book, and I will be able to deduce the
Colonel’s location, please I need to find him… I need to!”
Before you could even decide if you wanted to let her have the book or
not, she took it out of your hands and started to insert the key into the
book’s lock.
She quickly started to turn through the pages with a great look of
interest on her face.
“Colonel… is… he’s there! I’ve got to get there immediately!”
She got up from the sand and started to gather her things to go; You
couldn’t just let her leave without giving you something in return for your
assistance. Asking her for such payment, she turned as she picked up the
last of her things:
“Listen, I’m the Major under this Colonel, there is something we have
to do together, and I cannot be late, he’s already at risk as is… Here, a token
to remember us in the future” She reaches in her basket and pulls out a cup
of a yellow liquid.
“It’s custard! One of my favorite meals. Now please, I really need to
She continued down the beach until she was eventually out of sight.
*You have gained “Bowl of Custard” (#60) for all future runs*
With her gone, you think it best to continue the search for your own
Turn to page 156 to continue
You accept the man’s offer, and as you do he responds with a wide smile. “I cannot wait to see
what you bring to our study!” he remarks, leaving you to a small room with little vanity.

“These will be your quarters, and while they are not luxurious, they will teach you the most
important lesson, humility.”

You wake up the next morning to a rigorous training, with you having to run miles while lifting
heavy weights. This was perhaps one of the greatest challenges you have ever done. The thought of
quitting had passed your mind, but the old man talked to you after you showed signs of struggle.

“In these most difficult times will come your strength, you must always remember this if you
are to be strong”

Years passed of your training, keeping the man’s words in mind you persevered through the
difficult trials and became skilled in their craft. For your final test you were to control all three
elements simultaneously, in which you perfected the form perfectly, having fire, water, and earth
circling the room in an amazing show of colors.

The old man congratulated you as you finished your performance, and was bestowing upon you
the robes of the master rank, something you have been striving for since you joined their group…

Wearing the outfit, you felt great honor for the things you sacrificed to get here, and the tests
you have overcome. But your celebration was cut short… screams filled the room and before you
could react to what was happening, the old man behind you had multiple arrows piercing his chest,
he fell to the floor lifeless.

“At the caves mouth!” someone yelled as you saw a black robe dashing by.

You manipulated the earth beneath you to propel yourself towards them as you flung fire and
water in their direction. These men were evasive however and easily dodged your attacks. Whoever
they were, they knew of your school’s powers, and how to deal with your abilities. You spent the rest
of your days hunting these men down to bring justice to their actions… but despite your powers, you
could never find them…

*You have gained “Elementalist” (#25) for all future runs*

Game over
“Now let’s get you all to Alab- *Bang*
Your pistols’ ignition echoes through the tunnels, and the woman falls
face down into a mound of garbage. Questioning Artifax whether or not she
was truly an enemy, Artifax reaches down and searches her body. After
careful inspection he finds a map on her, looking closer upon it, if you
would have continued down her path, an ambushing area was there.
Following the map back to the intersection, you continue down the other
route, and after a couple minutes, reach a doorway.
“I knew that woman was sour from the beginning, at least her plan is
now foiled, and we have reached the inner sanctum of Alabaster’s
headquarters! If we can put an end to his power here, we can take back
Canpoor for the people!”
“Now be prepared Calico, Alabaster’s best will be in this room, we need
to focus on destroying as much information as possible, and if there’s a
chance, take out Alabaster”
“Now if anything is to happen to me in there, completing the mission
comes first. It needs to be done”
You load your pistol, and after checking with Artifax enter the room.
Turn to page 307 to enter the door
Henry ran forward immediately, dodging bullets and leaping over obstructions as he made his
way to the door. You and Artifax began to leave shortly after he did, as soon as he made impact with
the door. Right as you accelerated, gunshots were heard from within the guardhouse, and you see an
arm fly backward outside of the door… The skin of the man was dark…
“Henry!” Artifax cried out.
Reaching the door, you come face to face with a small group of guards, all reloading their
weapons. You then witnessed another side of Artifax that you hadn’t seen before. He took his sabre
and eviscerated the group, blood now covered the rooms walls.
*Click* you heard, and just as a pistol was held against Artifax’s head you reacted just fast
enough to fire your own handgun, knocking it away.
Artifax turned, sword poking into the assailant, who is no one other than the commander who
was previously atop the structure.
“Sir, I have those reports you were requesting!” a voice speaks, as a woman comes up from
below. Pointing your gun at her she immediately realizes the situation and drops what she was
“We need to kill him. For all the pain he has brought to our men! Please Calico, end him!”
You immediately consider his command, but you know that this officer will have information
that could help you further in this conquest…
“All the information we will need is with her, they’re both officers, kill him, and we’ll use her!”
he adds on.
You hear more guards outside closing into your position, you need to decide quickly.
Turn to page 20 to kill the commander
Turn to page 187 to talk to the commander

You run at Artifax with full force! He turns to you with his weapons aimed right for your
head… but he doesn’t fire. Instead he drops his weapons in front of you and unsheathes his golden

“For you to show such honor with melee combat, I am happy to oblige!” He says, swinging the
sword at you with rapid strikes.

“At first I thought old Alabaster would be the one that would come to me… but you!? I must be

You question the meaning to his words, but he ignores you as his face begins to sweat… the
battle goes on, and hundreds of sword clashes occur as you dance around each other in the ruined
streets of Canpoor.

You break away from melee range for a moment’s reprieve, and as you look Artifax in the face,
you notice fatigue has now overtaken his body, and with his head spinning in place, he falls to the

Walking over to him, you begin to hear clapping from your side, as you turn to a man stepping
out from behind a building.

“Bravo, bravo, wonderful performance.” This well-dressed man says: “I haven’t seen such
alacrity since, well… your father”

You dash over to the man, questioning his knowledge of his father, but he only continues to
speak, ignoring your requests.

“Your father’s last battle was with this man, Artifax. A shame he had to go down the way he
did… but one did not express mercy in the way that they should have.”

You looked at the unconscious man, and then back to the man talking.

“He thought after all these years, he would finally be able to kill me… well now I pass that
judgement on to you.” He pulls out a silver flintlock

“A simple weapon, with one shot that can be used to end a life… you could kill him, or you
could even kill me. Know however, that snakes love to hide in the grass… no matter what they’re up
against, using deception they can overcome anybody. Don’t fall to a snake like your father did.”

He hands you the pistol as he closes his eyes and looks down to the floor.

“Remember, deception is everywhere”

Turn to page 387 to kill Artifax

Turn to page 98 to kill the strange man


Through the door you see little holes in the floor taking up the entire
space of the floor. As you step forward on top of a hole, you activate a plate
beneath it, vibrations fill the room as the door behind you shuts
unexpectedly. Suddenly feet away from you a jet of flame bursts from the
below the floor. You take another step and another flame appears, now in a
different position. After taking these two steps, you are probably another
two hundred from reaching the other side, and the next door.

As you try out more steps, you see that there is not really a pattern to the
jet’s outburst, and so you cannot calculate an optimal route to take. As you
step again, a jet appears inches from your face; the flames as so hot you can
practically feel them from that distance.

After that scare you wait in place until you decide on what to do. You
could run forward as quickly as possible in hopes that the randomness of
the flames is in your favor… or you think that if you take it slowly enough,
you can sense the flames arrival and avoid any oncoming blasts.

You know that you cannot go back, and the longer you wait, the greater
chance of a new issue happening.

Turn to page 258 to move cautiously

Turn to page 22 to sprint through the hall

Light begins to fill the tunnel as you believe you are reaching the end of
it. In front of you comes a fork in the path, and between it is an illustration
that you attempt to understand…
The picture shows a blade stuck into the ground, surrounded by
creeping energy. To the left of the blade shows a house burned to ashes; to
its right is a steep mountain spewing out a strange material…
You are unsure the reason for these drawings, but they must have an
importance determining which of the two paths to take…
Both tunnels are completely void of light, and neither give a hint as to
what’s beyond their doorway, you have to make a decision, as traversing
backwards into the darkness would be deadly…
Turn to page 399 to take the right pathway
Turn to page 386 to take the left pathway
“Ah, well I’m sorry to hear that, but your decisions are indeed yours, so
we will not argue… here…” He says as he tosses you the wooden mask
(#123) “…You’ve earned it.”
You looked at each other and despite the fact that he was a criminal, he
gave you the face of happiness for what you did for them.
“I guess this is it then… if you ever need help ask for Rahja of the
Bleak Omen. I want to pay you back someday…”
Turning from him, you head towards the exit of the base, knowing that
while you probably will not see them soon, you have made a new ally in
this town of nothing but deception.
The whole gang cheered as you exited, you have made a massive
difference in their lives! The streets are full of civilians making a dash
towards the city gates, the pirate attack must be getting closer!
Now it is time to head back to the town square and see what else you
can do in this city of panic.
Turn to page 297 to return to the town square
As you step towards the bodies, you think about all the events that just occurred… talking to a
crystal, turning into an apparition, and being resurrected from the dead! All of this abnormal activity
can’t be a coincidence…
Your thought process was immediately interrupted as your feet land in front of the bodies… The
force is happening again, you can’t move!
The body of Artifax rises before you, with his eyes wide open staring you down. He spoke to
you in a much different voice than he previously had!
“You thought you could leave?! Thinking that it’s over?! It will never be over!!”
Artifax reaches out and grabs both sides of your head, shaking you fiercely left and right.
“The crystal of lies has spoken to you, hasn’t it! You are a buffoon for listening, thinking that
you would get revenge, HA! This island will be your grave, I will have the CROWS FEAST ON
YOU! Sadly, they will never be content…”
He hoists you up in the air above him as he begins to strangle you.
“The… Archipelago… never… ceases” he says slowly as you start to lose consciousness. You
look down to the floor and see your doppelgänger beginning to wake up… as they shake their head,
you get a glimpse of their face… but it is no longer anything like yours… you have never seen them
They begin to turn their face in cowardice; “Zeb, I think they saw my face, what do I do!”
Artifax turns to them, and then back quickly to you before he applies immense pressure to your
neck. With no blood flow going to your brain, you fade into darkness…
The darkness is short however… and you quickly awaken in a familiar place…
Turn to page 1
Walking round the amphitheater toward the chanting shaman, you observe the swaying audience
members. Their grotesque, grinning faces leer weirdly with a deranged, unfocussed appearance;
mindless souls lost within spiritual madness. Potent energy also fills the air with tangible threat and
menace – a maelstrom of minds with only one purpose.

The lowest level of the amphitheater is much deeper than you had initially imagined, as it
actually incorporates a large steep-sided pit, roughly eight feet in height. Affixed to the inside of the
wall closest to you, partially hidden by the tall side of the pit, is a large wooden cage constructed
from many sturdy pieces of timber. However, it is not the cage that impresses with its size, but the
hideous, primitive monster currently held within, noisily huffing and growling with displeasure. A
massive length of heavy chain, which is fastened to an immense half-buried rock at the bottom of the
pit, holds the enraged and ungodly beast within the cage. It now roars aggressively, wildly attempting
to wrench itself free of its bonds. The creature sits with its broad back toward you, so you continue to
move further round the pit for a better view.

It is a monstrous creature to behold brute strength and great bulk, with a dun, leathery hide
encased in copious mud and grime. Its ugly head is mostly hairless, creased by age, wear and
misfortune; square-jawed and with corded muscles showing along its thick neck, the beast
intimidates with its brutal appearance. Terrifyingly muscular, it is both a four-armed man and a four-
legged animal, a truly unimaginable, nightmarish sight to behold. Disturbingly fascinated by this
unexpected creature, you initially fail to notice that a terrified figure is now being dragged across the
bottom of the amphitheater. This naked man pleads to the unlistening natives for mercy or release,
desperately digging his heels into the muddy earth to halt his progress toward the cage. Two of these
natives chain him to a heavy log opposite the beast, where he now whimpers, his body doubled over
as if he’s experiencing great physical pain. He expectantly waits for death.

The shaman now increases the rate of his unbroken chanting, babbling as if possessed by
demons, summoning the drummers to match his quickened tempo. The beat rises and the heavens
respond with a dramatic rumble of thunder; the windstorm surges in response. A group of men
positioned at a distance from the rear of the cage suddenly pull on long cords, releasing a wide door
on the opposite side. The beast begins to rise, cautiously sniffing the air and stretching its limbs,
unsure about the offered escape. You look on with growing terror, willing the slumped figure of the
chained man to somehow evade his imminent, barbaric demise.

Turn to page 86 if you hopelessly witness the death of the naked man.

Turn to page 106 if you decide to rush the shaman to break his wicked chant
The smoke was unbearable, making you not be able to see even a foot in
front of yourself. All you had to go off were the sound around you. As you
pivoted and turned right, the sounds of sabers clashing, and firearms
blasting were all around you. You were looking at least for a fair fight in the
smoke, or a way out of it. Each step you took felt as though they were
growing larger and larger as you couldn’t look down to see where you were
The smooth ground was rather clear except for a few mounds which
slowed you down, you believe them to be some of the slain combatants. As
you stepped over the third, your foot did not place back on to the smooth
ground however, it continued downwards and as it did, your body tipped
over to follow…
You think to yourself the many possibilities as you fall and see the
elevated platform grow increasingly distant from you, how did you
miscalculate your step? This pit felt endless, and you could even hear the
presumable cries of those who fell before you.
You really could be in here forever… as you see more and more people
fall off the platform, and your screams begin to form a chord… this could
get old really quickly…
Game over
You take the monster to the uninhabited island, where after seeing the wide amount of land and
food available you set it free so that it may be free from captivity and be able to live its life.

As you see the beast run off in the distance to chase one of the animals, there you see a figure
peering out of one of the nearby caves.

The figure comes closer and you see it to be an elderly man, holding ancient tomes.

“You have done a great service freeing the T’chaleanda, most would fear it, but you have shown

You explain the man the circumstances and how it was the only necessity for you to escape. He
continues to commend you, waving you over to his cave.

“Come in my temple, there is a lot to show one who understands the true meaning of life” he

At first you were weary of accepting a strangers offer, but after seeing the inside of the cave was
an elegant temple, with nomadic men inside, you decided to give it a chance.

Stepping in the cave, the nomadic men rose to their feet, and begun doing something marvelous!
Taking the earth from the floor, fire from the torches, and water from urns; moving these elements to
their will.

“This is what you will learn. I have trained many pupils, and I sense you will be a great in time”

While you are now interested, you realize that you cannot leave the island if you wanted to. The
T’chaleanda is now free, and you have no way of crossing the ocean.

“Please, many have been weary of joining us, but look at these fine examples, you will become
a master of the elements.”

You know that you don’t have to stay here if you do not desire, no matter how interesting they

Turn to page 309 to accept their offer

Turn to page 82 to reject their offer

Inside the ruined building, you continue to follow him not quite knowing where you are going,
or why he is taking you there… while you considered leaving him, he gave some information which
kept you wanting to figure more out: “I know you have no reason to trust me, but hear me out, I
know who you are and your importance in the grand scheme of things… I can show you a way out of
this archipelago, and to the beyond! My name is Reavon Marrow, I’m a friend of your friend.”
Inside the house, you see that it’s inside is much nicer than the destroyed exterior. There is
golden furniture throughout the room, and a king could very well call this place their home.
“Welcome to Marrow Manor, a quaint home I have built here in Canpoor that will allow me to
live in luxury while keeping my actions unknown from the public.”
He guides you over to a pair of chairs where you sit and face each other. Reavon brings out a
box of fine wood to you.
“Inside here is something I cannot show the rest of the world…but I make an exception with
you…” He says, opening the box
“…This is a powerful device that you cannot tell others about, for if you do, the entire world
could be thrown into chaos! It offers much insight, knowledge that cannot be shared!”
He rotates the box so that it is in front of you, and tells you to grasp it, following instructions.
The inside of the box turns from black to a gray surface with an insignia.
“Welcome to Geygah Corep…” you hear from the device, not knowing how an object has the
ability to communicate
“When ready, turn to the next page” it continues…
Turn to page 229 to turn to the next page

You look around the circumference of the bay, and eventually come
across a small shed. Opening up the door, you see that it is filled with
garbage, and underneath it, you see a wooden structure. You dig through the
rotten filth, and uncover a small wooden craft, and you lower it into the

While it isn’t nearly as fast or luxurious as the golden ship afloat in

front of you, you take the boat knowing that there will be a lower risk of
any traps, and you wouldn’t have a chance of getting caught if there was a
crew on board the other.

You row out of the bay, and away from the rumbling sounds. Turning
around, you see minor droppings of stalagmites, but nothing which would
have caused you much damage. You get out to the middle of the ocean and
before you felt lost, you saw massive towers of smoke.

Slowly you travel towards the smoke before you realize your location.
The smoke is coming from Canpoor; it has been set ablaze!

Marching from Canpoor is a regiment of troops. Wearing the same

uniforms that you used to wear yourself…

Weary if you should interact with Canpoor, you think that going home
may be the best option, and you consider just heading there… or maybe
going to a nearby bar you can drink off the physical and psychological
damage you have received today…

Whatever you do, you can’t stay out here all day… more issues could
come to you any second…

Turn to page 167 to go to the soldiers

Turn to page 304 to travel to Canpoor

Turn to page 358 to return home

Turn to page 58 to go to the bar (#393 required)

A volley of firearms was fired just as you went below the Dreadship’s
deck. You are immediately stupefied by the contents of the brig. Corpses
lay everywhere, some rotting, some not. It is surprising that you could not
smell their ship coming, as the body count was well in the hundreds.
But just then, before you decided where to hide, you watched as a man
got on his feet from the floor… but he wasn’t just lying on the hard wood,
instead he was laying inside of a hollowed-out corpse!
Without him noticing you quite yet, you noticed that this is how most of
the corpses are being used… as bedrolls? This is truly disgusting.
As the room was very open, you didn’t have many places to hide… the
awakening crew are sure to notice you as well! Against your conscience,
you did a backwards dive into one of the open corpses to hide from
The insides of it was simultaneously slimy and rough, and the smell had
gotten worse now that you were covered with the bodily liquids. Even
though this is a disgusting situation, it beats being found by the Dreadship’s
crew, for this would mean certain death…
Waiting in the body, you have no choice but to look to the ceiling while
staying completely still, lest you bring any attention to yourself…
Turn to page 337 to wait
You pretend to follow their orders and go around the corner of the
alleyway out of their sight. This is followed by you quickly undoing that
action and dashing towards the group of men who now are unprepared for
your attack! After you run your blade through one of their backsides, the
others get up on their feet, dropping the man, now ready to fight you.
With the alley way being tight, they are in a row with not much room to
navigate behind each other. You feel as though your odds of success will be
better this way. However, you don’t feel as certain once one of the men
dashes up the wall and over your head, taking up a position in the exit of the
“You just made a fatal mistake” the one says, with a smile on his face.
You are now flanked and have no way to escape without fighting.
Holding your blade in hand, you look to grab any additional items to help
you fight them off, as they suddenly converge to your position!
Turn to page 248 if you have item #57
Turn to page 233 if you do not
The bald monk instantly drops to the floor praising you as you free him from his shackles.
“Oh thank you, thank you! I can’t imagine what would happen if you would have let him be
The other monk begins to open their mouth widely but is quickly managed by Artifax’s blade to
his throat… the man folds over and becomes unresponsive.
“I remember seeing Alabaster bring that man in, as a distraction for someone. He copied
everything I said in the best attempts to be confused with me. I’m glad you made the right choice!”
Gladly hearing the monk’s words, Artifax questions him “Do you know the way from here to
the roof, where Alabaster is? We need to stop him before it is too late!”
“I am not sure, but I know of how we can find an answer…” The monk replied as he motioned
you to follow him.
He takes you to a room with a few guards that are preparing their weapons. Before you could
survey the situation, the monk grabbed a nearby knife, slicing the arms of both guards and covering
their mouths before they could react.
“Now unless you want a few more cuts, you should tell us where Lord Alabaster is, we have
some business to do with him”
The guards initially were firm, but one of them eventually cracked and gave you directions to
the rooftop.
Leaving the guards tied up, you all went to the doorway following their directions.
Without even having to open it, you know you’re in the right place as you hear:
“Run you fools, cower before my might!” on the other side of the door
You prep the other two for the fight you are about to have and know that it will be difficult. You
open the door and embrace his presence.
Turn to page 71 to continue out to the roof
You parade through the town, holding this sheep in one hand, while in the other you grasp the
sheepstick. As hostile guards approach, you unveil the sheepstick and show off their once known
leader… some believed you, but for those who didn’t you gave them a similar treatment as you gave
to Alabaster. Reaching the town square with your herd of sheep, you use the communication device
in the center of town to call out to the remaining guards. When you see the rest of them showing up
you gave them the choice of dropping their weapons and ending the conflict, or being turned into
sheep like the other non-conformers… Most of them followed your directions, and eventually said
that they were forced to work under him, but not by any regular means.

Your crew and the guards had a phenomenal meal to talk over the aftermath of this event, and
while some soldiers wanted to leave the city, most stayed and looked to bring it back to how it used
to be. A commanding figure of Alabaster’s men came up to you and introduced himself: “I am
Coriroy Fitz, the current leader of what is left of Alabaster’s regime. You did well in stopping him,
and finding a quick peace between us after the fight was over… but there is something you must
know… A device within Alabaster’s mansion, one he was going over with me right before you all
attacked. There is a massive threat it poses, and for the safety of us all, you should look into it.”

Coriroy walked wearily away as though depression had suddenly overtaken him. You knew he
was sincere, but another danger already? After the near risks you have experienced, going back into
Alabaster’s house willingly to see one of his devices… you did not think highly of this.

Artifax and Henry being close to you approached, giving you advice on the matter, and their
plans with the fall of Alabaster. The hundreds of people at this dinner were all looking for closure,
from you, the person who took down the biggest threat to ever hit the archipelago… you needed time
to think, but they were already calling you to speak

Turn to page 353 to begin your speech


You suddenly see that under the desk, Artifax is raising a pistol. When he finally revealed it you
were prepared to avoid the shot, diving to the floor.

“What is this!? How were you prepared for that!”

You yourself were a bit confused, but as this saved your life, you couldn’t complain.

Artifax continued to question the event, but before he could get an answer, Jerah charged his
desk plunging a blade through his throat. Artifax choked as he fell to the floor.

“The ship is ours! No more listening to that imbecile! Just think of all that we can accomplish!”

As he monologued the possibilities of what is to come, you walked over to Artifax’s desk and
on it you found Artifax’s Journal (#48) (Add this to your inventory for all future runs). Before
you could look at it, Jerah turned to you; “Now for the first order of captain of this ship… you’re
going to have to leave us permanently. It’s nothing personal… it’s just that there would be
complications with you being here. The crew members might be a bit disappointed that you were the
one to kill there once great captain.”

He grabbed you by the back of your shirt and dragged you to the lifeboat, throwing you into it,
the boat was immediately cut down as it splashed in the sea below.

“Quick!” Jerah whispered “Before they notice, get going! Go to Canpoor and we’ll regroup

As you rowed the boat away, you thought that the journey would be quick, and things would
become clearer upon reaching your destination. However, after just a few minutes passed you hear
behind you:

“There they are! The traitor! They struck down Artifax when he was defenseless!”

You recognized this voice to be the same as Jerah’s…

Gunfire immediately filled your ears as the entire crew unloaded their weapons. You received
some light wounds before you jumped into the sea to hopefully avoid more injury.

This would have worked until they began to use their cannons, which quickly turned you into
multiple pieces…

Game over

*You may read the journal during a run at any time by turning to page 203* (Remember
to save the page number you turn from to it!)
Putting on the bandana brings a smile to his face: “Ah wonderful! I am so glad to hear of your
decision to join our group”
He took you to the back room, which consisted of a single table surrounded by interesting
characters: A man with a blade instead of a hand, two women, one dressed in black, with the other in
red, A dark skinned man with a burn on his face…
“These are the leaders of our gang, Bleak Omen. People you will work very close within your
time here. We want to fight back against the people in power over Canpoor, those who extort the
poor, and only care for themselves… Now, let’s get planning.”
You and the others sat for hours planning a strike against the leadership of Canpoor, with careful
strategy. When you all had finally decided the most optimal approach, you set out to obtain the
supplies to pull it off.
Sneaking around with your gang armed with the best of supplies, you headed for the
headquarters of Canpoor’s guards. “There he is, Thomas Burke.” One of your group said.
“After taking him out, Alabaster Schultz will be exposed and vulnerable. We cannot wait, this is
the best opportunity.”
You breached the guardhouse with great haste, eliminating all opposition in your path. Just as
you were about to confront Thomas however, you felt a strange sensation pulsing throughout your
body… as if you couldn’t move anymore!
Without being able to move your head or even talk, you stood there, with Thomas Burke in your
sights… even the guards around him couldn’t move… but he could walk freely.
He came over to your side, giving you a disappointed look: “This is not how this is supposed to
Confused, you continued to stand there, but before long you could see nothing but black…
where are you?
*You have gained “Bleak Bandana” (#426) for all future runs*
Game over
The journey was not pleasant, with your raft either flipping or spinning out of control while the
sun beat down heat upon you. You were forced to fish with your hands, and without a proper fire,
you had to eat the fish raw, and sleep in the cold!

The horizon went on for days, and while your discomfort grew, so did a smoke pillar that was
high in the sky! You knew civilization was close, so you paddled as fast as you could and within a
few hours, you saw it…

This is where Canpoor was…you know based off the C-shaped mouth of the island… but
everything had been turned to ruin and ashes. You dock the raft at the deteriorated shore, and as you
walk to land, you feel the ashes below your feet crumble beneath your weight… whatever happened
must have been magic or… something else.

Canpoor was such a populated town, and to see no corpses left you questioning the situation…
did everyone make it out alive? Were they simply disintegrated? Is this some sort of sick joke? Any
result left you feeling terrible… you are now alone.

You continue through the town, looking at the travesty as you see the first thing that was not
ashes… a black flag with a skull… pirates. Were they the same ones as earlier? Where were they
now? You know who ever was responsible for this has no worries about murder, they will probably
kill you as soon as they catch a glimpse of you. You get back on your boat and sail to the other side
of the island… where your house was. You were immediately shocked as the ashes followed the
shoreline up to your property! What did this!?!

Whatever the case… all the people you once knew were gone… thinking about what you could
do, there was nothing… you sailed out to the horizon, looking for a new beginning, hopefully to
forget this disaster…

Game over
You and Artifax get off of the ship, and see that the beach is littered
with lemons… Some of the crew request that you throw some up to them,
but you feel as though they could be deadly, so you reject their desire.
Following the ever-growing trail into the brush, you ready your blade
for anything that may be on this island…
There are cracks in the earth as you move towards the center of the
island… peering into them, you see lemons as well… These cracks
gradually grow larger in size; with the amount of lemons they contain
following suit… You see a crack that seems to be large enough for you to
enter… as you take steps towards it you hear Artifax shout an expletive
from ahead of you…
Turn to page 40 to enter the crack
Turn to page 281 to go to Artifax
You look to your options in house, having an open floored design, there
is no great place to hide. As you think to yourself, you hear the group
walking across the dock to get up to your door…
The dock! You could circle around and hide beneath it to throw them off
and be safe. As you begin to head towards the front door, your dog begins
scratching the floor in the kitchen. You then remember the underground
pantry in your kitchen, opening it up.
Before you could do anything else, your dog grabs something from
below, and heads towards the front door. Again, you remember about
another location that you could use… your doghouse.
The footsteps outside grow louder and louder as they approach the door.
You know you must make a decision fast; you quickly pick up your dog and
begin to head to your hiding place.
Turn to page 341 to hide in the food pantry
Turn to page 147 to hide below the dock
Turn to page 338 to hide in the doghouse
The female officer continued to guide you through the tightly structured
maze. Cockroaches and rats scuttled over your feet and the smell of garbage
ran through your nostrils. You were walking for at least ten minutes before
the officer began to speak…
“It’s been so long, I was expecting vulgarities, threats or perhaps
questions… I know it’s a further walk that you may have expected, but
we’re nearly there. You will be able to do as you wish with big boss
Alabaster, and I’ll be free to go.”
You and Artifax walk quietly behind, devastated by your loss, all you
can do is listen.
“I will warn you; Alabaster is like no one else. He takes on the form of a
humble leader, but now with this… transformation, he’s as strong as dozens
of men. I don’t see how you two can take him…”
You reach a crossroads and stop at the intersection.
“Now these sewers have been here for a great time; remembering each
and every path has been difficult for all the am…” “…travel we do through
here; I think we take a right here.”
You look back at Artifax who too noticed her misspeak. He holds up his
fingers in the shape of a pistol to the side of his head… mouthing “Kill her”
Seeing that Artifax would have to unsheathe his sabre, you were the
only hope to removing her from your path.
Turn to page 179 to continue behind her
Turn to page 310 to execute her
You held out the scepter in hopes that it would counter act whatever
strange magic was going on… it did not help! The scepter was probably
either out of your intellect to utilize, or perhaps it was merely decorative…
regardless, it won’t be an issue, as you shatter seconds later!
Game over
Leaving the rock shelf and the mysterious noises within the cavern, you begin climbing the
carved steps. The crevasse narrows at various points, and the rock is split and weathered in several
sections, yet the steps are in good condition overall and are skillfully formed. The rock that stands on
either side of the stairway is smooth and dark; mighty, immense slabs that reach high above with
admirable presence and permanency. You climb slowly and with great care, mindful of the deadly
consequences if a foot should slip. The drums pound on, and the sky darkens again.

Once you have traversed the tall crevasse, steps only appear on the hillside when the incline is
too sheer to climb safely: these steps are often formed from large tree roots that snake across the
surface, or by the addition of sizeable rocks placed over difficult sections. The ground here is often
muddy and shaped by running water, providing unstable footing that demands close attention.
Breathing heavily from the exertion required to negotiate this pathway, you hope to soon reach flat

Not too long after, your wish is granted as the hillside path reaches another narrow rock shelf.
Here you find a second stone staircase, slightly wider than the first. The initial steps are roughly the
same width of those before, however, beyond a distance of about 20 feet or more, you can see that
the steps widen across to your left: whether this is an unusual architectural feature or for some other
purpose, you cannot discern from where you stand. On either side at the foot of the staircase, placed
on large boulders with flattened tops, are broad stone bowls, each featuring painted symbols and
geometric patterns around their rim. A quantity of berries – and clear rainwater – fills these bowls,
seemingly offerings to praise or appease the gods of those who beat the drums above.

Now climbing beyond the stone bowls, you rise up the steps. Thick vegetation crowds the
staircase in several places, and as you pass a particularly dense patch of shrubs and knotted trees off
to your right side, you notice something weighty dangling off a branch. A small ornamental object
hangs from a thin branch, swinging restlessly in the breeze, which is now blustery at times and
increasing in strength. This unidentified man-made object appears to have become caught within the
thicket, several paces from the edge of the steps on very steep, uneven ground. Carved from a bright,
reflective stone, you are immediately intrigued by this lost object.

Turn to page 283 if you ignore it and continue to climb the staircase.

Turn to page 236 if you attempt to reach the hanging object

Upon getting closer to the guardhouse, you see many slain men, both of
your crew and theirs. Taking more steps forward, you barely dodge a bullet
as the commander atop the roof fires down at you. Henry comes out of the
battle, knocking you aside, again saving you.
“We’re going to have to get into that fort and stop that man!” Artifax
“…And I’m the man to lead the charge!” Henry connects.
“I was going to suggest that Calico would do so… their quick thinking
has proven a great asset so far in our struggles”
“…And that is exactly why I need to do this! If Calico falls, a massive
blow will come upon our crew, to protect him is my purpose!” Henry
While the two of them talk strategy, they are not being perceptive to the
situation. You notice that more guards are coming up to your location and
soon you will be flanked... You butt in to give your input, and decide who
should breach the guardhouse first, while not knowing what could be inside.
The longer you wait; the more damage the commander does to the rest of
your men.
Turn to page 371 to lead the charge
Turn to page 311 to have Henry lead the charge

With a sudden burst of insight, you decide to try to fight the butcher, and with your cutlass in
hand, you prepare for his first strike, ready to take advantage of his weight and counterattack
accordingly. As Mr. Gruzzens begins to stop his advance, he winds back his left arm and before you
could react, he tosses his meat hook directly at you, luckily while you avoid it, your weapon was
ripped from your hands, and flung to the floor in front of you.

“Not so tough without your tools. COME be filling for my PIE!” the butcher says as he throws
the hook again, this time snagging it around your leg. He slowly advances towards you as you now
are immobilized by his tool.

“Dinner is served!” he screams as he hovers over your body ready to slam down his cleaver onto
your body. The look on the butcher’s face showed ecstasy as well as a total lack of sanity.

The blade came down, but just as you waited for him to lose his focus, you pulled up your
sword plunging it into his stomach. The blade goes deep, and you twist it, releasing glob after glob of
a green material from its entry point.

The butcher’s swing stopped completely as he recoiled back in shock. With the blade still in his
stomach, green liquid still poured from him, as he fell back to the floor.

“My meal, my meal! Is it now my lassssttt….” The butcher says for his final words.

You approached his body which than began to shake, as it violently exploded covering the once
red room with a sickly green.

While you were disgusted of what was now covering you, you then went back to the butcher’s
cleaving table, and finally you could find what was of notice…

Uncover the gleaming item, you revealed that it was a pair of golden teeth! Perhaps those of the
unfortunate gentleman that found himself in the butcher’s clutches. You take the teeth and hope that
you will be able to use them better than Mr. Gruzzens would. Next to your find you see “Beware his
omen!” written in blood!

Leaving the now ruined kitchen, you head back to explore the house further.

*You have obtained the item “Golden Teeth” (#410) for all future runs*

Turn to page 88 to return

You quietly dart into the back room, surprised to see that it is full of food! Bottle of rum,
cheeses, vegetables, and meats, this group must eat like kings! While you shut the door just in time,
you hear the sounds of the group running frantically in the room next door looking for you.

“Someone check the outside! Do not allow them on our ship!”

“Are you sure they didn’t double back and go into the cata…”

“Don’t be so daft!”

These men are having quite an argument about you, this gives you time to look around the room
for a place to hide…

Unfortunately, with the room mainly being shelves, there isn’t many places to hide! The only
options you see are two large boxes full of vegetables… one being filled with tomatoes and the other,

As you assess the advantages of both boxes, you see a strange glimmer coming from the box of
eggplants… as you move some aside you see one of them is fully golden! What is this strange
vegetable and why do these men possess it!?

“Did you check the food storage??” you hear from outside the door

“Not yet, boss”

Footsteps are headed straight for your room; you need to get hiding!

Turn to page 47 to hide in the eggplants

Turn to page 74 to hide in the tomatoes

Time passes as you grow more and more sickly due to your location.
How the crew could live with this amount of corpses, let alone sleep in
them is beyond you…
Looking up to the ceiling, you see the woodwork rotting from the bodily
fumes, how is the ship still operational if there is this much damage to the
To your left you hear the voices of two crewmembers talking to each
“Did you read the newest log, something about a “Satisfactory Ship”
apparently it’s crucial to our objective…”
“Neigh, thou didn’t… Reinfaldt needs to redevelop the understanding of
“What?! Wait a second! You’re…”
You hear a loud thud hit the floor as footsteps get closer to you.
“You mustn’t be here! Now, quickly, reintegrate and meet me at the Red
Salmon… You’ll know me when you see me!”
A figure comes into view of you, and before he leans over on top of
you; you spot a boil right below his left eye…
He reveals a glowing device before putting it onto your chest.
You instantly feel captivated as you lose focus, before disappearing
Game over

Taking your dog out through the front door and running to the distanced
doghouse felt like it was a marathon. A you reached the tiny house and
hugged one of the side walls, you sat and watched a slew of silhouettes
entering your house, followed by large repetitive crashes.

This event went on for a long time, before more men entered the house.
There was a short delay before many flames came into your view.

The group had each sparked some flint and left your house to burn.
They all walked slowly back to their ship, and sailed away, leaving a murky
trail behind them.

As you sat with your dog, you saw years of savings and memories
become evaporated, as all of your material belongings were desecrated.

As much as you wanted to, figuring out a new housing solution was the
least of your concerns, as you wanted to find out why this travesty has
happened to you!

The boat was heading out east, towards the Paramatier islands and
Canpoor, where are they going?

Your house is ablaze, is there anything left to save?

You notice they did not touch your small craft in the small bay opposite
to your house, you could use it to follow the trail their whereabouts.

Turn to page 145 to follow their trail

Turn to page 103 to search your house

Turn to page 297 to head to Canpoor

Walking towards Roy Thunder, you knew immediately what he was about to say to you…
“You lookin for a fight!?” he questions, as he spits in your direction.
While you attempt to give him simple questions, they seem to just pass through one ear and out
the other, as his expression only grows angrier and angrier.
“You don’t even have the arms to say no to my preposition!? Now I need to punch your face
out!” He gets out of his chair and shuffles towards you.
Roy was very sluggish however, and noticing his weak footwork, you decided to use that as an
advantage. His arms may be massive, but his first swing at you was underwhelming as his body flung
forward with it, leaving him with a lot of momentum that he could not contain.
You waiting to see if this pattern would continue, and as you were dodging throughout the bar,
you took it that he would have such a vulnerability after every attack. Taking him towards the back of
the bar, you prepared for his next punch, and as the same routine happened, you pulled his
defenseless body, into one of the tables, letting his weight crash him into the corner.
You wait there for some while; Roy was recovering from a heavy dazing.
“You beat Thunder?!” He screamed… “Not again!!!!!” he threw a tantrum, pushing the few
remaining tables and chairs around.
Roy, however, was not aggressive to you. After he seemingly had calmed down, he walked over
to you handing you a small token.
“You are superior, defeat Thunder, defeat anyone.”
Looking in your hand you see a Crimson Thimble (#82), why a muscular man would be
holding one of these was something you questioned, and why this is your reward was another. But as
Roy Thunder sat on top of his now-ruined chair, you decided to leave the bar and get back to more
pressing matters.
Turn to page 297 to return to town square
You used basic gestures such as pointing to show that you would like a
way off of the island. The tribe appeared rather confused at first, but as you
continued to point to the ocean you believe they had gotten the idea.
They began to start preparations, as to what they were preparing, you
are not sure… For weeks you sat and watched as they woke up early and
cut down trees for hours. Other members in the group gathered vines from
the swamp and used them to tie the tree trunks together. As they got further
and further into the project, it became more apparent that a raft was in the
works. While they weren’t being entirely productive, it was being made
none-the-less and you relished the fact that you would soon be off this god-
forsaken island.
The day came eventually where the raft was complete, and as you
awoke that day the villagers gathered around you for you to set sail. There
was crying, hugging, and even kissing they gave you as you stepped onto
the raft. The village priest came forth to you and the crowd of the others
dispersed. He whispered something into your ear aggressively, as he ran his
long, disgusting fingernails down your arm. One of which caught blood as
it ran down your arm. He threw green powder down to your feet before
walking away back to the village.
Confused as to what happened, you moved the primitive mechanism in
order to propel and steer the ship. You know that navigating this will be a
challenge, but it will do its job. You look to the horizon as you attempt to
get back home safe.
Turn to page 328 to continue your voyage

You further life up your floorboards to fit both you and your dog, into
your home’s pantry. Inside lies a months-worth of food, consisting of jams,
water, fruit, and breads, all preserved in jars. You close the lid quickly, just
in time for the front door to be forced open.

As you wait with your companion in the dark, cramped pantry, you hear
a struggle as your house above is being ransacked. Items being flipped and
broken. Things being stuffed into bags. Windows and doors being smashed.
Some of these noises being louder than others. You are not sure as to why
they are here, nor what they are doing.

Sitting there, holding your dog’s mouth from opening, you just wait for
them to leave.

“Nobody’s here, and there’s nothing with worth at all!” one intruder

“Our scout saw someone go into this house, if they’re not here, then I
hope they don’t mind if we… destroy their home” one responded, as the
others cheered.

Multiple flints were struck in unison, as you hear flames crackling,

followed by multiple *thunk* noises.

You wait until you are sure they are gone before opening the door. Five
minutes pass after you have heard the last voice, and you push on the lid, to

The lid will hardly budge! As you form the smallest crack to look out,
you are surprised to see flames enveloping the whole room, and a closet has
been pushed directly on top of your pantry door. You keep trying to push,
but before long, the lid gets too hot to touch, and you are forced to stop
your attempts.

Sitting there, you form a last meal out of the contents in your pantry, as
the lid catches fire. Eating your snack, you sit and wait for the inevitable.
Game over
You follow the man’s orders and after allowing them to open the cage,
you get in with the beast. The pirate’s cheer continues to grow louder as
they finally lock you in with the monster.
With nothing to protect you from the beast you stood in the corner of
the cell as it closed towards you… rearing up its head you prepared for
whatever it was about to do to you.
But to your surprise, it kneeled down in front of you and was being
passive… The pirates were cheering it on saying things such as “Ram
them!” “Right through the chest!” and “Execute”, but it just laid there.
Waiting for something to happen, it seemed as though you weren’t
going to be let out of this cage until you received your “Greenhorn”. But
looking at the beast you saw it turning its head and looking at its back.
Hours pass, and the pirates excitement has quickly died down. You start
to see the beast now is continuously looking at you and moving its head
toward its back… you think that it must want something since it’s not
attacking you. You get upon the beasts back and it begins to grow with
Turn to page 93 to guide the beast

There you stood, feet behind the mysterious hooded figure. While you waited for something to
happen, they just stood idle… while you weren’t being jostled around by the mysterious force, you
questioned why that was, both Artifax and the silhouette were silent.

Finally, you decided to yourself that figuring out who the silhouette was would speed up this
process, allowing you to leave this strange chamber and get back to the action back at Canpoor.

You approach the person, and slowly remove their hood… no issues had risen yet, who… or
whatever was controlling the force that had been overtaking your body has not used it during this, it
must be just as they wanted you to do.

When you finally unveiled the hood completely, you dropped to the floor in shock. The person
under the hood was someone with the exact same face as you.

You question the possibilities as you lay on the rocky floor, is this an imposter, or some kind of

“To the Archipelago you want, to the archipelago we go… sorry it had to end this way, this
time.” Artifax said as he walks up to the nearly lifeless lookalike of yourself, carrying them and
heading to the door.

“Ah yes, we can’t leave any contingency errors, now can we?” he says walking over to you

“… again, terribly sorry” he places his gun on your head.

“You’ll understand… someday”

Game over

As you lose your life force, you see yourself standing in front of the blue crystal… it asks you if
you have the tools to survive… it asks for four items… “A child’s toy” “Death’s currency” “A facial
cover” and “Red protection”

For if you had those items “Vengeance would be yours”

Turn to page 143 for vengeance (If you possess items #107 #68 #123 and #82)
You deny him the offer, hoping that you would be able to trade anything else on you, stating that
the spyglass is the one thing that you could not part with. The crew reacts immediately, and
unfortunately you believe that what you have said has offended them.

“So let me get this straight. You follow us into our private domain, just to sell us worthless
junk?” The surrounding men begin to dawn their weapons. “What type of fools do you take us for?”

He grabs that spyglass out of the woman’s hand. “You have such a priceless relic, and yet you
don’t offer it to us? What was your meaning to be here if all you have to sell is this rubbish?!”

He then turns and smiles at you “I know exactly why you are here, you stowaway! Here to
report back to Canpoor or the Dondorians, I’m sure you took this risk for a hefty sum of gold?”

“Unfortunately… your risk was in vain” He turns, placing a saber pressed into your forehead.

You plead to him for mercy, saying that this was just a mistake, there was no harm that was
done, and you could easily be let go and nothing negative would have happened. “I’ve heard a
similar request once before… one which cost me something dearer than is currently at stake. I will
not fall for sympathy again.”

The men surrounding you pick you up, and after carrying you across the room, leave you into a
hole in the floor. With your arms deep enough into the hole, you are completely restrained…

You wait… being on minimal food, with the inability to sleep. The pirate gang has continued
their celebrations, and you are forced to listen to everything they talk about. This goes on for days,
until one day… they’re gone. The entire cave system now being unlit, is silent. You wait days for
their return, but they do not come… You see a figure across the room, and upon your eyes adjusting
to the darkness, you see it’s the upper half of a man’s skeleton, placed into a hole similar to yours…

Game over
As you get down to the waterfront shack, you bust the door down, and
to your happiness you find a boat! Before you got aboard the boat, you
noticed a map of the archipelago, where there were lines drawn and details
of bringing unsuspecting guests to the island… that shady captain must be
in on this!
With this boat appearing to be the only way off of the island, you wait
no longer to get off of this island!
The boat only had oars as a means of propulsion and being in the
disgusting water did not help as they made contact with the many floating
bones, slowing you down. You did eventually leave the cursed waters and
made it back to Canpoor with a different perspective of the current
condition of the archipelago.
When you got back to the docks, the town was strangely still in peril
from the oncoming pirate attack… how did they not strike by now…?
Returning to the town square, you looked back to the city as to where you
should head next.
Turn to page 108 to approach the crier near the bar

Turn to page 348 to go to the guardhouse

Turn to page 101 to head to the mansion

Turn to page 359 to walk down to the port



You find yourself back in a familiar place! Green foliage and sapphire waves surround you…
before you could try to investigate more on the environment, you spot a dead giveaway… striped
sails, those of the Dondorians you once dealt with… you’re again in the archipelago…

As you turn around, you notice the beautiful city of Canpoor, however it has some differences
from when you last were here… the damages on the city are all gone, but it’s as if they weren’t here
in the first place!

Out from the gates come a group of people, and while you try your best to hide from their view,
one of them spots you, alerting the guards! You have the barrels of their weapons aimed at your
location as you fled from the scene!

Ducking behind a bush you are nearly startled to death as a hand grabs your shoulder, turning
around you see a face that is one that instilled fear throughout your body… Alabaster Schultz!

But he was dead! You were there when he was killed! How is it that he is back!?

“Are you lost, my friend? Or do you simply need help?” He says with a smile.

You think of all the potential tricks he may have up his sleeve and have your weapon at the
ready for anything he may do.

“I once had a good friend that looked like you, went by the name of M. Diester. You aren’t
related are you?” he said as you kneeled in silence.

“No? Well, that’s alright! Quick, take these…” He begins to retrieve something from his pocket

“…They will help you in the gulch!” you grasp the items that he gave you, they appeared to be
small balls, their use, you were unsure…

“Use these to blow through any barrier in your path! Remember this!”

“Now quickly, you must return! Do what is necessary and put a cease to all that is awry!”

He pointed to a strange rift, similar to the one that you used to come here. Pushing you towards
it you gathered momentum. There was so much that you wanted explained… why is he alive? how
are you here?! But before you knew it, you had made contact with the rift.

Turn to Book 2 Page 43 to enter the rift

You have gained the Spherical Explosives (Item #230)

You dash into the house while the woman is still facing away from you. You believe that no
guards have discovered your movement, and you take the minute to rest and assess what exactly you
have gotten yourself into…breaking into the governor’s house!? The penalty for this is prison for
life! You need to be extra cautious not to be seen in here, and with the woman probably back with
view of the gardens, you won’t have a chance to back out from here!
Moving forward through the house, you remember why you couldn’t stand this town! The
governor had taken most of the income the town makes and put it towards solely himself, as you see
with golden furniture and coins being lain throughout each room. You move further into the house
and come across a wall full of pictures, each being a different member within the town of Canpoor!
Why would Alabaster need this much information on everyone? The only things he has done for the
town is lead the common-people and taken all their money… Is he up to something devious?
From the end of the hallway you hear sounds of fire as a part of the dilapidated walling reveals a
passage that is unnatural… with many strange ropes leading to and from this hole, you question
whether heading back there would be safe… the constant noises however continue to spark your
interest, as does the bathroom door that is adjacent to you...
As you hear voices coming from behind you, you prepare to hide in the hole just as you notice a
staircase behind the corner, with undistinguishable sounds coming from above, you are not sure how
safe that would be either.
You just need to make a decision quickly to evade these guards!
Turn to page 72 to head upstairs
Turn to page 365 to go into the passage
Turn to page 251 to enter the bathroom

The guardhouse is surrounded by citizens crying out to the soldiers for

safety and food. A leading officer stands on in the center of his men,
shouting to the crowd below:

“Those of you who enlist to protect the town will receive all you
request! Other than that, there will be no handouts!”

A soldier approaches you; “Are you interesting in the commander’s

offer? You look like you are a useful well-rounded individual, just what we
need!” The others in the nearby crowd start an uproar, complaining on the
choice they had just been given.

You see a group tied up to a pole by ropes. They are begging for mercy,
stating their execution will come in just an hour. One looks you in the eye:
“Please! Spare us!” The ropes seem like they would be easy to untie, and
the posted guard to them has left to settle down the crowd.

The offer of support from the town’s army sounds like a safer option,
but you then remember it was one of the larger reasons as to why you left
Canpoor in the first place. The prisoners could turn around and betray you,
but they appear sincere and loyal if you were to aid them.

Turn to page 280 to join the task force

Turn to page 286 to release the prisoners

(Turn to page 297 to return to the town square)


Popping your head out from below, you see the entire top deck is empty.
As you move up further, you see the gangplank is down, and a large group
is leaving the ship to enter a rocky landmass. Is this their secret hideout?

You spend a few minutes looking around the rest of the ship for any
remaining crew members, the whole vessel is empty! You take some more
time to search for any information about the crew or their motives… after
searching every room, nothing came up of interest. What was strange is that
every room was unlocked besides the main quarters towards the back of the


You hear nearby explosions while you were below. Running up to the
deck, you see explosions of fire in the sky. This is coupled with cries of
jubilation, and glass shattering, the pirates must be celebrating some
accomplishment or special event…

This party could go on for some time, OR they could be right back any
minute! You need to do something!

You think you may be able to sail the ship away and get back at the
pirates by leaving them stranded… or you could go into the island and see
what the commotion is and discover the information you are searching for.

The explosions and yelling grow louder the longer you wait, what are
they doing…

Turn to page 95 to steal the ship

Turn to page 267 to head into their island

“Ah, so you didn’t fall for the simple trick did you not? Very good!
Let’s see if you truly are informed?
A man can easily eat bread, but to digest his grain, now that takes
If you chose option 3, turn to page 262
For any other choice, turn to page 78
The smoke cloud was still growing in size, with sounds of the Dondorians confusion being
apparent. With not much knowledge of your surroundings, you tread carefully as you headed towards
the left of the platform. After your turn, every step you took gave you more vision as you head away
from the center of the obstruction.
You drew your weapon and prepared for the smoke to eventually dissipate. This waiting period
however was filled with screams of terror, gunshots, and metal clashing. Five minutes of this passed
before you could visually see the smoke clearing up.
Looking to ensure your friendlies are not in your crossfire, you restrain from aiming down your
flintlock before you knew how many there were left. You waited and waited but there wasn’t a horde
remaining, one or two people appeared semi-frequently, but it looks as though many people had
vanished, or had been slain down to the floor.
You see Henry and Ebonhall luckily as they are dealing with a couple of foes. Aaron too was
just in the middle of pushing off the nearest Dondorian to him. Besides that, there were no other
hostiles left.
You and Aaron quickly ran to the other’s aid, finally clearing the room of all hostiles. You all
looked around… where was Brom?
“Brom… BROM?!” Henry cried out
“He’s over here… sir” Ebonhall spoke sadly
Brom’s body laid surrounded by four Dondorians.
“This man died a hero… let’s honor him and do just as he would have wanted…” Henry went
rushing to the treasure.
As you walked forward, you questioned how this battle was won… did the four others really
take them all out? Only seven of their bodies were found, where did the rest go?
“Come check this haul out!” Ebonhall shouted happily
“You did this for us... Brom” Henry wept.
Turn to page 111 to approach the treasure

You pressed the button and immediately the foundation around you
began to shake. While you thought that the door would open any minute, it
never did… Instead of an entrance appearing for you, the floor shook, and
before you could react, its mechanism opened, dropping you and your
group below.

Slamming down onto a pad of spikes, blood jutted upwards outside of

the hole before it closed tightly. The spikes were on top of a ramp system
which carried your team further down in the cavern. As much as you would
like to get up from this, the damage to your legs had made it impossible to

Sliding deeper and deeper, the damage accrued had only grown; as you
wondered if there would ever be an end to this. That is, until you saw what
was at the end of the ramp… A wall of spikes fitted with some fresh
corpses of presumable Dondorians.

You slide down in shock, knowing that you would join them any

Game over
Now standing there will your crew, Alabaster’s men, and the remaining population of Canpoor,
you let them all know your intentions… with the threat of Alabaster gone, and all three factions now
having little conflicts left, you only have one question left to answer… what is in Alabaster’s house,
and what were his plans with his sudden takeover. You said your goodbyes knowing that everything
here would end up well.

With Artifax in charge of the crew, and Henry taking temporary command of Canpoor you went
into Alabaster’s mansion, needing to know what was going on… As you walk inside the front door
you hear: “Cooling down, Cooling down, Cooling down...” from a voice that was almost not human.
Looking around you see its source…a massive machine with a red circle within it. On one of its glass
panels you read “Last used location: Ganafrand Gulch.” Next to the location, a picture of a man’s
face was there, one you hadn’t seen before… with a white set of hair.

As you get the portrait engrained in your memory, you hear “System ready, priming to jump”
from the same voice. The red circle became blue, and the voice said, “Ready to jump, enter time
trinket, then jump!”

A trinket?! What could it be referring to?!

While you knew that the blue circle was meant to be walked through… you saw a note lying
next to the device. “Follow me if you will, you will never escape -AW”

You don’t have much at all on you, but you walk towards the portal to find out what you can
about Alabaster and this strange “AW”.
Turn to page 409 if you possess item #122

Turn to page 414 if you do not

“Alabastab. ALABASTAB!? I’ll show you a stab!!” The grand
questioner states as from nowhere his arm thrusts towards you, and before
you could notice, your stomach began to drip blood to the floor.
“You DON’T dishonor my quiz with an answer like THAT! I hope you
think about that for next… wait… no, you’ll NEVER see me again!”
The questioner runs from the room as you pass out onto the floor…
Game over
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
The door opens into an empty room. On each of the four walls is a single burning torch which
causes you to squint momentary as you step into the room and allow your eyes to adjust to the
sudden change from darkness. As you move forward towards the center of the room, the door closes
behind you with a thud. You ignore it, your attention focused on the markings on the floor, deep
grooves carved into the stone that point towards two other closed doorways. The door on the wall to
your left painted a deep crimson; the door on the wall to your right painted the color of the clear sky
you had witnessed from the cliff ledge. You look from door to door, from your calculations, the
crimson door would lead back to the way you had come from when you discovered the original crack
in the mountain; the blue door would lead to towards the beach that had tempted you to end up in this
room. You look around for any further clues but see nothing.
An empty room filled with only one decision…
Turn to page 255 to leave the room through the crimson door
Turn to page 136 to leave through the blue door
“Break… Break…Break” they spoke as they began to let you down on
top of a rough rocky surface. You see a woman standing over you with a
knife in her hand.
“What are you, a he or she?! Does thou know why you are doomed?”
they questioned…
Another voice was heard.
“Great highmaster! They don’t look as though they have transitione-“
“Plebian! All which have dealt with the corrupted are a threat to our
society! We’ve said too much! They need to die!”
She rose the knife, but to your surprise instead of jabbing it downwards,
she made a slice to the side…
The last thing you heard was the whooshing sounds of something
swinging through the air as your head became detached from your body.
Game over
You duck down to hide from the oncoming invaders as you quickly hurry through the door
below deck. From behind you, you hear “Traitor!” just as blades begin to clash.
Heading deep into the heart of your ship, you looked for a hiding place where you could
hopefully wait out the attack and make it away from them alive. The wait was long, but you could
hear everything that was going on above deck… however, the swords stopped clashing after just
minutes… it was then that you knew each crew member was being executed individually. Their last
words were clear to you, up until the noise of their life leaving their bodies…
You knew that there couldn’t be many men left as you hear one after one getting silenced… then
it came to one person whose comments were different from the other’s…
“Wait! WAIT! Before you kill me, you need to know, the captain, they’re below deck hiding
from you all! Kill them! KILL T-gghrpgg”
After that man was slain, you heard as what you believe to be the rest were slaughtered with not
nearly the time the others had to live…
Footsteps began to immediately swarm the insides of the ship as you heard them get both louder
and more frequent… Trapped inside a cabinet from within the ship you waited that hopefully they
would overlook your location…
Turn to page 155 to continue
You decide that it’s best to stay out of all of this, to take your treasure back home and turn
around your life. You set sail in the general direction of your house, and while the current took you
there, you spent the wait counting your money! It was incredible! There was at least enough wealth
here to buy the entire city of Canpoor, if not more!

You know you must keep it secret though, as the city, pirates, and anyone who is financially
struggling would love to get their hands on your treasure… you need to only tell your spouse and no
one else.

Speaking of… you see your property growing closer and closer to your ship…but the house is in
ruins! Your dog however, is barking on the dock, wagging its tail as you come into its view. Oh how
it feels great to see him again.

You dock the ship and after giving your dog some love, you take two small bags of the treasure
up to the charred structure of your house. The smell is amazing, Eggplant stew, one of your favorites!
Entering the “doorway”, you see your spouse is not there? Did they go to the store again?

You set the treasure down, but as you turn to exit though the door, you feel a sharp pain in the
back of your feet…

“Out with another I hear?” you hear, as the pain moved up to your calves.

“I never knew that after this long you would turn your back on me, after all we’ve been
through!” The pain continued to your back.

“…And I’m lucky, if Sir Alabaster didn’t tell me of your deceit, you probably would have been
continuing on with your adulterous ways!” They rammed another object into your upper back

“…Bleed out for all I care; I’m done with you” They said as they take the treasure you just laid
down and walked out of the house… you lay there completely immobilized.

Game over

As you approach the docks you begin to see the towns wealth deescalating as the beautiful stone
structures quickly transition into rough splintered wood. The smell progressively goes from bad to
terrible, and trash is overtaking the streets. Arriving to the docks you gain a closer look to the system
that is going on…

Brutal taskmasters aggressively commanding their subordinates. Their commands however were
coming more from the whips in their hands, rather than the words from their mouths. The workers
were being treated no better than the garbage on the floor, and their expressions of pain showed that.
How is it that in a time of worry like this, that people protecting the same city could treat each other
so wrongly?

Right in front of you an older worker has been bloodied from the whip of his overseer, who was
lifting up his weapon for another strike. But this was one was different from the other taskmasters.
His whip was adorned with scrap shards, and metal balls; his outfit has lines of gold throughout… As
you noticed these details, the whip came crashing down on the old man, and it was then immediately
thrusted up again, tearing out chunks of flesh. As the old man cried out, he fell face down to the
floor, not to get up again.

“Will anyone else defy Rao the tormentor?!” the man spoke, as if he was bragging over his petty

As you were about to approach him on the matter, a stranger man called out to you from a dock

“Come get your trinkets! Whatever you have I am willing to take in exchange for one of my
vintage trinkets! Who could pass up this offer!?”

The man looked almost nomadic, and completely out of place in this dock of murder, but maybe
one of his trinkets could help in the defense against the pirate attack. Looking back over to Rao, he is
lifting his whip over another worker begging for mercy.

The sound of his begging was suddenly overshadowed by grunting coming from a nearby
alleyway… and as much as this interested you, there was a different, elderly man, one who was
calling you over to his ship.

Turn to page 171 to go to the merchant

Turn to page 287 to intervene with Rao

Turn to page 81 to investigate the alleyway

Turn to page 362 to approach the elderly man

(Turn to page 297 to return to the town square)

You turn from the man immediately head to Artifax to report this information. The stranger
shouts something at you, but you were already through the doorway to where what was said could
not be understood.
With the door shut behind you, you see Artifax sitting at his desk with a face of confusion. You
quickly remedied the awkwardness by explaining your rushed entry and that there was a mutinous
crew member aboard.
“Well… I knew there were disputes among my crew, but this! I would have never expected!”
Artifax said as he barged out of his office towards the lower deck.
You thought to yourself for a moment of what he could be doing with this information… as you
walked out of his quarters, you were shocked to see the mutineer leap out in front of you from around
the corner.
“So you couldn’t be trusted! What a shame, you had potential kid.”
He reached in his pocked as without a moment’s notice he flung a hidden blade at you from it.
Piercing your arm, you were pinned to the wall.
“Now it looks like I’ll have to go mess with another crew somewhere else… thanks for
The man pulled another blade out, this time from his waist. Twirling it between his fingers he
eventually thrusted this one through your chest before he darted over to the escape craft on the side of
the ship.
Blood covered the floor beneath you as you lost feeling quickly.
Game over

Your time as a king in their tribe has brought you great pleasure,
through feasts, gifts, and rituals. In your position you have made
connections with everyone else in the tribe and have even had your life
saved a few times from their loyalty. You have learned some of their
language and culture, and through this have seen their struggle with the
gods, nature, and society. Time has passed where your worry for the pirates
and Canpoor have vanished. With the connections made here, you have
many who will support you in any trial.

It was not until weeks later where strange events started to happen
around camp. Statues erected in your image have been placed in the center
point. Exotic herbs and spices have been lain throughout, and the firewood
amounts have been overfilled. Your usual visits from most of the citizens
has stopped, and it is rare if you even see one person come up to you on
your throne. When trying to leave the throne to look around, your guards
stop and insist it is for your own safety. Something isn’t right here.

By the next day, another strange occurrence happens. The whole town is
now constantly with you, with everyone trying to be closest to you. They
bring physical forms of affection, and gifts of a spicy smelling nature.

The towns priest comes forth and says an announcement. While you are
not fluent currently in the language, you hear the words “Feast” “Tonight”
and “God”. Is this just another of their celebrated feasts or is this something

Either way, you are wary about tonight… Being in power you could
probably make a law to change any strange customs they may bring out
tonight… or you could just give up the throne and leave quietly in the night,
hopefully forgetting this tribe entirely.

Turn to page 3 to escape

Turn to page 265 to make a new law

Walking over to the elderly sailor, he tells you of Arbordam, a nearby city that is prospering
with fresh fruits and great amounts of fish.
“In Arbordam, there will be safety from all your issues, with the new leader the city is in the
best condition that it has ever been! I highly recommend that you come with me over so that I can
personally show you all its great features!”
Some civilians near you were also listening to the man’s speech and they quickly got onto the
“What do you say?” The man asks you as he stretches out his arm
Turn to page 113 to travel to Arbordam
Turn to page 359 to return to the docks
Rushing toward the grey-haired hag, you attempt to quickly locate and then obtain the key
necessary to free the imprisoned Phineas. Aggrieved by her angry reaction to your refusal of the
strange concoction, you leap high onto the stone dais in one fluid movement and grab her roughly;
shocked terror grips her temporarily, providing precious seconds in which you begin to search her
leather belt. Amongst many other hanging items, you fortunately identify a large brass key; you can
only hope that it will indeed unlock the shackles that hold the poor man.

Recovering from her shock, the old hag now reacts to your invasive search, moving her gnome-
like body backwards whilst releasing a tortured, ear-splitting shriek. You flinch but do not retreat, and
immediately move forward with great determination, eager to claim the key. Now trapped at the edge
of the dais, she begins to wail terribly whilst flailing her arms with the intention of causing you harm.
Brushing off her ineffectual assault, you firmly grasp the brass key and yank it off her belt – she
sways forward but remains upright, startled and suddenly silent. The key is yours. Now that you have
the precious item in hand, you turn and leave the dais, aware that the advancing natives will now be
further enraged by your objectionable actions.

Forced to flee the Amphitheatre via the forest, you expeditiously rejoin the pathway through the
shadow-haunted pass lined with gnarled trees, and then rush on to the steep stone steps. Your descent
is swift and often reckless, mindful of the need to maintain a safe distance from your pursuers.
Urgent, shouted voices follow you and the men’s heavy footsteps are many and loud – every step
taken brings both hope and terror. Perspiring heavily from effort and concentration, you summon all
reserves of energy to aid your rapid downward flight. Descending dangerously down the steps, you
re-enter the darkened cavern and hurriedly look for the gaunt figure of Phineas. He lies on the cold
cavern floor within shadows, awkwardly curled like a wild animal seeking to retain a little warmth.
You call his name and approach – he does not respond, nor stir in any way. You kneel by his body
and reach out to touch him, initially surprised by the extreme coldness of his wrinkled skin.

Phineas wakes with a sudden jolt and looks at you with disbelief. His eyes instantly widen, and
his cracked lips form a warm, welcoming a smile. “My friend – I earnestly hoped that you would
come again!”

Turn to page 117 to quickly leave the cavern.

You choose to ignore the tempting bright lights in the distance, for who
knows, they could be traps! You have a bed and seemingly great power here
in this underwater kingdom, you mustn’t give it up for such a wager.
Your eyes begin to shut as tranquility overcomes you, this must be the
best experience of your life… no more work or struggle, you are held as
royalty here!
You think of all the upcoming things you will be able to do here, and
with them comes happiness, you shut off your mind and enter a dream.
This dream, however, lasts much longer than you would have thought as
you never awaken from it.
Game over
You try to shimmy your way into the tight corridor, avoiding as many of the strange colorful
ropes as you can! With every step the passageway grows tighter until eventually it opens up to a
massive square room full of more colorful ropes, and glass panels lining the walls…
Whatever technology that is in this room, you have never seen it before! One of the screens
shows an overlooking view of the city of Canpoor, with moving images of the citizens walking
about… the other is a paragraph that mentions “A one-eyed protectorate”, what does all of this
Moving forward into the room, you come faced with a massive metallic door, with an
overhanging sign reading “Faulty Systems”. You can just barely hear through the door the sounds of
people crying for help, in a nearly manic manner.
Before you could act, a small spherical device dropped down from the ceiling and after facing
you at eye level for a few seconds, began to shine a bright light of red!
From the celling you hear “Intruder alert! Intruder alert! In the labortarium!”
You hear the sounds of footsteps heading quickly to your location, but with nowhere to hide in
this open room, you decide to head back through the narrow passage, in attempts to lose your
pursuers in the house.
Midway through the shimmy, where the walls were the tightest, you see an unfortunate sight. At
the exit point of this crevice, you see an upwards of seven guards aiming down their sights at you:
“Well, what do we have here?” they say, as they grab for your hair, pulling you straight to the
“The Laoughithma will eat well tonight.”
They dragged you throughout the hallway with a bag over your head… the next thing you knew,
you were free falling, and then… after landing into a body of water, the bag on your head
disappeared… after wading in it for a few seconds you realized… this isn’t water! It’s stomach
acid! Your skin dissolved rapidly, followed by the rest of you…
Game over
Entering the bar, the entire building reeks of alcohol and debauchery. As you approach the
middle of the room, the friendly bartender offers you a drink, with no room for a break, you speak
against the offer looking on information in regard to what you could find in the establishment.

“Well, besides the booze you won’t have, my tavern has all you will need for entertainment.
Darts, music, a roaring hearth, warm rooms, you name it! Two of my most frequent customers are
over there in the living room.” He points to a massive muscular man downing glass after glass, and a
petite woman near the fireplace.

“Roy Thunder and Yvonne Sweets, two interesting characters. Roy is one always looking for a
fight, he’s only lost once to a dark stranger, and since that day he has been here to fight all who
approach him. Ms. Sweets is a bit of a rogue, keeping away from the authorities while always up to
her scandalous methods, she brings me business, so I don’t mind.”

You turn to the two of them and they both are now staring you down, one expressing anger
while the other appears more delighted by your presence. Maybe one of them could help you figure
out what to do during this upcoming siege? Or are their shady backgrounds not worth the risk?

While you pondered your options, you heard from across the bar a well-dressed gentleman
speaking to you about a great fortune…

Turn to page 339 to talk to Roy Thunder

Turn to page 195 to talk to Yvonne Sweets

Turn to page 294 to talk to the dapper gentleman

(Turn to page 297 to go back to the town square)

There was nothing but dread on your mind as you reached the shore of
the island… you had just joined a crew only to be cast aside and abandoned.
Unless a miracle happens, you are stuck here.
Now that you are close enough to analyze the island, you see that your
chances of survivability are lower than what you had previously thought.
There are few trees… and of the ones you can find, they don’t appear to
bear any fruit. No animals seem to be here either…how will you be able to
sustain yourself!?
Then you look northward and see it again… the wall. A massive shape
of stone which appears to be splitting the island in half, and now that you’re
seeing it from ground level, you know that there is no way around it!
But then… you see something, in the dead center of the wall, a glimmer.
You trek up towards it, and as you do you confirm the idea of idly
waiting to be a death sentence.
The glimmer was then realized, a crack in the wall! It is large enough
for you to be able to squeeze into it, although you are uncertain as to its
leadings. But this island is desolate, there is no chance of survival or
escape, and you were not about to let your life be left up to fate…
You entered the crevasse and prepared for anything…
Turn to page 384 to continue

The chest is even bigger, and fuller than you saw from afar! You had to
tread carefully on your approach to it if you were to not step on any of the
valuables. Golden items such as plates, weapons, and jewelry were
everywhere, coins of many nationalities, and every color of gemstone.

You notice bags of a silk material placed conveniently next to the chest.
You approach the bags, and the sign accompanying them, trying to avoid
stepping on any items to stay silent. As you make your way, you notice one
of your steps triggers another depression, on a tile which is fully surrounded
by relics…

As the tile sinks into the floor all you hear is a light slam off in the

You sit for a moment to ensure another trap was not about to happen,
and nothing does. After a while you grab a bag and look to the treasure to
see what you should take.

You know that you could handle a bag or two… but you know that there
may be a challenge down the line, and maybe forgoing taking a bag could
be in your best interests for safety precaution.

There is only one way to go after you take (or don’t) your reward. A
rush of the sea breeze enters your senses, and you know you are near an

Grab your treasure and get out of there!

Turn to page 90 to take two bags of treasure (#112)

Turn to page 382 to take one bag of treasure

Turn to page 109 to take no treasure

You decide that it would be a nice idea to look at the wood while you’re
still on the sandbank. You couldn’t explain why you gained such a feeling
at this moment, but you suddenly feel in great shape, as if you can move
You look at the two pieces of wood and you think you know how to use
them... You sit on the floor, holding one of the pieces between your feet,
and you rub the both woods parts. Then, holding the piece in your hand
above the one between your feet you ask to the woods “If I’m hesitating,
what should I do? Should I follow my intuition?” Letting the wood pieces
fall onto each other, you observe how they interact, and you understand the
response. “Yes… So each time I’ll follow the last choice I’ll read in my
spirit “You’re shaking a little bit. You don’t really feel in great shape
anymore. You’re tired, you want to leave this place.
Turn to page 170 to look again for the strange man
Turn to page 154 to return to the village
Turn to page 234 to break the sticks

“Wonderful, we will leave immediately” Artifax speaks in excitement.

He brings you out of the office and to a small craft on the side of the ship.

“This will our way to reach Canpoor, a small ship that hopefully won’t
attract too much attention. Twenty of us will fit in this ship, and upon
reaching land, we will try to capture and hold the city!”

As you are stuffed in the ship, claustrophobia overwhelms you, there is

hardly room to breathe. Artifax mans the front external steering mechanism
and sets off to the town.

“I am sorry for the rough situation you have been placed in, men! We
must act as subtly as possible in order to avoid any suspicion. Once we
reach land, I will open the back latch and we will rush out!” Artifax speaks
to uplift morale.

Time flies by as Artifax announced the destination is only a couple

hundred meters away… “Calico! Your father was a master strategist when it
came to scenarios like these, should we head straight into the port, or take a
longer route around and look for a less open entrance?”

You’ve never been in a scenario like this! Why is he putting all the
responsibility on you!

Looking out the small porthole available, you see the port filled with
people, probably an easier place to hide in once landed. To go anywhere
else would require passing a navy ship patrolling the eastern side of the

“Calico! We need your decision!” Artifax yells in desperation.

Turn to page 272 to head straight to the port

Turn to page 185 to find a less public entrance

You decide in the group that after your initial breach, the others would
follow suit, providing cover for your run, and leaving them safe
Running up to the doorway with great momentum, you lead the charge.
That momentum is quickly used, as upon reaching the door, you
immediately burst through it, as the door was weak from the impacts from
the battle. While pain came from your collision, more pain was gained as
you hit a bucket on the floor, conveniently placed right in front of the fallen
door. With your knees becoming bloodied from caltrops strewn nearby, you
become immobilized as you turn to your allies, which only now have begun
to move.
With gunshots still echoing outside, they are quickly overshadowed by
clapping hands. Down from the staircase reveals the commander, looking at
you with an overcoming smile.
“A bit too ambitious aren’t we now? And to think I was dealing with the
master strategist, child of the great Calico.” He quickly disarmed you,
kneeling down to you, face to face.
You look back to your friends, and they are just mere seconds away.
“Unfortunately, that is what losers get in this world… One wrong
mistake and *bang* …you’re dead” He begins to maniacally laugh, while
going back up to the battlements.
You fall to the floor in pain, as not only is there a hole in your heart, but
a caltrop in your eye.
Game over
The kelp forest is the location that you think will result in the best
outcome in regard to the flashing light. You make your way out to the city’s
exit portal, doing so with as much stealth as you can muster. While no
guards had reacted to your escape yet, this didn’t stop you, and you were
completely silent for the entire way to the kelp forest.
It was only once you reached and entered the kelp forest that the city’s
alarm went off, and you knew that the guards would be searching for you.
You entered the forest in search of the light that you had seen.
However… you did not think through that once you entered the forest,
moving about it would be a great challenge. You quickly could not find
your way back to the entrance, let alone a way to escape the endless loop
you have found yourself in!
You are not sure of how much time you have spent in this maze, but it is
not long before you feel nauseous and require care. Your rage of confusion
makes you toss away your belongings as your mind begins to crumble. Not
being able to escape makes it now a slow and painful death for you as you
wither away, lost in this maze.
*You must destroy/delete all notes (not item/location numbers) you
have written for this adventure*
Game over
You take one of the hats on a nearby hat rack and walk cautiously to the captain’s table in the
middle of the room. While most of the pirates are occupied, some do take notice to you, as they begin
to follow your movements.

Upon reaching the table, the men who were just talking all immediately stopped, and turned
towards you, and they asked what your purpose here was. As you hesitated to provide them a
response that they requested, they called over the other pirates who were not aware of you, and you
were quickly surrounded.

“Make them walk the plank!” “Hang them by the ankles!” and “Blow their brains out!” were all
suggestions by the crew as they came closer to you… they did not touch you however, and they look
to the captain to give them orders.

“I think captivity should be enough for his intrusion… no need to throw away good hands” the
captain said, as he turned and walked away from the table “…search them”

The crew quickly began to pull out every item from every pocket! They were pushing you
constantly, and while you were beginning to feel nauseous, they suddenly stopped as one said “Boss,
you may need to look at this”

You look up as the woman holds your spyglass high into the air. All the eyes in the room now
look upon it and the captain turns around to see what the others are looking it. As soon as he makes
eye contact with the item, his jaw drops, and the tone of the room changes immediately.

“Now, no need for those there shackles, I’m sure you’ll be willing to part with that spyglass for
a couple of coin, right? If not you’re still free to go, no worries!”

Turn to page 344 to deny the offer

Turn to page 116 to accept the offer

You and the team decide to use bait to escape the flora threat. A ledge
nearby gives you all enough altitude to have some breathing room as the
plants begin to encircle you.

Henry speaks up: “Alright so now we’re trapped here, and have no other
choice than bait”

“Anyone but me, please! I don’t want to die!” Brom yells.

“Death is not certain, and because of this, I believe that the selected
individual should too be uncertain” Henry counters, as he picks up stones.

“We can pull rocks, whoever gets the lightest colored stone is the one
choses to go, any issues?”

While you listen further to Henry’s ideas, you hear familiar buzzing
approaching. It grows to a level where Henry can no longer be heard
fluently. The group expresses fear as the plants get closer to the edge of the

Do the insects know that you’re here? Could they provide a way out of
this? Pulling rocks sounds simple, but with a large chance that you are the
one to go down there… Tears run down the party’s eyes as danger rises.

You need to make a decision; the plants are almost here.

Turn to page 102 to go out to the bugs *Requires being pursued*


Turn to page 269 to pull rocks to see who’s bait

“Now I’m going to be frank with you” the questioner states.
“Dondoorions has the exact same pronunciation as the correct answer… however it is NOT
correct!” The questioner gets up from his seat.
“…And as you know from the rules, pronunciation AND spelling matter in my game. You have
violated one of these rules and therefore, you are eliminated from winning the prize… I am so sorry”
You slowly walk away, as you know that he won’t allow you to play again.
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Turn to page 366 to return

You hold your ground against the monster. Unsheathing your dagger,
you prepare yourself for the engagement. The monster’s mouth oozes with
liquids, it’s tail coiling as its neck raises. Looking around you see the small
snakes beginning to swarm to your position.

The beast charges at you with its mouth ajar. As you position the knife
to hit right below the head, you were thrown out of position by the snakes
wrapping around your extremities. You were forced into a kneeling
position, while also being disarmed.

The snakes were working in a manner that would suggest cooperation,

as if they were under magical assistance. Your arms were held outwards,
and they were strongly held, where you couldn’t even move them.

You were lifted highly into the air and bound in place as the serpent
continued its lunge. You are completely defenseless as its fangs pierce into
your body. You are forced to stay still as you feel liquid gushing into your
bloodstream. Within seconds your entire body is feeling constant pain…
You have never felt this pain before until… it stopped…

You could not feel anything anymore. No pain, no movements, nothing.

The smaller snakes let you down, and as you hit the ground, you couldn’t
even feel the drop. You have been injected with some form of numbing
poison, and by the looks of it there is no way to undo the effect. Laying
there even more defenseless than you recently were you watched as the
large serpent reared its head for another lunge.

As he moved forward it was again focused towards your stomach as its

mouth was even more open than the previous attack. The strange thing was,
you did not see it take a bite from you… when you looked towards its
destination, you saw its body had pierced yours, and its body was making
its way through the newly made hole in your body.

Even this attack provided you with any pain, as you watched the snake
continually circling through your body… the smaller snakes began to group
to you once again, covering your face. Eventually you could see nothing but
darkness, and that is all you will see from now on…

Game over
You slash your blade at the skeletons within the grave, this instantly reduces them into a pile,
which you believe will no longer be a threat. Seeing that the rest of the skeletons will be out of their
graves soon, you dive into the now bone-filled grave in hopes that they will pass you over and not
attack you. As you did, you noticed the tombstone read “Player MCLIV”.
You lay dormant as you hear the ground being torn apart and footsteps rapidly growing in
number. You take this time to cover yourself with the bones surrounding you, as an extra precaution
so that you are not spotted…
You thought that the footsteps had ceased… now would be the perfect time to—
You receive pain on your shoulder! As you remove some of the bones from you, you see that
one of the skeleton’s skulls had latched on to your shoulder with its teeth! You tried to remove it, but
it was a tight grip, and probably would not come off without someone else’s assistance!
You know that you had to stay quiet still, in case that the undead were in the area, but as you
laid back to fight the pain, you saw a gleam coming from your shoulder…
The skull that had been biting you had its eyes glowing with energy! Knowing that this couldn’t
be good, you looked up from your grave in hopes to find someone to help you get it off of you…
You did find someone, or rather an entire group as you gained vision of the entire skeletal horde
surrounding your location, looking down at you…
Each of them dove at you, scratching and tearing at you, as you became the next person to join
the graveyard…
Game over
You feel strange as you enter through the device, but at the same time you feel exhilarated.
Being taken to a forest, you now can smell, see and feel that it is a much different forest than you
have ever seen. Turning back to where you entered the area, you wait for Artifax, but he does not
follow behind you...
The blue device is no longer visible from your location… are you now stuck here? After
realizing this as a possibility, you frantically look around the dense forest for any clue of where to go
Sounds of animals fighting, and fires burning are all you hear. This is definitely nowhere near
Canpoor… where are you? Continuing in one direction, you eventually see a horde of savages, armed
with nothing other than tree branches fighting one another. As best as you try and stay hidden, you
notice that eventually one notices your location, and somehow in a different language, influences
their combatants to all go after you.
You ran as fast as you could in the opposite direction from these enraged men, and while it was
close, you managed to slip from their sight, weaving into a cavern. The damp cave was
uncomfortable but is much better than if you were still being pursued. Peeking out, you see the men
looking confused, who then go back to their fight with one another.
You decide to wait until they leave, or fall asleep to exit the cavern, as their senses must be
enhanced in some way, which is how they noticed you previously. Your careful analysis of the
situation came to a halt as the sounds of exhaling were blasted behind your head. Looking back at the
source of the sounds, you are frightened to see a giant lizard opening up its mouth to reveal massive
teeth. Winding its head back, you believe that it is about to lunge and as you attempt to move away it
instantly launches forward, swooping you up into its mouth. The teeth puncture your body in many
locations as you feel them entering and exiting your body multiple times as you begin passing out.
Game over

You command Artifax to lower his weapon and let the man speak out due to there being a clear
conflict going between the two. Artifax does as you say, and you reach your hand out to pull the man
off of the floor.

“I should have gotten to the point faster I suppose” He says exhaling a sigh of relief as he stands
up and removes his hat. “My name is Thomas Burke, and if you will give me time to explain myself,
I will tell you how that man Henry Gron, was a monster.”

Artifax visually tensed up after hearing his name, but you knew there must have been a
connection between the two.

“Henry Gron, probably before he joined your crew was a scoundrel, nothing like the navy
reports say about his “leadership” or “craft”, he would do everything in the world to get a quick
coin… I remember that day where young Henry came into this town, alone with no fears. His
nickname was Hogwash Henry for his great escape involving disembowelment of a swine to hide
through the night, he had no limits.”

“Anyways, to the point. I was a commoner back then, with no military experience or strength.
Hearing news of his latest attack I ran home from my store, but unfortunately, he chose my house as
his alcove. Holding my wife and daughter with a knife to their throat, he demanded all the money I
had. I… obeyed everything he told me, and you know what!?”

Thomas began to weep tears.

“As I went to grab the last bit of valuables I had… their throats had been slit… and Henry, gone.
This was vengeance for all he had done, no matter what transformations he went through, I had to
supply justice. I joined the military and worked my way up, all so I could find Henry Gron, and today
I did.”

Artifax stammered at the story, asking any question to make sure it was him.

“Oh, I’m sure, I overheard him looking for some “Calico” person, and as Alabaster told all his
officers that he would be among you, I knew he would be here, and so he was. I would love to
continue, but we better get moving, Alabaster won’t wait”

You agree and after getting Artifax off the floor, you continue forward until you reach a

“Here we are… Alabaster’s chamber, and with this I believe I must go… take this signaler (#6)
if you need anything, I will try and repay your mercy… now go!” The commander runs back through
the tunnels

Turn to page 307 to enter the door

You dash at the woman, and as she spots you, she turns and heads to the counter behind her, just
as you leap on the windowsill she placed her hand on a nearby knife. You react quickly to this, both
holding down the grabbing wrist, and with your other hand covering her mouth, you eliminate the
threats of both her and her potential allies.
The woman then looks at you, as though she had suddenly been calmed, and as she looks at your
hand on her mouth, you think perhaps that she has settled enough to be able to provide you with
As soon as you let your hand off her mouth, she begins to gasp frantically, as she holds up
against you: “*tchk* we don’t have much time! Please do understand, it wasn’t supposed to happen
this way…” she began to murmur words you couldn’t understand, but a few phrases let loose.
“The heartbeats…. Must understand them! Looping consistently….. back in the same… once
more… run… Whi… Eve... Run… They won’t stop… looking for the code… RUN!” she turns to
you with a face of total fear as her mouth begins to foam, and she aggressively begins to push you
out of the door.
It seems as though you couldn’t overpower her if you tried, as if this panic attack was surging
her adrenaline. She slams the door in your face, holding it shut from any of your attempts to open it.
You backed up to try to ram the door down, but as you did, a massive sound from within the
house occurred, as if a blast went off. The door was blown open, and upon investigation you see the
entrance room has been scorched black, the woman killed.
“Was that!? Let’s go!” you hear a group from above say, followed by their footsteps.
You dash away from the mansion’s grounds, as you know it will be swarming with guards soon
Turn to page 297 to return to the town square.
*You may not go to the mansion for the rest of this run!*
You enter the woman’s room with her tears surrounding her on the floor. She mutters few words
to herself, such as “It was his fault, not mine” “Angry Alabaster” “Curved oak, Swerved croak” and
“The stabbings, the civilians” she sounded hysterical…
Sneaking up to her, you calmly alert her to your presence, telling her that it would be alright.
Her tears continue to fall, but the room grows silent as she calls you over next to her.
“He made me do it… I never wanted to be involved but his hand was too strong… I need help,
can you help me? You will help me.”
Confused as to what she was talking about you just waited for her to dissect what she was
talking about.
“Normality was all I wanted here in Canpoor… his lust for power has corrupted all that was
good here…”
You ask her if she would like to leave with you, to escape this sad place, to escape Alabaster.
“His cruelty is terrible, and I hate him… but I cannot turn against him.”
She grabs you and pins you to the floor, revealing a knife in her pocket.
“I am sad over that I must do this, but to keep you from living... Alabaster will be content.”
She quickly pierces the knife through your chest, just as Artifax thrusts her aside, incapacitating
“It’s in there pretty deep, right in the heart too.” You hear with your last bit of consciousness.
“Now rest, my Calico. You’ll be avenged.”
Game over

You take the single bag (#393) and fill it as much as you can with your
newly acquired treasure! Even a single bag of these items can completely
change your life entirely, and turn around the disposition the pirates have
placed you in. While you are sad that you did not take more, you know that
your safety is still at risk, and the added weight could make a difference.

You quickly make your way through the doorway, the sea breeze smell
continues to grow in strength, you know you are going in the right
direction. However, while going in that direction, you noticed similar
sounds were going off, like before when you stepped on a floor tile. Seeing
now that every step you take is triggering the same sound, you begin to
sprint towards the end of the hall.

The noises start sounding more mechanical, and you around to see the
celling falling down after you! Such an extravagant room is now being
destroyed by the foundation that has guarded it all these years! Solid gold
statues being crushed by celling pieces; diamond encrusted chandeliers
shattering into a disaster!

You continue your dash, stepping on more and more plates, making the
celling fall faster and faster! However, you have already travelled far
enough to which the distance is a non-factor in your safety. You were forced
down to crouching but got out before you had to get any lower. Your bag
was caught underneath the pressure, but you retrieved it without much

You have thankfully escaped the temple and are now in a cave system.
You hear water flowing… you must almost be free.

Turn to page 237 to continue down the cave

You quickly open the gate, and while at first the prisoners were about to knock you out of the
way to escape, you explained to them that if they waited patiently, you all could exact revenge on
those who captured you all, with a better fighting chance than you all have right now.

They quickly calmed down, and just in time as you see a dozen men waddle into the room
smelling of alcohol and yelling like dogs. One man approaches the cell and addresses the group of

“Alright you sorry scoundrels, you each only have a good hour until we reach the destination,
say your last goodbyes and be prepared for the end. You all made your choices, and while you are to
be admired, each and every one of you deserves death for these atrocities”

Death!? You had no idea that you just got into a cell with men marked for death!

As the pirates surrounding the cage began to load their weapons and light torches, the men in the
cage with you began to question why you didn’t just let them out when you had the chance…

You sat there in patience as the ship continued its voyage to this mysterious destination… while
you are not sure what will be there, you know you’ll have to stay on your toes...

“That’s it, get out of there you worms!” A man barked as the cell’s door swung wide open.

“Welcome to Paradise Island”

You were forced into a line of men as you headed to the top deck of the ship to see what is
coming to you.

Turn to page 92 to head up to the deck of the ship

…Finally, you see the golden glow of the sun highlighting the jagged
walls of the tunnel several feet in front of you, alerting you to an upcoming
sharp turn to the left, but more importantly promising you an exit from the
cramped space you have been moving through for the past twenty minutes.
The walls of the tunnel close in on each other again the closer you get
towards the light, forcing you to turn your back against it as you sidestep
slowly one foot at a time. Edging towards the light, the final squeeze means
that the first rays of the sun will warm your face whilst it gives you an
instant view of your new surroundings.

You emerge from a crack in the rock face and are forced to stop dead in
your tracks; firstly, by the beauty of the scene stretching before your eyes,
and secondly because your foot dislodges a clump of earth that crumbles
beneath it and falls away, causing you to look down at the edge of the cliff
you are standing at. You look around.

The sky is a clear blue; wisps of crisp white cloud move slowly within
like gentle brush strokes. The horizon is a straight line where the marbled
effect of the encroaching cloud coverage sits on a deeper blue of the calm
ocean. As you lean forward, you can see the white sands of a perfect beach.
The entire scene looks untainted, new. Undiscovered. You are completely
mesmerized by the landscape; its entrancement captured in the pulse of
your body. You don’t know why, but you want to stand on the virginal
beach below you.

Turn to page 125 to climb down the cliff face to access the beach
Turn to page 211 look for another way to get there
The angry clouds gathering overhead now dump a quantity of driving rain upon you. The wind
temporarily swirls with determined intensity, howling through the jungle as if madly rushing in a
directionless escape. Loud, heavy droplets fall from the sky, quickly slipping off overburdened
branches and leaves, muting all other natural sounds.

You follow the pathway up the slope, mindful of unseen danger. As the rain and wind begin to
abate, the sound of pounding drums now reaches you; their rhythm is powerfully enchanting, like the
inviting call of a siren beckoning for your attention. The beat matches your elevated heartbeat
perfectly, driving you forward with a growing desire to discover their purpose. Your anticipation rises
with every step. Determining that the drumming emanates from somewhere almost directly ahead,
you push on. The path narrows and rises higher over steeper ground, now continuing over slippery
carved steps. At the top of the rocky incline, within an area cleared of undergrowth, you discover two
carved columns on either side of the path. These tall stone monuments stand proudly with their
shaped upper sections expertly depicting ferocious human-like faces featuring protruding hooked
noses, jutting chins and prominent brows. Worn and faded color covers much of these startling
visages: bright eyes, patterned headwear and golden grinning teeth. Equally magnificent and
terrifying, these mesmerizing faces look out over the jungle with intent and authority. Marveling at
the sight of these columns, you now study other symbolic carvings that cover each side; their
meaning is puzzling, although some forms seem to represent birds and beasts, water and the sun, and
other elements.

The primal sound of the drums reawakens you from your ongoing study of the columns, and
once again you follow their powerful attraction. With the wind continuing to decrease in strength,
you now notice movement in the forest; birds and small ground-based animals pursue their daily
activities heedless of your passage. A large bird with colorful plumage emits an exotic squawk from
a branch high above – you pause and regard it for several moments before it takes flight with another
loud call and quickly disappears from view.

Turn to page 393 to head further into the jungle.

Forward down the leftward path you went, with no knowledge of what
could happen, you had no idea what to prepare for. The darkness was
overwhelming, and only through holding tight to the walls of the tunnel did
you stand a chance of avoiding injury.
It took some time, but eventually you gained vision of a light source in
front of you, as the hallway became illuminated, you were able to let go of
the wall and continue at a faster pace.
The source of the light then became apparent… an unusual circle
containing a distorted image. Only upon a closer view of the circle did it
become clear… a house burning to the ground with a silhouette running
from it… as they left the view you watched as the scene reset, this time
with the person running toward the water… it continued repeating as the
person continually ran towards different locations.
You know you’ve seen this before, but something about it brings
A person, a house, and a fire… three constants.
Thinking about this discovery, you watched as the darkness of the
tunnel began to creep forward, reducing the light coming from the circle. A
force began to take hold of you, moving you away from the darkness and
towards the circle…
You quickly made contact with it as you felt memories coming back to
Turn to page 180 to continue
You fire instantly into the head of Artifax, killing him.
“See, you are just as your father before you, except… you have not fallen to trickery.”
He picks up the weapons that Artifax was previously using and begins to head towards the city
“Come along… there will be consequences for his actions”
You follow him questioning the meaning of his words… he takes you through multiple
buildings until you reach an overlook of the plaza, which is full of the remaining pirates in combat
with the city guard.
“Deception is a powerful thing” he states as Artifax’s weapons began to glow a bright blue. A
whizzing sound begins to start before a projectile was released, making a massive explosion…
When the smoke had finally settled you look as the entire city center was disintegrated…
buildings had been ruined, and there was no longer a trace of either pirates or the town’s guard.
“Now why would Artifax not use such a power to overtake the city? A very strange question
indeed… come with me, and all of these questions will be answered”
The man waves the guns towards one of the ruined buildings wanting you to follow.
Turn to page 320 to follow him
Your group of three goes out to the rooftop, and while in disarray due to Artifax’s sudden
madness you are unprepared for a sudden strike you receive as a person swoops from above you,
knocking you all to the ground. The man begins to descend to the floor, and after turning back to look
at you; the monk next to you says it… “Alabaster Schultz”
“So Artifax… you’re still angry over Marianne? After all these years? Surely that was enough
time for you…”
Artifax began to get himself up off the floor, and revealing his weapon, began firing upon
Alabaster. Though you were excited initially for Artifax to catch him off guard, the shots appeared to
essentially bounce off of him, doing no damage whatsoever.
“What kind of trickery is this?” The monk said, as you and he began to also get up.
“Oh Arty, why must you insist on always fighting unfairly? “Alabaster speaks as he runs
through you three, once again knocking you to the floor
You get up again but notice with each blow you it gets harder and harder to use your energy. He
continues to taunt you, while not allowing you to act, or even move at all…
One time however when he dashes, it seems Artifax has learned what to do, and as Alabaster
flies over, he ducks and strikes the back of Alabaster’s boots, and you watch as he plummets to the
other side of the roof.
His legs were damaged, and while he laid on the floor, you all went over to him to restrain him.
There was no means in wasting more bullets if he’ll just negate them all… you pondered on how to
end him… and then you heard Alabaster speak faintly… “Agent Huang… your service is now
You hear behind you noises of footsteps… what is happening?
Turn to page 157 to turn around

Pressing the button, you hear the grinding of gears around you…
Backing up to avoid any danger, you are surprised to see the door begin to
lift from the floor. As it is further opened, the sight of gold shines brightly
into your eyes, you’ve never seen gold in this amount.

When your eyes had adjusted to the light, you could finally look
towards the entrance and immediately you start looking for traps. As soon
as the coast is clear, you call your team forward as you begin your descent
into the structure.

Making it past the door, you begin to hear voices coming from the
outside… Could the Dondorians have sent more men to here?

Your team now being trapped begins to panic, if they get through the
doorway, you’ll be in a drastically disadvantageous position.

You look around, and find a switch on the wall, pressing it in hope that
it will do something… the walls around you begin to shake again, as the
door starts to shut. You hear expletives now being shouted from outside as
the men now have to open it again.

With this buffer of protection, you and your team continue your descent,
in hope that you can uncover what this strange building is holding, and why
the Dondorians have such an interest in it.

Turn to page 253 to continue down the stairwell

You turn away from the door and spin around the black space with your arms outstretched,
searching for the way you came. No matter how far you turn, with the exception of the wooden door,
you feel only solid rock. The path that lead you to this place has disappeared, you only have one
option to progress…
You grip the door’s handle tightly and turn to page 355
“Alabranter huh? Well I say, I didn’t think that someone could consider
an answer of such stupidity! To think I thought that you had the smarts for
my quiz! Ha! I’m out of here, and I suggest you do the same, you’ll never
see me in this town again, I suppose that’s good for you, as I’d want
everyone to know of your ineptitude. Goodbye.”
*You may NEVER attempt this man’s quiz EVER again*
Turn to page 366 to return
You take one step towards the older man and he instantly grabs hold of your wrist. “Trust me,
they won’t hurt you now” the man says, keeping you under his umbrella, out of the rain.

“I have committed my life here… all of these years, to keep travelers like you safe from their
harm. It is lucky I saw you in this storm, or you may have fallen for their trap”

The man lit his pipe as he walked you towards a cave. “Come quickly!” he puffs smoke into
your face “This downpour will be the end of us if we don’t seek refuge, into the cave we must!”

With his grip still around you, you follow the man into the cave, and the smell of fresh cooking
enters your nostrils. “I keep this fire going all day, this job is not one you would want to have! Eating
food is a luxury!”

He puts a blanket around your back and pours out some of the soup from the cauldron. “Eat up,
Warm up, you must! I will grab the thing I promised you” He says, as he walks into the darkness in
the back of the cave.

You take one taste of the soup and now you just want to keep eating! A strange addiction has
overcome you! You finish the soup in seconds before going for the cauldron to gain some more”

The only thing you could think of now was the soup! After taking up the cauldron and slurping
away, you heard steps coming from behind you…

“Enlightenment yes, a fool yes too” you hear followed by a *whush* you drop the cauldron and
fall straight on your back… you don’t feel pain however. Looking up to the celling you see the old
man standing above you with a grin on his face. He lifts you up and shifts you over a few feet before
dropping you into something, after which he places a lid on top of your container. “You and me and
eternity now” the man says.

You see that you are now propped up to be standing, as he opens a slit in your container to look
at your face.


“Soup?” he questions you, as he puts a spoon into your mouth. “You must eat soup to stay alive!
You will be here forever!” In a trance you have no way to break, you no longer feel motivated… you
eat what you’re given and accept your fate… an eternity of soup.

Game over
Rising ever higher, you continue along the narrow pathway. The land has now become quite
rocky and therefore difficult to traverse easily, and the surrounding area is heavily overgrown with
many expansive plants. You hear occasional odd sounds from both near and far and begin to notice
many flying insects eager to investigate the appearance of a lone human within their environment.
Brushing off the more inquisitive insects, you press on up the steep slope.

Great thrusting slabs of rock ascend this section of the hillside, rising from the earth to form
impressively tall obstructions. The pathway turns constantly to navigate these solid barriers; you
lightly touch the ancient rocks as you pass, mindful of the many years behind their formation, and of
the constant change they would have witnessed. Growing weary as you climb higher, the pathway
soon reaches a flat elevated shelf, situated at the base of another towering section of vertical rock. A
man-made staircase has been cut into a crevasse directly before you, providing a direct route to the
top of the hillside above. Turning back to look out over the island towards the beach, you’re provided
with a spectacular view of the jungle and the ocean, and the massed low clouds. The pounding drums
suddenly stop – their constant beat continues on inside your head regardless.

Pausing to catch your breath for a few moments, you notice several shadowed openings within
the formations off to your left. These darkened areas are formed by clefts, overhangs and natural
cavities; each potentially hiding a space worthy of exploration. Deciding to briefly inspect the area,
you noiselessly step across the open shelf, examining each sizeable opening for anything of interest.
After passing several small hollows and shallow chambers, you halt and stand before an archway of
rock, listening intently to a repeated nearby sound. Although you are exposed to the elements at this
height, the wind has calmed to no more than a gusty breeze, and when it drops and all is suitably
quiet, you hear what sounds like a faint metallic scraping: a dull noise suggesting slow movement
across a hard surface.

You peer into the gloom of a narrow but substantial cavern, eagerly seeking any motion within
the darkness. You clearly hear the peculiar sound again, now for a longer duration, yet it is
impossible to identify without any further information. Then the drumming begins again, now faster
and louder, blocking out most nearby sounds.

Turn to page 333 if you leave the rock shelf and continue towards the drums.

Turn to page 34 if you step inside to investigate the dark cavern.


You walk up to the door just as the guards began to strike it open. Calling out to them to leave
for their own safety, the guards did not appreciate your suggestion, shouting out “Get on the floor!”
as they pointed their weapons at you.

Now being defenseless, you follow what they say as you have no means to get out of their
sights, and if you were to disobey, you would quickly be killed.

While you were on the floor, the robbers behind you still did not listen to their orders, as they
opened fire to the guards who were now able to be fired at. You watched as the squad quickly
reacted, and after a momentary stalemate of ceasefire, the men outside left your view… are they now

The bandits came up to you with one shouting “That was a bonehead move! Do you see what
could have happened you little….”

Before he could finish his statement, he was flung back and incapacitated, from what, you were
uncertain. Quickly the others also fell in a similar fashion… one after one being turned nearly

The gang of guards entered the room with a strange weapon being help up, shiny and silver you
have never seen something like it.

“Well that seems to take care of that dilemma” one of them said.

“What about them?” another responded, looking down at you.

“Uh, let’s take them back to HQ” he said, as you had a bag placed on your head.

Being shaken about recklessly, you are carried some distance before you are unbagged to
another strange sight!

The room you are in is full of technology like you had seen before in the bank, and different
guards are now before you, like they are from another world, as well as them being much more

“You are going to tell us all you know about the Time Guiders, and you won’t be leaving here
until you do!”

They switch on a device, and as you speak in confusion, they slap you across the face… You
won’t be leaving here anytime soon.

Game over
You nearly reach the door before a massive metal wall falls from the celling blocking you from
reaching it! You attempt ramming and slashing through the obstruction, but it is too thick for you to
“I don’t think that’s how this is supposed to end!” Reavon says as he unsheathes his sword and
drags it across the floor as he slowly walks towards you.
“You think that you’re in charge?! You are merely a pawn in this, nothing you do will ever have
an impact!” He is now standing in front of you.
“I cannot wait…” he places his sword up to your stomach
“to see you…” He pushes the blade forward; you begin to see blood stain your shirt
“…again!” The blade had full pierced your body; you fell to your knees in pain.
You cried out in pain as Reavon just watched… as minutes passed, and you still were looking at
him, he went to the other side of the room as he grabbed cloth, which he stuffed your mouth and ears
He then sat directly in front of you and pulled the device out of his pocket. Mouthing words that
you couldn’t understand, you were astounded as the device burst in his hand, causing the massive
explosion to instantly disintegrate Reavon, and thrusting you back against the metal wall.
You lost your life just as you see spheres floating above you, prodding at you with metallic
Game over

You continue onward towards the flashes of light in the sky. Scared that
your craft will capsize any second you brace the sails to go faster, while
keeping durability in mind. Getting closer you the clouds begin to clear up
to a point where you see the explosions of light more clearly, and that they
seem to not be weaponized, but being used in celebration.

You see the villain’s ship docked and the crew running from the weather
into a massive cave system. You know it may harm the ship, but you take a
longer route to wait for all of them to be clear, and to avoid being spotted.

After you finally dock the ship, the weather has calmed down to just a
light rain, and the sky explosions continue to come. Occasionally cries of
happiness and wood breaking can be heard.

You see the ship has been left unmanned, and at the worst there may be
a few people in its interior. Also, through the weather you see illumination
emanating from the cave’s mouth and see that it is breathing like a fire.

You’ve made it this far and overcome many near-death experiences.

Your craft is in no condition to be used until it is repaired, and so you need
to figure out how to escape…

The noises make it hard to think… will they be done soon, or will this
celebration continue for a while… will entering the cave lead you straight
to them, or will you be able to sneak through unseen…

Waiting in place won’t solve anything, the quicker you move, the

Turn to page 221 to enter the cave

Turn to page 100 to board their ship

You remain ready for whatever Thomas had to pull out, and to your surprise, it was a journal…
“A turncoat? Why would I turn against you now?” he asked puzzled.

“As I gathered this equipment to aid you against Alabaster, I quickly had to take this from the
governor’s quarters… his personal journal that him and I have been using since the beginning of his

Thomas flips the book open and shows you information on every person in the town, including
your crew… Birthdays, weaknesses, even their last known location…

“Alabaster had all of this information about… me” Artifax said “How did know all of this…”

You see Thomas flipping quickly to the back of the book… he tears off a covering, revealing

“This will probably be the most crucial information to you… some of the words have been
redacted, and while I do not know what they were, this was Alabaster’s most prized information.

“Calico, child of the _____. The only person able to stop the Xanium threat. Trapped within the
/\/\/\/\/ timeline; help the solicitor keep him constantly _____ so that chancellor _____ can be
prepared for the final confrontation.”

“What does this mean!?” Artifax yelled out “I know just as much as you do” Thomas replied

Beeping began to start in the room. “We need to get down!” Thomas screamed, as he pushed
you both into a corner…

The beeping only grew faster and louder. “Take cover!”

Turn to page 183 to follow Thomas’ orders

To the rain covered land you went, knowing that upon landing you
would need to seek shelter quickly! You and the crewmembers huddled
together in discussion as you began to feel droplets hitting your head.
“Boys! This is it! Hopefully all we will need will be here upon this
island!” Artifax spoke as the droplets became larger and more frequent than
“Make sure we stay together! Getting lost on this land will be a certain
death! We will need absolute coor—“
He was cut off as a gust of wind came throughout the ship, tearing
barrels off the deck, causing them to shatter against the oceans waves.
“BRACE YOURSELVES!” Henry ordered, you watched as the crew
held tight to the closest piece of the ship to them. You however, we not as
prepared as the others as you felt the air envelop you, uplifting you from the
deck. Men around you tried to reach to you with their hand, but it was too
late, you were flung into the rough sea, although luckily the shore was a
reasonable distance from you.
Battling the waves was no easy feat, as for some moments you felt
breathlessness, true fear had come over you. To make matters worse, in the
few moments where you could look back, it was not to your crew coming to
your aid, but them sailing away from you, out of reach…
Taking the island for a shelter was the only thing you could do, as you
finally felt the sand under your feet, you walked into the unknown.
Turn to page 188 to continue
You walk forward into darkness, nothing guiding you besides your
instinct that this is the right pathway. The tunnel goes much longer than the
previous one you had went through, and without light; you questioned
many times if you should turn back, but eventually you ran into something
that was strange and sparked your interest!
One of the walls around you was illuminating with bright colors… as
you walked closer to it, the glow brightened further. You instantly knew that
something was weird, you began to walk away from it and head back to the
entrance, but every step you took, the hallway grew brighter and brighter.
Whatever was going on was getting worse by the second, and you decided
to turn to sprinting to evade this issue.
With your first large stride, you heard the wall behind you break open,
and you turned to a blob of purple material flooding towards you!
You dashed as fast as you could, but it was in no way fast enough to get
away. You were quickly consumed as purple became all you could see…
Your last thought was what was this purple energy and why was it in
this temple?
*You have gained “Purple infestation” (#77) for all future runs*
Game over
You request that you take an eggplant home, hoping that it would have no strings attached…
The men approve of your request, they carefully take the golden eggplant out of your hand and
replace it with a regular eggplant.

“You got your plant you see, now off you go, and don’t come back!”

You were pushed out of the cave until you reached the pirate’s ship. Questioning them what
they’ll do about getting you off the island, they carry out a small raft for you as they begin to get
agitated, calling you off of their island.

You get in the raft, and while difficult to navigate the rough waves, you manage to make it back
to the ruins of your house, where you see your spouse there, crying on the floor.

Approaching them, you hold the eggplant. They turn and ask “Where have you been this whole
time? What happened to our house?”

To the best of your ability you explain what happened…after revealing all you have after this
day is an eggplant, your spouse gets up off the ground and walks away…

Sitting on the beach with your eggplant, you question what was done wrong, and why things
had to happen this way.

The sky turns black as you are still sitting, saddened over your losses. You feel emptiness, as
you lay down to rest for a while…
Game over
You walk across the clearing to the perimeter of the village, where the large painted stone sits
upon a weathered tree stump. Roughly two feet in diameter, it is completely covered in swirling
circular patterns that have been very carefully painted with various earthy pigments. You are
fascinated by this stone, which appears to have been deliberately placed on the stump here and
wonder about the significance of the markings and the possible meaning behind them. As you inspect
the stone further and ponder this strange curiosity, the clouds are briefly parted by the wind, and a
shaft of sunlight illuminates the surrounding jungle for just a few seconds. Due to the revealing light,
you now notice that an overgrown trail appears to head down the slope through the trees, travelling in
the direction of the beach from where you originated. Intrigued by these circumstances, you decide to

The overgrown trail is little more than a narrow space between the trees, but you can see that the
undergrowth had been purposefully cleared some time ago, and that this route has been used
repeatedly over a long period of time. After a couple of minutes of slow, attentive walking you find
another stone sitting atop a stump beside the trail. Similarly, this smaller stone has been painted with
swirling patterns, although here they are more open and less orderly. Continuing on cautiously, the
jungle now closes in, restricting your movements and repeatedly blocking your view of what lies
ahead. Progressing forward with some difficulty, you suddenly notice the unusual silence and
stillness around you.

The trail occasionally turns back and forth to avoid obstacles, but generally maintains a straight
route. The downward slope you are traversing now increases as you descend a hillside, with many
thick roots forming natural steps to aid your progress. You notice something unusual set within the
undergrowth not too far ahead, and after only a dozen or more paces you enter into a flat clearing
where a small shrine of various piled stones is found. Tall grass covers much of the space that
surrounds the shrine, however, you notice a number of places where the earth has been disturbed and
now forms mounds – you quickly realize that this is where the villagers bury their dead. The site
features no burial markers by the gravesites, and little more than a gentle wind can be heard, as if
those who rest here have willed the peaceful quiet into being. It is also unnaturally cold and
somewhat gloomy.

As there is nothing here of further interest to cause delay, you are soon making your way back
up the trail to the village. As you do so, your thoughts turn to the villagers and their deceased
members. Who are these remote people, and more importantly, where are they all at this time? As
before, the dwellings remain empty of life, so you do not hesitate to depart, heading off again along
the ridge. As you follow the narrowing, twisting path the distant sound of the pounding drums
continues with every step.

Turn to page 205 to head further into the jungle.

You hug the edge of the cavern while trying to look as natural as possible, while normally think
you’d stick out, the others in the room were so distracted by their other activities, that you managed
to get around to the captive pirate…

You shh him immediately, he begins to show worry the closer you move to him and so you
cover his mouth and explain what you are trying to do. By freeing him, you can learn of what these
pirates are doing, why he is captive, and how to escape these pirates! The man shakes his head in
compliance, and pointing to your hand on his mouth, he signals that he would like to talk to you.

As soon as you lift up your hand however, he immediately shouts “Guys, we have an intruder,
I’ll hold them!”. The man slides his leg underneath yours, and he wraps his legs around you after you
had fallen.

You turn your head to see that the festivities the others had been doing has suddenly stopped,
and the entire crew were looking at you with anger. “Are they the one?” “What are they doing here!”
and “Quick, grab them!” is all you heard, before the whole group of them dove towards you,
covering you with their weight. You passed out from the pressure and woke up in a cell, in minimal
clothing, missing all of your items. The captain you saw earlier walking to the other side of the bars.

“That was a rather stupid move you just did back there… to evade us once was on us… but for
you to come back to our establishment and try and steal from us… no this is unforgivable”

The captive man you tried to rescue came next to his side. “Did I do well sir? Can I finally be
free from my shackles?” The man asked.

“I think, finally… you are free, and with perfect timing, it seems we have your replacement.”
The captain says looking at you. “I hope you know how to cook, clean, and listen. You’ll be doing
that for a while.”

The two leave the room, and with you behind bars and no means of escape, you prepare for your
new life.
Game over

While you reached the same elevation as Artifax, you waited for the perfect opportunity to begin
the confrontation. Seeing how powerful his weapons were, to duel him fairly would be a death

He fired a few more rounds into the city, developing massive holes into the sides of buildings,
allowing his men to enter with ease and begin looting. This went on for some time before he stopped
firing; standing still and fiddling around with his weapon. You took this as potentially the best time to
attack, and snuck up on him, while readying your blade. You were nearly within lunging distance
before Artifax began to randomly laugh. He threw his golden guns to the ground, pulling out a
golden blade.

“Thinking you could sneak up on me!? He mentions while not letting up the laughter.

“Now, stranger, you will know why the rest of your friends ran from me!” he lifted his blade

“…I am Artifax the protagonist, none shall stop my…” while he swung his sword downwards,
he just froze…

Running over, you slash his arm with your blade releasing blood, he has no reaction… With
nearby corpses of guards nearby, you loot a pair of cuffs from one of them, and bind both his arms
and legs. It is shortly after this that Artifax begins to move and react again; squirming, cursing, and
questioning what happened.

Carrying him to the town center, you come across a scene of the city’s guards holding strong
against the pirate onslaught. With dead pirates everywhere, and the alive ones held captive, the battle
has been won! You walk to the defensive guardhouse where men cheer over the victory. Once they
spot Artifax in your hand, they begin to boo and taunt him, while one of the commanding officers
congratulated you for your decision making.

Inside the guardhouse these celebrations were amplified, though as quickly as they rose, they
fell as the doors swung open behind you and a man walked in. Dressed in a fully dapper outfit, the
room’s focus was entirely on him as he walked over to you and requested that you head into a private
room in the rear of the building.

With just you three alone in the room, he introduces himself: “Sorry to be such a hassle, I am the
newly elected governor of Canpoor, Saladan Arbor. I just wanted to congratulate you on such a
capture, without you, the battle may still have been ongoing, and more allied casualties occurred.”
Saladan begins to fumble around in his pocket.

“…I just wanted to be the sole observer of Artifax’s downfall. Long has he interfered with our
city’s affairs. He needs to be brought to justice!” He pulls out a silver flintlock, holding it by the
barrel, he places the grip near your hand.

“It must be you to dispense this indignation upon him. To finally rid the world of him!”
You grabbed the weapon, and as you pointed it towards Artifax, his eyes opened, and he yelled:
“Saladan! Who is this Saladan? Someone to take all I have worked towards, or perhaps just another
snake in the grass? He cannot be trusted!”

Saladan struck him across the face, “Do it! He speaks words of wickedness, do not let them
toxify you!”

“You are a stranger to me, one that I have not seen before… why is it that you are important
here? Not once have you done something to deserve this moment, but it was thrusted upon you,
strange is it not? You’ll believe anyt...”

“Silence!” Saladin strikes again, “Shut him up!”

Turn to page 6 to shoot Artifax

Turn to page 200 to shoot Saladan

To the land of rock you ventured, and although you were not certain
whether or not this place would hold any treasure, you were hoping that it
would, at the minimum, help your relationship with the crew.
As you came closer to the island you could see that it appeared to be a
massive wall of rock, that was hiding something on its opposite side.
Though from the front it looked uneventful, you were certain that some
secret must be housed on the island…
“Forget the wall! Let’s circle around it!” one of the crew said as the
others agreed
As the ship reached the edge of the wall as was about to come around it
you looked up in fear as you heard a booming sound from above you!
A rockslide was suddenly started and struck both the ship as well as
crewmembers, causing massive damage. The rocks grew in frequency and
caused the helmsman to turn the ship around, which instantly caused the
rockslide to cease…
“You’ve taken us to a cursed island! You deceiver!” some of the crew
Artifax tried to speak in response to them, but before he could even
open his mouth, you found yourself flung overboard, flailing in the ocean.
“You’ll never be a part of our crew!” you heard from the ship as they
began to sail away.
Swimming ashore, you looked to the island as your only available
Turn to page 367 to continue

The chief waits for some time, hand extended, waiting for something.
Before long, his expression shows disappointment, which is then turned to
anger. He suddenly throws his scepter on the floor and shouts orders to the
nearby tribesmen. They get up through fear and lift you out of the room as
they take you to the center of the village, tying you to a post.

You wait here for a long period of time, hours. The sky grows black and
you’ve dazed off via boredom multiple times. As you awaken from your
most recent slumber, you are surprised to see a large light, emanating from
one of the huts.

Two men come out of the hut, wearing face paint that you haven’t seen
before just now. They carry you upside down inside the hut as you discover
the light is actually a massive fire…

You are unsure as to what is happening, but you see the fire is in the
middle of a circular table, with knives places around the flame. The chief
and all the other tribesmen are wearing the same face paint as the two who
brought you in.

The chief stands up and begins chanting once again, raising his orb
above his head. The others begin speaking the same words, as you saw
earlier. Drums begin to play, and their beat steadily grows in tempo.

After a bit of this music, you are then circled around the fire, as your
carriers dance and scream. Dizziness overwhelms you as the rotations grow
faster and faster. Due to your dizziness, you couldn’t notice that the chief
had approached you, all music then stops.

He places his hand on your forehead, and lightly speaks as if he is

praying. His eyes burst open from being closed, and anger is all over his

He shouts “Die!” as his force pushes you into the flames. The burns are
unbearable, but as you try and escape, the whole tribe each grabs a knife
and holds them around the fire. Knowing you can’t escape the flames, you
accept your fate, as the last thing you see are licking lips.

Game over

The buzzing grows louder and louder, as you turn a corner and come to
a disgusting view. A horde of massive bugs have rammed their proboscises
into a downed elephant. The poor animal’s body has been sapped of
nutrients and been incapacitated due to lack of energy. You witness as the
last of its life-force had been finally drained.

These flying beasts can probably give you a similar treatment to you in
less than half the time. You decide to not reveal quite yet as you and your
group plan on the correct action. A frontal charge could allow you to run
through them, although given their aggression, they could potentially
pursue you for a long time, with little ways to escape them, given their

Another of your men suggested using bait could provide a way through,
and while you believe that it would be inhumane, it may be enough to get
you around. You consider the option but know that it could make even more
issue when the deciding process comes around.

The insects have now appeared to notice you! As they begin their
advance, you weigh in both options before you, but also consider running
back to the beachhead. Their wings begin to speed up, and they position
their stingers directly to your frontside.

A whole lot of pain is about to fill your body if you don’t take an action,
and fast!

Turn to page 29 to use bait

Turn to page 110 to rush forward

Turn to page 35 to retreat

The blade pierced through your stomach, giving you a sensation worse
than death! You writhed in pain as you felt each of your individual cells
being destroyed as if you were rapidly ceasing to exist.
“Look at the power of the ghost blade, understand it, and fear it, for you
are doomed!” the captain said as you began to lose your senses.
You got one last glimpse of the lower half of your body as you saw
ashes rising from the destruction of your waist… after seconds this had
risen to your chest…
With no hesitation, the final part of you, your head vanished, and so
your tale has ended…
Game over
*Gain “Doomed” (Item #14) for all future runs*

You ran at the oncoming foes with great speed, firing off a shot from your rifle downing the
closest target to you. Throwing the exhausted weapon aside, you unsheathed your blade, ready to
clash with the other horde, while simultaneously dodging the few shots fired at you.

When the gap was finally closed, the contact with the group was fierce and as you clashed
blades with one man, you saw as both friend and foe were mutilated by each other, either losing
limbs, receiving deep lacerations, or in the worst cases; total disembowelment… it was gruesome and
as you got the upper hand on your attacker, you left him in a similar state.

The pirates began to break through! With their cannons shredding entire groups of your allies,
you barely managed to dive away as a man standing behind you was turned into a red mist. Your
initial numbers of sixty had dropped to about twenty men in this short period of time!

But there was hope! With your side in retreat, they baited the enemy into a chase, which to your
joy, allowed the ambush group to do their mission! The pirates had now been flanked, with massive
fire coming to their backside!

The rest of your allies now charged back towards the crippled foe as you watched behind a rock
off to the side of the battlefield. Things were looking back to your favor! While another ship of
pirates was heading to bring reinforcements to the docks, the first ship’s men were nearly defeated!

It was then that you saw a strange figure appear on top of the ship’s deck. A white brimmed hat
was the immediate identifier of the man, and while you did not know their name, it was quickly
known as one of your fellow allies yelled “Artifax! Run back to the keep!”

Even though they had just charged back into battle, your allies had already turned around as the
slow moving Artifax dismounted the ship. With a golden gun in his hand and a grin on his face he
continued his assault. You peered over to the ambush group, but they too had already begun to

You had been now cut off! With pirates pressing forward to the city behind you, and the
unknown Artifax in front of you, you took up your blade, ready to face the man in one on one
combat. Knowing that your allies would be no help in either situation, you took this gambit.

Turn to page 312 to confront Artifax

You have found the true ending and completed The Artifice
The adventure does not end here however! Start over and continue to
search the land for artifacts that will be able to help you in your future runs!
While you may find that some items may not have a use in the
archipelago, fret not… they could have a purpose in the upcoming
adventure of “The Guised Gulch”!
Be sure to keep a hold of the way you are tracking your items so that
you have them ready for when the next chapter in this story is available!
Finally, while you may think that you have “done everything” there is in
the book, I have to stress that you do not freely look through the pages,
some secrets are really hidden and should only be experienced if you are
able to find them!
Now get back out there and find all the endings!!
Turn to page 415 if you would like to view those who helped fund
this book!

As you ponder what these questions could be, the ship leaves your dock
and heads south-west, towards the open water. Your anxiety is elevated be
the constant overwatch the whole crew is giving you. Some time passes
before the anchor is dropped and you are once again fully surrounded.

“Alright, young Calico choose your path” the man says as he gestures to
three objects.

“The Plank…” showing the extended yard-long plank over the barren

“The Island…” gesturing to a miniscule speck of land out in the


“or The Captain” pointing to the double set of doors on the ship.

“Your father was given the same three options a long time ago, now you
too have his same choice”

Thinking of the options, all three sound menacing as you don’t know
exactly what each entails, and their consequences could be dire.

The crew all drew their weapons as impatience grew among them.

“Choose Calico!”

Turn to page 224 to choose “Plank”

Turn to page 133 to choose “Island”

Turn to page 245 to choose “Captain”


You point to your pocket using your head, hoping the chief with
understand the gesture. After showing a confused face, it seems he
discovered your intentions as he reaches inside and pulls out the statue that
you had on you.

Immediately his face is lit up with happiness, he jumps around with joy
and excitement! He speaks and gestures as two men approach and release
you from your binds. The chief pulls out his orb and places it in the hand of
the statue, a perfect fit!

You are given robes of magnificent color that you question how these
simpletons obtained them. Before you could fully slip it on, two more men
guide you out of the sacrificial tent, and to the village’s center, leading you
to the throne you saw earlier.

What are they doing to you…?

Sitting confused on the throne, your confusion grew as the whole town,
including the chief began bowing down to you. They began singing a song,
but instead of the violent chanting from before, it was peaceful, and calm.

Days passed, and you haven’t left your throne much, your worry of
them being hostile is gone. Two tribesmen have been with you the entire
time, and a bond between you three has formed. Every day you have been
given feasts, and gifts as if you are a king, or god to them.

All the worries of pirates, fires, and abandonment have left you… could
you stay like this forever? You have a realization that you could do such a
thing… whatever you brought to them has made you go from almost killed
to being lifted up high. But do you want to stay here…

Some things you will never see if you stay here, your spouse, your dog,
and probably civilization. But you could have a new life here, as someone
more powerful.

If these tribesmen really think of you as a king, then they should be able
to give you a means off the island…
Turn to page 361 to stay in the village

Turn to page 340 to request a way off the island

Phineas tells you a tale of grave misfortune, and of his subsequent imprisonment in this accursed cavern.

“My small ship, The Sea Serpent, was blown off course by a damaging storm, striking rocks and breaking apart on the far side of the island. Several members of my crew
perished during the incident, those remaining swam ashore. Needing food and clear water to stay alive without immediate hope of leaving these shores, we sought to find both,
however, all we would discover was danger, hostility and death.” He pauses here for a few moments, sagging his shoulders with tiredness and despair before dropping his lean frame
to the ground to sit. “Two of my crew fell at the cruel hands of the natives – by trap and by spear – after not too many days. It appears that they had tracked and hunted us from the
beginning, possibly even before landfall. My last remaining crew member, an experienced seaman named Callahorn Studdal, disappeared one moonless night; I presume that he no
longer lives, otherwise he would likely be here with me now. I do not know how long it is that I’ve been chained in this inhospitable place – many months by my reckoning – and I ask
myself why it is that I still live. I expect that a dreadful outcome awaits, at a time of their choosing. The tribe is wholly merciless in dealing with any outsider, savagely aggressive in
both pursuit and capture. My friend, you do not want to meet a similar fate as mine.”

As he speaks his final words Phineas indicates with a turn of his head toward the edge of the cavern, where you identify human skulls and assorted bones scattered in the dim
light. Acknowledging his grim situation, you ask if his shackles can be broken as you step forward into the light to inspect their strength and manufacture.

“No – they are quite secure. I have tried everything without success,” he replies disconsolately as you test his restraints for yourself. “They’re very sturdy and appear to be
rather new, and the chain is secured at a point below ground, out of reach. Even with your assistance I don’t see how we could break either manacle or chain. However, a gnome-like
hag infrequently brings me food – she may hold a key amongst the many small trinkets that adorn her belt. She’s the only human I’ve seen, before your arrival, since my capture.”

You’re keen to help the poor man, but now understand that any offered help would come with a great risk to your own health and survival.

Already resigned to his cruel fate, Phineas appears to recognize your predicament. “There are steps in the darkness over here, leading up to the crest of the hill where their
strange ceremonies are held. If you still desire to follow the drumming, then I only ask that you attempt to locate the old hag, or otherwise find a way to unshackle me. I will not beg
for rescue, but will gladly accept any aid that you may provide.”

Sympathetic to his troubling situation, you ask him to wait with hope for your return. Now beginning to ascend the stairway on the other side of the cavern, you wish for
opportunity and good fortune. The drums pound on.

Turn to page 213 to continue climbing the steeply rising steps.

You have had enough of this island… for all you know, the Artifax and
his crew have forgotten about you. You will not stick around and starve
waiting for something that probably won’t happen.
Getting the boat out into the ocean was difficult in itself, but trying to
row against the ocean’s waves was an even greater challenge! Using your
eyeglass, you get a general idea of which direction to head to get back to
Ten minutes passed and you feel like you have made little progress, the
waves are just too strong! The exhaustion from your previous nights, on top
of this strenuous activity had turned you feeble.
You were about to give up and head back to the island, but just past the
nearest waves you saw it… a ship!
Crying out to the craft, you hoped that they would be able to hear you
and take you aboard… it was just after you realized who they are you heard
“Mutineer! Look at them running from their orders!”
It was Artifax and his crew again and they did not look happy…
You heard them start a discussion in which the words were
indistinguishable, and their ship continued towards you. You may be in
trouble after this, but you are sure with your spyglass that they will forgive
you in time…
You stood up on the boat, and prepared for a rope to be dropped to bring
you onboard… there was no such rope; were they just going to sail past
This confusion turned into fear as they turned their ship to be headed
directly towards you, your boat didn’t stand a chance as both you and it
were shattered upon impact.
Game over
You ignored the voice’s instruction, as you did not understand the
meaning of a “time trinket”. With nothing to lose, you continued to walk
through the portal, hopefully reaching “A.W.” or perhaps even this gulch!
A flash of light blinded your vision, and while you were not certain
where you ended it, you knew it wasn’t where the voice suggested it would
All you could see up unto the horizon were blackened ruins. No sign of
life… nothing.
You spent some time looking for anything to help you… there wasn’t
even scraps. Venturing the desolate wastes, you never saw an end to this
horrific sight.
Slowly withering away, you accepted your fate.
Just as you perished, you remembered the time trinket, and tried to think
how things could have been different if you had just found it.
Game over
I cannot thank each of these individuals enough! With their support,
patience, ideas, and contributions, this book has been able to reach its
current state! Listed below are all the backers names, the respective tiers
that they backed at, as well as any page numbers that they personally made!

Pirate Lord
Michael Reilly
Brian Marshall Daniel Urzik
Karin & Khloe Scott Stuart Lloyd

First Mate
Angela Quidam Dominic Lyne
林立人 Lin Liren

Andifroeni - Audri G - Benjamin Dose - Bryan the Human Being - Cheryl Howard - Chris Bard - CJ - Colin Oaten - Cristhian Carpio - Dustin Garcia - Emmeline Wegrzyn -
Erick Erickson - Francis Leblanc - Gustavo Herodier - Han Marshall - Ian McFarlin - Jared - Joan Ercolini - Jonathan A. Gillett - Kevin Whitaker - Kim Danielle Noiseux - Leron
Culbreath - Luis Jimenez - Martin Hohenberg - Michal Kramar - Morgan Kennon - N. Tanksley - Panagiotis Govotsos - Philip Hunter - Sam Kowalski - Samuel J Montalvo - Sarah
Joy - Scott Mitchell - Stefano Grassi - TheRycorrianAmbassador - Unisus - William Bard - Y. K. Lee - 4-strings4jesus

Pages Contributed:

Michael Reilly: 9 25 34 53 69 73 86 106 117 164 168 172 188

205 213 219 236 283 289 299 317 333 363 385 393 401 412

Dissy: 19 40 63 99 112 115 161 222 242 281 329

Angela Quidam: 43, 126, 154, 170, 189, 196, 243, 290, 356,

Dominic Lyne: 125, 136, 182, 211, 255, 355, 384, 390

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