B-V 10.11 HSE-Regulation for Suppliers Rev02

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HSE-Regulation for Suppliers

Regulations for work safety, health and environment awareness

General rules for contractors/suppliers during execution of orders for Bentec GmbH

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Revision: 02
Table of Contents
1 Principle Rules .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Abbreviations/Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Scope of Application ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Competence and Consequences......................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Compliance with Legal Requirements ................................................................................................. 5
1.6 Duty of Supervision and Liability of the Contractor .............................................................................. 5
2 General Provisions ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Behaviour ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Staff ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 General Staff Requirements ........................................................................................................ 5
2.2.2 Qualification of Personnel ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Subcontracts ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.4 Working Time .............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Work Wear ....................................................................... 6
2.4 Working Tools / Equipment / Materials of the Supplier ....................................................................... 7
2.5 Use of Client Working Tools / Equipment / Aids / Material .................................................................. 7
2.6 Entry and Exit ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 Safety Briefings, Safety Analyses, Work Permits ................................................................................ 7
2.7.1 Risk Assessment by Contractor .................................................................................................. 7
2.7.2 General Safety Briefing ............................................................................................................... 8
2.7.3 Specific Work Safety Briefing ...................................................................................................... 8
2.7.4 Work Permit ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.7.5 Stay – Work Area ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.8 Organisation of Work ........................................................................................................................... 8
2.9 Confidentiality Obligation ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.10 Safeguard Clause ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.11 Regulations of Bentec’s Business Partners ......................................................................................... 8
3 Particular Safety Regulations ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Signposting .......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Traffic, Escape and Rescue Routes and Safety Facilities ................................................................... 9
3.3 Traffic and Transport ............................................................................................................................ 9
3.4 Passenger Traffic ................................................................................................................................. 9
3.5 Protective Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.6 Barriers and Rig Up Sites ..................................................................................................................10
3.7 Protections .........................................................................................................................................10
3.8 Working at height, mobile lifting platforms, ladders, scaffolds. ..........................................................10
3.9 Construction Sites and Underground Work .......................................................................................11

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3.10 Houskeeping at Work Area ................................................................................................................11
3.11 Hazardous Substances ......................................................................................................................11
3.12 Environment Protection, Waste .........................................................................................................12
4 Further Safety Regulations - Special Work ................................................................................................12
4.1 Electrical Equipment ..........................................................................................................................12
4.2 Confined Spaces ................................................................................................................................12
4.3 Hot Work ............................................................................................................................................12
4.4 Crane Systems...................................................................................................................................12
4.5 Noise ..................................................................................................................................................13
4.6 H2S – Hydrogen Sulphide .................................................................................................................13
5 Emergency – Accident / Environmental Incident ........................................................................................13
5.1 Accident .............................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Environmental Incident ......................................................................................................................13
5.3 Fire (Blaze).........................................................................................................................................13
5.4 Near Accidents, Environmental Incidents, Unsafe Situations ............................................................13

Appendix 1 – Confirmation of Contractor/Supplier

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1 Principle Rules
1.1 Abbreviations/Definitions
HSE Health / Safety / Environment Protection

1.2 Introduction
Bentec’s work safety and environment protection policy aims to create a safe and healthy workspace, to prevend
accidents at work and to protect the environment.

Safety at work is crucial for Bentec, as the enduring and economical success of our company is absolutely
associated with a successful HSE work.

Everybody shall contribute with his work to reach this aim, shall benefit from this positive environment and shall
return home safe and sound at the end of each working day.

In order to provide this as well as to prevent negative reflexions on our safety system, Bentec is making the
highest demands on safety awareness and safe behaviour of own staff and suppliers.

All conditions and regulations mentioned in this directive are valid and fully in force. The supplier has to accept
them as binding part of the contract upon acceptance of the order.

As safety is highly important for us, we will not tolerate any breach of these rules. This may under certain
circumstances be tantamount to non-compliance with the scope of delivery and then lead to serious

1.3 Scope of Application

Contractors within the meaning of this HSE directive are all suppliers, which perform directly by order of Bentec
or in any other form, e.g. as contract partner, cooperation partner, work group or subcontractor etc. of the
contractor or of Bentec itself.

These regulations are valid for all contractors on the complete Bentec site and all construction sites of Bentec
as client.

Whenever work is performed by order of Bentec at our clients, who might have different regulations, those
regulations come into force that have the higher safety standards.

1.4 Competence and Consequences

Bentec supervisor reserves the right to monitor the contractor’s staff on compliance with these regulations, to
instruct or to train and, in the event of behaviour contrary to safety, to expel the staff temporarily from the working
area or for an indefinite period of time from the site itself. Further Bentec supervisors have the right to stop the
specific work and all other work related to the specific work e.g. complete construction site, until all safety risks
are eliminated.

If it becomes obvious that the work or the fulfilment of the contract can not be continued with the contractor
within the applicable legal regulations as well as within the framework of this HSE-Regulation for Suppliers,
Bentec has the right to cancel the work or the complete order. This shall not constitute any claim for the
All costs incurred by Bentec as a result (e.g. loss of production, delay in delivery, demolition, replanning, etc.)
shall be borne by the contractor.

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1.5 Compliance with Legal Requirements
The relevant statutory provisions, legal provisions and generally accepted rules applicable to Bentec and the
respective contractor, in particular those relating to environmental protection, health and work safety, such as
the Labour Act, the Employment Protection Act, the Working Hours Act, the Occupational Safety Act, the
Industrial Safety Act, the Equipment and Product Safety Act, the Hazardous Substances Act, the Water
Resources Act, the Federal Immission Control Act, the Waste Management Act, their associated ordinances,
the regulations, rules, principles and information of the Employer's Liability Insurance Associations, occupational
health regulations, applicable standards, the state of the art, etc. must be complied with by the contractor.
Bentec is supervised by the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), which means that the Federal
Mining Act and its associated ordinances must also be complied with.
Bentec is a member of the employers' liability insurance association BGRCI (Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe
und Chemische Industrie).

1.6 Duty of Supervision and Liability of the Contractor

Within the framework of the existing duty of supervision, the contractor has the full responsibility and liability for
the safety of its personnel. The contractor shall ensure that the personnel deployed by him for the work to be
performed are comply with all applicable legal requirements and regulations are as well as the rules of this HSE-
Regulations for Suppliers. The contractor shall be liable for any claims for damages with regard to e.g. personal
injury, environmental damage, property damage and consequential damage resulting from non-compliance with
these regulations and rules and shall indemnify Bentec as the client against any liability.

2 General Provisions
2.1 Behaviour
• It is prohibited to consume, be influenced by or possess drugs or alcohol
• It is prohibited to smoke in areas where there is a general ban on smoking or which are marked as
explosive or flammable.
• It is prohibited to carry, to possess and/or to use weapons, ammunition and/or explosives.
• It is prohibited to make pictures or film recordings without permission.
• It is forbidden to direct aggression or violence (physical or psychological) against our employees or to
harass them (sexual).
• It is prohibited to persuade our employees to carry out unlawful or unsafe acts even as to involve or to
drag them into such.
• It is prohibited to stay/sleep overnight on the factory site.

2.2 Staff
2.2.1 General Staff Requirements
• All persons employed by you must have a valid social security card availlable.
• Subcontractors must have a trade licence.
• If applicable, foreigners must have of a valid residence permit and a work permit.
• All persons have been subjected to a safety check or have been known to the contractor personally for
many years and are reliable.

2.2.2 Qualification of Personnel

• The staff are physically and personally suitable for the activity to be carried out. If occupational
medical check-ups are required for the activity to be performed, the Contractor shall ensure that they
are carried out. If the proof can not provided, the employees concerned may not be deployed.
• The personnel is trained by their employer on a recurring basis, at least once a year, with regard to
"occupational safety, health and environmental protection" in accordance with all legal demands.

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• The personnel have the necessary qualification, expertise and experience for the successful execution
of the work and even for the fulfilling of all applicable safety, health and environmental protection
• The personnel deployed must be proficient in the German or English language to such an extent that
they can read and understand the instructions given by the client in German or English and all other
verbal or written instructions, descriptions of procedures, prohibition signs, warning signs and
information signs etc. required during the work.

2.2.3 Subcontracts
• The use of temporary workers (ANÜ), subcontractors etc. is only permitted in consultation with and
with our written approval prior to commencement of work.
• If such use, including breakdown (company names, numerical assignment of persons and functions),
is not pointed out in the offer or order confirmation and/or not approved with our order, the use is not
permitted. If such use is pointed out in the above mentioned way, it is considered as approved.
• In prior consultation with the responsible Bentec client and including the agreement regarding the
breakdown mentioned above, the deployment can also be approved in written form by the client
supervisor directly before start of work. If this is not the case, the deployment is not approved.
• If required, the contractor shall provide Bentec's contact person with proof that the safety requirements
placed on him have also been taken into account in the selection of subcontractors, temporary
workers, etc.

2.2.4 Working Time

• The contractor and his subcontractors undertake to comply with the valid local working time laws.
• Travel time has be taken into account in the daily working time. To comply with the legal regulations, it
can be necessary to stay overnight in the region.
• Working hours outside the client's normal working hours (e.g. after work, on weekends, etc.) are only
permitted in consultation with and with the approval of the client.
• Throughout the complete working hours, it must be ensured that a responsible contact person of the
client regularly monitors the work of the contractor, is reachable all times and is available on site at
short notice.
• Working alone on the Bentec site is prohibited in general.

2.3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Work Wear

• Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in the contract, contractors must always provide the PPE and work
clothing for their employees.
• PPE and work clothing must be suitable for the work to be carried out and comply with the applicable
legal regulations.
• For hot work, e.g. grinding and welding, or for work in Ex-areas, work clothing must generally be fire-
retardant and comply with EN ISO 11612 (formerly EN 531), EN ISO 11611 (formerly 470-2) and DIN
EN 61482-2 (formerly ENV 50345).
EN ISO 14116 (formerly EN 533) is not sufficient for this work.
• In Ex-Zone work clothing must generally be antistatic (discharge capable) according to DIN EN 1149-3
/-5 sein.
• The scope of the PPE meets the legal requirements for the work to be carried out and essentially
consists of a safety helmet (EN 397), safety glasses, gloves, safety shoes (EN ISO 20345), fall arrest
harness, hearing protection, etc.
• Safety shoes must be at least S3 and ankle-high.
• The standards listed above must be visibly affixed by the manufacturer to the work clothing (label).
• The affiliation of the deployed personnel to the contractor must be clearly recognizable (employee

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2.4 Working Tools / Equipment / Materials of the Supplier
• The machines, devices, apparatuses, tools, aids, auxiliary means etc. brought and used by the
contractor comply with the valid legal regulations, are in a perfect condition, are regularly maintained,
are inspected periodically and are approved on the basis of test certificates or test badges.
• Scaffolds must have a valid scaffold release certificate with plan.
• The operators of appropriate work equipment and vehicles such as cranes, forklifts, mobile lifting work
platforms etc. must be trained by in accordance with the legal requirements and assigned as operator
in written form by the contractor and instructed in documented form in the specific types.
• The contractor is obliged to secure and insure his work aids, materials, machines, parts, equipment
etc. in a suitable manner. The client assumes no responsibility or liability for damage or loss.
• The vehicles, work equipment and other devices must be clearly recognisable as the property of the

2.5 Use of Client Working Tools / Equipment / Aids / Material

• The Contractor may only use any work equipment, devices, machines, means of transport, working
platforms, scaffolding, materials, etc. in the possession of Bentec or third parties (other external
companies), whether against for payment or free of charge, with agreement and approval of the Client.
• The legal regulations must be observed. For example, for mobile lifting platforms, pedestrian-controlled
industrial trucks, etc., a documented instruction is required.
• The contractor is fully responsible and liable for any personal injury, damage to the environment and
damage to property resulting from such use resulting from non-compliance with the relevant laws,
regulations, etc. or from improper use.
• Prior to use, the Contractor must, for example, ensure that the work equipment and devices comply
with the statutory requirements for these things (e.g. test badge, functional test, technical condition,
...). If deficits are found, the use is prohibited
• Damages, safety deficits etc. have to be reported to the client immediately.

2.6 Entry and Exit

• In order to get access to the site, each employee of the contractor must register with the porter or the
reception office.
• The Bentec responsible or contact person must be informed there.
• If required, you must prove your identity with a valid ID (passport, driving licence, ...).
• Here you will receive the Bentec emergency leaflet, a visitor ID card and a visitor's permit or vehicle
entry permit. These things must be carried with you all the time.
• Bentec (porter and security department) is authorised to carry out searches and inspections of vehicles,
bags, materials and equipment.
• Before the contractor is leaving the site, he has to inform the Bentec responsible or contact person at
the end of every working day and before the final completion of the work in time, to give the possibility
to check if the work area and the work execution itself are free of defects, tidy and safe.
• If defects are found, leaving the site may be prohibited until a legally required safe condition has been
• When leaving the site, each staff of the contractor must sign oneself out at the porter or the reception
office and hand in the emergency leaflet, the visitor ID card and the visitor's permit or vehicle entry

2.7 Safety Briefings, Safety Analyses, Work Permits

2.7.1 Risk Assessment by Contractor
In order to avoid hazards, the contractor shall carry out a risk assessment documented in writing before
commencing work. The results, hazards and necessary safety measures must be communicated and
coordinated with the client.

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2.7.2 General Safety Briefing
Before entering the site, without being accompanied by a Bentec supervisor, all employees of the contractor
must undergo a general safety briefing by Bentec regarding general hazards, existing regulations and necessary

2.7.3 Specific Work Safety Briefing

Before commencing work, all contractor personnel involved must, together with the client and any third parties
involved in this work, carry out a written risk assessment covering this special work and possible influencing
factors, defining protective measures and work planning. For this purpose we use the "TRIC" toolbox Risk
Identification Card. A risk assessment carried out by the contractor himself in advance can be helpful for this.

2.7.4 Work Permit

The written work-specific safety instruction by the TRIC hazard assessment in conjunction with any other
procedures required here, such as permit procedures, confined space entry permits, hot work permits, etc., form
the work permission.

2.7.5 Stay – Work Area

For the Contractor's personnel, the permitted stay is limited exclusively to the direct work area, traffic routes,
social rooms and supporting facilities necessary for the performance of the contract, such as tool counter or
offices. Other areas and facilities may not be entered without our permission or instruction or without
accompaniment by Bentec supervisors, in particular due to ignorance of the existing hazards or for reasons of

2.8 Organisation of Work

All conditions necessary for the completion of the work, such as work space, energy supply or energy
disconnection, barriers, negative influences on the course of production operations or operational disruptions
due to e.g. work, working hours, working materials, equipment, scaffolding, etc., shall be agreed and coordinated
by the contractor with the responsible Bentec contact or supervisor with an appropriate lead time. The time
schedule of the work shall be coordinated order-related with the responsible Bentec contact or supervisor. The
organizational instructions of the responsible client are to be observed.

2.9 Confidentiality Obligation

All transactions of Bentec and its business partners shall be kept confidential from third parties even after
termination of the activity. This shall apply to internal processes and even to technical equipment, manufacturing
processes and products. Documentation in any form such as drawings, electronic data, data carriers, sketches,
files, reports or copies may not be taken along, reproduced or made accessible to unauthorized persons without
the permission of Bentec.

2.10 Safeguard Clause

Bentec shall not be liable for any damage resulting from failure to comply with the above conditions. The
contractor shall indemnify us against any claims by third parties which may be asserted against us as a result of
an event of damage within the scope of the work performed by the contractor and which are not attributable to
our fault - obligation to indemnify. The contractor must have a sufficient liability insurance to cover claims arising
from damage and shall provide us with evidence of such insurance upon request.

2.11 Regulations of Bentec’s Business Partners

If Bentec‘s safety regulations exceed the local rules of the business partners in terms of quality, effect, value or
strictness, the Bentec regulations must be observed. Otherwise, the provisions of our business partners apply.

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3 Particular Safety Regulations
3.1 Signposting
The prohibition, mandatory, warning and information signs must be observed.

3.2 Traffic, Escape and Rescue Routes and Safety Facilities

The traffic, escape and rescue routes as well as emergency exits and entrances to safety equipment, electrical
facilities, control systems or warehouses (hazardous substances, substances dangerous to the environment,
combustible and explosive substances) must not be blocked.

3.3 Traffic and Transport

• Access with vehicles must always be agreed in advance with the Bentec contact person and approved
by him.
• Vehicles may then only enter the company site for material transport and for operational reasons.
• The Bentec contact person will arrange this procedure with the porter, who will then issue the contractor
with a vehicle entry permit.
• The vehicles shall be parked exclusively on the parking areas assigned by the contact person.
• Checks and registrations of the vehicles, the load and the persons upon entry and exit as well as on the
company site by persons commissioned by Bentec shall be accepted.
• The German Road Traffic Regulations (StvO) apply on Bentec site.
• The vehicles used by you must comply with the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO).
• Further provisions of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance must also be complied with for the transport of
dangerous goods.
• The traffic and other signs must be observed.
• The maximum permissible basic speed is 20 km/h for all vehicles.
• On the terrain, the driver must drive at walking speed in all areas marked with a relevant sign or in any
uncertain situation.
• Pedestrians and cyclists have absolute priority.
• The principle of "caution and consideration" applies in the production halls and warehouses.
• In the halls walking speed is allowed as maximum.
• On the factory site and in the halls, forklift, mobile lifting platform, crane and truck movements are to be
expected at all times and in all places.

3.4 Passenger Traffic

• In principle only walking is permitted! Running and jumping are prohibited.
• Although pedestrians always have priority, they should always walk carefully and with foresight in regard
to e.g. vehicle and crane movements.
• Pedestrians must pay attention to the ground and always be prepared for unevenness, holes and
• The right hand traffic applies.
• Always use the handrail on stairs!
• Reading, telephoning and avoidable standing still, e.g. to conduct conversations, is not permitted on
• Barriers and passage prohibitions must be observed and must not be ignored by unauthorised persons.

3.5 Protective Equipment

• The personal protective equipment required for the task and prescribed by Bentec or the law must be
• Safety helmets, safety shoes and safety glasses must be available all the time.

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• Safety helmets, safety shoes and safety glasses must always be worn in the entire work area (production
halls, warehouses and outdoor areas).
• When working with a risk of falling and on mobile working platforms, PPE against falling from height
must be worn.
• Work clothing must comply with the safety requirements required by law and Bentec for this task.

Please read chapter 2.3 “Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Work Wear”

3.6 Barriers and Rig Up Sites

• Special areas such as e.g. Rig Up Sites may only be entered in consultation with the responsible Rig
Up Supervisor. For this purpose, each person must personally register with the Rig Up Supervisor and
enter the name, company and signature in the presence register. When leaving the construction site,
each person must sign out again in writing.
• Safety barriers such as construction fences at construction sites, railings at fall edges or other systems
as barrier tapes, barrier chains or warning signs regarding e.g. commissioning or X-ray work must be
observed and must under no circumstances passed.

3.7 Protections
• Risk areas associated with the work of the contractor must be properly secured by the contractor at all
• Barriers and safety devices used must be provided by the contractor and must be reliable.
• Barriers as well as the definition or redirection of traffic routes may only be fixed in agreement with the
Bentec responsible and must be determined with him prior to start of work.

3.8 Working at height, mobile lifting platforms, ladders, scaffolds.

• Employees must be secured against falling from height.
• Fall edges or substances in which one can sink are to be secured permanently either directly at the fall
point by 3-part railings or safety nets or at a distance of at least 2m from the fall edge by permanent
safety devices such as railings, ropes or chains. The safety measures must be contained and the
intended purpose "barrier / warning" must be clearly noticeable. Barrier tape is not permitted.
• Technical safety measures must be implemented as a matter of priority. If permanent safety devices
such as stages, platforms, scaffolds, railings, barriers, etc. are not available due to operational reasons,
personal protective equipment against falls from height (PPE against falls) must be used.
• Even when using PPE against falls from height, e.g. unstable roof surfaces or roof elements may only
be entered if these areas have been reinforced with e.g. running plank.
• In principle, all falls from height must be excluded, even with PPE against fall from height, and the
possibility of rescue from these situations, e.g. from fragile roof surfaces, must be considered.
• When working on mobile lifting platforms and in lifting baskets, PPE against fall from height must be
• The transport of persons with lifting equipment for loads (e.g. crane lifting baskets) must be notified in
writing for approval to the responsible employers liability insurance and the mining authority before start
of work. (mobile lifting platforms are generally not lifting equipment for loads).
• Operators of mobile lifting platforms must be commissioned by their employer in written form to operate
the equipment and must have a training in accordance with the demands of the employers' liability
insurance association.
• A written risk assessment (e.g. Toolbox Risk Identification Card - TRIC) must be carried out on site in
front of each operation with a mobile lifting platform.
• If a mobile lifting platform is provided by Bentec, the operators must always be instructed on the specific
type by a responsible Bentec operator who is already instructed on that type. This instruction must
always be documented in writing (e.g. at TRIC).

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• Material and tools must be transported by crane to the intended working height. Light material and hand
tools may be transported with a tool belt or a tool shoulder bag on the man.
• Measures must be taken (barriers, security posts, ...) to prevent persons below the working area from
being hit by dropped objects.
• Mobile Lifting Platforms, PPE against fall from height, ladders and scaffolding must be inspected
regularly. This must be shown by visible and valid inspection stickers or attached identification numbers
in conjunction with valid test certificates.
• Scaffolds shall be released by a competent person before use after final completion. The required permit
form certificate shall be attached visibly at the scaffolding. Approved scaffolds may not be modified.
Modifications must only be carried out by a competent person of the scaffolding erector and must also
be approved finally.

3.9 Construction Sites and Underground Work

• The set-up of work or construction sites, the erection of construction fences, equipment, social- and
office containers, machines, etc., the creation of storage areas as well as the definition or redirection of
traffic routes may only be carried out in agreement with the Bentec responsible and must be determined
with him prior to start of work.
• Construction sites, excavations, pits, channels, floor openings, etc. must be secured during the entire
construction and working period in accordance with the legal regulations.
• In the case of civil engineering work as well as earthwork, demolition work etc., the executing company
must catch up all the required information from the Bentec responsible regarding the location of power
cables, water, gas and other lines before start of work. The instructions of the Bentec responsible must
be followed.

3.10 Houskeeping at Work Area

• The workplace has to be kept tidy continuously.
• There has always to be kept order at the workplace.
• Material and tools may only be stored after approval by Bentec and at the assigned location.
• Traffic routes, rescue and escape routes, emergency exits and fire-fighting facilities must be kept free
and accessible.
• Highly flammable material or waste such as paper, foils, etc. must be removed out of buildings every
day before the end of work.

3.11 Hazardous Substances

• The operating supplies and hazardous materials to be used must be notified to the client before they
are brought onto site and his approval must be obtained.
• The current safety data sheet and the contractor's operating instructions must be available on our site
for each hazardous material.
• Hazardous substances shall be used, stored and disposed of by the contractor in accordance with the
statutory regulations (Hazardous Materials Ordinance).
• Hazardous substances shall only be brought onto site in the quantities required for the progress of the
daily work and must always be clearly labelled in accordance with the Hazardous Materials Ordinance.
• The hazardous substances must always be removed from the work area at the end of each day's work.
• When handling hazardous substances, the prescribed personal protective equipment such as
respiratory protection, safety glasses, protective gloves, protective clothing, etc. must be used.
• The prescribed hygiene regulations must be observed when handling hazardous substances.
• If occupational medical examinations are necessary, the contractor must ensure that these are carried

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3.12 Environment Protection, Waste
• Water-polluting substances must under no circumstances be discharged in or enter the sewage system,
soil or groundwater. Violating this rule will make you personally liable to prosecution.
• If water-polluting substances spill, the client must be informed immediately and all necessary
environmental protection measures must be initiated immediately.
• The causer (contractor) is responsible and liable for all necessary measures associated with an
environmental event and subsequent consequences (binding agents, workload, soil replacement,
disposal, expertises, etc.).
• Waste arising in connection with the execution of the contract shall be disposed of by the contractor on
his own responsibility. Disposal on the client site and the use of the client own collection containers are
not permitted. Deviating regulations require the approval of the client. In the case of authorised disposal
on the client site, the waste shall be separated and only disposed of in the containers provided for this
• Bentec reserves the right to inspect the corresponding transport permits and proofs of disposal.
• After completion of the work, the contractor shall clean the workplace and dispose of the waste directly.
If this does not take place, Bentec is legitimated by the contractor, to carry out the cleaning and disposal
at the expense of the Contractor.

4 Further Safety Regulations - Special Work

4.1 Electrical Equipment
When working in the near of open, unprotected live power systems, the voltage must always be switched off or
protection against accidental contact must be provided. The systems must be disconected and secured against
being switched on again! Any necessary disconnection must be agreed accurately timed with the client. Power
may only be switched off and switched on by a delegate of the Bentec Electrical Department. Electrical
connections may only be made with the agreement of the responsible Bentec qualified electrician.

4.2 Confined Spaces

Work in vessels or confined spaces etc. must be agreed with the client responsible. Only electrical equipment
approved for this purpose may be used in confined spaces with increased electrical hazards. If necessary, gas
and residual oxygen measurements must be carried out and protective and rescue measures must be planned
and set up. Ventilation with oxygen is prohibited. The confined space entry permit process shall be apply.

4.3 Hot Work

Hot work such as welding, flame cutting, grinding, heating (gas burners) etc. must be notified to the Bentec
responsible prior to the start of work and must be approved by him in writing. Appropriate protective measures
such as cleaning of the work area / removal of combustible materials, provision of fire extinguishers, covering
with welding blankets, ..., fire watch (even for a reasonable period after the end of work) must be planned and
For all work on buildings, on warehouses and especially in explosive and flammable areas, the hot work permit
procedure (hot work permit) is mandatory!

4.4 Crane Systems

In the case of work in the travel range of crane systems, the client responsible must be informed of the type and
scope of the work. Work may only be started after the work area has been secured (e.g. locking the main crane
switch, mechanical end stops).

Note to 4.1 - 4.4:

See also 2.7.3 Work-specific safety instructions and 2.7.4 Work permit

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4.5 Noise
The noise areas on the company site / production halls are marked - in these areas PPE against noise must be
If unavoidable noise levels in excess of 80 dB(A) occur due to the contractor, the contractor shall inform the
client in advance so that temporarily acceptable protective measures can also be taken here with regard to
Bentec employees. It may be necessary to relocate the work outside Bentec's working hours.

4.6 H2S – Hydrogen Sulphide

Operating sites on which H2S gas is to be expected may only be entered if a gas protection instruction has been
carried out and is still valid for the scheduled time frame of the work to be undertaken. Since the escape mask
or respiratory protection must close tightly, beard wearers with certain beard types can be denied access.

5 Emergency – Accident / Environmental Incident

5.1 Accident
The contractor must ensure that his employees receive first aid, i.e. he must keep a sufficient number of first
aiders and first aid equipment available at the workplace. If an employee of the Contractor suffers an accident,
Bentec's first-aiders shall also be available. The Bentec paramedic or a representative can be contacted
internally by calling 05922/72-110. Rescue Control Centre (fire brigade/ ambulance) 112.
In the event of an accident, the Bentec responsible must be notified immediately, who will carry out all necessary
measures, such as alerting the rescue service and immediately informing the safety department. The Bentec
porter must be contacted by telephone on 05922/72-111 (permanently manned) for briefing the rescue vehicles.
The scene of the accident must be left unchanged if this allows the rescue of persons. The provisions applicable
to the contractor with regard to reporting accidents to its responsible authority (GAA / LBEG) and employer´s
liability insurance association remain unaffected by this.

5.2 Environmental Incident

If hazardous substances are released, the client must be informed immediately and all necessary environmental
protection measures must be initiated immediately in order to prevent or minimise any negative effects on the
environment (and people). The Bentec responsible immediately informs the safety department.
Leaking water polluting substances must under no circumstances be allowed to enter the soil / groundwater or
the sewage system. Bentec has binding agents, setting cushions, collecting containers etc. available.

5.3 Fire (Blaze)

In the event of a fire, the Bentec porter Tel. 05922/72-111 (permanently manned) must be informed immediately
from the nearest telephone or via the nearest fire alarm. If possible, fight the fire with the available means
immediately, without putting yourself in danger. Rescue Control Centre (fire brigade / ambulance) 112.

5.4 Near Accidents, Environmental Incidents, Unsafe Situations

Every near-accident, even the smallest environmental event and every unsafe situation must be reported to
Bentec's safety department.
Every injury, even if it does not require medical treatment, must be recorded in our first-aid book.

Document: B-V 10.11 13 / 13

Revision: 02
Annex 1

Confirmation of Contractor:


Name of the person responsible for confirming the
terms and scope of delivery*. MOHAMED SHAMIN

It is hereby confirmed that this “HSE guideline for Suppliers” B-V 10.11 has been read and understood in the
version valid on the date of signing and will be complied with.

Date *Signature of responsible and accountable person

Please send this signed confirmation back to the department Purchasing & Supply Chain Management“ of the
company Bentec GmbH.

Thank you very much

Document: B-V 10.11

Revision: 02

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