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TEST 4 - UNITS 6&7


1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (10 x 2 = 20 points)

street save equipment feed guidebook museum

flight signature spicy fell down

1. There are a lot of beautiful statues in that ________________________.

2. What time is your ________________________ to Berlin?

3. Can you ________________________ my cat while I am on holiday, Susan?

4. I bought all the ________________________ I need to go skiing at the weekend.

5. We found a bag on the ________________________ and took it to the police.

6. When little Rob ________________________, he started crying.

7. Let’s see the most famous sights in Amsterdam in this ________________________.

8. What can we do to ________________________ wild animals’ habitats?

9. You need to put your ________________________ on this registration form.

10. Willy likes eating Mexican food because it’s ________________________.

2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

according to take pictures close to throw rubbish get lost

1. My biggest dream is to have a beautiful house _________________________ the sea.

2. The view was amazing, so we stopped to _________________________.

3. On your trip to Paris, use a map or you can _________________________.

4. Don’t _________________________ in lakes or rivers!

5. _________________________ scientists, the Colossus of Rhodes was the same size as

the Statue of Liberty.

3. Underline the mistakes and write your corrections in the spaces provided.
(10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. - I don’t understand this exercise.

- Don’t ask your teacher! He can help. ________________________
2. Harry flies to Thailand at the moment. ________________________
3. Grandpa is often watching TV in the evening. ________________________
4. The students don’t write an essay now. ________________________
5. Are you going to the cinema on Fridays? ________________________
6. What does Jennifer do at the moment? ________________________
7. Michael doesn’t tidy his bedroom at the moment. ________________________
8. Is it raining every day? ________________________
9. How often are you buying fruit? ________________________
10. The theatrical play is at 9:00. Be late! ________________________

4. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple form of the verbs given. (10 x 2 = 20 points)

1. Angela __________________ (stay) at a nice hotel in Madrid last month.

2. We ___________________ (go) to the mall yesterday morning.

3. George ___________________ (not study) history at the university two years ago.

4. __________ you __________________ (have) some guests at home last weekend?

5. __________ Mia__________________ (make) some sandwiches for the picnic?

6. Tony and Ian ___________________ (stop) at a restaurant on their way to Dublin.

7. __________ you __________________ (do) all your projects last night?

8. Vickie ___________________ (tell) me about the trip to Ireland last week.

9. I ___________________ (not know) that Philip is an engineer.

10. We ___________________ (spend) all day on the beach last weekend.

5. Circle the correct answer. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
1. My grandma _______ a ballet dancer twenty years ago.
a. is b. were c. was
2. _______ on a trip to Beijing last month?
a. Were you b. Are you c. You were
3. It_______ sunny and hot yesterday.
a. weren’t b. wasn’t c. is
4. It’s 9:00 a.m. Betty is_______ work now.
a. at b. to c. in
5. - Where did you find your keys? - _______ the floor.
a. At b. To c. On
6. Jill is travelling _______ Sydney at the moment.
a. in b. to c. at
7. The kids are playing with the dog _______the garden.
a. at b. on c. in
8. I’m going _______ home now. Come with me!
a. at b. to c. -
9. - Did you drive to work? - No, I_______. I went on foot.
a. did b. didn’t c. didn’t drove
10. I hate travelling _______ bus. I prefer the train.
a. in b. at c. by

6. Read the email and mark the sentences with T (true) or F (false). (5 x 2 = 10 points)

Dear Peter,
What’s up? I’m in Brussels, Belgium, with my family. We’re having a lot of fun here!
I like Brussels a lot because it’s an amazing city. There are a lot of things to do here and the
people are very friendly!
At the moment, my sister and I are at a small café in Grand Place, one of the biggest squares in
the city, and we’re drinking hot chocolate! Mum and dad are visiting the René Magritte
What about you? How are your holidays?
See you soon!

1. Nicole thinks Brussels is great.

2. People in Brussels are nice.

3. Nicole is at the mall now.

4. Grand Place is one of the biggest

museums in the city.

5. Nicole isn’t with all her family at

the moment.


7. Listen and complete the sentences. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Tokyo ___________________ the largest city in Japan.

2. ___________________ million people live in Tokyo.
3. The city is very ___________________.
4. You can visit Tokyo ___________________ there.
5. Japanese food is ___________________.

8. Write an email to your friend, Nick, telling him about what you did last weekend.
(10 points)

Write about:
• where you went
• who you met
• what you did there
• what was special about your weekend

Hi, Nick!
What’s up? I was happy to hear from you.

Last weekend, I was __________________________________________________________















What about you?

Write soon!

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