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Revision Worksheet - 1 (2024 – 2025)
Subject: - English
Name : - ____________________________________________________ Date: -
Grade : - ______ Marks: - 20
Div : - _______ Roll No. ______ Time: 60
Instructions: -
1. Listen to the instruction carefully and do as Directed.
2. The question paper is divided into 5 sections.

Reading Section
Q1 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.

Raghav is my friend. He goes to school. He likes to read stories. He likes to wear

neat clothes.
a) ______________is my friend. (Riya/Raghav)

b) He goes to___________. (school/market)

c)He likes to ___________stories. (read/write)

d)Raghav wears___________clothes. (dirty/neat)

e) Raghav is a___________. (boy /girl)

Writing Section
Q2. Fill in the blanks.
My Pet (Dog)

(two, white, four ,one ,dog )

a) I have a pet__________.
b) It is __________ in colour
c) It has _____ legs.
d) It has _____ eyes.
e) It has _______ tail.
Grammar Section
Q3(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box.
(is, am)

a) My mother ____ a teacher.

b) I _____ a student.

c)She_____ my sister

(B)Write the rhyming words of the following.

map –

bath –

pill –

cart -

Literature Section
Q4(A) Glossary
bath –

wipe –

(B)Choose the correct answer and fill in the blanks.

a) At last Dan has a good bath with___________________________.

I) only water ii) soap and water

b) Dan’s mother can not give him a bath because________________________________________.

I) she has a lot of work to do ii) Dan is very dirty

c)The child has just had _____________.

I) lunch ii) bath

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