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Understanding the Rubric

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Some people believe that television programmes are of no real value for children.
How far do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

The Task
Task 2 involves writing an essay on the given topic. You have to
• answer the question(s) clearly and completely;
• give reasons for your answer;
• include relevant example from your knowledge or from your experience
• spend about 40 minutes on the task
• write at least 250 words  260 – 263 words

Focus on Academic Register

• Use longer sentences (about 20-30 words)
• Use subordinate clauses
• Use academic words (see “The Academic Words List” at
• Avoid contractions like doesn’t, can’t or they’ll
• Avoid “get” phrases where possible
• Avoid a personal tone except when giving personal opinions or talking of personal
• Avoid phrasal verbs where possible
• Avoid over-generalisation by avoiding absolute statements and Introducing

Task Types
You may be given a single visual or a combination of 2 or 3 different task types.

1. Opinion-led
a. New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
b. Some people think that every individual is responsible for their own healthy lifestyle.
Others believe that governments should take care of it. What are your views on this?
c. Many parents now let their young children use tablet computers to see pictures and
photographs, watch videos or play games. Is this a positive or negative development?

2. Argument Discussion
a. Some people believe that children should listen to and obey their parents. Others believe
that children should think and do things on their own. Discuss both these views and give
your own opinion.
b. Some people believe that modern designs for schools and offices with more open spaces
are necessary. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such spaces?
c. While some people prefer to live in apartments, others do not think an apartment is a
suitable form of accommodation. Do you think the advantages of living in an apartment
outweigh the disadvantages?
3. Issue Discussion
a. Housing and accommodation has become a major problem in many countries around the
world. What are some of the main factors that have contributed to this problem? What
can be done to help reduce the number of homeless people?
b. While mobile phones have many advantages, a number of problems have also resulted
from them or the ways in which they are used.What are some of these problems? What
solutions can you suggest for solving these problems?
c. Nowadays most people choose to throw away broken things instead of repairing them,
and replace them with new ones. Why is this happening? What problems may it lead to?
4. Mixed (Two-Part) Questions
a. In some countries people prefer to buy used things rather than new ones. Why is this the
case? Is it a positive or negative trend?

IELTS Task 2 Writing Band Descriptors (Public Version)
Coherence and
Band Task Achievement Lexical Resources GRA
• fully addresses all parts of
• uses a wide range of • uses a wide range of
the task • uses cohesion in such a
vocabulary with very structures with full
• presents a fully developed way that it attracts no
9 natural and sophisticated flexibility and
position in answer to the attention
control of lexical features; accuracy; rare minor
question with relevant, • skilfully manages
rare minor errors occur errors occur only as
fully extended and well paragraphing
only as ‘slips’ ‘slips
supported ideas.
 sufficiently addresses all  uses a wide range of
parts of the task vocabulary fluently and
 presents a well developed  sequences information
flexibly to convey precise
response to the question meaning. • uses a wide range of
and ideas logically
with relevant, extended  skilfully uses uncommon structures the majority
 manages all aspects of
8 and supported ideas lexical items but there of sentences are error
cohesion well
may be occasional free makes only very
 uses paragraphing occasional errors or
inaccuracies in word
sufficiently and inappropriacies
choice and collocation.
 produces rare errors in
spelling and/or word
 logically organizes  uses a sufficient range of
 addresses all parts of the
information and ideas; vocabulary to allow some
task  uses a variety of
there is clear progression flexibility and precision
 presents a clear position complex structures
throughout  uses less common lexical
throughout the response  produces frequent
 uses a range of cohesive items with some
7  presents, extends and error-free sentences
devices appropriately awareness of style and
supports main ideas, but  has good control of
although there may be collocation
there may be a tendency to grammar and
some under-/over-use  may produce occasional
overgeneralize and/or punctuation but may
 presents a clear central errors in word choice,
supporting ideas may lack make a few errors
topic within each spelling and/or word
paragraph formation
 arranges information and
 addresses all parts of the ideas coherently and
task although some parts there is a clear overall  uses an adequate range of
may be more fully covered progression vocabulary for the task  uses a mix of simple
than others  uses cohesive devices attempts to use less and complex sentence
 presents a relevant effectively, but cohesion common vocabulary but forms
6 position although the within and/or between with some inaccuracy  makes some errors in
conclusions may become sentences may be faulty  makes some errors in grammar and
unclear or repetitive or mechanical spelling and/or word punctuation but they
 presents relevant main  may not always use formation, but they do rarely reduce
ideas but some may be referencing clearly or not impede communication
inadequately appropriately uses communication
developed/unclear paragraphing, but not
always logically
 presents information with
 addresses the task only
some organisation but  uses only a limited
partially; the format may
there may be a lack of range of structures
be inappropriate in places  uses a limited range of
overall progression attempts complex
 expresses a position but vocabulary, but this is
 makes inadequate, sentences but these
the development is not minimally adequate for
inaccurate or overuse of tend to be less accurate
always clear and there the task
cohesive devices than simple sentences
5 may be no conclusions  may make noticeable
 may be repetitive because  may make frequent
drawn errors in spelling and/or
of lack of referencing and grammatical errors and
 presents some main ideas word formation that may
substitution punctuation may be
but these are limited and cause some difficulty for
 may not write in faulty; errors can cause
not sufficiently developed; the reader
paragraphs, or some difficulty for the
there may be irrelevant
paragraphing may be reader
 responds to the task only  presents information and  uses only basic  uses only a very
4 in a minimal way or the ideas but these are not vocabulary which may be limited range of
answer is tangential; the arranged coherently and used repetitively or structures with only
format may be there is no clear which may be rare use of subordinate
inappropriate progression in the inappropriate for the task clauses
 presents a position but this response  has limited control of  some structures are
is unclear  uses some basic cohesive word formation and/or accurate but errors
 presents some main ideas devices but these may be spelling; errors may predominate, and
but these are difficult to inaccurate or repetitive cause strain for the reader punctuation is often
identify and may be  may not write in faulty
repetitive, irrelevant or not paragraphs or their use
well supported may be confusing

Writing Task 2
Sample 1
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic

Life was better when technology was simpler. To what extent do you
agree and disagree?

Write at least 250 words

Model Answer 1
It is argued that our lives were more fulfilling when technology was less advanced. This essay
disagrees with this statement and believes that computers and the internet have made life
better. The essay will first discuss how smartphones save us time and then talk about how the
internet has improved education, followed by a reasoned conclusion.

New phones, such as the iPhone, have made our daily lives much less laborious and give us more
free time. Jobs that required lots of energy and time can now be done at the touch of a button.
For example, if we wanted to communicate with one another in the past, we had to write a
letter, take it to the post office and then wait for it to be delivered, whereas these days we can
simply tap the email icon on our touch screen and send a message in seconds.

The internet has also enriched our lives by providing us with more information than we could
ever need, thus making us more independent and effective learners. In the past students had to
rely on a teacher or physical books for their education and these were often either unavailable
or in a format that most people did not want, but now we can pick and choose what we want
to learn. For example, there are now thousands of free online courses available on YouTube that
anyone can watch and learn from anywhere in the world.

In conclusion, life has been improved by technological advancements, particularly labour saving
devices like phones and learning opportunities provided by the internet. (263 words)

Sample 2

Some people argue that it is not wise for an industry to replace its experienced but old
workers with new and young yet inexperienced individuals.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer 2
Nowadays, almost every company tends to retires its employees once they have reached a certain
age. I completely agree with this practice and believe elderly staff need to be replaced with younger
workers despite the difference in their work experience. (40 words)


In the past people often worked in their businesses until they died or were no longer able to
continue, whereas today most industries have set a definite retirement age for their employees. I
think replacing elderly staff with young recruits is a wise practice. (44 words)

First and foremost, a large majority of workers lose their strength as they become older. This is
mainly because the human body has limits, and working for a long time, say, 30 or 35 years, can
affect it negatively. For example, young industrial workers tend to work for five to six hours before
they take breaks while older ones usually need to rest every one or two hours. This means that
productivity levels would certainly decline. (76 words)
Furthermore, new employment opportunities for young people are very limited. Most companies
do not offer more than a few new jobs every year and try not to increase their staff members
dramatically to keep expenses low. Consequently, they should definitely lay off some of the older
personnel to make room for younger ones, especially those around 20 to 30 years old who are
about to form families and support them. (70 words)
Finally, the experience and skills of old workers is usually out of date. They might have a lot of
experience with old technology and machines, but their employers constantly need to upgrade
their equipment and methods. Therefore, it is less likely that old worker’s abilities are necessary in
the long run, and younger workers who know how to operate modern machines such as computers
and lasers can replace them. (69 words)

In conclusion, I think companies need to force their elderly workforce to retire and employ younger
workers to replace them to improve productivity, have up-to-date workers and provide jobs for
young people. (32 words)

Argument Discussion
Sample 1
A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they
should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to
satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 1

Some people believe that animals should be treated in the same way humans are and have similar
rights, whereas others think that it is more important to use them as we desire for food and
medical research. This essay will discuss both points of view.

With regard to the exploitation of animals, people believe it is acceptable for several reasons.
Firstly, they think that humans are the most important beings on the planet, and everything must
be done to ensure human survival. If this means experimenting on animals so that we can fight and
find cures for diseases, then this takes priority over animal suffering. Furthermore, it is believed by
some that animals do not feel pain or loss as humans do, so if we have to kill animals for food or
other uses, then this is morally acceptable.

However, I do not believe these arguments stand up to scrutiny. To begin, it has been shown on
numerous occasions by secret filming in laboratories via animal rights groups that animals feel as
much pain as humans do, and they suffer when they are kept in cages for long periods. In addition,
a substantial amount of animal research is done for cosmetics, not to find cures for diseases, so
this is unnecessary. Finally, it has also been proven that humans can get all the nutrients and
vitamins that they need from green vegetables and fruit. Therefore, again, having to kill animals
for food is not an adequate argument.

To sum up, although some people argue killing animals for research and food is ethical, I would
argue there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that this is not the case, and, therefore, steps
must be taken to improve the rights of animals. (290 words)

Sample 2
Some parents buy their children a large number of toys to play with.
What are the advantages and disadvantages for the child of having a large number
of toys?

Model Answer 2

Nowadays, a lot of toys, ranging from simple dolls to complicated electronic gadgets like
video games, are provided for some children by their parents. I think this is not a problem
provided children are sufficiently active and care for their toys. (41 words)


One of the important advantages of children having lots of toys of toys is that there are
different games for them to play. They can choose one of their toys according to their
mood and taste, and are less likely to become bored. Besides, they would certainly be able
to learn a wider variety of skills like problem solving or organization. Different toys can
teach them different things, which means that the more toys they have, the more they are
likely to learn. (83 words)
However, having a lot of different toys could possibly lead to children becoming
overweight since many modern toys like video games and LEGOs, which are very common
these days, are usually played indoors. Therefore, they would definitely reduce children’s
physical activity, leading them to gain extra weight. Furthermore, when kids have too
many toys, it is likely that they will take less care of them. In other words, they will
probably not learn to value them if there is always a replacement ready to play with.
Consequently, they would not learn to appreciate their belongings. (95 words)

In conclusion, I believe that children benefit from an abundance of toys which offer them
variety, as well as teaching them more varied skills. However, it is important that they keep
an active lifestyle and are taught to value every toy. (41 words)
Total: 260 words

Issues Discussion
Sample 1
Housing and accommodation has become a major problem in many countries around
the world.
What are some of the main factors that have contributed to this problem? What can be
done to help reduce the number of homeless people?

Model Answer 1

The scarcity of houses is becoming a serious issue in many countries. The changing family
structure and the explosion of population seem to be at the root of this problem. However,
some workable solutions which can ameliorate the situation exist.

The biggest factor which causes the shortage of houses is the burgeoning population. The
accelerating birth rate and the limited availability of land have made it difficult / challenging to
provide housing for all the people. Another factor which aggravates the problem of housing is
the increasing trend of nuclear families. While children used to live with their parents as well as
grandparents in the past, today’s children prefer to live alone either to maintain their privacy
or to fulfill work and study related commitments. This means more houses are required to
accommodate more families.

On the bright side, there are solutions to this problem. The government should enact new laws
that help in effective utilisation of available land for housing. For example, the government
should make legislations to force citizens to make use of underground space. For instance,
garage or storeroom which does not need much lightening can be built in the basement. The
land saved thus can be provided to other homeless people. Likewise, people should be
encouraged to reside in high rise buildings of closely knitted apartments since these can house
more people in a relatively smaller piece of land.

In conclusion, housing problems are caused by the growing population and the increase in the
number of nuclear families. However, the government can mitigate this problem by
encouraging the use of underground spaces and the construction of skyscrapers.

(271 words, Band 8)

Sample 2
In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of
health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be
taken to solve them?

Model Answer 2
Nowadays, the levels of healthiness and fitness are declining in some societies due to the
increase inthe average weight of people. I think this is mainly because of their sedentary
lifestyles and the popularity of fast food, but there are some solutions. (43 words)

Traditionally, most citizens in different parts of the world were in shape and quite slim,
whereas today it is quite common for people to be overweight or obese. Consequently,
diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure are widespread and many individuals are
unfit. I think this is mainly because of their sedentary lifestyles and the popularity of fast
food, but there are some solutions. (64 words)


A reason why people have generally grown overweight an unhealthy is that almost
everyone either drives or takes public transport to work or school. As a result, there has
been a serious decline in most people’s levels of physical activity, leading them to burn
fewer calories and gain weight. Another reason could be the overconsumption of fast food.
A cheeseburger has many high-calorie ingredients such as Mozzarella cheese, sauce and
bread. This means that eating lots of cheeseburgers would definitely have negative effects
on blood fat levels and increase one’s weight. (91 words)
A possible solution to improve public health and fitness is for people to increase their daily
physical activity, for example through walking to work if they live close to their
workplaces, jogging in the morning or evening and taking regular exercise at the gym. In
addition, what governments can do is to launch publicity campaigns against obesity so that
people are informed of the dangers of a high-calorie diet. For example, posters could be
designed that illustrate how back pain results from obesity and mounted in public areas
and vehicles. This would definitely encourage many to control their calorie intake.
(100 words)

In conclusion, the decline in health and fitness and increase in the weight of many people
in various countries owes mainly to a lack of physical activity and the high consumption of
fast food. However, these problems can be dealt with if people mncrease their daily
physical activity and are informed of the dangers of eating too much. (58 words)

Mixed (Two-Part Question)
Sample 1

In recent years, the pressure of students in university is increasing and they are pushed
to work hard from a young age.

Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Model Answer 1

University has become much of a stressful environment which puts students in an always-active
condition in order to withstand all the unbearable pressures. In my point of view, I believe this
tendency brings both positives and negatives.

To start with, being forced to have a job early by the money pressure has some pros and cons.
This allows students to tackle their problem of expenses which include tuition fees,
accommodations and food. Additionally, young people can have first impressions of the
working condition and extend their social experiences and connections with other part-timers.
Unfortunately, individuals may face consequences when losing concentration on the study,
which leads to some unfavorable results in their studying records. For examples, a large portion
of students reportedly fail their exams because they are distracted during the test by their own
workplace issues.

Studying restlessly to consume a huge amount of knowledge and accomplish homework also
delivers good and bad impacts on students. Firstly, such effort enormously enables individuals
to attain essential skill and academic information to prepare for their future. Secondly,
university attendants will be able to cope with the unfinishable workloads in their careers by
familiarizing with the same condition at young age. However, following this development
unwisely might affect people’s health badly in both physical and mental condition. Unless
students find a way to balance between study and relaxation, they could possible damage their
immunization system or have a mental breakdown.

In conclusion, I think that the university’s pressure which push students to work harder and
more intensively could be positive and negative at the same time.

(264 Words, Band 8 )

Sample 2
In some parts of the world it is becoming popular to research the history of one's
own family.

Why might people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?

Model Answer 2
Genealogy is not a new field and people, especially the noble class, have always been keen on
knowing more about the history of their families and ancestors. However, it has recently enjoyed
more popularity with many ordinary people, especially in the western world, trying to fill in the
gaps in their family trees. I think this is mainly because they want to have fun or learn about how
their families have changed through time, but I personally disapprove of this practice. (81 words)


It is becoming more and more common for people to seek information about their ancestors and
family history. I think this is mainly because they want to have fun or learn about how their families
have changed through time, but I personally disapprove of this practice. (46 words)

One reason why many people are curious about their family history these days is that it is often fun
to trace back one’s bloodline and find out if one is related to any famous people. I remember a
recent story about how a common supermarket clerk in Nevada was discovered to be a descendant
of a British king. Many such descendants live completely ordinary lives, to which a discovery like
that can bring many thrills. Additionally, it would definitely help people to realise how their families
have changed through the years and therefore, learn a thing or two about the causes of failure and
prosperity in different generations. (108 words)

However, many individuals who find themselves related to the nobility tend to consider tiny shares
of noble blood as birthright to more respect. They, for instance, often demand seats in public
transport when there are more deserving people like pregnant women or the elderly aboard. Apart
from that, some of them might overgeneralise the role of factors which have contributed to a
former generation’s condition, be it inherited wealth or even bad luck, to their own and disregard
the value of their own ideas, efforts and current status. (88 words)

In conclusion, I think the growing trend towards researching family histories owes mainly to
people’s need for fun, as well as information regarding how their families have developed, but I
believe it should be discouraged. (35 words)

Practice 1
While mobile phones have many advantages, a number of problems have also
resulted from them or the ways in which they are used.
What are some of these problems? What solutions can you suggest for solving
these problems?

Practice 2
Nowadays, we are producing more and more rubbish.
Why do you think this is happening?
What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

Practice 3
Some people prefer to play team sports, while others prefer to play individual
Discuss the advantage of each. Then indicate which you prefer and why.

Practice 4

The average standard of people's health is likely to be lower in the future than it
is now.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Practice 5
Some people think secondary school students should study international news as
one of their subjects.
Other people say this is a waste of valuable school time.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

How to express an opinion: a few examples
A. Giving an opinion
I believe/think that…
In my view...
I feel strongly that...
I would argue that...
B. Agreeing with an idea
I am convinced that…
I am certain that…
I partially/to some extent support…
I generally agree that…
C. Disagreeing with an idea:
I totally disagree that…
There is no justification for...
I am completely against...
I do not agree with the idea that...
I do not think/believe…
D. Describing other people’s opinions
Many consider/argue/claim that…
It is widely believed that…
It is often said/claimed that…
Some people hold/believe/think/insist/argue/claim that…

How to avoid absolute statements

Making predictions
 The use of modern technology would probably/certainly/definitely lead to the
development of better products.
 Children who watch a lot of television in their spare time are more/highly likely/unlikely to
score low on the school exams.
 A university degree could/may/might possibly help him find a job at a better company.
 It is highly/very/quite likely/possible/unlikely that this can improve the situation.
Avoiding “all”: ways of saying “some”
 many/a lot of/lots of/a large number of products
 the majority of/most students
 some people
 certain groups in the society
 a minority of employers
 a few/a small number of cities
Avoiding “no” and “none”: ways of saying “only a very insignificant number”:
 few people
 only an insignificant number of products
 almost no evidence
Avoiding “always”
 Governments almost always/usually/normally/mostly/generally support local businesses.
 People sometimes/occasionally/often try to hide their feelings.
 People try to hide their feelings at certain times.
Avoiding “never”
Tourists seldom/almost never/rarely realise how important local cultures are.

A Quick Guide to Punctuation

Basically, the two punctuation marks you will need to use in IELTS reports, letters and
essays are the full stop and comma. Exclamation (!) and question marks (?) might also
be used in General Training letters, while parentheses could be used in Academic reports
as well as in letters.
You are advised to avoid using the colon (:), semi-colon (;) and dashes (–) if you do not
know where they need to be used, since they are unnecessary.

Full Stop (.)

Full stops are generally used to mark the end of a sentence:
e.g : There has been a dramatic increase in the population of urban regions.

Comma (,)
Commas are used in longer sentences to separate information into readable units. They also
often separate clauses in a sentence and sometimes come before a coordinator (e.g. “and”,
“but”, etc.)
- A single comma ensures correct reading of a sentence which starts with a long introductory
e.g : Following efforts by pioneering scientists in the field of ecology, it has now been
generally accepted that the world is gradually becoming warmer.
- A single comma is used after many starting linkers like “however”, moreover”, “basically”
and such: In contrast, water levels in Africa and Australia declined to reach an all-time low.
- Pairs of commas help in the middle of a sentence to set off any string of words which is
either a parenthesis, or in contrast, to whatever went before:
e.g : A student, whether at school or university, needs to receive guidance and instructions
on how to use resources effectively and efficiently.
- Sets of comma act as a means of separating items in a list:
Workplaces like business offices, banks and schools would certainly require a more formal
dress code.
- Use a comma at the end of a subordinate clause that precedes its main clause:
e.g : Although the government has invested heavily in preparing students for higher
education, many university graduates still lack some basic academic skills.
- Non-restrictive relative clauses (relative clauses which provide information that can be left
out without affecting the meaning or structure of the sentence) should be separated from the
rest of the sentence by a comma or commas:
A list of contents would have made it easier to steer through the book, which also lacks a
Note: do not add a comma after “that” at the beginning of a clause:
It has been known for some time that many flaws in children’s behavior have roots in their

Synonyms for Good and Bad
positive and negative
welcome and unwelcome
favourable and unfavourable
desirable and undesirable
beneficial and detrimental
Synonyms for Advantages and Disadvantages
advantages and disadvantages
benefits and drawbacks
upsides and downsides
pros and cons
strengths and weaknesses/shortcomings
Synonyms for Causes
the factors/issues responsible for …
the reasons behind/for …
the factors/issues which have contributed to …
the causes of …
the issues which have resulted in/led to …
Synonyms for Effects
a. Real consequences
the issues it has resulted in /which have resulted from …
the problems which follow /have followed …
b. Possible consequences
the problems/issues that … could/may/might/is likely to result in/lead to
the problems/issues which could/may/might/are likely to result from/follow/ensue …
…’s possible/potential/probable/prospective consequences/effects/impacts
Synonyms for Solutions
Solutions for …
means/ways to solve …
means/ways to resolve/deal with/tackle/improve …

To Add another idea
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
and Furthermore
In addition

To Restate, Explain or Emphasize an Idea

Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
That is
In other words
In fact

To Give an Example
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
For instance
For example
To illustrate

To Show a Choice
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions

To Show a Difference
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
But While In contrast
Whereas On the contrary
Though On the other hand

To Show the Opposite of What You Might Expect
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
Yet Although Nevertheless
Eventhough Admittedly
Though Even so

To Show the Similarity

Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
As Similarly
Just as Likewise in
The same

To Show a Cause or a Reason

Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
For Because
Since as
That as
Long as

To Show a Result or a Effect

Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
So As a result
As a

To Show a Condition
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
Or If
Even if
To Show a Time Relationship
Coordinators Subordinators Transitions
Before, after Previously
When Subsequently
Whenever Finally
While Afterward
As soon as Meanwhile
Until First, second, …..
Since After that
The moment Next
That once Since then
At first


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