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Item Description Qty User Total price Supplier/Contractor

Request for Consideration and Award of Tender No. KeNHA/R/2300/2020 for Supply and
1 Service ADM 4,524,960.00 M/s. Global Links Enterprises Ltd
Installation of Roller Window Blinds at KeNHA Head Office
Tender No. KeNHA/R5/117/2020 for Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvement of Namanga
2 Works RACM 10,689,495.00 M/s. Joscom Company limited
(JN A2/B54) - Amboseli Gate, A5 Junction (B54) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R8/169/2020 for Emergency Construction of Box Culverts at Kombuni and
3 Works RACM 21,097,410.00 M/s. Mwovas Contractors Company Limited
Katitika on B87 Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R8/171/2020 for Emergency Construction of Box Culverts at Vema and
4 Works RACM 24,445,533.00 M/s. Aflac General supplies
Manyueni along B87 Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R10/133/2020 for Emergency Construction of a Vented Drift at Kotulo
5 Works RACM 29,456,118.00 M/s. Turbi investmnet Limited
along (A13) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R8/170/2020 for Emergency Construction of Box Culverts at Kwa Makili
6 Works RACM 32,228,968.50 M/s. Jonics Limited
and Makutano on B87 Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R7/425/2020 for Framework Contract for Emergencies in Upper Eastern
7 Works RACM 36,000,000.00 M/s. Al- HussIN Investment Limited
Tender No. KeNHA/R7/423/2020 for Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvement of Elhadi -
8 Works RACM 40,138,146.00 M/s. Wagwash Enterprise Limited
Forolle - Jn A2 (Turbi) (Km 200 - Forolle - Turbi)
Tender No. KeNHA/R7/424/2020 for Construction of a Bridge at Km 20 Along Km 80 -
9 Works RACM 41,011,557.00 M/s Geomet Company Limited
Daradhe AP Camp-JN Buluk (A4) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/175/2020 for Framework Contract for Handling Emergencies in M/s. Hammer Equipment Parts & Service
10 Works RACM 50,000,000.00
Central Region Ltd
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/175/2020 for Framework Contract for Handling Emergencies in M/s. Hammer Equipment Parts & Service
11 Works RACM 50,000,000.00
Central Region Ltd
Tender No. KeNHA/R10/132/2020 for Emergency Construction of a Vented Drift at Kotulo M/s. Causeway Engineering Solutions
12 Works RACM 50,497,041.00
along (A13) Road Limited
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/171/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
13 Works RACM 68,120,130.00 M/s. Unami construction Company Limited
Olkalou-Nyahururu (A4) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/173/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
14 Works RACM 69,560,235.00 M/s. Digitex Investment Limited
Embu - Thuci (A9) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R10/131/2020 for Emergency Construction of Box Culverts and Multiple
15 Works RACM 77,573,724.00 M/s. Cladyn holdings Limited
Culvert Lines at Buna [Drainage Improvement Project] (A14) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/172/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
16 Works RACM 90,286,717.50 M/s. Sinai Construction Company
Makutano - Embu (B24) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R7/422/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
17 Works RACM 93,403,459.00 M/s. Mwaco Contractors Ltd
Mucheene-Katheri-Gitimbeine A9 Junct (Meru)
Tender No. KeNHA/R6/174/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
18 Works RACM 96,902,750.25 M/s. Select Builders and congtractors Ltd
Keria - Meru (A9) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R1/197/2020 for The Supply, Delivery and Installation of Steel Bridge
19 Girders on the Nzoia Bridge along Ugunja – Ukwala – Ruambwa - (C192) Road [Funded Works RACM 179,402,133.00 M/s. H young And Company (EA) Ltd
through the Development Vote]
Tender No. KeNHA/R8/172/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of
20 Works RACM 294,637,167.22 M/s Blissmaks Services Limited
Kyumvi - Machakos - Wamunyu(jnct C442) B62 road (including Mwala - Embui (Makutano)
Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Jn A2 (Lewa/Subuiga)-Jn (B65) Meru (A9)
21 Works RACM 493,263,051.75 M/s. Jamkara Contractors Limited
22 Service HRM 101,158,741.72 M/s Liason Group Insurance Brokers Ltd
request for approval of KENHA/2281/2020 FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR
Tender No. KeNHA/R5/118/2020 for Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvement of JN
24 Works RACM 12,323,115.00 M/s. Gibstar Engineering Co. Ltd
B19/B51 Kamukuru - Elangata (B51) Road
Tender No. KeNHA/R8/173/2020 for Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of M/s. Docks investements and Supplies
25 Works RACM 401,637,643.08
(Jnct C442) Wamunyu – Syongila (B62) road Limited
26 Consultancy PSC 2,900,000.00 M/s. trail blazers business Startegy
27 Consultancy PSC 2,998,200.00
Request for Consideration and Award of Tender No. KeNHA/D/2315/2020 for Direct
28 Procurement of Teammate Audit Management System Analytics Maintenance, Renewal and Service ICT 3,969,352.73 M/s Azmasoft Consulting Ltd
Support Services for Two (2) Years
29 Consultancy 137,563,800.00 M/s. MOTI Consultants Limited
Noth Horr- Marsabit ( B75) Road to bitumen Standards section 3 ( segel- Marsabit) t

Request for consideration and approval of Tender No. KeNHA/2294/2020 for the completion DEVELOPME M/s China Railway No. 10 Engineering
30 Works 1,314,945,368.98
of dualling of kisumu Boys Roundabout (JN A1/B1)- Mamboleo Jnct (JN A1/C34) Road (A1) NT Group Company Ltd

Request for approval of quotation number KeNHA/RFQ/004/2020-2021 for the supply and
31 services HRM 1,856,000.00 M/s. Kenya Tea Packers Ltd
delivery of clean drinking water at KeNHA Headquarters for a period of 6 months

Request for consideration and approval of Tender No. KeNHA/2295/2020 for the completion DEVELOPME M/s jiangxi Zhongmei Engineering
32 Works 1,258,840,927.64
of Ahero interchange at junction B1/A1 & Kericho interchange a B1/C23 JUNCTION NT Construction Company (JZEC) Ltd

Tender number KENHA/2297/2020 for EARTTDFP civil works for The main build of optic fibre Developeme
33 WORKS 516,686,606.10 M/s.Soliton Telmec Limited
cable for Eldoret - lokichar- Nakodok Corridor lot 5- Eldoret- Lokichar section (285km) nt
KENHA/2298/2020 for EARTTDFP civil works for The main build of optic fibre cable for Eldoret Developeme
34 WORKS 517,071,353.35 M/s. Kinde Engineering Works Limited
- lokichar- Nakodok Corridor lot 5- Eldoret- Lokichar section (285km) nt
35 Consultancy HPD 199,912,680.00
Tender evaluation report fr construction of North Horr- Marsabit (B75) Road Developeme
36 WORKS 2,227,575,191.93 M/s. Zhongmei Engineering Group Limited
KeNHA/2305/2020 nt
37 tender no KENHA/D/2332/2020 for direct [rocurement for the Live virtual coverage Services 855,000.00 M/s. The standard group
M/s. ITEC Egineering Ltd in JV with
Request for approval of tender no. KENHA/2308/2020 for consultancy services for
38 Consultancy HPD 29,348,010.00 Infrustructure Management and
development of national Trunk Road investement Plan (2020/21-2025/26)
Engineering Services Limited (IMES)
M/s. CENTUNION, Espanola de
multinational UGAND- KENYA Kapchorwa Suam - kitale and Eldoret bypass Roads Request for coordinacion Tecnica y Financiera, SA. In JV
39 Consultancy DEVPT Euro. 788,000.00
proposal for consultany services for development of Bridge magt systems KENHA/2258/2020 INES Ingenieros Consultores & Norken
International Ltd
40 KeNHA/R1/205/2020 Routine Maintenance of Kilgoris –Lolgorian(B3) Road works RACM 32,657,735.04 M/s Riwam Company Limited
30,240,000.00 M/s Mocam Security Ltd
Award of tender No. KeNHA/2322/2020 for Provision of security services for KeNHA ten (10)
41 Service ADMIN 29,649,600.00 M/s Catch Security Links Ltd
regional offices, camp corridor offices and ATCC Machines
27,141,120.00 M/s Total Security Surveilance Ltd
42 KeNHA/R9/65/2020 Routine Maintenance of Kanagoni Box Culvert works RACM 5,050,171.50 M/s. Saska Construction Works lmited
M/s. Jadena Suppliers and General
43 KeNHA/R9/63/2020 Routine Maintenance of Mkurumdzi Culvert and Perani Bridge works RACM 7,933,054.80
44 KeNHA/R10/161/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Bura - Ijara (A10) Road works RACM 10,212,804.00 M/s. Macknon Investement Co.Ltd
KeNHA/R10/160/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Eldas (Junct UE 5008) -
45 works RACM 11,995,308.00 M/s. Hujale Investmant Limited
Griftu (JunctE833) (A14) Road
M/s. Crossland Construction and General
46 KeNHA/R9/64/2020 Routine Maintenance of Nyali, Mtwapa and Mbogolo Bridges works RACM 12,310,461.00
KeNHA/R9/61/2020 Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Hindi - Budhei - Kiunga
47 works RACM 15,120,390.00 M/s. Arror Company limited
(A11) Road
KeNHA/R7/445/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Kamweline-Kachuru
48 Works RACM 15,939,333.23 M/s. Maozways Limited
(B66) Road
KeNHA/R10/158/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Quimbiso - Mandera
49 works RACM 18,139,338.00 M/s. Wajir Ark Limited
(A13) Road
KeNHA/R10/155/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Junct (C292) Samatar -
50 works RACM 18,534,541.80 M/s. Salmtech Connect limited
Bojiyare (A13)Road
KeNHA/R7/441/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Maralal-Marti-Baragoi
51 Works RACM 24,335,225.10 M/s. Saimen Enterprises Limited
(Marti-Baragoi)A4 Road
KeNHA/R7/439/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Kachuru-Junction
52 Works RACM 26,852,400.75 M/s. Halwadhe Investement Limited
Garbatula-Modagashe(Junction Garbatula-Modagashe) B84 Road
KeNHA/R7/442/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Baragoi-South Horr-
53 Works RACM 27,522,770.00 M/s. Al Habib Enterprises Limited
Sarima A4 Road
KeNHA/R7/440/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Maralal-Marti-Baragoi
54 Works RACM 28,777,241.16 M/s. Pdngich Technologies Limited
(Maralal -Marti)A4 Road
KeNHA/R7/447/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Merti-Basa-Hadado
55 Works RACM 32,037,351.60 M/s. Nawal General contrcors and suppliers
(B83) Road
KeNHA/R7/443/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Bisan Biliqu-Merti-
56 Works RACM 33,905,797.35 M/s. Borderland Systems Company Limited
Hadado (KOM KWS-Merti) B82 Road
KeNHA/R7/446/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof A4 South Horr (Nursery)
57 Works RACM 34,074,394.80 M/s. Perdia Company Limited
–Jn CiviconRoad-Illaunut-Ngurunit-Jn Civicon Road(A2 Laisamis) B74 Road
KeNHA/R10/163/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Bangali - Danyer (B83)
58 works RACM 12,266,251.80 M/s. Exclusive Builders Limited
KeNHA/R10/156/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Bojiyare-Wajir (A13) M/s. Zamil Construction and transporters
59 works RACM 13,008,608.40
Road Limited
KeNHA/R10/162/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Wajir - Hadado (B82)
60 works RACM 13,661,121.00 m/s. Redmark Investement limited
KeNHA/R10/153/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Kulan - Liboi (B88)
61 works RACM 16,998,346.20 M/s. Dry port Logistics Limited
KeNHA/R10/154/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Habaswein -Samatar
62 works RACM 17,948,353.80 M/s. HMA Construction Limited
(Junct C292) (A13)Road.
KeNHA/R10/151/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Modika (Junct A10) -
63 works RACM 22,706,383.20 M/s. Worldways General Trading Limited
Hagalbul (A3) Road
64 KeNHA/R2/55/2020Construction of Box Culvert and enhancedprotection at Kakamega Forest works RACM 14,506,061.10 M/s. Lucky Dice Investement Limited
KeNHA/R3/298/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Nginyang`-CB
65 works RACM 15,072,815.59 M/s. Samsewer Investment Limited
Baringo(Kapedo) (A10)Road
66 KeNHA/R2/56/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Rwatama-Sirisia (B13) Road works RACM 24,461,265.00 M/s. Oricon Construction Company Limited
KeNHA/R3/300/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Kapenguria (Konyao)-Alale
67 works RACM 25,179,345.02 M/s. Tebik Trading Company limited
(B70) Road
KeNHA/R2/57/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Kakamega Hospital-
68 works RACM 25,536,912.00 m/S. Saibaba Limited
Chepsonoi (B12)Road
KeNHA/R2/58/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Kapsakwony (Kaptama)-
69 works RACM 25,731,173.70 M/s. Eaglemart Company Limited
Kitale (B13)Road
70 KeNHA/R3/301/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Alale-Kauriong (B70) Road works RACM 27,682,913.44 M/s. Oret Engineerng Limited
KeNHA/R3/302/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Kalokol-Lokitaung-B71
71 works RACM 36,135,680.10 M/s. Turgo Investment Limited
Kachoda (B72)Road
KeNHA/R9/62/2020 Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Lunga Lunga - Kinango -
72 works RACM 16,246,641.60 M/s. Ringcon Company Limited
Marere (B92)
KeNHA/R10/157/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Wajir - Tarbaj -
73 works RACM 26,718,191.40 M/s. Cladyn holdings Limited
Wargadud Centre (A13)Road
KeNHA/R8/208/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Migwani – Mbondoni
74 works RACM 14,044,321.20 m/S. Sura Investements Limited
(B64) Road
KeNHA/R8/205/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Athi River – Kitui (B61)
75 works RACM 17,241,542.40 M/s. Bee Five Investement Limited
KeNHA/R8/212/2020Construction of Nimrod RD Box Culvert onLukenya – Kilimambogo (B67)
76 Works RACM 9,931,885.20 M/s. Joygold Company
KeNHA/R8/218/2020Construction of Waldena Box Culvert onKone Kalite – Waldena (B88)
77 Works RACM 10,181,317.20 M/s. Kunta Kinte Enterprises Limited
78 KeNHA/R8/213/2020Construction of Bangali Box Culvert alongChifiri – Bangali (B86) Road Works RACM 10,227,939.78 M/s. Dadson Services Limited

79 KeNHA/R8/215/2020Construction of Ndutu Box Culvert onTwambui – Chifiri (B87) Road Works RACM 11,814,089.04 M/s. Lyon Civil Engineering Limited

80 KeNHA/R8/220/2020Construction of Waldena Drift on KoneKalite – Waldena (B88) Road Works RACM 12,953,107.50 M/s. Qarsa Construction Company

81 KeNHA/R8/214/2020Construction of Kalavati Box Culvert onMwitika – Twambui (B87) Road Works RACM 19,314,621.00 M/s. Ratili Construction Limited
KeNHA/R5/139/2020Routine Maintenance& Spot Improvementof Thuita – Ichaweri (B30)
82 Works RACM 17,163,397.68 m/s. Sawira General Contractors Limited
KeNHA/R8/203/2020 Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Jnct C102 Kimana -
83 works RACM 17,765,760.00 M/s RGIS Kenya Limited
Chyulu Gate (B54) Road.
KeNHA/R8/209/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of A8 Lukenya - Kamulu -
84 Works RACM 18,832,663.20 M/s.Maaph Enterprises Limited
Munyu - A3 Jnct Kilimambogo (B67) Road
KeNHA/R8/207/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Kamuwongo – Ciangera
85 Works RACM 21,473,336.40 M/s. Osodynasty Group Limited
(B64) Road
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/24/2020-2021 for supply
86 Goods ADMIN 777,950.00 M/s FD Global Ltd
and delivery of Orthopaedic Chairs and Four Way Work Station at KeNHA Headquarter Offices
KeNHA/R8/206/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Kangundo – Mwala
87 Works RACM 15,853,204.80 M/s. Billcom Solutions Limited
(B63) Road
KeNHA/R8/210/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Mwitika – Twambui M/s. Atwin Engineering and Construction
88 Works RACM 18,221,739.00
(B87) Road Limited
KeNHA/R8/198/2020Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of Machakos-
89 Works RACM 18,225,135.00 M/s. Rusinga Communication Co. Ltd
Katumani (B60) Road
KeNHA/R8/204/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvement of Wote - Athi River (B61)
90 works RACM 20,520,000.00 m/s.Guadalupe Contrctors Limited
KeNHA/R4/232/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Mara River -Lolgorian
91 works RACM 21,192,338.94 M/s. Maimen Enterprises Limited
(B1) Road
M/s. Uniscope Construction Company
92 KeNHA/R8/219/2020Construction of Mutomo Drift on Mutomo –Kone Kalite (B88) Road Works RACM 22,814,535.00
KeNHA/R4/231/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Aitong-Mara River(B1)
93 works RACM 24,929,210.49 M/s.Cardslogic Enterprises Limited
M/s. Hilnoh Technologies Enterprises
94 KeNHA/R4/230/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Lamek-Aitong(B1) Road works RACM 25,875,612.84
KeNHA/R4/234/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Morijo - Oloiborto (B19)
95 works RACM 27,930,685.14 M/s. Brulium company Limited
96 KeNHA/R8/216/2020Construction of Malile Box Culvert onMutomo – Kone Kalite (B88) Road Works RACM 10,482,322.80 M/s. Nuhdra Limited
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/36/2020-2021 for supply
97 1200 RACM 834,000.00 M/s Jayvane Investment
and delivery of Compounding of Offences Order Form Booklets
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/35/2020-2021 for supply
98 1200 RACM 836,400.00 M/s Black Willows Enterprises
and delivery of EAC (Weighbridge) Vehicle Weight Certificate Booklets
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/39/2020-2021 for supply
99 and delivery of Order to Remove Vehicle from road or public place, to offload excess weight, 2400 RACM 1,653,600.00 M/s Plutocrat Ventures Ltd
effect repair Booklets
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/38/2020-2021 for supply
100 2400 RACM 1,660,800.00 M/s Deniser Enterprises
and delivery of Certificate of Compliance Booklets
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/RFQ/37/2020-2021 for supply
101 2400 RACM 1,664,640.00 M/s Lydways Limited
and delivery of Weighbridge Tickets Booklets
KeNHA/R4/233/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Narusura - Morijo (B19)
102 works RACM 23,853,009.99 M/s. Orion Limited
Request for consideration and approval of combined evaluation report for tender no.
M/s. Batch Consulting Engineerrs in
KeNHA/2321/2020 for Request for Proposal for Provision of Consultancy Services to
103 Consultancy PSC 23,791,800.00 asociation with CM Kamau and rhines
Undertake Pre-Feasibility and Appraisal study for Consultancy Services for Wote - Katangi -
Engineering services Ltd
Mutembuku - Kavisuni - A9 Kitui B61, Komarock - Tala - Kangundo - Masii
Request for consideration and approval of combined evaluation report for tender no.
KeNHA/2320/2020 for Request for Proposal for Provision of Consultancy Services to
104 Undertake Pre-Feasibility and Appraisal study for Gilgil - Nyahururu - Rumuruti (A4) Kiarutara - Consultancy PSC 25,728,557.00 m/s. ITEC egineering Ltd
Gatanga - Thika B20, Buuri - Katheri - Meru - Chaaria - Mitunguu - Kathwana - Ishiara - Ena
KeNHA/R5/138/2020Routine Maintenance& Spot Improvement of Magadi Exit Gate (West) –
105 Works RACM 33,930,737.13 M/s. Bytrex limited
Oloiborto (CbNarok) (B19) Road
KeNHA/R5/140/2020Routine Maintenance& Spot Improvement of Isinya – Konza (Jn A8)
106 Works RACM 35,879,972.50 M/s. Marc Company Limited
(B50) Road
KeNHA/R4/236/2020Performance Based Contract forMaintenance of Ololunga- Lamek (B1)
107 works RACM 43,450,753.44 M/s. Joyden Limited
108 KeNHA/R4/244/2020Emergency Repairs on Graren Road OverRail Bridge works RACM 58,660,455.60 M/s. Jomwak Enterprises Limited
KeNHA/R4/239/2020Routine Maintenance and SpotImprovement of Narok - Narusura M/s. Ainashamsi Construction and
109 works RACM 68,020,836.00
(B19)Road Trasnsporters Limited
KeNHA/R9/66/2020Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Maji ya Chumvi-
110 works RACM 74,977,656.00 M/s. Sosmut Trading Company Limited
Mariakani(A8) Road
KeNHA/R6/181/2020 Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of Jn B21 Nyeri -
111 Works RACM 177,595,014.00 m/S. Benmore Civils Limited
Othaya- Jn C544 Kangema (B23) Road
KeNHA/R6/182/2020 Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of Jn C544 Kangema
112 Works RACM 188,614,710.00 M/s. Oleteyan Development Limited
Gacharage (B23) Road
KeNHA/R4/238/2020Performance Based Contract and RoutineMaintenance for Emining-
113 works RACM 224,008,449.60 M/s. Bymet Building Contractors Limited
Marigat (B17)Road
KeNHA/R4/240/2020Performance Based Contract and RoutineMaintenance for Nakuru -
114 works RACM 234,120,973.50 M/s. Onster Group Limited
Subukia (B21)Road
KeNHA/R4/242/2020Performance Based Contract and RoutineMaintenance for Kampi ya
115 works RACM 238,440,355.40 M/s. Makam technical services Limited
Moto - EldamaRavine (B77) Road
KeNHA/R5/137/2020Routine Maintenance& Spot Improvement of Ol Tepesi - Magadi (B19)
116 Works RACM 275,196,840.75 M/s. Diameco Construction limited
KeNHA/R6/184/2020 Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of Jn A2 Karatina -
117 Works RACM 374,379,713.60 M/s. Pinnie Agency Limited
Kagumo- Jn B25 Kutus (B27) Road
KeNHA/R5/141/2020Performance Based Contract and Routinefor Maintenanceof AthiRiver-
118 Works RACM 376,112,146.30 M/s. Assup Enterprises Limited
MuseumHill(A8) Road
KeNHA/R4/237/2020Performance Based Contract and RoutineMaintenance for Nakuru-
119 works RACM 390,355,918.08 M/s. Ravina Agencies
Emining (B17)Road
KeNHA/R6/183/2020 Performance Based Contract for the Maintenance of Jn A2 Kenol- Jn
120 Works RACM 538,953,125.04 M/s. Samar Construction Company Limited
C544 Muranga (B25) Road
KeNHA/R4/243/2020Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Amala River – Kaplong
121 works RACM 1,251,561,693.33 M/s. Saxon Investment Limited
KeNHA/R7/444/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Arba Jahan Shull
122 37,215,938.40 M/s Malobot constructin Limited
Manyatta-Marsabit (Km72-Shull Manyatta-Marsabit) B81 Road
KeNHA/R1/206/2020 Performance Based Contract for theMaintenance of Lolgorian-
123 works RACM 41,082,174.30 M/s. Ravine Logistics Limited
Kehancha (B1)road (Unpaved)
KeNHA/R3/303/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot Improvementof Lodwar-Nakalei-A4 South
124 works RACM 48,342,599.46 M/s. Lister Company Limited
Horr (B73)Road
KeNHA/R7/438/2020Performance Based Contract for theMaintenance of Isiolo-Kachuru (B84)
125 Works RACM 49,127,479.20 M/s. Athiroads enterprises limited
KeNHA/R10/152/2020Routine Maintenance and Spot Improvementof Hagalbul - Daadab (A3)
126 works RACM 49,299,767.49 M/s. Santur and sons Co. Ltd
KeNHA/R8/201/2020 Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Mwingi – M/s JK Perth Engineering and construction
127 works RACM 51,203,282.40
Kamuwongo(B64) Road Limited
KeNHA/R5/135/2020Performance Based Contract for The Maintenance of Kiambu
128 Works RACM 64,878,829.62 M/s. Lunaden Enterprises Limited
Elangata – Kajiado A2 Jn (B51) Road
KeNHA/R5/136/2020Routine Maintenance& Spot Improvement of Kiserian – Ol Tepesi (B19)
129 Works RACM 80,121,490.83 M/s. Olepolos Construction
KeNHA/R3/299/2020Routine Maintenance & Spot ImprovementOf CB Baringo [Kapedo]-Jct
130 works RACM 88,322,272.97 M/s. Samthoz Kenya Limited
C134Lokwamothing (A10) Road
KeNHA/R5/132/2020Performance Based Contract for TheMaintenance of Bomas -
131 Works RACM 96,359,209.54 M/s. Nanline Company Limited
Kiserian (B19) Road
KeNHA/R3/296/2020Performance Based Contract for theMaintenance Of Kapcherop-
132 works RACM 143,091,262.71 M/s. Isapam Limited
Jct(Makutano-Kapyego-Chesongoch-Tot(B15) Road
KeNHA/R2/59/2020Performance Based Contract forMaintenance of Kakamega-Webuye
133 works RACM 194,221,394.16 M/s.Nola Limited
KeNHA/R5/133/2020Performance Based Contract for The Maintenance ofJn A2 (Thika) -
134 Works RACM 232,037,744.29 M/s. Policol International company Limited
Gatakaini (B20) Road
KeNHA/R8/202/2020 Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Chuluni – Mwitika
135 works RACM 235,508,706.90 M/s. Wizpro Enterprises Limited
(B87) Road
KeNHA/R8/200/2020Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Kamulu - Tala -
136 works RACM 244,327,746.90 M/s. Civiscope Liimited
Kangundo(B63) Road
KeNHA/R5/134/2020Performance Based Contract for The Maintenance of Kiambu -
137 Works RACM 279,024,003.72 M/s. Ebenerzer Commercial works Limited
Limuru (B32) Road
138 KeNHA/R5/131/2020Performance Based Contract forMaintenance of Mwingi-Ukasi (A3)Road works RACM 282,623,282.40 M/s. cadi carriers Company Limited
KeNHA/R3/295/2020Performance Based Contract for theMaintenance Of [Jn A8] Eldoret-
139 works RACM 337,252,990.41 M/s. Omar salim Baslum Limited
Kapsabet(B8) Road
140 KeNHA/R10/149/2020Performance Based Maintenance of Cheredende - Bilbil (B89) Road works RACM 379,999,187.10 M/s. Lilaaf Constrution Company Limited
141 KeNHA/R1/209/2020Periodic Maintenance of Ndhiwa - Karungu(C672) Road works RACM 397,361,037.34 M/s. Abby Engineering Works Limited
142 KeNHA/R10/150/2020Performance Based Maintenance of Bilbil -Bura (B89) Road works RACM 429,779,680.80 M/s. Adawa Investments Company Limited
KeNHA/R3/297/2020Performance Based Contract for theMaintenance Of [Jn B77] Iten-
143 works RACM 476,817,969.10 M/s. Assis Construction Co. Ltd
Kabarnet(B16) Road
KeNHA/R8/199/2020Performance Based Contract for Maintenance of Katumani – Ukia –
144 works RACM 552,659,209.20 M/s. Petwa construction Company limited
Wote (B60) Road
KeNHA/R1/207/2020Performance Based Contract forMaintenance of Luanda K’Otieno -
145 works RACM 641,225,698.62 M/s. King Construction company Limited
Bondo(B9) Road
146 KeNHA/R7/448/2020 Periodic Maintenance of Jn A2 Isiolo - Ruiri (Formerly D490) C364 Road Works RACM 682,103,815.20 M/s. Ogle Construction Company Ltd
147 KeNHA/R1/208/2020Periodic Maintenance of Rodi Kopany -Ndhiwa (C672) Road works RACM 721,161,706.00 M/s. Resjos Enterprises Limited
Request for consideration and award of Quotation No. KeNHA/R5/RFQ/268/2020-2021 for
148 service R5 900,400.00 M/s. Aymansalam Business Enterprises
provision of paint work and other repairs at KENHA'S Nairobi regional offices

149 KeNHA/R8/211/2020Construction of Iltilal Drift on Kimana –Chyulu Gate (B54) Road. Works RACM 18,432,124.20 M/s. Metrostar Investments Limited

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