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How to Select Components and Property

Methods in HYSYS

In Aspen HYSYS, there are two primary

databases available for component
selection: the native "HYSYS" database
and the "Aspen Properties" database.
Additionally, users have the option to
import custom components into the
software. These databases serve as
repositories of chemical compounds and
their associated properties, enabling
users to accurately model various
processes within the Aspen HYSYS
environment. Proper utilization of these
databases is essential for ensuring
precise simulation results and effective
process analysis and optimization. +91 9265077576

Once you have chosen the desired
database in Aspen HYSYS, the
next step involves selecting the
specific components for your
simulation. This selection process
entails identifying and adding the
relevant chemical compounds
from the chosen database into
your simulation environment. By
selecting appropriate
components, users can accurately
model the composition of their
process streams and ensure
fidelity to real-world conditions.

In Aspen HYSYS, users have the flexibility to select both pure components and pseudo-
components, also known as hypo-components. Pure components represent individual
chemical substances with well-defined properties, while hypo-components are virtual
entities that aggregate multiple similar compounds into a single representation for ease of
simulation. +91 9265077576

To select hypothetical components
in Aspen HYSYS, follow these steps:

1. Choose "Hypothetical" instead of

"Pure" when selecting
components in the software.
2. Specify the initial boiling point
and final boiling point for the
hypothetical component.
3. Click on the "Generate Hypos"
button to automatically generate
hypo-components based on the
specified boiling point range.

Review the list of hypo-components that appear in your workspace, representing

virtual entities representing mixtures within the defined boiling point range.
Utilize the software's capabilities to estimate unknown properties of the hypo-
components, enabling comprehensive simulation and analysis within Aspen HYSYS.
By following these steps, users can effectively incorporate hypothetical components
into their Aspen HYSYS simulations, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of their
process modeling and analysis. +91 9265077576


Methods Assistant in Aspen HYSYS serves as a tool for selecting the appropriate
property package for process simulation. Through the Methods Assistant, users
can navigate the various available property methods and select the one best
suited for their specific simulation requirements. This functionality enables users
to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their simulation results by employing the
most suitable thermodynamic models and property correlations. By utilizing the
Methods Assistant, users can streamline the process of selecting property
packages, facilitating efficient and effective process modeling within Aspen
HYSYS. +91 9265077576

To select a property package in Aspen
HYSYS, follow these steps:

1. Open the Methods Assistant tool within

the software.

2. A new window will appear, prompting

you to specify your process type. For
instance, if your process involves refining
operations, select "Refining" as your
process type.

3. The Methods Assistant will then

recommend suitable property packages
based on your selected process type.

4. You can review the recommended

property packages and their details by
clicking on them.

5. Explore the properties, equations, and

assumptions associated with each package
to make an informed decision.

By following these steps, users can

effectively navigate the Methods Assistant
in Aspen HYSYS to select the most
appropriate property package for their
simulation needs. +91 9265077576

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