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1. 1 Before We Start
2. 2 The Horoscope Explained
3. 3 Creating Horoscope (Casting the Chart)
4. 4 Planets
5. 5 Houses
6. 6 Cusps
7. 7 Signs
8. 8 Zodiac Division - Sign, Star and Sub
9. 9 House Grouping
10. 10 Good and Bad Houses for Specific Matters
11. 11 Significators
1. 11.1 Concept
2. 11.2 Finding Significators
3. 11.3 Finding Signification of Planets
4. 11.4 Finding House Significators
5. 11.5 Significations of Nodes - Rahu & Ketu
12. 12 Strengths of Significators
13. 13 Ruling Planets (RP)
14. 14 Selection of Significators
1. 14.1 Method 1: Detrimental House Method
2. 14.2 Method 2: Sub-lord method
3. 14.3 Method 3: Ruling Planets method
4. 14.4 Selection of Fruitful significator: A Step by Step Approach
15. 15 Finding out promises in a chart
16. 16 Timing Events

Before We Start
Any questions arise in the mind of KP student while reading this tutorial can be discussed in
K_P_System YahooGroup ( Also drop an email
to KP System YahooGroup (, if you are a KP astrologer and
want to contribute to this tutorial.

The Horoscope Explained

A horoscope (also called Chart or Kundali) is a map of heavens seen at a particular time from
a particular place. The KP horoscope is slightly different from the traditional horoscope as it
contains comparatively more information. A KP horoscope typically contains position of 12
planets (including Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) and 12 houses. There are various
ways in which a horoscope can be drawn. In India two most popular formats are ‘North
Indian format’ and ‘South Indian format’. Here is a sample horoscope diagram drawn for –

Date: January 13, 2009

Time: 12: 00 Noon IST

Place: Agra, UP, India

(Detailed chart can be found at

This is a horoscope in South Indian format. The South Indian chart is seen in clock-wise
fashion. In the South Indian chart format, signs are fixed and houses & planets keep moving.
The second box from the top left is fixed for Aries. This is the box where “I 001-23-55” is
written on the chart. From that box onwards, in the clockwise fashion, we can read other
signs i.e. Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
Aquarius, and Pisces respectively.

So keeping this chart in mind, we can say that first house starts from Aries (because ‘I’ is
written in the box fixed for Aries) 1 degree, 23 minutes and 55 seconds. The second house
starts from Taurus 3 degree 46 minutes 54 seconds. The starting position of second house is
also ending position for first house.
Third house starts from Taurus 29 degree 19 minutes 19 seconds. Fourth house starts from
Gemini 23 degree 2 minute 49 seconds. As we see Ketu in Cancer 16 degree 24 minute 10
seconds between ‘IV’ and ’V’ number, we can say that Ketu is in fourth house. Similarly,
Saturn is between ‘VI’ and ‘VII’, so we can say that Saturn is in sixth house and so on.

Similarly we can see position of all planets and houses from this chart. To have a consistency
across the tutorial, we are planning to stick to the South Indian chart format.

Note: Astrologers from the Traditional astrology background may wonder seeing the chart
above how come both second and third houses are fallen into the same sign Taurus? Which
means that Venus is lord of both the houses - second and third. Mars also become lord of
eighth house and ninth house as per KP chart. Virgo and Pisces are kind-of disappeared as no
house is falling in these two signs? This is because of the reason that KP uses Placidus House
division system, which is borrowed from Western astrology, where the houses are of unequal
size. Unlike Traditional astrology, not all houses are of equal size of 30 degree in KP and
hence sometimes no house falls into a sign or sometimes more than one house fall into a sign.
We will talk more about it in the later chapters.

Creating Horoscope (Casting the Chart)

As discussed, to cast a KP chart, you need positions of 12 planets and 12 houses. There are two ways
you can get these information -
1. You can use some software, which requires just date, time and place, or
2. You can calculate these positions manually with the help of certain tables

Calculating KP horoscope manually is a tedious process. We will cover manual calculation in later
chapters (chapter 3). Till such time, you can use free software on for casting a
KP chart.


As mentioned above, totally 12 planets are used in KP namely Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. As Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are of
comparatively recent discovery, usage of these planets is not as extensive as other 9 planets. Not all
KP astrologers use all 12 planets, hence the usage of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto is up to the choice
of a KP astrologer. In this tutorial, our emphasis will also be on original 9 planets only. Please note
that Rahu and Ketu are not planets in terms of modern astronomy, as they don't have any physical
existence. They are mere mathematical points. Due to this reason, they are also sometimes called as
shadow planets. I'll not go into the astronomical details of Rahu and Ketu because it is not the
objective of this tutorial.

Each planet owns certain signs and stars (nakshatras) as follows -

Planet Name Sign(s) Owned by the Planet Stars (Nakshatras) Owned by the Planet
- Sun Leo Kritika, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha

Moon Cancer Rohini, Hasta, Sravana

Mars Aries, Scorpio Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanshita

Mercury Gemini, Virgo Aslesha, Jyehsta, Revati

Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces Punarvasu, Visakha, Poorvabhadrapada

Venus Taurus, Libra Bharani, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashadha

Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius Pushya, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada

Rahu Aridra, Swati, Satabisha

Ketu Aswini, Magha, Moola

From the above table you can see that Rahu and Ketu have not been allotted any sign ownership.
You may also note that each of the nine planets have been given ownership of 3 stars.

As Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were not part of the ancient Hindu astrology, they have not been
given ownership of any sign or any star. As per Western astrologers, Uranus owns Capricorn,
Neptune owns Pisces and Pluto owns Scorpio.


There are 12 houses in astrology. Houses are also referred as Bhava or Ghar in Hindu astrology.
Every house in astrology has been assigned certain significations by the sages. For example, 1st
house is for self, health, 2nd house for family, finance, 3rd house for brother, courage, 4th house is
for mother, conveyance and so on.

In the astrology, if a house is good, you will get good results related to the house. For example, if the
1st house is good in your horoscope, your health will be good. On the contrary, if the first house is
bad, the health will be affected and one can even have a short life. Different systems of astrology
like Hindu system, Western system etc. have different rules for judging the houses. In other words,
all systems use somewhat different rules to identify whether you will get good results or bad results
pertaining to a house in your life. Similarly, KP System also has different rules and we will be
describing those rules in the following sections. Before that, let us have a look at what is generally
assigned to each house by our sages –

First House

Birth, head, physical body, limb, physical features, livelihood

Second House
Wealth, food, right eye, what one eats or drinks, face, eye, speech, family, property

Third House

Courage, firmness, bad thoughts, breast, ear, especially right ear, prowess, brother or sister –

younger one, heroism, mental strength

Fourth house

House, home, land, relation, mother, vehicle, happiness, water, learning

Fifth House

Intellect, children, son, belly, traditional law, virtuous acts previously done

Sixth House

Debt, wounds, disease, enemy, sin, a wicked act, fear, humiliation

Seventh House

Desire, love, passion, cohabitation, partner, public, wife or husband, dowry

Eighth House

Life, longevity, mental pain, defeat or insult, sorrow, scandal, ill-repute, death, impurity, obstacle,

Ninth House

Guru or preceptor, father, auspicious, previous life , worship, penance, virtue, grandson, prayer,
spiritual initiation, noble family, fortune

Tenth House

Livelihood, kingdom, work, commerce, trade, business, rank or position, good conduct, honor,
sacrifice, command, quality, wealth, occupation

Eleventh House

Profit or gain, income, all kinds of receipts, acquisition, gain, desire, passion, fulfillment of one's
desire, wealth or riches, brothers and sisters - elder one, friends

Twelfth House

House of disappearance, bondage, loss, negation, bed, sin, poverty, penury, loss, decline, misery, left
eye, leg, defect

The point at which two houses meet is called a Cusp. Starting point of a house is called the cusp of
that house. Sometimes terms 'cusp' and 'house' are used interchangeably. For example, lord of the
cusp and lord of the house has the same meaning in KP.

The planet that owns the sign that falling on the cusp of a house is called the owner or the lord of
the house. Please note that the terms 'owner of a house' and 'house lord' are used interchangeably
in astrology. In the example chart, the cusp of the first house falls in sign Aries. Mars is the owner of
the sign Aries. So we will say that first house lord is Mars. Similarly, cusps of the second and third
house fall in Taurus sign which is owned by Venus. So we will say that the second house and third
house are owned by Venus. Some of the astrologers from the classical astrology background will find
this unusual that both second and third house are owned by Venus. This happens due to the fact
that KP follows unequal house division. We will talk about the house division in details later.


The whole Universe is divided into 12 equal parts and each part is referred to as a sign. So there are
12 signs as follows -

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpio
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricorn
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces

There are various classification for the signs. These classifications are sometimes useful in
predictions. Some of the important classifications are as follows -

Classification 1
Fiery Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earthy Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Airy Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Watery Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Classification 2
Movable: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Fixed: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Common: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Zodiac Division - Sign, Star and Sub

Zodiac is an imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are all the planets. As we know in
mathematics a circle is of 360 degree. When this circle is divided into 12 equal parts of 30 degrees,
each part is called a sign. We have already talked a little bit about signs. When this circle is divided in
27 equal parts of 13 degree 20 minutes, each part is called a Star or a Nakshatra. If we divide a star
further into nine parts, this 9th division of a star is called a 'Sub'. This 'Sub' is the real backbone of KP
System. We have already talked about the lord of a sign and the lord of the star above. As lord
(owner) of a sign is called 'Sign lord', similarly lord of a star is called 'Star lord' and the lord of a sub is
called 'Sub lord'. 'Sub lord' is calculated on the basis of years allocated to each of the 9 planets in
Vimshottari Dasa system. The years allocated to each planet in Vimshottari Dasa System are as
follows -

Planet Years Allocated

Ketu 7

Venus 20

Sun 6

Moon 10

Mars 7

Rahu 18

Jupiter 16

Saturn 19

Mercury 17


You can notice the difference in the sequence of the planets noted above. This is the sequence used
in Vimshottari Dasa. Ketu is listed first here because Ketu owns Ashwini star, the first star of the
zodiac, followed by Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury.

In each star, first sub lord is the planet that owns the star and then it is followed by the remaining
eight planets in Vimshottari Dasha planet sequence. For example,

If Ashwini is the star which is owned by Ketu, the first sub lord in Ashwini star will be Ketu, the
second sub lord will be Venus, the third sub lord will be of Sun and so on.
If Bharani is the star which is owned by Venus, the first sub lord in Bharani star will be Venus, the
second sub lord will of Sun, the third sub lord will be of Moon and so on.
You can notice that there is no name given to a sub like we have given the names for signs and stars.
What we are mostly cocerned about is the lord of that sub i.e. sub lord.

The span of a sub lord can be calculated as follows –

Span of a Sub Lord = (Years of Planet in Vimshottari Dasa/ 120) X 13 degree 20 minutes

as 13 degree 20 minutes can also be written as 800 (13 X 60 + 20) minutes, for simplicity of
calculation, we can say –

Span of a Sub Lord (in minutes) = (Years of Planet in Vimshottari Dasa/ 120) X 800

based on this we can calculate the span of each sub lord as follows –

Span of a Sub Lord Ketu = (7 / 120) X 800 = 46.6666 = 0 degree 46 minutes 40 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Venus = (20 / 120) X 800 = 133.3333 = 2 degree 13 minutes 20 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Sun = (6 / 120) X 800 = 40 = 0 degree 40 minutes 00 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Moon = (10 / 120) X 800 = 66.6666 = 1 degree 6 minutes 40 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Mars = (7 / 120) X 800 = 46.6666 = 0 degree 46 minutes 40 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Rahu = (18 / 120) X 800 = 120 = 2 degree 0 minutes 0 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Jupiter = (16 / 120) X 800 = 106.6666 = 1 degree 46 minutes 40 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Saturn = (19 / 120) X 800 = 126.6666 = 2 degree 6 minutes 40 seconds
Span of a Sub Lord Mercury = (17 / 120) X 800 = 113.3333 = 1 degree 53 minutes 20 seconds

Above can be summarized in a tabular format as follows -

Sub Lord Sub Span

Ketu 0°46'40"

Venus 2°13'20"

Sun 0°40'

Moon 1°6'40"

Mars 0°46'40"

Rahu 2°0'0"

Jupiter 1°46'40"

Saturn 2°6'40"

Mercury 1°53'20"
TOTAL 13°20'

To save you from the hassles of calculations, this is a ready reckoner table of Sign, Star, and Sub can
be found here.

Sign, Star And Sub Table

From To Star
No. Sign Sign Lord Sub Lord
(Deg/Min/Sec) (Deg/Min/Sec) Lord
1 Aries 00°00′00″ 00°46′40″ Mars Ketu Ketu
2 Aries 00°46′40″ 03°00′00” Mars Ketu Venus
3 Aries 03°00′00″ 03°40′00” Mars Ketu Sun
4 Aries 03°40′00″ 04°46’40” Mars Ketu Moon
5 Aries 04°46′40″ 05°33’20” Mars Ketu Mars
6 Aries 05°33′20″ 07°33’20” Mars Ketu Rahu
7 Aries 07°33′20″ 09°20’00” Mars Ketu Jupiter
8 Aries 09°20′00″ 11°26’40” Mars Ketu Saturn
9 Aries 11°26′40″ 13°20’00” Mars Ketu Mercury
10 Aries 13°20′00″ 15°33′20” Mars Venus Venus
11 Aries 15°33′20″ 16°13′20” Mars Venus Sun
12 Aries 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Mars Venus Moon
13 Aries 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Mars Venus Mars
14 Aries 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Mars Venus Rahu
15 Aries 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Mars Venus Jupiter
16 Aries 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Mars Venus Saturn
17 Aries 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Mars Venus Mercury
18 Aries 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Mars Venus Ketu
19 Aries 26°40′00” 27°20′00” Mars Sun Sun
20 Aries 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Mars Sun Moon
21 Aries 28°26’40” 29°13’20” Mars Sun Mars
22 Aries 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Mars Sun Rahu
23 Taurus 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Venus Sun Rahu
24 Taurus 01°13’20” 03°00’00’ Venus Sun Jupiter
25 Taurus 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Venus Sun Saturn
26 Taurus 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Venus Sun Mercury
27 Taurus 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Venus Sun Ketu
28 Taurus 07:46’40” 10°00’00” Venus Sun Venus
29 Taurus 10°00′00” 11°06′40” Venus Moon Moon
30 Taurus 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Venus Moon Mars
31 Taurus 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Venus Moon Rahu
32 Taurus 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Venus Moon Jupiter
33 Taurus 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Venus Moon Saturn
34 Taurus 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Venus Moon Mercury
35 Taurus 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Venus Moon Ketu
36 Taurus 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Venus Moon Venus
37 Taurus 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Venus Moon Sun
38 Taurus 23°20’00” 24°06:40” Venus Mars Mars
39 Taurus 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Venus Mars Rahu
40 Taurus 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Venus Mars Jupiter
41 Taurus 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Venus Mars Saturn
42 Gemini 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Mercury Mars Mercury
43 Gemini 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Mercury Mars Ketu
44 Gemini 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Mercury Mars Venus
45 Gemini 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Mercury Mars Sun
46 Gemini 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Mercury Mars Moon
47 Gemini 06°40’00” 08°40’00” Mercury Rahu Rahu
48 Gemini 08°40’00” 10°26’40” Mercury Rahu Jupiter
49 Gemini 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Mercury Rahu Saturn
50 Gemini 12°33’20 14°26’40” Mercury Rahu Mercury
51 Gemini 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Mercury Rahu Ketu
52 Gemini 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Mercury Rahu Venus
53 Gemini 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Mercury Rahu Sun
54 Gemini 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Mercury Rahu Moon
55 Gemini 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Mercury Rahu Mars
56 Gemini 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Jupiter
57 Gemini 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Mercury Jupiter Saturn
58 Gemini 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Mercury
59 Gemini 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Mercury Jupiter Ketu
60 Gemini 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Venus
61 Gemini 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Mercury Jupiter Sun
62 Gemini 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Mercury Jupiter Moon
63 Cancer 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Moon Jupiter Moon
64 Cancer 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Moon Jupiter Mars
65 Cancer 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Moon Jupiter Rahu
66 Cancer 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Moon Saturn Saturn
67 Cancer 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Moon Saturn Mercury
68 Cancer 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Moon Saturn Ketu
69 Cancer 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Moon Saturn Venus
70 Cancer 10°20’00” 11°00’00’ Moon Saturn Sun
71 Cancer 11°00’00’ 12°06’40’ Moon Saturn Moon
72 Cancer 12°06’40’ 12°53’20” Moon Saturn Mars
73 Cancer 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Moon Saturn Rahu
74 Cancer 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Moon Saturn Jupiter
75 Cancer 16°40’00” 18°33’21” Moon Mercury Mercury
76 Cancer 18°33’21” 19°20’00” Moon Mercury Ketu
77 Cancer 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Moon Mercury Venus
78 Cancer 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Moon Mercury Sun
79 Cancer 22°13’20” 23°20’00 Moon Mercury Moon
80 Cancer 23°20’00 24°06’40” Moon Mercury Mars
81 Cancer 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Moon Mercury Rahu
82 Cancer 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Moon Mercury Jupiter
83 Cancer 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Moon Mercury Saturn
84 Leo 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Sun Ketu Ketu
85 Leo 00°46’40” 03°00’00” Sun Ketu Venus
86 Leo 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Sun Ketu Sun
87 Leo 03°40’00” 04°46’40’ Sun Ketu Moon
88 Leo 04°46’40’ 05°33’20” Sun Ketu Mars
89 Leo 05°33’20” 07°33’20” Sun Ketu Rahu
90 Leo 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Sun Ketu Jupiter
91 Leo 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Sun Ketu Saturn
92 Leo 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Sun Ketu Mercury
93 Leo 13°20’00” 15°33’20” Sun Venus Venus
94 Leo 15°33’20” 16°13’20” Sun Venus Sun
95 Leo 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Sun Venus Moon
96 Leo 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Sun Venus Mars
97 Leo 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Sun Venus Rahu
98 Leo 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Sun Venus Jupiter
99 Leo 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Sun Venus Saturn
100 Leo 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Sun Venus Mercury
101 Leo 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Sun Venus Ketu
102 Leo 26°40’00” 27°20’00” Sun Sun Sun
103 Leo 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Sun Sun Moon
104 Leo 28°26’40” 29°13’20” Sun Sun Mars
105 Leo 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Sun Sun Rahu
106 Virgo 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Mercury Sun Rahu
107 Virgo 01°13’20” 03°00’00” Mercury Sun Jupiter
108 Virgo 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Mercury Sun Saturn
109 Virgo 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Mercury Sun Mercury
110 Virgo 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Mercury Sun Ketu
111 Virgo 07°46’40” 10°00’00” Mercury Sun Venus
112 Virgo 10°00’00” 11°06’40” Mercury Moon Moon
113 Virgo 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Mercury Moon Mars
114 Virgo 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Mercury Moon Rahu
115 Virgo 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Mercury Moon Jupiter
116 Virgo 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Mercury Moon Saturn
117 Virgo 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Mercury Moon Mercury
118 Virgo 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Mercury Moon Ketu
119 Virgo 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Mercury Moon Venus
120 Virgo 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Mercury Moon Sun
121 Virgo 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Mercury Mars Mars
122 Virgo 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Mercury Mars Rahu
123 Virgo 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Mercury Mars Jupiter
124 Virgo 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Mercury Mars Saturn
125 Libra 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Venus Mars Mercury
126 Libra 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Venus Mars Ketu
127 Libra 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Venus Mars Venus
128 Libra 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Venus Mars Sun
129 Libra 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Venus Mars Moon
130 Libra 06°40’00” 08°40’00’ Venus Rahu Rahu
131 Libra 08°40’00’ 10°26’40” Venus Rahu Jupiter
132 Libra 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Venus Rahu Saturn
133 Libra 12°33’20” 14°26’40” Venus Rahu Mercury
134 Libra 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Venus Rahu Ketu
135 Libra 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Venus Rahu Venus
136 Libra 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Venus Rahu Sun
137 Libra 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Venus Rahu Moon
138 Libra 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Venus Rahu Mars
139 Libra 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Venus Jupiter Jupiter
140 Libra 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Venus Jupiter Saturn
141 Libra 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Venus Jupiter Mercury
142 Libra 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Venus Jupiter Ketu
143 Libra 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Venus Jupiter Venus
144 Libra 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Venus Jupiter Sun
145 Libra 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Venus Jupiter Moon
146 Scorpio 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Mars Jupiter Moon
147 Scorpio 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Mars Jupiter Mars
148 Scorpio 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Mars Jupiter Rahu
149 Scorpio 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Mars Saturn Saturn
150 Scorpio 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Mars Saturn Mercury
151 Scorpio 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Mars Saturn Ketu
152 Scorpio 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Mars Saturn Venus
153 Scorpio 10°20’00” 11°00’00” Mars Saturn Sun
154 Scorpio 11°00’00” 12°06’40” Mars Saturn Moon
155 Scorpio 12°06’40” 12°53’20” Mars Saturn Mars
156 Scorpio 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Mars Saturn Rahu
157 Scorpio 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Mars Saturn Jupiter
158 Scorpio 16°40’00” 18°33’20” Mars Mercury Mercury
159 Scorpio 18°33’20” 19°20’00” Mars Mercury Ketu
160 Scorpio 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Mars Mercury Venus
161 Scorpio 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Mars Mercury Sun
162 Scorpio 22°13’20” 23°20’00” Mars Mercury Moon
163 Scorpio 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Mars Mercury Mars
164 Scorpio 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Mars Mercury Rahu
165 Scorpio 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Mars Mercury Jupiter
166 Scorpio 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Mars Mercury Saturn
167 Sagittarius 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Jupiter Ketu Ketu
168 Sagittarius 00°46’40 03°00’00” Jupiter Ketu Venus
169 Sagittarius 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Jupiter Ketu Sun
170 Sagittarius 03°40’00” 04°46’40” Jupiter Ketu Moon
171 Sagittarius 04°46’40” 05°53’20” Jupiter Ketu Mars
172 Sagittarius 05°53’20” 07°33’20” Jupiter Ketu Rahu
173 Sagittarius 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
174 Sagittarius 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Jupiter Ketu Saturn
175 Sagittarius 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Jupiter Ketu Mercury
176 Sagittarius 13°20’00” 15°33’20” Jupiter Venus Venus
177 Sagittarius 15°33’20” 16°13’20” Jupiter Venus Sun
178 Sagittarius 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Jupiter Venus Moon
179 Sagittarius 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Jupiter Venus Mars
180 Sagittarius 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Jupiter Venus Rahu
181 Sagittarius 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Jupiter Venus Jupiter
182 Sagittarius 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Jupiter Venus Saturn
183 Sagittarius 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Jupiter Venus Mercury
184 Sagittarius 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Jupiter Venus Ketu
185 Sagittarius 26°40’00” 27°20’00” Jupiter Sun Sun
186 Sagittarius 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Jupiter Sun Moon
187 Sagittarius 28°26’40 29°13’20” Jupiter Sun Mars
188 Sagittarius 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Jupiter Sun Rahu
189 Capricorn 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Saturn Sun Rahu
190 Capricorn 01°13’20” 03°00’00” Saturn Sun Jupiter
191 Capricorn 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Saturn Sun Saturn
192 Capricorn 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Saturn Sun Mercury
193 Capricorn 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Saturn Sun Ketu
194 Capricorn 07°46’40” 10°00’00” Saturn Sun Venus
195 Capricorn 10°00’00” 11°06’40” Saturn Moon Moon
196 Capricorn 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Saturn Moon Mars
197 Capricorn 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Saturn Moon Rahu
198 Capricorn 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Saturn Moon Jupiter
199 Capricorn 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Saturn Moon Saturn
200 Capricorn 17°46’40 19°40’00” Saturn Moon Mercury
201 Capricorn 19°40’00” 20°46’40” Saturn Moon Ketu
202 Capricorn 20°46’40” 22°40’00” Saturn Moon Venus
203 Capricorn 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Saturn Moon Sun
204 Capricorn 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Saturn Mars Mars
205 Capricorn 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Saturn Mars Rahu
206 Capricorn 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Saturn Mars Jupiter
207 Capricorn 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Saturn Mars Saturn
208 Aquarius 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Saturn Mars Mercury
209 Aquarius 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Saturn Mars Ketu
210 Aquarius 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Saturn Mars Venus
211 Aquarius 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Saturn Mars Sun
212 Aquarius 05°33’20” 06°40’20” Saturn Mars Moon
213 Aquarius 06°40’20” 08°40’00” Saturn Rahu Rahu
214 Aquarius 08°40’00” 10°26’40” Saturn Rahu Jupiter
215 Aquarius 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Saturn Rahu Saturn
216 Aquarius 12°33’20” 14°26’40” Saturn Rahu Mercury
217 Aquarius 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Saturn Rahu Ketu
218 Aquarius 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Saturn Rahu Venus
219 Aquarius 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Saturn Rahu Sun
220 Aquarius 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Saturn Rahu Moon
221 Aquarius 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Saturn Rahu Mars
222 Aquarius 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Jupiter
223 Aquarius 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Saturn Jupiter Saturn
224 Aquarius 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Mercury
225 Aquarius 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Saturn Jupiter Ketu
226 Aquarius 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Venus
227 Aquarius 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Saturn Jupiter Sun
228 Aquarius 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Saturn Jupiter Moon
229 Pisces 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Jupiter Jupiter Moon
230 Pisces 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Jupiter Jupiter Mars
231 Pisces 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Jupiter Jupiter Rahu
232 Pisces 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Jupiter Saturn Saturn
233 Pisces 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Jupiter Saturn Mercury
234 Pisces 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Jupiter Saturn Ketu
235 Pisces 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Jupiter Saturn Venus
236 Pisces 10°20’00” 11°00’00” Jupiter Saturn Sun
237 Pisces 11°00’00” 12°06’40” Jupiter Saturn Moon
238 Pisces 12°06’40” 12°53’20” Jupiter Saturn Mars
239 Pisces 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Jupiter Saturn Rahu
240 Pisces 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Jupiter Saturn Jupiter
241 Pisces 16°40’00” 18°33’20” Jupiter Mercury Mercury
242 Pisces 18°33’20” 19°20’00” Jupiter Mercury Ketu
243 Pisces 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Jupiter Mercury Venus
244 Pisces 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Jupiter Mercury Sun
245 Pisces 22°13’20” 23°20’00” Jupiter Mercury Moon
246 Pisces 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Jupiter Mercury Mars
247 Pisces 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Jupiter Mercury Rahu
248 Pisces 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Jupiter Mercury Jupiter
249 Pisces 27°53’20 30°00’00” Jupiter Mercury Saturn

Note: High school mathematics is involved in the calculation of Sub lord. Don't worry, if you don't
understand the calculation part because now-a-days we have software programs that can do the
calculation for you. Also the sub lord calculation table mentioned above can be used for ready

House Grouping

Like Sub, house grouping is another very important concept in KP System. For every important
aspect of human life, one house has been given primary importance and few other houses have
been given secondary importance. All these houses together are known as group of houses for an
aspect. By the term ‘aspect of human life’, I mean health, family, profession etc. Let us take an
example of marriage, for marriage house number 7th has been given primary importance. Why?
Because 7th house is taken as the house for spouse – husband or wife. If you are coming from the
Hindu astrology or Western astrology background, you will find it familiar. If you don't have any
astrology background, you can refer house signification table under the heading 'House' above.
House number 2 and 11 are said to be supportive house for marriage. In our traditional astrology,
2nd house is the house for family and 11th house is the house for friends and fulfillment of desire.
So we can say that for marriage we have to judge house number 2, 7 and 11. This is house grouping
for marriage. Similarly, we can group houses for other major aspects of our life. I am tabulating
house grouping for some of the important aspects as follows -

Aspect House Groups

Longevity 1, 8, 3

Cure of disease 1, 5, 11

Education 4, 9, 11

Marriage 2, 7, 11

Child birth 2, 5, 11

Foreign travel 3, 9, 12

Service 2, 6, 10

Gain of money 2, 6, 11

More comprehensive list of house groups can be found at House Grouping section of this wiki.

House Grouping

Not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life. In KP terminology, these groups of houses
for the event is called "House Group". This is also referred as Formula by some KP astrologers. In the table
below we need to combine primary houses and supporting houses to come up with the house grouping for the
event. For example, event "Good health" has 1,11 as house group. Event "Proneness of disease" has house
group 1, 6, 8, 12.

There are two uses of the House Grouping table below -

1. Knowing whether the event is promised in one's chart or not

If the cuspal sub lord of primary house signifies primary and supporting houses, the event is
promised. Please read "Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.

2. When the event will happen

Events happens when the planet-lords of current dasa (dasa lord, antardasa lord, pratyantardasa
lord, sookshma lord etc.) signifies house group. For example, one has "Good health" when one
passes through dasa of the planets signifies houses 1,11. Similarly, "Proneness to disease" happens
when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies 1,6,8,12. Again, please read "Chapter 2:
Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.

1. Events relating First House.

Type of Query/ Event Primary House Supporting Houses

Good health 1 1,11

Proneness to disease 1 6,8,12

Unnatural Death 1 2,7,Badhaka,12 (8)

Accident 1 8, 12

Suicide 1 Badhaka,2,7,Mars

Success in self efforts 1 11 (6)

Status and Respect 1 10, 11

Short Life 1 2,7,Badhaka

Long Life 1 1,5,8,11

2. Events relating Second House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Financial Status 2 2,6,11

Obtaining Loans 2 11 (6)

Obtaining Jewellery 2 11

Defect in Speech, Vision 2 12,8

Insurance claims 2 8,11

Medical claims 2 6,8,11

Opening bank account 2 6,11

3. Events relating Third House.

Type of Query Supporting Houses

Signing a contract 3 6,9,11

Meeting Bank officer for overdraft 3 6,9,11

Filing a court case 3 6,11

Getting Passport, Green card, Visa 3 9,11,12

Starting journey 3 5,9,11

9,11 and the cuspal position that represents the

Negotiations 3

Change of place- Transfer 3 10,11

Younger co-born proneness to

3- 8,10,2

Computer programmer 3 2,11 (10)

Publication as Profession 3 2,11 (10)

4. Events relating Fourth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Basic education 4 11

Purchase of property, vehicle, furniture 4 11,12

Sale of property etc. 4 3,5,10

Taking possession of flat, quarter etc. 4 9,11

Laying foundation of a house 4 11

Occupying a new house 4 11

Mother’s proneness to sickness 4 9,11,3

Engineering as subject of study 4 10

Medicine as subject of study 4 6

Law as subject of study 4 6 or 9

Fine arts as Subject of study 4 5

Teaching as Profession 4 2,6,10 (9)

5. Events relating Fifth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Child Birth 5 2,11

Pregnancy 5 2,11

Love Marriage 5 7,11

Rape 5 8,12

Success in sports 5 6,11

Sports, fine arts, film, speculation as profession 5 2,11 (10)

Caesarean 5 2,8

6. Events relating Sixth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Disease- Nature & Part 6 Involved cusp

Promise of Loan 6 2,11

Secret activities of Partner 6 5

Success in competition 6 1,11

Success in Litigation 6 1,11

Recovery from disease 6 5,11

Disease unknown in medical science 6 5,11

Medical Practitioner 6 2,11 (10)

Legal profession 6 2,11 (9,10)

7. Events relating Seventh House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Marriage 7 2,11

Second child 7 2,11

Partnership 7 5,11

Theft 7 2,12

Danger from opponents 7 8,12

Loans from Bank 7 6,2,11

Marriage-engagement 7 3,9,11

8. Events relating Eighth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Criminality as Profession 8 2,11 (10)

Unexpected Gains 8 2,11

Unexpected Loss 8 5,12

Receipt of Gifts 8 6,11

Ornaments or cash from inheritance 8 2,11

Property, vehicle from inheritance 8 4,11

Recovery of lost articles 8 2,6,11

Unnatural death 8 1,12

Death due to sickness 8 6,12

Death due to accident 8 4,12

Depression 8 1,3,12

Committing rape 8 5,12

Surgeons 8 2,11 (10)

9. Events relating Ninth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Long Journeys 9 3,12

Higher education 9 11 (4)

Second Marriage 9 7,11

Third Child 9 2,11

Father’s proneness to sickness 9 2,4,8

Success in spiritual discipline 9 6,11

Politics as Profession 9 2,6,11 (10)

10. Events relating Tenth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Service or Business 10 6,7

Commission as Business 10 3,11

Name & Fame 10 1,11

Retirement 10 5,9

Promotion in Service or Business 10 2,6,11

Break in Service 10 5,9

Problems in Business or Service 10 5,8

Suspension in Service 10 5,6 (8)

Compulsory Retirement 10 5,9 (8)

Voluntary Retirement 10 1,5,9

Removal from service 10 5,9 (8)

Export Business 10 2,6,11 (12)

Medical Practitioner 10 2,6,11 (8)

Publications as Profession 10 2,6,11 (3)

Legal Profession 10 2,6,11 (9)

Politics as Profession 10 2,6,11 (9)

Teaching as Profession 10 2,6,11(4,9)

Computer Programmer 10 2,6,11 (3)

11. Events relating Eleventh House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Winning in Love 11 5,7

Satisfaction of Desires 11 1
Sexual relationship with friend 11 7,5

12. Events relating Twelfth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Repayment of Loan 12 5,8

Recovery of Lost article 12 2,6,11

Secret activities as profession 12 2,11 (10)

Gain in Investment 12 2,6,11

Loss in Investment 12 5,8

Danger from involvement in secret activities 12 7,8

Imprisonment 12 3,8

Receipt of secret documents 12 4,11

Absconding 12 3,8

Success in research 12 6,11

Export Business 12 2,11 (10)

Foreign Travel 12 3,9

Good and Bad Houses for Specific Matters

Generally 12th house from any house is considered detrimental to that house and hence negates the
results of that house. For example, 2, 7 and 11 houses are the houses that give marriage. 12th House
from these houses i.e. 1 (12th from 2), 6 (12th from 7) and 10 (12th from 11) will give opposite
results i.e. denial of marriage or separation, divorce etc., if already married. This is a general rule
which requires some modifications on the basis of sufficient evidence.


As mentioned above, 12 houses deal with all aspect of a human life. Generally a planet can give
results related to many houses. For example, from the section ‘Houses’, we can see that 7th house is
the house for ‘marriage’ whereas 10th house is the house for ‘job’. Now, one single planet can give
both job and marriage to a person. Assuming Mars is that planet, we will say that Mars signifies 7th
house and 10th house in such a case.

Similarly, results related to a house can be obtained from more than one planet. Assuming in a chart
Mars and Jupiter both can give Marriage, we will say that 7th house (marriage) is signified by Mars
and Jupiter.

To put in simple language, a planet can signify more than one house. Also a house can be signified by
more than one planet. From terminology, let us move to the method of finding significators in the
next section.

Finding Significators

Here is the sign, star and sub position for all the planets and cusps for the example chart -

Planet Name Longitude Sign Star Sub

Sun 269°19'04" Jupiter Sun Rahu

Moon 118°50'32" Moon Mercury Saturn

Mars 258°56'14" Jupiter Venus Rahu

Mercury 283°37'35" Saturn Moon Rahu

Jupiter 277°55'40" Saturn Sun Venus

Venus 316°25'24" Saturn Rahu Venus

Saturn 147°42'35" Sun Sun Moon

Rahu 286°24'40" Saturn Moon Saturn

Ketu 106°24'40" Moon Saturn Jupiter

Cusp Longitude Sign Star Sub

1 001°23'55" Mars Ketu Venus

2 033°46'54" Venus Sun Saturn

3 059°19'19" Venus Mars Saturn

4 083°02'49" Mercury Jupiter Saturn

5 108°59'58" Moon Mercury Ketu

6 141°16'58" Sun Venus Jupiter

7 181°23'55" Venus Mars Mercury

8 213°46'54" Mars Saturn Saturn

9 239°19'19" Mars Mercury Saturn

10 263°02'49" Jupiter Venus Saturn

11 288°59'58" Saturn Moon Mercury

12 321°16'58" Saturn Jupiter Jupiter

Finding Signification of Planets

A planet signifies various houses in the order of strength as follows –

Level 1. House occupied by the star lord of the planet

Level 2. House occupied by the planet itself

Level 3. Houses owned by the star lord of the planet

Level 4. Houses owned by the planet itself

As this signification is in the order of strength, signification at level 1 is more powerful than
signification at level 2. Signification at level 2 is more powerful than signification at level 3 and so on.
Level 1 to 4 is usually mentioned as grade A to E signnificators.

Suppose we have to find signification for the planet ‘Mars’ in example chart. Here are the signified
houses -
Level 1. Mars’s star lord is Venus who is in house no. 11

Level 2. Mars is in house no. 9

Level 3. Mars’s star is Venus who owns house no. 2, 3, 7

Level 4. Mars owns house no. 1, 8, 9

We can say that Mars signifies houses 11, 2, 3, 7, 9, 1, 8 in this chart.

Let us take another planet ‘Moon’ –

Level 1. Moon’s star lord Mercury is in house no. 10

Level 2. Moon occupies 5th house

Level 3. Moon’s star lord Mercury owns 4th House

Level 4. Moon owns 5th house

So, we can say that Moon signifies houses 10, 4, and 5.

We can tabulate signification of the planets in our example chart as follows -

Level 1 Level 3
Level 2 Level 4
Planet (star lord's (star lord's
(occupancy) (ownership)
occupancy) ownership)

Sun 10 10 6 6

Moon 10 5 4 5

Mars 11 9 2, 3, 7 1, 8, 9

Mercury 5 10 5 4

Jupiter 10 10 6 10

Venus 10 11 2, 3, 7

Saturn 10 6 6 11, 12

Rahu 5 10 5

Ketu 6 4 11, 12

Finding House Significators

Significator for a house in the order of strength are as follows –

Level 1. Planets in the star of occupants of that house

Level 2. Planets in that house

Level 3. Planets in the star of owners of that house

Level 4. Owner of that house

Sigificators are mentioned in the order of strength. It means that the significators at level 1 is more
powerful than the significators at level 2. Significators at level 2 are more powerful than significators
at level 3 and so on. Level 1 to 4 is usually mentioned as grade A to E significators.

Let us take an example of house number 6 in our example chart –

Level 1. Planets in the star of the occupant of the 6th house (Saturn) – Ketu

Level 2. Planets in 6th house – Saturn

Level 3. Planet in the star of the owner (Sun) - Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn

Level 4. Owner of 6th house – Sun

so, 6th house significators are Ketu, Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. (The easy way is to take from the above
table of planet significations, i.e. from level 1 column only Ketu for 6th, level 2 column only Saturn
for 6th, level 3 column Sun, Jupiter & Saturn, and level 4 column Sun only.)

Let us take another example of house number 10 in the example chart -

Level 1. Planets in the star of the occupants of 10th house i.e. Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, and Rahu - Sun
& Saturn (in the star of Sun), no planet in the star of Jupiter, Moon (in the star of Mercury), Venus (in
the star of Rahu)

Level 2. Planets in 10th house - Sun, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu.

Level 3. Planet in the star of the owner (Jupiter) - no planet in the star of Jupiter

Level 4. Owner of 10th house – Jupiter

so, 10th house significators are Sun, Saturn, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu

TIP: If there is no planet(s) in the star of significators, significator(s) are considered strong. In
above case, as Jupiter doesn’t have any planet in its star, hence it is a strong significator for 10th
house by occupation and also by lordship if the house is empty, which is not so in this case. By a
strong significator we mean that the planet has more chances of giving the result of the house
than other significators

We can tabulate house significators in our example chart as follows –

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(in Occupant's star) (Occupants) (in Owner's star) (Owner)

1 Mars
2 Mars Venus

3 Mars Venus

4 Ketu Moon Mercury

5 Mercury, Rahu Moon Mercury, Rahu Moon

Sun, Jupiter,
6 Ketu Saturn Sun

7 Mars Venus

8 Mars

9 Mars Mars

Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Venus, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter,

10 Jupiter
Saturn Rahu

11 Mars Venus Ketu Saturn

12 Saturn

1. Planets conjoined or aspected by the above significators (level 1 to 4) are also the 5th level
(weakest) significators.
2. As you can notice from above, Sub doesn’t play any role in the process of finding significators.

Significations of Nodes - Rahu & Ketu

Rahu and Ketu are not planet in true sense. These are shadow planets and do not have any physical
existance. To understand signification of Rahu and Ketu, we need to understand the 'agent' nature
of these two.

Rahu and Ketu act as an agent of the planet(s) -

(a) the planet conjoining or aspecting

(b) owner planet of the sign in where it is placed

In our example chart, Rahu conjoins Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn sign. So we can say
that Rahu acts as an agent to Mercury and Jupiter. As Rahu is closer to Mercury than Jupiter,
it will represent Mercury more prominently than Jupiter. Capricorn is the sign owned by
Saturn, so it will also act as an agent to Saturn, but even less prominently. Sometimes 'Node
act as an agent of planet planet X' is also written as 'Node represents planet X'.

A node signifies the houses -

(a) Level 1 to Level 4 above

(b) Level 1 to Leve 4 of the planets it represents

In our example, Rahu signifies houses 5 and 10 by its own. Rahu also signifies 5, 10, and 4 by being
agent of Mercury. Rahu also signifies houses 10 and 6 by being agent of Jupiter but less prominently
than by being agent of Mercury. Rahu also signifies houses 10, 6, 11, 12 by being agent of Saturn,
but even less prominently than Jupiter and Mercury.

For practical purpose, we generally take the most prominent agent only in our analysis. In other
words, though Rahu acts an agent of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, we will take Mercury only
otherwise we will be confused with too many houses signified.

Strengths of Significators

As mentioned above, a planet gives result of the houses in order of Level 1 to Level 4. Though we
must note that if there is no planet in that planets star, the planet is called self-strength planet and
gives results in following order -

Level 2. House occupied by the planet itself

Level 1. House occupied by the star lord of the planet

Level 4. Houses owned by the planet itself

Level 3. Houses owned by the star lord of the planet

Ruling Planets (RP)

Ruling Planets (RP) is a divine tool to help astrologers. As the name suggests, Ruling Planets are the
planets that rule a particular moment. KP System considers total 5 ruling planets in the order of
strength as follows -

1. Ascendant Star Lord

2. Ascendant Sign Lord
3. Moon Star Lord
4. Moon Sign Lord
5. Day Lord

Ruling Planets are generally used in conjunction with birth charts or horary charts. Sometimes RPs
also have some other independent applications like predicting minor events and rectification of birth

Rahu and Ketu act as agents to other planets. Please see section "Shadow Planets - Rahu and Ketu"
below for more information.

Day lord for each day is as follows -

Day Day Lord

Sunday Sun

Monday Moon

Tuesday Mars

Wednesday Mercury

Thursday Jupiter

Friday Venus

Saturday Saturn

Suppose we have to calculate Ruling Planets at January 18, 2009, 6:00 PM IST at Delhi, India. Here is
the Ascendant and Moon position at that time –

Ascendant Longitude : 097°55'37"

Moon Longitude : 189°17'14"

From the "Sign, Star, and Sub Table", we can find Sign lord and Star lord for both the longitude as
follows -

Longitude Sign Lord Star Lord

Ascendant 097°55'37" Moon Saturn

Moon 189°17'14" Venus Rahu

The day on 18th January 2009 was Sunday, so the day lord will be Sun.
So, here are the Ruling planets for the moment (January 18, 2009, 6:00 PM IST at Delhi, India) -

Ascendant Star Lord Saturn

Ascendant Sign Lord Moon

Moon Star Lord Rahu

Moon Sign Lord Venus

Day Lord Sun

1. Hindu day starts from sunrise and last till next sunrise. We have to take 'day lord' according to
Hindu day only.

2. The ruling planets in a star or sub of retrograde planets should be discarded from the list of RP.

Selection of Significators

As discussed above, when you are judging particular aspect of life, you have to check significators of
the group of houses related to that aspect of life. For example, if you have to find out the time of
marriage, house group is 2, 7 and 11 (see the table above). So, you need to find out significators of
house number 2, 7 and 11. When the person will pass through the dasa of significators of house 2, 7
and 11 together, s/he will get married.

Sometime, you get many significators for judging an aspect of life. For example, if we have to find
out, when will the native of the example chart get a new job. For job, we have to judge 2, 6, 10 and
11. Now here are the significators

2 – Mars, Venus

6 – Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu

10 – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu

11 – Mars, Ketu, Venus, Saturn

Now here is the dilemma for the astrologer. All the nine planets are appearing as singinifcator for
the job. In such a case, we need to find out the signifcators which are more powerful that others for
that particular aspect of life. As we need to eliminate less powerful significators and keep more
powerful significator, this process is also termed as 'elimination of significators.'
Before we jump into the process of singificator elimination, we should remember these two
important points –

* As mentioned above, level 1 significators are powerful than level 2 significators as so on. So, one
need to give preference to the higher level significators

* Again as mentioned above, Planets having no planets in its star is stronger.

We will now discuss three popular elimination methods.

Method 1: Detrimental House Method

The significators of houses detrimental to the aspect under consideration are weaker. For example,
house number 1 (12th to 2nd – negation of 2nd) 5 (12th to 6) and 9 (negation to 10th) are
detrimental houses for the job. In the example chart, significators of house 1, 5, and 9 are as follows

1 – Mars

5 – Mercury, Rahu, Moon

9 – Mars

As Moon, Mars, Mercury and Rahu are the significators of 1, 5, and 9 as well. These are not powerful
enough to give results of house number 2, 6, 10 and 11. So these are the planets that have the
possibility of dropping from the significator list of job. If we remove Moon, Mars, Mercury and Rahu
from the significators list, we will left with the following –

Sun, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Ketu

Method 2: Sub-lord method

Remove the significators in the sub of the signifcators of the houses detrimental to the houses under
consideration. As mentioned above, house number 1 (12th to 2nd – negation of 2nd) 5 (12th to 6)
and 9 (negation to 10th) are detrimental houses for job. Significators of house 1, 5, and 9 are as
follows –

1 – Mars

5 – Mercury, Rahu, Moon

9 – Mars
Planets in the Sub of above planets are as follows –

Moon – Saturn is in the Sub of Moon

Mars – There is no planet in the Sub of Mars

Mercury – There is no planets in the Sub of Mercury

Rahu – Sun, Mars and Mercury in the Sub of Rahu

So Saturn, Sun, Mars and Mercury are also weaker significators for job and can be removed from the
signifactor list.

Note: Some KP astrologers give more importance to star lord of sub lord rather than sub lord itself.

Method 3: Ruling Planets method

Check the ruling planets for the time of judgment of the horoscope. The ruling planets that are also
found in the significators of the house grouping are the strongest significators. In other words select
the planets which are common among singificator for the aspect and ruling planets.

Selection of Fruitful significator: A Step by Step Approach

This is a step by step approach often recommended in k_p_system yahoogroup. Out of the
significators mentioned above and select the fruitful significators as follows:

1) Significtors which are common with the Ruling Planets,

2) Significators which are posited in the stars of the cuspal sub lords of required houses for a
matter under consideration, 2,7,11 for marriage,
3) Significators which are the cuspal sub lords of the required houses,
4) Significators of planets without having any planet in their stars, which are strongest to give
the results of the houses by being the sub lord to them. (Golden Rule: Take the planets
which are posited in the sub of the significators whose constellations are not tenanted),
5) Significators appearing many times amongst the Ruling Planets and significators.
6) Ruling Planets or other methods of selecting fruitful significators can to be used in fixing
timing of event by DBAS.

Finding out promises in a chart

In the "House Grouping" section it was explained that - "for every important aspect of human life,
one house has been given primary importance and few other houses have been given secondary
importance." Standard rules for prediction are –

1. If the sublord of primary house under consideration is signifying house group related
to the matter under consideration then the matter is going to fructify and the
answer is positive.
2. On the contrary, if it sublord of primary house is signifying detrimental houses (see
good and bad houses above) alone then the matter will not fructify
3. But, if it sublord of primary house is signifying house group as well as detrimental
houses then the native will get both the results in different dasa period.

As explained in house grouping section, 7th house is the primary house for marriage. 2nd and 11th
houses are supportive houses. These three houses together will be called conductive house group
(or simply house group) for marriage. 1st, 6th and 10th house being 12th from the mentioned house
group are detrimental for marriage. If sublord of 7th house is signifying either 7th or 2nd or 11th
then the marriage is promised. The person will definitely marry. This way we can decide the
promises related to various aspect of life in a chart.

Timing Events

Once it is decided whether the event is promised in the chart or not, next important step is to find
out when the event will take place.

The matter will fructify in the dasa, bhukti and antara of the significators of houses group for the
matter under consideration. Significators of main and supportive houses needs to be found out
according to the method given in the section "Finding House Signifcators." Now-a-days all KP
software like gives you a list of significator, so you need not to worry
about significator selection process. The event will happen in the conjoined period of the signifcators
of the house group for the matter under consideration. Among the signficators, you need out
possible dasa lord, bhukti lord and antara lord. If the selected number of sigfinicators are more than
three (we require one for dasa, one for bhukti and one for antara), we need to find out powerful
significators among them according to the rules given in "selection of significator" section.

Note: In KP System, only Vimshottari Dasa is used. Other dasas like Yogini, Kalchakra, Ashottari,
Chara Dasa etc. are not used.

Generally dasa is for some longer duration. To pin point exact time of happening of an event, we
need to see the transit as follows -
1. Dasa, Bhukti and Antara lord should transit through the significators of the houses under
consideration to fructify the event.

2. For even finer timing, we need to check transit of Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon should transit
through the significators.

Note: Sun transit is considered when the event is likely within a year. Moon transit should be
considered for pin-pointing an events up to a month. Lagan transit should be considered for
predicting the event upto hour and minutes.

Differences in Readers

Selection of Fruitful Significators

In KP Reader III and Original volume1965, the occupant of a house need not always be stronger than
the owner.

The owner is strong when –

a) occupant is in enemy's sign or neecha

b) lord of the sign is exalted

c) lord of the sign is conjoined with a planet in it's own sign

If owner is strong, the ranking of significator will vary as below. Most of the KP astrologers
are not following this important KP rule.

Sl.No. Ranking of Significators

1 I Planets in the star and sub of Bhava lord
2 II Bhava lord
3 III Planets in the star and sub of planets in the
4 IV Planets in the Bhava
5 V Planets aspected by the above significators (at
120 degree) and planets conjoined with above
significators (within 3 degree)


By the time more material is being added on this topic, please refer –

Download 1966 Reader (e-book) - 2nd Volume –

How many steps make significator – (what is two step, three step, four
step etc.)

House Grouping

Not single but multiple houses play role in any event of life. In KP terminology, these groups of houses
for the event is called "House Group". This is also referred as Formula by some KP astrologers. In the table
below we need to combine primary houses and supporting houses to come up with the house grouping for the
event. For example, event "Good health" has 1,11 as house group. Event "Proneness of disease" has house
group 1, 6, 8, 12.

There are two uses of the House Grouping table below -

1. Knowing whether the event is promised in one's chart or not

If the cuspal sub lord of primary house signifies primary and supporting houses, the event is
promised. Please read "Chapter 2: Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.

2. When the event will happen

Events happens when the planet-lords of current dasa (dasa lord, antardasa lord, pratyantardasa
lord, sookshma lord etc.) signifies house group. For example, one has "Good health" when one
passes through dasa of the planets signifies houses 1,11. Similarly, "Proneness to disease" happens
when one passes through dasa of the planets signifies 1,6,8,12. Again, please read "Chapter 2:
Fundamental Principles" to get better understanding.

1. Events relating First House.

Type of Query/ Event Primary House Supporting Houses

Good health 1 1,11

Proneness to disease 1 6,8,12

Unnatural Death 1 2,7,Badhaka,12 (8)

Accident 1 8, 12

Suicide 1 Badhaka,2,7,Mars

Success in self efforts 1 11 (6)

Status and Respect 1 10, 11

Short Life 1 2,7,Badhaka

Long Life 1 1,5,8,11

2. Events relating Second House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Financial Status 2 2,6,11

Obtaining Loans 2 11 (6)

Obtaining Jewellery 2 11

Defect in Speech, Vision 2 12,8

Insurance claims 2 8,11

Medical claims 2 6,8,11

Opening bank account 2 6,11

3. Events relating Third House.

Type of Query Supporting Houses

Signing a contract 3 6,9,11

Meeting Bank officer for overdraft 3 6,9,11

Filing a court case 3 6,11

Getting Passport, Green card, Visa 3 9,11,12

Starting journey 3 5,9,11

9,11 and the cuspal position that represents the

Negotiations 3

Change of place- Transfer 3 10,11

Younger co-born proneness to

3 8,10,2

Computer programmer 3 2,11 (10)

Publication as Profession 3 2,11 (10)

4. Events relating Fourth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Basic education 4 11

Purchase of property, vehicle, furniture 4 11,12

Sale of property etc. 4 3,5,10

Taking possession of flat, quarter etc. 4 9,11

Laying foundation of a house 4 11

Occupying a new house 4 11

Mother’s proneness to sickness 4 9,11,3

Engineering as subject of study 4 10

Medicine as subject of study 4 6

Law as subject of study 4 6 or 9

Fine arts as Subject of study 4 5

Teaching as Profession 4 2,6,10 (9)

5. Events relating Fifth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Child Birth 5 2,11

Pregnancy 5 2,11

Love Marriage 5 7,11

Rape 5 8,12

Success in sports 5 6,11

Sports, fine arts, film, speculation as profession 5 2,11 (10)

Caesarean 5 2,8

6. Events relating Sixth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Disease- Nature & Part 6 Involved cusp

Promise of Loan 6 2,11

Secret activities of Partner 6 5

Success in competition 6 1,11

Success in Litigation 6 1,11

Recovery from disease 6 5,11

Disease unknown in medical science 6 5,11

Medical Practitioner 6 2,11 (10)

Legal profession 6 2,11 (9,10)

7. Events relating Seventh House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Marriage 7 2,11

Second child 7 2,11

Partnership 7 5,11

Theft 7 2,12

Danger from opponents 7 8,12

Loans from Bank 7 6,2,11

Marriage-engagement 7 3,9,11

8. Events relating Eighth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Criminality as Profession 8 2,11 (10)

Unexpected Gains 8 2,11

Unexpected Loss 8 5,12

Receipt of Gifts 8 6,11

Ornaments or cash from inheritance 8 2,11

Property, vehicle from inheritance 8 4,11

Recovery of lost articles 8 2,6,11

Unnatural death 8 1,12

Death due to sickness 8 6,12

Death due to accident 8 4,12

Depression 8 1,3,12

Committing rape 8 5,12

Surgeons 8 2,11 (10)

9. Events relating Ninth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Long Journeys 9 3,12

Higher education 9 11 (4)

Second Marriage 9 7,11

Third Child 9 2,11

Father’s proneness to sickness 9 2,4,8

Success in spiritual discipline 9 6,11

Politics as Profession 9 2,6,11 (10)

10. Events relating Tenth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Service or Business 10 6,7

Commission as Business 10 3,11

Name & Fame 10 1,11

Retirement 10 5,9

Promotion in Service or Business 10 2,6,11

Break in Service 10 5,9

Problems in Business or Service 10 5,8

Suspension in Service 10 5,6 (8)

Compulsory Retirement 10 5,9 (8)

Voluntary Retirement 10 1,5,9

Removal from service 10 5,9 (8)

Export Business 10 2,6,11 (12)

Medical Practitioner 10 2,6,11 (8)

Publications as Profession 10 2,6,11 (3)

Legal Profession 10 2,6,11 (9)

Politics as Profession 10 2,6,11 (9)

Teaching as Profession 10 2,6,11(4,9)

Computer Programmer 10 2,6,11 (3)

11. Events relating Eleventh House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Winning in Love 11 5,7

Satisfaction of Desires 11 1

Sexual relationship with friend 11 7,5

12. Events relating Twelfth House.

Type of Query Primary House Supporting Houses

Repayment of Loan 12 5,8

Recovery of Lost article 12 2,6,11

Secret activities as profession 12 2,11 (10)

Gain in Investment 12 2,6,11

Loss in Investment 12 5,8

Danger from involvement in secret activities 12 7,8

Imprisonment 12 3,8

Receipt of secret documents 12 4,11

Absconding 12 3,8

Success in research 12 6,11

Export Business 12 2,11 (10)

Foreign Travel 12 3,9

Some other House Groups -

Returning to home: 3, 9, 11

KP System FAQ


1. 1 What is KP System?
2. 2 Should I learn Vedic Astrology first before learning KP?
3. 3 Which Dasha to Use?
4. 4 What is Fortuna in KP Astrology?
5. 5 Combustion in KP
6. 6 Oath Chart/ Muhurt Chart in KP
7. 7 Homosexuality
8. 8 Learning Resources (Free Websites and Software)
9. 9 What is your opinion about correspondence course from KP Stellar Institute (KPSARI)
10. 10 How to start learning KP System
11. 11 Any KP software comparison?
12. 12 Which Rahu (& Ketu) calculation is correct - True Rahu or Mean Rahu?
13. 13 There are so many ayanamsas - KP (Old), KP (New), KP straight line ayanamsa. Which
ayanamsa to use?
14. 14 Is Mars Dosha valid according to KP? Is KP definition of Mars Dosha different from
Traditional astrology?
15. 15 What is Punarphoo?
16. 16 Articles & Research on Birth Time Rectification (BTR)
17. 17 Dasa Judgment Rules
18. 18 Why my email is not apporved in k_p_system yahoogroup?
19. 19 What can be discussed in k_p_system yahoogroup? (and what can not be)
20. 20 How to search archive and old forum topics?
21. 21 Where are Quiz Results
22. 22 Where can I found studies done in KP YahooGroup
23. 23 How to Judge potential of a Birth Chart? How to predict whether a person is destined to
achieve big heights in his/ her life according to KP?

What is KP System?

KP or Krishnamurti Paddhati is an excellent system of astrological predictions, conceived and created

by the great Indian astrology master late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. KP System is based on finer points
of Indian and Western astrology and borrows important concepts from many branches of astrology.
Regarded as most accurate system of present time, KP System of astrology is easy to learn and easy
to apply. Contrary to classical Hindu astrology, KP system is systematic and very well defined.

Here are some of the salient points of KP System:

 It divides each Constellation / Star / Nakshatra division into further 9 subdivisions called
'SUBS'. These sub divisions are not equal divisions, but are as per the Vimshottari Dashas
Divisions System.
 KP System uses KP Ayanamsha as opposed to Lahiri Ayanamsha, which is mostly used in
Vedic System. The difference between the two is about 6 minutes.
 KP system uses Cusps which are the house/ bhav beginnings like in Western System, as
opposed to House Centres or Bhav Madhyas used in the Vedic system.
 This system uses Placidus House system which is used very often in Western astrology.

 KP system gives importance to the zodiac divisions on the basis of Constellations / Stars /
Nakshatras. A planet in its dasha gives results as per its Nakshatra-Swami (Star-Lord) rather
than the planet itself. Hence the Planet represents the SOURCE, that Planet's Star-Lord
represents the EFFECTS, RESULTS and the Planet's SUB gives an idea of the FINAL DIRECTION
of that result.
 KP uses Ruling Planets' methodology which says that the planets at the time of desire and
fructification are always the same.
 House characteristics are given more importance than the planetary characteristics.
 KP system discards many popular classical astrology principles like divisional charts and

(taken from

Should I learn Vedic Astrology first before learning KP?

There are pros and cons of starting with Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology is so vast, detailed and
hence confusing that you don't know where to stop and switch to KP. There is always a fear to get
confused or get into too much detail. It doesn't mean that Vedic astrology is incorrect, but KP
astrology is simple, better suited to scientific mind, and straight forward comparatively.

So the recommended approach for learning astrology, is to stick to 6 readers. Six books written by
Shri K.S. Krishnamurti, inventor of KP System, are called six readers
( You
should start with second reader, fundamental principles of astrology and move gradually to other
readers. Second reader is an excellent book for astrology beginners which covers essential Vedic
astrology and prepares ground for KP.

If yo already have basic knowledge of Vedic astrology, then the recommended approach for learning
KP is going to be different. In that case, please refer "How to start learning KP System" section.

Which Dasha to Use?

Dashas are the primary tools in Hindu astrology for timing events. There are various dasha systems
used in Hindu astrology for timing of events. Some of the popular dasha systems are Vimshottari
Dasha (Udu Dasha), Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kalchakra Dasha, and Jaimini Char Dasha, etc. KP
System uses only Vimshottari Dasha.

What is Fortuna in KP Astrology?

Fortuna is a fast-moving sensitive point in astrology. Fortuna is calculated as follows (Page 98, First
Reader "Casting The Horoscope" - 1993 edition) -

Longitude of Fortuna = Longitude of Ascendant + Longitude of Moon - Longitude of Sun

Shri K. S. Krishamurthi, the inventor of KP System, mentioned about Fortuna in the second reader,
but he really didn't given much detail. The application and examples are also missing. The general
rule is "Fortuna improves the matters of the House where is located." Thus Fortuna in second house
improves one's wealth, family etc. Fortuna in fifth house will improve luck in speculation, in having
children etc.

Shri K. S. Krishamurti devoted last chapter in Second Reader "Fundamental Principles of Astrology"
for Fortuna and can be found on page no. 341 of 1997 edition. In my opinion, Fortuna is still a topic
under research as far as KP System is concerned. These reference articles should be useful -

Combustion in KP

Oath Chart/ Muhurt Chart in KP

Learning Resources (Free Websites and Software)

What is your opinion about correspondence course from KP Stellar Institute

(KPSARI) Chennai

It is not recommended. Please check

How to start learning KP System

One person should read one book at a time in following order -


Nakshatra Chintamani & Further Lights on Nakshatra Chintamani by Chandrakant R Bhatt


Krishnamurti Siddhant (in three parts) by Jyotindra Hasbe


Books by Shri Suresh Sahasne

2. KP 6 readers


 (Books and other learning resources)

 (KP Software)
Any KP software comparison?

Which Rahu (& Ketu) calculation is correct - True Rahu or Mean Rahu?

Check " Mean Node vs True Node.doc" in the file section of the k_p_system forum. The k_p_system
forum endorses 'Mean Rahu'.

There are so many ayanamsas - KP (Old), KP (New), KP straight line

ayanamsa. Which ayanamsa to use?

Astrologers are free to use any ayanamsa which gives them correct predictions. The k_p_system
forum endorses KP (New) Ayanamsa. KP (New) ayanamsa is also also written as KPNA.

Original (KP Old) and New KP Ayanamsa (KP New) are the same, except that the Original takes the
flat value for the entire year up to the accuracy of minutes only by a table and the "KP
New" calculates the value up to the Date of Birth and accuracy of seconds by a formula.




Is Mars Dosha valid according to KP? Is KP definition of Mars Dosha

different from Traditional astrology?

Please check Mars Dosha page at

What is Punarphoo?

Please check Punarphoo page at

Articles & Research on Birth Time Rectification (BTR)

Dasa Judgment Rules

Why my email is not apporved in k_p_system


What can be discussed in k_p_system yahoogroup? (and

what can not be)
Let me clarify on forum policy of what can be discussed in the forum and what can not. This forum is
primarily for discussing K P System. If there is any "astrology" knowledge that can help us in
improving our predictions, it is most welcome. This is just an exception condition and it should not
be said that this is a place for discussing "other branches of astrology." Mirrorology, Vaastu,
Palmistry, Tarot etc. are not even astrology, so we should not discuss it here.

There are some occasions like Quizzes and Blind Charts where we mark it clearly that analysis using
all branches of astrology is allowed. By allowing other branches of astrology, we want to see how all
branches of astrology are compared as far as predictive capabilities are concerned. Those occasions
are clearly marked.
How to search archive and old forum topics?
Old messages can be found at There is
a a search box on this page where you can search by message number or search using
keywords. Though YahooGroup serach is not very effective and hence I would recommend
using Google search. Google provides a facility to search within only one site. You can do so
by entering "Site:[Site Name] Keywords" in Google search box. For example, if we have to
find about "Combust Planets" in our forum, please go to and type following -

site: combust planets

Where are Quiz Results

KP YahooGroup keeps conducting quizzes for improving knowledge and testing theories. As these
quizzes are very important learning material, we have compiled quizzes and it can be found at

Where can I found studies done in KP YahooGroup

How to Judge potential of a Birth Chart? How to predict

whether a person is destined to achieve big heights in his/
her life according to KP?

Sign, Star And Sub Table

From To Star
No. Sign Sign Lord Sub Lord
(Deg/Min/Sec) (Deg/Min/Sec) Lord
1 Aries 00°00′00″ 00°46′40″ Mars Ketu Ketu
2 Aries 00°46′40″ 03°00′00” Mars Ketu Venus
3 Aries 03°00′00″ 03°40′00” Mars Ketu Sun
4 Aries 03°40′00″ 04°46’40” Mars Ketu Moon
5 Aries 04°46′40″ 05°33’20” Mars Ketu Mars
6 Aries 05°33′20″ 07°33’20” Mars Ketu Rahu
7 Aries 07°33′20″ 09°20’00” Mars Ketu Jupiter
8 Aries 09°20′00″ 11°26’40” Mars Ketu Saturn
9 Aries 11°26′40″ 13°20’00” Mars Ketu Mercury
10 Aries 13°20′00″ 15°33′20” Mars Venus Venus
11 Aries 15°33′20″ 16°13′20” Mars Venus Sun
12 Aries 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Mars Venus Moon
13 Aries 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Mars Venus Mars
14 Aries 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Mars Venus Rahu
15 Aries 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Mars Venus Jupiter
16 Aries 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Mars Venus Saturn
17 Aries 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Mars Venus Mercury
18 Aries 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Mars Venus Ketu
19 Aries 26°40′00” 27°20′00” Mars Sun Sun
20 Aries 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Mars Sun Moon
21 Aries 28°26’40” 29°13’20” Mars Sun Mars
22 Aries 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Mars Sun Rahu
23 Taurus 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Venus Sun Rahu
24 Taurus 01°13’20” 03°00’00’ Venus Sun Jupiter
25 Taurus 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Venus Sun Saturn
26 Taurus 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Venus Sun Mercury
27 Taurus 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Venus Sun Ketu
28 Taurus 07:46’40” 10°00’00” Venus Sun Venus
29 Taurus 10°00′00” 11°06′40” Venus Moon Moon
30 Taurus 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Venus Moon Mars
31 Taurus 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Venus Moon Rahu
32 Taurus 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Venus Moon Jupiter
33 Taurus 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Venus Moon Saturn
34 Taurus 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Venus Moon Mercury
35 Taurus 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Venus Moon Ketu
36 Taurus 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Venus Moon Venus
37 Taurus 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Venus Moon Sun
38 Taurus 23°20’00” 24°06:40” Venus Mars Mars
39 Taurus 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Venus Mars Rahu
40 Taurus 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Venus Mars Jupiter
41 Taurus 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Venus Mars Saturn
42 Gemini 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Mercury Mars Mercury
43 Gemini 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Mercury Mars Ketu
44 Gemini 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Mercury Mars Venus
45 Gemini 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Mercury Mars Sun
46 Gemini 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Mercury Mars Moon
47 Gemini 06°40’00” 08°40’00” Mercury Rahu Rahu
48 Gemini 08°40’00” 10°26’40” Mercury Rahu Jupiter
49 Gemini 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Mercury Rahu Saturn
50 Gemini 12°33’20 14°26’40” Mercury Rahu Mercury
51 Gemini 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Mercury Rahu Ketu
52 Gemini 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Mercury Rahu Venus
53 Gemini 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Mercury Rahu Sun
54 Gemini 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Mercury Rahu Moon
55 Gemini 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Mercury Rahu Mars
56 Gemini 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Jupiter
57 Gemini 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Mercury Jupiter Saturn
58 Gemini 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Mercury
59 Gemini 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Mercury Jupiter Ketu
60 Gemini 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Mercury Jupiter Venus
61 Gemini 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Mercury Jupiter Sun
62 Gemini 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Mercury Jupiter Moon
63 Cancer 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Moon Jupiter Moon
64 Cancer 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Moon Jupiter Mars
65 Cancer 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Moon Jupiter Rahu
66 Cancer 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Moon Saturn Saturn
67 Cancer 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Moon Saturn Mercury
68 Cancer 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Moon Saturn Ketu
69 Cancer 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Moon Saturn Venus
70 Cancer 10°20’00” 11°00’00’ Moon Saturn Sun
71 Cancer 11°00’00’ 12°06’40’ Moon Saturn Moon
72 Cancer 12°06’40’ 12°53’20” Moon Saturn Mars
73 Cancer 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Moon Saturn Rahu
74 Cancer 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Moon Saturn Jupiter
75 Cancer 16°40’00” 18°33’21” Moon Mercury Mercury
76 Cancer 18°33’21” 19°20’00” Moon Mercury Ketu
77 Cancer 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Moon Mercury Venus
78 Cancer 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Moon Mercury Sun
79 Cancer 22°13’20” 23°20’00 Moon Mercury Moon
80 Cancer 23°20’00 24°06’40” Moon Mercury Mars
81 Cancer 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Moon Mercury Rahu
82 Cancer 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Moon Mercury Jupiter
83 Cancer 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Moon Mercury Saturn
84 Leo 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Sun Ketu Ketu
85 Leo 00°46’40” 03°00’00” Sun Ketu Venus
86 Leo 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Sun Ketu Sun
87 Leo 03°40’00” 04°46’40’ Sun Ketu Moon
88 Leo 04°46’40’ 05°33’20” Sun Ketu Mars
89 Leo 05°33’20” 07°33’20” Sun Ketu Rahu
90 Leo 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Sun Ketu Jupiter
91 Leo 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Sun Ketu Saturn
92 Leo 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Sun Ketu Mercury
93 Leo 13°20’00” 15°33’20” Sun Venus Venus
94 Leo 15°33’20” 16°13’20” Sun Venus Sun
95 Leo 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Sun Venus Moon
96 Leo 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Sun Venus Mars
97 Leo 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Sun Venus Rahu
98 Leo 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Sun Venus Jupiter
99 Leo 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Sun Venus Saturn
100 Leo 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Sun Venus Mercury
101 Leo 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Sun Venus Ketu
102 Leo 26°40’00” 27°20’00” Sun Sun Sun
103 Leo 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Sun Sun Moon
104 Leo 28°26’40” 29°13’20” Sun Sun Mars
105 Leo 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Sun Sun Rahu
106 Virgo 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Mercury Sun Rahu
107 Virgo 01°13’20” 03°00’00” Mercury Sun Jupiter
108 Virgo 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Mercury Sun Saturn
109 Virgo 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Mercury Sun Mercury
110 Virgo 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Mercury Sun Ketu
111 Virgo 07°46’40” 10°00’00” Mercury Sun Venus
112 Virgo 10°00’00” 11°06’40” Mercury Moon Moon
113 Virgo 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Mercury Moon Mars
114 Virgo 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Mercury Moon Rahu
115 Virgo 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Mercury Moon Jupiter
116 Virgo 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Mercury Moon Saturn
117 Virgo 17°46’40” 19°40’00” Mercury Moon Mercury
118 Virgo 19°40’00” 20°26’40” Mercury Moon Ketu
119 Virgo 20°26’40” 22°40’00” Mercury Moon Venus
120 Virgo 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Mercury Moon Sun
121 Virgo 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Mercury Mars Mars
122 Virgo 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Mercury Mars Rahu
123 Virgo 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Mercury Mars Jupiter
124 Virgo 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Mercury Mars Saturn
125 Libra 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Venus Mars Mercury
126 Libra 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Venus Mars Ketu
127 Libra 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Venus Mars Venus
128 Libra 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Venus Mars Sun
129 Libra 05°33’20” 06°40’00” Venus Mars Moon
130 Libra 06°40’00” 08°40’00’ Venus Rahu Rahu
131 Libra 08°40’00’ 10°26’40” Venus Rahu Jupiter
132 Libra 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Venus Rahu Saturn
133 Libra 12°33’20” 14°26’40” Venus Rahu Mercury
134 Libra 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Venus Rahu Ketu
135 Libra 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Venus Rahu Venus
136 Libra 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Venus Rahu Sun
137 Libra 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Venus Rahu Moon
138 Libra 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Venus Rahu Mars
139 Libra 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Venus Jupiter Jupiter
140 Libra 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Venus Jupiter Saturn
141 Libra 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Venus Jupiter Mercury
142 Libra 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Venus Jupiter Ketu
143 Libra 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Venus Jupiter Venus
144 Libra 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Venus Jupiter Sun
145 Libra 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Venus Jupiter Moon
146 Scorpio 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Mars Jupiter Moon
147 Scorpio 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Mars Jupiter Mars
148 Scorpio 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Mars Jupiter Rahu
149 Scorpio 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Mars Saturn Saturn
150 Scorpio 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Mars Saturn Mercury
151 Scorpio 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Mars Saturn Ketu
152 Scorpio 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Mars Saturn Venus
153 Scorpio 10°20’00” 11°00’00” Mars Saturn Sun
154 Scorpio 11°00’00” 12°06’40” Mars Saturn Moon
155 Scorpio 12°06’40” 12°53’20” Mars Saturn Mars
156 Scorpio 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Mars Saturn Rahu
157 Scorpio 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Mars Saturn Jupiter
158 Scorpio 16°40’00” 18°33’20” Mars Mercury Mercury
159 Scorpio 18°33’20” 19°20’00” Mars Mercury Ketu
160 Scorpio 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Mars Mercury Venus
161 Scorpio 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Mars Mercury Sun
162 Scorpio 22°13’20” 23°20’00” Mars Mercury Moon
163 Scorpio 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Mars Mercury Mars
164 Scorpio 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Mars Mercury Rahu
165 Scorpio 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Mars Mercury Jupiter
166 Scorpio 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Mars Mercury Saturn
167 Sagittarius 00°00’00” 00°46’40” Jupiter Ketu Ketu
168 Sagittarius 00°46’40 03°00’00” Jupiter Ketu Venus
169 Sagittarius 03°00’00” 03°40’00” Jupiter Ketu Sun
170 Sagittarius 03°40’00” 04°46’40” Jupiter Ketu Moon
171 Sagittarius 04°46’40” 05°53’20” Jupiter Ketu Mars
172 Sagittarius 05°53’20” 07°33’20” Jupiter Ketu Rahu
173 Sagittarius 07°33’20” 09°20’00” Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
174 Sagittarius 09°20’00” 11°26’40” Jupiter Ketu Saturn
175 Sagittarius 11°26’40” 13°20’00” Jupiter Ketu Mercury
176 Sagittarius 13°20’00” 15°33’20” Jupiter Venus Venus
177 Sagittarius 15°33’20” 16°13’20” Jupiter Venus Sun
178 Sagittarius 16°13’20” 17°20’00” Jupiter Venus Moon
179 Sagittarius 17°20’00” 18°06’40” Jupiter Venus Mars
180 Sagittarius 18°06’40” 20°06’40” Jupiter Venus Rahu
181 Sagittarius 20°06’40” 21°53’20” Jupiter Venus Jupiter
182 Sagittarius 21°53’20” 24°00’00” Jupiter Venus Saturn
183 Sagittarius 24°00’00” 25°53’20” Jupiter Venus Mercury
184 Sagittarius 25°53’20” 26°40’00” Jupiter Venus Ketu
185 Sagittarius 26°40’00” 27°20’00” Jupiter Sun Sun
186 Sagittarius 27°20’00” 28°26’40” Jupiter Sun Moon
187 Sagittarius 28°26’40 29°13’20” Jupiter Sun Mars
188 Sagittarius 29°13’20” 30°00’00” Jupiter Sun Rahu
189 Capricorn 00°00’00” 01°13’20” Saturn Sun Rahu
190 Capricorn 01°13’20” 03°00’00” Saturn Sun Jupiter
191 Capricorn 03°00’00” 05°06’40” Saturn Sun Saturn
192 Capricorn 05°06’40” 07°00’00” Saturn Sun Mercury
193 Capricorn 07°00’00” 07°46’40” Saturn Sun Ketu
194 Capricorn 07°46’40” 10°00’00” Saturn Sun Venus
195 Capricorn 10°00’00” 11°06’40” Saturn Moon Moon
196 Capricorn 11°06’40” 11°53’20” Saturn Moon Mars
197 Capricorn 11°53’20” 13°53’20” Saturn Moon Rahu
198 Capricorn 13°53’20” 15°40’00” Saturn Moon Jupiter
199 Capricorn 15°40’00” 17°46’40” Saturn Moon Saturn
200 Capricorn 17°46’40 19°40’00” Saturn Moon Mercury
201 Capricorn 19°40’00” 20°46’40” Saturn Moon Ketu
202 Capricorn 20°46’40” 22°40’00” Saturn Moon Venus
203 Capricorn 22°40’00” 23°20’00” Saturn Moon Sun
204 Capricorn 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Saturn Mars Mars
205 Capricorn 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Saturn Mars Rahu
206 Capricorn 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Saturn Mars Jupiter
207 Capricorn 27°53’20” 30°00’00” Saturn Mars Saturn
208 Aquarius 00°00’00” 01°53’20” Saturn Mars Mercury
209 Aquarius 01°53’20” 02°40’00” Saturn Mars Ketu
210 Aquarius 02°40’00” 04°53’20” Saturn Mars Venus
211 Aquarius 04°53’20” 05°33’20” Saturn Mars Sun
212 Aquarius 05°33’20” 06°40’20” Saturn Mars Moon
213 Aquarius 06°40’20” 08°40’00” Saturn Rahu Rahu
214 Aquarius 08°40’00” 10°26’40” Saturn Rahu Jupiter
215 Aquarius 10°26’40” 12°33’20” Saturn Rahu Saturn
216 Aquarius 12°33’20” 14°26’40” Saturn Rahu Mercury
217 Aquarius 14°26’40” 15°13’20” Saturn Rahu Ketu
218 Aquarius 15°13’20” 17°26’40” Saturn Rahu Venus
219 Aquarius 17°26’40” 18°06’40” Saturn Rahu Sun
220 Aquarius 18°06’40” 19°13’20” Saturn Rahu Moon
221 Aquarius 19°13’20” 20°00’00” Saturn Rahu Mars
222 Aquarius 20°00’00” 21°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Jupiter
223 Aquarius 21°46’40” 23°53’20” Saturn Jupiter Saturn
224 Aquarius 23°53’20” 25°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Mercury
225 Aquarius 25°46’40” 26°33’20” Saturn Jupiter Ketu
226 Aquarius 26°33’20” 28°46’40” Saturn Jupiter Venus
227 Aquarius 28°46’40” 29°26’40” Saturn Jupiter Sun
228 Aquarius 29°26’40” 30°00’00” Saturn Jupiter Moon
229 Pisces 00°00’00” 00°33’20” Jupiter Jupiter Moon
230 Pisces 00°33’20” 01°20’00” Jupiter Jupiter Mars
231 Pisces 01°20’00” 03°20’00” Jupiter Jupiter Rahu
232 Pisces 03°20’00” 05°26’40” Jupiter Saturn Saturn
233 Pisces 05°26’40” 07°20’00” Jupiter Saturn Mercury
234 Pisces 07°20’00” 08°06’40” Jupiter Saturn Ketu
235 Pisces 08°06’40” 10°20’00” Jupiter Saturn Venus
236 Pisces 10°20’00” 11°00’00” Jupiter Saturn Sun
237 Pisces 11°00’00” 12°06’40” Jupiter Saturn Moon
238 Pisces 12°06’40” 12°53’20” Jupiter Saturn Mars
239 Pisces 12°53’20” 14°53’20” Jupiter Saturn Rahu
240 Pisces 14°53’20” 16°40’00” Jupiter Saturn Jupiter
241 Pisces 16°40’00” 18°33’20” Jupiter Mercury Mercury
242 Pisces 18°33’20” 19°20’00” Jupiter Mercury Ketu
243 Pisces 19°20’00” 21°33’20” Jupiter Mercury Venus
244 Pisces 21°33’20” 22°13’20” Jupiter Mercury Sun
245 Pisces 22°13’20” 23°20’00” Jupiter Mercury Moon
246 Pisces 23°20’00” 24°06’40” Jupiter Mercury Mars
247 Pisces 24°06’40” 26°06’40” Jupiter Mercury Rahu
248 Pisces 26°06’40” 27°53’20” Jupiter Mercury Jupiter
249 Pisces 27°53’20 30°00’00” Jupiter Mercury Saturn

Sign, Star, Sub & Sub-Sub Lord with Horary Number

Horary No Sign Star/Sub/Sub-Sub Start Longitude End Longitude

1/732/1463 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Ke 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:02:43:20:00:00

2/733/1464 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Ve 00:02:43:20:00:00 00:10:30:00:00:00

3/734/1465 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Su 00:10:30:00:00:00 00:12:50:00:00:00

4/735/1466 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Mo 00:12:50:00:00:00 00:16:43:20:00:00

5/736/1467 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Ma 00:16:43:20:00:00 00:19:26:40:00:00

6/737/1468 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Ra 00:19:26:40:00:00 00:26:26:40:00:00

7/738/1469 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Ju 00:26:26:40:00:00 00:32:40:00:00:00

8/739/1470 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Sa 00:32:40:00:00:00 00:40:03:20:00:00

9/740/1471 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ke/Me 00:40:03:20:00:00 00:46:40:00:00:00

10/741/1472 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Ve 00:46:40:00:00:00 01:08:53:20:00:00

11/742/1473 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Su 01:08:53:20:00:00 01:15:33:20:00:00

12/743/1474 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Mo 01:15:33:20:00:00 01:26:40:00:00:00

13/744/1475 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Ma 01:26:40:00:00:00 01:34:26:40:00:00

14/745/1476 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Ra 01:34:26:40:00:00 01:54:26:40:00:00

15/746/1477 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Ju 01:54:26:40:00:00 02:12:13:20:00:00

16/747/1478 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Sa 02:12:13:20:00:00 02:33:20:00:00:00

17/748/1479 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Me 02:33:20:00:00:00 02:52:13:20:00:00

18/749/1480 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ve/Ke 02:52:13:20:00:00 03:00:00:00:00:00

19/750/1481 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Su 03:00:00:00:00:00 03:02:00:00:00:00

20/751/1482 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Mo 03:02:00:00:00:00 03:05:20:00:00:00

21/752/1483 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Ma 03:05:20:00:00:00 03:07:40:00:00:00

22/753/1484 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Ra 03:07:40:00:00:00 03:13:40:00:00:00

23/754/1485 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Ju 03:13:40:00:00:00 03:19:00:00:00:00

24/755/1486 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Sa 03:19:00:00:00:00 03:25:20:00:00:00

25/756/1487 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Me 03:25:20:00:00:00 03:31:00:00:00:00

26/757/1488 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Ke 03:31:00:00:00:00 03:33:20:00:00:00

27/758/1489 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Su/Ve 03:33:20:00:00:00 03:40:00:00:00:00

28/759/1490 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Mo 03:40:00:00:00:00 03:45:33:20:00:00

29/760/1491 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Ma 03:45:33:20:00:00 03:49:26:40:00:00

30/761/1492 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Ra 03:49:26:40:00:00 03:59:26:40:00:00

31/762/1493 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Ju 03:59:26:40:00:00 04:08:20:00:00:00

32/763/1494 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Sa 04:08:20:00:00:00 04:18:53:20:00:00

33/764/1495 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Me 04:18:53:20:00:00 04:28:20:00:00:00

34/765/1496 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Ke 04:28:20:00:00:00 04:32:13:20:00:00

35/766/1497 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Ve 04:32:13:20:00:00 04:43:20:00:00:00

36/767/1498 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Mo/Su 04:43:20:00:00:00 04:46:40:00:00:00

37/768/1499 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Ma 04:46:40:00:00:00 04:49:23:20:00:00

38/769/1500 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Ra 04:49:23:20:00:00 04:56:23:20:00:00

39/770/1501 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Ju 04:56:23:20:00:00 05:02:36:40:00:00

40/771/1502 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Sa 05:02:36:40:00:00 05:10:00:00:00:00

41/772/1503 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Me 05:10:00:00:00:00 05:16:36:40:00:00

42/773/1504 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Ke 05:16:36:40:00:00 05:19:20:00:00:00

43/774/1505 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Ve 05:19:20:00:00:00 05:27:06:40:00:00

44/775/1506 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Su 05:27:06:40:00:00 05:29:26:40:00:00

45/776/1507 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ma/Mo 05:29:26:40:00:00 05:33:20:00:00:00

46/777/1508 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Ra 05:33:20:00:00:00 05:51:20:00:00:00

47/778/1509 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Ju 05:51:20:00:00:00 06:07:20:00:00:00

48/779/1510 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Sa 06:07:20:00:00:00 06:26:20:00:00:00

49/780/1511 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Me 06:26:20:00:00:00 06:43:20:00:00:00

50/781/1512 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Ke 06:43:20:00:00:00 06:50:20:00:00:00

51/782/1513 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Ve 06:50:20:00:00:00 07:10:20:00:00:00

52/783/1514 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Su 07:10:20:00:00:00 07:16:20:00:00:00

53/784/1515 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Mo 07:16:20:00:00:00 07:26:20:00:00:00

54/785/1516 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ra/Ma 07:26:20:00:00:00 07:33:20:00:00:00

55/786/1517 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Ju 07:33:20:00:00:00 07:47:33:20:00:00

56/787/1518 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Sa 07:47:33:20:00:00 08:04:26:40:00:00

57/788/1519 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Me 08:04:26:40:00:00 08:19:33:20:00:00

58/789/1520 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Ke 08:19:33:20:00:00 08:25:46:40:00:00

59/790/1521 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Ve 08:25:46:40:00:00 08:43:33:20:00:00

60/791/1522 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Su 08:43:33:20:00:00 08:48:53:20:00:00

61/792/1523 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Mo 08:48:53:20:00:00 08:57:46:40:00:00

62/793/1524 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Ma 08:57:46:40:00:00 09:04:00:00:00:00

63/794/1525 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Ju/Ra 09:04:00:00:00:00 09:20:00:00:00:00

64/795/1526 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Sa 09:20:00:00:00:00 09:40:03:20:00:00

65/796/1527 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Me 09:40:03:20:00:00 09:58:00:00:00:00

66/797/1528 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Ke 09:58:00:00:00:00 10:05:23:20:00:00

67/798/1529 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Ve 10:05:23:20:00:00 10:26:30:00:00:00

68/799/1530 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Su 10:26:30:00:00:00 10:32:50:00:00:00

69/800/1531 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Mo 10:32:50:00:00:00 10:43:23:20:00:00

70/801/1532 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Ma 10:43:23:20:00:00 10:50:46:40:00:00

71/802/1533 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Ra 10:50:46:40:00:00 11:09:46:40:00:00

72/803/1534 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Sa/Ju 11:09:46:40:00:00 11:26:40:00:00:00

73/804/1535 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Me 11:26:40:00:00:00 11:42:43:20:00:00

74/805/1536 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Ke 11:42:43:20:00:00 11:49:20:00:00:00

75/806/1537 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Ve 11:49:20:00:00:00 12:08:13:20:00:00

76/807/1538 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Su 12:08:13:20:00:00 12:13:53:20:00:00

77/808/1539 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Mo 12:13:53:20:00:00 12:23:20:00:00:00

78/809/1540 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Ma 12:23:20:00:00:00 12:29:56:40:00:00

79/810/1541 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Ra 12:29:56:40:00:00 12:46:56:40:00:00

80/811/1542 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Ju 12:46:56:40:00:00 13:02:03:20:00:00

81/812/1543 Ari/Leo/Sag Ke/Me/Sa 13:02:03:20:00:00 13:20:00:00:00:00

82/813/1544 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Ve 13:20:00:00:00:00 13:42:13:20:00:00

83/814/1545 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Su 13:42:13:20:00:00 13:48:53:20:00:00

84/815/1546 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Mo 13:48:53:20:00:00 14:00:00:00:00:00

85/816/1547 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Ma 14:00:00:00:00:00 14:07:46:40:00:00

86/817/1548 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Ra 14:07:46:40:00:00 14:27:46:40:00:00

87/818/1549 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Ju 14:27:46:40:00:00 14:45:33:20:00:00

88/819/1550 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Sa 14:45:33:20:00:00 15:06:40:00:00:00

89/820/1551 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Me 15:06:40:00:00:00 15:25:33:20:00:00

90/821/1552 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ve/Ke 15:25:33:20:00:00 15:33:20:00:00:00

91/822/1553 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Su 15:33:20:00:00:00 15:35:20:00:00:00

92/823/1554 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Mo 15:35:20:00:00:00 15:38:40:00:00:00

93/824/1555 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Ma 15:38:40:00:00:00 15:41:00:00:00:00

94/825/1556 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Ra 15:41:00:00:00:00 15:47:00:00:00:00

95/826/1557 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Ju 15:47:00:00:00:00 15:52:20:00:00:00

96/827/1558 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Sa 15:52:20:00:00:00 15:58:40:00:00:00

97/828/1559 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Me 15:58:40:00:00:00 16:04:20:00:00:00

98/829/1560 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Ke 16:04:20:00:00:00 16:06:40:00:00:00

99/830/1561 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Su/Ve 16:06:40:00:00:00 16:13:20:00:00:00

100/831/1562 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Mo 16:13:20:00:00:00 16:18:53:20:00:00

101/832/1563 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Ma 16:18:53:20:00:00 16:22:46:40:00:00

102/833/1564 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Ra 16:22:46:40:00:00 16:32:46:40:00:00

103/834/1565 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Ju 16:32:46:40:00:00 16:41:40:00:00:00

104/835/1566 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Sa 16:41:40:00:00:00 16:52:13:20:00:00

105/836/1567 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Me 16:52:13:20:00:00 17:01:40:00:00:00

106/837/1568 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Ke 17:01:40:00:00:00 17:05:33:20:00:00

107/838/1569 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Ve 17:05:33:20:00:00 17:16:40:00:00:00

108/839/1570 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Mo/Su 17:16:40:00:00:00 17:20:00:00:00:00

109/840/1571 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Ma 17:20:00:00:00:00 17:22:43:20:00:00

110/841/1572 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Ra 17:22:43:20:00:00 17:29:43:20:00:00

111/842/1573 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Ju 17:29:43:20:00:00 17:35:56:40:00:00

112/843/1574 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Sa 17:35:56:40:00:00 17:43:20:00:00:00

113/844/1575 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Me 17:43:20:00:00:00 17:49:56:40:00:00

114/845/1576 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Ke 17:49:56:40:00:00 17:52:40:00:00:00

115/846/1577 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Ve 17:52:40:00:00:00 18:00:26:40:00:00

116/847/1578 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Su 18:00:26:40:00:00 18:02:46:40:00:00

117/848/1579 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ma/Mo 18:02:46:40:00:00 18:06:40:00:00:00

118/849/1580 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Ra 18:06:40:00:00:00 18:24:40:00:00:00

119/850/1581 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Ju 18:24:40:00:00:00 18:40:40:00:00:00

120/851/1582 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Sa 18:40:40:00:00:00 18:59:40:00:00:00

121/852/1583 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Me 18:59:40:00:00:00 19:16:40:00:00:00

122/853/1584 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Ke 19:16:40:00:00:00 19:23:40:00:00:00

123/854/1585 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Ve 19:23:40:00:00:00 19:43:40:00:00:00

124/855/1586 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Su 19:43:40:00:00:00 19:49:40:00:00:00

125/856/1587 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Mo 19:49:40:00:00:00 19:59:40:00:00:00

126/857/1588 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ra/Ma 19:59:40:00:00:00 20:06:40:00:00:00

127/858/1589 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Ju 20:06:40:00:00:00 20:20:53:20:00:00

128/859/1590 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Sa 20:20:53:20:00:00 20:37:46:40:00:00

129/860/1591 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Me 20:37:46:40:00:00 20:52:53:20:00:00

130/861/1592 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Ke 20:52:53:20:00:00 20:59:06:40:00:00

131/862/1593 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Ve 20:59:06:40:00:00 21:16:53:20:00:00

132/863/1594 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Su 21:16:53:20:00:00 21:22:13:20:00:00

133/864/1595 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Mo 21:22:13:20:00:00 21:31:06:40:00:00

134/865/1596 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Ma 21:31:06:40:00:00 21:37:20:00:00:00

135/866/1597 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ju/Ra 21:37:20:00:00:00 21:53:20:00:00:00

136/867/1598 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Sa 21:53:20:00:00:00 22:13:23:20:00:00

137/868/1599 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Me 22:13:23:20:00:00 22:31:20:00:00:00

138/869/1600 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Ke 22:31:20:00:00:00 22:38:43:20:00:00

139/870/1601 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Ve 22:38:43:20:00:00 22:59:50:00:00:00

140/871/1602 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Su 22:59:50:00:00:00 23:06:10:00:00:00

141/872/1603 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Mo 23:06:10:00:00:00 23:16:43:20:00:00

142/873/1604 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Ma 23:16:43:20:00:00 23:24:06:40:00:00

143/874/1605 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Ra 23:24:06:40:00:00 23:43:06:40:00:00

144/875/1606 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Sa/Ju 23:43:06:40:00:00 24:00:00:00:00:00

145/876/1607 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Me 24:00:00:00:00:00 24:16:03:20:00:00

146/877/1608 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Ke 24:16:03:20:00:00 24:22:40:00:00:00

147/878/1609 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Ve 24:22:40:00:00:00 24:41:33:20:00:00

148/879/1610 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Su 24:41:33:20:00:00 24:47:13:20:00:00

149/880/1611 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Mo 24:47:13:20:00:00 24:56:40:00:00:00

150/881/1612 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Ma 24:56:40:00:00:00 25:03:16:40:00:00

151/882/1613 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Ra 25:03:16:40:00:00 25:20:16:40:00:00

152/883/1614 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Ju 25:20:16:40:00:00 25:35:23:20:00:00

153/884/1615 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Me/Sa 25:35:23:20:00:00 25:53:20:00:00:00

154/885/1616 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Ke 25:53:20:00:00:00 25:56:03:20:00:00

155/886/1617 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Ve 25:56:03:20:00:00 26:03:50:00:00:00

156/887/1618 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Su 26:03:50:00:00:00 26:06:10:00:00:00

157/888/1619 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Mo 26:06:10:00:00:00 26:10:03:20:00:00

158/889/1620 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Ma 26:10:03:20:00:00 26:12:46:40:00:00

159/890/1621 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Ra 26:12:46:40:00:00 26:19:46:40:00:00

160/891/1622 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Ju 26:19:46:40:00:00 26:26:00:00:00:00

161/892/1623 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Sa 26:26:00:00:00:00 26:33:23:20:00:00

162/893/1624 Ari/Leo/Sag Ve/Ke/Me 26:33:23:20:00:00 26:40:00:00:00:00

163/894/1625 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Su 26:40:00:00:00:00 26:42:00:00:00:00

164/895/1626 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Mo 26:42:00:00:00:00 26:45:20:00:00:00

165/896/1627 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Ma 26:45:20:00:00:00 26:47:40:00:00:00

166/897/1628 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Ra 26:47:40:00:00:00 26:53:40:00:00:00

167/898/1629 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Ju 26:53:40:00:00:00 26:59:00:00:00:00

168/899/1630 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Sa 26:59:00:00:00:00 27:05:20:00:00:00

169/900/1631 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Me 27:05:20:00:00:00 27:11:00:00:00:00

170/901/1632 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Ke 27:11:00:00:00:00 27:13:20:00:00:00

171/902/1633 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Su/Ve 27:13:20:00:00:00 27:20:00:00:00:00

172/903/1634 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Mo 27:20:00:00:00:00 27:25:33:20:00:00

173/904/1635 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Ma 27:25:33:20:00:00 27:29:26:40:00:00

174/905/1636 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Ra 27:29:26:40:00:00 27:39:26:40:00:00

175/906/1637 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Ju 27:39:26:40:00:00 27:48:20:00:00:00

176/907/1638 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Sa 27:48:20:00:00:00 27:58:53:20:00:00

177/908/1639 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Me 27:58:53:20:00:00 28:08:20:00:00:00

178/909/1640 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Ke 28:08:20:00:00:00 28:12:13:20:00:00

179/910/1641 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Ve 28:12:13:20:00:00 28:23:20:00:00:00

180/911/1642 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Mo/Su 28:23:20:00:00:00 28:26:40:00:00:00

181/912/1643 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Ma 28:26:40:00:00:00 28:29:23:20:00:00

182/913/1644 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Ra 28:29:23:20:00:00 28:36:23:20:00:00

183/914/1645 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Ju 28:36:23:20:00:00 28:42:36:40:00:00

184/915/1646 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Sa 28:42:36:40:00:00 28:50:00:00:00:00

185/916/1647 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Me 28:50:00:00:00:00 28:56:36:40:00:00

186/917/1648 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Ke 28:56:36:40:00:00 28:59:20:00:00:00

187/918/1649 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Ve 28:59:20:00:00:00 29:07:06:40:00:00

188/919/1650 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Su 29:07:06:40:00:00 29:09:26:40:00:00

189/920/1651 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ma/Mo 29:09:26:40:00:00 29:13:20:00:00:00

190/921/1652 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ra/Ra 29:13:20:00:00:00 29:31:20:00:00:00

191/922/1653 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ra/Ju 29:31:20:00:00:00 29:47:20:00:00:00

192/923/1654 Ari/Leo/Sag Su/Ra/Sa 29:47:20:00:00:00 30:00:00:00:00:00

193/924/1655 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Sa 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:06:20:00:00:00

194/925/1656 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Me 00:06:20:00:00:00 00:23:20:00:00:00

195/926/1657 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Ke 00:23:20:00:00:00 00:30:20:00:00:00

196/927/1658 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Ve 00:30:20:00:00:00 00:50:20:00:00:00

197/928/1659 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Su 00:50:20:00:00:00 00:56:20:00:00:00

198/929/1660 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Mo 00:56:20:00:00:00 01:06:20:00:00:00

199/930/1661 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ra/Ma 01:06:20:00:00:00 01:13:20:00:00:00

200/931/1662 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Ju 01:13:20:00:00:00 01:27:33:20:00:00

201/932/1663 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Sa 01:27:33:20:00:00 01:44:26:40:00:00

202/933/1664 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Me 01:44:26:40:00:00 01:59:33:20:00:00

203/934/1665 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Ke 01:59:33:20:00:00 02:05:46:40:00:00

204/935/1666 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Ve 02:05:46:40:00:00 02:23:33:20:00:00

205/936/1667 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Su 02:23:33:20:00:00 02:28:53:20:00:00

206/937/1668 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Mo 02:28:53:20:00:00 02:37:46:40:00:00

207/938/1669 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Ma 02:37:46:40:00:00 02:44:00:00:00:00

208/939/1670 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ju/Ra 02:44:00:00:00:00 03:00:00:00:00:00

209/940/1671 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Sa 03:00:00:00:00:00 03:20:03:20:00:00

210/941/1672 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Me 03:20:03:20:00:00 03:38:00:00:00:00

211/942/1673 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Ke 03:38:00:00:00:00 03:45:23:20:00:00

212/943/1674 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Ve 03:45:23:20:00:00 04:06:30:00:00:00

213/944/1675 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Su 04:06:30:00:00:00 04:12:50:00:00:00

214/945/1676 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Mo 04:12:50:00:00:00 04:23:23:20:00:00

215/946/1677 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Ma 04:23:23:20:00:00 04:30:46:40:00:00

216/947/1678 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Ra 04:30:46:40:00:00 04:49:46:40:00:00

217/948/1679 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Sa/Ju 04:49:46:40:00:00 05:06:40:00:00:00

218/949/1680 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Me 05:06:40:00:00:00 05:22:43:20:00:00

219/950/1681 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Ke 05:22:43:20:00:00 05:29:20:00:00:00

220/951/1682 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Ve 05:29:20:00:00:00 05:48:13:20:00:00

221/952/1683 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Su 05:48:13:20:00:00 05:53:53:20:00:00

222/953/1684 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Mo 05:53:53:20:00:00 06:03:20:00:00:00

223/954/1685 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Ma 06:03:20:00:00:00 06:09:56:40:00:00

224/955/1686 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Ra 06:09:56:40:00:00 06:26:56:40:00:00

225/956/1687 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Ju 06:26:56:40:00:00 06:42:03:20:00:00

226/957/1688 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Me/Sa 06:42:03:20:00:00 07:00:00:00:00:00

227/958/1689 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Ke 07:00:00:00:00:00 07:02:43:20:00:00

228/959/1690 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Ve 07:02:43:20:00:00 07:10:30:00:00:00

229/960/1691 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Su 07:10:30:00:00:00 07:12:50:00:00:00

230/961/1692 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Mo 07:12:50:00:00:00 07:16:43:20:00:00

231/962/1693 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Ma 07:16:43:20:00:00 07:19:26:40:00:00

232/963/1694 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Ra 07:19:26:40:00:00 07:26:26:40:00:00

233/964/1695 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Ju 07:26:26:40:00:00 07:32:40:00:00:00

234/965/1696 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Sa 07:32:40:00:00:00 07:40:03:20:00:00

235/966/1697 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ke/Me 07:40:03:20:00:00 07:46:40:00:00:00

236/967/1698 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Ve 07:46:40:00:00:00 08:08:53:20:00:00

237/968/1699 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Su 08:08:53:20:00:00 08:15:33:20:00:00

238/969/1700 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Mo 08:15:33:20:00:00 08:26:40:00:00:00

239/970/1701 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Ma 08:26:40:00:00:00 08:34:26:40:00:00

240/971/1702 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Ra 08:34:26:40:00:00 08:54:26:40:00:00

241/972/1703 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Ju 08:54:26:40:00:00 09:12:13:20:00:00

242/973/1704 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Sa 09:12:13:20:00:00 09:33:20:00:00:00

243/974/1705 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Me 09:33:20:00:00:00 09:52:13:20:00:00

244/975/1706 Tau/Vir/Cap Su/Ve/Ke 09:52:13:20:00:00 10:00:00:00:00:00

245/976/1707 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Mo 10:00:00:00:00:00 10:05:33:20:00:00

246/977/1708 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Ma 10:05:33:20:00:00 10:09:26:40:00:00

247/978/1709 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Ra 10:09:26:40:00:00 10:19:26:40:00:00

248/979/1710 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Ju 10:19:26:40:00:00 10:28:20:00:00:00

249/980/1711 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Sa 10:28:20:00:00:00 10:38:53:20:00:00

250/981/1712 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Me 10:38:53:20:00:00 10:48:20:00:00:00

251/982/1713 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Ke 10:48:20:00:00:00 10:52:13:20:00:00

252/983/1714 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Ve 10:52:13:20:00:00 11:03:20:00:00:00

253/984/1715 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Mo/Su 11:03:20:00:00:00 11:06:40:00:00:00

254/985/1716 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Ma 11:06:40:00:00:00 11:09:23:20:00:00

255/986/1717 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Ra 11:09:23:20:00:00 11:16:23:20:00:00

256/987/1718 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Ju 11:16:23:20:00:00 11:22:36:40:00:00

257/988/1719 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Sa 11:22:36:40:00:00 11:30:00:00:00:00

258/989/1720 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Me 11:30:00:00:00:00 11:36:36:40:00:00

259/990/1721 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Ke 11:36:36:40:00:00 11:39:20:00:00:00

260/991/1722 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Ve 11:39:20:00:00:00 11:47:06:40:00:00

261/992/1723 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Su 11:47:06:40:00:00 11:49:26:40:00:00

262/993/1724 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ma/Mo 11:49:26:40:00:00 11:53:20:00:00:00

263/994/1725 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Ra 11:53:20:00:00:00 12:11:20:00:00:00

264/995/1726 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Ju 12:11:20:00:00:00 12:27:20:00:00:00

265/996/1727 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Sa 12:27:20:00:00:00 12:46:20:00:00:00

266/997/1728 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Me 12:46:20:00:00:00 13:03:20:00:00:00

267/998/1729 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Ke 13:03:20:00:00:00 13:10:20:00:00:00

268/999/1730 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Ve 13:10:20:00:00:00 13:30:20:00:00:00

269/1000/1731 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Su 13:30:20:00:00:00 13:36:20:00:00:00

270/1001/1732 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Mo 13:36:20:00:00:00 13:46:20:00:00:00

271/1002/1733 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ra/Ma 13:46:20:00:00:00 13:53:20:00:00:00

272/1003/1734 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Ju 13:53:20:00:00:00 14:07:33:20:00:00

273/1004/1735 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Sa 14:07:33:20:00:00 14:24:26:40:00:00

274/1005/1736 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Me 14:24:26:40:00:00 14:39:33:20:00:00

275/1006/1737 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Ke 14:39:33:20:00:00 14:45:46:40:00:00

276/1007/1738 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Ve 14:45:46:40:00:00 15:03:33:20:00:00

277/1008/1739 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Su 15:03:33:20:00:00 15:08:53:20:00:00

278/1009/1740 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Mo 15:08:53:20:00:00 15:17:46:40:00:00

279/1010/1741 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Ma 15:17:46:40:00:00 15:24:00:00:00:00

280/1011/1742 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ju/Ra 15:24:00:00:00:00 15:40:00:00:00:00

281/1012/1743 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Sa 15:40:00:00:00:00 16:00:03:20:00:00

282/1013/1744 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Me 16:00:03:20:00:00 16:18:00:00:00:00

283/1014/1745 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Ke 16:18:00:00:00:00 16:25:23:20:00:00

284/1015/1746 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Ve 16:25:23:20:00:00 16:46:30:00:00:00

285/1016/1747 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Su 16:46:30:00:00:00 16:52:50:00:00:00

286/1017/1748 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Mo 16:52:50:00:00:00 17:03:23:20:00:00

287/1018/1749 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Ma 17:03:23:20:00:00 17:10:46:40:00:00

288/1019/1750 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Ra 17:10:46:40:00:00 17:29:46:40:00:00

289/1020/1751 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Sa/Ju 17:29:46:40:00:00 17:46:40:00:00:00

290/1021/1752 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Me 17:46:40:00:00:00 18:02:43:20:00:00

291/1022/1753 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Ke 18:02:43:20:00:00 18:09:20:00:00:00

292/1023/1754 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Ve 18:09:20:00:00:00 18:28:13:20:00:00

293/1024/1755 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Su 18:28:13:20:00:00 18:33:53:20:00:00

294/1025/1756 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Mo 18:33:53:20:00:00 18:43:20:00:00:00

295/1026/1757 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Ma 18:43:20:00:00:00 18:49:56:40:00:00

296/1027/1758 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Ra 18:49:56:40:00:00 19:06:56:40:00:00

297/1028/1759 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Ju 19:06:56:40:00:00 19:22:03:20:00:00

298/1029/1760 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Me/Sa 19:22:03:20:00:00 19:40:00:00:00:00

299/1030/1761 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Ke 19:40:00:00:00:00 19:42:43:20:00:00

300/1031/1762 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Ve 19:42:43:20:00:00 19:50:30:00:00:00

301/1032/1763 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Su 19:50:30:00:00:00 19:52:50:00:00:00

302/1033/1764 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Mo 19:52:50:00:00:00 19:56:43:20:00:00

303/1034/1765 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Ma 19:56:43:20:00:00 19:59:26:40:00:00

304/1035/1766 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Ra 19:59:26:40:00:00 20:06:26:40:00:00

305/1036/1767 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Ju 20:06:26:40:00:00 20:12:40:00:00:00

306/1037/1768 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Sa 20:12:40:00:00:00 20:20:03:20:00:00

307/1038/1769 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ke/Me 20:20:03:20:00:00 20:26:40:00:00:00

308/1039/1770 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Ve 20:26:40:00:00:00 20:48:53:20:00:00

309/1040/1771 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Su 20:48:53:20:00:00 20:55:33:20:00:00

310/1041/1772 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Mo 20:55:33:20:00:00 21:06:40:00:00:00

311/1042/1773 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Ma 21:06:40:00:00:00 21:14:26:40:00:00

312/1043/1774 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Ra 21:14:26:40:00:00 21:34:26:40:00:00

313/1044/1775 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Ju 21:34:26:40:00:00 21:52:13:20:00:00

314/1045/1776 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Sa 21:52:13:20:00:00 22:13:20:00:00:00

315/1046/1777 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Me 22:13:20:00:00:00 22:32:13:20:00:00

316/1047/1778 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Ve/Ke 22:32:13:20:00:00 22:40:00:00:00:00

317/1048/1779 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Su 22:40:00:00:00:00 22:42:00:00:00:00

318/1049/1780 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Mo 22:42:00:00:00:00 22:45:20:00:00:00

319/1050/1781 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Ma 22:45:20:00:00:00 22:47:40:00:00:00

320/1051/1782 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Ra 22:47:40:00:00:00 22:53:40:00:00:00

321/1052/1783 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Ju 22:53:40:00:00:00 22:59:00:00:00:00

322/1053/1784 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Sa 22:59:00:00:00:00 23:05:20:00:00:00

323/1054/1785 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Me 23:05:20:00:00:00 23:11:00:00:00:00

324/1055/1786 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Ke 23:11:00:00:00:00 23:13:20:00:00:00

325/1056/1787 Tau/Vir/Cap Mo/Su/Ve 23:13:20:00:00:00 23:20:00:00:00:00

326/1057/1788 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Ma 23:20:00:00:00:00 23:22:43:20:00:00

327/1058/1789 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Ra 23:22:43:20:00:00 23:29:43:20:00:00

328/1059/1790 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Ju 23:29:43:20:00:00 23:35:56:40:00:00

329/1060/1791 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Sa 23:35:56:40:00:00 23:43:20:00:00:00

330/1061/1792 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Me 23:43:20:00:00:00 23:49:56:40:00:00

331/1062/1793 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Ke 23:49:56:40:00:00 23:52:40:00:00:00

332/1063/1794 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Ve 23:52:40:00:00:00 24:00:26:40:00:00

333/1064/1795 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Su 24:00:26:40:00:00 24:02:46:40:00:00

334/1065/1796 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ma/Mo 24:02:46:40:00:00 24:06:40:00:00:00

335/1066/1797 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Ra 24:06:40:00:00:00 24:24:40:00:00:00

336/1067/1798 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Ju 24:24:40:00:00:00 24:40:40:00:00:00

337/1068/1799 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Sa 24:40:40:00:00:00 24:59:40:00:00:00

338/1069/1800 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Me 24:59:40:00:00:00 25:16:40:00:00:00

339/1070/1801 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Ke 25:16:40:00:00:00 25:23:40:00:00:00

340/1071/1802 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Ve 25:23:40:00:00:00 25:43:40:00:00:00

341/1072/1803 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Su 25:43:40:00:00:00 25:49:40:00:00:00

342/1073/1804 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Mo 25:49:40:00:00:00 25:59:40:00:00:00

343/1074/1805 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ra/Ma 25:59:40:00:00:00 26:06:40:00:00:00

344/1075/1806 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Ju 26:06:40:00:00:00 26:20:53:20:00:00

345/1076/1807 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Sa 26:20:53:20:00:00 26:37:46:40:00:00

346/1077/1808 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Me 26:37:46:40:00:00 26:52:53:20:00:00

347/1078/1809 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Ke 26:52:53:20:00:00 26:59:06:40:00:00

348/1079/1810 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Ve 26:59:06:40:00:00 27:16:53:20:00:00

349/1080/1811 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Su 27:16:53:20:00:00 27:22:13:20:00:00

350/1081/1812 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Mo 27:22:13:20:00:00 27:31:06:40:00:00

351/1082/1813 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Ma 27:31:06:40:00:00 27:37:20:00:00:00

352/1083/1814 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Ju/Ra 27:37:20:00:00:00 27:53:20:00:00:00

353/1084/1815 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Sa 27:53:20:00:00:00 28:13:23:20:00:00

354/1085/1816 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Me 28:13:23:20:00:00 28:31:20:00:00:00

355/1086/1817 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Ke 28:31:20:00:00:00 28:38:43:20:00:00

356/1087/1818 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Ve 28:38:43:20:00:00 28:59:50:00:00:00

357/1088/1819 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Su 28:59:50:00:00:00 29:06:10:00:00:00

358/1089/1820 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Mo 29:06:10:00:00:00 29:16:43:20:00:00

359/1090/1821 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Ma 29:16:43:20:00:00 29:24:06:40:00:00

360/1091/1822 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Ra 29:24:06:40:00:00 29:43:06:40:00:00

361/1092/1823 Tau/Vir/Cap Ma/Sa/Ju 29:43:06:40:00:00 30:00:00:00:00:00

362/1093/1824 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Me 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:16:03:20:00:00

363/1094/1825 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Ke 00:16:03:20:00:00 00:22:40:00:00:00

364/1095/1826 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Ve 00:22:40:00:00:00 00:41:33:20:00:00

365/1096/1827 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Su 00:41:33:20:00:00 00:47:13:20:00:00

366/1097/1828 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Mo 00:47:13:20:00:00 00:56:40:00:00:00

367/1098/1829 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Ma 00:56:40:00:00:00 01:03:16:40:00:00

368/1099/1830 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Ra 01:03:16:40:00:00 01:20:16:40:00:00

369/1100/1831 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Ju 01:20:16:40:00:00 01:35:23:20:00:00

370/1101/1832 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Me/Sa 01:35:23:20:00:00 01:53:20:00:00:00

371/1102/1833 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Ke 01:53:20:00:00:00 01:56:03:20:00:00

372/1103/1834 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Ve 01:56:03:20:00:00 02:03:50:00:00:00

373/1104/1835 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Su 02:03:50:00:00:00 02:06:10:00:00:00

374/1105/1836 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Mo 02:06:10:00:00:00 02:10:03:20:00:00

375/1106/1837 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Ma 02:10:03:20:00:00 02:12:46:40:00:00

376/1107/1838 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Ra 02:12:46:40:00:00 02:19:46:40:00:00

377/1108/1839 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Ju 02:19:46:40:00:00 02:26:00:00:00:00

378/1109/1840 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Sa 02:26:00:00:00:00 02:33:23:20:00:00

379/1110/1841 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ke/Me 02:33:23:20:00:00 02:40:00:00:00:00

380/1111/1842 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Ve 02:40:00:00:00:00 03:02:13:20:00:00

381/1112/1843 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Su 03:02:13:20:00:00 03:08:53:20:00:00

382/1113/1844 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Mo 03:08:53:20:00:00 03:20:00:00:00:00

383/1114/1845 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Ma 03:20:00:00:00:00 03:27:46:40:00:00

384/1115/1846 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Ra 03:27:46:40:00:00 03:47:46:40:00:00

385/1116/1847 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Ju 03:47:46:40:00:00 04:05:33:20:00:00

386/1117/1848 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Sa 04:05:33:20:00:00 04:26:40:00:00:00

387/1118/1849 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Me 04:26:40:00:00:00 04:45:33:20:00:00

388/1119/1850 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Ve/Ke 04:45:33:20:00:00 04:53:20:00:00:00

389/1120/1851 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Su 04:53:20:00:00:00 04:55:20:00:00:00

390/1121/1852 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Mo 04:55:20:00:00:00 04:58:40:00:00:00

391/1122/1853 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Ma 04:58:40:00:00:00 05:01:00:00:00:00

392/1123/1854 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Ra 05:01:00:00:00:00 05:07:00:00:00:00

393/1124/1855 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Ju 05:07:00:00:00:00 05:12:20:00:00:00

394/1125/1856 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Sa 05:12:20:00:00:00 05:18:40:00:00:00

395/1126/1857 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Me 05:18:40:00:00:00 05:24:20:00:00:00

396/1127/1858 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Ke 05:24:20:00:00:00 05:26:40:00:00:00

397/1128/1859 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Su/Ve 05:26:40:00:00:00 05:33:20:00:00:00

398/1129/1860 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Mo 05:33:20:00:00:00 05:38:53:20:00:00

399/1130/1861 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Ma 05:38:53:20:00:00 05:42:46:40:00:00

400/1131/1862 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Ra 05:42:46:40:00:00 05:52:46:40:00:00

401/1132/1863 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Ju 05:52:46:40:00:00 06:01:40:00:00:00

402/1133/1864 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Sa 06:01:40:00:00:00 06:12:13:20:00:00

403/1134/1865 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Me 06:12:13:20:00:00 06:21:40:00:00:00

404/1135/1866 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Ke 06:21:40:00:00:00 06:25:33:20:00:00

405/1136/1867 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Ve 06:25:33:20:00:00 06:36:40:00:00:00

406/1137/1868 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ma/Mo/Su 06:36:40:00:00:00 06:40:00:00:00:00

407/1138/1869 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Ra 06:40:00:00:00:00 06:58:00:00:00:00

408/1139/1870 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Ju 06:58:00:00:00:00 07:14:00:00:00:00

409/1140/1871 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Sa 07:14:00:00:00:00 07:33:00:00:00:00

410/1141/1872 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Me 07:33:00:00:00:00 07:50:00:00:00:00

411/1142/1873 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Ke 07:50:00:00:00:00 07:57:00:00:00:00

412/1143/1874 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Ve 07:57:00:00:00:00 08:17:00:00:00:00

413/1144/1875 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Su 08:17:00:00:00:00 08:23:00:00:00:00

414/1145/1876 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Mo 08:23:00:00:00:00 08:33:00:00:00:00

415/1146/1877 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ra/Ma 08:33:00:00:00:00 08:40:00:00:00:00

416/1147/1878 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Ju 08:40:00:00:00:00 08:54:13:20:00:00

417/1148/1879 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Sa 08:54:13:20:00:00 09:11:06:40:00:00

418/1149/1880 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Me 09:11:06:40:00:00 09:26:13:20:00:00

419/1150/1881 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Ke 09:26:13:20:00:00 09:32:26:40:00:00

420/1151/1882 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Ve 09:32:26:40:00:00 09:50:13:20:00:00

421/1152/1883 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Su 09:50:13:20:00:00 09:55:33:20:00:00

422/1153/1884 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Mo 09:55:33:20:00:00 10:04:26:40:00:00

423/1154/1885 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Ma 10:04:26:40:00:00 10:10:40:00:00:00

424/1155/1886 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ju/Ra 10:10:40:00:00:00 10:26:40:00:00:00

425/1156/1887 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Sa 10:26:40:00:00:00 10:46:43:20:00:00

426/1157/1888 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Me 10:46:43:20:00:00 11:04:40:00:00:00

427/1158/1889 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Ke 11:04:40:00:00:00 11:12:03:20:00:00

428/1159/1890 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Ve 11:12:03:20:00:00 11:33:10:00:00:00

429/1160/1891 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Su 11:33:10:00:00:00 11:39:30:00:00:00

430/1161/1892 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Mo 11:39:30:00:00:00 11:50:03:20:00:00

431/1162/1893 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Ma 11:50:03:20:00:00 11:57:26:40:00:00

432/1163/1894 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Ra 11:57:26:40:00:00 12:16:26:40:00:00

433/1164/1895 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Sa/Ju 12:16:26:40:00:00 12:33:20:00:00:00

434/1165/1896 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Me 12:33:20:00:00:00 12:49:23:20:00:00

435/1166/1897 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Ke 12:49:23:20:00:00 12:56:00:00:00:00

436/1167/1898 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Ve 12:56:00:00:00:00 13:14:53:20:00:00

437/1168/1899 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Su 13:14:53:20:00:00 13:20:33:20:00:00

438/1169/1900 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Mo 13:20:33:20:00:00 13:30:00:00:00:00

439/1170/1901 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Ma 13:30:00:00:00:00 13:36:36:40:00:00

440/1171/1902 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Ra 13:36:36:40:00:00 13:53:36:40:00:00

441/1172/1903 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Ju 13:53:36:40:00:00 14:08:43:20:00:00

442/1173/1904 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Me/Sa 14:08:43:20:00:00 14:26:40:00:00:00

443/1174/1905 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Ke 14:26:40:00:00:00 14:29:23:20:00:00

444/1175/1906 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Ve 14:29:23:20:00:00 14:37:10:00:00:00

445/1176/1907 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Su 14:37:10:00:00:00 14:39:30:00:00:00

446/1177/1908 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Mo 14:39:30:00:00:00 14:43:23:20:00:00

447/1178/1909 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Ma 14:43:23:20:00:00 14:46:06:40:00:00

448/1179/1910 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Ra 14:46:06:40:00:00 14:53:06:40:00:00

449/1180/1911 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Ju 14:53:06:40:00:00 14:59:20:00:00:00

450/1181/1912 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Sa 14:59:20:00:00:00 15:06:43:20:00:00

451/1182/1913 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ke/Me 15:06:43:20:00:00 15:13:20:00:00:00

452/1183/1914 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Ve 15:13:20:00:00:00 15:35:33:20:00:00

453/1184/1915 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Su 15:35:33:20:00:00 15:42:13:20:00:00

454/1185/1916 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Mo 15:42:13:20:00:00 15:53:20:00:00:00

455/1186/1917 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Ma 15:53:20:00:00:00 16:01:06:40:00:00

456/1187/1918 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Ra 16:01:06:40:00:00 16:21:06:40:00:00

457/1188/1919 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Ju 16:21:06:40:00:00 16:38:53:20:00:00

458/1189/1920 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Sa 16:38:53:20:00:00 17:00:00:00:00:00

459/1190/1921 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Me 17:00:00:00:00:00 17:18:53:20:00:00

460/1191/1922 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ve/Ke 17:18:53:20:00:00 17:26:40:00:00:00

461/1192/1923 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Su 17:26:40:00:00:00 17:28:40:00:00:00

462/1193/1924 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Mo 17:28:40:00:00:00 17:32:00:00:00:00

463/1194/1925 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Ma 17:32:00:00:00:00 17:34:20:00:00:00

464/1195/1926 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Ra 17:34:20:00:00:00 17:40:20:00:00:00

465/1196/1927 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Ju 17:40:20:00:00:00 17:45:40:00:00:00

466/1197/1928 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Sa 17:45:40:00:00:00 17:52:00:00:00:00

467/1198/1929 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Me 17:52:00:00:00:00 17:57:40:00:00:00

468/1199/1930 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Ke 17:57:40:00:00:00 18:00:00:00:00:00

469/1200/1931 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Su/Ve 18:00:00:00:00:00 18:06:40:00:00:00

470/1201/1932 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Mo 18:06:40:00:00:00 18:12:13:20:00:00

471/1202/1933 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Ma 18:12:13:20:00:00 18:16:06:40:00:00

472/1203/1934 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Ra 18:16:06:40:00:00 18:26:06:40:00:00

473/1204/1935 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Ju 18:26:06:40:00:00 18:35:00:00:00:00

474/1205/1936 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Sa 18:35:00:00:00:00 18:45:33:20:00:00

475/1206/1937 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Me 18:45:33:20:00:00 18:55:00:00:00:00

476/1207/1938 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Ke 18:55:00:00:00:00 18:58:53:20:00:00

477/1208/1939 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Ve 18:58:53:20:00:00 19:10:00:00:00:00

478/1209/1940 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Mo/Su 19:10:00:00:00:00 19:13:20:00:00:00

479/1210/1941 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Ma 19:13:20:00:00:00 19:16:03:20:00:00

480/1211/1942 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Ra 19:16:03:20:00:00 19:23:03:20:00:00

481/1212/1943 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Ju 19:23:03:20:00:00 19:29:16:40:00:00

482/1213/1944 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Sa 19:29:16:40:00:00 19:36:40:00:00:00

483/1214/1945 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Me 19:36:40:00:00:00 19:43:16:40:00:00

484/1215/1946 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Ke 19:43:16:40:00:00 19:46:00:00:00:00

485/1216/1947 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Ve 19:46:00:00:00:00 19:53:46:40:00:00

486/1217/1948 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Su 19:53:46:40:00:00 19:56:06:40:00:00

487/1218/1949 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ra/Ma/Mo 19:56:06:40:00:00 20:00:00:00:00:00

488/1219/1950 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Ju 20:00:00:00:00:00 20:14:13:20:00:00

489/1220/1951 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Sa 20:14:13:20:00:00 20:31:06:40:00:00

490/1221/1952 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Me 20:31:06:40:00:00 20:46:13:20:00:00

491/1222/1953 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Ke 20:46:13:20:00:00 20:52:26:40:00:00

492/1223/1954 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Ve 20:52:26:40:00:00 21:10:13:20:00:00

493/1224/1955 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Su 21:10:13:20:00:00 21:15:33:20:00:00

494/1225/1956 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Mo 21:15:33:20:00:00 21:24:26:40:00:00

495/1226/1957 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Ma 21:24:26:40:00:00 21:30:40:00:00:00

496/1227/1958 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ju/Ra 21:30:40:00:00:00 21:46:40:00:00:00

497/1228/1959 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Sa 21:46:40:00:00:00 22:06:43:20:00:00

498/1229/1960 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Me 22:06:43:20:00:00 22:24:40:00:00:00

499/1230/1961 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Ke 22:24:40:00:00:00 22:32:03:20:00:00

500/1231/1962 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Ve 22:32:03:20:00:00 22:53:10:00:00:00

501/1232/1963 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Su 22:53:10:00:00:00 22:59:30:00:00:00

502/1233/1964 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Mo 22:59:30:00:00:00 23:10:03:20:00:00

503/1234/1965 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Ma 23:10:03:20:00:00 23:17:26:40:00:00

504/1235/1966 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Ra 23:17:26:40:00:00 23:36:26:40:00:00

505/1236/1967 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Sa/Ju 23:36:26:40:00:00 23:53:20:00:00:00

506/1237/1968 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Me 23:53:20:00:00:00 24:09:23:20:00:00

507/1238/1969 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Ke 24:09:23:20:00:00 24:16:00:00:00:00

508/1239/1970 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Ve 24:16:00:00:00:00 24:34:53:20:00:00

509/1240/1971 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Su 24:34:53:20:00:00 24:40:33:20:00:00

510/1241/1972 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Mo 24:40:33:20:00:00 24:50:00:00:00:00

511/1242/1973 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Ma 24:50:00:00:00:00 24:56:36:40:00:00

512/1243/1974 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Ra 24:56:36:40:00:00 25:13:36:40:00:00

513/1244/1975 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Ju 25:13:36:40:00:00 25:28:43:20:00:00

514/1245/1976 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Me/Sa 25:28:43:20:00:00 25:46:40:00:00:00

515/1246/1977 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Ke 25:46:40:00:00:00 25:49:23:20:00:00

516/1247/1978 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Ve 25:49:23:20:00:00 25:57:10:00:00:00

517/1248/1979 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Su 25:57:10:00:00:00 25:59:30:00:00:00

518/1249/1980 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Mo 25:59:30:00:00:00 26:03:23:20:00:00

519/1250/1981 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Ma 26:03:23:20:00:00 26:06:06:40:00:00

520/1251/1982 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Ra 26:06:06:40:00:00 26:13:06:40:00:00

521/1252/1983 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Ju 26:13:06:40:00:00 26:19:20:00:00:00

522/1253/1984 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Sa 26:19:20:00:00:00 26:26:43:20:00:00

523/1254/1985 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ke/Me 26:26:43:20:00:00 26:33:20:00:00:00

524/1255/1986 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Ve 26:33:20:00:00:00 26:55:33:20:00:00

525/1256/1987 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Su 26:55:33:20:00:00 27:02:13:20:00:00

526/1257/1988 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Mo 27:02:13:20:00:00 27:13:20:00:00:00

527/1258/1989 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Ma 27:13:20:00:00:00 27:21:06:40:00:00

528/1259/1990 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Ra 27:21:06:40:00:00 27:41:06:40:00:00

529/1260/1991 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Ju 27:41:06:40:00:00 27:58:53:20:00:00

530/1261/1992 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Sa 27:58:53:20:00:00 28:20:00:00:00:00

531/1262/1993 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Me 28:20:00:00:00:00 28:38:53:20:00:00

532/1263/1994 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Ve/Ke 28:38:53:20:00:00 28:46:40:00:00:00

533/1264/1995 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Su 28:46:40:00:00:00 28:48:40:00:00:00

534/1265/1996 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Mo 28:48:40:00:00:00 28:52:00:00:00:00

535/1266/1997 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Ma 28:52:00:00:00:00 28:54:20:00:00:00

536/1267/1998 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Ra 28:54:20:00:00:00 29:00:20:00:00:00

537/1268/1999 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Ju 29:00:20:00:00:00 29:05:40:00:00:00

538/1269/2000 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Sa 29:05:40:00:00:00 29:12:00:00:00:00

539/1270/2001 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Me 29:12:00:00:00:00 29:17:40:00:00:00

540/1271/2002 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Ke 29:17:40:00:00:00 29:20:00:00:00:00

541/1272/2003 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Su/Ve 29:20:00:00:00:00 29:26:40:00:00:00

542/1273/2004 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Mo/Mo 29:26:40:00:00:00 29:32:13:20:00:00

543/1274/2005 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Mo/Ma 29:32:13:20:00:00 29:36:06:40:00:00

544/1275/2006 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Mo/Ra 29:36:06:40:00:00 29:46:06:40:00:00

545/1276/2007 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Mo/Ju 29:46:06:40:00:00 29:55:00:00:00:00

546/1277/2008 Gem/Lib/Aqu Ju/Mo/Sa 29:55:00:00:00:00 30:00:00:00:00:00

547/1278/2009 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Mo/Sa 00:00:00:00:00:00 00:05:33:20:00:00

548/1279/2010 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Mo/Me 00:05:33:20:00:00 00:15:00:00:00:00

549/1280/2011 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Mo/Ke 00:15:00:00:00:00 00:18:53:20:00:00

550/1281/2012 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Mo/Ve 00:18:53:20:00:00 00:30:00:00:00:00

551/1282/2013 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Mo/Su 00:30:00:00:00:00 00:33:20:00:00:00

552/1283/2014 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Ma 00:33:20:00:00:00 00:36:03:20:00:00

553/1284/2015 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Ra 00:36:03:20:00:00 00:43:03:20:00:00

554/1285/2016 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Ju 00:43:03:20:00:00 00:49:16:40:00:00

555/1286/2017 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Sa 00:49:16:40:00:00 00:56:40:00:00:00

556/1287/2018 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Me 00:56:40:00:00:00 01:03:16:40:00:00

557/1288/2019 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Ke 01:03:16:40:00:00 01:06:00:00:00:00

558/1289/2020 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Ve 01:06:00:00:00:00 01:13:46:40:00:00

559/1290/2021 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Su 01:13:46:40:00:00 01:16:06:40:00:00

560/1291/2022 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ma/Mo 01:16:06:40:00:00 01:20:00:00:00:00

561/1292/2023 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Ra 01:20:00:00:00:00 01:38:00:00:00:00

562/1293/2024 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Ju 01:38:00:00:00:00 01:54:00:00:00:00

563/1294/2025 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Sa 01:54:00:00:00:00 02:13:00:00:00:00

564/1295/2026 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Me 02:13:00:00:00:00 02:30:00:00:00:00

565/1296/2027 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Ke 02:30:00:00:00:00 02:37:00:00:00:00

566/1297/2028 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Ve 02:37:00:00:00:00 02:57:00:00:00:00

567/1298/2029 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Su 02:57:00:00:00:00 03:03:00:00:00:00

568/1299/2030 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Mo 03:03:00:00:00:00 03:13:00:00:00:00

569/1300/2031 Can/Sco/Pis Ju/Ra/Ma 03:13:00:00:00:00 03:20:00:00:00:00

570/1301/2032 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Sa 03:20:00:00:00:00 03:40:03:20:00:00

571/1302/2033 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Me 03:40:03:20:00:00 03:58:00:00:00:00

572/1303/2034 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Ke 03:58:00:00:00:00 04:05:23:20:00:00

573/1304/2035 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Ve 04:05:23:20:00:00 04:26:30:00:00:00

574/1305/2036 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Su 04:26:30:00:00:00 04:32:50:00:00:00

575/1306/2037 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Mo 04:32:50:00:00:00 04:43:23:20:00:00

576/1307/2038 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Ma 04:43:23:20:00:00 04:50:46:40:00:00

577/1308/2039 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Ra 04:50:46:40:00:00 05:09:46:40:00:00

578/1309/2040 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Sa/Ju 05:09:46:40:00:00 05:26:40:00:00:00

579/1310/2041 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Me 05:26:40:00:00:00 05:42:43:20:00:00

580/1311/2042 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Ke 05:42:43:20:00:00 05:49:20:00:00:00

581/1312/2043 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Ve 05:49:20:00:00:00 06:08:13:20:00:00

582/1313/2044 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Su 06:08:13:20:00:00 06:13:53:20:00:00

583/1314/2045 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Mo 06:13:53:20:00:00 06:23:20:00:00:00

584/1315/2046 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Ma 06:23:20:00:00:00 06:29:56:40:00:00

585/1316/2047 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Ra 06:29:56:40:00:00 06:46:56:40:00:00

586/1317/2048 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Ju 06:46:56:40:00:00 07:02:03:20:00:00

587/1318/2049 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Me/Sa 07:02:03:20:00:00 07:20:00:00:00:00

588/1319/2050 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Ke 07:20:00:00:00:00 07:22:43:20:00:00

589/1320/2051 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Ve 07:22:43:20:00:00 07:30:30:00:00:00

590/1321/2052 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Su 07:30:30:00:00:00 07:32:50:00:00:00

591/1322/2053 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Mo 07:32:50:00:00:00 07:36:43:20:00:00

592/1323/2054 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Ma 07:36:43:20:00:00 07:39:26:40:00:00

593/1324/2055 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Ra 07:39:26:40:00:00 07:46:26:40:00:00

594/1325/2056 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Ju 07:46:26:40:00:00 07:52:40:00:00:00

595/1326/2057 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Sa 07:52:40:00:00:00 08:00:03:20:00:00

596/1327/2058 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ke/Me 08:00:03:20:00:00 08:06:40:00:00:00

597/1328/2059 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Ve 08:06:40:00:00:00 08:28:53:20:00:00

598/1329/2060 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Su 08:28:53:20:00:00 08:35:33:20:00:00

599/1330/2061 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Mo 08:35:33:20:00:00 08:46:40:00:00:00

600/1331/2062 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Ma 08:46:40:00:00:00 08:54:26:40:00:00

601/1332/2063 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Ra 08:54:26:40:00:00 09:14:26:40:00:00

602/1333/2064 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Ju 09:14:26:40:00:00 09:32:13:20:00:00

603/1334/2065 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Sa 09:32:13:20:00:00 09:53:20:00:00:00

604/1335/2066 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Me 09:53:20:00:00:00 10:12:13:20:00:00

605/1336/2067 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ve/Ke 10:12:13:20:00:00 10:20:00:00:00:00

606/1337/2068 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Su 10:20:00:00:00:00 10:22:00:00:00:00

607/1338/2069 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Mo 10:22:00:00:00:00 10:25:20:00:00:00

608/1339/2070 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Ma 10:25:20:00:00:00 10:27:40:00:00:00

609/1340/2071 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Ra 10:27:40:00:00:00 10:33:40:00:00:00

610/1341/2072 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Ju 10:33:40:00:00:00 10:39:00:00:00:00

611/1342/2073 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Sa 10:39:00:00:00:00 10:45:20:00:00:00

612/1343/2074 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Me 10:45:20:00:00:00 10:51:00:00:00:00

613/1344/2075 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Ke 10:51:00:00:00:00 10:53:20:00:00:00

614/1345/2076 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Su/Ve 10:53:20:00:00:00 11:00:00:00:00:00

615/1346/2077 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Mo 11:00:00:00:00:00 11:05:33:20:00:00

616/1347/2078 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Ma 11:05:33:20:00:00 11:09:26:40:00:00

617/1348/2079 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Ra 11:09:26:40:00:00 11:19:26:40:00:00

618/1349/2080 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Ju 11:19:26:40:00:00 11:28:20:00:00:00

619/1350/2081 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Sa 11:28:20:00:00:00 11:38:53:20:00:00

620/1351/2082 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Me 11:38:53:20:00:00 11:48:20:00:00:00

621/1352/2083 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Ke 11:48:20:00:00:00 11:52:13:20:00:00

622/1353/2084 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Ve 11:52:13:20:00:00 12:03:20:00:00:00

623/1354/2085 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Mo/Su 12:03:20:00:00:00 12:06:40:00:00:00

624/1355/2086 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Ma 12:06:40:00:00:00 12:09:23:20:00:00

625/1356/2087 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Ra 12:09:23:20:00:00 12:16:23:20:00:00

626/1357/2088 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Ju 12:16:23:20:00:00 12:22:36:40:00:00

627/1358/2089 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Sa 12:22:36:40:00:00 12:30:00:00:00:00

628/1359/2090 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Me 12:30:00:00:00:00 12:36:36:40:00:00

629/1360/2091 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Ke 12:36:36:40:00:00 12:39:20:00:00:00

630/1361/2092 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Ve 12:39:20:00:00:00 12:47:06:40:00:00

631/1362/2093 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Su 12:47:06:40:00:00 12:49:26:40:00:00

632/1363/2094 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ma/Mo 12:49:26:40:00:00 12:53:20:00:00:00

633/1364/2095 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Ra 12:53:20:00:00:00 13:11:20:00:00:00

634/1365/2096 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Ju 13:11:20:00:00:00 13:27:20:00:00:00

635/1366/2097 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Sa 13:27:20:00:00:00 13:46:20:00:00:00

636/1367/2098 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Me 13:46:20:00:00:00 14:03:20:00:00:00

637/1368/2099 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Ke 14:03:20:00:00:00 14:10:20:00:00:00

638/1369/2100 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Ve 14:10:20:00:00:00 14:30:20:00:00:00

639/1370/2101 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Su 14:30:20:00:00:00 14:36:20:00:00:00

640/1371/2102 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Mo 14:36:20:00:00:00 14:46:20:00:00:00

641/1372/2103 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ra/Ma 14:46:20:00:00:00 14:53:20:00:00:00

642/1373/2104 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Ju 14:53:20:00:00:00 15:07:33:20:00:00

643/1374/2105 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Sa 15:07:33:20:00:00 15:24:26:40:00:00

644/1375/2106 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Me 15:24:26:40:00:00 15:39:33:20:00:00

645/1376/2107 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Ke 15:39:33:20:00:00 15:45:46:40:00:00

646/1377/2108 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Ve 15:45:46:40:00:00 16:03:33:20:00:00

647/1378/2109 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Su 16:03:33:20:00:00 16:08:53:20:00:00

648/1379/2110 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Mo 16:08:53:20:00:00 16:17:46:40:00:00

649/1380/2111 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Ma 16:17:46:40:00:00 16:24:00:00:00:00

650/1381/2112 Can/Sco/Pis Sa/Ju/Ra 16:24:00:00:00:00 16:40:00:00:00:00

651/1382/2113 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Me 16:40:00:00:00:00 16:56:03:20:00:00

652/1383/2114 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Ke 16:56:03:20:00:00 17:02:40:00:00:00

653/1384/2115 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Ve 17:02:40:00:00:00 17:21:33:20:00:00

654/1385/2116 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Su 17:21:33:20:00:00 17:27:13:20:00:00

655/1386/2117 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Mo 17:27:13:20:00:00 17:36:40:00:00:00

656/1387/2118 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Ma 17:36:40:00:00:00 17:43:16:40:00:00

657/1388/2119 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Ra 17:43:16:40:00:00 18:00:16:40:00:00

658/1389/2120 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Ju 18:00:16:40:00:00 18:15:23:20:00:00

659/1390/2121 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Me/Sa 18:15:23:20:00:00 18:33:20:00:00:00

660/1391/2122 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Ke 18:33:20:00:00:00 18:36:03:20:00:00

661/1392/2123 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Ve 18:36:03:20:00:00 18:43:50:00:00:00

662/1393/2124 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Su 18:43:50:00:00:00 18:46:10:00:00:00

663/1394/2125 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Mo 18:46:10:00:00:00 18:50:03:20:00:00

664/1395/2126 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Ma 18:50:03:20:00:00 18:52:46:40:00:00

665/1396/2127 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Ra 18:52:46:40:00:00 18:59:46:40:00:00

666/1397/2128 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Ju 18:59:46:40:00:00 19:06:00:00:00:00

667/1398/2129 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Sa 19:06:00:00:00:00 19:13:23:20:00:00

668/1399/2130 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ke/Me 19:13:23:20:00:00 19:20:00:00:00:00

669/1400/2131 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Ve 19:20:00:00:00:00 19:42:13:20:00:00

670/1401/2132 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Su 19:42:13:20:00:00 19:48:53:20:00:00

671/1402/2133 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Mo 19:48:53:20:00:00 20:00:00:00:00:00

672/1403/2134 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Ma 20:00:00:00:00:00 20:07:46:40:00:00

673/1404/2135 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Ra 20:07:46:40:00:00 20:27:46:40:00:00

674/1405/2136 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Ju 20:27:46:40:00:00 20:45:33:20:00:00

675/1406/2137 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Sa 20:45:33:20:00:00 21:06:40:00:00:00

676/1407/2138 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Me 21:06:40:00:00:00 21:25:33:20:00:00

677/1408/2139 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ve/Ke 21:25:33:20:00:00 21:33:20:00:00:00

678/1409/2140 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Su 21:33:20:00:00:00 21:35:20:00:00:00

679/1410/2141 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Mo 21:35:20:00:00:00 21:38:40:00:00:00

680/1411/2142 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Ma 21:38:40:00:00:00 21:41:00:00:00:00

681/1412/2143 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Ra 21:41:00:00:00:00 21:47:00:00:00:00

682/1413/2144 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Ju 21:47:00:00:00:00 21:52:20:00:00:00

683/1414/2145 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Sa 21:52:20:00:00:00 21:58:40:00:00:00

684/1415/2146 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Me 21:58:40:00:00:00 22:04:20:00:00:00

685/1416/2147 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Ke 22:04:20:00:00:00 22:06:40:00:00:00

686/1417/2148 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Su/Ve 22:06:40:00:00:00 22:13:20:00:00:00

687/1418/2149 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Mo 22:13:20:00:00:00 22:18:53:20:00:00

688/1419/2150 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Ma 22:18:53:20:00:00 22:22:46:40:00:00

689/1420/2151 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Ra 22:22:46:40:00:00 22:32:46:40:00:00

690/1421/2152 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Ju 22:32:46:40:00:00 22:41:40:00:00:00

691/1422/2153 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Sa 22:41:40:00:00:00 22:52:13:20:00:00

692/1423/2154 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Me 22:52:13:20:00:00 23:01:40:00:00:00

693/1424/2155 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Ke 23:01:40:00:00:00 23:05:33:20:00:00

694/1425/2156 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Ve 23:05:33:20:00:00 23:16:40:00:00:00

695/1426/2157 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Mo/Su 23:16:40:00:00:00 23:20:00:00:00:00

696/1427/2158 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Ma 23:20:00:00:00:00 23:22:43:20:00:00

697/1428/2159 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Ra 23:22:43:20:00:00 23:29:43:20:00:00

698/1429/2160 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Ju 23:29:43:20:00:00 23:35:56:40:00:00

699/1430/2161 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Sa 23:35:56:40:00:00 23:43:20:00:00:00

700/1431/2162 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Me 23:43:20:00:00:00 23:49:56:40:00:00

701/1432/2163 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Ke 23:49:56:40:00:00 23:52:40:00:00:00

702/1433/2164 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Ve 23:52:40:00:00:00 24:00:26:40:00:00

703/1434/2165 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Su 24:00:26:40:00:00 24:02:46:40:00:00

704/1435/2166 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ma/Mo 24:02:46:40:00:00 24:06:40:00:00:00

705/1436/2167 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Ra 24:06:40:00:00:00 24:24:40:00:00:00

706/1437/2168 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Ju 24:24:40:00:00:00 24:40:40:00:00:00

707/1438/2169 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Sa 24:40:40:00:00:00 24:59:40:00:00:00

708/1439/2170 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Me 24:59:40:00:00:00 25:16:40:00:00:00

709/1440/2171 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Ke 25:16:40:00:00:00 25:23:40:00:00:00

710/1441/2172 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Ve 25:23:40:00:00:00 25:43:40:00:00:00

711/1442/2173 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Su 25:43:40:00:00:00 25:49:40:00:00:00

712/1443/2174 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Mo 25:49:40:00:00:00 25:59:40:00:00:00

713/1444/2175 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ra/Ma 25:59:40:00:00:00 26:06:40:00:00:00

714/1445/2176 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Ju 26:06:40:00:00:00 26:20:53:20:00:00

715/1446/2177 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Sa 26:20:53:20:00:00 26:37:46:40:00:00

716/1447/2178 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Me 26:37:46:40:00:00 26:52:53:20:00:00

717/1448/2179 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Ke 26:52:53:20:00:00 26:59:06:40:00:00

718/1449/2180 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Ve 26:59:06:40:00:00 27:16:53:20:00:00

719/1450/2181 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Su 27:16:53:20:00:00 27:22:13:20:00:00

720/1451/2182 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Mo 27:22:13:20:00:00 27:31:06:40:00:00

721/1452/2183 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Ma 27:31:06:40:00:00 27:37:20:00:00:00

722/1453/2184 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Ju/Ra 27:37:20:00:00:00 27:53:20:00:00:00

723/1454/2185 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Sa 27:53:20:00:00:00 28:13:23:20:00:00

724/1455/2186 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Me 28:13:23:20:00:00 28:31:20:00:00:00

725/1456/2187 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Ke 28:31:20:00:00:00 28:38:43:20:00:00

726/1457/2188 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Ve 28:38:43:20:00:00 28:59:50:00:00:00

727/1458/2189 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Su 28:59:50:00:00:00 29:06:10:00:00:00

728/1459/2190 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Mo 29:06:10:00:00:00 29:16:43:20:00:00

729/1460/2191 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Ma 29:16:43:20:00:00 29:24:06:40:00:00

730/1461/2192 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Ra 29:24:06:40:00:00 29:43:06:40:00:00

731/1462/2193 Can/Sco/Pis Me/Sa/Ju 29:43:06:40:00:00 30:00:00:00:00:00

Star (Nakshatra) Table

No Star Starting Star Lord

(Nakshatra) Longitude
(Sign-Deg- Min)

1 Ashwini 00-00°00 Ketu

2 Bharani 00-13°20 Venus
3 Krittika 00-26°40 Sun
4 Rohini 01-10°00 Moon
5 Mrigashira 01-23°20 Mars
6 Ardra 02-06°40 Rahu
7 Punarvasu 02-20°00 Jupiter
8 Pushya 03-03°20 Saturn
9 Ashlesha 03-16°40 Mercury
10 Magha 04-00°00 Ketu
11 Poorvaphalguni 04-13°20 Venus
12 Uttaraphalguni 04-26°40 Sun
13 Hasta 05-10°00 Moon
14 Chitra 05-23°20 Mars
15 Swati 06-06°40 Rahu
16 Vishakha 06-20°00 Jupiter
17 Anuradha 07-03°20 Saturn
18 Jyeshta 07-16°40 Mercury
19 Moola 08-00°00 Ketu
20 Poorvashadha 08-13°20 Venus
21 Uttarashadha 08-26°40 Sun
22 Shravana 09-10°00 Moon
23 Dhanishtha 09-23°20 Mars
24 Shatabhisha 10-06°40 Rahu
25 Poorvabhadrapada 10-20°00 Jupiter
26 Uttarabhadrapada 11-03°20 Saturn
27 Revati 11-16°40 Mercury

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