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Name : Zain Raza

Sharam umer
Usman khan
Roll No. 23014198-179

Submited to : Zeeshan anwar


-Introduction to Coordinate Geometry

Exploring the Intersection of Algebra and Geometry

- Definition:
Coordinate Geometry, also known as Analytic Geometry, is the study of geometry using a
coordinate system.
- Historical Context:
Introduced by René Descartes in the 17th century.
- Importance:
Links algebra and geometry, allowing geometric problems to be solved algebraically.
### Slide 3: The Cartesian Coordinate System
- Explanation:
A plane with two perpendicular axes, the x-axis (horizontal) and the y-axis (vertical).
- Components
- **Origin:** The point (0,0) where the axes intersect.
- **Quadrants:** The plane is divided into four quadrants.
- Diagram:A labeled coordinate plane.

Points and Coordinates

- Definition of a Point:*
A location on the plane defined by an ordered pair (x, y).
- **Examples:**
- Point A (3, 4)
- Point B (-2, 5)
- **Plotting Points:** Visual demonstration on the coordinate plane.

: Distance Formula
- **Formula:** \( \text{Distance} = \sqrt{(x_2 – x_1)^2 + (y_2 – y_1)^2} \)
- **Derivation:** Based on the Pythagorean theorem.
- **Example:** Calculate the distance between points (1, 2) and (4, 6).

Midpoint Formula
- **Formula:** \( \text{Midpoint} = \left( \frac{x_1 + x_2}{2}, \frac{y_1 + y_2}{2} \right) \)
- **Application:** Finding the center point between two points.
- **Example:** Find the midpoint between (-1, -3) and (5, 7).

Slope of a Line
- **Definition:** Measure of the steepness or incline of a line.
- **Formula:** \( \text{Slope} (m) = \frac{y_2 – y_1}{x_2 – x_1} \)
- **Types of Slopes:** Positive, Negative, Zero, Undefined.
- **Example:** Calculate the slope of the line passing through (2, 3) and (5, 11).

Equation of a Line
- **Slope-Intercept Form:** \( y = mx + b \)
- **m:** Slope
- **b:** Y-intercept (point where the line crosses the y-axis)
- **Point-Slope Form:** \( y – y_1 = m(x – x_1) \)
- **Example:** Find the equation of the line with slope 2 passing through (3, 4).

Circle in Coordinate Geometry

- Recap: Review key concepts: coordinate system, distance, midpoint, slope, equations of lines,
and shapes.
- Importance: Highlight how coordinate geometry simplifies and solves complex geometric

Questions and Answer

- Prompt
- Open the floor for any questions from the audience.

- Sources:
- List any textbooks, articles, or websites referenced.

Feel free to adjust the content and depth based on your audience’s level of understanding and the
time available for your presentation.

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