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Heat and Temperature

Chapter No 10

1. Temperature of laboratory is 320K.

2. Temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
3. Temperature is measured by thermometer.
4. The SI unit of temperature is kelvin.
5. Fahrenheit is used for clinical purposes.
6. While degree centigrade is used in daily life.
7. There are three temperature scales. Kelvin scale, centigrade scale, Fahrenheit scale
8. Thermometer has two reference points. Lower reference point and upper reference point.
9. The gap between these points is called scale which is divided into equal lengths.
10. The freezing point at Kelvin scale is 273 k and the boiling point at Kelvin scale is 373 kelvin.
11. Celsius is the most commonly used temperature scale.
12. The boiling point of water at centigrade scale is 100 and freezing point is 0.
13. Water freezing point at Fahrenheit scale is 32f while water boils at 212 f.
14. Fahrenheit scale has 180 divisions.
15. Conversion formulas of different units of temperature scale.
16. From Celsius to kelvin scale
K = c + 273
17. From Celsius to Fahrenheit scale.
F =…………. `
18. Heat is a form of energy that flow from hotter body to colder body.
19. When water put in a pot and is heated the water becomes hot due to the movement of kinetic
energy of the water.
20. A two body is said to be in thermal equilibrium when the temperature of the hot body becomes
equal to the temperature of the cold body.
21. The SI unit of heat energy is Joule (J).
22. The heat unit is from the name of an English physicist and mathematician James Prescott joule.
23. When a substance is heated its length, area, volume, shape, or density change this change is
called thermal expansion.
24. All three states of matter solid, liquid and gas expand on heating and contract on cooling.
25. The thermal expansion different for the solid liquid and gas of the same substance. Usually gases
expand more than liquid and liquid expand more than solid.
26. In solid particles vibrate about their mean position but do not leave their positions.
27. When solid substances i heated its particles gains heat energy and vibrational kinetic energy
oftheparticle increases and they vibrate with greater amplitude. And the gap between the
neighboring atom increases and hence increases size of the substance.
28. `Heat is always transferred from hot objects to cold objects due to temperature difference.
29. Heat is transferred by three different ways. Conduction convection and radiation.
30. Conduction is the phenomena in which the heat is transferred from the hot body to the cold
body by the vibration of particles.
31. Conduction also takes place from hot part to the cold part of the object.
32. In solid particles are very close to each other on heating one end is hot the other end also get
hot because of the vibrations of the particles.
33. Metal are good conductor of heat because they have free electron. These free electron move
fast and transfer the energy to other part of the metal quickly.
34. Cooking utensils are made up of metals because metals conduct heat fast and cook the food
35. Non-metals e.g. plastic, wool, fur etc. do not conduct heat easily, they are poor conductors of
heat and are also called insulators.
36. In non-metals electrons are bound they are not free to move in materials.
37. Solid are good conductors of heat than liquid and gases.
38. Air which is mixture of gases is one of the best insulators.
39. Transfer of heat by actual movement of molecules from hot place to cold place is known as
40. Convection only takes place in liquid and gases only.
41. The upward moving air due to convection is called thermals.
42. The transfer of heat from a hot place to a cold place with or without having a material medium
in between, in the form of electromagnetic waves is called radiation.
43. In radiation energy is transferred without involving matter.
44. The heat transfer that occurs due to a density difference in fluids is called insulation.

Technology in everyday life

Chapter no 11
1. Louse Pasteur is a French chemist and microbiologist was the first to find out that heating at
a certain temperature makes the food microbe free.
2. Pasteurization technique was named after him.
3. Stethoscope is an instrument which is used by doctors to listen the heartbeat of a patient.
4. The best way to preserve vegetables is pickling.
5. In pickling food is soaked in solution of salt and acid
6. The process of food preservation in which bacteria is allowed to grow against the harmful
bacteria is called fermentation.
7. Pasteurization means heating at a certain temperature to keep food microbe free.

Earth and space

Chapter no 12
1. The quantity of matter contain in a body is called mass.
2. The SI unit of mass is kilogram.
3. The bigger unit of mass is ton.
4. The force with which earth attracts anything towards its center is called weight of the
body on earth.
5. The SI unit of force is newton and its symbol is N.
6. Formula of weight is W=mg where m is mass of the body and g is gravitational field
7. The value of gravitational acceleration on surface of the earth is 9.8 m/sec
8. When you jump on the moon you will raise six times more height than that on earth
because of less gravity.
9. Tides are the rise and fall of water level in the ocean, rivers, lakes etc.
10. High tides are seen in the ocean when the see level rises to its maximum level.
11. When water level falls to its lowest point, it is known as low tide.
12. Gravitational pull of moon and earth, spinning of earth the causes of tides on ocean.
13. The moon has its own gravitational field which attracts everything on earth including
oceans, land structures and people.
14. Spinning motion of the earth involves day and night, while revolution of the earth
around involves change in seasons.
15. Earth has two poles north pole and South Pole.
16. An equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the planet. It is half way between
the North Pole and South Pole. (at 0 degree latitude)
17. Axis is the line around which earth spins.
18. The axial tilt is defined as the angle between the direction of the North Pole and the
perpendicular to the orbital plane.
19. Axial tilt of the earth is 23.5.
20. Earth revolves around the sun with the axial tilt.
21. During the orbital motion of the earth around sun, when the axis of the earth is towards
the sun then summer season is there for that part of earth. When the axis of the earth is
away from the sun then winter season is there for that part of earth. In between these
two times its spring and autumn.
22. Constellation is a group of stars that appear to form a pattern or picture like Orion the
great hunter, Leo the lion or Taurus the bull.
23. Constellation gradually shifted to the west, this is caused by motion of earth around our
24. There are two main hemisphere of the earth northern hemisphere and southern
25. The force of gravity is forcing planets to move in orbits.
26. The heat transfer that occurs due to a density difference in fluids is called insulation.

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