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Advanced modulation and coding techniques for Satellite

Television (DVB-S2)
School of Engineering
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Email: -

Abstract—This document delves into the advancements in modulation The Figure 2 scheme is the next one, with the value of No
and coding techniques for Satellite Television, focusing on the transition 10.9, which gives a BER of almost zero.
from the DVB-S to DVB-S2 standard. Through a practical activity,
various aspects such as Adaptive Coding and Modulation (ACM),
LDPC and BCH encoding, and the flexibility of DVB-S2 are explored.
The impact of these advancements on bandwidth efficiency and error
correction capabilities is analyzed, providing insights into the evolution
of digital Satellite Television technology.

The evolution of Satellite Television technology has been marked
by significant improvements in modulation and coding techniques,
leading to enhanced performance and efficiency. This document aims
to explore the transition from the DVB-S standard to the more
advanced DVB-S2 standard, which incorporates Adaptive Coding and
Modulation (ACM) along with LDPC and BCH encoding schemes.
By addressing key questions regarding the differences between DVB-
S and DVB-S2, the impact on communication efficiency, and the
adaptation to higher throughput applications, we aim to provide a
comprehensive understanding of the advancements in digital Satellite
Television technology.
Fig. 1. Figure 2 scheme with the BER of almost 0
Exercise 3 - Add the Simulink subsystems corresponding to
Exercise 1 - Explain in which situation the ACM is useful,
the BCH encoder/decoders, as shown in Figure 3. Take into
when compared to a fixed coding and modulation system.
account that the previous BBFRAME subsystem should be
modified to have at its output frames with the input size of the
ACM maximizes spectral efficiency by dynamically adjusting Eb
BCH encoder (same for reception). Which is the new N and
the MCS, allowing the system to transmit more data over the same Es

supported now by the BCH-based system to obtain the same
bandwidth, which is crucial in bandwidth-limited scenarios. It also
QEF BER as before? Compare the gains with the ones obtained
balances the trade-off between throughput and reliability, using
with the RS coding scheme of the previous DVB-S standard
higher order modulation for increased throughput in good conditions
model and justify the results.
and lower order modulation for robust communication in noisy
The value that makes the BER approximately QEF is 10.6,
not arriving at the value of 2 ∗ 10−4 , but is the value that causes the
This adaptability ensures optimal performance, unlike fixed coding
closest one.
and modulation systems that risk high error rates or underutilization
of channel capacity due to their inability to adjust to varying channel
The scheme with the BCH codification has a better correction
capacity, that’s why it requires a lower BER.
Exercise 2 - Build a Simulink model based on the Figure
2. The parameters of each block should be configured using
the values of the dvbs2 structure (not hard - coded). For the
modulator and demodulator, use the generic M-PSK block,
and configure the parameters with the dvbs2.bitsPerSymbol
Eb Es
value. Which N o
and N o
should be configured in the AWGN
Channel to get a QEF BER? Keep in mind that a sufficient
number of errors should be obtained to assess the BER correctly.
Therefore, a sufficiently large simulation time must be configured.
The complete scheme for this exercise is the next one: Exercise 5 - As a summary of this activity, fill in the following

Fig. 2. Figure 3 scheme with the BER of almost 0 Fig. 4. Table as a summary of the lab

With No
of: 10.6 dB
In conclusion, the transition from DVB-S to DVB-S2 represents a
significant advancement in satellite television technology, enhancing
error correction capabilities and increasing data transmission

By incorporating advanced modulation and coding techniques such

as LDPC and BCH codes, DVB-S2 achieves higher performance
levels, enabling the delivery of high-quality content like HDTV. The
practical activities undertaken in this report have provided insights
into the implementation of these techniques through Simulink
subsystems, showcasing the benefits of concatenated coding schemes
in improving system reliability and error correction.

Overall, the adoption of DVB-S2 offers a promising future for

satellite television broadcasting, ensuring better quality and reliability
for viewers worldwide.
Fig. 3. AWGN channel configuration for exercise 3
[1] Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). User guidelines for the
second-generation system for Broadcasting, Interactive Services,
Exercise 4 - Add the Simulink subsystems corresponding News Gathering and other broadband satellite applications (DVB-
to the LDPC encoder/decoder, as shown in Figure 8. Which S2), ETSI TR 102 376 V1.1.1, Technical Report, February 2005,
Eb Es
is the minimum N o
and N o
supported by the LDPC-based
model to obtain QEF? How many decoding iterations should be tr/102300 102399/102376/01.01.01
performed to obtain this error rate? Analyze the performance 60/tr 102376v010101p.pdf
of LDPC decoder as a function of the iterations performed. [2] DVB-S2 Factsheet, August 2012

Eb factsheet.
The minimum N o
supported by the LDPC-based model to pdf-S2 Factsheet.pdf
obtain QEF is 0.8 dB, which to obtain it, we have to make 50 [3] Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Second generation framing
iterations. structure, channel coding and modulation systems for Broadcasting,
Interactive Services, News Gathering and other broadband satellite
The performance of the LDPC decoder improves significantly applications (DVB-S2), ETSI EN 302 307, V1.2.1, European
in the initial iterations (1-10), with rapid reductions in bit error Standard (Telecommunications series), August 2009
rate (BER) and frame error rate (FER) due to the correction of
the most obvious errors and relatively low computational complexity. en/302300 302399/302307/01.02.
01 60/en 302307v010201p.pdf
In the middle iterations (11-50), the error correction rate begins to [4] Matlab Simulink Communication Blockset Demo – DVB-S2
plateau, yielding marginal improvements at the cost of increased Link including LDPC coding
computational load.
And during high iterations (51-100+), the improvements in
[5] Guide to LaTeX,
BER and FER become negligible, while computational complexity
and decoding time increase significantly.∼tracy/courses/math129/Guide To

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