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Platinum Opinion

The Humanitarian Impact of Telesurgery and Remote Surgery in

Global Medicine

Vipul Patel a,b, Jacques Marescaux c, Marcio Covas Moschovas a,b,*

AdventHealth Global Robotics Institute, Celebration, FL, USA; b University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA; c IRCAD Research Institute Against Digestive
Cancer, Strasbourg, France

The evolution of advanced telecommunications and surgical medical errors, varied between $102.4 billion and USD
robots has led to a transformative era for global health care $165.7 billion [5]. In this context, telesurgery could mini-
equity. Since the landmark transatlantic surgery in 2001 mize potential mistakes while improving surgical teaching
between New York (USA) and Strasbourg (France), several methods via telementoring, whereby an expert supervises
improvements have been described in the telesurgery field a novice surgeon or a complex case remotely.
[1]. The incorporation of 5G connectivity in recent new Telesurgery can facilitate swift and timely interventions
models for robotic surgical platforms has opened opportu- in emergencies for which time is of the essence. Expert sur-
nities for remote surgery to level the current surgical geons can remotely guide local medical teams or even per-
demand worldwide [2]. It is estimated that 300 million pro- form surgeries, significantly reducing the risk of
cedures are currently performed annually around the world, complications. The impact on cardiovascular emergencies,
but another 143 million are required to adequately address such as myocardial infarctions and cerebrovascular events,
population needs [3]. Lack of or a delay in appropriate sur- is particularly significant. It is estimated that approximately
gical treatment has impacts on patient mortality, disability, one-fifth of individuals who experience a stroke suffer from
and quality of life, especially for neurovascular, cardiac, and after-effects such as musculoskeletal and sensory disabili-
oncological diseases. Against this background, telesurgery ties and medical problems [6]. The ability of telesurgery to
has significant humanitarian implications, such as better provide correct treatment at the right time has the potential
access to surgical education and the ability to deliver to save thousands of lives and minimize the mortality and
advanced surgical care to remote and underserved areas disability associated with these critical events. Telesurgery
of the world. Our recent experiences in Asia highlight the is a natural progression of robotic surgery; it brings the clin-
potential of telesurgery and brought to the forefront the ical benefits of minimally invasive procedures to more
complexity of organizing such a revolutionary and evolu- patients via a long-distance connection. We believe that
tionary program. the benefits of telesurgery are real in terms of expanding
Telesurgery allows skilled surgeons to perform proce- the availability of robotic surgery to more patients and
dures remotely, effectively bridging geographical gaps that addressing emergencies and complex cases at the appropri-
often limit access to specialized medical care [4]. This is par- ate time.
ticularly crucial for populations in rural or underserved During natural disasters or humanitarian crises, when
areas, where the scarcity of medical resources poses signif- access to medical expertise is severely limited, telesurgery
icant challenges, especially in developing countries. Tele- could represent a vital lifeline, offering immediate support,
surgery also has the potential to revolutionize health care ensuring patients receive essential health care during
economics, sparing patients, their families, and health care recovery, and significantly aiding relief efforts. However,
workers from unnecessary travel and associated costs. It is substantial technological, economic, social, cybersecurity,
estimated that in the USA, total yearly costs associated with licensing, legal, and policy barriers still restrict the
failure of care delivery, including quality of care, such as implementation of remote surgery, whether locally or

* Correspondent author. AdventHealth Global Robotics Institute, Celebration, FL, USA.

E-mail address: (M. Covas Moschovas).
0302-2838/Ó 2024 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: V. Patel, J. Marescaux and M. Covas Moschovas, The Humanitarian Impact of Telesurgery and Remote Surgery in Global
Medicine, Eur Urol (2024),

across borders [4]. We believe that a wide range of stake- was the first demonstration of a triple console connection
holders, including patients, surgeons, telecom companies, using 5G transmission and fiber optic cables. This was
hospitals, insurers, licensing agencies, and government bod- unique because the surgeon (V.P.) was in Beijing, the surgi-
ies, must collaborate to overcome these challenges. While cal team with the assistant (M.C.M.) was with the patient in
the road ahead may be long and require unprecedented Hainan, China, and the surgeon being proctored was at a
cooperation, especially given the increasing disparities in separate location in Hunan, China. A robotic radical prosta-
health care access, the humanitarian benefits of telesurgery tectomy was performed by both experts and the proctored
offer a promising pathway towards greater equality, and trainee surgeon. Audiovisual communication between the
can drive collaboration and perseverance out of necessity. surgical teams was seamless throughout, and the procedure
There are still some open questions to address regarding had no complications.
when and how we should perform remote surgery and Since the groundbreaking Lindberg operation, connec-
which areas would benefit from this practice. While certain tion and feasibility issues for surgeries between different
Asian groups have had success in oncological procedures countries reduced traction, with connectivity the major lim-
with promising short-term outcomes, Telesurgery is still itation [1]. To test the concept of long-distance telesurgery
in its initial phase and requires more studies and invest- connectivity between different countries, we set up a
ment. Therefore, we have been developing an international Microport Toumai robotic console in Orlando, Florida, and
telesurgery program and a consensus among robotic sur- established connectivity with the Arab Health conference
geons, engineers, telecommunications technicians, and in Dubai, UAE, facing challenges with telecom complexity
experts from referral centers with the potential to address and significant delays. Despite a round trip distance of
the current limitations and factors inhibiting expansion of 26 000 km and latency of 480 ms, we demonstrated proof
telesurgery worldwide. The first question concerns the of concept with perceptible delays. We then improved the
latency and distance limitations of current surgical and tele- network between Orlando and Shanghai, reducing latency
com technologies, and the fundamental physics of the speed to 240 ms after several tests. With this enhanced setup,
of light transmission through fibers and satellite networks. we successfully performed multiple nephrectomies in por-
These limitations still need to be fully overcome as technol- cine models across the Pacific Ocean, managing the percep-
ogy and understanding evolve, but recent improvements in tible latency via slower movements.
5G and fiber-optic networks allow faster connections with Telesurgery holds significant humanitarian promise in
high stability over long distances [2]. However, some coun- terms of addressing health care challenges, fostering collab-
tries and regions still need an appropriate 5G and fiber oration, and ensuring that advanced surgical care is accessi-
infrastructure. ble to all, irrespective of geographical constraints. It has the
We have had solid experience in Asia and witnessed the potential to expand the minimally invasive benefits of
benefits of telesurgery in uro-oncology. In China, we robotic surgery to underserved areas. There are still some
observed a wide range of robotic surgical platforms with challenges regarding wide-scale implementation and opti-
the potential for telesurgery communication. We tested mal applications in different countries. However, telesur-
three robotic surgery platforms (Edge Medical, Kang Duo, gery has the potential to minimize health disparities by
and Microport Toumai) in human clinical trials over signif- ensuring that individuals in remote or economically disad-
icant distances. We also tested these systems on porcine vantaged areas can access the same quality of surgical care
models at distances of >2000 km, with minimal latency, jit- as those in more urban or affluent regions. This would help
ter, and drops on a stable 5G wireless network. Moreover, in promoting equity and optimal delivery of health care.
we demonstrated a robotic radical prostatectomy at a dis-
tance of 1500 km between the surgeon (V.P.) in Beijing,
Conflicts of interest: The authors have nothing to disclose.
China, and the surgical assistant (M.C.M.) in Harbin, China.
The procedure was performed flawlessly in 60 min, with
real-time latency on a fiber-optic network of 30–60 ms References
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Please cite this article as: V. Patel, J. Marescaux and M. Covas Moschovas, The Humanitarian Impact of Telesurgery and Remote Surgery in Global
Medicine, Eur Urol (2024),

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