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Preface vii

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Photographs

As in the previous edition, each part opener includes photographs, some newly added to
this edition. These pictures, selected from the archives of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
were all taken at the Lab, the great majority during the Symposia hosted there almost every
summer since 1933. Captions identify who is in each picture and when it was taken. Many
more examples of these historic photos can be found at the CSHL archives website (http://

Parts of the current edition grew out of an introductory course on molecular biology taught
by one of us (RL) at Harvard University, and this author is grateful to Steve Harrison and
Jim Wang who contributed to this course in past years. In the case of Steve Harrison, we are
additionally indebted to him for writing and illustrating a brand new chapter on protein
structure especially for this new edition. No one could be better qualified for such a task,
and we are the grateful beneficiaries of—and the book is immeasurably improved by—his
We are also grateful to Craig Hunter, who earlier wrote the section on the worm for
Appendix 1, and to Rob Martienssen, who wrote the section on plants for that same
We have shown sections of the manuscript to various colleagues and their comments
have been extremely helpful. Specifically we thank Katsura Asano, Stephen Blacklow,
Jamie Cate, Amy Caudy, Irene Chen, Victoria D’Souza, Richard Ebright, Mike Eisen, Chris
Fromme, Brenton Graveley, Chris Hammell, Steve Hahn, Oliver Hobert, Ann Hochschild,
Jim Hu, David Jerulzalmi, Leemor Joshua-Tor, Sandy Johnson, Andrew Knoll, Adrian
Krainer, Julian Lewis, Sue Lovett, Karolin Luger, Kristen Lynch, Rob Martienssen, Bill
McGinnis, Matt Michael, Lily Mirels, Nipam Patel, Mark Ptashne, Danny Reinberg, Dimi-
tar Sasselov, David Shechner, Sarah T. Stewart-Mukhopadhyay, Bruce Stillman, and Jack
We also thank those who provided us with figures, or the wherewithal to create them:
Sean Carroll, Seth Darst, Paul Fransz, Brenton Graveley, Ann Hochschild, Julian Lewis,
Bill McGinnis, Phoebe Rice, Dan Rokhsar, Nori Satoh, Matt Scott, Ali Shilatifard, Peter
Sorger, Tom Steitz, Andrzej Stasiak, Dan Voytas, and Steve West.
New to this edition are end-of-chapter questions, provided by Mary Ellen Wiltrout, and
we thank her for these efforts that have enhanced the new edition. In addition, Mary Ellen
helped with revisions to the DNA repair chapter.
We are indebted to Leemor Joshua-Tor, who so beautifully rendered the majority of the
structure figures throughout the book. Her skill and patience are much appreciated.
We are also grateful to those who provided their software1: Per Kraulis, Robert Esnouf,
Ethan Merritt, Barry Honig, and Warren Delano. Coordinates were obtained from the
Protein Data Bank (, and citations to those who solved each structure
are included in the figure legends.
Our art program was again executed by a team from the Dragonfly Media Group, led by
Craig Durant. Denise Weiss and Mike Albano produced a beautiful cover design. We thank
Clare Bunce and the CSHL Archive for providing the photos for the part openers and for
much help tracking them down.
We thank Josh Frost at Pearson who oversaw our efforts and was always on hand to help
us out or provide advice. In development at CSHL Press, Jan Argentine provided great sup-
port, guidance, and perspective throughout the process. Our heartfelt thanks to Kaaren
Janssen who was once again our constant savior—editing and organizing, encouraging
and understanding—and unstintingly good-humored even on the darkest days. Inez
Sialiano kept track of the output, and Carol Brown dealt with the permissions as effi-
ciently as ever. In production, we relied heavily on the extraordinary efforts and patience
viii Preface

of Kathleen Bubbeo, for which we are most grateful. And we must also thank Denise
Weiss, who oversaw production and ensured that the book looked so good by finessing
the page layout and creating the design. John Inglis as ever created the environment in
which this could all take place.
And once again, we thank our families for putting up with this book for a third time!


Per Kraulis granted permission to use MolScript (Kraulis P.J. 1991. MOLSCRIPT: A program to produce both
detailed and schematic plots of protein structures. J. Appl. Cryst. 24: 946–950). Robert Esnouf gave permission
to use BobScript (Esnouf R.M. 1997. J. Mol. Graph. 15: 132–134). In addition, Ethan Merritt gave us use of
Raster3D (Merritt E.A. and Bacon D.J. 1997. Raster3D: Photorealistic molecular graphics. Methods Enzymol.
277: 505– 524), and Barry Honig granted permission to use GRASP (Nicolls A., Sharp K.A., and Honig B.
1991. Protein folding and association: Insights from the interfacial and thermodynamic properties of hydrocar-
bons. Proteins 11: 281– 296). Warren DeLano agreed to the use of PyMOL (DeLano W.L. 2002. The PyMOL Molec-
ular Graphics System. DeLano Scientific, Palo Alto, California).
About the Authors
JAMES D. WATSON is Chancellor Emeritus at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where he
was previously its Director from 1968 to 1993, President from 1994 to 2003, and Chancel-
lor from 2003 to 2007. He spent his undergraduate years at the University of Chicago and
received his Ph.D. in 1950 from Indiana University. Between 1950 and 1953, he did post-
doctoral research in Copenhagen and Cambridge, England. While at Cambridge, he began
the collaboration that resulted in the elucidation of the double-helical structure of DNA in
1953. (For this discovery, Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1962.) Later in 1953, he went to the California Institute of Technology. He
moved to Harvard in 1955, where he taught and did research on RNA synthesis and pro-
tein synthesis until 1976. He was the first Director of the National Center for Genome
Research of the National Institutes of Health from 1989 to 1992. Dr. Watson was sole
author of the first, second, and third editions of Molecular Biology of the Gene, and a
co-author of the fourth, fifth and sixth editions. These were published in 1965, 1970,
1976, 1987, 2003, and 2007, respectively. He is also a co-author of two other textbooks,
Molecular Biology of the Cell and Recombinant DNA, as well as author of the celebrated
1968 memoir, The Double Helix, which in 2012 was listed by the Library of Congress as
one of the 88 Books That Shaped America.

TANIA A. BAKER is the Head of the Department and Whitehead Professor of Biology at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical
Institute. She received a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin, Madison,
and a Ph.D. in biochemistry from Stanford University in 1988. Her graduate research was
carried out in the laboratory of Professor Arthur Kornberg and focused on mechanisms
of initiation of DNA replication. She did postdoctoral research in the laboratory of
Dr. Kiyoshi Mizuuchi at the National Institutes of Health, studying the mechanism and
regulation of DNA transposition. Her current research explores mechanisms and regula-
tion of genetic recombination, enzyme-catalyzed protein unfolding, and ATP-dependent
protein degradation. Professor Baker received the 2001 Eli Lilly Research Award from the
American Society of Microbiology and the 2000 MIT School of Science Teaching Prize for
Undergraduate Education and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
since 2004 and was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 2007. She is co-author
(with Arthur Kornberg) of the book DNA Replication, Second Edition.

STEPHEN P. BELL is a Professor of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He received B.A. degrees
from the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Cell Biology and the Inte-
grated Sciences Program at Northwestern University and a Ph.D. in biochemistry at the
University of California, Berkeley, in 1991. His graduate research was carried out in the
laboratory of Dr. Robert Tjian and focused on eukaryotic transcription. He did postdoc-
toral research in the laboratory of Dr. Bruce Stillman at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,
working on the initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication. His current research focuses
on the mechanisms controlling the duplication of eukaryotic chromosomes. Professor
Bell received the 2001 ASBMB – Schering Plough Scientific Achievement Award, the

x About the Authors

1998 Everett Moore Baker Memorial Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at
MIT, the 2006 MIT School of Science Teaching Award, and the 2009 National Academy of
Sciences Molecular Biology Award.

ALEXANDER GANN is the Lita Annenberg Hazen Dean and Professor in the Watson
School of Biological Sciences at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. He is also a Senior Editor
at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. He received his B.Sc. in microbiology from
University College London and a Ph.D. in molecular biology from The University of
Edinburgh in 1989. His graduate research was carried out in the laboratory of Noreen
Murray and focused on DNA recognition by restriction enzymes. He did postdoctoral
research in the laboratory of Mark Ptashne at Harvard, working on transcriptional regula-
tion, and that of Jeremy Brockes at the Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research at University
College London, where he worked on newt limb regeneration. He was a Lecturer at
Lancaster University, United Kingdom, from 1996 to 1999, before moving to Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory. He is co-author (with Mark Ptashne) of the book Genes & Signals
(2002) and co-editor (with Jan Witkowski) of The Annotated and Illustrated Double Helix

MICHAEL LEVINE is a Professor of Genetics, Genomics and Development at the Univer-

sity of California, Berkeley, and is also Co-Director of the Center for Integrative Genomics.
He received his B.A. from the Department of Genetics at the University of California,
Berkeley, and his Ph.D. with Alan Garen in the Department of Molecular Biophysics
and Biochemistry from Yale University in 1981. As a Postdoctoral Fellow with Walter
Gehring and Gerry Rubin from 1982 to 1984, he studied the molecular genetics of Droso-
phila development. Professor Levine’s research group currently studies the gene networks
responsible for the gastrulation of the Drosophila and Ciona (sea squirt) embryos. He
holds the F. Williams Chair in Genetics and Development at University of California, Ber-
keley. He was awarded the Monsanto Prize in Molecular Biology from the
National Academy of Sciences in 1996 and was elected to the American Academy of
Arts and Sciences in 1996 and the National Academy of Sciences in 1998.

RICHARD LOSICK is the Maria Moors Cabot Professor of Biology, a Harvard College Pro-
fessor, and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor in the Faculty of Arts and Scien-
ces at Harvard University. He received his A.B. in chemistry at Princeton University and
his Ph.D. in biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Upon completion
of his graduate work, Professor Losick was named a Junior Fellow of the Harvard Society
of Fellows when he began his studies on RNA polymerase and the regulation of gene tran-
scription in bacteria. Professor Losick is a past Chairman of the Departments of Cellular
and Developmental Biology and Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University.
He received the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award and is a member of
the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Scien-
ces, a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a Fellow of the
American Academy of Microbiology, a member of the American Philosophical Society,
and a former Visiting Scholar of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Professor Losick is the
2007 winner of the Selman A. Waksman Award of the National Academy of Sciences,
a 2009 winner of the Canada Gairdner Award, a 2012 winner of the Louisa Gross
Horwitz Prize for Biology or Biochemistry of Columbia University, and a 2012 winner
of the Harvard University Fannie Cox Award for Excellence in Science Teaching.
Class Testers and Reviewers
We wish to thank all of the instructors for their thoughtful suggestions
and comments on versions of many chapters in this book.

Chapter Reviewers
Ann Aguanno, Marymount Manhattan College Robert B. Helling, University of Michigan
David P. Aiello, Austin College David C. Higgs, University of Wisconsin, Parkside
Charles F. Austerberry, Creighton University Mark Kainz, Colgate University
David G. Bear, University of New Mexico Health Gregory M. Kelly, University of Western Ontario
Sciences Center
Ann Kleinschmidt, Allegheny College
Margaret E. Beard, College of the Holy Cross
Dan Krane, Wright State University
Gail S. Begley, Northeastern University
Mark Levinthal, Purdue University
Sanford Bernstein, San Diego State University
Gary J. Lindquester, Rhodes College
Michael Blaber, Florida State University
James Lodolce, Loyola University Chicago
Nicole Bournias, California State University, San Bernardino
Curtis Loer, University of San Diego
John Boyle, Mississippi State University
Virginia McDonough, Hope College
Suzanne Bradshaw, University of Cincinnati
Michael J. McPherson, University of Leeds
John G. Burr, University of Texas at Dallas
Victoria Meller, Tufts University
Michael A. Campbell, Pennsylvania State University, Erie,
The Behrend College William L. Miller, North Carolina State University
Aaron Cassill, University of Texas at San Antonio Dragana Miskovic, University of Waterloo
Shirley Coomber, King’s College, University of London David Mullin, Tulane University
Anne Cordon, University of Toronto Jeffrey D. Newman, Lycoming College
Sumana Datta, Texas A&M University James B. Olesen, Ball State University
Jeff DeJong, University of Texas at Dallas Anthony J. Otsuka, Illinois State University
Jurgen Denecke, University of Leeds Karen Palter, Temple University
Susan M. DiBartolomeis, Millersville University James G. Patton, Vanderbilt University
Santosh R. D’Mello, University of Texas at Dallas Ian R. Phillips, Queen Mary, University of London
Robert J. Duronio, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Steve Picksley, University of Bradford
Steven W. Edwards, University of Liverpool Debra Pires, University of California, Los Angeles
David Frick, University of Wisconsin Todd P. Primm, University of Texas at El Paso
Allen Gathman, Southeast Missouri State University Phillip E. Ryals, The University of West Florida
Anthony D.M. Glass, University of British Columbia Eva Sapi, University of New Haven
Elliott S. Goldstein, Arizona State University Jon B. Scales, Midwestern State University
Ann Grens, Indiana University, South Bend Michael Schultze, University of York
Gregory B. Hecht, Rowan University Venkat Sharma, University of West Florida

xii Class Testers and Reviewers

Erica L. Shelley, University of Toronto at Mississauga Class Testers

Elizabeth A. Shephard, University College, London Charles F. Austerberry, Creighton University
Margaret E. Stevens, Ripon College Christine E. Bezotté, Elmira College
Akif Uzman, University of Houston, Downtown Astrid Helfant, Hamilton College
Quinn Vega, Montclair State University Gerald Joyce, The Scripps Research Institute
Jeffrey M. Voight, Albany College of Pharmacy Jocelyn Krebs, University of Alaska, Anchorage
Lori L. Wallrath, University of Iowa Cran Lucas, Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Robert Wiggers, Stephen F. Austin State University Anthony J. Otsuka, Illinois State University
Bruce C. Wightman, Muhlenberg College Charles Polson, Florida Institute of Technology
Bob Zimmermann, University of Massachusetts Ming-Che Shih, University of Iowa
Brief Contents
5' A 3'


A 3'
AA aa

Aa 5' 3'


1 The Mendelian View of the World, 5 13 Mechanisms of Transcription, 429

2 Nucleic Acids Convey Genetic Information, 21 14 RNA Splicing, 467
15 Translation, 509
PART 2 16 The Genetic Code, 573
17 The Origin and Early Evolution of Life, 593


3 The Importance of Weak and Strong Chemical
Bonds, 51
4 The Structure of DNA, 77
5 The Structure and Versatility of RNA, 107 18 Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes, 615
6 The Structure of Proteins, 121 19 Transcriptional Regulation in Eukaryotes, 657
7 Techniques of Molecular Biology, 147 20 Regulatory RNAs, 701
21 Gene Regulation in Development and
PART 3 Evolution, 733
22 Systems Biology, 775


8 Genome Structure, Chromatin, and the
Nucleosome, 199
9 The Replication of DNA, 257 APPENDICES, 793
10 The Mutability and Repair of DNA, 313
1 Model Organisms, 797
11 Homologous Recombination at the Molecular
2 Answers, 831
Level, 341
12 Site-Specific Recombination and Transposition
of DNA, 377 Index, 845

This page intentionally left blank
Detailed Contents


1 The Mendelian View of the World, 5
The Principle of Independent Segregation, 6 THROUGH MUTATIONS, 13
Some Alleles Are neither Dominant nor Recessive, 7 ARE AND HOW THEY ACT, 15
Principle of Independent Assortment, 8
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 1-2 Genes Are Linked to
Chromosomes, 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 17

2 Nucleic Acids Convey Genetic Information, 21

AVERY’S BOMBSHELL: DNA CAN CARRY GENETIC The Adaptor Hypothesis of Crick, 34
SPECIFICITY, 22 Discovery of Transfer RNA, 34
Viral Genes Are Also Nucleic Acids, 23 The Paradox of the Nonspecific-Appearing
Ribosomes, 35
Discovery of Messenger RNA (mRNA), 35
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 2-1 Chargaff’s Rules, 26
Enzymatic Synthesis of RNA upon DNA Templates, 35
Finding the Polymerases That Make DNA, 26
Establishing the Genetic Code, 37
Experimental Evidence Favors Strand Separation
during DNA Replication, 27
CONVEYED BY THE SEQUENCE OF ITS FOUR Start and Stop Signals Are Also Encoded
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 2-2 Evidence That Genes
Control Amino Acid Sequences in Proteins, 31
DNA Cannot Be the Template That Directly Orders SUMMARY, 41
Amino Acids during Protein Synthesis, 32
RNA Is Chemically Very Similar to DNA, 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 42

xvi Detailed Contents



3 The Importance of Weak and Strong Chemical Bonds, 51

CHARACTERISTICS OF CHEMICAL BONDS, 51 Weak Bonds Attach Enzymes to Substrates, 62
Chemical Bonds Are Explainable in Quantum- Weak Bonds Mediate Most Protein– DNA and
Mechanical Terms, 52 Protein – Protein Interactions, 62
Chemical-Bond Formation Involves a Change in the
Form of Energy, 53
Equilibrium between Bond Making and Breaking, 53 MOLECULES THAT DONATE ENERGY ARE
Covalent Bonds Are Very Strong, 54 BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS, 65


Weak Bonds Have Energies between 1 and High-Energy Bonds Hydrolyze with Large
7 kcal/mol, 55 Negative DG, 66
Weak Bonds Are Constantly Made and Broken at HIGH-ENERGY BONDS IN BIOSYNTHETIC
Physiological Temperatures, 55 REACTIONS, 67
The Distinction between Polar and Nonpolar Peptide Bonds Hydrolyze Spontaneously, 68
Molecules, 55
Coupling of Negative with Positive DG, 69
van der Waals Forces, 56
Some Ionic Bonds Are Hydrogen Bonds, 58
ATP Versatility in Group Transfer, 70
Weak Interactions Demand Complementary
Molecular Surfaces, 58 Activation of Amino Acids by Attachment of AMP, 70
Water Molecules Form Hydrogen Bonds, 59 Nucleic Acid Precursors Are Activated by the
Presence of P  P , 71
Weak Bonds between Molecules in Aqueous
Solutions, 59 The Value of P  P Release in Nucleic Acid
Synthesis, 72
Organic Molecules That Tend to Form Hydrogen
Bonds Are Water Soluble, 60 P  P Splits Characterize Most Biosynthetic
Reactions, 73
Hydrophobic “Bonds” Stabilize Macromolecules, 60
Molecular Shapes and the Concept of Selective
Stickiness, 61 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 75
The Advantage of DG between 2 and 5 kcal/mol, 62 QUESTIONS, 75

4 The Structure of DNA, 77

DNA STRUCTURE, 78 The Double Helix Is Stabilized by Base Pairing and
DNA Is Composed of Polynucleotide Chains, 78 Base Stacking, 82
Each Base Has Its Preferred Tautomeric Hydrogen Bonding Is Important for the Specificity of
Form, 80 Base Pairing, 83
The Two Strands of the Double Helix Are Wound Bases Can Flip Out from the Double Helix, 83
around Each Other in an Antiparallel DNA Is Usually a Right-Handed Double Helix, 83
Orientation, 81 KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 4-1 DNA Has 10.5 bp per
The Two Chains of the Double Helix Have Turn of the Helix in Solution: The Mica
Complementary Sequences, 81 Experiment, 84
Detailed Contents xvii

The Double Helix Has Minor and Major Topoisomerases Can Relax Supercoiled DNA, 97
Grooves, 84 Prokaryotes Have a Special Topoisomerase That
The Major Groove Is Rich in Chemical Information, 85 Introduces Supercoils into DNA, 97
The Double Helix Exists in Multiple Conformations, 86 Topoisomerases Also Unknot and Disentangle DNA
DNA Can Sometimes Form a Left-Handed Helix, 87 Molecules, 98
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 4-2 How Spots on an X-Ray Topoisomerases Use a Covalent Protein –DNA Linkage
Film Reveal the Structure of DNA, 88 to Cleave and Rejoin DNA Strands, 99
DNA Strands Can Separate (Denature) and Topoisomerases Form an Enzyme Bridge and Pass
Reassociate, 89 DNA Segments through Each Other, 100
Some DNA Molecules Are Circles, 92 DNA Topoisomers Can Be Separated by
Electrophoresis, 102
DNA TOPOLOGY, 93 Ethidium Ions Cause DNA to Unwind, 102
Linking Number Is an Invariant Topological Property KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 4-3 Proving that DNA Has a
of Covalently Closed, Circular DNA, 93 Helical Periodicity of 10.5 bp per Turn from the
Linking Number Is Composed of Twist Topological Properties of DNA Rings, 103
and Writhe, 93
Lk o Is the Linking Number of Fully Relaxed cccDNA
under Physiological Conditions, 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 104
DNA in Cells Is Negatively Supercoiled, 95
Nucleosomes Introduce Negative Supercoiling in
Eukaryotes, 96

5 The Structure and Versatility of RNA, 107

SIMILAR TO A-FORM DNA, 108 Green Fluorescent Protein by Directed Evolution, 115
RNA CAN FOLD UP INTO COMPLEX TERTIARY The Hammerhead Ribozyme Cleaves RNA by the
STRUCTURES, 110 Formation of a 20 , 30 Cyclic Phosphate, 116
A Ribozyme at the Heart of the Ribosome Acts on a
Controls Protein Synthesis by Murine Leukemia
Virus, 112 QUESTIONS, 118

6 The Structure of Proteins, 121

The Peptide Bond, 122 FOUR LEVELS, 126
Polypeptide Chains, 123 PROTEIN DOMAINS, 130
Three Amino Acids with Special Conformational Polypeptide Chains Typically Fold into One or More
Properties, 124 Domains, 130
ADVANCED CONCEPT BOX 6-1 Ramachandran ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 6-2 Glossary of Terms, 130
Plot: Permitted Combinations of Main-Chain Torsion
Angles f and c, 124 Basic Lessons from the Study of Protein Structures, 131
xviii Detailed Contents


Linkers and Hinges, 133 RECOGNITION, 137
Post-Translational Modifications, 133 Proteins That Recognize DNA Sequence, 137
ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 6-3 The Antibody Molecule Protein – Protein Interfaces, 140
as an Illustration of Protein Domains, 133 Proteins That Recognize RNA, 141
Protein Folding, 134
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 6-4 Three-Dimensional SUMMARY, 143
Structure of a Protein Is Specified by Its Amino Acid
Sequence (Anfinsen Experiment), 135 BIBLIOGRAPHY, 144
Predicting Protein Structure from Amino Acid QUESTIONS, 144
Sequence, 135

7 Techniques of Molecular Biology, 147

Gel Electrophoresis Separates DNA and RNA Bioinformatics Tools Facilitate the Genome-Wide
Molecules according to Size, 148 Identification of Protein-Coding Genes, 169
Restriction Endonucleases Cleave DNA Molecules at Whole-Genome Tiling Arrays Are Used to Visualize the
Particular Sites, 149 Transcriptome, 169
DNA Hybridization Can Be Used to Identify Specific Regulatory DNA Sequences Can Be Identified by Using
DNA Molecules, 151 Specialized Alignment Tools, 171
Hybridization Probes Can Identify Electrophoretically Genome Editing Is Used to Precisely Alter Complex
Separated DNAs and RNAs, 151 Genomes, 172
Isolation of Specific Segments of DNA, 153
DNA Cloning, 154
Specific Proteins Can Be Purified from Cell Extracts, 173
Vector DNA Can Be Introduced into Host Organisms
by Transformation, 155 Purification of a Protein Requires a Specific
Assay, 173
Libraries of DNA Molecules Can Be Created
by Cloning, 156 Preparation of Cell Extracts Containing Active
Proteins, 174
Hybridization Can Be Used to Identify a Specific Clone
in a DNA Library, 156 Proteins Can Be Separated from One Another Using
Column Chromatography, 174
Chemical Synthesis of Defined DNA Sequences, 157
Separation of Proteins on Polyacrylamide Gels, 176
The Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplifies DNAs by
Repeated Rounds of DNA Replication In Vitro, 158 Antibodies Are Used to Visualize Electrophoretically
Separated Proteins, 176
Nested Sets of DNA Fragments Reveal Nucleotide
Sequences, 158 Protein Molecules Can Be Directly Sequenced, 177
TECHNIQUES BOX 7-1 Forensics and the Polymerase PROTEOMICS, 179
Chain Reaction, 160
Combining Liquid Chromatography with Mass
Shotgun Sequencing a Bacterial Genome, 162 Spectrometry Identifies Individual Proteins within
The Shotgun Strategy Permits a Partial Assembly of a Complex Extract, 179
Large Genome Sequences, 162 Proteome Comparisons Identify Important
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 7-2 Sequenators Are Used for Differences between Cells, 181
High-Throughput Sequencing, 163 Mass Spectrometry Can Also Monitor Protein
The Paired-End Strategy Permits the Assembly of Modification States, 181
Large-Genome Scaffolds, 165 Protein – Protein Interactions Can Yield Information
The $1000 Human Genome Is within Reach, 167 regarding Protein Function, 182
Detailed Contents xix

NUCLEIC ACID –PROTEIN INTERACTIONS, 182 Chromosome Conformation Capture Assays Are Used
The Electrophoretic Mobility of DNA Is Altered by to Analyze Long-Range Interactions, 187
Protein Binding, 183 In Vitro Selection Can Be Used to Identify a Protein’s
DNA-Bound Protein Protects the DNA from Nucleases DNA- or RNA-Binding Site, 189
and Chemical Modification, 184
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Can Detect Protein
Association with DNA in the Cell, 185 QUESTIONS, 190


8 Genome Structure, Chromatin, and the Nucleosome, 199

GENOME SEQUENCE AND CHROMOSOME Nucleosomes Are the Building Blocks of
DIVERSITY, 200 Chromosomes, 220
Chromosomes Can Be Circular or Linear, 200 Histones Are Small, Positively Charged Proteins, 221
Every Cell Maintains a Characteristic Number of The Atomic Structure of the Nucleosome, 224
Chromosomes, 201 Histones Bind Characteristic Regions of DNA within
Genome Size Is Related to the Complexity of the the Nucleosome, 224
Organism, 202 KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 8-1 Micrococcal Nuclease and
The E. coli Genome Is Composed Almost Entirely of the DNA Associated with the Nucleosome, 226
Genes, 203 Many DNA Sequence – Independent Contacts Mediate
More Complex Organisms Have Decreased Gene the Interaction between the Core Histones and
Density, 204 DNA, 227
Genes Make Up Only a Small Proportion of the The Histone Amino-Terminal Tails Stabilize DNA
Eukaryotic Chromosomal DNA, 205 Wrapping around the Octamer, 227
The Majority of Human Intergenic Sequences Are Wrapping of the DNA around the Histone Protein Core
Composed of Repetitive DNA, 207 Stores Negative Superhelicity, 228
SEGREGATION, 208 Heterochromatin and Euchromatin, 229
Eukaryotic Chromosomes Require Centromeres, KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 8-2 Nucleosomes and
Telomeres, and Origins of Replication to Be Superhelical Density, 230
Maintained during Cell Division, 208
Histone H1 Binds to the Linker DNA between
Eukaryotic Chromosome Duplication and Segregation Nucleosomes, 232
Occur in Separate Phases of the Cell Cycle, 210
Nucleosome Arrays Can Form More Complex
Chromosome Structure Changes as Eukaryotic Cells Structures: The 30-nm Fiber, 232
Divide, 212
The Histone Amino-Terminal Tails Are Required for
Sister-Chromatid Cohesion and Chromosome the Formation of the 30-nm Fiber, 234
Condensation Are Mediated by SMC Proteins, 214
Further Compaction of DNA Involves Large Loops of
Mitosis Maintains the Parental Chromosome Nucleosomal DNA, 234
Number, 214
Histone Variants Alter Nucleosome Function, 234
During Gap Phases, Cells Prepare for the Next Cell
Cycle Stage and Check That the Previous Stage REGULATION OF CHROMATIN STRUCTURE, 236
Is Completed Correctly, 217
The Interaction of DNA with the Histone Octamer Is
Meiosis Reduces the Parental Chromosome Dynamic, 236
Number, 217
Nucleosome-Remodeling Complexes Facilitate
Different Levels of Chromosome Structure Can Be Nucleosome Movement, 237
Observed by Microscopy, 219
Some Nucleosomes Are Found in Specific Positions:
THE NUCLEOSOME, 220 Nucleosome Positioning, 240
xx Detailed Contents

The Amino-Terminal Tails of the Histones Are NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY, 249

Frequently Modified, 241 Nucleosomes Are Assembled Immediately after DNA
Protein Domains in Nucleosome-Remodeling Replication, 249
and -Modifying Complexes Recognize Assembly of Nucleosomes Requires Histone
Modified Histones, 244 “Chaperones”, 253
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 8-3 Determining Nucleosome
Position in the Cell, 245 SUMMARY, 254
Specific Enzymes Are Responsible for Histone BIBLIOGRAPHY, 255
Modification, 248
Nucleosome Modification and Remodeling QUESTIONS, 255
Work Together to Increase DNA
Accessibility, 249

9 The Replication of DNA, 257

DNA Synthesis Requires Deoxynucleoside POLYMERASES, 277
Triphosphates and a Primer:Template Junction, 258 DNA Polymerases Are Specialized for Different Roles
DNA Is Synthesized by Extending the 30 End of the in the Cell, 277
Primer, 259 Sliding Clamps Dramatically Increase DNA
Hydrolysis of Pyrophosphate Is the Driving Force for Polymerase Processivity, 278
DNA Synthesis, 260 Sliding Clamps Are Opened and Placed on DNA by
Clamp Loaders, 281
ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 9-3 ATP Control of Protein
DNA Polymerases Use a Single Active Site to Catalyze Function: Loading a Sliding Clamp, 282
DNA Synthesis, 260
Be Used to Measure Nucleic Acid and Protein Interactions between Replication Fork Proteins Form
Synthesis, 261 the E. coli Replisome, 286
DNA Polymerases Resemble a Hand That Grips the
Primer:Template Junction, 263 INITIATION OF DNA REPLICATION, 288
DNA Polymerases Are Processive Enzymes, 265 Specific Genomic DNA Sequences Direct the Initiation
Exonucleases Proofread Newly Synthesized DNA, 267 of DNA Replication, 288
MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 9-2 Anticancer and The Replicon Model of Replication Initiation, 288
Antiviral Agents Target DNA Replication, 268 Replicator Sequences Include Initiator-Binding Sites
and Easily Unwound DNA, 289
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 9-4 The Identification of
Both Strands of DNA Are Synthesized Together at the
Origins of Replication and Replicators, 290
Replication Fork, 269
The Initiation of a New Strand of DNA Requires an BINDING AND UNWINDING: ORIGIN
RNA Primers Must Be Removed to Complete DNA THE INITIATOR PROTEIN, 293
Replication, 271 Protein – Protein and Protein – DNA Interactions Direct
DNA Helicases Unwind the Double Helix in Advance the Initiation Process, 293
of the Replication Fork, 272 ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 9-5 E. coli DNA Replication
DNA Helicase Pulls Single-Stranded DNA through a Is Regulated by DnaA.ATP Levels and SeqA, 294
Central Protein Pore, 273 Eukaryotic Chromosomes Are Replicated Exactly Once
Single-Stranded DNA-Binding Proteins Stabilize per Cell Cycle, 297
ssDNA before Replication, 273 Helicase Loading Is the First Step in the Initiation of
Topoisomerases Remove Supercoils Produced by DNA Replication in Eukaryotes, 298
Unwinding at the Replication Fork, 275 Helicase Loading and Activation Are Regulated to
Replication Fork Enzymes Extend the Range of DNA Allow Only a Single Round of Replication during
Polymerase Substrates, 275 Each Cell Cycle, 300
Detailed Contents xxi

Similarities between Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic DNA MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 9-6 Aging, Cancer, and
Replication Initiation, 301 the Telomere Hypothesis, 307
Telomere-Binding Proteins Regulate Telomerase
Activity and Telomere Length, 307
Type II Topoisomerases Are Required to Separate
Telomere-Binding Proteins Protect Chromosome
Daughter DNA Molecules, 303
Ends, 308
Lagging-Strand Synthesis Is Unable to Copy the
Extreme Ends of Linear Chromosomes, 303 SUMMARY, 310
Telomerase Is a Novel DNA Polymerase That Does Not BIBLIOGRAPHY, 311
Require an Exogenous Template, 305
Telomerase Solves the End Replication Problem QUESTIONS, 312
by Extending the 30 End of the
Chromosome, 305

10 The Mutability and Repair of DNA, 313

REPLICATION ERRORS AND THEIR REPAIR, 314 Base Excision Repair Enzymes Remove Damaged
The Nature of Mutations, 314 Bases by a Base-Flipping Mechanism, 326
Some Replication Errors Escape Proofreading, 315 Nucleotide Excision Repair Enzymes Cleave Damaged
DNA on Either Side of the Lesion, 328
MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 10-1 Expansion of Triple
Repeats Causes Disease, 316 MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 10-4 Linking Nucleotide
Excision Repair and Translesion Synthesis to a
Mismatch Repair Removes Errors That Escape Genetic Disorder in Humans, 330
Proofreading, 316
Recombination Repairs DNA Breaks by Retrieving
DNA DAMAGE, 320 Sequence Information from Undamaged DNA, 330
DNA Undergoes Damage Spontaneously from DSBs in DNA Are Also Repaired by Direct Joining of
Hydrolysis and Deamination, 320 Broken Ends, 331
DNA Is Damaged by Alkylation, Oxidation, and End Joining, 332
Radiation, 322 Translesion DNA Synthesis Enables Replication to
ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 10-3 Quantitation of DNA Proceed across DNA Damage, 333
Damage and Its Effects on Cellular Survival and ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 10-6 The Y Family of DNA
Mutagenesis, 323 Polymerases, 336
Mutations Are Also Caused by Base Analogs and SUMMARY, 338
Intercalating Agents, 323
Direct Reversal of DNA Damage, 325 QUESTIONS, 339

11 Homologous Recombination at the Molecular Level, 341

ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 11-1 How to Resolve a
RECOMBINATION, 342 Recombination Intermediate with Two Holliday
Junctions, 350
Strand Invasion Is a Key Early Step in Homologous
Recombination, 344 The RecBCD Helicase/Nuclease Processes Broken DNA
Molecules for Recombination, 351
Resolving Holliday Junctions Is a Key Step to Finishing
Genetic Exchange, 346 Chi Sites Control RecBCD, 354
The Double-Strand Break –Repair Model RecA Protein Assembles on Single-Stranded DNA and
Describes Many Recombination Events, 346 Promotes Strand Invasion, 355
xxii Detailed Contents

Newly Base-Paired Partners Are Established within the MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 11-2 The Product of
RecA Filament, 356 the Tumor Suppressor Gene BRCA2 Interacts
RecA Homologs Are Present in All Organisms, 359 with Rad51 Protein and Controls Genome
Stability, 367
The RuvAB Complex Specifically Recognizes Holliday
Junctions and Promotes Branch Migration, 359 MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 11-3 Proteins Associated
with Premature Aging and Cancer Promote an
RuvC Cleaves Specific DNA Strands at the Holliday Alternative Pathway for Holliday Junction
Junction to Finish Recombination, 361 Processing, 368
Mating-Type Switching Is Initiated by a Site-Specific
Homologous Recombination Has Additional Double-Strand Break, 370
Functions in Eukaryotes, 362
Mating-Type Switching Is a Gene Conversion Event
Homologous Recombination Is Required and Not Associated with Crossing Over, 370
for Chromosome Segregation during
Programmed Generation of Double-Stranded DNA OF HOMOLOGOUS RECOMBINATION, 371
Breaks Occurs during Meiosis, 363 One Cause of Gene Conversion Is DNA Repair during
MRX Protein Processes the Cleaved DNA Ends for Recombination, 373
Assembly of the RecA-Like Strand-Exchange
Proteins, 364
Dmc1 Is a RecA-Like Protein That Specifically BIBLIOGRAPHY, 375
Functions in Meiotic Recombination, 366
Many Proteins Function Together to Promote Meiotic
Recombination, 366

12 Site-Specific Recombination and Transposition of DNA, 377

CONSERVATIVE SITE-SPECIFIC The Hin Recombinase Inverts a Segment of DNA
RECOMBINATION, 378 Allowing Expression of Alternative Genes, 389
Site-Specific Recombination Occurs at Specific DNA Hin Recombination Requires a DNA Enhancer, 390
Sequences in the Target DNA, 378 Recombinases Convert Multimeric Circular DNA
Site-Specific Recombinases Cleave and Rejoin DNA Molecules into Monomers, 391
Using a Covalent Protein – DNA Intermediate, 380 There Are Other Mechanisms to Direct Recombination
Serine Recombinases Introduce Double-Strand Breaks to Specific Segments of DNA, 391
in DNA and Then Swap Strands to Promote ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 12-2 The Xer Recombinase
Recombination, 382 Catalyzes the Monomerization of Bacterial
Structure of the Serine Recombinase – DNA Complex Chromosomes and of Many Bacterial Plasmids, 392
Indicates that Subunits Rotate to Achieve Strand
Exchange, 383 TRANSPOSITION, 393
Tyrosine Recombinases Break and Rejoin One Pair of Some Genetic Elements Move to New Chromosomal
DNA Strands at a Time, 383 Locations by Transposition, 393
Structures of Tyrosine Recombinases Bound to DNA There Are Three Principal Classes of Transposable
Reveal the Mechanism of DNA Exchange, 384 Elements, 395
MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 12-1 Application DNA Transposons Carry a Transposase Gene, Flanked
of Site-Specific Recombination to Genetic by Recombination Sites, 395
Engineering, 386 Transposons Exist as Both Autonomous and
RECOMBINATION, 386 Virus-Like Retrotransposons and Retroviruses Carry
l Integrase Promotes the Integration and Excision of a Terminal Repeat Sequences and Two Genes
Viral Genome into the Host-Cell Chromosome, 386 Important for Recombination, 396
Bacteriophage l Excision Requires a New Poly-A Retrotransposons Look Like Genes, 396
DNA-Bending Protein, 389 DNA Transposition by a Cut-and-Paste Mechanism, 397
Detailed Contents xxiii

The Intermediate in Cut-and-Paste Transposition is Phage Mu Is an Extremely Robust Transposon, 411

Finished by Gap Repair, 398 Mu Uses Target Immunity to Avoid Transposing into
There Are Multiple Mechanisms for Cleaving Its Own DNA, 411
the Nontransferred Strand during DNA Tc1/mariner Elements Are Highly Successful DNA
Transposition, 399 Elements in Eukaryotes, 411
DNA Transposition by a Replicative Mechanism, 401 ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 12-4 Mechanism of
Virus-Like Retrotransposons and Retroviruses Move Transposition Target Immunity, 413
Using an RNA Intermediate, 403 Yeast Ty Elements Transpose into Safe Havens in the
DNA Transposases and Retroviral Integrases Are Genome, 414
Members of a Protein Superfamily, 403 LINEs Promote Their Own Transposition and Even
Poly-A Retrotransposons Move by a “Reverse Splicing” Transpose Cellular RNAs, 414
Mechanism, 405
EXAMPLES OF TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENTS AND The Early Events in V(D)J Recombination Occur by a
THEIR REGULATION, 406 Mechanism Similar to Transposon Excision, 418
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 12-3 Maize Elements and
Discovery of Transposons, 408 SUMMARY, 420
IS4 Family Transposons Are Compact Elements BIBLIOGRAPHY, 420
with Multiple Mechanisms for Copy Number
Control, 409 QUESTIONS, 421


13 Mechanisms of Transcription, 429

RNA POLYMERASES AND THE TRANSCRIPTION The Elongating Polymerase Is a Processive
CYCLE, 430 Machine That Synthesizes and Proofreads
RNA Polymerases Come in Different Forms but Share RNA, 442
Many Features, 430 ADVANCED CONCEPTS BOX 13-2 The Single-Subunit
Transcription by RNA Polymerase Proceeds in a Series RNA Polymerases, 443
of Steps, 432 RNA Polymerase Can Become Arrested and Need
Transcription Initiation Involves Three Defined Removing, 445
Steps, 434 Transcription Is Terminated by Signals within the
RNA Sequence, 445
Bacterial Promoters Vary in Strength and Sequence TRANSCRIPTION IN EUKARYOTES, 448
but Have Certain Defining Features, 434 RNA Polymerase II Core Promoters Are Made Up of
TECHNIQUES BOX 13-1 Consensus Sequences, 436 Combinations of Different Classes of Sequence
The s Factor Mediates Binding of Polymerase to the Element, 448
Promoter, 437 RNA Polymerase II Forms a Preinitiation Complex
Transition to the Open Complex Involves Structural with General Transcription Factors at the
Changes in RNA Polymerase and in the Promoter Promoter, 449
DNA, 438 Promoter Escape Requires Phosphorylation of the
Transcription Is Initiated by RNA Polymerase without Polymerase “Tail,” 449
the Need for a Primer, 440 TBP Binds to and Distorts DNA Using a b Sheet
During Initial Transcription, RNA Polymerase Inserted into the Minor Groove, 451
Remains Stationary and Pulls Downstream DNA The Other General Transcription Factors Also Have
into Itself, 441 Specific Roles in Initiation, 452
Promoter Escape Involves Breaking Polymerase – In Vivo, Transcription Initiation Requires
Promoter Interactions and Polymerase Core– s Additional Proteins, Including the Mediator
Interactions, 442 Complex, 453
xxiv Detailed Contents

Mediator Consists of Many Subunits, Some Conserved TRANSCRIPTION BY RNA POLYMERASES I

from Yeast to Human, 454 AND III, 462
A New Set of Factors Stimulates Pol II Elongation and RNA Pol I and Pol III Recognize Distinct Promoters but
RNA Proofreading, 455 Still Require TBP, 462
Elongating RNA Polymerase Must Deal with Histones Pol I Transcribes Just the rRNA Genes, 462
in Its Path, 456 Pol III Promoters Are Found Downstream from the
Elongating Polymerase Is Associated with a New Set of Transcription Start Site, 463
Protein Factors Required for Various Types of RNA
Processing, 457 SUMMARY, 463
Transcription Termination Is Linked BIBLIOGRAPHY, 464
to RNA Destruction by a Highly
Processive RNase, 460 QUESTIONS, 465

14 RNA Splicing, 467

5' A 3'

A 3'

5' 3'

THE CHEMISTRY OF RNA SPLICING, 469 Several Mechanisms Exist to Ensure Mutually
Sequences within the RNA Determine Where Splicing Exclusive Splicing, 486
Occurs, 469 The Curious Case of the Drosophila Dscam Gene:
The Intron Is Removed in a Form Called a Lariat as the Mutually Exclusive Splicing on a Grand Scale, 487
Flanking Exons Are Joined, 470 Mutually Exclusive Splicing of Dscam Exon 6 Cannot
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 14-1 Adenovirus and the Be Accounted for by Any Standard Mechanism and
Discovery of Splicing, 471 Instead Uses a Novel Strategy, 488
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 14-3 Identification of Docking
THE SPLICEOSOME MACHINERY, 473 Site and Selector Sequences, 490
RNA Splicing Is Performed by a Large Complex Called Alternative Splicing Is Regulated by Activators and
the Spliceosome, 473 Repressors, 491
SPLICING PATHWAYS, 474 Regulation of Alternative Splicing Determines the Sex
of Flies, 493
Assembly, Rearrangements, and Catalysis
within the Spliceosome: The Splicing An Alternative Splicing Switch Lies at the Heart of
Pathway, 474 Pluripotency, 495
Spliceosome Assembly Is Dynamic and EXON SHUFFLING, 497
Variable and Its Disassembly Ensures That the Exons Are Shuffled by Recombination to Produce
Splicing Reaction Goes Only Forward Genes Encoding New Proteins, 497
in the Cell, 476
Self-Splicing Introns Reveal That RNA Can Catalyze Pre-mRNA Splicing Cause Human Disease, 497
RNA Splicing, 477
Group I Introns Release a Linear Intron Rather Than a RNA EDITING, 500
Lariat, 478 RNA Editing Is Another Way of Altering the Sequence
KEY EXPERIMENTS BOX 14-2 Converting Group I of an mRNA, 500
Introns into Ribozymes, 479 Guide RNAs Direct the Insertion and Deletion of
How Does the Spliceosome Find the Splice Sites Uridines, 501
Reliably?, 480 MEDICAL CONNECTIONS BOX 14-5 Deaminases
and HIV, 503
Exons from Different RNA Molecules Can Be Fused by mRNA TRANSPORT, 503
Trans-Splicing, 482 Once Processed, mRNA Is Packaged and Exported
A Small Group of Introns Is Spliced by an Alternative from the Nucleus into the Cytoplasm for
Spliceosome Composed of a Different Set of Translation, 503
snRNPs, 483
Single Genes Can Produce Multiple Products by
Alternative Splicing, 483 QUESTIONS, 507
Another random document with
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The next morning, bright and early, they were again ready to start.
The dolphin, who knew now where he was, began to rise to the
surface. A few hours later he had reached the place Tursio had
spoken about.
“Here we are at last!” he cried.
“Here? Why, where is the ship?”
“There,” answered Marsovino,
pointing to a great black mass which
showed through the water.
“That! Why look how it is trimmed!”
And he was indeed right. The
inhabitants of the sea had taken
possession of everything. The keel of
the ship was overgrown with beautiful
slender seaweeds. The decks were
covered with sponges. The stairs had
disappeared under the work of polyps.
On the lookout bridge hundreds of anemones raised their brightly
colored corollas. The needles of sea urchins threatened passers-by
from the portholes. Silvery fishes and starfishes were seen all over.
Everything was living on the dead ship.
“Now let us hasten,” said Marsovino.
“Very well,” answered Pinocchio.
“We have been so long in coming that now we must be quick,”
continued the dolphin.
“Father must be worried. Let us look for the treasure, and then we
can begin our return journey to-night.”
“Very well,” again assented Pinocchio.
“Make haste, then. Get into that ship. Don’t lose any more time.”
“Come, let us go.”
“Let us go! How can I go? Don’t you see how small the doors are?
You must go alone!”
Pinocchio did not like the idea. He stood still and thought. His
courage utterly failed him. To go alone into that great black ship!
Why, how could he do such a thing?
“Well, what are you thinking of?” asked Marsovino, who had dropped
Pinocchio at the door of the stairs.
“I haven’t made up my mind yet. I don’t like the idea of going in there
very much.”
“But you must. I can’t go, and we must have the gold. Will you
decide? I thought you had offered to help Mr. Tursio.”
When he heard that, Pinocchio finally made up his mind. He opened
the door and went down a few steps. Then he stopped.
“Must I really go?” he asked.
Marsovino began to lose his patience.
“If you do not make haste getting into that ship, I shall return without
you,” he could not help saying.
“Very well. Here I go.”
“You remember Tursio’s instructions, don’t you? At the bottom of the
stairs there is a large room. At one end a door leads into the
captain’s room. In a corner of the captain’s room, you will find two
boxes. They contain the treasure. Good-by and good luck.”
Very slowly Pinocchio went down. Luckily for him a few sunfishes
were floating around, giving some light.
When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw in front of him a
large square room. In the walls were long narrow holes, like the
shelves of a pantry. These had probably been the sailors’ bunks. But
to Pinocchio they were puzzles.
The roof, which was very high, was of glass. This made the room
lighter than the stairs, and so Pinocchio took courage.
At one end of the room there was a small narrow door. Pinocchio
walked to it and tried to open it. Still, though the door was not locked,
it would not open. It seemed as if some one were holding it closed
from the inside. The marionette pushed it, kicked it, struggled with it,
and finally he succeeded in opening it. He was able to put just the tip
of his nose in the crack.
He had no sooner done this, though, than it was held as in a vise.
Pinocchio felt something pulling and pulling.
“My nose will surely come off,” he thought; but after trying and trying
he was at last free again.
“I wonder what that was? What can be behind
that door? In any case it may be better to
have some weapon of defense,” and thinking
this, Pinocchio looked around.
“Those shelves may hold something useful.”
But when he came near them, what did he
see? A mattress, pillows, sheets!
“What could this have been? A hospital?”
Poor Pinocchio! He was most certainly a
On the floor in a corner he found a pair of
large boots.
“These will do,” he thought.
Again he pushed the door. This time he was
able to open it wide. As soon as he had done
so, he threw a large boot in blindly. Had he never done so, it would
have been better! In a second the room became as black as pitch.
“Marsovino! Oh! Oh! Oh! Marsovino!” screamed the poor boy,
thinking himself blinded.
The dolphin, waiting for Pinocchio at the head of the stairs, became
frightened at this appeal. He thought something serious had
happened. He swam to the top of the deck and broke several panes
of glass. Looking into the room he called: “What is the matter? I am
Pinocchio felt a little better when he saw Marsovino.
“Oh, Marsovino!” he cried.
“What has happened, my poor Pinocchio?”
“I have found a bottle of ink.”
“A bottle of what?”
“Of ink. I threw a boot at something, and now the room is full of ink.”
“Oh, now I understand. You have to deal with an octopus.”
“What’s that?”
“A mollusk.”
“Oh, if that’s what it is, I’m not afraid. I know them well.”
“‘Marsovino! Oh! Oh! Oh!’”

“Yes, but not this one. This is the greatest mollusk known. It is a near
relation of the calamary, but much larger. There are some even five
or six yards long.”
“Oh!” shivered Pinocchio, looking around.
“The one in the captain’s room must be a small one, though. If I were
with you, I should free you in a second. There is nothing a dolphin
likes better than an octopus or a calamary.”
“But the ink?”
“The ink is the means of defense of these mollusks. When pursued
or in danger, this animal ejects this inky liquid. In that way, it forms a
cloud in the water and is able to escape.”
“Shall I be killed?”
“If you keep out of reach of its long arms, you will be all right.”
“Oh, now I see what got hold of my poor nose. It is aching yet. Now
tell me, Marsovino, if this animal is guarding the treasure, how shall I
possibly get at it? We might as well give it up,” and Pinocchio started
towards the stairs.
“How very courageous you are! After trying so hard, are you going to
give up at the last minute?”
Pinocchio did not answer, but very
slowly he retraced his steps. Going
over to the bunks, he took a large
mattress. Holding it in front of him, he
moved toward the door, which was
still ajar.
The water from the captain’s room
had mixed with the water of the large
room, and now it was not so dark.
Very cautiously, the marionette
peeked over the mattress.
In a corner of the room lay the poulpe
or octopus. As Marsovino had said, it
was not very large. Still it was very
Think of a large head, soft and jellylike, with two great eyes staring at
you. Think of that head and eight long thick arms around it. No
wonder Pinocchio felt like turning back.
The monster moved restlessly about, stretching and twisting its
arms. In one of them it held Pinocchio’s boot. Every minute its huge
body changed color. At first it was white, then gray, then brown, then
spotted with purple. Pinocchio hardly knew what to think of it.
“You are certainly very ugly, my dear bottle of ink,” he thought.
“Well, why am I standing here? I might as well try to kill him. Hurrah!
Here comes the brave marionette!”
Very slowly Pinocchio walked up to the octopus, but not near enough
to be in reach of those arms. Then with a quick move he threw the
mattress over the struggling mass. Pressing it down tightly, he held it
For a long time the arms twitched nervously about, but at last they
stopped moving. The boy waited a few minutes longer, and then,
thinking the creature dead, he stood up.
The mattress, however, he left on top of the poulpe. Not only that,
but running back, he took another and put it on top of the first. He
wanted to be sure the octopus would not move. At last he breathed
easily and set to work to get the boxes.
Yes, think of it! That lazy marionette really set to work. He dragged
the boxes one after the other into the large room, and then he called
“Here is the treasure, Marsovino. Now how am I to carry these heavy
boxes upstairs?”
Marsovino then lowered a stout rope which he had carried with him.
Pinocchio tied the boxes to it, one after the other, and the dolphin
pulled them up.
“Throw the rope down again, Marsovino!”
“What for? Are there three treasure boxes?”
“You will see.”
As soon as the end of the rope touched the floor of the room,
Pinocchio tied it around his waist. “Now pull!” he called.
Marsovino pulled, and in a second
Pinocchio stood on the bridge.
“I really had no wish to return by those
dark dusty stairs,” he laughed, seeing
Marsovino’s look of wonder.
At last the two had done their duty. The treasure
was theirs. All that remained now was to go back to
Tursio with it.
“Let us start this minute,” said Marsovino, who was
anxious to see his father again.
“Yes, but first please give me something to eat.”
“Should you like to have some grapes?” said Marsovino, kindly.
“I don’t see the use of making my mouth water needlessly,”
answered Pinocchio.
“But I mean what I’m saying. Should you like some grapes?”
“Show them to me first. Then I’ll answer you.”
“Come here then, unbeliever.” As he spoke, Marsovino led Pinocchio
to a mast, which, strange to say, had not been touched by the
polyps. Hanging from a slender thread was a bunch of what looked
like red grapes.
“What are they?” Pinocchio could only ask.
“Don’t you see? They are sea grapes. Eat them.”
“But first I want you to tell me what they are.”
“They are the eggs of the calamary, a near relation of the octopus
you had to deal with to-day.”
“Very well, then. I’m willing to destroy all sign of those horrible
beings.” In a short time Pinocchio had made a good luncheon out of
“‘What are They?’”

Luncheon finished, Marsovino gave Pinocchio the box of pearls

which he was holding for the marionette. Then the dolphin tied the
treasure boxes on his back, and the two friends were ready to start.
They again passed the beach where the seals had had their battle.
Now it was full of men. Some were skinning the poor animals. Others
were pressing out the oil from their bodies. Still others were
spreading the skins out on the sand to dry.
Again the two travelers came into the polar seas. Here they found a
great change. Icebergs had melted, and the sea was full of floating
At last, without meeting any mishaps, the two again entered the
warmer ocean. They had gone only a few miles when Pinocchio
heard a great noise behind him. Both friends turned. On the calm
surface of the sea rose two high columns of water.
“The whale!” exclaimed Marsovino.
“Nonsense, whale!” answered Pinocchio, who now and then still
forgot how little he knew. “Don’t you see it’s a fountain? How could
an animal send the water so high?”
“Still it is the whale. You are just seeing a cetacean breathe.”
“You are a cetacean, too. But I see only one hole in your head, and
the jet of water you throw is very low.”
“Yes, we are cetaceans, but we are not whales. The whale proper
has two breathing holes.”
“Mercy! what a noise that monster does make!” breathed Pinocchio.
“Now, if she comes near us, we’ll disappear.”
“Have no fear, Pinocchio. The whale, although such a large animal,
is quiet and harmless if you let her alone. She is even timid. And
don’t think that because her mouth is large she can eat large
“Her mouth may be large, but her throat is so small that she can
swallow only very small fishes. If we had met the cachalot, or sperm
whale, we should have reason to be frightened.”
“And what is that?”
“It’s an immense cetacean. You can tell it from the common whale,
not only by its one breathing hole, but also by its size. The head
alone is enormous, and its mouth is frightful with its many large
sharp teeth.”
“Hasn’t this whale teeth?”
“No. But instead of teeth, its upper jaw is lined with at least seven
hundred plates of a thick horny substance. These plates are often
twelve and fifteen feet long.”
“When the whale wants to eat it opens its huge mouth, and then
closes it full of water. This water is then strained through the plates,
and hundreds of small fishes are caught in them. The whale can
then swallow her dinner at her leisure.”
“What a dinner!” exclaimed Pinocchio. “Now tell me this. Why is it
that so many whales are captured by whalers? You say that they are
harmless. Why, then, should they be killed?”
“They are caught because of their value. Those horny plates I spoke
of are what is called whalebone. The large tongue of the whale
contains many barrels of oil. From the body of the whale great
quantities of fat may be had. All these things are of great use in the
“What about that other whale you
spoke of? The one with the terrible
“The sperm whale? Oh! that one is a
dreadful being. With its great mouth
and sharp teeth it can eat anything.
Seals, dolphins, and even the terrible
squaloids are lost, if they come near
him. He is very ferocious.”
While Marsovino and Pinocchio were
talking, the whale had come nearer.
The marionette saw a small dark
object climb on her back.
“What is that?” he asked.
“That’s a baby whale. Whales are very affectionate mothers. The
baby whale is tired, so the mother is going to carry it.”
Suddenly a dark head and body rose out of the water. Like an arrow
it threw itself on the poor whale. With its large mouth it tore a great
piece of flesh from the cetacean’s side and then disappeared into the
“Mercy! The sea wolf!” cried Marsovino, looking around for some
place to hide.
“What is the sea wolf? The name does not sound terrible.”
“It is the most dangerous and fierce squaloid. It is even worse than
the hammer! Let us run!” said Marsovino, breathlessly.
“But if we run the wolf will run after us.”
“You are right. Where shall we hide? Oh, here! Let us try to get
among these weeds.”
Near them was a large plant. Its leaves would make a very safe
hiding place. Pinocchio stood on Marsovino’s back and pushed the
leaves aside. In a short time the two were so well hidden that no
eyes could see them.
“Here we are safe,” and the dolphin
gave a sigh of relief.
“And how well we can see.”
Pinocchio, like the boy he was,
wanted to see the fight.
In fact, a short distance away, a terrific
fight was in progress. The wolf had
now attacked the baby whale. This
made the mother furious. She tried to
hit the shark with her tail, but he was
too quick for her. The poor cetacean
was getting the worst of it. The wolf’s
mouth, provided with four hundred
sharp teeth, was tearing the whale’s
side to pieces. Blood was pouring from them both, and it seemed as
if the whale could not hold out much longer.
A second dark body now made its appearance. It was as long as the
whale, but much larger. Its head was enormous, and from the top of
it rose a single high column of water.
“The sperm whale! The cachalot!” breathed Marsovino, and it
seemed to Pinocchio that the dolphin turned pale.
It was not to be mistaken! It was the terrible whale! And he seemed
not at all frightened by the sight of the fighters. Instead, opening wide
his mouth—and such a mouth—he threw himself on them. With a
snap of the great jaws the sea wolf’s tail disappeared.
And then, as if the battle were not fierce enough, a long bladelike
object appeared on the scene. The sides of the blade were provided
with sharp teeth. Behind the blade was a dark head. The new arrival
was the sawfish, coming to see what the matter was. Without much
ado it started to deal blows, first on this side, then on that.
Not even the sperm whale escaped the terrible saw. Long ragged
tears were soon seen on its body. Cries of pain were heard on all
sides. The sea was a sea of blood.
Finally the whale, seeing that she was lost if she stayed there long,
tried to escape. As swiftly as she could, she swam away with her
Though the whale was gone, the fight
still raged. The wolf and the saw,
although both of the same family, are
sworn enemies. Not paying much
attention to the sperm whale, they
started to battle with each other. But the
wolf was so exhausted by the loss of
blood that it could not do much. The
cachalot, seeing himself overlooked,
threw himself on the sawfish. But as
quick as a flash the sawfish dived and
came up on the other side of the giant. Angrier than ever, the whale
now turned to the wolf and in an instant snapped his head off.
The whale was satisfied. Pouring blood from twenty wounds, he left
the field of battle. The sawfish was left alone in all his glory. He was
hurt but little. Very calmly he started to make a dinner of the sea
wolf, or at least of what was left of him.
The dolphin now thought it safe to try to escape. Once out of the
weeds, he fled as fast as he could.
Poor Pinocchio could only sit still and look around. He feared any
minute to see a hammerhead or a wolf or a whale appear before
“Oh! how horrible, how awful is the sea!” he thought.
After racing along madly for a while, Marsovino
became so tired that he had to stop.
“I must rest,” he said to Pinocchio.
“Very well, I’m willing,” answered the marionette.
In front of them the two friends could see a dark
mass. Seen from the sea, it looked like a strip of
land. But on approaching, one could see that it was
nothing but a high rock.
This strip was separated from the shore of a small island by a long
narrow channel of water. Marsovino swam a few yards up the
channel, and then stopped to let Pinocchio jump on land.
“That battle in the sea has upset me greatly,” said Pinocchio to his
friend. “I must strengthen myself with some food. But I don’t see
anything around. What shall I eat?”
The last words were interrupted by a soft whistle from the channel. A
second whistle was heard, then a third, then a fourth. Our two friends
turned. Large, clumsy, black bodies were coming out of the water.
They were trying very hard to get to shore.
Pinocchio knew them at once. They were sea tortoises, and it was
they who had made those strange sounds. After dragging
themselves to the shore, they stood on the sand, moving their heads
and blinking up at the sun.
“You said you wanted something to eat, Pinocchio. Well, do you see
those large holes on the sand there? Look in them. You will surely
find some tortoise eggs in them. They will make a delicious dinner
for you.”
Pinocchio did not have to be told twice. In a moment he was gone. In
a short time he returned with two large eggs in his hands.
“Make haste, now, eat them. We must
continue our journey, and we have no
time to lose.”
“You are going to wait, my dear
Marsovino. I really do not see why you
should be in such a hurry.”
“Because father told me never to stop
needlessly. That’s why.”
“Yes, I know; but you shall wait now.
Since I have been with you I have eaten
nothing but raw fish. Fish and mollusks,
mollusks and fish, and I’m getting tired
of it. To-day I am going to eat boiled
“Boiled eggs! How, pray, and in what are
you going to boil them?”
“Ha, ha! That’s my secret. That day in the ship I found an iron box
with the word matches written on it. I kept it, but I never opened it.
Here it is.” And Pinocchio showed the dolphin a small black box
firmly closed.
“Now I’m going to use the matches. Do you want to see me build a
fire and cook my eggs?”
“Very well, have your own way. But make haste, you disobedient
In no time Pinocchio had a good fire started.
“Now in what shall I put the water to boil?” he thought.
He looked around, and not very far away he saw a huge empty
tortoise shell.
“Marsovino!” he called. “Come here! Will you please blow on this fire
for me? I don’t want it to go out, and I want to get that tortoise shell
and some water.”
“But I can’t move out of the water,” answered Marsovino.
“Oh, yes, you can. Come! Drag yourself as near as possible to the
water. You amphibians can live out of the water for a while. So make
“But Mr. Tursio told me never to leave the water.”
“Well, just for once.”
Marsovino finally gave in. There was no great harm in just one little
disobedience, he thought.
Pinocchio hastened away, and soon he was back with the shell full of
fresh water.
“Oh, how good that spring water was,” he said to his friend, who was
busily blowing the fire. “Now for a good dinner!”
The eggs were soon cooked, and Pinocchio certainly enjoyed them.
“I feel so well after that dinner I could travel to the end of the world,”
he said when he had finished.
The two travelers then turned toward the sea. But Marsovino gave a
cry of horror. In the channel hardly any water was left. The pebbly
bottom could be seen, and beyond that the steep rock.
“The tide!” cried Marsovino. “I forgot the tide! Poor me! I am lost!”
“What is the matter?”
“Don’t you see the water is gone? The tide has gone out, and now
how am I to get back to the sea? Before the tide comes in again I
shall be dead. Oh, oh, I shall never see dear father again.” And as
he talked poor Marsovino was beginning to breathe with difficulty,
and to suffer greatly.
Pinocchio understood little about tides, but he knew what Marsovino
meant by dying.
“And it is all my fault,” he cried, pulling at his hair. “If he dies, poor
me, what shall happen to me? I must find some way of saving him.”
Marsovino was now giving little sign of life. He lay on the sand, with
eyes closed, and breathing heavily.
With two bounds, Pinocchio was on top of the rocky ledge. Before
him was the sea.
“If only it were possible to break a hole in this rock,” he thought.
As if in answer, a strange object made its appearance in front of him.
It was a white spiral pole about two yards long. Behind the pole
Pinocchio saw a round gray head spotted with black. Against the
rocks the animal came with such force that they trembled. Suddenly
an idea struck our hero.
“Pardon me,” he called, “but will you allow me to speak with you a
The immense animal, about six yards long, looked the boy over.
“What do you want, you small piece of humanity?” he asked proudly.
Pinocchio very humbly and very quickly told him the story of the poor
“And as it is my fault that he is in this condition, I want to try to save
him!” he exclaimed. “You seem so strong, will you please give this
rock a few knocks with that tooth of yours? I know you’ll be able to
break it.”
At this earnest supplication the narwhal, for that is what the animal
was, was highly pleased. He looked at Pinocchio in a tolerant way.
“First of all,” he answered, “before I do anything for you, let me ask
you a question.”
“Yes, sir, but please make haste, or Marsovino will die.”
“Do not interrupt me again, boy. First of all, what are you willing to
give me in return for this favor?”
“I have nothing, sir. I would give you anything I have—I wish I had
something—but I have nothing.”
“I do nothing for nothing. Good-by, then,” the narwhal replied. “But
answer me this. What have you in that box in your hands? That box

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