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June 18,2024 Emp ID:155171


This is to certify that Mr. Sachin H.B worked as Sales Officer in our company from September
2023 to December 2023 with our entire satisfaction.
During his working period we found him a sincere, honest ,hardworking employee. We wish him
all the success in future.

His Basic pay is 17500/- only.

Thanking you,

Yours Faithfully

For Manappuram Finance Limited

Digitally signed by MANOJKUMAR V

MANOJKUM R DN: c=IN, o=Personal, title=3934,

c d22b7f334f205d40dbfb622b7, postalCode=680581,

ARVR serialNumber=ec0b07b2d06a85987aa84d48d23761b1c13f0
3d66989437cb6348bc1a592cc87, cn=MANOJKUMAR V
R Date: 2021.10.18 17:58:30 +05'30'

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