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1. Proposed Position : Instrumentation and Control Engineer

2. Name of Firm : PT. Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring
3. Name of Personnel : Adi Iskandar
4. Date of Birth : May 14th 1995 Nationality : Indonesian
5. Education : Bachelor Electrical Engineering
6. Membership of Professional Associations:
- N/A
7. Other Training :
- Training of Trainer (ToT) PLTB “Review Guideline Feasibility Study Wind
Power Plant (PLTB)”
- Wind Turbine Power Plant Technology

8. Countries of Work Experience : Indonesia

9. Languages : Speaking Reading Writing

- Indonesian Native Native Native
- English Good Good Good

10. Employment Record

From : November 2019 to present
Employer : PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring
Position Held : Assistant Instrumentation and Control Engineer

From : January 2021 to present

Employer : PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring
Position Held : Member of Quality Assurance (QA)

11. Work Experiences

Project title : PLTU Sulbagsel (2x200 MW).
Year : April 2019 - Mei 2020
Project site : Sulbagsel, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat DIV DAS
Main Project Features
• Feasibility Study
• Engineering Design
• Bidding Document
Position held : Enjinir Disiplin I&C
Activities performed :
Responsibilities include the following :
Compiling of Feasibility Study report and Bidding

Project title : Desain Review and Approval Drawing PLTU 1 NTT-

Ende 2x7 MW
Year : Augustus 2019 to Present
Project site : NTB, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN UIP Nusra
Main Project Features
• Reduction Work.
Position held : Enjinir Disiplin I&C
Activities performed :
- Calculation of Reduction Work I&C in the PLTU 1 NTT-Ende 2x7 MW

Project title : Pengadaan Pekerjaan Jasa Konsultan Desain Review

Year : November 2019 to Present
Project site : Kolaka and Sambelia, Indonesia
Owner : PT Indonesia Power
Main Project Features
• Design Review of Contractor’s Document for BMPP 150 MW
Position held : I&C Engineer
Activities performed :
- Design Review from I&C Engineering Side of Contractor’s Documents
for BMPP 150 MW

Project title : Penugasan Konsultan Supervisi Engineering Proyek

PLTU Palu-3 (2x50 MW)
Year : September 2019 to Present
Project site : Palu, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Design Review of Contractor’s Document for PLTU Palu-3 (2x50 MW)
Position held : Enjinir Disiplin I&C
Activities performed :
- Design Review from I&C Engineering Side of Contractor’s Documents
for PLTU Palu-3 (2x50 MW)

Project title : Jasa Konsultansi Pekerjaan Penyusunan Bidding

Document CNG Plant Bangkanai Tahap II
Year : September – November 2019
Project site : Bangkanai, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN Gas & Geothermal
Main Project Features
• Making Bidding Document for CNG Plant Bangkanai 2nd Phase
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Making Book III Bidding Document (Section 3.4 Instrument _ Control
Work) for CNG Plant Bangkanai 2nd Phase

Project title : Pekerjaan Penyusunan Pra FS PLTA Tabang

Year : April 2020 to October 2020
Project site : Tabang, Jakarta
Main Project Features
• Making Bidding Document for Pra Feasibility Study PLTA Tabang
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Making Pra Feasibility Study (Instrument Control Work) for Pra FS
PLTA Tabang

Project title : Pembuatan Dokumen Listrik Desa Di Regional Maluku,

Papua dan Nusa Tenggara
Year : Maret 2020 to July 2020
Project site : Maluku, Papua, dan Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Making a narrative of the Village Electricity book
Position held : Enjinir Disiplin I&C
Activities performed :
- Making a narrative of the Village Electricity book in Maluku, Papua and
Nusa Tenggara regions.

Project title : Line Transportasi Batubara PLTU Sebalang

Year : 2019 to present
Project site : Sebalang, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) UIK SBS
Main Project Features
• Design Review
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Reviewing the contractor's design for the construction.
Project title : Mobile Power Plant Belitung (3x7 MW)
Year : 2020
Project site : Belitung, Indonesia
Owner : PT Indonesia Power
Main Project Features
• Feasibility Study
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Making Feasibility Study (5.4_I&C.CONCEPTUAL DESIGN).

Project title : Pendampingan Enjiniring Pekerjaan Fire Fighting tahap

Year : January - April 2021
Project site : Maluku, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) UIW Maluku dan Maluku Utara
Main Project Features
• Making adjusted Bidding Document
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Making Book III Bidding Document (Section 3.4 Instrument _ Control

Project title : Jasa Konsultansi Penyusunan Daftar Penyedia

Terseleksi (DPT) Divisi Perencanaan Pengadaan
Strategis Tahap II Tahun 2020
Year : March 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) Kantor Pusat
Main Project Features
• Consulting Services for any works related to Pre-Approved List (Data
Penyedia Terseleksi) PT PLN Persero divisi RPS
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Evaluation for all applicant’s documents submission in 6 DPT
- Clarification process for applicant’s submission
- E-Proc Migration process monitoring
- Consulting for DPT Member in migration process to e-Proc

Project title : Area Longsor KP 21 Pipa Gas Tanjung Batu

Year : 2021 to Present
Project site : Tanjung Batu, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN GG
Main Project Features
• Basic Design
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Take care of administrative documents such as RBP, RKP, RMP, etc.

Project title : Engineering Consultancy Services Agreement Of 500

MW Thorcon Thorium Power Plant
Year : 2021 to Present
Project site : Bangka, Indonesia
Owner : ThorCon International, Pte. Ltd
Main Project Features
• Feasibility Study for Thorium Power Plant
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Take care of administrative documents such as RBP, RKP, RMP,
Agreement, etc.
Project title : Pekerjaan Penyusunan Acuan Dokumen Tender
Pembangkit Dan Infrastruktur Gas Terintegrasi.
Year : 2021
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Bidding Document
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Making Book III Bidding Document (Section 3.4 Instrument _ Control

Project title : Jasa Penyusunan Dokumen Enjiniring di Lingkungan

Divisi Perencanaan Enjiniring dan Konstruksi
(Pekerjaan Updating FS, Biddoc dan HPE PLTMG
Waigapu 10 MW).
Year : July 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Feasibility Study
• Bidding Document
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Arrange of Feasibility Study report.
- Arrange of Bidding Document

Project title : Design Review & Approval Drawing PLTMG Serui (10
Year : June 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Design Review
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Reviewing the consultant’s design for the procurement

Project title : Pekerjaan Konsultan Pendampingan untuk Penyusunan

dan Pemutakhiran DPT PLTA/PLTM IPP
Year : July 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Consulting Services for any works related to Pre-Approved List (Data
Penyedia Terseleksi) PT PLN Persero divisi EBT
Position held : Enjinir Pelaksana I&C
Activities performed :
- Evaluation for all applicant’s documents submission in DPT
- Clarification process for applicant’s submission
- E-Proc Migration process monitoring
- Consulting for DPT Member in migration process to e-Proc

Project title : Jasa Konsultansi Pendampingan Evaluasi Prakualifikasi

DPT IPP PLTS dan PLT Bioenergi
Year : June 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Consulting Services for any works related to Pre-Approved List (Data
Penyedia Terseleksi) PT PLN Persero divisi EBT
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Evaluation for all applicant’s documents submission in DPT
- Clarification process for applicant’s submission
- E-Proc Migration process monitoring
- Consulting for DPT Member in migration process to e-Proc

Project title : Jasa Konsultasi Enjiniring Pekerjaan Pendalaman Studi

Potensi PLTS Large Scale Solar PV Kutai Barat
Year : Augustus 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) DIV EBT
Main Project Features
• Pra-Feasibility Study
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Take care of administrative documents such as RBP, RKP, RMP,
Agreement, etc.

Project title : Jasa Konsultasi Enjiniring Pekerjaan Pendalaman Studi

Potensi PLTS Large Scale Solar PV Kutai Kartanegara
Year : Augustus 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero) DIV EBT
Main Project Features
• Pra-Feasibility Study
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Take care of administrative documents such as RBP, RKP, RMP,
Agreement, etc.
Project title : Perhitungan Capex dan Opex 5 Lokasi
Year : Augustus 2021 to Present
Project site : Jakarta, Indonesia
Owner : PT PLN (Persero)
Main Project Features
• Calculation of Capex and Opex
Position held : Engineer Support
Activities performed :
- Take care of administrative documents such as RBP, RKP, RMP,
Agreement, etc.

12. Certifications :
- Wind Turbine Power Plant Technology Certification by PLN PUSDIKLAT
(UPDL Makassar)

I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this CV
correctly describes my qualifications, my experiences, and myself. I understand
that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification
and/or dismissal, if engaged.

Date : 5th / September / 2021

[Adi iskandar] Day / Month / Year

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