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Vaal University of Technology

Department of Industrial Engineering, Operations

Management & Mechanical Engineering


Major Assessment Opportunity ONE


DATE : JUNE 2024

◊ Reference Textbook (Open Book Assessment): The Elements of Advanced
Machine Design by VR Hamilton & RV Setterfield.
Please refer to this book for design formulae, data tables and charts.

◊ Stationery and pocket calculator.

◊ Personal notes.

◊ This Paper consists of Four questions on Two typed pages (excluding the cover
page and data sheets).
◊ Answer all questions.
◊ This is an Open Book Assessment. Personal notes and textbooks are allowed.
◊ See instructions for online submission of your work in the folder “Submission
Instructions” uploaded on VUTela Blackboard.
◊ Total marks for this paper: 62.
QUESTION 1 [15 marks]

A sheave with diameter of 760 mm is mounted and keyed centrally on a shaft which
is simply supported in bearings 0.5 m apart. Ropes pass over the sheave from the lift
cage to the balance weight. The mass of the cage is 1150 kg, the counterweight is
1600 kg and maximum payload is 1000 kg. The maximum velocity of the lift is 4.2
m/s, reached in a distance of 5.5 m.

If the shaft is driven from outside the left hand bearing;

a) Determine:
(i) The maximum torque on the shaft.
(ii) A suitable shaft diameter using the Rankine formula. Assume a
maximum resultant bending stress of 45 MPa and shock and fatigue
factors for gradually applied loads (see Table 1.1 in the prescribed book).

b) Draw the torque and bending moment diagram for the shaft.

QUESTION 2 [15 marks]

A stone crushing machine requires a flat belt drive to deliver 30 kW from a motor
running at 1800 r/min. You are required to design the drive basing on the maximum
belt transmissible power. The belt density shall be 1150 kg/m3; pulleys will be made
of cast iron; maximum safe working stress not to exceed 3.2 MPa; machine pulley
speed to be ±900 r/min; centre distance of the pulleys is to be twice the large pulley

Determine:- belt designation and sizes (Table 2.1); pulley diameters; centre distance
and length, and initial belt tension.

EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 1

QUESTION 3 [18 marks]

A cast-steel pinion rotating at 1440 r/min engages a cast-iron gear rotating at 240
r/min. The basic stress values for the pinion and gear are 140 MPa and 55 MPa
respectively. The power transmitted is 34 kW and the stub teeth of 20 o involute-
form are used. Design the transmission basing on strength and loading

QUESTION 4 [14 marks]

Figure 1 shows a rotating shaft simply supported in ball bearings at A and D and
loaded by a nonrotating force F of 5.5 kN. Using ASTM “minimum” strengths,
estimate the life of the part.
[NB: kc = kd = ke = kf =1;

Assume Kf = 1.47 for calculation of reversing bending stress σ rev.; and f = 0.8]

All linear dimensions

in millimetres; all
fillets 3-mm radius.

Figure 1. Rotating shaft with stationary load of 5.5 kN. Shaft material is machined from
AISI 1035 hot-rolled steel.

>>>>>> Formulae, Tables and Figures

EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 2

Tables and Formulae

EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 3

Useful equations

EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 4

EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 5
For more info:

Link to Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design


EMMDE3A MAJ. ASEESS. 1st OPP. S1, 2024 6

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