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Team Phoenix
Team Members
Ananya Mohanty
Saurav Singh

Indian Institute of Management, Raipur

Pain Points
Regulatory and Legal Compliance:
Engaging Content Creation:
Students Utilize gamification, animations, videos, and quizzes to
Collaborate with legal experts to ensure
Interest: difficult to keep children keep students engaged. compliance with laws related to child
engaged & interested in the safety, data protection, and educational
content while sitting in front of a standards.
screen for long hours. Age-Appropriate Curriculum:
Social Interaction: Children can design a curriculum that aligns with the
feel isolated & bored in the cognitive abilities and developmental
absence of fellow classmates in stages of each age group
the surrounding
Teachers Monetization Strategy:
Teaching Effectiveness:
Adapting to online teaching Parental Involvement: Explore various monetization models,
methods and new technology Platform that offers insights into such as subscription-based plans,
Professional Development: Lack student progress. freemium models, one-time purchases,
of opportunity for ongoing or partnerships with educational
professional development and institutions.
networking with the teaching Digital Literacy of Teachers and
community Students:
Training and support for both teachers and
Monitoring: balancing role as students to ensure they are comfortable
facilitator and ensuring child’s using the technology. Personalized Learning Paths:
progress Utilize AI-driven algorithms to analyze
Cost & Value: Affordability for the student performance and create
technology setup and its Teacher Training and Support: personalized learning paths.
worthwhile Provide ongoing support through webinars,
forums, and direct assistance.

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