Soal UKK English 2023 - 2024

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : IV (Empat)
Hari / Tanggal :…
Waktu : 90 Menit

Read the text carefully and answer the questions !

My little garden
Hi, my name is Fatimah. This is my little garden. There are a lot of
flowers. The flowers very colorful. There are red, yellow, white, purple and
pink. My family give me many flowers. My Mother gives me red rose. My
sister gives me yellow sunflower. My aunt gives me white Jasmine. My
grandmother give me purple orchid. I am very happy.
1. This is ...... little garden
a. Aunt’s c. Parida’s
b. Mother’s d. Fatimah’s
2. The color of the rose is …
a. blue c. red
b. pink d. yellow
3. The Jasmine is …
a. blue c. grey
b. white d. pink
4. The color of the orchid is …
a. purple c. blue
b. black d. yellow
5. The flowers are very …
a. colorful c. small
b. big d. funny
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c or d !
6. “ Hijau “ in English is …
a. white c. blue
b. green d. black
7. “ blue “ in Indonesia is …
a. hijau c. biru
b. putih d. kuning
8. The color of sunflowers is …
a. black c. green
b. blue d. yellow
9. The color of mango is …
a. yellow c. blue
b. black d. green
10. The color of grape is …
a. blue c. purple
b. black d. white
11. Mrs Dhevi : “ ….. ? “
Kaesya : “ I am fine, Thank you “
a. What is your number c. What is your name
b. How are you d. Where do you live
12. Tiara : “ What is your name ? “
Ica :“…“
a. My name is Ica c. I am a student
b. I am moslem d. I am fine
13. “ I am nine years old ”. In Indonesia is …
a. Aku ada seorang pelajar
b. Alamatku adalah Pebayuran
c. Sekolahku di Pebayuran
d. Saya berusia 9 tahun

Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun SD/MI Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024
14. “ Saya seorang pelajar “. In English is …
a. I am a moslem c. I am a student
b. I live at Bekasi d. I am ten years old
15. Arrange this words (atur kata ini) ! “ I – at – Pebayuran – live “
a. I at Pebayuran c. I Pebayuran live at
b. I live at Pebayuran d. I at Pebayuran live
16. This is a …
a. refrigerator c. iron
b. mixer d. fan
17. “ Lamp “ in Indonesia is …
a. Lemari es c. Setrika
b. Televisi d. Lampu
18. The room is hot , please turn on the …
a. iron c. fan
b. radio d. lamp
19. “ Turn off “ in Indonesia is …
a. besarkan c. kecilkan
b. matikan d. nyalakan
20. Asma wants (ingin) to watch ( menonton) Doraemon, she turn on (menyalakan) …
a. Televosion c. radio
b. iron d. mixer

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer !

21. The color of Jasmine (bunga melati) is …
22. The color of the sky (langit) is ……
23. “ Grey “ in Indonesia is ….
24. Mr Omer : “ How are you ? “
Lavinge : “ ... ... ... … … … … … … “
25. Translate into Indonesia ! “ I am a student “
26. Translate into English ! “ Saya baik – baik saja, terima kasih “
27. “ Lemari es“ in English is …
28. “ Lamp “ in Indonesia is …
29. Zafira wants (ingin) to make (membuat ) juice, he turn on the …
30. This is a …

III. Answer the questions !

31. Write 5 color of flowers (Bunga) !

32. Write the color of Rainbow (pelangi) !

33. Fill with your own personal data (isi dengan data pribadimu) !
Personal data
Name : …………………………….
Place / date of birth : …………………………….
Age : …………………………….
Religion : …………………………….
Address : …………………………….

34. Translate into English “ Nyalakan kipas angin “ !

35. You want to make (membuat) cake (kue) , what electric appliance do you need ?

Good luck by Vie J

Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun SD/MI Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : V (Lima)
Hari / Tanggal :…
Waktu : 90 Menit

Read the text carefully and answer the questions !

Fatimah’s Family
This is Fatimah’s Family. Fatimah’s father is Mr Ahmed. He is teacher.
Mr Ahmed teaches at SDN Bunga Bangsa. Fatimah’s mother is Mrs Aisyah.
She is a nurse. She helps doctor take care patient at the Hospital. She works at
Sehat Hospital. Omer is Fatimah’s older brother. Their school is at SDN
Bintang Kejora. Fatimah at fifth grade. Her brother, Omer is at sixth grade.
They are happy family.

1. Mr Ahmed is a ….
a. teacher c. pilot
b. doctor d. student
2. Mrs Aisyah is a …
a. doctor c. singer
b. nurse d. student
3. Omer is at … grade
a. first c. sixth
b. second d. fifth
4. Putra’s school is at …
a. SDN School c. SDN Sehat
b. SDN Bunga Bangsa d. SDN Bintang Kejora
5. How many children does Mr Ahmed have …
a. two c. four
b. one d. three
I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c or d !
6. “ Penyanyi “ in English is …
a. driver c. pilot
b. singer d. teacher
7. “ Farmer “ in Indonesia is …
a. sopir c. petani
b. pelaut d. polisi
8. Wulan can dance (menari) very well . She is a …
a. student c. doctor
b. pilot d. Dancer
9. Translate in to Indonesia : “ Omer is a dentist “ …
a. Omer seorang tentara c. Omer seorang dokter
b. Omer seorang pilot d. Omer seorang dokter gigi
10. Mr Fahri catchs (menangkap) thief (pencuri). He is a …
a. tailor c. police
b. driver d. doctor
11. Ms Marini is a stewardess, she works at …
a. hospital c. school
b. plane d. field
12. “ Shoes “ in Indonesia is …
a. sepatu c. sabuk
b. dasi d. kemeja
13. “ Topi “ in English is …
a. Hat c. tie
b. socks d. shoes
14. This is a …
a. shirt c. bag
b. socks d. tie
Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun SD/MI Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024
15. Translate into English ! : “ Kemeja saya merah “
a. My belt is red c. My shirt is red
b. My tie is red d. My shoes is red
16. Arrange this words (Atur kata ini) ! : “ skirt – is – green - my “
a. My green is skirt c. My green is skirt
b. skirt my green is d. My skirt is green
17. Translate into Indonesia ! : “ My trousers is black “
a. celana panjang saya hitam c. rok saya hitam
b. Tas saya hitam d. sepatu saya hitam
18. “ Uncle “ in Indonesia is …
a. saudara perempuan c. saudara laki – laki
b. paman d. keponakan perempuan
19. “ cucu laki – laki “ in English is …
a. son c. grandson
b. uncle d. grandfather
20. Miss Dhevi is my aunt. Her husband is my …
a. aunt c. father
b. sister d. uncle
21. Translate into Indonesia ! : “ Fiqih is my cousin “
a. Fiqih adalah saudara laki – laki saya c. Fiqih adalah kakak saya
b. Fiqih adalah paman saya d. Fiqih adalah sepupu saya
22. Translate into English ! : “ Malika adalah saudara perempuan saya “ …
a. Malika is my aunt c. Malika is my sister
b. Malika is my grand daughter d. Malika is my niece
23. Arrange this words (Atur kata ini) ! : “ is – husband – Mr Jaka – Mrs Hana’s
a. Mrs Hana is husband Mr Jaka’s c. Mrs Hana is Mr Jaka’s husband
b. Mr Jaka is Mrs Hana’s husband d. husband is Mr Tio’s Mrs Heni
24. “ Dilarang berhenti “ in English is …
a. no smoking c. no entrance
b. no entry d. no stopping
25. This sign is …
a. No parking area c. toilet
b. No stoping area d. Traffic Light

II. Fill the blanks with correct answers !

26. “ Tailor “ In Indonesia is …
27. “ Tentara “ in English is …
28. Mr Jono drives (mengendarai) a taxi. He is a …
29. “ Belt“ in Indonesia is …
30. “ Rok “ in English is …
31. The color of the sky is ……
32. “ Paman“ in English is …
33. Mrs Nurasiah is my mother. Her husband is my …
34. “ No parking “ in Indonesia is …
35. This sign means …

III. Answer the questions !

36. Can you write (tulis) 3 kinds of professions ( pekerjaan) !

37. Can you write (tulis) 3 parts (bagian) of your school uniform (seragam sekolahmu) !

38. Translate into Indonesia “ Jajang is my cousin “ !

39. Can you write (tulis) 3 kind family tree (silsilah keluarga) !

40. Draw the sign (gambar tanda – tanda) !

a. Stop
Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun SD/MI Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024
b. No smoking
Good luck by Vie J

Bahasa Inggris Penilaian Akhir Tahun SD/MI Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024

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