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Unlocking the
Archipelago's Culture
with Bima and Laras

Fitri Alfarisy, S.Pd., M.Hum

Azzahra Chantiqa Qisananda
Richel Khairani Asmor

i Table of Contents 38
01 Meet the Characters
Chapter 5: Unveiling the Sumpah
Pemuda's Legacy
03 38 Prologue
Chapter 1: The Patriotic Discovery 39 Dialogue
03 Prologue 41 Quiz
04 Dialogue 42 Games
07 Quiz 43 Critical Thinking
08 Games
09 Critical Thinking 44
Chapter 6: A Culinary Journey Through
Chapter 2: Journey to the Heartland 44 Prologue
10 Prologue 45 Dialogue
11 Dialogue 47 Additional Explanation
15 Additional Explanation 48 Quiz
22 Quiz 49 Games
23 Games 50 Critical Thinking
25 Critical Thinking
26 Chapter 7: A Sustainable Feast and the
Chapter 3: Social Responsibility in the Nature We Nurture
Community 51 Prologue
26 Prologue 52 Dialogue
27 Dialogue 54 Quiz
30 Quiz 55 Games
30 Games 56 Critical Thinking
31 Critical Thinking
Chapter 8: Unity Festival Preparation
Chapter 4: Artistic Exploration in the 57 Prologue
Cultural District 58 Dialogue
32 Prologue 65 Quiz
33 Dialogue 66 Games
36 Quiz 66 Critical Thinking
36 Games
37 Critical Thinking

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras i


67 71
Chapter 9: Unity Festival Chapter 10: Reflecting and Planning for
Extravagananza the Future
67 Prologue 71 Prologue
68 Dialogue 72 Dialogue
69 Quiz 73 Quiz
70 Games 74 Games
70 Critical Thinking 74 Critical Thinking

75 Epilogue
76 Answer Key
81 Glossary

ii #IndonesiaExplorer

Meet the Characters

your ultimate adventure buddies!

He is the epitome of a Gen Z explorer –
fearless, tech-savvy, and always up for a
challenge. He is ready to uncover the hidden
gems of Indonesia's vast archipelago. His
enthusiasm and adventurous spirit are sure
to inspire you to embrace the unknown and
explore the world with an open mind.


She is a nature lover with a deep appreciation
for Indonesia's rich culture and history. With
her keen eye for detail and a passion for
storytelling, Laras will captivate you with her
insights into the local customs and traditions.


Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 01


Meet the Characters

your knowledgeable mentors!

Mr. Malik
His vast knowledge of Indonesia's history,
geography, and culture will provide you with
valuable insights into the country's rich


Mrs. Johan
Her culinary expertise will tantalize your taste
buds with authentic Indonesian flavors, while
her stories of local folklore and legends will
transport you to a world of magic and


Mrs. Ami
LARAS Her dedication to preserving the country's
unique biodiversity will make you realize the
importance of protecting our planet for
future generations.


02 #IndonesiaExplorer

Prologue In a cozy university, two curious friends, Bima and Laras, stumble upon an old
mysterious map hidden in the dusty attic. As they open the old paper, they are blown
away by the magical journey it reveals, filled with hidden gems that show a special part
of the beauty and diversity of their homeland.

Bima and Laras are over the moon about what they found and can't wait to share the
news with their classmates. The news spreads like wildfire, making the whole school sit
up and take notice. The students are all gathered eagerly as Bima and Laras talk about
what they discovered.

Their happy lecturers, seeing the learning potential of this surprise, decide to make it a
special class project. The students need to explore and learn more about each hidden
gem on the map, discovering the wonderful things about their homeland's culture,
history, and natural beauty.

As the class embarks on this amazing project, they make lifelong friends and develop a
real sense of national pride. The students are buzzing with excitement as they look
forward to the thrilling new adventure that awaits them. They can't wait to uncover the
secrets surrounding each unique aspect of their homeland.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 03


Hey, Laras.

Look what I found in the attic!

What is it, Bima?

It's an old map, and it seems like there's a magical

journey hidden in it.

Check out these hidden gems!

Wow, that's amazing!
We should tell our classmates about this.
Absolutely! Let's gather everyone and share the discovery.

Later, in front of their classmates

Hey, Everyone! Laras and I found this mysterious map, and it leads
to a magical journey showcasing the beauty of our homeland.

It's filled with hidden gems, each revealing something
special about our culture, history, and natural wonders.

Excitement spreads among the students.

04 #IndonesiaExplorer
Miss Anya
This is fantastic! Let's make it a special class project.

We'll explore each hidden gem on the

map and learn more about our homeland.

As the excitement grows, Miss Anya, their lecturer,

notices the old map in Bima’s hands.

Miss Anya
Bima, could you tell us more about this mysterious map you found?

Sure, Miss!

This old map was hidden in the dusty attic. When Lilian and I opened
it, we discovered a magical journey depicted on the paper.

Each part of the map has hidden gems that reveal something special about
our homeland—its beauty, diversity, culture, history, and natural wonders.

Miss Anya
That sounds fascinating!
Why don’t you show us a part of the map?

Bima unfolds the map and points to a specific area.


Here, for example, is a hidden gem that represents a historical hero,

Diponegoro. And there’s another one that leads us to the Proclamation of

We thought it would be amazing to explore and learn moreabout these
hidden gems, so we decided to share it with everyone.

Miss Anya

What a wonderful discovery! I agree; let’s turn this into a special class
project. Exploring our homeland’s treasures will be an exciting and
educational adventure.

The students gather around the map, eagerly discussing the upcoming project and the
mysteries waiting to be uncovered. The cozy university is now buzzing with anticipation
for the magical journey ahead and the class starts feeling proud of their homeland. After
they gather around the map. Bima and Laras discover a hidden gem that represents a
remarkable figure from their country’s history.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 05


Look, Laras! This hidden gem tells the story of

a brave hero from our history. His name is

Diponegoro? Please tell me more about him!
Diponegoro was a courageous leader who fought for our countr’s with his
dedication and love for our homeland.
That’s incredible! I want to learn more about heroes like Diponegoro.
Our history is full of such amazing stories. Let’s
continue our journey and uncover more hidden gems.

Later, they find another hidden gem that leads them

to a significant moment in history.


Bima, look at this one! It’s a proclamation text, but

the words are a bit hard to understand.

06 #IndonesiaExplorer
That’s the Proclamation of Independence, Lilian! It’s a crucial moment in
our history when our leaders declared our freedom from colonial rule.

What does it say?
“We, the people of Indonesia, hereby declare the independence
of Indonesia. Matters relating to the transfer of power etc. will
be executed carefully and as soon as possible”

Wow, that’s powerful! Our leaders were so brave.

Absolutely, Laras. This proclamation marks the
beginning of our nation’s journey towards freedom.

As Bima and Laras dazzle their classmates with their incredible experiences,
their classmates are spellbound by the captivating tales that reveal the
enchanting history of their homeland.


Answer the questions below!

1. Who is Diponegoro and What did Diponegoro fight for?

2. Why is Diponegoro considered a historical hero?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 07

3. What is the Proclamation of Independence?

4. When was the Proclamation of Independence declared?

5. Who were the leaders involved in the Proclamation?

Crossword Puzzle

08 #IndonesiaExplorer
across down

1. Historical hero who fought for 2. Found in the dusty attic.

independence. 4. Lecturer who noticed the map in
3. Marks the beginning of the Bima's hands.
nation's journey towards 6. Represent something special
5. freedom. about the homeland—beauty,
Miss Anya's idea to explore the diversity, culture, history, and
7. hidden gems on the map. natural wonders.
Bima and Laras discovered this 8. Fought for the country's
in the attic. independence; Bima pointed to an
area on the map.

1. What were the key factors that led to the Proclamation of
Independence of Indonesia on August 17, 1945, and how did these
factors contribute to the country’s struggle for the freedom?
2. How did the Proclamation of Independence of Indonesia reflects the
values of national unity and self-determination, and what were the
immediates challenges faced by the newly formed government in its
efforts to establish a sovereign state?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 09


Prologue As the students were sharing their findings with enthusiasm, the lecturer busily
planned the next adventure. Bima and Laras, leading the way, discussed their upcoming
journey to the Heartland District with excitement.

While the group was embarking on their adventure, they were discovering hidden gems
one by one. Bima and Laras were passionately explaining the historical landmarksthey
were visiting,while the rest of the students were eagerly absorbing the information.
Local artisans were showcasing their craft, and the students were immersing themselves
in the rich cultural tapestry surrounding them.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of Indonesia, the group stumbled upon a
treasure trove of hidden gems. Bima and Laras were hyping up the historical landmarks
they were exploring, and the rest of the squad was soaking up the knowledge like
sponges. Local artisans were bringing their A-game, showcasing their unique skills, and
the students were vibing with the rich cultural vibes surrounding them.

The journey to the heartland district was not just a trip; it was a continuous exploration
that had everyone learning and connecting with their roots. The studentsproudly
represented their school, making the adventure a memorable chapterin their collective

10 #IndonesiaExplorer

Later, on the journey to the Heartland District


Look, Laras! That must be one of the historical

landmarks on the map.
Let's explore it and learn more about our homeland's history.

As they immerse themselves in the cultural tapestry,

they continue exploring, making discoveries, and
strengthening their connection to their homeland.
Meeting local artisans is fascinating. They add
so much to the richness of our heritage.
Absolutely, Bima. Each step of this journey brings
us closer to our roots, just like the map promised.

As Frank and Lilian continued their exploration of the Heartland District,

they stumbled upon a vibrant traditional ceremony taking place in a
village square. Mesmerized, the students gathered to witness this beautiful
display of Indonesia's rich cultural heritage.
Wow, Laras, look at this! What's happening here?
It seems like a traditional ceremony. Let's ask one
of the locals to learn more about it.


Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 11

Approaching a friendly villager,
they inquired about the ceremony.
The villager, adorned in colorful
traditional attire, explained that it
was a "Saman Dance," a
traditional dance from Aceh, a
province in Indonesia.

A "Saman Dance"? That sounds interesting.
What's the significance?
The Saman Dance is a mesmerizing traditional dance that
originates from Aceh, a province in Indonesia. It holds deep
cultural significance as a form of expression, telling stories, and
transmitting values from generation to generation.
That's wonderful! It's like a living storybook that connects people
to their history.
Exactly! The Saman Dance is not just a performance; it's a
cultural legacy. The intricate hand and body movements
symbolize various aspects of life, from daily activities to spiritual
beliefs. It's often performed during special occasions, like
weddings, festivals, and community celebrations.
So, it's not just for entertainment, but it carries a cultural and
historical weight.
Absolutely! The dance reflects the communal spirit and unity of
the people. It's a beautiful way to celebrate our heritage and
keep our traditions alive. The synchronized movements and
rhythmic clapping create a mesmerizing spectacle, and each
dance movement has its own meaning and significance.
It must be fascinating to witness. How does it contribute to
preserving cultural identity?

12 #IndonesiaExplorer
The Saman Dance plays a vital role in preserving our cultural
identity. Through the dance, younger generations learn about
the customs, stories, and values that define our community. It
fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our heritage, creating a
strong bond among the people.
It's like a cultural bridge connecting the past, present, and
Precisely! The Saman Dance is a cherished tradition that not
only entertains but also educates and instills a sense of cultural
pride in our hearts.

The students were invited to join the dance, and soon, they were swayingto the
rhythmic movements, feeling the unity and joy that the dance brought.

❤ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂

Continuing their journey,they

encountered a group of skilled
artisans crafting beautifulbatik

Laras couldn't contain her


Batik is an integral part of Indonesian culture, Frank. It's not just
a fabric; it's an art form!
How is it made?

Batik is made through a meticulous process. Artisans apply wax
to fabric using various tools, forming intricate designs.
Afterward, the fabric is dyed, and the waxed areas resist the dye,
creating beautiful patterns.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 13

The craftsmanship involved is truly remarkable.

Absolutely! It requires skill and patience. The beauty lies in the
details and the artisan's creativity.
Amazing! Each piece must tell a unique story.

Indeed, Bima. Batik is not just about colors and patterns; it often
reflects local traditions, myths, and symbols. It's a way of
expressing cultural identity and heritage through art.
So, every Batik design has a special meaning?

Yes, Laras. The motifs and symbols used in Batik often convey
stories about nature, folklore, or historical events. It's a rich
tapestry of Indonesia's cultural narrative.
That's fascinating! I never knew there was so much depth to
Batik is more than just a fabric; it's a canvas that captures the
essence of Indonesia's vibrant culture and artistic heritage.
As the students admired the vibrant batik patterns, they felt a deep
connection to the centuries-old tradition that echoed through the fabric.

❤ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂

Their journey through the Heartland District became a treasure

trove of cultural discoveries, linking them to the diverse traditions
of Indonesia. The students learned that every dance, every craft,
and every tradition held a piece of their collective history, making
their adventure not just a trip but a celebration of their rich
cultural heritage.

Next Page

14 #IndonesiaExplorer
Additional Explanation about Batik Motifs, Traditional
Dances, Crafts, Arts, and Traditions in Indonesia:


Javanese Batik (Yogyakarta and Solo)

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Kawung Parang Truntun

Motif: Circles representing Motif: Serrated knife Motif: Symbolizing love.
unity. patterns symbolizing Meaning: Represents love,
Meaning: Reflects the protection. often worn during weddings
Javanese philosophy of Meaning: Symbolizes or other joyous celebrations
unity and togetherness, strength and protection, as a symbol of affection and
emphasizing the often worn during significant unity.
interconnectedness of life. life events for safeguarding.

Sundanese Batik (West Java)

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Ceplok Mega Mendung Wayang

Motif: Geometric shapes. Motif: Cloud patterns. Motif: Shadow puppet
Meaning: Depicts Sundanese Meaning: Represents the figures.
cultural elements, local myth of Mega Mendung, Meaning: Reflects the
emphasizing simplicity and a story of a beautiful influence of traditional
the beauty found in princess and her forbidden Wayang Kulit performances,
geometric patterns. love, capturing the essence portraying characters from
of love and longing. ancient epics like
Mahabharata and Ramayana.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 15

Source: Freepik
Balinese Batik

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Barong Endek Tumpal

Motif: Mythical lion creature. Motif: Geometric patterns. Motif: Triangular motifs.
Meaning: Showcases Meaning: Reflects the Meaning: Symbolizes
Balinese Hindu influences, balance in life, inspired by sacredness and spiritual
representing protection, nature and the cosmic order. harmony, often found in
courage, and the battle ceremonial clothing.
between good and evil.

Pekalongan Batik (Central Java)

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Buketan Lereng Sekar Jagad

Motif: Floral arrangements. Motif: Diagonal stripes. Motif: Cosmic flower.
Meaning: Represents the Meaning: Symbolizes balance Meaning: Represents the
richness of nature, fertility, and harmony, reflecting the interconnectedness of life,
and the beauty of blooming undulating landscapes of inspired by the cosmic order
flowers. Central Java. and the unity of all elements
in the universe.

Madurese Batik (Madura Island)

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Bangkal Kerek Kembang Setaman

Motif: Rhombus shapes. Motif: Circle patterns. Motif: Flower patterns.
Meaning: Reflects Madurese Meaning: Represents the Meaning: Embodies the
cultural identity, symbolizing cyclical nature of life and the beauty of daily life,
unity and the close-knit eternal connections between simplicity, and the
relationships within the individuals. appreciation of nature's
community. wonders.

16 #IndonesiaExplorer

Pendet Dance (Bali)

Pendet is a traditional Balinese dance performed by

young girls carrying bowls of flower petals. The
dance is a form of ritual art and is often performed
as a gesture of welcoming guests or during religious
ceremonies. Pendet typically used for welcoming
ceremonies and religious events.

Source: Freepik

Saman Dance (Aceh)

Saman is an Acehnese dance characterized by rapid

hand and body movements. It is a dance that
involves a strong sense of unity among the
performers, with intricate patterns and clapping.
Commonly performed during cultural events,
celebrations, and social gatherings.

Source: Freepik

Tor-Tor Dance (North Sumatra)

Tor-Tor is an Batak dance performed during various

ceremonies and celebrations. It involves slow,
graceful movements and is accompanied by the
beats of traditional Batak musical instruments. This
dance often performed during weddings, funerals,
and other significant Batak ceremonies.

Source: Freepik

Jaipong Dance (West Java)

Jaipong is a Sundanese dance that combines

traditional movements with modern influences. It
features lively and dynamic choreography
accompanied by traditional Sundanese music. It’s
suitable for festive events, celebrations, and cultural

Source: Freepik

Reog Ponorogo Dance (East Java)

Reog Ponorogo is a Javanese dance known for its

vibrant costumes, intricate masks, and
powerful movements. It often involves a lion-like
mask and a peacock-like headdress. This dance
typically performed during traditional ceremonies,
cultural festivals, and special events.

Source: Freepik

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 17


Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Batik Rattan Crafts Songket

Batik is a traditional Rattan crafts involve Songket involves weaving
Indonesian art form of weaving furniture or metallic threads into fabric
decorating cloth using wax baskets from rattan. This to create intricate patterns.
and dye. It is often used for craft is prevalent in regions This craft is often used for
special events or with abundant rattan, like traditional weddings and
ceremonies and originates Kalimantan. ceremonies, originating
from regions like Yogyakarta from Sumatra.
and Solo.

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Silver Crafts Wood Carving Keris Making

The creation of silver crafts, Wood carving is a widely The crafting of Keris, a
such as jewelry and practiced craft in Bali. traditional Indonesian
ornaments, is a prominent Intricately carved wooden dagger, is an ancient art
art form in Kotagede, sculptures and masks are form. It has cultural
Yogyakarta, and is often used for both decorative significance and is often
used for special occasions. and ceremonial purposes. used in ceremonies. The
craft is notable in regions
like Surakarta and

Source: Freepik Source: Freepik Source: Freepik

Lurik Weaving Bamboo Crafts Lombok Pottery

Lurik is a traditional striped Various bamboo crafts, Lombok is known for its
fabric, woven by hand. It is including baskets and traditional pottery. These
commonly used for sculptures, are created in clay creations, such as pots
clothing, and the craft is regions like West Java. They and containers, are often
preserved in areas like serve both practical and used for daily life and
Yogyakarta and Solo. decorative purposes. special events.

18 #IndonesiaExplorer


Gamelan is a traditional ensemble of percussive

instruments, including metallophones, gongs, drums,
and xylophones. The instruments are intricately
crafted and often played together to produce
melodious and rhythmic compositions. The gamelan
tradition varies across different regions in Indonesia,
each having its unique style and tuning system.
Source: Freepik

The gamelan is widespread across Java and Bali, with each island having its distinct type
each island having its distinct type of gamelan. The Javanese gamelan is known for its
smooth melodies, while the Balinese gamelan is more dynamic and intense. of gamelan.
The Javanese gamelan is known for its smooth melodies, while the Balinese gamelan is
more dynamic and intense.


Angklung is a bamboo musical instrument consisting

of several bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo
frame. Each tube produces a specific pitch, creating
a harmonious sound when shaken. The angklung is
often played in ensembles, and its use extends from
formal performances to educational settings.The
angklung is native to West Java, particularly in the
Sundanese communities. It has gained international Source: Freepik

recognition for its unique and resonant sound.


Sasando is a traditional stringed instrument made

from bamboo or palm leaves. It has a rotating wheel
that controls the pitch of the strings. The sasando
produces a soothing and melodic sound, and its
construction reflects the craftsmanship of the local
communities. Sasando originates from Rote Island in
East Nusa Tenggara. It is an integral part of the
Source: Freepik
cultural heritage of the Rote people.


The kendang is a traditional drum played with the

hands. It comes in various sizes and is an essential
component of many Indonesian musical genres,
including gamelan and traditional dance
performances. The kendang player employs different
techniques to produce diverse tones and rhythms.
Kendang is widely used across Indonesia, but its
significance is particularly notable in Javanese and Source: Freepik

Balinese gamelan ensembles.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 19


Suling is a bamboo flute with six finger holes. It is

played by blowing air into the instrument while
manipulating the finger holes to produce different
pitches. Suling is often used in traditional and folk
music, evoking a serene and pastoral atmosphere.

Suling is found throughout Indonesia and is used in

Source: Freepik
various regional music traditions. Different ethnic
groups have their variations of the suling, adapting it
to their unique musical styles.


The rebab is a traditional bowed string instrument

with a coconut shell body and two or three strings. It
is played with a horsehair bow and is known for its
expressive and emotional sound. The rebab is often
used in traditional Javanese and Balinese music.
The rebab has its roots in the Middle East but has
become an integral part of Indonesian music,
Source: Freepik
especially in Java and Bali.


Bonang is a set of small gongs placed horizontally on

a rack. It is an integral part of the gamelan ensemble,
providing intricate and repetitive patterns that
contribute to the overall texture of the music. The
player strikes the gongs with mallets to produce
distinct pitches.
Bonang is a prominent instrument in Javanese and
Source: Freepik
Balinese gamelan orchestras, reflecting the rich
traditions of these regions.


The gong is a large metal percussion instrument with

a rounded shape. It produces a deep and resonant
sound when struck with a mallet. Gongs are often
used in various Indonesian musical genres and are
essential in gamelan orchestras for providing a sense
of punctuation and grandeur.
Gongs are prevalent across Indonesia and are used in
Source: Freepik
different cultural and ceremonial contexts. They are
especially significant in Balinese and Javanese
gamelan ensembles.

20 #IndonesiaExplorer

Sekaten - Java

This ceremonial tradition, which originated in Java, is

held annually to commemorate the birthday of the
Prophet Muhammad. The Sekaten event is held in
the North Square of the Yogyakarta Palace and is
attended by thousands of locals and tourists. This
tradition has been preserved as part of local wisdom,
with a parade of mountains of produce paraded by
Image Source:
courtiers and soldiers.

Tedak Siten - Java

Tedak siten is a Javanese ceremony involving a baby

who has just started walking. The purpose is to
express gratitude for the baby's health. In this
ceremony, the baby is put into a chicken cage and
given various items such as stationery and money.

Source: Freepik

Nganggung - Kep. Bangka Belitung

Nganggung is a tradition on Bangka Island that

involves bringing food from people's homes to a
meeting place such as a mosque or field. The aim is
to strengthen friendship and mutual cooperation.
Each family brings one dulang containing

Image Source:

Ngayah - Bali

The Balinese tradition of ngayah is the practice of

gotong-royong or voluntary collaboration among
members of the Balinese community in supporting
the organization of various social, cultural, or
religious events or activities. It benefits as a means
of community unification because through ngayah,
they can gather and interact with each other. The
main purpose of ngayah is to ensure the success of Image Source:
an event, especially large religious events. 2023/04/21/tradisi-nganggung-masyarakat-

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 21

Pointed Teeth - Mentawai, West Sumatra

Pointed tooth is a traditional ceremony performed

by the Mentawai people on the island of Kalimantan.
Beautiful women who become the benchmark of
beauty in the Mentawai tribe are long ears, tattoos,
and pointed teeth. Teeth sharpening is done to
increase the beauty of Mentawai women.

Image Source:

Kebo-Keboan -Banyuwangi

In Banyuwangi Regency there is a famous traditional

ceremony, namely kebo-keboan. It is held on the
10th of Muharram (Islamic calendar) or on the 10th
of Sura (Javanese calendar). Kebo-keboan is a
traditional ceremony typical of Banyuwangi Regency
where men are decorated like buffaloes and told to
plow the fields. The purpose of the kebo-keboan
ceremony is to ask God for rain.
Image Source: https://www.liputan6.
com /amp/40668 05/6-fakta-menarik
ungkapan-rasa-syu kur-petani

Answer the questions bellow!

1. What is the cultural significance of the Parang motif in batik?

2. What is the angklung and how is it played?

3. What is the cultural significance of the Tor Tor dance in Batak society?

22 #IndonesiaExplorer

Roots Riddle Rally

Riddle 1

I'm a point of interest on the map,

a place of historical significance.
Riddle 2
I'm woven with threads of
heritage, a beautiful display of

Riddle 3

I'm a dance that tells tales through

rhythmic movements.
Riddle 4
I bring people together through
rhythmic swaying, a celebration of

Send message

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 23


Roots Riddle Rally

Riddle 5
I'm more than just fabric; I'm an
expression of local traditions,
myths, and symbols. Riddle 6

I'm not just a trip; I'm a celebration

of our rich cultural heritage.

Riddle 7
I bring you closer to your origins,
with each step revealing the
stories of your homeland. Riddle 8
I unfold like a captivating story,
with each discovery revealing a
new chapter.

Send message

24 #IndonesiaExplorer

1. Bima mentions Batik as a shared art form that unites people despite
their differences. Identify other examples of shared traditions,
customs, or values that can promote a sense of unity within a
diverse community. How can we celebrate our differences while also
finding common ground?
2. The passage focuses on diversity within a community. Can these
ideas about appreciating differences and fostering understanding
be applied on a larger scale? How can we promote tolerance and
respect for diversity in a globalized world?
3. Imagine you are organizing a cultural exchange event in your own
community. Describe the event and how it would showcase the
diversity of your community. Explain how your event would promote
understanding and appreciation between different cultural groups.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 25


Prologue In the heart of the community square, students and lecturers come together
come together for an action-packed day of activities that revolve around social
responsibility. As they step into this vibrant gathering place, the air is buzzing with
excitement. The group is fully immersed in a range of exciting activities aimed at making
a positive impact on their community. They volunteer for local initiatives, each action
becoming a small yet meaningful contribution to the betterment of their surroundings.
The lively atmosphere is buzzing with energy as students and lecturers tackle some
challenging yet rewarding activities. They learn the value of teamwork and the power of
collaboration in creating a more supportive and vibrant community. Together, they
discover the joy of overcoming obstacles and making a difference!

The community square becomes a hub of shared efforts, where students and lecturers
come together to make a difference. They learn how even simple actions, when done
together, can create positive change! As the day progresses, students and lecturers alike
are thrilled to gain new insights on the impact of social responsibility in their
community. After an exhilarating adventure in the Heartland District, the students and
lecturers returned to their university with a renewed sense of pride and a deeper
connection to their roots. Seized by the desire to keep making a positive change, the
school community resolved to embrace their role in making their town a better place.

26 #IndonesiaExplorer

They continue exploring, making new discoveries and

strengthening their connection to their homeland.
Later, at the community square

Wow, Laras, this community square is buzzing with

Look at the students and teachers engaging in
activities that promote social responsibility.
It’s fantastic! They’re volunteering and learning about local
initiatives to make a positive impact on our community.

As they observe the challenges involving teamwork.

Absolutely, Bima!

Did you notice the diversity of ethnic groups participating in these

activities? Isn't it incredible how people from all walks of life come
together for a common cause? It's a beautiful thing to behold!

Yes, Laras! It's fascinating how people from different
backgrounds come together for a common cause.
It reminds me of the rich cultural tapestry we have in Indonesia.
We celebrate various ethnicities, each with its unique traditions
and languages.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 27

That's amazing!

How do they manage to understand each other with so many languages?

Well, they often use Bahasa Indonesia as a common language, and
everyone appreciates the beauty of each other's customs.
So, teamwork isn't just about working together but also
understanding and appreciating our differences.
Exactly! Embracing diversity makes our
community stronger and more vibrant.
I agree, Laras!

Can you tell me more about these different ethnicities

in Indonesia and their unique customs?
Of course!

In Indonesia, we have a rich tapestry of ethnicities like Javanese, Sundanese,

Balinese, and many more. Each group has its own special way of dressing,
dancing, and celebrating. It's incredible!
Wow, that sounds fascinating! How do they
share their customs with each other?
Well, during special events or festivals, these ethnic groups often
showcase their traditions through colorful performances.
It's like a cultural exchange where everyone gets
to experience and appreciate the diversity.
That's a fantastic way to learn about each other!

Are there any specific traditions that stand out to you?


For example, the Batik tradition, where people create beautiful patterns
on fabric, is a shared art form appreciated by many ethnicities. It's like a
language of colors and designs that unites us.

28 #IndonesiaExplorer
That's so cool! I love how it creates a strong sense of
unity and reminds us that we're all in this together.
It's a beautiful reminder that despite our differences, we
can come together to create something wonderful.
Every ethnic group has its own delicious dishes, and people
often share their recipes and meals during gatherings!
That's a wonderful way to connect with each
other and enjoy the joy of food.
Amazing! It's great to see that Indonesia is so
diverse, and that our traditions are so rich.
Yes, Bima, it's so much more than that!

We also celebrate many different religious festivals together, and it's so

great to see people from different communities participating in each
other's traditions. It builds understanding and fosters a wonderful sense
of mutual respect among our religious communities.
It's truly impressive how Indonesia embraces its diversity! How do
schools promote understanding of these cultural differences?
Schools often incorporate cultural education into their curriculum,
teaching children about the different ethnicities, customs, and

This helps foster a sense of pride in our diversity

and promotes understanding from a young age.
That's a great approach to shaping open-minded individuals!

Thanks for sharing, Laras. I've learned a lot

about Indonesia's rich cultural tapestry.
You're welcome, Bima! I'm glad you find it interesting.

Embracing our diversity is what makes Indonesia a

unique and vibrant place!


Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 29

Comprehension Questions.

1. What do Bima and Laras observe at the community square?

Of course!

2. How do people in the community square promote social responsibility?

3. What language is often used as a common language for understanding

in Indonesia?

4. How do ethnic groups in Indonesia showcase their traditions?

5. What is the Batik tradition in Indonesia?

Cultural Exchange Roleplay

Imagine you are attending a cultural exchange event where people from various
ethnicities in Indonesia are showcasing their traditions. Roleplay interacting with
people from different backgrounds. Use greetings in Bahasa Indonesia (e.g.,
"Selamat pagi" - Good morning) and ask simple questions about their customs
(e.g., "Apa tarian tradisional daerah Anda?" - What is a traditional dance from your
region?). Reflect on the importance of cultural exchange in promoting
understanding and social responsibility

30 #IndonesiaExplorer
1. The conversation highlights Bahasa Indonesia as a common
language for communication, but how else might people from
diverse ethnicities overcome language barriers to foster
understanding and collaboration in the community activities?
2. While the dialogue emphasizes the beauty of diversity, are there
any potential challenges that arise from having so many different
ethnicities and customs within a community? How can these
challenges be addressed to maintain a strong and vibrant
3. Sharing food is mentioned as a way to connect. How can this
concept be further explored to create even stronger bonds and
understanding between different ethnicities?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 31


Prologue Mrs. Ami led the group on an incredible motivational tour of the Cultural Dis-
trict, a vibrant area rich in culture. Here, the students embarked on an amazing journey
en route to discovering the echoes of traditional arts, music, and dance.

The youngsters just took part in an art competition after realising how captivatingly
beautiful their ancestry is. Their works not only exhibited creative flair but also skillfully
incorporated teachings from a variety of topic areas, making the educational process
engaging and innovative. They have now used their deep cultural awareness and vivid
creative hues to create a truly magnificent canvas for their explorations.

The culmination of the tour was a vibrant cultural showcase where the students
presented their artwork and performed the dances they had learned. The event was a
celebration of their journey, highlighting the blend of historical appreciation and
creative expression they had developed. Mrs. Ami's guidance transformed the Cultural
District into a living classroom, where the students not only gained knowledge but also
forged lasting memories and a stronger sense of identity. This experience inspired them
to continue exploring and preserving their cultural heritage with passion and pride.

32 #IndonesiaExplorer

Subsequently, in the Cultural District,

Mrs. Ami
Welcome, everyone, to the Cultural District!

Today, we'll discover the beauty of traditional arts, music, and dance.

(Displaying some Indonesian traditional arts, music, and dance, which

commenced with Wayang Kulit and Golek, and then proceeded to the dance,
such as Piring Dance or Kecak Dance, which blended with the magical music of
gamelan) Observe the traditional arts and the vibrant music.)


Mrs. Ami is adept at making learning enjoyable.

They participate in an art contest.

I appreciate how we are integrating lessons
from different subjects into our creations.

This makes learning more interactive and creative.

I agree, Laras.

Just as our adventures have done, this art contest is

bringing us closer to the heart of our cultural experiences.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 33

Mrs. Ami
I am gratified to see that everyone is enjoying the Cultural District.

Now, let us examine some traditional Indonesian dances.

We will observe a lively performance of the Piring

Dance and the Kecak Dance, which are known for
their intricate plate spinning and storytelling.

The rhythmic beats of gamelan music accompany the dancers. The dance
is so expressive, and the music adds a magical touch to it.

I had not realized that traditional dances could tell stories so beautifully.

The ability of the dancers to spin the plates
without missing a beat is impressive.

It is as if they are performing a dance and balancing act simultaneously.

Traditional dances often have deep cultural meanings.

They are a way of passing down stories and preserving our heritage.

Indeed, I have a further surprise in store for you. We will be holding a mini
art workshop, during which you will have the opportunity to express your
creativity by making traditional art.
That sounds absolutely amazing!

The significance of traditional dances is often profound,

reflecting a rich tapestry of cultural meanings.

They constitute a means of transmitting narratives and

of safeguarding our cultural legacy.

34 #IndonesiaExplorer
Mrs. Ami, do you believe that we can endeavor to create our own traditional
art pieces, drawing inspiration from what we have observed today?
Mrs. Ami
I am in full agreement, Laras. Indeed, I have a further surprise in store
for you. A brief art workshop will be held, during which participants
will have the opportunity to express their creativity through the
creation of traditional art.
That sounds most intriguing. What type of art will be created?
Mrs. Ami
In consideration of our exploration of traditional Indonesian arts,
participants may choose to create their own interpretation of wayang
kulit, tari piring, or a visual representation of the gamelan music.
I am eagerly anticipating this event. Let us endeavour to imbue
these exquisite art forms with our own distinctive touch.

The participants engage in an art workshop, during which they create their own
interpretations of traditional Indonesian arts.

This is a highly enjoyable experience. I am experiencing the sensation of
an artist exploring the multifaceted tapestry of our cultural heritage.
Furthermore, each stroke of the brush contributes to the narrative.
I am eagerly awaiting the opportunity to share these creations with
the wider community.

As the participants complete their artwork, the Cultural District becomes not
only a site of exploration but also a canvas upon which their creativity is
expressed, reflecting the beauty and diversity they have experienced.

Mrs. Ami
I would like to extend my congratulations to all participants. The quality of
the artwork produced is of an extremely high standard. We will now
proceed to a brief exhibition of the students' masterpieces, during which
they will be invited to share the stories behind them.

The students display their artwork with pride, each piece representing a unique
reflection of their cultural journey and creative spirit.


Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 35

Comprehension Questions.

1. In the dialogue, Laras and Bima discuss the importance of cultural

diversity. How does Mrs. Ami's approach to teaching in the Cultural
District contribute to their understanding? Of course!

2. The passage mentions various traditional art forms like Wayang Kulit
and the Piring Dance. Research one of these art forms and discuss the
cultural significance and symbolism behind it.

3. Imagine you are participating in the art workshop with Laras and Bima.
Choose one of the suggested art forms (Wayang Kulit, Tari Piring, or
gamelan music) and describe how you would create your own
interpretation using modern elements.

Art Vocabulary Challenge

1. Look back at the dialogue and find words related to traditional art,
music, and dance.
2. Write down 10 words you find interesting. (e.g., intricate, expressive,
3. Use a dictionary or online search to find the definition of each word
and write them down next to the word.

36 #IndonesiaExplorer
1. The dialogue highlights how Laras appreciates integrating lessons
from different subjects into their art creations. How can this
interdisciplinary approach benefit learning and understanding of
cultural concepts? Provide specific examples from the text that
showcase this connection.
2. The text mentions celebrating religious festivals together. Explain
how fostering cultural exchange and understanding can lead to
mutual respect among diverse communities. Draw connections to
the concept of a "cultural district" as a space for such interaction.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 37


Prologue In Chapter 5, our journey unravels with Mr. Malik as our guide, guiding us along
the Historical Trail. As we entered the past, the narratives of our homeland emerged,
establishing a connection between historical events and the present. Mr. Malik's
guidance served as a conduit, facilitating our examination of the import of historical
events and the narratives of noteworthy individuals.

During the course of our excursion, the atmosphere was permeated with a sense of
anticipation as the group engaged in a historical quiz. It was an opportunity to test our
knowledge, a playful challenge that brought the pages of history to life for each student.
Join us as we embark on this historical adventure, seeking to unravel the threads of our
past and to discover the vibrant tapestry that forms the foundation of our identity.

As they delved deeper into the Historical Trail, Mr. Malik's engaging storytelling
transported them to key moments in history, painting vivid pictures of the past. Each
stop along the trail was meticulously chosen to highlight significant events and the lives
of influential figures who shaped the homeland. The group's enthusiasm grew with every
story, fostering a newfound respect and curiosity for the historical landscape around

38 #IndonesiaExplorer

Subsequently, on the Historical Trail with Mr. Malik

I would like to welcome you all to our historical

Today, I will be guiding you through the historical trail, uncovering

tales from the past and connecting history to the present.

(Mr. Malik once discovered an old mysterious text which consisted of old
phrases. After reading it, it was a text from the past, the Sumpah Pemuda text.
The group quickly discerns that the inhabitants of Heartland are of a different
historical era and acquires a number of antique weapons. These are crafted
from bamboo.)

As they traverse the trail, they uncover historical narratives.


Alright everyone, I have a question. Does anyone

know what Sumpah Pemuda is?
Yes, I know a little bit about it. Isn’t it a pledge made by
young Indonesian nationalists?
That’s correct, Siti. Sumpah Pemuda, or the Youth Pledge, is a declaration
made on October 28, 1928, by young Indonesian nationalists during the
second Youth Congress in Batavia, now Jakarta. It was a significant step
towards Indonesian independence.

Can anyone tell me more about what the pledge entails?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 39


The pledge consists of three parts:

1. We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one motherland,
2. We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the
nation of Indonesia.
3. We the sons and daughters of Indonesia, uphold the language of unity,

That's right, Bima!
So, they pledged unity in terms of land, nation, and
language. Why was this so important at that time?
Good question, Laras

So, at the time, Indonesia was under Dutch colonial

rule, and the archipelago was divided by various
ethnic groups, languages, and cultures.

By making this pledge, the youth leaders emphasized

the importance of unity and national identity, which
were crucial in the struggle for independence.

It marked a significant step in the unification of Indonesia and

inspired future generations in the fight against colonialism.
That’s really inspiring. How is Sumpah Pemuda commemorated today?

Every year on October 28th, Indonesians celebrate Sumpah Pemuda Day
to honor the pledge and the spirit of unity and nationalism.

40 #IndonesiaExplorer
There are various activities such as flag-raising ceremonies,
cultural performances, and educational events that remind
us of the importance of national unity. It’s a day to reflect
on our shared identity and commitment to the country.
It’s amazing how a pledge made by young people
so long ago still has a significant impact today.
Absolutely, Laras. The spirit of Sumpah Pemuda reminds
us that unity and a common purpose are powerful forces
that can bring about great change. It’s a testament to the
role that youth can play in shaping the future of a nation.

Thank you for explaining this, Mr. Malik. It’s really enlightening
to learn about this part of our history.
You’re welcome, Bima. Remember, understanding our history is essential
in appreciating and contributing to our country’s future.


Answer the questions below!

1. What is Sumpah Pemuda and when was it declared?

2. Why was the Sumpah Pemuda pledge significant for the Indonesian
independence movement?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 41

3. How is Sumpah Pemuda Day commemorated in Indonesia today?

Historical Trail: Narrative Weaving

1. Choose a Historical Event: Think about a significant event from your
country's history (ideally something you learned about in previous
2. Imagine the Impact: How did this historical event shape your
homeland? Consider social, political, cultural, or economic changes it
brought about.
3. Weaving the Narrative: Write a short story (2-3 paragraphs) that
connects the historical event with its present-day impact. You can use
the following prompts to guide your narrative:
Scene 1: Briefly describe a scene from the chosen historical event.
Transition: Use descriptive language to portray the passage of time,
transitioning from the past event to the present day.
Scene 2: Describe a scene from the present day that showcases the
lasting impact of the historical event.

Historical Event: Women's suffrage movement (you can choose a
different event relevant to your country)
Scene 1: A group of passionate women gather in a park, demanding the
right to vote. Banners advocating for equality are raised high.
Transition: Decades pass, marked by relentless protests and unwavering
Scene 2: A young woman confidently casts her vote in a bustling polling
station. Her vote, a symbol of progress, wouldn't have been possible
without the struggles of the past.

After writing your story, reflect on how understanding the past can help
us appreciate the present.
This solo game allows you to explore historical narratives and their
connections to your homeland in a creative and engaging way. Have fun
weaving your own historical tale!

42 #IndonesiaExplorer
1. Imagine you are Mr. Malik and are designing a new interactive historical
experience. Describe the activity and how it would connect participants with
a specific historical event or figure. Explain how your chosen activity would
make history more engaging and promote a deeper understanding of the past.
2. Mr. Malik highlights how engaging with historical roots allows us to
understand our contemporary identity. Analyze the connections between
historical events, figures, and our present-day society. How do the actions
and decisions of the past continue to influence our world today?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 43


Prologue In the bustling town, a group of eager students awaits a unique adventure with
Mrs. Johan. Tomorrow, they will step into the Culinary Heritage Village, a place where
the aromas of traditional cuisines promise to whisk them away on a flavorful journey.
Mrs. Johan, with her warm smile and culinary expertise, has exciting plans for the
students. As they enter the village, the air will be filled with the delightful scents of
spices and herbs, setting the stage for a day of culinary exploration. Little do the
students know that their challenges will go beyond tasting delicious dishes. Mrs. Johan
will guide them through cooking activities, transforming the kitchen into a classroom
where math and science meet the art of cooking. They will measure ingredients with
precision, discovering that cooking involves more than just flavor; it’s a delicious blend
of math and science.

Join our curious students as they embark on a mouthwatering adventure, unraveling the
secrets of their culinary heritage and realizing that every dish tells a story, connecting
them to the rich tapestry of their cultural history. Tomorrow holds the promise of not
just delicious flavors but also a journey into the science and math behind the magic of
cooking in the Culinary Heritage Village.

44 #IndonesiaExplorer

Later, in the culinary heritage village with Mrs. Johan

Mrs. Johan
Welcome, everyone, to the Culinary Heritage Village! Today,
we’ll explore the richness of our traditional cuisines.

As they walk through the village, discovering culinary traditions.

The aroma of these traditional dishes is amazing!

Mrs. Johan, can you tell us more about
the culinary heritage of our homeland?

Mrs. Johan
Of course, Laras. Each dish here has a story, just like the tales on the
Historical Trail. It’s a flavorful journey through our cultural history.

As they walk through the village, discovering culinary traditions.


Cooking is like a tasty science experiment!

And measuring ingredients is like a delicious math problem.

Mrs. Johan
That’s right! Cooking involves a bit of math and science. You’re not
just making food; you’re exploring the art and science behind it.
As they continue cooking, enjoying the process and the delightful scents.

I never thought learning could be this delicious!

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 45

Mrs. Johan
I’m glad you’re enjoying the Culinary Heritage Village. Each dishes here
in Desa Warisan Kuliner holds a special place in our cultural history.
Mrs. Johan, how do these dishes connect to our heritage?
Mrs. Johan
Great questions! Each dish is like a page in the book of our cultural
history. Take “Rendang,” for example. It’s not just a flavorful beef dish;
it represents the art of slow cooking passed down through generations,
reflecting the patience and dedication of our ancestors.

I never thought about the connection between food and history.
It adds a whole new dimension to our cultural understanding.
And the way these dishes are prepared, it’s like
preserving a piece of our heritage in every recipe.

Mrs. Johan
Exactly! Food is a living tradition, and through it, we can taste the history
and feel the stories of our ancestors. Transitioning to the cooking
activities, Mrs. Johan incorporates math and science into the experience.

This cooking activity feels like magic!
Mrs. Johan, how does math and science come into play in the kitchen?

Mrs. Johan
Well, when you measure ingredients, you’re applying math.
It’s about precision and getting the right balance of flavors.
And the science? Understanding how different ingredients
react to eat and combine to create delicious results.
So, it’s not just about the taste; there’s a whole
world of learning behind each recipe!
Mrs. Johan
Absolutely, Frank! Cooking is a blend of creativity, precision, and
understanding the scientific principles that make each dish unique.
As they continue cooking, savoring the delightful scents, Mrs. Johan
summarizes their culinary journey.
Mrs. Johan
Today, you’re not just cooking.

46 #IndonesiaExplorer
You’re weaving yourselves into the rich tapestry of our heritage. Each dish
you prepare becomes a chapter in your own culinary story, connecting
you to the traditions that make our homeland beautiful and diverse.
This is amazing! I never thought our journey
would involve so much history and learning.
Mrs. Johan, thank you for showing us how
every bite is a taste of our heritage.
Mrs. Johan
Absolutely, Frank! Cooking is a blend of creativity, precision, and
understanding the scientific principles that make each dish unique.

They continue their culinary adventure, savoring the flavors and strengthening
their connection to the cultural heritage of their homeland.


Knowing Indonesian Cuisines


Gado-gado is a delicious Indonesian salad originating

from Java. Its main ingredients include fresh
vegetables like cabbage, bean sprouts, and
cucumber, topped with a flavorful peanut sauce. The
taste is a delightful blend of crunchy vegetables and
the rich, slightly sweet peanut sauce, making it a
favorite among many.
Source: Freepik


Rendang is a traditional Indonesian dish hailing from

West Sumatra. Its main ingredients are beef, coconut
milk, and a medley of aromatic spices. The flavor is a
delightful combination of rich coconut, tender beef,
and a harmonious blend of spices, creating a savory
and slightly spicy taste that makes it a popular and
tasty dish.
Source: Freepik

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 47

Nasi Uduk

Nasi Uduk is a fragrant Indonesian rice dish

originating from Jakarta. The main ingredients
include rice cooked with coconut milk, pandan
leaves, and a mix of spices. Its taste is a delightful
fusion of aromatic coconut and a hint of pandan,
giving the rice a delicious flavor. Nasi Uduk is often
enjoyed with various side dishes like fried shallots,
Source: Freepik
peanuts, and fried chicken, making it a tasty and
popular meal.

Sate Lilit

Sate Lilit is a flavorful Indonesian dish that comes

from Bali. The main ingredient is minced meat,
usually fish or chicken, mixed with grated coconut,
lime leaves, and various spices. It is then wrapped
around bamboo sticks and grilled. The taste is a
delightful combination of savory meat, coconut, and
aromatic spices, making Sate Lilit a delicious and
popular treat, especially during traditional Balinese Source: Freepik

ceremonies and celebrations.


Papeda is a traditional dish originating from Papua,

Indonesia. Its main ingredient is sago, a starchy
substance extracted from the sago palm. Papeda has
a unique texture, resembling a soft and sticky
pudding. It is typically served with various fish or
meat-based dishes and has a mild taste that allows it
to complement the flavors of the accompanying
dishes. Papeda is a significant part of Papuan cuisine
and is enjoyed for its distinct cultural and culinary

Answer the questions below!

1. What are the common characteristics of Indonesian traditional cuisine?

48 #IndonesiaExplorer
2. How is Sate Lilit prepared, and what makes it unique compared to other
types of satay?

3. Mrs. Johan needs 3/4 cup of flour for a traditional dish. If she wants to
make three batches, how much flour does she need in total?

4. In a cooking activity, Larasuses 1/2 cup of sugar for a dessert. If she wants
to make five desserts, how much sugar does she need?

5. If Bima has 2/3 cup of olive oil and he wants to divide it equally between
two dishes, how much olive oil does each dish get?

Culinary Connection Challenge

Imagine yourself walking through the Culinary Heritage Village with Mrs.
Johan. Describe, in detail, three different traditional dishes you
encounter. Use vivid vocabulary to paint a picture of the ingredients,
aromas, and colors of each dish.
For each dish you described, research its cultural significance. What
story does it tell? How does it reflect the traditions or history of the
region? Explain your findings for each dish.
Think about the similarities and differences between these traditional
dishes. How do they connect to each other and to the broader cultural
heritage of the region? Write a short paragraph summarizing your

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 49

Imagine you are creating your own dish inspired by the Culinary
Heritage Village. What local ingredients would you use? What story
would your dish tell about your heritage or a specific cultural tradition?
Describe your creation in detail.
Draw a picture of your imagined dish, incorporating visual elements that
represent its cultural significance.

Use the provided dialogue in Chapter 6 for clues about the importance
of food in cultural heritage.
Research online or in libraries to learn more about specific traditional
dishes and their cultural significance.
Be creative and have fun exploring the connection between food and

1. How can the preservation of traditional Indonesian cuisines contribute to the
country’s cultural identity in the context of globalization, and what strategies
can be employed to ensure these culinary traditions are maintained?
2. Analyze the impact of modernization and urbanization on traditional
Indonesian food practices and suggest ways to integrate these practices into
contemporary lifestyles without losing their authenticity.
3. Evaluate the role of traditional Indonesian cuisines in promoting sustainable
agricultural practices and local economies. How can these practices be
adapted to address contemporary environmental and economic challenges?

50 #IndonesiaExplorer

Prologue In the next adventure, Mrs. Ami, a dedicated nature enthusiast Lecturer, leads
the group on an expedition to a nature reserve. As they enter this lush and vibrant area,
Mrs. Ami passionately emphasizes the critical importance of preserving our
environment. The challenges ahead are related to environmentally friendly initiatives
that perfectly combine geography and science with the basic principles of sustainable
tourism. The trip promises not only to explore the beauty of nature, but also to immerse
oneself in the responsibility of preserving it for future generations

Throughout the expedition, the group engages in various hands-on activities designed to
deepen their understanding of environmental conservation. They participate in projects
such as planting native trees, monitoring local wildlife, and learning about the delicate
ecosystems that thrive in the reserve. Mrs. Ami's guidance ensures that each activity is
both educational and impactful, fostering a sense of stewardship among the
participants. By the end of the journey, the group not only gains a greater appreciation
for the natural world but also a lasting commitment to protecting it, equipped with the
knowledge and skills to make a difference in their own communities.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 51


Mrs. Ami
Today’s culinary journey is not just about the flavors; it’s about
understanding the cultural roots embedded in each recipe
It’s fascinating how food tells a story, just
like the tales on the Historical Trail
Mrs. Ami, how do these dishes connect to
the principles of sustainable tourism?
Mrs. Ami
Well, our culinary heritage plays a crucial role. Many of these traditional
recipes are crafted using locally sourced, sustainable ingredients,
promoting eco-friendly practices

They tasted a dish made from locally sourced ingredients, appreciating the
connection between food and sustainability

So, enjoying these dishes also supports the local

community and the environment?
Mrs. Ami
Precisely, Bima. By savoring these favors, you’re contributing
to the preservation of our culinary traditions and the well-
being of the places that inspire them

As they finish their meal, the group reflects on the day’s experiences.
It’s amazing how our adventures today, whether in nature or through
food, highlight the importance of preserving our homeland

52 #IndonesiaExplorer
And it’s all interconnected — from the Conservation
Zone to the Culinary Heritage Village.
Mrs. Ami
That’s the beauty of it! Just like the intricate patterns in our traditional
crafts, every element adds to the vibrant story of our homeland.

As the sun sets on their culinary adventure, the group eagerly anticipates their
next exploration. In the upcoming adventure, Mrs. Malik, another dedicated
nature enthusiast lecturer, will lead them on a journey into a nature reserve.
Just as Mrs. Ami highlighted the importance of preserving their culinary
heritage, Mr. Malik will passionately guide the students through the lush and
vibrant landscapes of the reserve, emphasizing the critical role they play in
protecting and appreciating the natural world.
Mr. Malik
Welcome, everyone, to our nature expedition! Today,
we’ll delve into the wonders of the natural world
As they embark on the nature expedition, discovering the beauty and
significance of the reserve
The air here is so fresh, Mr. Malik! What are we going to explore?

Mr. Malik, how does our adventure connect
to preserving the environment?

Mr. Malik
Great questions! Just as Mrs. Ami connected culinary heritage to
sustainable practices, our journey today revolves around understanding,
appreciating, and preserving the delicate balance of nature.

They participate in environmentally friendly initiatives, connecting geography

and science to nature conservation.
This feels like a real-life science lesson!

And we’re actively contributing to the health of our environment!
Mr. Malik
Exactly! Every small action, like planting a tree or observing
wildlife, has a positive impact on nature.
As they continue their expedition, appreciating the beauty of the reserve.
Nature is truly amazing, Mr. Malik.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 53

How can we continue to help even after our adventure

Mrs. Malik
Another great question! Our adventure doesn't end here. We can
implement eco-friendly practices in our daily lives, like reducing waste and
conserving energy. Every effort, no matter how small, makes a difference.
As the group concludes their nature expedition,
Mr. Malik summarizes the day’s experiences
Today was eye-opening, Mr. Malik. We learned
about nature and our role in preserving it
And just like our culinary journey, it shows how everything is connected —
from the flavors on our plate to the beauty of the natural world
Expressing gratitude for the enlightening day, the group carries with them a
deeper understanding of their responsibility in preserving both their culinary
heritage and the environment for future generations.


Answer the questions below!

1. Compare and contrast the roles of Mrs. Ami and Mr. Malik in promoting
environmental awareness and conservation.

2. Analyze the connection between sustainable tourism, culinary heritage,

and nature conservation as presented in the chapter.

54 #IndonesiaExplorer
3. Critically evaluate the importance of individual actions in contributing to
environmental well-being. Discuss specific examples from the chapter.

4. Imagine you are leading a similar nature conservation expedition. What

activities and initiatives would you incorporate to engage participants and
promote responsible environmental practices?

Eco Challenge Simulation Game

This game is designed for self-learning and aims to challenge you to

implement eco-friendly practices in your daily life.

Reduce your environmental footprint and become a more responsible citizen.
Gain a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of sustainable
practices and nature conservation.

1. Set the Stage:
Choose a specific area of your daily life to focus on, such as:
Transportation (e.g., walking, cycling, public transport)
Energy consumption (e.g., turning off lights and electronics, using
energy-efficient appliances)
Waste management (e.g., reducing waste, recycling, composting)
Food choices (e.g., buying local and seasonal produce, reducing meat
Define a timeframe for your challenge (e.g., one week, one month).
2. Research and Planning:
Research eco-friendly practices and solutions related to your chosen area.
Develop a plan outlining specific actions you will take to reduce your
environmental impact.
Consider the feasibility and potential challenges you might face.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 55

3. Implementation
Put your plan into action! Start implementing the eco-friendly practices you have
Track your progress and monitor the changes you are making.
Be mindful of your daily habits and make adjustments as needed.
4. Reflection and Evaluation
After the designated timeframe, reflect on your experience.
Analyze the effectiveness of your chosen practices and identify areas for
Consider the positive impact your actions have had on your environmental
Celebrate your achievements and set new goals for continued progress.

Additional Tips:
Involve others: Share your challenge with friends, family, or housemates and
encourage them to join you.
Seek inspiration: Look for online resources, blogs, or apps that offer sustainable
living tips and strategies.
Document your journey: Keep a journal or record your progress to stay motivated
and track your achievements.
Be patient and persistent: Change takes time, so be patient with yourself and
celebrate even small victories.

1. This game encourages self-directed learning by requiring you to research, plan, and
implement eco-friendly practices. It also promotes critical thinking through reflection
and evaluation of your actions and their impact on the environment. The advanced level
emphasizes the need to go beyond basic awareness and actively implement sustainable
solutions in your daily life.
2. By engaging in this self-learning challenge, you will gain a deeper understanding of the
interconnectedness of sustainable practices and nature conservation, ultimately
contributing to a more sustainable future.

1. How can the principles of sustainable tourism be applied to different
aspects of our daily lives beyond travel and food?
2. What are some challenges and opportunities associated with balancing
economic development with environmental protection in tourism
3. Discuss the role of education and community engagement in fostering a
culture of environmental responsibility.
4. How can technology be leveraged to support and enhance nature
conservation efforts?

56 #IndonesiaExplorer

Prologue As the group prepare for the Unity Festival, they are collaborating to showcase
the essence of their journey, blending elements of patriotism, culture, and social
responsibility. In the exciting multipurpose building, the air fills with excitement as the
group gathers to begin their next adventure – preparing for the Unity Festival. United by
a common goal, they join forces to weave the threads of their journey into a living

Their mission is clear; to present the essence of their experience, with unites patriotism,
culture, and social responsibility. Together, they face the challenges of creating
presentations that seamlessly connect information on different topics. Working
together, each member brings a unique piece to the puzzle, contributing to the rich story
shared throughout the festival. The room echoes with laughter and shared
understandings, creating a sense of unity that reflects the spirit of their upcoming

In this chapter of their collaborative story, the group seeks to celebrate the core of their
journey, showing that strength lies in collaboration and understanding. The challenges
they face become an opportunity to mix the colors of knowledge to form a mosaic that
reflects the beauty of unity and the importance of preserving a common homeland

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 57


Now, back at the community center for the Unity Festival preparations
Mrs. Johan

Welcome, everyone, to our next adventure —

preparing for the Unity Festival! Today, we’ll blend
the threads of our experiences into a tapestry that
reflects the essence of our journey.

As they gather around, discussing ideas for their festival presentation

I think we should showcase how our culinary discoveries intertwine
with the principles of sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
And let’s not forget the unity we’ve felt in preserving nature
and understanding our cultural heritage. It’s a celebration of
both our environment and identity.
Mrs. Johan
Excellent points! Our presentation should be a mosaic, bringing
together elements of patriotism, culture, and social responsibility.

They brainstorm ways to incorporate knowledge from various subjects into

their presentation.
Maybe we can create visual displays that link our experiences
in the Nature Conservation Zone, the Culinary Heritage
Village, and our historical adventure.
And let’s involve the community in our presentation, showcasing
the collective effort in preserving our homeland.

58 #IndonesiaExplorer
Mrs. Johan
Wonderful ideas! Let’s also emphasize the educational aspects, illustrating
how our journey has integrated geography, science, math, and history

As they work on their presentations, integrating lessons from their past

adventures into a cohesive narrative
It’s like weaving a story, just as we did with
the threads of our cultural heritage.
And our presentation should inspire others
to appreciate and protect our homeland.

Mrs. Johan
Exactly! Let’s weave a narrative that reflects our unity and commitment
to the well-being of our community and environment.


The group continues their

preparations, recognizing that
each element they incorporate
contributes to a vibrant tapestry
that symbolizes their shared
journey and the importance of
unity in preserving their homeland
and the community center
transforms into a hub of creativity
as the group starts preparing for
the Unity Festival.

Mrs. Johan
Alright, team! Let’s start by deciding what dishes we want to
showcase at the Culinary Heritage Village. Bima, Laras, any
How about preparing traditional dishes from different regions?
It’s a tasty way to showcase the diversity of our culinary

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 59

I agree! We can also incorporate eco-friendly practices, like using
locally sourced ingredients and minimizing waste
Mrs. Johan
Fantastic! Let’s create a menu that reflects our commitment to
sustainability. Now, who wants to work on the visual displays?
As they discuss the details of their culinary showcase and
visual displays, Mrs. Johan suggests a hands-on activity

Mrs. Johan
To truly embrace unity, let’s have a cooking session where each
of you can contribute to the dishes we’ll present. It will be a
delightful experience and a way to involve the entire community.
Great idea, Mrs. Johan! That way, everyone can feel a part of our
culinary journey.
As the group gears up for the Unity Festival, Mrs. Johan lays
out the steps for their culinary showcase and visual displays.

Mrs. Johan
Now, let’s break down the steps for our culinary journey. Frank,
Lilian, can you compile a list of traditional dishes from different
regions? We want variety to represent the richness of our
culinary heritage.
Bima and Laras enthusiastically jot down regional dishes,
considering flavors, ingredients, and cultural significance.

Mrs. Johan
Excellent choices! Next, for our commitment to sustainability,
let’s brainstorm ways to minimize waste and use locally sourced
ingredients. Lilian, would you lead this part?
Laras takes the lead in discussing eco-friendly practices.

Absolutely! We can create a checklist for using reusable utensils,
biodegradable packaging, and locally grown produce. It’s all
about celebrating our culinary heritage while being kind to our
Mrs. Johan
Perfect, Laras! Let’s incorporate those ideas into our menu. Now,
on to visual displays. Frank, any thoughts on how we can visually
represent our journey?
Bima suggests creating themed displays for each zone they
explored: Nature Conservation, Culinary Heritage, and
Historical Adventure

60 #IndonesiaExplorer
For the Nature Conservation Zone, we can use recycled
materials to craft representations of local flora and fauna. In the
Culinary Heritage Village, we can set up interactive displays
showcasing the cooking process. And for our historical
adventure, let’s create a timeline highlighting key moments
Mrs. Johan
Outstanding ideas, Bima! Now, let’s talk about the hands-on
cooking session. We want everyone involved.
Mrs. Johan, maybe we can organize cooking stations for each
dish. This way, everyone can actively participate and share their
culinary skills.
Mrs. Johan
Brilliant, Frank! That adds a personal touch to our presentation.
As for the quiz, Mr. Sigit, could you explain how we can integrate
it seamlessly into the festival?
Mr. Sigit provides details on how the quiz can be incorporated
between different presentations, engaging the audience and
reinforcing the lessons learned.

Mr. Sigit
We can have quiz sessions between culinary presentations and
visual displays. It will be a fun way for the audience to interact
with our journey.
That sounds like a fantastic plan! It ties everything together and
ensures the festival is not only enjoyable but educational too.
The group, armed with a clear plan, dives into their tasks,
creating a memorable Unity Festival that reflects their shared
experiences and commitment to unity and sustainability.

Mrs. Johan leads the team through practical steps to prepare

for the Unity Festival.

Mrs. Johan
Now, let’s dive into creating our culinary showcase. Bima and
Laras, for our Culinary Heritage Village, we need to decide on
dishes that represent the diverse regions of our homeland.
Right, Mrs. Johan! We can start by listing traditional dishes from
various regions.
And to make it even more special, we should consider using eco-
friendly practices. Like, let’s use locally sourced ingredients and
make an effort to minimize waste

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 61

Mrs. Johan
Excellent suggestions! By incorporating these practices, we not
only showcase our culinary heritage but also highlight our
commitment to sustainability. Now, let’s compile a menu that
reflects these ideas.

❤ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂

As the team discusses the menu,

Mrs. Johan shifts the focus to the
visual displays.

Mrs. Johan
Visual displays are crucial in telling our story. We should
integrate elements from our Nature Conservation Zone, Culinary
Heritage Village, and historical adventure. Any thoughts?
I think each display should have a visual representation of the
unique experiences we had in those areas.
And let’s involve the community in creating these displays. It’ll
truly reflect our unity and collective effort.
Mrs. Johan
Wonderful ideas! Now, let’s talk about a hands-on activity to
strengthen our bond. How about a cooking session? Each of you
can contribute to the dishes we’ll present at the festival.
That’s a fantastic idea, Mrs. Johan! It’ll make everyone feel a part
of our culinary journey.
As the team continues planning, Mr. Sigit joins them with a stack of quiz cards.
Mr. Sigit
To add some fun to the festival, I’ve prepared a quiz. It’s a great
way for everyone to test their knowledge about our journey and
the lessons we’ve learned.

62 #IndonesiaExplorer
Sounds exciting, Mr. Sigit! It’ll engage the audience and remind
them of the importance of our shared experiences.
The team, now equipped with practical steps for the culinary showcase, visual
displays, and a quiz, eagerly prepares for the Unity Festival, anticipating a
celebration that truly reflects their unity and commitment.

Mrs. Johan
Now that we’ve discussed our ideas, let’s move on to the
practical steps of creating our culinary showcase. Frank, Lilian,
grab some paper and pens. We’ll start by listing traditional
dishes from various regions that represent the rich diversity of
our homeland.
Laras and Bima excitedly gather their materials and begin
jotting down names of dishes from different regions.

Mrs. Johan
Great start! Now, let’s focus on making our culinary showcase
eco-friendly. Lilian, could you suggest some locally sourced
ingredients we can use?
Certainly, Mrs. Johan! We can use locally grown vegetables,
fruits, and even locally produced spices. This way, we support
our local farmers and reduce our environmental impact.
Mrs. Johan
Excellent choices, Laras! Bima, how about we minimize waste
during the preparation and serving of these dishes?
We can use reusable utensils and plates, and set up recycling
stations for any waste we do generate. That way, our culinary
journey stays environmentally friendly.
Mrs. Johan
Perfect! Now, let’s compile all these ideas into a menu. Lilian,
Frank, please organize the dishes and note the region they
As the team collaboratively creates the menu, Mrs. Johan guides them to
ensure that it not only reflects the diversity of their culinary heritage but also
aligns with their commitment to sustainability.

Mrs. Johan
Now, let’s move on to the visual displays. Frank, Lilian, gather
images and materials that represent our experiences in the
Nature Conservation Zone, Culinary Heritage Village, and
historical adventure.
Bima and Laras begin brainstorming visual elements that
can be incorporated into the displays.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 63

Mrs. Johan
It’s essential to involve the community in this aspect. We can
organize workshops where everyone contributes to creating
these displays, reinforcing the theme of unity and collective
That’s a great way to bring everyone together, Mrs. Johan! We
can showcase not just our experiences but also the talents and
creativity of our community members.
Mrs. Johan
Wonderful! Now, for the hands-on activity – the cooking session.
Each of you will be responsible for preparing a dish. It’ll be a
collaborative effort that reflects our shared culinary journey.

❤ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂

The team enthusiastically

discusses who will prepare which
dish, making sure each member
feelsinvolved and valued.

As they finalize the cooking

session details, Mr. Singh
introduces the quiz cards to add a
touch of fun and engagement to
the festival.

Mrs. Sigit
For our quiz, I’ve prepared questions based on our story and the
lessons we’ve learned. It’ll be a delightful way to test our
knowledge and involve the audience.
That’s a fantastic idea, Mr. Sigit! It’ll add an interactive element
to the festival and keep everyone connected to the essence of
our journey.

❤ 🙌 🔥 👏 😢 😍 😮 😂

64 #IndonesiaExplorer
Answer the questions bellow!

1. In your own words, explain the central theme of Chapter 8: Unity

Festival Preparation. How does this chapter connect to the overall
message of the book?

2. Discuss the significance of the "tapestry" metaphor used in the

chapter. How does it represent the group's collaborative effort and the
essence of their journey?

3. How does the chapter highlight the importance of interdisciplinary

learning? Provide specific examples from the dialogue to support your

4. Identify a specific instance where the characters face a challenge and

how they collaborate to overcome it. Explain the significance of this
moment in their development.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 65

Enviromental Impact Analysis

Digital Simulation:
Develop a web-based or mobile application where students can
choose a project type (e.g., building construction, new agricultural
development, etc.).
The application provides a virtual environment with various
environmental factors (land, water, air, flora, fauna, etc.).
Students need to analyze the potential impacts of their chosen
project on each environmental factor.
The application provides feedback on the student's analysis,
highlighting potential negative impacts and suggesting mitigation
Students can adjust their project plans based on the feedback and re-
evaluate the environmental impact.
The game can include a scoring system based on the student's ability
to minimize environmental damage and implement sustainable


1. Beyond the Unity Festival, how can the group's collaborative

approach and lessons learned be applied to other community
2. Consider the potential challenges and opportunities that might arise
when balancing cultural preservation with modern development in
the community.
3. How can technology be effectively utilized to promote and share the
group's message of unity and environmental responsibility?

66 #IndonesiaExplorer

Prologue The grand Unity Festival became a culmination of their journey, celebrating the
love for their homeland and the unity forged through shared experiences. The
interactive chapter includes a quiz where readers can test their knowledge about the
story and the lessons learned.

As the Unity Festival draws near, the community center buzzes with excitement. The air
is filled with anticipation as the group gathers to prepare for the grand event, weaving
together the threads of their diverse experiences into a vibrant tapestry.

Booths showcasing traditional crafts and games begin to take shape, each representing a
unique aspect of their cultural heritage. The sense of unity and purpose is palpable, as
everyone contributes their skills and creativity to ensure the festival's success. The
Unity Festival is not just an event; it is a living, breathing manifestation of the
community’s spirit, where each person’s story and effort come together to create a
beautiful and harmonious whole.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 67


Mrs. Johan
Welcome, everyone, to our next adventure — preparing for the Unity
Festival! Today, we’ll blend the threads of our experiences into a
tapestry that reflects the essence of our journey.
I think we should showcase how our culinary discoveries intertwine
with the principles of sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
And let’s not forget the unity we’ve felt in preserving nature
and understanding our cultural heritage. It’s a celebration of
both our environment and identity.
Mrs. Johan
Excellent points! Our presentation should be a mosaic, bringing together
elements of patriotism, culture, and social responsibility.
Maybe we can create visual displays that link our experiences
in the Nature Conservation Zone, the Culinary Heritage
Village, and our historical adventure.
And let’s involve the community in our presentation, showcasing
the collective effort in preserving our homeland
Mrs. Johan
Wonderful ideas! Let’s also emphasize the educational
aspects, illustrating how our journey has integrated
geography, science, math, and history
I think we should showcase how our culinary discoveries intertwine
with the principles of sustainability and eco-friendly practices.
Mrs. Johan
Exactly! Let’s weave a narrative that reflects our unity and commitment
to the well-being of our community and environment.

The atmosphere at the community center is abuzz with excitement as the Unity
Festival preparations intensify. The group, now more united than ever, turns its
attention to the culinary aspect of the festival.

Mrs. Johan gathers everyone around for the next phase of their adventure.

68 #IndonesiaExplorer
Mrs. Johan
Alright, team! Our culinary showcase is a key element of the Unity Festival.

Today, we’ll form six culinary teams, each responsible for presenting a
traditional dish from a different region. But before that, we need to
decide which dishes will represent our diverse homeland.

Before the culinary teams embark on their tasks, Mrs. Johan shifts the focus to
the other crucial element of the festival — promoting eco-friendly packaging.

Mrs. Johan
Now, gather around and lets make six groups, let’s channel our creativity
into crafting eco-friendly packaging from cardboard materials.
Group 1 and 2, let’s design packaging for Nasi Goreng Jawa and
Kerak Telor that reflects the spirit of unity and sustainability.
Group 3 and 4, focus on Ketoprak’s and Tempe Mendoan’s
packaging, incorporating elements that highlight our
commitment to preserving nature.
Mrs. Johan
Group 5 and 6, your mission is to create packaging for Tahu Bakso
and Tahu Telur, that tells a story of cultural richness and
environmental responsibility.

The community center is alive with the energy of collaboration as each group
dives into their tasks, weaving a narrative that intertwines the flavors of
tradition with a commitment to preserving the environment.


Answer the questions below!

1. Analyze the significance of the Unity Festival as a culmination of the

group's journey. How does it reflect the values of unity, cultural
appreciation, and environmental responsibility?

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 69

2. Explain the role of collaborative creativity in the festival preparations.
How does it contribute to the overall message of unity and community

3. Compare and contrast the different approaches to packaging design

for the various dishes. How do the materials and aesthetics reflect the
themes of cultural identity and environmental consciousness?

Eco-friendly Packaging Design

1. Choose a traditional dish from your country.
2. Research eco-friendly packaging materials and techniques.
3. Design a packaging solution for the chosen dish that is both
functional and sustainable.
4. Consider factors like material choice, reusability, and compostability.
5. Create a visual representation of your packaging design (e.g., sketch,
3D model).
6. Calculate the environmental footprint of your packaging design
compared to conventional packaging.
7. Research and incorporate traditional design elements from your
chosen region into the packaging.
8. Explore innovative packaging technologies and consider their
potential application.

1. Beyond the showcased dishes and eco-friendly packaging, what other
elements could be included in the Unity Festival to further emphasize the
themes of unity, sustainability, and cultural appreciation?
2. Critically analyze the potential challenges and opportunities associated with
organizing a large-scale event like the Unity Festival.

70 #IndonesiaExplorer

Prologue With the Unity Festival preparations in full swing, the community center
radiates with the energy of anticipation. The room is adorned with colorful decorations,
embodying the spirit of unity and celebration.

As the group gathers, Mrs. Johan stands before them, ready to guide them of their
extraordinary journey. She reminds them of the challenges they have overcome and the
lessons they have learned along the way. Her words inspire a sense of pride and
gratitude, as everyone realizes how much they have achieved together.

The memories of shared struggles and triumphs bring tears to some eyes, while others
smile in acknowledgment of the bonds that have been strengthened. The room is filled
with a profound sense of unity, as they recognize that their collective journey has forged
an unbreakable connection between them.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 71


Mrs. Johan
Everyone, as we prepare for the Unity Festival, I want to
remind you of the incredible journey we've shared.
We've faced challenges and learned valuable lessons along the way. Each
of you has contributed to our success, and for that, I am deeply grateful.
I can't believe how much we've accomplished.

The decorations, the food, everything looks amazing.

It really shows how much love and effort everyone

has put into this festival.
Mrs. Johan
Indeed, Laras. This festival is a reflection
of our collective spirit and dedication.

Now, let's make sure everything is ready for the big day. Remember, this is
not just a celebration of our journey but also an inspiration for others to
embrace their heritage and unite for the well-being of our community.
I can't wait to see everyone's reactions. I hope our presentation
inspires others as much as it has inspired us.
Mrs. Johan
I'm sure it will, Bima. Your enthusiasm and commitment are contagious.

Let's give it our best and make this Unity Festival a memorable event
for everyone.

Our adventure has transformed us, and now, let it inspire you. Embrace
your heritage, appreciate your environment, and unite for the well-
being of your community.

Look at how everyone is reacting.

They're really engaged.

Yeah, it's amazing.

I think we're making a real impact.

72 #IndonesiaExplorer
Mrs. Johan
As we celebrate today, let our journey resonate in your hearts.

Every one of us can contribute to the rich tapestry of our collective human
experience. Let's make it one of unity, cultural appreciation, and
environmental responsibility.

The Unity Festival echoes with laughter and the clinking of dishes, and the
group’s journey resonates in the hearts of the community, encouraging young
minds to embark on their own adventures, explore their heritage, and become
stewards of their homelands.


Answer the questions below!

1. Analyze the key elements that contribute to the group's presentation for
the Unity Festival. How do these elements reflect their journey and the
values they aim to promote?

2. Compare and contrast the different ideas proposed for spreading the
message of unity and cultural appreciation beyond the pages of their story.
Evaluate the effectiveness of each suggestion.

3. Reflect on the ending message of the book. How does the story
encourage young readers to take action and contribute to their own

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 73

Designing a Community Action Plan

Objective: Individually, develop a plan of action to spread the message

of unity and appreciation for cultural diversity in your own community.

1. Think about ways to engage your community in celebrating and
preserving their cultural heritage.
2. Consider different age groups and interests when designing your
3. Outline specific activities, workshops, or events that could be
4. Include details like target audience, resources needed, and potential

Storytelling for Change

Objective: Individually, craft a short story inspired by the group's

journey. The story should aim to inspire others to appreciate and protect
their own countries.

1. Choose a specific aspect of the story that resonated with you.
2. Develop a fictional narrative that incorporates themes of unity,
cultural exploration, and environmental awareness.
3. Use vivid descriptions and engaging characters to convey your
4. Consider the target audience for your story and tailor your writing
style accordingly.

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the group's chosen presentation format. How
does the "mosaic" approach of blending patriotism, culture, and social
responsibility contribute to their message? Consider alternative approaches
and their potential strengths and weaknesses.
2. Critically assess the group's proposed community outreach initiatives.
Consider the potential challenges and limitations of these initiatives, and
suggest ways to overcome them.

74 #IndonesiaExplorer
#IndonesiaExplorer: Unlocking
the Archipelago's Culture with
Bima and Laras

Epilogue With the aroma of Nasi Goreng Jawa, Kerak Telor, and other delectable dishes
wafting through the air, the Unity Festival kicks off in a symphony of colors, flavors, and
shared experiences. The group’s presentation, a tapestry woven with threads of unity,
culture, and environmental stewardship, captivates the audience. Reflecting on their
extraordinary journey, Mrs. Johan, Lilian, and Frank stand together, witnessing the
community’s enthusiasm. Mrs. Johan addresses the crowd, “Our adventure has
transformed us, and now, let it inspire you. Embrace your heritage, appreciate your
environment, and unite for the well-being of your community.”

As the Unity Festival echoes with laughter and the clinking of dishes, the group’s journey
resonates in the hearts of the community. Their call to action reverberates beyond the
festival grounds, encouraging young minds to embark on their own adventures, explore
their heritage, and become stewards of their homelands. In the end, the story reminds
us that every journey, no matter how small, contributes to the rich tapestry of our
collective human experience. Let this tapestry be one of unity, cultural appreciation,
and environmental responsibility—a legacy woven by each generation for the
generations to come. V

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 75


1. Diponegoro was a historical hero from the 5. The primary leaders involved in the
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He fought to resist the Proclamation of Independence were
increasing control and exploitation by the Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta.
Dutch East Indies colonial administration. His
fight was motivated by a mix of personal CROSSWORD PUZZLE
grievances, socio-economic factors, and Across:
religious fervor. 1. D I P O N E G O R O
2. Diponegoro is considered a historical hero 3. I N D E P E N D E N C E
because of his leadership in the Java War, 5. P R O J E C T
which symbolized resistance against colonial 7. J O U R N E Y
oppression and exploitation.
3. The Proclamation of Independence is the Down:
declaration that marked the beginning of 2. M A P
Indonesia's independence from Dutch colonial 4. M I S S A N Y A
rule. 6. H I D D E N G E M S
4. The Proclamation of Independence was 8. H E R O
declared on August 17, 1945.


1. The Parang motif symbolizing strength, power, 3. The Tor Tor convey respect, reverence, and a
and determination. Traditionally, Parang batik deep connection to the community's cultural
was reserved for the Javanese royal family heritage and spiritual beliefs.
and worn by nobles during important
ceremonies and events. The motif is believed RIDDLE
to convey a sense of continuity and resilience, 1. Landmark
reflecting the enduring nature of the wearer’s 2. Cultural Tapestry
lineage and status. 3. Saman Dance
2. The angklung is a traditional Indonesian 4. Dance
musical instrument made of bamboo. It is 5. Batik
played by shaking the frame. 6. Adventure
7. Exploration
8. Chapters


1. They observe students and teachers engaging 4. They often showcase their traditions through
in activities promoting social responsibility. colorful performances during special events or
2. They volunteer for local initiatives, making festivals.
small yet meaningful contributions to the 5. The Batik tradition involves creating beautiful
betterment of the community. patterns on fabric, serving as a shared art form
3. Bahasa Indonesia appreciated by many ethnicities.

76 #IndonesiaExplorer

1. Mrs. Ami's approach in the Cultural District 3. Option 1: Wayang Kulit
contributes to Laras and Bima's understanding Concept: Create a digital Wayang Kulit
of cultural diversity in several ways: performance using animation software.
Exposure to various art forms: By Modern Elements:
showcasing traditional arts, music, and Design the puppets with a modern
dance from different regions of Indonesia aesthetic, incorporating contemporary
(Wayang Kulit, Piring Dance, Kecak Dance, clothing styles or incorporating
Gamelan music), students are exposed to elements of pop culture.
the richness and variety within Indonesian Utilize digital lighting and sound effects
culture. to enhance the storytelling experience.
Interactive Learning: Integrating lessons Adapt the traditional stories to include
from different subjects into the art contest relevant social issues or contemporary
allows students to connect their cultural themes.
experiences with other areas of knowledge, Option 2: Tari Piring
Concept: Choreograph a modern dance
making learning more engaging and
inspired by the Piring Dance, incorporating
props like juggling rings or light-up objects.
Focus on Storytelling: Highlighting the
Modern Elements:
storytelling aspect of traditional dances
Use a contemporary music genre as the
(Kecak Dance) emphasizes how these art
background instead of traditional
forms serve as a way to preserve cultural
gamelan music.
heritage and transmit narratives across
Introduce new movement styles like
hip-hop or breakdancing alongside the
Art Workshop: The art workshop provides a
balancing act.
platform for students to express their
Explore themes of urban life or
creativity and reinterpret traditional art
technological advancements through
forms, fostering a deeper appreciation for
the dance.
their cultural significance. Option 3: Gamelan Music
2. Wayang Kulit: Shadow puppet theater using Concept: Compose a modern electronic
intricately carved leather puppets to tell music piece inspired by the sounds and
stories from mythology, folklore, and history. rhythms of Gamelan music.
Significance: Wayang Kulit served as a form Modern Elements:
of entertainment, education, and social Utilize electronic synthesizers and
commentary, conveying moral lessons and drum machines to recreate the
historical events to the public. percussive elements of gamelan music.
Symbolism: The puppets themselves hold Integrate samples of traditional
symbolic meaning, with their appearance gamelan instruments into the
and movements representing different electronic soundscape.
social classes, personalities, and deities. Compose a melody that reflects a
Piring Dance: A dynamic dance where modern musical genre, like techno or
performers balance and spin plates on sticks ambient music.
while gracefully moving to music.
Significance: The Piring Dance celebrates
skill, dexterity, and focus. It may also have
originated as a ritualistic dance connected
to offerings and harvests.
Symbolism: The spinning plates can
symbolize balance, harmony, and the
ability to navigate life's challenges.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 77


1. Sumpah Pemuda is a declaration made by in the pursuit of independence. By declaring
young Indonesian nationalists on October 28, one motherland, one nation, and one
1928. It marked a pivotal moment in the language, the pledge helped solidify a
Indonesian independence movement, collective national identity, which was crucial
emphasizing the unity of Indonesia as a single in the struggle against Dutch colonial rule and
nation. in the pursuit of independence.
2. The Sumpah Pemuda pledge was significant 3. Sumpah Pemuda Day is commemorated
because it fostered a sense of unity among the annually on October 28th with various
diverse ethnic groups, languages, and cultures activities such as flag-raising ceremonies,
within the Indonesian archipelago. By cultural performances, educational events,
declaring one motherland, one nation, and one and public speeches. These activities are
language, the pledge helped solidify a meant to honor the pledge and its
collective national identity, which was crucial significance, as well as to promote national
in the struggle against Dutch colonial rule and unity and the spirit of patriotism among


1. Indonesian traditional cuisine is known for its hod and the use of lemongrass stalks, which
rich flavors, diverse ingredients, and vibrant impart a distinct aroma and flavor to the
spices. Common characteristics include the satay. This dish stands out from other types
use of fresh herbs like lemongrass, galangal, of satay, which typically involve skewered
and kaffir lime leaves, as well as spices such as and grilled chunks of meat, by offering a more
turmeric, coriander, and cumin. Coconut milk, aromatic and flavorful experience due to its
chili, and palm sugar are also frequently used special ingredients and cooking technique.
to create complex, bold tastes. Traditional 3. Rendang is a traditional Indonesian dish
cooking methods often involve grilling, originating from West Sumatra. It is a slow-
steaming, frying, and slow cooking, resulting in cooked dry curry made with beef, coconut
a variety of dishes that are deeply rooted in milk, and a rich mixture of spices including
regional and cultural traditions. lemongrass, galangal, garlic, turmeric, ginger,
2. Sate Lilit is made by finely mincing meat and chilies. Rendang is significant in
(commonly fish, chicken, or pork) and mixing it Indonesian cuisine because it is often served
with grated coconut, coconut milk, lime during special occasions, ceremonies, and
leaves, and a blend of spices such as turmeric, festive events. It is celebrated for its rich,
coriander, and shallots. The seasoned meat deep flavors and has been recognized
mixture is then wrapped around lemongrass internationally as one of the world's most
stalks or bamboo sticks and grilled. What delicious dishes.
makes Sate Lilit unique is its preparation met-

78 #IndonesiaExplorer

1. Mrs. Ami focuses on the connection between 3. Individual actions, however small, can
culinary heritage and sustainable practices, collectively make a significant difference in
highlighting how local,seasonal ingredients environmental health.
and traditional recipes contribute to Examples from the chapter include planting
environmental well-being. trees, reducing waste, and conserving energy.
Mr. Malik emphasizes the direct interaction Cultivating awareness and adopting
with nature, leading the students to sustainable practices in everyday life is
appreciate the delicate balance of the crucial for long-term environmental
ecosystem and encouraging active protection.
participation in conservation efforts. 4. Activities could include:
Both teachers effectively combine education Educational workshops on local flora and
with practical experiences, fostering a sense fauna
of responsibility and engagement in Nature walks and hikes with a focus on
environmental stewardship. responsible observation and minimal
2. Sustainable tourism aims to minimize impact
environmental impact while supporting local Tree planting or other conservation
communities and cultural preservation. projects
Culinary heritage often reflects the use of Discussions on sustainable practices and
local, seasonal ingredients, reducing reliance their benefits
on long-distance transportation and Initiatives could emphasize:
Collaboration with local communities and
promoting sustainable food practices.
Nature conservation efforts benefit from the
Responsible waste management and
economic support generated by responsible
resource conservation
tourism, creating a mutually beneficial
Minimizing pollution and environmental
Promoting eco-friendly tourism practices


1. The central theme of Chapter 8 is the 3. The chapter highlights the importance of
importance of collaboration, unity, and interdisciplinary learning by demonstrating
interdisciplinary learning in celebrating and how the group integrates knowledge from
preserving cultural heritage and the various subjects like geography, science,
environment. This chapter connects to the math, and history into their presentation. This
overall message of the book by showcasing showcases the interconnectedness of
the culmination of the group's journey and different disciplines and their collective
their commitment to using their diverse contribution to understanding the world
experiences to contribute to the well-being of around us.
their community and homeland. 4. The chapter highlights individual strengths
2. The "tapestry" metaphor represents the through various instances. For example, Frank
intricate weaving together of different takes initiative in suggesting the culinary
experiences, knowledge, and perspectives to showcase and visual displays, while Lilian
create a unified and meaningful whole. It leads the discussion on eco-friendly
emphasizes the collaborative effort of the practices. These contributions demonstrate
group and the richness of their shared how each member brings a unique
journey. perspective and skillset to the group.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 79


1. The Unity Festival serves as a powerful symbol preparing presentations allows individuals to
of the group's journey, celebrating the diverse contribute their unique skills and
experiences that have brought them closer perspectives, creating a sense of shared
together. It reflects the values of unity by ownership and responsibility for the event's
showcasing the collective effort and shared success. This collaborative approach
sense of purpose that has emerged from their strengthens the bonds within the group and
individual and collaborative endeavors. The inspires a sense of collective pride in the
festival also emphasizes cultural appreciation festival's outcome.
by highlighting the rich culinary heritage and 3. The packaging designs for the various dishes
historical significance of the region. demonstrate a thoughtful consideration of
Furthermore, the focus on eco-friendly both cultural identity and environmental
practices and sustainability demonstrates the consciousness. The use of cardboard
group's commitment to environmental materials reflects a commitment to
responsibility, weaving this value into the sustainability, while the incorporation of
fabric of the celebration. regional motifs and symbols celebrates the
2. Collaborative creativity plays a vital role in the cultural heritage of the dishes. This careful
festival preparations, fostering a sense of balance ensures that the packaging serves
unity and community engagement. Working both functional and symbolic purposes,
together on tasks like designing packaging and enhancing the overall message of the festival.


1. The group's presentation is a "mosaic" that School workshops: Engaging young minds
blends patriotism, cultural heritage, and directly through interactive experiences can
social responsibility. This is evident in their foster appreciation for their own cultural
discussion of: heritage. Both suggestions have the potential
Visual displays: Linking experiences from to create a ripple effect of positive change.
the Nature Conservation Zone, Culinary The newsletter allows for broader reach and
Heritage Village, and historical adventure. documentation, while workshops provide a
Community involvement: Showcasing more immersive and engaging experience
collective efforts in preserving their 4. The book concludes with a call to action,
homeland. urging readers to:
Educational aspects: Highlighting how Explore: Discover the beauty and richness
their journey integrated various subjects of their own countries.
like geography, science, math, and history. Appreciate: Value their cultural heritage
Narrative storytelling: Weaving a story and environmental resources.
that reflects their unity and commitment Protect: Take responsibility for the well-
to the community and environment. being of their communities and the planet.
These elements demonstrate their growth as The story serves as an inspiration for
individuals and a community, emphasizing young readers to embark on their own
the importance of unity in preserving their journeys of exploration and become active
homeland. stewards of their homelands. By sharing
2. Community newsletter: Sharing stories and the group's experiences and emphasizing
lessons learned can effectively reach a wider the positive impact of their actions, the
audience and inspire others. book encourages readers to make a
difference in their own communities.

80 #IndonesiaExplorer
A Cultural Identity Environmentally Friendly
Aroma The feeling of belonging to a Practices that minimize harm
Pleasant or distinctive smells, particular culture, with shared to the environment.
especially related to food. values, traditions, and Ethnicities
customs. Different groups of people
Skilled craftsmen or crafts- Cultural Legacy sharing common cultural
women who create items with Traditions, practices, or characteristics.
artistic or practical value. artifacts passed down through
generations, contributing to a H
Artistic Heritage
cultural heritage.
The creative expressions and Homeland
traditions passed down within Cultural Narrative One's native country or place
a culture. The storytelling aspect of of origin.
culture, encompassing myths,
traditions, and historical
C events. L
Communal Spirit Cultural Richness Landscape
A sense of shared identity and The diversity and depth of The natural features and
belonging within a community. cultural elements. scenery of an area.
Communal Cultural Tapestry Local Initiatives
Shared by the community. The diverse and rich cultural Projects or activities focused
Community Center heritage of a place or on improving the community
A place where the local com- community. at a grassroots level.
munity gathers for various Customs Locally Sourced
activities. Traditional practices or ways Obtained from nearby regions
Community Square of behaving that are specific or communities.
A public space where people to a particular culture or
gather for various activities. community. M
Crafted Measure
Created or made with skill and D To ascertain the size, amount,
care. or degree of something using a
Craftsmanship The state of being diverse or standard unit.
Skill and artistry in creating
varied; having different Merging
handmade items or artwork. Combining or blending.
Cuisines Mosaic
The style of cooking or the A picture or pattern produced
characteristic practices and
by arranging small colored
traditions of a particular Eco-friendly pieces.
group. Practices that do not harm the
environment. Mouthwatering
Culmination Extremely appetizing, making
The highest point of an event. Environmental
one's mouth water.
Cultural Exchange Preservation
Mutual Respect
Sharing and experiencing each The act of protecting the Acknowledging and valuing
other's cultural practices. natural world from harm or
each other's differences.

Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras 81

Patriotism Ventured
Love and devotion to one's To embark on a journey or
country. undertaking that involves risk
Preserving or uncertainty.
Protecting and maintaining Vivid creative hues
something in its original state. Colorful and imaginative
Principles elements in artistic
Fundamental truths or expressions.

Made new, fresh, or up-to-
date again.
Rich Tapestry
A metaphor for the diverse
and intricate elements that
make up a culture.

Social Responsibility
Engaging in actions that
benefit the community and
Spices and Herbs
Aromatic substances used to
flavor food.
The ability to maintain or
endure over the long term.
Sustainable Tourism
Traveling in a way that
minimizes negative impacts on
the environment and
promotes local well-being.
The use of symbols to
represent ideas, beliefs, or
cultural concepts.

Customs, beliefs, or practices
handed down within a culture

82 #IndonesiaExplorer

Dive into the enchanting world of "#IndonesiaExplorer: Unlocking the Archipelago's Culture
with Bima and Laras" Join our two intrepid friends, Frank and Lilian, as they stumble upon a
magical map that unveils hidden treasures of Indonesia.

Embark on a thrilling adventure with the class to explore the heartland, unravel historical
tales, and embrace social responsibility in the community. From uncovering historical gems to
celebrating the vibrant cultural tapestry, this book takes young minds on an educational
escapade that fosters pride and connection to their homeland.

Filled with excitement, teamwork, and valuable lessons, "#IndonesiaExplorer: Unlocking the
Archipelago's Culture with Bima and Laras" is not just a book; it's a passport to
understanding, appreciating, and celebrating the beauty of Indonesia's rich heritage. Get
ready for a journey that will ignite curiosity, friendship, and a deep sense of belonging.
Adventure awaits on every page!

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