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Monitoring Seismo-volcanic and Infrasonic Signals at Volcanoes: Mt. Etna

Case Study

Article · November 2013

DOI: 10.1007/s00024-012-0634-x


49 672

6 authors, including:

Andrea Cannata G. Di Grazia

University of Catania National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology


Marco Antonio Aliotta Carmelo Cassisi

National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology


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Pure Appl. Geophys. 170 (2013), 1751–1771
 2012 Springer Basel
DOI 10.1007/s00024-012-0634-x Pure and Applied Geophysics

Monitoring Seismo-volcanic and Infrasonic Signals at Volcanoes: Mt. Etna Case Study

Abstract—Volcanoes generate a broad range of seismo-volca- (CHOUET, 1996): the first, caused by processes origi-
nic and infrasonic signals, whose features and variations are often
closely related to volcanic activity. The study of these signals is
nating in the solid Earth, is associated with shear
hence very useful in the monitoring and investigation of volcano failure in volcanoes, and the related seismic events
dynamics. The analysis of seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals are called volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes; the
requires specifically developed techniques due to their unique
second (hereafter called ‘‘seismo-volcanic signals’’)
characteristics, which are generally quite distinct compared with
tectonic and volcano-tectonic earthquakes. In this work, we is generated by processes involving fluids. These
describe analysis methods used to detect and locate seismo-vol- events include long-period (LP) seismicity and vol-
canic and infrasonic signals at Mt. Etna. Volcanic tremor sources canic tremor, which share the same spectral
are located using a method based on spatial seismic amplitude
distribution, assuming propagation in a homogeneous medium. The components (0.2–2 s), and very long-period (VLP)
tremor source is found by calculating the goodness of the linear seismicity characterized by dominant periods of
regression fit (R2) of the log-linearized equation of the seismic 2–100 s (OHMINATO et al., 1998). LP events are
amplitude decay with distance. The location method for long-per-
iod events is based on the joint computation of semblance and R2
characterized by emergent signal onset and lack of
values, and the location method of very long-period events is based clear S-wave arrivals. According to CHOUET (2003),
on the application of radial semblance. Infrasonic events and tre- the source of LP events may be interpreted as oscil-
mor are located by semblance–brightness- and semblance-based
lations of a fluid-filled resonator in response to a
methods, respectively. The techniques described here can also be
applied to other volcanoes and do not require particular network time-localized excitation, while VLP events are
geometries (such as arrays) but rather simple sparse networks. assumed to be linked to mass movements, and to
Using the source locations of all the considered signals, we were represent inertial forces resulting from perturbations
able to reconstruct the shallow plumbing system (above sea level)
during 2011. in the flow of magma and gases through conduits
(e.g., UHIRA and TAKEO, 1994; KANESHIMA et al.,
Key words: Volcanic tremor, LP events, VLP events, 1996). Features of seismo-volcanic signals and their
infrasound, Mt. Etna, source location.
variations are often closely related to eruptive activ-
ity. For this reason, they are generally considered an
indicator of the internal state of activity of volcanoes
(NEUBERG, 2000). In addition to seismic signal stud-
1. Introduction
ies, whose usefulness in monitoring and investigating
volcano dynamics is critical, analyses of infrasound
Volcanoes release seismic energy in a wide fre-
signals emitted by volcanoes have recently been
quency range from zero (static displacement) to a few
shown to provide additional constraints on the anal-
tens of Hz. Generally, two different groups of seismic ysis of volcanic activity (e.g., RIPEPE et al., 2007;
signals can be distinguished in volcanic areas
MONTALTO et al., 2010; JOHNSON and RIPEPE, 2011;
FEE and MATOZA, 2012). Recent studies have dem-
onstrated how analysis of such signals can help to
Osservatorio Etneo - Sezione di Catania, Istituto Nazionale reconstruct the shallowest portion of the plumbing
di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Catania, Italy. E-mail: system (e.g., FEE et al., 2010; GOTO and JOHNSON,
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università degli
2011). The unique characteristics of the seismo-
studi di Catania, Catania, Italy. volcanic and infrasonic signals, differing from the
1752 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

tectonic and VT earthquakes in terms of both wave- 3. Seismo-Volcanic and Infrasonic Signals
form and source mechanism, require new techniques
to investigate their features. At Mt. Etna, volcanic tremor, LP events, VLP
Volcanic tremor, LP events, VLP events, infra- events, infrasonic events, and infrasonic tremor are
sonic events, and infrasonic tremor are observed at recorded. As an example, Figs. 2 and 3 show the
Mt. Etna and monitored by the permanent seismic seismic and infrasonic signals recorded by EBEL
and infrasonic networks run by the Istituto Nazio- seismic and infrasonic stations, respectively, on
nale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio 11–12 May 2011. It is worth noting that, during the
Etneo. During the last decade, the eruptive activity night between 11 and 12 May, a lava fountain took
of Mt. Etna has been characterized by both effusive place at NSEC, accompanied by amplitude increases
and explosive eruptions at the summit craters, as in both volcanic and infrasonic tremor. The small
well as at fissures opened on its flanks (e.g., ALLARD plots in Fig. 2 exhibit examples of waveforms at
et al., 2006; AIUPPA 2010). Currently, there are four different stations for all the seismic signals recorded
active craters at the summit of Mt. Etna: Voragine, at Mt. Etna: VT earthquake, LP event sequence, VLP
Bocca Nuova, Southeast Crater, and Northeast event, and a volcanic tremor window. Similarly, the
Crater (hereafter referred to as VOR, BN, SEC, and small plots in Fig. 3 show waveforms of infrasonic
NEC, respectively; see inset in Fig. 1a). Lava events from NSEC and NEC, as well as a window of
fountain activity during 2011–2012 took place at a infrasonic tremor from NSEC. In the next sections the
new crater, which opened at the base of SEC and techniques applied to detect and locate these signals
was named ‘‘new SEC’’ (hereafter referred to as at Mt. Etna are described.
In this work, we describe the techniques applied at
3.1. Volcanic Tremor
Mt. Etna to detect and locate seismo-volcanic and
infrasonic signals. One aspect of volcanic tremor at Mt. Etna is its
continuity in time, as also observed at other basaltic
volcanoes with persistent activity such as Stromboli
2. Permanent Monitoring Networks (Italy; LANGER and FALSAPERLA, 1996). Most of the
energy from volcanic tremor at Mt. Etna is radiated
At Mt. Etna, the permanent seismic network, run below 5 Hz (e.g., LOMBARDO et al., 1996; FALSAPERLA
by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, et al., 2005; ALPARONE et al., 2007). Another inter-
Osservatorio Etneo, comprises 33 broadband and 12 esting feature of the volcanic tremor is its close
short-period stations. The analyses of seismo-volca- relationship to changes in eruptive activity, high-
nic signals are performed on the recordings of 19 of lighted by variations in amplitude, spectral content,
these stations, each equipped with a broadband (40 s wavefield features, and source location (e.g., GRESTA
cutoff period), three-component Trillium seismome- et al., 1991; ALPARONE et al., 2007; PATANÈ et al.,
ter (NanometricsTM) and acquired in real time at 2008; CANNATA et al., 2010a).
sampling rate of 100 Hz (Fig. 1a). It is impossible to use techniques based on first
The permanent infrasonic network comprises 10 arrival phase picking inversion, similar to those used
stations located at distances ranging between *1 and to calculate earthquake hypocenters, to locate the
8 km from the center of the summit area (Fig. 1b). source of volcanic tremor, because of its nonimpul-
Four stations are equipped with Monacor MC 2005 sive character. With the exception of the techniques
condenser microphones, with sensitivity of 80 mV/Pa proposed for seismic arrays (e.g., METAXIAN et al.,
in the 1–20 Hz infrasonic band, while the others have 1997; ALMENDROS et al., 2001), most of the methods
a GRASS 40AN microphone with a flat response with applied to signals recorded by sparse seismic net-
sensitivity of 50 mV/Pa in the frequency range works to locate volcanic tremor are based on
0.3–20,000 Hz. The infrasonic signals are acquired at amplitude decay (e.g., BATTAGLIA and AKI, 2003;
sampling rate of 50 Hz. KUMAGAI et al., 2010; JONES et al., 2011). A method
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1753

Figure 1
Digital elevation model of Mt. Etna with the location of broadband seismic stations (a) and infrasonic stations (b). The digital elevation model
in the upper left corner of (a) shows the distribution of the four summit craters (VOR Voragine, BN Bocca Nuova, SEC Southeast Crater, NEC
Northeast Crater) and the new SEC (NSEC), indicated by the red dot. The black concentric lines in (a, b) are altitude contour lines from 1 to
3 km a.s.l. with spacing of 1 km

based on amplitude decay, assuming propagation in a windows, instead of average values, are estimated.
homogeneous medium, is applied at Mt. Etna to For a given time series, the pth percentile can be
locate the source of volcanic tremor (DI GRAZIA et al., defined as the value such that p % of the measure-
2006; PATANÈ et al., 2008). Signals recorded by 19 ments are less than this value and (1-p) % are
broadband stations, located at distances ranging greater. The use of percentiles enables us to effi-
between *1 and 9 km from the center of the summit ciently remove transients in the signal and to consider
area, are used (triangles in Fig. 1a). These signals are continuous recordings (DI GRAZIA et al., 2006;
filtered in the band 0.5–2.5 Hz, and root-mean-square PATANÈ et al., 2008). CANNATA et al. (2010a) calcu-
(RMS) amplitudes of the 25th percentile on sliding lated site effects at these stations by applying the
1754 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 2
Helicorder of the seismic signal recorded by the vertical component of station EBEL on 11–12 May 2011. The red squares highlight different
types of seismic signals, whose waveforms at the vertical components of five stations are reported in the small left and right plots. The blue
dashed rectangle indicates the period characterized by the volcanic tremor amplitude increase, concomitant with lava fountain activity

Figure 3
Helicorder of the infrasonic signal recorded by station EBEL on 11–12 May 2011. The red squares highlight different types of infrasonic
signals, whose waveforms at five stations are reported in the small left and right plots. The blue dashed rectangle indicates the period
characterized by infrasonic tremor, concomitant with lava fountain activity

method described by MATSUBARA et al. (2004) with studies at Mt. Etna have shown that the site effects do
eight regional earthquakes with maximum epicentral not heavily influence the tremor source locations. The
distance of about 1,000 km and magnitude ranging tremor source location is estimated by using a grid-
from 5.5 to 6.9. However, year-long volcanic tremor search approach (e.g., GOTTSCHAMMER and SURONO,
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1755

2000; BATTAGLIA et al., 2005; DI GRAZIA et al., 2006), windows of seismic signals recorded at 15 stations is
assuming that seismic amplitude (A) decays with reported in Fig. 4, together with a plot showing the
distance (r) according to the general law logarithm of the 25th percentile of the RMS versus
the logarithm of the source–station distance.
Aðf ; r Þ ¼ A0 ð f Þr b ear ; a¼ ; ð1Þ To assess the stability of the source locations, a
Qc jackknife technique is employed (EFRON, 1982). This
where f is the frequency, c is the velocity, b is the procedure is especially useful to reduce the bias when
exponent, which takes values of 0.5 or 1 for the cases extreme scores are present in the dataset and/or the
of surface and body waves, respectively, and a is the statistical distribution of the underlying population is
frequency-dependent absorption coefficient. Q rep- unknown. For each source location in the jackknife
resents the ray-path-averaged quality factor. procedure, also called ‘‘leave one out,’’ n (number of
Equation (1) can be linearized by taking the loga- stations) estimates of an unknown parameter P
rithm of both sides as (DI GRAZIA et al., 2006; (latitude, longitude, and depth of volcanic tremor
CANNATA et al., 2010a): source) are computed by leaving one station out at a
time (DI GRAZIA et al., 2009). We denote the
ln Ai þ ari ¼ ln A0  b ln ri ; ð2Þ
arithmetic mean of these estimates by
where Ai is the RMS amplitude measured at the ith X
station, ri is the corresponding source-to-receiver ¼1
P Pi ; ð3Þ
n i¼1
distance, and A0 is the amplitude at the source. In
Eq. (2), ln A0 and b can be considered the intercept where Pi is the parameter computed by omitting the
and slope of the linear equation, respectively. The ith station. Define the ith so-called pseudovalue as
source location of tremor is then found on the basis of
^  ðn  1ÞPi ;
J i ¼ nP ð4Þ
the goodness of the linear regression fit (hereafter
referred to as R2) obtained for each point on a three- ^ is the parameter computed by considering all
where P
dimensional (3D) grid centered beneath the summit the stations. Finally, the jackknife estimator of
craters (DI GRAZIA et al., 2006). For this grid we parameter P is given by
generally consider a 6 9 6 9 6 km3 volume with a
spacing between nodes of 250 m. Similar to all grid-   1X n
^ ¼
J P ^  ðn  1ÞP:
Ji ¼ nP  ð5Þ
search-based methods, the grid spacing is chosen as a n i¼1
compromise between good spatial resolution and ^ is biased,
If the original estimate of parameter P
reasonable computation time. The centroid position
then part of the bias is removed by the jackknife
of all the 3D grid points whose R2 values do not differ
procedure. Further, an estimate   of the standard error
by more than 1 % from the maximum R2 value is ^ , is given by
of the jackknife estimate, J P
considered as the tremor source location. Although
the attenuation factor should not have a large influ- X n   2 
1 ^
ence on the source locations (BATTAGLIA et al., 2005), dJ ðP^ Þ ¼ Ji  J P : ð6Þ
nðn  1Þ i¼1
PATANÈ et al. (2008) and CANNATA et al. (2010a)
iteratively computed several values of a in Eq. (2) The errors of volcanic tremor source location,
(0 B a B 0.4 with step of 0.01) with the aim of calculated by applying the above-described method,
improving the goodness of fit. However, it was generally have a magnitude on the order of hundreds
observed that the best values of R2 were achieved of meters (e.g., DI GRAZIA et al., 2006, 2009; PATANÈ
with very low a values, mainly between 0 and 0.02, et al., 2008).
suggesting high values of ray-path-averaged quality Similar to all amplitude-decay-based location
factor Q. To avoid unstable solutions, we accept a techniques, the location method described here has
result only when: (1) the goodness of the R2 fit is various limitations that in particular cases can heavily
C0.9, and (2) the number of available stations is[13. affect the location reliability. First, the existence of
An example of nonfiltered and filtered 1-h-long more than one source might cause the tremor centroid
1756 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1757

b Figure 4 Mt. Etna (e.g., PATANÈ et al., 2008; DI GRAZIA et al.,

a Nonfiltered and b filtered (0.5–2.5 Hz) 1-h-long windows of
seismic signals recorded by the vertical component of 15 stations.
2009; CANNATA et al., 2010b), showing how occur-
c Logarithm of the 25th percentile of the RMS time series versus rence rate, energy, waveforms, spectral content, and/
the logarithm of the source–station distance or source locations often change before, during, and
after eruptive activities. However, it is worth noting
to shift toward a position in between the real locations that LP and VLP events are recorded at Mt. Etna even
of the volcanic tremor sources (BATTAGLIA et al., during noneruptive periods, and their occurrence is
2005). Such a drawback has to be taken into account often not directly associated to any observable
especially when the distinct sources generate seismic volcanic activity (CANNATA et al., 2009a).
signals sharing the same frequency content (their Before analyzing LP and VLP events, it is
contributions cannot easily be separated) and with necessary to detect them. Different methods are
comparable amplitude at the stations. Further, this applied to the signal in the time domain, in the
location method considers isotropic wave radiation. frequency domain, and to the wavefield features such
Such an assumption is inconsistent with the source as rectilinearity and planarity (e.g., WITHERS et al.,
mechanisms of volcanic tremor and LP events, which 1998). The technique applied at Mt. Etna to detect LP
are generally considered to result from fluid-filled and VLP events is based on the percentile calculated
resonances (e.g., CHOUET, 1996; DE BARROS et al., on RMS series (CANNATA et al., 2011a). The RMS
2011; DAVI et al., 2012). However, as demonstrated by envelope is calculated by a moving window of fixed
KUMAGAI et al. (2010, 2011), scattering phenomena, length applied to the signal filtered in two different
particularly significant at higher frequencies and in frequency bands: 0.2–2.0 Hz (for LP event detection)
volcano environments characterized by steep topogra- and 0.05–0.2 Hz (for VLP event detection). Succes-
phy and strong structural heterogeneity, can make the sively, the percentile on moving windows of the RMS
isotropic radiation assumption valid. Another limita- envelope is calculated. Consequently, the estimation
tion of the method is the use of a fixed b value (0.5 or 1 of percentile enables us to efficiently detect ampli-
for surface or body waves, respectively; see Eq. 1), tude transients and estimate the background signal
which may sometimes be inappropriate. Indeed, the level. The percentile threshold is chosen on the basis
dominance of surface or body waves in the wavefield of both the amount of transients in the signal that
strongly depends on the distance from the source, and must be included or excluded in our calculations and
hence on the considered station, and on the tremor the signal-to-noise ratio (CANNATA et al., 2011a). In
source depth, which can be time dependent. particular, we use 109 the 5th percentile for LP
In Fig. 5 the locations of volcanic tremor centroids events and 259 the 5th percentile for VLP events. An
during 11–13 May 2008 are plotted. Before *9:00 example of detection of LP events on a 15-min-long
GMT on 13 May 2008 the volcanic tremor source is window of seismic signal is presented in Fig. 6.
located roughly below NEC at an altitude ranging Regarding the source location, different tech-
between -0.5 and 0.5 km a.s.l. A clear and sharp shift of niques are applied to LP and VLP events. Concerning
the volcanic tremor source to the southeast at a very the former, the methods used worldwide to locate LP
shallow depth took place at the same time as the eruptive events are based on seismic amplitude decay (e.g.,
fissure feeding the 2008–2009 eruption opened. In spite BATTAGLIA et al., 2003), on the cross-correlation
of the above-mentioned limitations of amplitude-decay- coefficient among the signals at various stations to
based location methods, the example in Fig. 5 shows precisely estimate the time delays (e.g., SACCOROTTI
how the volcanic tremor locations (and their variation in et al., 2007), and on algorithms developed for arrays
time) correlate very well with the volcano activity. (e.g., INZA et al., 2011). At Mt. Etna, LP events are
located by applying a grid-search method based on
the joint computation of two different functions: (i)
3.2. LP and VLP Events
semblance, used to measure the similarity among
A number of papers deal with the relation signals recorded by two or more stations (e.g.,
between volcanic activity and LP/VLP events at NEIDELL and TANER, 1971; NISHIMURA et al., 2000);
1758 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1759

b Figure 5
a Variation in time for the location of volcanic tremor centroids where Dt is the sampling interval, si is the origin time
computed during the period 11–13 May 2008. b Map and sections of the window sampling the ith trace, Ui(si ? jDt) is
of Mt. Etna showing the location of volcanic tremor centroids. The the jth time sample of the ith U trace, and M repre-
colors of the dots indicate time (see bottom time colorbar). The
dashed grey line in (a) represents the onset of the 2008–2009 sents the number of samples in the window. S0 is a
eruption. The thick black line and label ‘‘EF’’ in the map of number between 0 and 1. The value 1 is only reached
b indicate the eruptive fissure opened on 13 May 2008. The when the signals are identical, not only in waveform
concentric lines in the map of b are altitude contour lines from 1.75
to 3.25 km a.s.l. with spacing of 0.25 km. The black lines in the
but also in amplitude. Concerning the R2 value, its
sections of b represent the volcano profile computation method is equivalent to that performed
to locate volcanic tremor as explained in Sect. 3.1.
and (ii) R2 values, calculated on the basis of the The LP event location method consists in finding
spatial distribution of seismic amplitude (Sect. 3.1). a set of arrival times (si, i = 1,…, N), which yields a
Concerning the former, let us consider traces U, maximum joint semblance–R2 value for the N-
acquired by a certain number of sensors N; the channel data. The procedure includes several steps
semblance is defined as (NEIDELL and TANER, 1971; common to other location methods (e.g., ALMENDROS
ALMENDROS and CHOUET, 2003) and CHOUET, 2003; RIPEPE et al., 2007). First of all, a
N 2 broad enough region of interest has to be determined
Ui ðsi þ jDtÞ to include the actual source. The 3D grid of possible
S0 ¼
j¼1 i¼1
; ð7Þ locations is 6 9 6 9 3.25 km3, centered on the
2 volcanic edifice, and with a vertical extent from
N Ui ðsi þ jDtÞ
j¼1 i¼1 0 km a.s.l. to the top of the volcano. The horizontal

Figure 6
a 15-min-long window of seismic signal recorded by the vertical component of station ECPN and b corresponding RMS envelope calculated
by using a moving window of 1 s. The horizontal dashed grey line in b indicates the detection threshold calculated by a percentile value of 5
multiplied by 10. The arrows at the top of a indicate the onset time of the detected events
1760 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

and vertical grid spacing is 250 m. The start time ts is Figure 7 c

a Nonfiltered and b filtered (\2 Hz) waveforms of a LP event
fixed as the time of first arrival at a reference station recorded by the vertical component of six stations and c maps and
(generally chosen on the basis of the highest signal- sections of Mt. Etna showing the portion of the model containing
to-noise ratio). The source is assumed to be at each grid nodes with values of semblance, R2, and semblance ? R2
higher than 95 % of the respective maximum values (see text for
node of the grid, and for each node the origin time t0
details). The concentric lines in the top plots of (c) are altitude
is calculated, assuming a certain value of propagation contour lines from 2.50 to 3.25 km a.s.l. with spacing of 0.25 km.
velocity of the seismic waves v, as follows: The black lines in the bottom plots of (c) represent the volcano
t0 ¼ ts  r=v; ð8Þ
where r is the distance between the reference station
and the node of the grid that is assumed to be the source semblance and R2, the drawbacks associated with
location. The theoretical travel times are calculated at the amplitude decay location method (discussed in
all the sensors ti (i = 1,…, N, number of stations): Sect. 3.1) are reduced.
Figure 7 shows an example of LP event source
ti ¼ ri =v; ð9Þ location: in particular, the model volumes containing
where ri is the distance between the ith station and the the grid nodes with values of semblance, R2, and
node of the grid assumed to be the source location. semblance ? R2 higher than 95 % of the respective
Then, using these theoretical travel times and the maximum values are indicated by the blue surface
origin time, the signals at the different stations are (Fig. 7c).
delayed and the values of semblance and R2 are At Mt. Etna, as well as at other volcanoes (e.g.,
computed. Once the spatial distributions of both ALMENDROS and CHOUET, 2003), VLP events are
semblance and R2 values are determined, the two 3D characterized by radial particle motion, and thus are
grids of values are normalized by subtracting the located by radial semblance (e.g., KILAUEA, DAWSON
minimum value and dividing by the maximum value. et al., 2010; STROMBOLI, GIUDICEPIETRO et al., 2009).
Thus, the values belonging to the two grids range KAWAKATSU et al. (2000) introduced the radial sem-
from 0 to 1, and the same weights are assigned to blance definition to take advantage of three-
semblance and R2. Then, the two normalized grids are component data. In this definition, KAWAKATSU et al.
summed node by node. The source is determined to (2000) used the radial component of ground motion
be located at the node where the delayed signals show to compute semblance and introduced a penalty
the largest composite semblance–R2 value. The sta- function to enhance the weight of receivers for which
tions used for the LP event locations include the highly rectilinear particle motions are observed
summit station ring (EBEL, ETFI, ECPN, EBCN, (ALMENDROS and CHOUET, 2003). Therefore, the
EPLC, ECNE, and EPDN) together with EMFS and modified equation of semblance is (KAWAKATSU et al.,
ESVO (Fig. 1a). 2000; ALMENDROS and CHOUET, 2003)

N 2 !
M P N 
P  2
2 2
UiL ðsi þ jDtÞ N UiQ ðsi þ jDtÞ þUiT ðsi þ jDtÞ
j¼1 i¼1 i¼1
S0 ¼ N   ; ð10Þ
N UiL ðsi þ jDtÞ2 þUiQ ðsi þ jDtÞ2 þUiT ðsi þ jDtÞ2
j¼1 i¼1

This joint method takes advantage of both LP where UL is the component of the ground motion in
waveform coherency among the different stations and the source–receiver direction, UQ is the component in
their spatial amplitude distribution. Using both the direction perpendicular to UL within the vertical
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1761
1762 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

plane which contains both source and receiver, and Figure 8 c

a Nonfiltered and b filtered (\0.4 Hz) radial components of a VLP
UT is the horizontal component perpendicular to both event recorded at six stations. c Map and sections of Mt. Etna
UL and UQ. In this case, S0 depends on the shape as showing the portion of the model containing grid nodes with values
well as on the amplitude of the signals. The radial of radial semblance higher than 95 % of the maximum value, and
the particle motion in a 20-s-long windows centered on the VLP
semblance method comprises several similar steps to
signal (grey rectangle in b). The concentric grey lines in the map of
the semblance ? R2 method, including a grid search- c are altitude contour lines from 1.75 to 3.25 km a.s.l. with spacing
ing procedure. The source is assumed to be at each of 0.25 km. The grey lines in the sections of c represent the volcano
node of the grid, and for each node theoretical travel profile

times are calculated at all the used stations. It is

necessary that these stations record the three compo- 5–10 s, VLP events have wavelength of 8.5–17 km,
nents of the ground velocity. For each node, these and therefore can be considered relatively insensitive
components are rotated from UZ, UE, and UN (ground to km-scale structures.
velocity components in the vertical, east–west, and Concerning the error calculation in both LP and
north–south directions, respectively) to UL, UQ, and VLP location techniques, the method described in
UT considering the node location as source location. ALMENDROS and CHOUET (2003) was used. Following
Then, S0 is calculated by Eq. (10). The source these authors, the error in a source position can be
location is determined to be the node where S0 defined as the size of the region within which
reaches a maximum value. For VLP location, only semblance ? R2 or radial semblance (in case of LP
stations belonging to the summit ring are used. An and VLP events, respectively) is above a certain
example of VLP waveforms, source location, and level. In order to find such a level, the signal-to-noise
particle motion is shown in Fig. 8. ratio is estimated at all the stations used in the source
Similar to the volcanic tremor and LP event location, and then on the basis of this a sem-
location methods, the radial semblance technique also blance ? R2 or radial semblance threshold is fixed.
suffers from some limitations, mainly due to the use The 3D extension of the region with semblance ? R2
of particle motion. Particle motions, even if produced or radial semblance values higher than the fixed
by an isotropic source and recorded by a seismometer threshold can be considered an estimation of the
located at the surface, may not necessarily point to source location error (for further details see ALMEND-
the source because of the effect of both free surface ROS and CHOUET, 2003). The error estimations
and complex stratigraphy (NEUBERG and POINTER, performed on both LP and VLP events by this
2000; ALMENDROS and CHOUET, 2003). Concerning the method were small and generally lower than the grid
former, the problem is more serious due to the fact spacing (\250 m; PATANÈ et al., 2008; CANNATA
that volcanoes have generally pronounced topogra- et al., 2009a).
phy, causing severe waveform perturbations
(NEUBERG and POINTER, 2000). To reduce the influence
3.3. Infrasound Signals
of the free surface it is necessary to use stations at
close epicentral distances (NEUBERG and POINTER, Recent studies have shown that the infrasonic
2000). For this reason, only stations belonging to the signal at Mt. Etna is generally made up of amplitude
summit ring are used to locate VLP sources at Mt. transients (named ‘‘infrasonic events’’) characterized
Etna. Further, since we do not apply any signal by durations of less than 1 to over 30 s, impulsive
normalization, the stations located nearest to the compression onsets, and peaked spectra with most of
source (and showing the largest signals) have the the energy in the frequency range 0.3–6.0 Hz (e.g.,
greatest ‘‘weight’’ in the source location. Regarding CANNATA et al., 2009b, c). Infrasonic events have
complex stratigraphy, the use of very long-period been generated at the NEC, SEC, NSEC, BN, and the
signals (generally 5–10 s at Mt. Etna) notably 2008–2009 eruptive fissure (CANNATA et al., 2009b, c,
reduces the particle motion distortion due to medium 2011b). Sometimes infrasonic tremor, a continuous
heterogeneity. For instance, assuming a velocity of infrasound signal lasting from minutes to days, is
1.7 km/s (e.g., PATANÈ et al., 2008) and a period of recorded and is associated with both paroxysmal
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1763
1764 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

activities and degassing processes. In particular, in depends heavily not only on the volcano acoustic
2011–2012, 25 episodes of lava fountains took place activity, but also on the weather conditions.
at NSEC, generating infrasonic tremor. Additionally,
degassing at NEC is sometimes accompanied by 3.3.1 Infrasonic Events
infrasonic tremor.
Unlike LP and VLP events, and volcanic tremor, Similarly to LP and VLP events, infrasonic events at
whose signatures in most cases are very clear in the Mt. Etna are detected by a percentile-based method.
seismic signals recorded by the stations (especially Different techniques have been developed to locate
those nearest to the summit), the signature of infrasonic events, generally based on the semblance
infrasonic events and tremor can be hidden by function or cross-correlation coefficient (e.g., RIPEPE
weather-related noise. In particular, wind generates and MARCHETTI, 2002; RIPEPE et al., 2004; GARCES
a broadband, tremor-like signal lasting tens of 2003; JOHNSON, 2005; MATOZA et al., 2007; RIPEPE
seconds to hours (JOHNSON et al., 2003). Thus, the et al., 2007; JONES et al., 2008). At Mt. Etna, we
number of detections of infrasonic events and tremors developed a technique based on two different

Figure 9
a Waveforms of an infrasonic event, generated by NSEC and recorded at five stations, and b map of Mt. Etna showing the spatial distribution
of semblance, brightness, and semblance ? brightness. The concentric lines in the plots of b are altitude contour lines from 1.75 to 3.25 km
a.s.l. with spacing of 0.25 km. The black circle in the right plot of b indicates the source location. The black arrows in b indicate the location
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1765

Figure 10
a Waveforms of infrasonic tremor window, generated at NEC and NSEC and delayed according to the source–station travel time, and b maps
of Mt. Etna showing their spatial distributions of semblance. The concentric lines in b are altitude contour lines from 1.75 to 3.25 km a.s.l.
with spacing of 0.25 km. The black circles in b indicate the source locations. The black arrows in b indicate the location of NEC (left plot)
and NSEC (right plot)

functions (CANNATA et al., 2011b): semblance and a Wi ¼ Hanning jUi ðsi þ jDtÞj; ð12Þ
modified version of brightness (KAO and SHAN, 2004).
with j = 1,…, M.
The former is explained in Sect. 3.2. The brightness
In this case the signals Ui have to be normalized
function, whose definition was given by KAO and SHAN
such that, if all the largest amplitudes are aligned at
(2004), was slightly modified (CANNATA et al., 2011b) to
the center of the considered time windows, B0 is
1X N equal to 1 (CANNATA et al., 2011b). Similar to the
B0 ¼ ðMax ðWi ÞÞ; ð11Þ semblance–R2 method explained in Sect. 3.2, the
N i¼1
technique used to locate infrasonic events consists in
where Wi is a time window of the signal Ui multiplied finding a set of arrival times that yields a maximum
by a Hanning window: joint semblance–brightness value for the N-channel
1766 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.
Vol. 170, (2013) Monitoring seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals 1767

b Figure 11 coherence loss of the low-frequency signals across

a Map and sections of Mt. Etna with source locations of volcanic
tremor (red surface), LP events (blue surface), VLP events (cyan
the sparse network, only the stations equipped with
surface), and infrasonic events and tremor (yellow dots), recorded GRASS microphones are used. Then, moving win-
in 2011. The blue and cyan surfaces enclose all the grid nodes with dows of signals at different stations are extracted and
more than 1,500 LP and VLP event locations, respectively. The red
compared by cross-correlation coefficient, which is
surface encloses all the grid nodes with more than 200 volcanic
tremor source locations. The radii of the yellow dots are maximized by considering prospective lags between
proportional to the number of locations of infrasonic events and the windows. Cross-correlation values between all the
tremor in each grid node. b 3D view of the plots shown in (a). The possible pairs of stations are calculated and averaged.
concentric lines in the map of (a) are altitude contour lines from
1.75 to 3.25 km a.s.l. with spacing of 0.25 km. The grey lines in the If the average cross-correlation exceeds a fixed
sections of (a) represent the volcano profile threshold, a ‘‘tremor window’’ is detected.
The infrasonic tremor source location is per-
data. In this case, since the vent radiating infrasound formed on these tremor windows by a method similar
can be considered a source point located on the to the one used to locate infrasonic events. In the case
topographical surface, the region of interest is defined of infrasonic tremor, only the semblance function is
by a bidimensional grid of assumed source positions applied. Figure 10 shows two examples of infrasonic
coinciding with the topography (CANNATA et al., tremor windows, generated by NEC and NSEC and
2011b). The used grid spacing ranges from 10 to recorded by the four summit stations equipped with
50 m, depending on the occurrence rate of the events GRASS microphones. The signals shown in the top
to locate. The source is located at the node where the plots are delayed according to the travel time from
delayed signals show the largest composite sem- source to station to highlight the similarity among the
blance–brightness value. This joint method not only waveforms.
shows the high location resolution of the semblance The limitations of the presented location methods
method, but also, by using the brightness function, for both infrasonic events and tremor primarily
reduces the side lobes generally characterizing sem- depend upon the sound speed, which can be variable,
blance locations (JONES and JOHNSON, 2010; mainly depending on the air temperature. Also the
MONTALTO et al., 2010; CANNATA et al., 2011b). wind, in addition to generating a tremor-like noise
Figure 9 shows an example of source location of an hiding the volcano-generated signals, can affect the
infrasonic event generated at NSEC. arrival times of the infrasonic signals, and hence the
location reliability (JOHNSON, 2003). However, at
3.3.2 Infrasonic Tremor short and intermediate distances (\5 km) these
effects are generally negligible.
Unlike the infrasonic events that can be detected Similar to LP and VLP events, also for both
within the continuous signal by methods searching for infrasonic events and tremor recorded at Mt. Etna the
amplitude transients (such as short time average/long error estimation is performed by using the ALMENDROS
time average and percentile-based methods), infra- and CHOUET (2003) method. In this case, the infra-
sonic tremor requires a different detection technique. sonic signals are considered in place of the seismic
In most cases, it is detected and located by array-based ones. Furthermore, a two-dimensional (2D) distribu-
techniques such as semblance (e.g., RIPEPE et al., tion of semblance ? brightness or semblance (for
2010) and progressive multichannel correlation meth- infrasonic events and tremor, respectively) is taken
ods (PMCC; e.g., LE PICHON and CANSI, 2003; MATOZA into account rather than a 3D distribution of sem-
et al., 2010). At Mt. Etna, the infrasonic permanent blance ? R2 or radial semblance. Unlike seismic
network is made up of sparse stations (Fig. 1b), and signals, whose epicentral location errors are generally
tremor detection is performed as follows: Infrasonic larger than 100 m, error locations of infrasound
signals, recorded at stations located at different signals are generally much lower (JOHNSON, 2005). In
azimuths around the summit area, are filtered in the case of infrasonic signal locations at Mt. Etna, the
frequency bands of interest. Since low-frequency errors generally have a magnitude on the order of tens
bands (\1 Hz) are preferred due to the lower of meters (MONTALTO et al., 2010).
1768 A. Cannata et al. Pure Appl. Geophys.

4. Discussion and Conclusions because of the small number of shallow source

locations compared with the deep ones. LP and
In this work, we describe the methods used to VLP sources, located above the shallow magma
detect and locate seismo-volcanic and infrasonic storage zone, could be triggered by gas bubbles,
signals at Mt. Etna. These methods can be applied to released from the aforementioned magma batch and
other volcanoes and do not require particular network feeding surface gas emission (e.g., AIUPPA, 2010).
geometries (such as arrays) but rather networks made Finally, infrasonic sources, located at NEC, BN, and
up of sparse stations placed within a few km around NSEC, highlight the vents with explosive activity
the signal source. (BN and NSEC) and intense pulsing degassing
The location of seismo-volcanic and infrasonic (NEC), representing the shallowest portions of the
signals is very useful in identifying changes in the plumbing system.
volcano dynamics for both monitoring and research These results show the capacity of the described
purposes. Furthermore, their investigation can give methods to locate the seismo-volcanic and infrasonic
important information on the volcano plumbing sys- sources, and then to reconstruct the volcano plumbing
tem geometry. Although VT earthquakes are the key system. Due to the fact that volcano activity changes
to tomographic studies in volcanoes (e.g., PATANÈ are often accompanied by variations in seismo-volca-
et al., 2006), they generally cannot provide precise nic and/or infrasonic sources, such information is
information about the location and geometry of useful not only for research but also for monitoring
shallow magma conduits (ALMENDROS et al., 2002). purposes.
Understanding of the complex velocity structure in
the shallow part of the volcano requires estimation of
velocity variations of both P- and S-waves with Acknowledgments
spatial resolution on the order of hundreds of meters,
which is not available at many volcanoes worldwide. We are grateful to Phil Dawson and an anonymous
A more useful approach, consisting of analyzing reviewer for their useful suggestions that greatly
seismo-volcanic and infrasonic signals, has allowed improved the paper.
the illumination of the plumbing system of several
volcanoes (e.g., ALMENDROS et al., 2002; BATTAGLIA
et al., 2005; FEE et al., 2010). REFERENCES
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