Homework Ethical Image Shahriyor Rafiev

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Your supervisor has asked you to explore corporate social responsibility and generally how

your company can create a more ethical image.

In order to create a more ethical image, the company needs to implement this policy, which is
based on:
1. The company values that each employee shares.
2. Adherence to the overall mission of the company.
3. Belief in the success of the company.
4. Productive co-operation between employees to achieve common goals.
5. Career development: trainings, courses, professional development.
6. Motivation, performance evaluation, remuneration.
7. Norms of business behaviour, style of dress.

The totality of these characteristics constitutes the ethical base. Each employee, coming to
the company, follows these rules and thus forms the corporate ethics of the company.
Ethics in a company brings a number of strong advantages for the company that make it
stand out from others:
1. Employee involvement and responsibility
Corporate ethics unites and unites the team. Its presence allows you to create a team of like-
minded people with the same goals and mission.
2. Respect within the team
Traditions become the basis of respectful attitude to each other. And in such an atmosphere it is
much easier to work on common tasks and achieve the desired results.
3. Creating a positive image of the company
In today's world, when companies are becoming more and more numerous, having a positive
image is not a privilege, but a necessity. It will help the business not only to attract investors, but
will also guarantee the quality of your services among your partners.
4. Maintaining customer loyalty
A company, where all processes are regulated and order in work is clearly visible, deserves more
trust of clients.
5. Advantageous position in the market
Professionals who know their value do not work in one-day companies. They choose time-tested
organisations that have their own traditions and rules. Thus, the company increases its employer
brand in the eyes of specialists.
6. Corporate ethics as part of adaptation
Newcomers who have just joined a company can more easily endure the on boarding period if
they have a general idea of the company's activities and processes. A list of norms and rules saves
the new employee from unnecessary questions and immediately makes it clear whether the
company is suitable for him or not.
7. Conflict resolution
The rules of corporate ethics help to resolve conflicts within the team. In any disputable situation,
you can refer to the list of rules and competently resolve disagreements.

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