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To: SRS Road Bureau

Reference: Harshin - Gashamo Road Construction Project.

Subject: Requesting the amendment agreement

Dear Sir;
It is to be recalled that we entered in to a contract agreement with SRS Road
Bureau on 2nd day of July 2020 for the execution of the above referenced project.

Since the project duration lasted while your office did not completely pay the
Advance payment. Design errors and late payments caused idle costs which are not
officially approved yet.
Works stopped due to price adjustments and lack of budget. Early of 2016 we
received a letter subject: Notification of Project Scope Change Reff:
X/J/10/10/249 Dated: 09/04/2016, which your office send us the amendment
unpriced BOQ, to revise works and agreements. After clarifications we submitted
the priced BOQ and waiting to sign the amended agreements and proceed works.
Since then we did not have any decision about the project future works and revised
works and price escalation rates amendment is not signed yet.
We are requesting to know the Bureau decision and give us the rights we have in
both ways proceeding project works or terminating the project agreements.
Finally, our company is in blind on project goal and requesting clear and
transparent step that we can work together or separate accountably.

With regards,

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