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Written Test

Unit Code:- SITXCOM010

Unit Name:- Manage conflict

Assessment for this Unit of

Assessment 1 Written Test
Assessment 2 Scenario/Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance:
Assessment 1 2 3

SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed
The purpose of this assessment is to assess your underpinning knowledge to complete the
tasks outlined in the elements and performance criteria for this unit of competency and
relating to the following aspects:
commonly occurring conflict situations in the tourism, travel, hospitality and event industries and their typical
causes • conflict theory:
o signs
o stages
o levels
o factors involved
o results
• conflict-resolution techniques:
o assertiveness
o negotiation
o use of appropriate communication
• resources to assist in managing conflict:
o counsellors
o internal security staff
o mediators
o other staff members
o police
o senior staff
• communication techniques:
o active listening o empathising with the person's situation while upholding organisational policy o
non-verbal communication and recognition of non-verbal signs
o language style
o questioning techniques
o those appropriate to different social and cultural groups
• organisational policies and procedures for complaint, conflict and dispute resolution

Place/Location where assessment will be conducted

Duke College Class Room and DC Training Kitchen

Resource Requirements

Pen, Paper, Computer

Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

The assessment for this unit of competency consists of two parts, Part A and Part B. Part A
consists of 4 different scenarios, each followed by a series of questions. Part B consists of
questions to assess your underpinning knowledge relating to workplace policies and protocols
which form the basis to deal with and manage conflict.
You are required to address all questions to achieve competence.
Your trainer will provide you with instructions for time frames and dates to complete
this assessment.
If more space is required for any answer you may attach a separate page containing your
ID number, name unit title, unit code and the assessment task number and attach this
page with the current assessment task before submission or alternatively use the back of
each paper with a clear reference to the relevant question(s). Once completed, carefully read
the responses you have provided and check for completeness.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict
Ensure you check your work and keep a copy before submitting.
You are encouraged to clarify any tasks, requirements or questions you may have with
your trainer.
Your trainer will provide you with feedback and the result you have achieved.

Assessment 1: Written Test

Your task:
Read the following scenarios and answer the corresponding questions for each.

Part A: Scenarios

Scenario 1:
You are working as part of the wait staff at a local restaurant. A customer you are serving
has called you over to her table and has complained that she has found a hair in her meal.
However, she has finished her meal and there is no hair to be seen. She is visibly unhappy
and demanding a refund. This is not the policy of your restaurant.

1. Name 3 conflict resolution techniques and explain how you will use these to resolve this

#Assertiveness :- go and talk the customer confidently don’t be frightened to say the things on
your plate saying you have finished the meal

#Cooperativeness :- properly talk the customer formerly address the store policies to her and give
her explanations for the food she has finished .

#Win win approach :- according to the store policies we are not able to give her a refund so we
can offer her free food or discount on coming back to the restaurant again .

2. What are the dangers of leaving this conflict unresolved?


If the conflict is left unsolved so the customer might be unsatisfied with the services and might
give us bad rating .Moreover ,it can lead to further escalation of conflict which may lead to other
customer getting annoyed at the restaurant ,she might also complaint to the authorities which can
lead to restaurants reputation getting a beating

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

Scenario 2

You are working at a hotel that is popular with international tourists. A foreign tourist
approaches you with a complaint about his room, but you are struggling to understand his
concerns due to his accent and language barrier. You begin to understand that the customer
has an issue with the cleanliness of his bathroom. He is becoming agitated, aggressive,
raising his voice and speaking quickly. He has crossed his arms and looks stiff and tense, as
well as frowning at you. How will you manage this customer’s complaint? Answer the
following questions based on this scenario.

1. What are the signs in this situation that conflict is occurring?


The signs that shows conflict is occuring in the above situation is that the customer is getting
aggressive and raising his voice how his/her vocals changed and are now high pitched ,
adding to it they have crossed there arms and giving us a stiff and tense look moreover they
are frowning over us .

2. How could you overcome this communication barrier?


To overcome the communication barrier their can be several ways such as using translator
devices or apps such as google translate , also learn few phrases from the languages of the
nations where the restaurant get most of its costumers from , need to avoid idioms and
slangs of the language ,use simple terms or hier an individual who can communicate i9n
several different languages .

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

3. What actions can you take to resolve this complaint?

First and foremost , we need to contact the cleaning staff to clean the customer’s room and tell
them to see for any other things or work need to be done . After that we need to give customer
some sort of offer so they can calm down add don't give a bad review to us on the internet.

4. What actions can you take to prevent this situation from happening again in the future?

We can talk to the room service why the cleaning was not done in time and how can a
costumer complaint and why do we have to give him a discount , therefore we can always
check the room before giving it to any of the customer .

5. What actions could management take to assist employees to improve their

communication with international customers?

There are following actions we can take to assist employees :- Language Training: Offer
language courses or resources to help employees improve their proficiency in languages
commonly spoken by international customers.

Active Listening: Emphasize the importance of empathy and active listening in

communication with international customers.

Use of Technology: Utilize communication technologies such as video conferencing, instant

messaging, and translation tools to facilitate communication with international customers.

Coaching: Provide employees with regular feedback on their communication skills,

including both strengths and areas for improvement. Offer coaching or mentoring to help
them develop their skills further.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

Scenario 3:-

Some hostility has been occurring among your work team as Sarah and James always
receive the weekend off, and the rest of the team is required to work both Saturdays and
Sundays. The other employees are beginning to resent Sarah and James for always receiving
the weekend off work. The team rarely works with Sarah and James due to this rostering,
and when they do, there is conflict. The other employees hold fixed opinions about Sarah
and James and as a result, the working environment has become tense and there has been a
lot of gossip. The conflict has not been resolved, and is therefore increasing in severity. As a
result, arguments have occurred between Sarah and other employees. There has been a
notable decrease in productivity.

1. Conflict theory can be divided into the following parts:

1) Signs
2) Stages
3) Levels
4) Factors involved
5) Results;

Using the scenario, apply the situations to the relevant parts of conflict theory listed
above. Which aspects need to be addressed by you as the manager?

Using the conflict theory ,let us anlayze the situation and apply it the following parts :-
#signs of conflict :- this scenario include tension in the working environment, increased
gossip among team members, arguments between Sarah and other employees, and a
notable decrease in productivity.
#stages of conflict :- Employees experience emotions such as resentment, frustration, and
hostility towards Sarah and James conflict becomes apparent through arguments,
gossip, and a decrease in productivity.
#levels of conflict :- The conflict extends beyond individual interactions to affect the
dynamics between different groups within the team, such as those who receive
weekends off and those who do not.
#factors involved in conflict :- The unfair rostering system is a structural factor contributing
to conflict personal relationships, perceptions, and communication styles play a role
in exacerbating the conflict organizational culture, norms, and values influence how
conflict is addressed within the team.
#results of conflict :- Results of conflict in this scenario include decreased productivity,
damaged relationships, increased tension in the working environment, and a decline
in team morale.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

2. As the manager of this team, describe why you believe this conflict is occurring between
Sarah and James and the other team members.
As the manager i think that all the workers are jealous of sarah and james that they are
getting there weekends off .Moreover , they rarely work with the team therefore there are
gosips about them going on in the workplace and when ever they are working the
environment is tensed to light it all up there are arguments between them and the team .

3. During the initial stages of this conflict, team members were uncomfortable about the
rostering situation but did not argue about the issue. Describe the stage of conflict that
this situation has reached. What will happen if it is ignored further?

The stage that this situation is reached is stage 4 :-

The struggle is no longer over specific issues but rather about winning or losing. Both
sides are more concerned about preserving their good name. This is the point at which
parties in conflict begin to assign collective qualities to members of the opposing side and
members of their own group.
If this situation is further ignored than it can turn into crisis which can make the workplace
a mess it include latent conflict, confrontation, crisis, outcome, and post crisis.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

4. How can management work with you to determine and implement a possible solution to
this conflict?
The management must find why do sarah and james take their weekends off it might be they have
certain work on weekends , the management must ask them to work on one of the weekends that
they are free on they need to work on one of the weekends they should not be asked to work on
both the weekends , favoring the mindset of both the team and sarah and james .

5. What results will be achieved if this conflict is managed effectively?


If this conflict is managed effectively than there should be a better working environment and there
will not be any tension or gosip going around the workplace, the workplace will be much healthier
and good to work , increased productivity .

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

Scenario 4

A customer at your bar appears to have become drunk and disorderly. He is knocking over
drinks, talking loudly and has begun arguing with a new staff member working next to you at
the bar when she refuses to serve the customer. You notice that his behaviour is becoming
increasingly threatening to customers and your fellow staff member, who is becoming
frightened of the situation.

1. How might this situation escalate if you do not respond appropriately?

If i do not resp[omd the situation appropriately then the following can happen :-
● The drunk and disorderly customer may become more aggressive and pose a
physical threat to customers and staff.
● Other customers may feel unsafe or uncomfortable, leading to complaints or
even leaving the establishment.
● The argument between the intoxicated customer and the staff member could
intensify, potentially resulting in verbal or physical violence.

2. What actions will you take and what resources can you use to effectively address this
situation and prevent escalation?

To effectively address this situation and prevent escalation, several actions can be
● Ensure the safety of customers and staff by intervening immediately to
de-escalate the situation.
● Call for backup assistance from security personnel if available or contact law
enforcement if the situation poses a serious threat.
● Politely but firmly ask the intoxicated customer to leave the premises, offering
assistance if necessary to ensure they can do so safely.

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3. Which documentation do you need to complete in this instance? List 3 instances which must
be recorded associated with conflict situations in a workplace and explain the reasons why
this needs to occur.
Documentation is crucial in instances of conflict situations in the workplace for several
● Incident reports: Recording details of the incident, including the date, time,
location, individuals involved, and a description of what occurred, provides a
clear record of what transpired and can be used for reference or legal purposes.
● Witness statements: Obtaining statements from witnesses who observed the
conflict can help corroborate accounts and provide additional insight into the
● Action plans: Documenting the actions taken to address the conflict, including
interventions, communications with authorities or other parties, and follow-up
actions, helps ensure accountability and track the resolution process.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

Part B – Questions
Workplace policies and protocols to deal with and manage conflict

1. Outline the common procedures and policies which could be part of a company policy
regarding the requirements for reporting and management of conflict. What does this need to
A company policy regarding the reporting and management of conflict should include
the following common procedures and policies:
Reporting Procedures:
● Clear guidelines on how employees should report conflicts, including the
appropriate channels
● Policies outlining the confidentiality of conflict reports and investigations to
protect the privacy of individuals involved.
Conflict Resolution Process:
● Defined steps for addressing conflicts, including informal resolution methods
and formal procedures.
Training and Support:
● Provision of training programs or resources to educate employees on conflict
management techniques, communication skills, and de-escalation strategies.

2. What are the regulatory, industrial and legislative requirements related to the handling of

It involves processes and techniques of conflict resolution without litigation and

empowers parties to work together using a framework to amicably settle complex
issues. The most common ADR methods are negotiation, mediation, conciliation,
arbitration, and private judging. For example, in dealing with a complaint you might
identify that a policy isn't as clear as it should be. This gives you an opportunity to fix it
and potentially avoid future disputes

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

3. Explain the variety of communication skills which could be employed to ensure the
effectiveness of dealing with conflict and conflict resolution.
Effective communication skills are crucial for dealing with conflict and conflict
#Actively listening to the concerns, perspectives, and emotions of all parties involved
in the conflict demonstrates empathy and understanding.

#Showing empathy involves recognizing and understanding the emotions and

experiences of others involved in the conflict.

#Paying attention to nonverbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and
tone of voice can provide valuable insight into the emotions and intentions of others.

#Engaging in collaborative problem-solving involves focusing on finding mutually

acceptable solutions to the underlying issues contributing to the conflict.

#Managing one's own emotions and reactions during conflict situations is essential for
maintaining professionalism and constructive communication.

4. What are the procedures where conflict involves drugs, alcohol or violence?

When conflict involves drugs, alcohol, or violence, it is essential to address the

situation promptly and appropriately to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone
involved. Ensure the safety of all individuals involved and nearby by separating them
from the source of conflict, call for assistance from security personnel, law
enforcement, or emergency medical services if necessary Conduct an assessment of
the situation, including gathering information about the individuals involved, any
substances consumed, and the extent of any injuries or damage..Enforce company
policies and regulations regarding the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace, as
well as policies prohibiting violence, harassment, or threats.Conduct follow-up
investigations as necessary to ensure that appropriate actions have been taken and to
identify any additional measures needed to address underlying issues.

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SITXCOM010 Manage conflict

5. To whom (other than the HR department) should escalated conflict situations or problems be
reported in an organization?
In addition to the HR department, escalated conflict situations or problems in an
organization may be reported to various individuals or departments depending on the
nature of the conflict and the organizational structure ,employees typically report
conflicts or problems to their immediate supervisor or manager, especially if the
conflict involves colleagues or issues within their department or team.if the manager is
not in contact then we should go to the division manager or even the leadership of the
organization .Conflict situations involving legal or regulatory compliance issues may be
escalated to the organization's legal or compliance department.

6. What is the purpose of evaluating conflict situations? Provide examples how this could be
achieved effectively.

The purpose of evaluating conflict situations is to gain insight into the underlying
causes, dynamics, and outcomes of the conflict, with the aim of identifying areas for
improvement and implementing strategies to prevent similar conflicts in the future.
Effective evaluation allows organizations to learn from past experiences, strengthen
conflict resolution processes, and promote a positive and productive work
Here are some examples of conflict situations :-
● Resistance to Change :- there can be certain changes in the working
environment which may be not liked by the individual so they might show
resistance . so we need to make the person comfortable to the change .
● Unclear Job Expectations :- may be some times the job requirements are not
clearly laid out for th person they may ge agitated by more and more scolding
from their superior about their work and might lose the cool .we need to give him
proper instructions toward there job.
● Toxic Work Environment.:- the most common thing in todays era toxic workplace
might cause the worker to think badly about a certain person who is not liked in
the workplace . might need to stop the gosip going about the person .
● Differences in Personality:-if there is a difference in people attitude than they
might clash eventually we might need to Encourage active listening and being
open to different perspectives.
● Poor Work Habits.:- Bad habits like disorganization, wasting time, and being too
talkative can make you an extremely inefficient worker and you might be disliked
by others ,to overcome poor work habits we need to change the attitude towards
the job and have proper habits ,the manager can provide with better training and
good instructions if the worker is not working to the level of the company then he
should get warnings
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