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by test8april

pril 2024.04.08
17:40:00 +05'30'

The Roux Academy Career trends in certain markets. And

Placement department has moreover, they contact our
been matching graduates with large list of alumni actively
UX M internships and employers for working in these industries,
over 20 years. The department has who have so generously



teamed with major production agreed to advertise

companies, creative agencies, employment opportunities
galleries, publishing companies, at their firms and companies
and other partners to help them at Roux.

find new emerging talent and find And that’s where we need
our students career opportunities you. Please contact the Career

in the field of their choice. 2011 Placement center if you’d like
eing an artist these days, people tend to statistics show we’ve successfully to possibly source some of
latch onto you. It’s a cult of personality.” placed 1,649 of our 2,000 students your talent from Roux. Not
He laughs. “Maybe it’s the hair.” from that year, within 3 months of only do you get first dibs on
Palmer is quite the icon. I saw him most graduation. the newest and mostly highly
recently in the last Sunday Times, exiting the annual Why the unusual success rate? trained creative minds, but
Costume Institute Gala Met Ball with a pretty girl Roux Academy dedicates a large you help support the next
recruiting staff: two members generation of Roux alumni.
on his arm and that effervescent, Polidenture smile
that specialize in the particular If interested, please
on his face. He’s the kind of celebrity unique to New subject matter for each of our contact Roxanne Carter at
York: an artist, an intellectual, a painter of all things. 10 departments. Placement
And unlike say Warhol or Pollock or Basquiat, art- Center recruiters work full-time or call 555-555-5555 for more
ists we consider endemic to New York, he doesn’t throughout the year making information.
seem the least bit gritty, damaged, or addled. Maybe sure that Roux portfolios make
he’s from a different time. The era of the new Times it onto the desks of prospective
Square, with its squeaky clean streets and Good employers all over the country.
Morning, America crowd. Or maybe he’s just an artist They visit animation studios in
with a more solid constitution. Los Angeles and ad agencies in
Not that a lack of demons has affected his art. Chicago. In collaboration with
the teaching staff, they also
His paintings have both liquidity and punch, kind
work with individual students
of like being knocked down and tumbled over by a to hone their portfolios for the
powerful wave. Trying to hang onto the conviction
that you’re an adult now, you’re not going to drown.
At worst you’ll emerge with some scrapes and spitting
salty water. Yeah, that kind of a punch.
His work has been called “explosive,” “timely,” and,
memorably, “Prozac-ian.”
“I wanted to create art that reminded people of
what it felt like being alive. Not just the sensual but
the visceral. And to be happy about it. I’m not the
kind of artist that believes in the merits of suffering,”
Palmer laughs. Palmer’s always laughing, at least in
the time we’ve spent together. And drunken at least
a gallon of sweetened green tea.
“I did literally live on this stuff at Roux. Tea fueled
all-nighters! Not very debauched, I know, but true.’
‘During my first year, I had been messing around
with inks, Sumi inks and blockwash techniques, com-
bined with the tag style I was seeing on the streets. It
was very cartoony and figurative. Over the years, the
style has become more and more abstract. Last year,
I completed a set of drip paintings [titled Seaward
Exit: Brighton Beach] and it really freed me up to do
more, I would say, languid work. And I’m getting
older. There’s only so long that you can do that kind

1 Roux Alumni June 2012

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