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Letter of Intent - Personal & Confidential

Ref . No. HRM/QST-02/ Sumit Kumar Date: 10th May ,2024

Dear Sumit,

Welcome to the Spectraforce family!

With reference to your application and subsequent interview you have had with us, we are pleased to
offer you a position of “Android Developer” in the Band E and Grade E2.

Your Annual Cost to Company (CTC) will be Rs.2,40,000 (Rupees Two Lakhs Forty Thousand Only)

We expect you to join us on or before 020th September 2020. Please note that this offer is valid
subject to your signing and handing over the duplicate copy or e-mailing the scanned copy of this
letter within three working days from the date mentioned above. Your formal appointment letter will
be issued to you on your date of joining.

Please send us the resignation acceptance – mail from your supervisor within three days from the
above mentioned date, failing to do so, this offer will stand cancelled

We sincerely hope you will find your career in Spectraforce very challenging in terms of technology,
Personal development and appropriate compensation.

We look forward to a long–term association and creating an environment, which will provide you a
sense of wellbeing throughout.

Truly Yours,
For Spectraforce Technologies(India)Pvt. Ltd.,

Sumit Narula
Sr. Manager – Human Resources

Spectraforce- Confidential 1 Letter of Intent – Sumit Kumar



Name Sumit Kumar

Designation Android Developer Intern

Band&Grade E - E2

Elementsof Salary
PerMonth Per Annum
Basic Salary 17,500 210,000
HouseRentAllowance 7,000 84,000
ConveyanceAllowance 1,600 19,200
MedicalReimbursement 1,250 15,000
SpecialAllowance 7,650 91,800
GrossSalary 35,000 420,000
Variable Pay 0 0
CosttoCompany (CTC) 35,000 420,000


1) CosttotheCompanyincludesallstatutorypaymentstobemadebytheemployer&employee, viz.
Provident Fund, etc.

2) MedicalReimbursementpaymenttobemadeonmonthlybasis.

3) Allpaymentswouldbeaspercompany'srulesandregulationsandadministrativeprocedures.

4) TaxationwillbegovernedbyIncomeTaxrules.Thecompanywillbedeductingincometaxat source
as per income tax guidelines.


Spectraforce- Confidential 2 Letter of Intent – Sumit Kumar

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