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Plan for the Month of January 2021

Time of Completion of
Departments Responsibility Secondary Responsibility

Pharmacy Mr.Pradeep 23rd January 2021 Ms.Sarika

MRD Ms.Pooja 23rd January 2021 Ms.Sarika

Laboratory Dr. Chaitra 28th January 2021 Ms.Sarika

Committee Responsibility Date Secondary Responsibility

PTC Mr.Pradeep 1/27/2021 Ms.Sarika

MRD Ms.Pooja 1/27/2021 Ms.Sarika

HIC Ms.Nagaveni 1/30/2021 Ms.Sarika

Safety Committee Ms.Sarika 1/30/2021 Ms.Sarika

Mock Drills
Name of Code Date Responsibility Secondary Responsibility

Code Blue Ms.Nagaveni 1/19/2021 Ms.Sarika

Code Pink Ms.Nagaveni 1/20/2021 Ms.Sarika

Code Red Ms.Sarika 1/20/2021

Statutory Compliance - List is Prepared ( Annual Report as per Schedule IV is pending which shall be completed
by 31st January 2021)
MoU's are pending for renewal - Same has been discussed with the Accounts Head for the renewal
S.N Records Status
Cliberation of Equipments are Validated and Stickers
1 Equipment Caliberation Log
are pasted on all the equipments

2 Temperature Monitoring Checklist Checklist Is followed and maintained the file

Register is Maintained but the reason for rejection is

not documented.The importance of documentation
3 Sample Rejection Register and Escalation is explained to staff.
Action Point: Data shall be
captured from January Month

4 Lab Redo's Lab Redo's Register Maintained

5 Sample Discarding Register Register Maintained

Critical Value list is displayed and Value alerts

6 Crital Values list & Escalation Register
register maintained with necessary information.

TAT is defined. Data is not captured

Turn Around Time for Inhouse and Out house
7 Action Point: Explained the staff to capture system
generated data from January month

8 Equipment Cleaning Checklist Avaialble for each Equipment seperately

9 Environment Cleaning Checklist Available but not

Staff Personal File and Training records

( Trainings Required are: Hand
Hygiene,BMWM,PPE,NSI,Post Exposure
Prophylaxis , Spill Management, Emergency Staff Personal files shall be collected from CDL and
Codes, Awareness on Patient maintained in Laboratory. Mandatory trainings shall
10 Identification,Sample be provided & attendance sheets need to be placed
Collection,Storage,Transportation and SOP's in staff personal file.

Quality Indicators :
a. Waiting Time for Sample Collection (OPD) Manual Register is mentained
b. Percentage of Lab Redo's Data need to be captured
c. Reporting Errors Data need to be Captured

Display of Hand Hygiene Poster , BMW Hand Hygiene Poster not Available. BMWM Poster is
12 Management displayed. NSI and PEP poster not displayed
Responsibility Date of Closure
S.N Records Status
1 MRD Manual Avaialble
Inpatient files are not Checked from the Started checking the files and all the files
month are scanned and stored as soft copy.
Deficiancy Checklist is modified and
3 Followed

In-patient file and Out patient file

4 Followed
dispatch register is maintained.

Deficiancy track Started

6 ICD Coding ?

List of Communicable disease & details

7 Available
are uploaded monthly in website.

List of All forms and formats Not Available

Medical Records Audit Started - Deficiencies documented
10 MRD Committee Meeting Meeting is Pending - Shall be conducted
by this month
Available - Same is followed for
11 Medical Records Dispatch Register
dispatching medical records

Quality Indicators:

11 Percentage of Missing Records Data need to be captured

Percentage of Medical Records not Data need to be captured

having discharge summary
Responsibility Closure Date
Date of
S.N Records Status
1 Pharmacy Manual Available

Prepared Need to take approval End of the

2 Hospital Formulary
in committee meeting January Month

3 List of High Risk Medications List is not finalised 25th Jan 2021

List is not finalised and Storage

4 List of LASA Medications 25th Jan 2021
of LASA need to be chnaged

5 List of Refrigirator Drugs List is not prepared 25th Jan 2021

6 Temp.Monitoring Checklist Checklist is Maintained NA
Details of Expiry drugs is
7 Expiry Drugs

8 Stock Register /Template Maintained in Soft Copy

9 Drug Recall details, Incidence Reporting, Explained to pharmacy staff and
Adverse drug reaction and Medication data need to be kept whenever
prescription thr is any Incidences

11 Medication Audit Medication Audits are

conducted by Nursing Inchage
and the same data is discussed
in PTC Committee







Department - Nursing
Forms: Registers:
1. Nursing Assessment 1. Admission and
Form 2. Vital Signs Record. Discharge register
3.Blood Transfusion 2. Biomedical
Record 4. Nurses Record Equipment Register 3.
5. Intake & Out Complaints Log book
Put Record 6. Hourly 4. Crash Cart Register
Monitoring record 7. 5.
Infection Control Worksheet Handover Book
8.Investigation Transfer record 6. Doctors Rounds / Orders
9. Daily Fall Assessment Record book 7. Reports Register
10. Daily Skin Assessment Record 8. Procedure
Book 9.
Staff communication book
10. Lab sample sending Book
11. Stock Register
Audit tool :
2. Fall
Medication Error
4. Hand Hygiene 5. Phebitis
6. Patient Identifiction
7. Infectin Control
8. BMW Management
9. Medical
Records Audit
Front Office / Billing
S.N Records Status Responsibility Date of Closure
1 Feed back forms
2 Communication Book
Patient Rights And responsiblities

4 List of Nearby Hospitals

5 General Admission Consent form

6 Consent for tariff




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