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The Algorithmic Advocate: AI's Disruptive Role in the Legal Profession

By- Saptashwa Ghosh

Student 4th Year SOL UPES Dehradun
Mob no-8583048689
Email id-

The legal profession, traditionally reliant on precedent and human expertise, faces a
significant transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI). This article explores the
multifaceted impact of AI on legal services, examining its potential benefits, challenges, and
the evolving landscape for legal professionals.

AI offers substantial advantages in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice. AI-
powered tools can automate repetitive tasks such as legal research, document review, and due
diligence, freeing lawyers to focus on complex legal issues and client interaction.
Additionally, AI can analyze vast legal databases, identifying relevant precedents and legal
arguments that might be missed by humans, leading to more accurate legal work.
Furthermore, AI-powered legal chatbots and online legal document generation tools have the
potential to democratize access to justice by providing basic legal information and assistance
to individuals who cannot afford traditional legal services.

However, integrating AI into the legal profession also presents challenges. Bias in AI
algorithms can perpetuate existing biases in the legal system. Additionally, the opaque nature
of AI decision-making raises concerns about transparency and accountability. Despite these

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
challenges, AI is not designed to replace lawyers altogether. Instead, AI serves as a powerful
tool to augment human expertise. The future legal professional will be one who can leverage
AI effectively while also possessing strong communication, negotiation, and strategic
thinking skills.

The article concludes by emphasizing the need for the legal profession to embrace AI as a
catalyst for progress. By proactively addressing the challenges and fostering responsible AI
development, the legal profession can leverage AI to usher in a new era of efficiency,
accuracy, and accessibility, ultimately leading to a more just and equitable legal system.


The legal profession, a bastion of tradition and precedent, stands at the precipice of a
significant transformation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) [1]. AI's ability to analyze vast
amounts of data, automate tasks, and identify patterns is poised to reshape how legal services
are delivered, accessed, and practiced [2]. This article explores the multifaceted impact of AI
on the legal profession, examining its potential benefits, challenges, and the evolving
landscape for legal professionals.

AI's Boon to the Legal Realm: Efficiency, Accuracy, and Accessibility

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
One of the most significant impacts of AI is on the efficiency of legal work. AI-powered
tools can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as legal research, document
review, and due diligence [2]. For instance, AI can analyze contracts, identify potential risks
and clauses requiring attention, significantly reducing the time lawyers spend on such tasks
(e.g., [3]). This frees up lawyers to focus on higher-level strategic thinking, client interaction,
and complex legal issues that require human judgment and creativity [1].

AI also enhances the accuracy of legal work. AI algorithms can analyze vast legal databases
and case law, identifying relevant precedents and legal arguments that might be missed by
human lawyers [4]. This improves the quality of legal research and strengthens the
foundation for legal strategies. Additionally, AI can help identify inconsistencies within legal
documents, ensuring greater accuracy and reducing the risk of errors [2].

Furthermore, AI has the potential to improve access to justice. AI-powered legal chatbots and
online legal document generation tools can provide basic legal information and assistance to
individuals who cannot afford traditional legal services [5]. This can empower individuals to
navigate legal issues more effectively and represent themselves in court proceedings for
simpler matters [1].

Here are some specific applications of AI in the legal field:

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
 Contract Review: AI can identify key terms, clauses, and potential risks within
contracts, saving lawyers hours of manual work [2].
 Legal Research: AI can quickly scan vast legal databases and case law, identifying
relevant precedents and legal arguments [4].
 Due Diligence: AI can analyze vast amounts of data related to a company or
transaction, streamlining due diligence processes [2].
 E-Discovery: AI can sift through large volumes of electronically stored information
(ESI) during discovery, identifying relevant documents more efficiently [6].
 Predictive Analytics: AI can analyze legal data to predict the likelihood of success in
a case, allowing lawyers to develop more informed strategies [7].

Challenges and Considerations: Bias, Transparency, and the Human Element

Despite its numerous advantages, AI integration in the legal profession comes with its own
set of challenges. One major concern is the potential for bias in AI algorithms. AI systems
trained on biased data can perpetuate and amplify existing biases in the legal system, leading
to discriminatory outcomes [8]. It is crucial to ensure that AI tools are developed and used in
a way that is fair and unbiased [1].

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
Another challenge is the issue of transparency. AI-powered legal decisions can be opaque,
making it difficult to understand the reasoning behind an AI's recommendation. This lack of
transparency can raise concerns about accountability and due process [9]. Lawyers and legal
professionals need to be able to understand how AI systems arrive at their conclusions to
ensure responsible use of these tools [1].

Perhaps the most crucial consideration is the irreplaceable role of human lawyers. AI is not
designed to replace lawyers altogether. Instead, AI serves as a powerful tool to augment
human expertise [10]. Lawyers will continue to be needed for their critical thinking,
judgment, creativity, and client relationship management skills [2]. The future legal
professional will be one who can leverage AI effectively while also possessing strong
communication, negotiation, and strategic thinking skills [11].

The Evolving Landscape: New Skills and Ethical Considerations

Integrating AI into the legal profession necessitates a shift in the skillset required of legal
professionals. Lawyers will need to develop strong analytical skills to understand and
interpret AI outputs [12]. Additionally, data literacy will be crucial, as lawyers will need to be
able to evaluate the quality and relevance of data used to train AI algorithms [13].

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
Furthermore, lawyers will need to cultivate strong communication skills to explain complex
legal concepts to clients, particularly when AI is involved in the decision-making process [2].

Ethical considerations also arise with the use of AI in the legal field. Lawyers have a
responsibility to ensure the responsible use of AI tools and to protect the privacy and security
of client data [14]. Additionally, there are ethical concerns surrounding the potential for AI to
replace human judgment in the legal system [15]. The legal profession will need to develop
ethical guidelines for the use of AI to ensure that these tools are used ethically and
responsibly [16].

A Symbiotic Future

The impact of AI on the legal profession is undeniable and far-reaching. AI offers

tremendous potential to improve efficiency, accuracy, and access to justice. By automating
repetitive tasks, AI can free up lawyers' time to focus on higher-level strategic thinking, client
interaction, and complex legal issues that require human judgment and creativity.
Additionally, AI can enhance the accuracy of legal work by analyzing vast legal databases
and case law, identifying relevant precedents and legal arguments that might be missed by
human lawyers. Perhaps most significantly, AI has the potential to democratize access to

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
justice by providing basic legal information and assistance to individuals who cannot afford
traditional legal services.

However, it is crucial to address the challenges that accompany AI integration in the legal
profession. One major concern is the potential for bias in AI algorithms. AI systems trained
on biased data can perpetuate and amplify existing biases in the legal system, leading to
discriminatory outcomes. To mitigate this risk, lawyers and legal professionals must be
vigilant in ensuring that AI tools are developed and used in a fair and unbiased manner.

Another challenge is the issue of transparency. AI-powered legal decisions can be opaque,
making it difficult to understand the reasoning behind an AI's recommendation. This lack of
transparency can raise concerns about accountability and due process. Lawyers need to be
able to understand how AI systems arrive at their conclusions to ensure responsible use of
these tools and explain complex legal concepts to clients, particularly when AI is involved in
the decision-making process.

The most crucial factor to consider is not whether AI will replace lawyers, but rather how AI
can augment human expertise. The future legal professional will be one who can leverage AI
effectively while maintaining strong human skills. This new breed of lawyer will require a
unique skillset that blends analytical abilities to understand and interpret AI outputs with data

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
literacy to evaluate the quality and relevance of data used to train AI algorithms.
Furthermore, strong communication skills will be paramount for explaining complex legal
concepts to clients and navigating the ethical considerations that arise with the use of AI in
the legal system.

The legal profession stands at the precipice of a significant transformation driven by AI. By
embracing AI as a powerful tool and addressing the associated challenges, lawyers can forge
a symbiotic future where AI amplifies human expertise and paves the way for a more
efficient, accurate, and just legal system.

The Road Ahead: Embracing Change and Shaping the Future

The legal profession is not known for its swift adoption of new technologies. However, the
potential benefits of AI are too significant to ignore. To navigate this transformative era, legal
professionals and institutions must take a proactive approach. Here are some key steps:

 Invest in AI education and training: Equipping lawyers with the knowledge and skills
to understand and leverage AI effectively is crucial. Law schools and bar associations
can develop educational programs on AI in the legal field.

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.
 Develop ethical guidelines for AI use: The legal profession needs to establish clear
ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI tools. These guidelines should
address issues such as bias, transparency, and accountability.
 Advocate for responsible AI development: Lawyers can play a vital role in advocating
for the responsible development and deployment of AI in the legal industry. This
includes collaborating with AI developers to ensure that AI tools are fair, unbiased,
and transparent.
 Embrace innovation and experimentation: Law firms and legal departments should be
open to experimenting with new AI-powered legal technologies. This experimentation
can help identify the most effective ways to integrate AI into legal practice.

Conclusion: A Catalyst for Progress

The integration of AI into the legal profession is not simply about replacing lawyers with
machines. It is about creating a new paradigm where AI acts as a powerful tool to augment
human expertise. By embracing AI and addressing the associated challenges, the legal
profession can usher in a new era of efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility. AI has the
potential to be a catalyst for progress, transforming the legal landscape and ensuring a more
just and equitable legal system for all.

[1] Gregoor, Paul. "How AI Is Transforming the Legal Profession." American Bar Association,,
intelligence/impact-of-ai-on-the-legal-profession/. Accessed 2 June 2024.

[2] Lederer, Markus. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Legal Practice." International Association of
Defense Counsel,, March 2017,

[3][15] Labin, S., & Segal, U. (2021). AI-driven contract review: A product development journey. In Edward
Elgar Publishing eBooks.
[4] Nguyen, Tuan DQ, and Alessandro Moscardelli. "Artificial Intelligence and Access to Justice." The Journal
of Artificial Intelligence and Law 28.2 (2020): 167-200.
[5] Ibid. (pp. 101–111). (2018).
[6][14] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[7] Rich, P. B. (2014). A historical overview of US counter-insurgency. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 25(1), 5–
[8] Doshi-Velez, F., Kortz, M., Budish, R., Bavitz, C., Gershman, S. J., O’Brien, D., Scott, K., Shieber, S.,
Waldo, J., Weinberger, D., Weller, A., & Wood, A. (2017). Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of
Explanation. Social Science Research Network.
[9] [13]Rissland, E. L., Ashley, K. D., & Loui, R. (2003). AI and Law: A fruitful synergy. Artificial
Intelligence, 150(1–2), 1–15.
[10] Mccauley, L. (2007). AI Armageddon and the Three Laws of Robotics. Ethics and Information
Technology, 9(2), 153–164.
[11][16] Luppold, M. Granger. "Electronic Discovery and Artificial Intelligence." Corporate Counsel Business
Journal (2017).
[12] Prakken, H. (2005). AI & Law, Logic and Argument Schemes. Argumentation, 19(3), 303–320.

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