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Desk Review

4. Global Health Security (GHS)

Indicators Responses/Remarks
1 Number of WHO and WOAH (formerly OIE)-
reportable zoonotic disease outbreaks responded
to with USAID support
2 Proportion of LGUs with the capacity to respond to
WHO and WOAH- reportable emerging outbreaks
3 Improved and sustained availability of logistics and
delivery of basic services to respond at POEs during
health emergencies
4 Percentage of regulated POEs supported with
preparedness and response mechanisms for public
health emergencies
5 Percentage of community members who are aware
of transmission risks, prevention measures, and
treatment options for infectious diseases
6 Number of individuals trained with USAID support
to prevent, detect, and respond to emerging
infectious disease threats
7 current structure of the health system’s leadership
and governance for GHS including the mechanisms
for coordination, collaboration, and communication
8 How do regional and provincial health systems
coordinate and collaborate to address public health
challenges or emergencies?
9 Number of provincial and municipal Local
Government Units (LGUs) have Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management in Health (DRRM-H)
plans in place
1 How many Local Government Units (LGUs) /RHUs,
0 PHO, CHO? have established organized
multisectoral and interdisciplinary teams to
enhance coordination and collaboration in
addressing zoonotic diseases? (KII or Desk Review)
1 How many healthcare professionals have been
1 trained to prevent, identify, and address public
health threats and emergencies in the following
categories: (Desk Review)
- Program managers or focal persons
- doctors
- nurses
- Midwives
- MedTechs
- Nutritionist
- Sanitation Inspectors
- BHWs
1 What is the number of individuals trained to
2 prevent, detect, and respond to emerging
infectious disease threats? (Desk Review or KII)
1 How many reportable diseases have been
3 documented by the WHO in each province within
the BARMM region, specifically:
- zoonotic diseases,
- emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases
with potential risk, and/or
- those reported to have caused outbreaks? (Desk
1 How many provinces and health facilities (including
4 hospitals, Rural Health Units, and Barangay Health
Stations) have operational disease surveillance
systems capable of detecting public health events
through a) indicator b.) event-based surveillance?
(KII or Desk Review)
1 What percentage of Points of Entry (POEs) are
5 equipped with preparedness and response
mechanisms for public health emergencies, and
how many of these POEs have the capacity to
detect and respond to public health threats and
emergencies? (Desk Review)
1 How do population movement patterns vary across
6 different demographic groups and geographical
areas within the region? (KII/Observation)

5. Cross Cutting
Indicators Responses/Remarks
1 Number of persons trained with USG assistance to advance
outcomes consistent with gender equality or female
empowerment through their roles in public or private sector
institutions or organizations
2 Number of civil society organizations participating in local
governance mechanisms
3 Number of people reached by a USG funded intervention
providing GBV services (e.g., health, legal, psycho-social
counseling, shelters, hotlines, other)

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