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Simulation Solutions

ToLiss Aeronautical Simulation Solutions

ToLiss Airbus A321 NEO – Installation and

configuration manual
Version 1.1 from 2023/01/11
For ToLiss Airbus A321 V1.5 and up

© 2023, ToLiss Inc. This software, digital art work and accompanying manuals are copyrights
and must not be reproduced or distributed without prior written consent from ToLiss Inc.

© Airbus 2023. AIRBUS, its logo and product & service marks are registered trademarks of
Airbus. All rights reserved. Officially licensed by Airbus.

Simulation Solutions

Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................3
2 Add-on package installation ...............................................................................................4
2.1 Copying the files .............................................................................................................4
2.2 Activating the NEO package..........................................................................................5
2.3 General notes on the installation and activation of the NEO package ..........................6
3 NEO specific aircraft configuration ....................................................................................8
3.1 Aircraft configuration options with a NEO engine type selected...................................8

Simulation Solutions

1 Introduction
Thank you for purchasing the NEO add-on to the ToLiss Airbus A321. This add-on will provide
you with the following additional functionality on top of the basic A321 package:
• Choice of two additional engine options, including external 3d models, engine specific
sounds, adapted thrust and fuel burn performance as well as engine-specific functionality
such as the “Dual Cooling” function for the Pratt and Whitney engines
• Fuel configurations and weight envelopes for the A321NEO, the A321LR, and the
A321XLR, including system specific changes such as the flap configuration changes on
the A321XLR.
• Choice of 3 additional exit configurations for the fuselage in line with the “Airbus Cabin
Flex” concept.

Please, consult as a minimum the installation section of this manual to easy your installation
process and clear up possible confusions.

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2 Add-on package installation

The add-on installation consists of two steps:
• Copying of the files of the NEO addon into the A321 base package
• Activation of the NEO addon via the ISCS

Important notes:
- The NEO key (key starting with “KW”) can only be used in the ISCS tab Sounds/Addons.
- Activation of the base package must be done with the base package key (starting with “TS”)

2.1 Copying the files

The A321 NEO addon package contains 2 folders:
- liveries
- manuals

Select these two folders and copy them into the root directory of the A321 base package as
shown in the image below:

Copy these files over

On Windows and Linux:

Select “Replace files: when the dialogue window comes up:

On Mac OS X:

Simulation Solutions

For the installation to work, you need to select MERGE when copying the folders over.
(Selecting replace would delete the existing folder, which will remove essential files)
If you are using an older version of Mac OS X and the merge option does not exist for copy-
paste operations, please copy the content of each of the three subfolders individually into the
same subfolders in the aircraft directory.

Verification check:
- Check that the manuals folder now contains 5 manuals, 2 of which are NEO specific
- Check that the livery folder now contains the liveries:
o Airbus Prototype - A321 Neo LEAP LR
o Airbus Prototype - A321 Neo PW
o Airbus Prototype - A321 Neo PW XLR
If you can find these files, you can assume that this step was complete successfully!

2.2 Activating the NEO package

To activate the NEO package, do the following:
- Open the ToLiss Airbus A321. (If you have multiple copies of the aircraft, make sure
open the copy in which you installed the NEO package!)
- Open the ISCS

- Go to tab “Sounds / Add-ons”

- Enter your NEO key in the field “Enter Serial Number” – the NEO add-on key starts
with “KW” – you can copy paste the key of course.

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Enter your NEO add-on key

here. Note: Your NEO add-
on key starts with “KW”

- Hit the ACTIVATE key.

- You will see the following message, if activation is successful:

- NEO add-on activation complete

You can now go to the A/C Config tab of the ISCS to acces the NEO configuration options.
More details on this are available in section 3 of this manual.

2.3 General notes on the installation and activation of the NEO package
- Make sure to use the right key for the right step:
o The general A321 base package key (Keys starting with “TS”) goes into the main
activation screen:

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Only keys starting with “TS” will

work in this field!

o The NEO add-on key starts with “KW” and needs to be entered on the

- If the copying of files went wrong, you may end up without textures for the NEO objects.
The NEO engine may activate, but it will not have any texturing. The same applies to
the different fuselages with the different exit configurations.

Simulation Solutions

3 NEO specific aircraft configuration

The NEO add-on enables new options in the ISCS, that allow to configure the features of the NEO
add-on package:
- 2 new engine types: LEAP 1A33 and PW1130G-JM
- 3 different aircraft subvariants: NEO, LR and XLR
- 3 new exit configurations in line with the Airbus Cabin Flex concept

These configuration items can also be controlled via livery control file, if you select an NEO
livery that contains a livery.tlscfg file and all configuration fields in the NEO are set to AUTO.
Details about the livery configuration file can be found in the simulation manual for the A321
base package.

3.1 Aircraft configuration options with a NEO engine type selected

Available engine options with

the NEO add-on activated.

New or modified configuration

options with a NEO engine

The selection of one of the two NEO engine types will lead to a change in the three configuration
items boxed in red in the image above.
Two of these items are new and the number of ACTs changes as a function of the selected NEO

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This setting allows choosing between the three subvariants of the A321 NEO: The NEO, the
LR or the XLR. Details about the differences between these configurations are given in the NEO
Aircraft Manual.
If this setting is set to AUTO, the configuration will be chosen based on the current livery. If
the current livery does not specify a subvariant it will default to the classic A321 NEO.

With the A321 NEO, Airbus introduced the Cabin Flex Concept, which allows customers to
adapt the number and types of exits on the aircraft to the actual number seats the customers plan
on putting in the aircraft.
This ISCS option allows you to do the same, you can choose between 4 different exit
configurations, each with a different maximum number of passengers. See the NEO aircraft manual
for details and maximum passenger numbers.
If this setting is set to AUTO, the exit configuration will be chosen based on the current livery.
If the current livery does not specify an exit configuration it will default to the classic A321 exit

The number of available ACTs depends on the selected A321 NEO subvariant as described in
the NEO aircraft manual.
The maximum number of ACTs is 2 for the A321 CEO and NEO, 3 for the A321 LR, and 1 for
the A321 XLR.
If this setting is set to AUTO, the number of ACTs will be chosen based on the current livery.
If the current livery does not specify a number of ACTs it will default to the maximum number of
available ACTs.

FCS eRudder config

Throughout the course of the A321 NEO production, Airbus did some changes to the Flight
control system in order to reduce the number of computers on the aircraft. In this new “eRudder”
configuration, the number of flight control computers is reduced from 7 to 4:
• The 2 FACs have been removed and their functions have been moved into the new
ELACs (rudder control) and the FMGCs (envelope related functions, such as minimum
• The third SEC has been removed and the control of the inner spoilers moved into SEC
1 and 2.
In the ISCS you can choose to have the new eRudder configuration (field set to YES) or to fly
with the old configuration (field set to NO). The configuration can also be driven by the livery
configuration file, if the field is set to AUTO.
The A321 XLR always features the eRudder configuration.

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Multi functional runway lights

Another change done by Airbus is the transition from the classic landing lights located under
the aft belly fairing and in the nose landing gear to a cluster of LED lights integrated in the forward
belly fairing. These are called “multifunctional runway lights” (MFRL).
In the ISCS you can choose to use the MFRL (field set to YES) or to use the classic light
configuration (field set to NO). The configuration can also be driven by the livery configuration file
if the field is set to AUTO.
If you select the A321XLR, you will always use the MFRL.

© Airbus 2023. AIRBUS, its logo and product & service marks are registered
trademarks of Airbus. All rights reserved. Officially licensed by Airbus.

Simulation Solutions


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