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Kinds of Obligation
Obligations can be classified into
⮚moral obligations
⮚Positive and negative
⮚legal obligations :
⮚Positive and negative
Moral Obligation.
⮚ Moral obligation is an obligation arising out of considerations of right and
⮚ It is an obligation arising from ethical motives, or a mere conscientious
duty, unconnected with any legal obligation
⮚ It is considered as a moral duty. According to the moral principles of
society in which he lives, the individual shall discharge certain
obligations or duties.
⮚ Serving old parents, helping poor people, helping injured person, showing
kindness to animals etc. are moral obligations.
⮚ The state cannot punish any person, who violates moral obligations.
⮚ Moral obligations are left to the conduct of the people of their choice.
⮚ Society is not competent to use any coercive power against the individual
who is indifferent to his moral duties.
Moral Obligation.
Positive moral Obligations.

⮚ A positive obligation implies some act on the part of the person on whom it is implied.

⮚ society prescribe duties in the form of do's.

⮚ Such duties have to be performed by the individual in the positive sense.

⮚ looking after one's sick and old parents is a 'positive moral obligation.'

Negative moral Obligations

⮚ A negative obligation implies a forbearance on the part of the person on whom it is imposed.

⮚ Certain moral duties have to be discharged by the individual in the negative sense.

⮚ They are prescribed to call upon the individual not to behave in a particular manner in the state or

⮚ Negative moral duties are laid down in the form of 'Don'ts'.

⮚ Morally the individual shall not insult his elders or superiors.

⮚ He shall, not harass the poor and the weak.

⮚ He shall not be cruel to animals etc.

Legal Obligation.
⮚ The obligation or duty that is enforced by a court of law, it can be a debt
and the legal responsibility to carry out what the law asks.
⮚ the principle of legal obligation takes the form of a bond between private
persons tied to one another for the performance of some act as desired by
the enforcement of law.
⮚ Legal obligations which are prescribed by the state are on a different
level altogether. If these duties are not done by the individual, the state
swings into action to punish him.
⮚ If he fails to pay taxes or violates contracts or other laws, the individual
will be punished according to law.
Legal Obligation.
Positive legal Obligations.

⮚ State prescribe duties in the form of do's.

⮚ Such duties have to be performed by the individual in the positive sense.

⮚ Paying taxes or joining the army during national emergency is a 'positive legal duty'

Negative legal Obligations

⮚ A negative obligation implies a forbearance on the part of the person on whom it is imposed.

⮚ Negative legal duties are laid down in the form of 'Don'ts'.

⮚ They are prescribed to call upon the individual not to behave in a particular manner in the state or

⮚ the individual shall not violate any civil or criminal law.

⮚ He shall not encroach on the property of other or commit theft or murder.

Political Obligations of the Individual Towards the State
The individual, who is a citizen or an alien, shall obey the laws of the state positively and

He shall do what is prescribed by law and also refrain from doing what is prohibited by law.

Citizens are called upon to discharge certain obligations which are regarded as very important
for the good of all in the state. These are :

(1) Obeying Laws.

(2) Resisting Bad Laws.

(3) Showing Full Loyalty to State.

(4) Paying Taxes.

(5) Casting Vote.

(6) Holding Public Office.

(7) Cooperating with Government.

(8) Rendering Services in Emergency.

Political Obligations of the Individual Towards the State
(1) Obeying Laws.
⮚ As a member of state, an individual has the foremost obligation of obeying
laws made by the state.
⮚ The law-abiding citizen is an asset to the state while the law-breaker is a
headache to the .society. Hence, individual must be law- abiding.
(2) Resisting Bad Laws.
⮚ Some times a government makes bad laws with the help of majority in the
legislature. It may be able to wield dictatorial power.
⮚ Resisting bad laws is as important as obeying good laws in the national
⮚ Political thinkers like Mahatma Gandhi. Harold Laski, T.H. Green opined
that people have moral duty to resist bad laws.
⮚ However, violating or resisting a law, once made, whether it is good or bad
is a crime or legal offence.
Political Obligations of the Individual Towards the State
(3) Showing Full Loyalty to State.

⮚ The individual must be a patriot.

⮚ He should respect his state.

⮚ He should be loyal to his mother country.

⮚ He should not do harm of any kind to the state.

⮚ He should protect the property of his state.

⮚ A citizen, who is loyal to any foreign state, is a traitor to his own state.

(4) Paying Taxes.—

⮚ Government of state require huge funds towards the administration. For this it levies taxes on
public for the maintenance of army, navy, airforce, police force and civil service, for rendering
various kinds of services and for promoting the general welfare and happiness of the people.

⮚ Therefore, each individual is obliged to pay taxes in support of the government. Taxes are
compulsory payments for the common good.
Political Obligations of the Individual Towards the State
(5) Casting Vote.—

⮚ It is the political obligation of the individual to cast his vote without fail.

⮚ In democracy, law making body is elected by the people to makes laws for the people.

⮚ Exercising franchise in a democracy is a very important duty and privilege of a citizen.

⮚ It is the sacred duty of an individual to cast his vote to any party or candidate of his own choice.

⮚ If any citizen does not cast his vote, it means he .failed to fulfill his obligation towards the state.

(6) Holding Public Office.—

⮚ Holding, public office in democracy is an important obligation on the part of the citizen.

⮚ An individual can contest in elections and be elected to legislature to make laws.

⮚ He may join in public service and hold responsible post to administer the government.

⮚ Serving the state is a privilege of the citizens.

Political Obligations of the Individual Towards the State
(7) Cooperating with Government.

⮚ It is the responsibility of citizens to cooperate with the government for maintaining law
and order, promoting public welfare and for good governance.

⮚ He has the right to criticise the government if it goes wrong but the criticism should be
constructive one and should not damage the image of the state.

⮚ He should cooperate by obeying the law and order.

(8) Rendering Services in Emergency.

⮚ When there is external aggression, each citizen has to participate in the military operations
and service and to protect his nation.

⮚ It is the sacred duty of every citizen to protect his native country by participating in the
military service.

⮚ During national calamities, all should render-their services, physical, financial and moral.

⮚ During economic emergency, people have to act according to the directions of the state.

⮚ People should stand by the side of the state in all situations.

Obligations or Functions of Welfare State
The welfare state is one which is wedded to the principle of promoting the general
happiness and welfare of the people.
1) The state goes far beyond the frontiers of functions like collecting taxes and
maintaining peace and order with the aim of promoting the interests of the
(2) The State undertakes the responsibility of bringing about the material welfare of
the people within the framework of democratic political institutions.
(3) The state itself takes the initiative in protecting the health of the people and
in promoting their economic security and welfare.
(4) The state takes steps to abolish illiteracy, poverty and unemployment.
It establishes schools, hospitals and other institutions to meet the needs of the
It provides unemployment relief, maternity benefits, old-age pension and such
other social relief benefits.
Obligations or Functions of Welfare State
(5) The state is expected to provide reasonable working conditions,
minimum hours of work with leisure, subsidised food facilities, housing,
medical relief, ex gratia, bonus and other facilities.
(6) It upholds the ^rights of all without showing any discrimination against
any individual or group of people.
It respects the dignity of the human personality and does justice to
(7) State has to undertake certain social service measures such as
running child-homes, old age homes, orphanages, rehabilitation of the
physically handicapped, mentally retarded, welfare of women and
children etc.
Obligations or Functions of Welfare State
(8) Welfare state does not leave the poor and the weak to feed for
On the other hand, it goes out of the way to rescue them and attempts to
improve their lot through the programs such as 'food for work' 'fair-price
shops', providing work for unemployed in rural areas etc.
(9) The state regulates the economic and other activities of the
people in the larger interests of the society.
(10) Welfare state strikes a balance between a capitalist and collective state.
It wants to maintain a free society with a mixed economy of social and
economic planning.
It strikes a balance between totalitarian control and unrestricted free

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